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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1906)
tOCALAND PtBSimi : Prof. Gunn? Gunn? -Gnnn? Bert Pilkington lea ves today for a week's vieit in Portland. Miss Mae Gerhard left Friday for Newport for a ten-days' outing. . r - .1 t ' 1 & 1 Q 4 .4 ! MlSSlirUin Liiuyreiuruwuoitvuiuay n nlait with frinnda in Alhanv. 1 , . . . , Miss Ada Finiey ien rnaay iora ten-days' visit with friends in Sa lem. Mrs. Charles Heckart and eon left Friday for a ten-days' outing at Newport- The Charles Johnson residence in th8 western part of town is - rapidly Hearing completion. Mrs. Minor Swick and Miss Ma bel Swick are spending a two-weeks' Vxcation at Newport. Miss Eva Hall has returned to her home in Salem, after a visit at the Norman Lilly home. Miss Anna Brinkley left Friday f jr her home in Airlie, after a vitsit with Corvallis relatives. Mrs. Inez May arrived from Portland, Saturday, for a visit with M,r. and Mrs. P. A. Mosier. Mrs. John Daniels and daughter of Beaver Creek vieited at the John Greer home in this city, Friday. Hal Hibbs, of .GaetOD, was in Corvallis the last of the week en loute to the bay on a vacation jaunt. Mrs. W. H. Jarmin has return ed to her home in Philomath, after a visit with her sister, Mis. Anna .Mills, in this city. Misses Mae Gibson, of Eugene, f.nd Margaret Williamson, of Ash land, arrived Friday and are guests of Miss Edna Ruse. Harry Filzouaurice was in Cor vallis the last of the week from Eastern Oregon, on the way to the bay to join his family. John Spa ngler left yesterday for two weeks' vacation at Newport. fie is to play in the band during jQis stay at taj eeasiue. Rumor has it now that there is to fee a wedding in the not f tr distant future, with an OAO profesBor as groom and a Portland young wo man as the bride. Things are lively in the building line in Coivallia just now, and be sides the new buildings that are go ing up, there is an unusual amount of repair work being done. It is stated that Dr. E. J. JHiompson, formerly of this city, who has made his home in Indpen dence for several years, is to change his residence to Salem or Albany this fall. 8ix hunters' licenses were issued Friday, as follows: E. E. Wilson, Ralph. A. Keiser, George W. Smith and Edwin Woodcock, Corvallis, nd Guy Frink and R. E. Pugh, Pailomnih. S i far this year 130 jicenss have beim issued. Mr.-. H. M. Finley has gone to Luck' B y, lime county, for a visit with h-r -on, Ross, who is anass iy er in th caning districts of South ern O.'fgon. En route home she will visit at Foley Spriugs as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lake, of Eugene. Mrs. Fhily wi:l be absent about two weeks. R. S. Irwin has filed his final i.c- count as executor in the estate cf trends ints. hurry and is superficial, the late Louisa Irwinj and Sept-j He votes in a hurry and produces ember 8ih has been set as the day corruption. He marries in a hurry for henring objections, if any, to -and gets a divorce. lis trains hi such fioal account. The estate j children in a hurry and hurrit-s was valued at $5,775 60, and the : tbem into evil ways. He gets re inventory shows cash on hand to1 Hgion in n hurry and forgets it in r the amount of $1.S93.52. : hurry. He makea his will in ft The Willamette Valley Company " has one of the "swellest" of fices in this city. -A handsome desk and otlice chair were put in Friday, r.d with new linoleum, and evervtbii. .-pick and span, r u t 7 . - Clark is ne company s oyeuf, at this place and e justly proud of the new quarters The w.-l! kn.-.wn Veazie family oi j in the boozy summers of th pa6t i Polli county held a family re-union conspicuous by its absence;, the rou at D-tllas last week. Speaking of j lstte wheel is sibnt, tha tiger don't the event the Dallas Observer savs: :Srowi? lae flot machines are turned No more pleasant gathering has ! to the wall and the great American ever been held in Polk county than , giuie of poker is but a memory, the re-union of the Veszie f irnily ; They not only have prohibition, at the old homestead in North Dal- , but charge prohibitory prices for las last Saturday. Mrs. Harriet j almost everything. L. eazie, her brother, William Lyle, who has charge of the farm, and her four children and ten grandchildren, together with a. few old-time friends of the family, gathered on the shady lawn and spent the afternoon in renewing home ties and recalling events of former days. Delicious refresh ments were served, and an after noon of unalloyed happiness was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Vea zie's children are Arthur, and Clar ence Veazie, prominent lawyers of Portland; Mrs. Julia Glenn, wife of Prof. Glenn, of the Oregon State University, and Mrs. Edith Bry eoo, wife of