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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1906)
4 . CO BFA Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, February 2T. 19QG. NO. I9CZ3 vol. XLffl. jj TV X 1 J P j J-t : THE C. E. CONVENTION. One of the Best Ever Heldjn Oregon. There was business on hand Thursday for every one in any wav connected with the great Christian Endeavor convention that convened in this city that dav. Early in the day commit tee members were scurrying hither and yon looking after the last details before the arrival of train-; tnat should bring in the deli- gates. These began arriving at 11:45 and at the depot were crowds of local endeavorers and members of other young people's societies of the city, to extend a hand of welcome and a smile of greeting. Thirty-five children had been en gaged to escort the delegates to places of enterh inment, and after registering and receiving badges the guests were turned over to the pages who piloted them to the Corvallis homes that had been opened for their reception. Banners, bearing words of wel come were displayed on numer streets of the city, and the churches were beautifully decor ated in Endeavor colors, with mottoes and potted plants. Many stores also had window displays and everywhere the visitors were received with marked courtesy, a fact that received favorable com meut from them. The convention opened with an afternoon session in the Pres by terian church at 2:30 Thurs dav. The evening session occurred at the First Methodist church, beginning at 7:45. There were addresses, of welcome by . Mayor A. J. Johnson, for. the city, Prot, Berchtold tor OAC and Rev. C. T. Hurd in behalf ot. the churches. After a response and the announcement of committees, Rev. E. L. House delivered the convention sermon," which was a pslished and impressive discourse that elicited much praise.' Friday moraine . at nine the quiet hour r was led - by A. A. Winter, the doors being closed from 9:10 to 9:45. At 945 group conferences were held, and at Xx:i5 an address, ."Our Ideal': was given by Rev. D. A. Thompson. The afternoon session began at two o'clock in the Presbyterian church with devotional exercises and reports of societies, the latter all being of a splendid character, showing marked progress in the C. E. work. J. R. Landsborough, of Oregon City, addressed the audience on, "How Divide Our . Missionary Activities," Rev E. F. Green discussed the sub ject, "What a Pastor may Expect from his C. E. Society," and Mr James Edmunds had a closing address on the subject, "The Church and the Child." The evening session Friday was held in the First Methodist church and the building was crowded to the doors, many peo ple standing. A ladies' chorus, under the direction of Mrs. E. F. Green, gave a pleasing selection, and the report of Field Secretary Sharp was then delivered. This was not only interesting but full of practical suggestions and hope ful hints as to what should and will be done in the future. Rev. It. M. Boozar, always a popular man with Corvallis audiences, gave a brief talk on, "Quarter of a Century of Christian En- j deavor," showing the origin and remarkable growth of the move ment since its inception in the fertile brain of "Father Endeav oier Clark. Dr. A. B. Cathey, in his usual splendid voice, sang "Lord I Believe," and following this the address of the evening, "How the Abundant Life Abounds" was given by Rev. E. O. Mulkey of Portland, .who is a graceful and ; convincing speaker. Character, he said,' was formed ;by service, and to have life more abundantly the Christina should use ctery talent and ability given him, that he might grow and develop in the Christ life. Saturday morning the quiet hour was observed, A. A. Wiaters leading. The reports of nffirers were eiven. reports of superindt endents, word tromthe districts by their presidents and election of officers. The alternoon session was reduced to one hour being obser ved, alter which the visitors were .... ii- given opportunity 10 visit me colleo-e and see what thev wisn- r-y ed of the city. Saturday evening was devoted to an informal, reception which was held ih the Armory. This was informal in every way and was most emovable. bix or seven hundred people were in at tendence. Sunday morning the visitinp- clerevmen occupied the various pulpits ot the city and in the evening an immense crowd gathered in the Armory to listen to a fine lecture by Dr. Berkeley, California. At the close of- the convention the following resolutions were passed: 1. That we express our deep 1- . ?. TA concern lor our sister city, Eu gene, whose inability on account of an epidemic of typhoid tever, made it necessary to change the meeting of convention, and that we hereby express our sympathy for her people thus afflicted, with the sincere' hope and devout prayer that the scourge will soon cease and that health will be re stored to her citizens.