E. R. Bryson, a leading attorney of Corvallis. . ;;i 66-7 Logan Hays, arrived Saturday from Portland on a visit to friends. Prof. I. E. Richardson of Albany was a OorvaHIs business visitor Saturday. , Miss AgnesKi?cker of Portland is on a three weekb' visit with rela- tjves ,n tni3 C(y Mrs. John Etickaid expr cted to leave yesterday f r a with Eugene friends. Mrs. Cal Thrasher week's visit has ' arrived home from a week spent in Port- land and Independence. Amon? the Sunday visitors at Newport were Misses Sylva-and Mamie Siarr, of this citv. Joe Bridges, the well known half breed, of Newport, was in Corvallis, Saturday en route home from a visit in Tillamook. Rev. Feese came in -from Alsea, Saturday, to occupy his pulpit Sunday in the M. E. church. He returns to Alsea today. Little Doris, the two-year-old daughter of Robert Herron, is seri ously ill at the home of her grand mother, Mrs. Ruth Buchanan, in this city. Misses Frances Gellatlv and Mertie Harrington went to New port Saturday. The former re turned yeBterday, but the latter remains for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark reached home Friday evening from a month's visit with relatives at Pen dleton, Baker'City and other East ern Oregon points. A message reached Corvallis, Sat urday afternoon,' that forest fires had again broken out near Berry, on the C. & E.. and that firefighters were hurrying to the scene Harold Wilkins .arrived home from Portland, Friday evening, and left Saturday for Newport to play in the band there for a week He is enjoying his vacation. G. L. Gray returned Tuesday f r. om a DUPiness trip to vorvams !vl Shodd. He has traded ni vHrtKMjpe in the latter pl ico lor a 550 azie farm south -of Corvallis, one of the finest places in Benton county. Lincoln Leader. Among those who were in Corval lis, Saturday, between trains, en route to Newport, were the follow ing: Miss Hortense Greffoz, Port land; Miss Ivy Burton and Mike Walker, Independence; and Harris Thompson of Salem, all well-known people in Corvallis. Miss Elsie Rice celebrated her birthday Friday evening" by giving a party to 16 young friends. Games and refreshments were a part of the evening's pleasures. The hostess was generously remembered by her guests, receiving" a number of pret ty and useful gifts. Dr. W. O. Manion, of Portland, supreme medical director, pays a fraternal visit to the local lodge of United Artisans tomorrow evening, 'aii'i h11 Artisans, whether members fit th.-i Corvallis Assembly or else where, sire invited. A number of candidates will be initiated and re freshments will be served. The unwise man is always in a hurry. H) eats in a hurry and gets pnp!exy. He talks in a hurry am! j?v.-5 ton t;iuch. He de3 busi- ne. in ii hurry &:-d goej brok.. He hurrv aud leaves a iegfal contesi. Ho dies in a hurry and goes to the devil, and his tribe increases. Ex. The way the situation at New port is summed up by the Jefferson .Review, sii.ce local opt Km went into ItftVct at the seaside uity: Newport i has a big crowu 01 Campers this ssa- j j 1 Th ' rt'incr crowd from to : cities that was wont o flock thre The date of the trial of Mrs. Maud Creffild and Esther Mitchell on the charge of murder has not been set, and the two young wo men are growing pale and thin'as they idle away the time in a Se attle prison, awaiting their fate. Information from there to O. V. Hurt is that it is hopf d an insanity commission may yet be established j and that the women may be com mitted to the asylum, but there is nothing certain about it. The trial, his informant says, may be set for an early date, or it may not come up for weeks; eo the only thing that can be done i3 for those concerned to "wait with what patience they can command. , Who is Prof. Gunn? Where is Prof. Gunn? - 66-7 Miss Lillie McBee, of Springfield,; Lane county, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith in this city, i Misses Margaret and Nellie Liv ingstone of Albany were guests the last of the week of Mre. Arnold King. Buv your .harvesting outfits at Nolan's. Complete stock at bot- tom prices. 