- 2 . That we extend our heart felt thanks to the local unions, the churches and citizens of Corval lis for their hearty welcome and assure them of our lasting grat itude tor their kind reception and hospitable entertainment during our pleasant and profitable stay in their midst. . That we rejoice over the signal victory of Corvallis in abol ishing the saloon and "blind tiger" from her midst, thus removing temptation from the young men who attend our State Agricul tural College. We pray that her citizens may never take a step backward, but may press ward until every city and town in our fair state follows Tier ex ample and drives from our bor ders the most iniquitous plague of our modern civilization, and be it further resolved that this convention heartily endorses any and every legitimate movement for, the abolition of the saloon and its influences upon the homes, the institutions and the churches of this state. That we extend to the railways of the state a vote of thanks tor their kind consideration and gen erositv toward the delegates to the convention and for their aid in thus advancing the work of God's Kingdom. That we tender our thanks to the head of the public schools AN HINDU REVIEW. Suggestions on Life in India M, C. Sinha. ' ( FUST PAPER. by expansion of curriculum is nec essary to correspond with the en larged bounds of the field of knowledge and the necessity of training students for a multiplici ty of diverse ends. The college No news was , more delightful libraries should be more richly and satisfactory than that in- furnished, and what is more im- forming us of Bengal conceiving portant, should be efficiently ad the idea of -establishing a nation- ministered. al university. There can be The function of a national nothing better than this for the university should be first to serve welfare of the nation. We had as a conserving force in the pres et ence ot a nearness lmuaimg generation inclined to make all things new, and ape European and other foreign customs, man ners and habits, all conceiving the evil results on the national life of India as a whole, which are likely to accrue by promis cuous adoption of everything for eign. The university should provide r t r a regular course ior xne pioies,- sional training of teachers, which with other professional courses, for, in order to educate young Indians, to im bue them with a wholesome les- . m f . , 1 " - son in sell-respect, nationality and patriotism, and make useful, control their home and foreign self-help ino- citizens of them, we policy in their own interest, have to plac; them in charge of The Englishmen naturally want sucn trained teachers as have ie to subordinate the interests, wel- cei ved good educations themselves tare and rights ot tne inaians to anj wno are interested in the their own. The Indians want to development of India's resources love tneir own country me n,ng- 1 v ner own people, and so are been under an overwhelming de lusion that the brains and minds of one nation can be safely moulded and guided by ; another nation. There could be no worse folly than that of entrust ing the task of public education to aliens, whose manners cus toms, traditions and mode ot rea soning are different from our own and whose political, economical, military and commercial mter ents are entirely antagonistic to Tiell f our weil being. To carry on the i3 to be carried on uauuucu emails ui iuui uj iui - eigners is an impossibility. Two interests cannot be served at the same time. The people of India want to lishmen want to make them love England. The Indians want to restore their industry to its former position, and give it a ,bounty by promising and encouraging it the Englishmen want to retain the monopoly of their trade and further it by all means possible. The Indians long to worship their own national flag the English want them . to worship the Union Jack. The present crisis in. India is due to the clash of principles of self-defense and self-propagation, and is a crisis to be handled with all the gravity it deserves. Noth ing could illustrate this better than the late singing of Bonde- Matorom. The people sing Bonde-Matorom to show their orf love and patriotism toward coun try, xne ,ngiisn want 10 sup press this by any means they can. Now it depends on the people to find out whether they can safely trust the education of their chil dren to the agency of men whose interest lies m suppressing ana demoralizing all noble ambitions