62-72 Walter Sheasgreen, a former Cor vallis boy, is now' manager of the Western Union telegraph office at Oregon City. Mrs. A. T. Grugett and little girl arrived home Friday night from a visit at ijeoanon and otner ijinn county points. Sam Eddy, the Hoskins store keeper, was a Corvallis visitor Sat urday. .Sam is a former Corvallis boy, aud many friends were glad to see him on hi3 visit here. Wanted Twelve or , 14-horse power, portable or traction engine; fire-box, boiler, second hand, good condition . Address, Box 47, New berg, Or. 66-7 Clark Mundy vas taken serious ly ill at an early hour Friday morn ing, and is suffering with appendi citas. He was operated on Satur day and is resting comfortably. Cal Thrasher returned Thursday from a trip through Southern Ore gon in the interest of his busiufss He says there will be a bumper crop in the section through which he passed. .. The Latest Fad Get It. Your photo on 12 letter post cards and the following lines on each card : "Do you miss me now I'm gone?V "To a flirt." "I'm still single, how are you?" and others, at the Cor vallis Studio. Call. 65' f Prof, and Mrs. T. H. Crawford moved B'riday into their handsome new residence. The. Rev. Moore house, vacated by them, is occupied by A. P. Johnson and family, who moved Saturday.. The Darby prop erty, vacated by the Johnsons, is to bo occupied immediately by the owner, W. P. Darby, and family, who have been residing on their ranch near Inavale. Notice to Farmers. I am in the market for clover, vetch, cheat al falfa and timothy delivered f. o. b. cars. If farmers or dealers having hay to offer will kindly write me stating the amount and quality of the hay they have to sell. Ad dress G. W. Simpson, 201 Wash ington street, Portland, Ore. 63tf Additional Local. Stanley Hammel, of Hotel Corvallis, 'arrived home yesterday from a few days' visit at Newport. Miss Nellie McPherson left yesterday for her home at Wasco, after a visit with Corvallis friends. Walter Shasegreen is over from Al bany for a few day b' visit with friends. He is enjoying his annual vacation. Newton Adams arrived home Sunday from Carlton, , where he has completed his part in the building of a new church. Dr. and Mrs. J. A; Harper were pas sengers to the coast yesterday and they intend remaining for ten days or longer. The ice cream social given by the ladies of the M. E. church, South, Fri day evening,, was ia every respect a suc cessful affair. v Milton 'Morgan and brother. Otto, ar rived home Sunday , evening from a canoeing expedition to the mouth of the Columbia river. r Claude Cate, a former popular OAC studeut aud basketball player, now of ilillsboro, was in Corvallis yesterday, enroute to Newport. Commissioner G. W. Smith, Ed Smith and others took to the .mountains yester day and will be absent for abeut a week. They are oa a deer hunt. Dr. B. A.TJathey and family leave to day for Cascadia on their annual outing. Th9y intend to be on the spot for the opening of the dear season. - Mis. Maud- Hemphill aad children went to Portland on the Sunday monf- ing train with the expectation of remain ing for a visit of a couple of weeks. Herr Bahlhorn's Hamburg Novelty Company is well spoken of by those who witnessed the performance. Some of the specialities are declared to be very attractive. Claud Senger, who has been over at Newport several months, returned home Saturday a victim of typhoid fever and is at present confined to his bed at the home of his father, John Senger. Jesse Moses arrived home . Saturday morning from a week spent in Alsea valley and adjacent territory. He re ports a good outing and came back feel ing more in the mood for business. At the laBt meeting of the W. . B. C. one new member was initiated, and Mrs. Prudence Chipman was elected Junior vice-president of the corps. Mrs. Cale fills the position of press correspondent The infant son of Mr. and Mrs., H. C. Mangas died at the home near the C. & E. depot Saturday night and the funeral occurred from the Catholic "chdi'ch at 4 p, m., Snnday. Interment a made in the Catholic ceroete'V. : v Soms of onr. horse lovera indulged j n racing their animals on the track sorth of town Saturday. Tommy Fawcett who was ridiig one of the animals was thrown by his horse falFng an " suffered the dis location of his right wrist. y Col. K. Philips took his departure Sunday" for Jacksonville, Oregon, with the expectation of being absent for a month or two, . He went down to join his son , Ed, on a prospecting tour of the mining belt and incidentally to kill wild cats. Here's to the colonel ! All of the 17 students who attended Prof. Tartar's summer school passed in the examinations last week, with grades -anging from 87- 7-12 to 95. This ia cer tainly an eloquent testimonial to the ability of Prof. Tartar as an instructor in this branch of work. W. C. Corbett is putting up a great quantity of brick this year, atd it will be a couple of weeks yet before he will be through moulding. Altogether he will have about 300,000 to burn. This is fur nice than he manufactures yearly on an average. NEW TEST OF WIRELESS. Thunder of Great Guns May Inter fere with. Accuracy of Teleg raphy. New York. It was said at the Brook lyn navy yard that tne next experiments by the North. Atlantic fleet in wireless telegraphy will be in the nature of ob servations in the efliciency and accu racy of the wireless instruments when all the guns are being fired. Observa tions made at iPensacola la3t, spring showed that there is little to fear from the effects of shock and jar of one gun, but what is sought now is information as to whether the same immunity will be enjoyed when all guns are fired, a3 in case of battle. There is some ap prehension that the instruments will not survive this test of "battle efliciency," as the thunder and air vibration caused by the firing of numerous big guns is very great. Much of the present work in experi menting in wireless telegraphy has to do only with a comparison of circum stances by means- of wireless communi cations with the shore stations which are in close touch with the naval ob servatory. ' The change from this "clocking" work, as it is called, to the broader field of battle serviceability Is awaited with interest, not only by those who are directly engaged with' the .wireless experiments, but also by the officials of the navy department, who ex pect important conclusions will be de rived from the testa. IS Your S To Sea Our Now Uno of Just in from the Factory The Correct Thing in Fail and Winter Styles We have also a complete line of Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing and all Men's Furnishings. 0 CORVALLIS, ORE. Opposite the Postoffioe Ind. Phone No. 484. PURE led RICH CREAM is used ia the manufacture - of Hazelwood ICE CREAM, abundance of cream- being as sured for this pur- . pose by the large volume supplied for . the manufacture- ot Hazelwood Butter r .; No albumen, gelatine or other animal or chemical compound of any cKaracter is in Hazel wood Ice Cream, its rich- ness and smoothness heing "-1 due to the actual richness ot the cream of which it is -manufactured; Only pure : fruit, vegetable or nut flavors. are used in coloring or flavoring j Ice Cream 'FOR SALE BY .- .:.-. . t ; v J. T. SMITH Buy $1.03 Worth and Get a Portrait Coupon Special An Offer Never Equaled in This City Before .We have engaged Prof. W. E. Gunn, a celebrated por trait artist late of Chicago, to work for us a LIMITED TIME. We can, as a result ot this SPECIAL AR RANGEMENT make this UNEQUALED OFFER to oUr friends 'and customers. You put chase $i.oo worth, of goods. We give you a coupon. This coupon and 87c, to cover cost of ma terial used, pays for a bust crayon portrait. All work guaranteed. , The artist will be at work in our window in a few days. Get your coupon at once and avoid the rush, as this it 'a limited offer and will be good for only four weeks from date the artist begins work. The People's Store Established! 1864m Corvallis Oregon. OUR Elftfeg-Si IS NOW ON And for 30 days we will offer the 'entire stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ctothirig, etc., at extra special prices. 20 yards of Calico. $1.00 15c, 20c and 25c Summer Goods 10 ' Odd sets of Ladies' . Waists, $1, $1.50, $1.70 20 Per Cent Off on All Clothing "When you see it F. L. mill! SEEING IS BELIEVING Then come in and see my line of Sporting Goods and be con . vinced that it is the best and most complete line ever brought to your city, consisting of Guns and Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Base-ball Goods, Bicycles and Sundries, Pocket Knives, Razors, Sewing Machine Supplies, etc Gasoline and Dry Cells for sale. Agent for the Olds Gasoline Engines and Automobiles Guns and Bicycles For Rent. First-class Repair Shop. Ind. Phona 126 CORVALLIS, Children in Paiti Never cry as do children who are sufier- z from hunger. Snen is tne canseoi Mb hioH who cry and pre treated ior i.-kueeK wr.i.thev. ra!Iv are snff-rintr from lumsier. This is caused from then food not bjiigashix.ilated b-it .devoured bv worms. A few doses- of Whites Cream. Vern.ifin.'.' 01 .-- ..them to eape cryluR and bfiru- '' i 5ive it a trial, bo!-! -Graham 'A Wortham. Men Wan"-4 ; v.- oill anl per d iv. $3!0-. Steady 11V Lun r 43tf lurarrer yard Woodsmen $2. work. Apply ber Co., Eugei Subscribe for "'..ha C; :zntte. SO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Mark6 ' Designs rftTl Copyrights &c- Anyone sending a skelcli and description ml eulckly ascertain onr opinion free whether aa invBntion is probably patentable. Commnnica Oostrtrtlyconflderitlkl. HANDD3GK on Patents sent free. Oldest azener for secanng patents. PatenU taken through Muna. jfc Co. receive ' tpeeial notice, without cbaree, in tne Scientific JUsiericaa. A nandsomeiy fllastrated weekly. r I.r(rcst cir eolation of any scientinc jonrnal. .Terms, d a ' year s four months. IU Bold by all newsdealers; I I lliUllii 'yl 'JWl t n I Gunn, Our Artist, Makes Portraits for 87c. ANNUAL rnmer ,25 inour ad ii is so 99 CORVALLIS, OREGON Residence 324 - OREGON. ALWAYS USES THE BEST ST A TSQNERY iS ft EC ESS AR Y FOR A DESIRED EFFECT :tte ' Us the only office in Oorvallis that can , eSeHyer the goods We Cm Show You A Wise Merchant