in the minds of the Indian race If the answer is no, then ' there is no other course but that of taking the education of our boys in our own hands and training them according to the best light we have, for let us remember that the light of one's own eye is far more desirable than the light of the two eyes of the neigh bor, even if the neighbor had an honest motive in meddling in the affairs of the one-eyed man. The need ot a national univer- mm THERE IS A GIRL IN THE CASE. Perhaps it's your intended, or mavbe a daughter. . Either way if the watch is one I sold it's a good one. WATCHES that keep correct time are the kind I deal in. ; It makes no difference if the time piece I sell you is a silver-cased one or a jewelled gold-cased chronometer; they both bear my warrantee. I sell at a low margin and that increases my sales. My goods ana prices are both satisfactory. Albert J. Metzger WATCHMAKER Occidental Building, - - - Corvallia SPENCER'S Hair Invigoratcr And Dandruff Eradicator ' 3 - 1 . .tMrv.- 3 5 2. 3 S 3 Trails dark Registered. Price, - Fifty Cents .Maniiiscjiired by The Vegetable Compound Company CorvsUIs, Oregon 9tf t . i c-i.-a a : 1 i rvl 1 y 1 1 T- n a . 'J I MUI 11-11 II 111 1 & k II . V . . "&"----7: sitv is great.: because -tnere is no lege lor giving place roinis con- r sting universi ty inindia which CU""U t " " 4. j imparts education suited to the siruciors ana siuuems iu luui f ., ,,,f, nr,A fVioro not likely to retard any move ment calculated to strengthen the feelings and patriotism of seli- helP- ' . . . . The policy of the national uni versity should be to recognize 'national self-development" by the aid and support of all move ments originating from within India, instinct with national tradition and not looking outside India for help, the smcentyi of which is at best only doubtful." IThe national university should repognize that the people of India have a right to a free will to act (s6 long as they do not trespass on the rights of other people without provocation) and any ex tetnal power which attempts to control their freedom of action should not be tolerated. Onr educational policy should be so guided as to awaken, and not to make the neoDle oblivious of their rights as men and as citi zens of a free state. The department of education has' long been controlled bv tor eigners, with these results : 1 he dialects of India with a view to the'development ot its commerce arid industrv ; the economics of India with a view to their unifi cation; the geography ot lnaia with a view to the development of its industry and commerce; the economics ... of. .India with all its ramifications of land and sea transportation . : and the (Con tinned on second page.( For County Recorder. GOCARTS. Our Spring Line of the Celebrated Hey wood Folding and Reclining Gocarts have arrived. They are of the latest patterns,, simple, yet durable in construction. Call and see them. Prices right. CARPETS. We can furnish you Carpets, Matting or Wall Paper this Spring' cheaper than ever before. Visit our Store and be . convinced. TRUNKS and TELESCOPES. STOVES and RANGES. HOLLEUBERG & CADY. 11 r A Specialty our sessions, and for the courtesy of the college authorities in open ing their doors for the meeting and the reception of the delegates and visitors of this convention. That we exDress to the Corval lis Christian Endeavor Union our appreciation of the spleudid way in which thev rose to the task of enteitaining all delegates aad visitors en masse on Saturday evening. Respectfully submitted, D. Errett, J. R. Landsborough, E. E. VanFleet, Vernon W. Cooke, E. Partington. The Yellow Fever Germ frt' NewOAfei His . GhnrairtMd 'tis care. Ell -Oiaeaaemnvni totmsori ppisot and coiwtvpahoiuzactJUfcB or jyoo& vard't oroy ante. fore, the sooner we , establish our university the better f for India. What were the motives to es tablish existing universities? The motives were largely eccles iastical and political the prin ciple one being to change young men's religion, or for preparing them for subordinate service of the government and make them intelligent interpreters. The course of study followed is that of lansruases. philosophy or history -commercial, technical and scientific courses are conspic uous by their absence. In the modern national uni versity the course of study has to be broadened so as to include the physicaljand sociological sciences, modern languages (German, French and Japanese) and all other branches of learning. whether pursued tor the acquisi tion of knowledge alone,' tor their lias recently been discovered. ' It bears a close resemblance to the malaria a. the,niDst3Bt:eoUTe remedy. is itt-fOiscipiinary caecc, or ior proics- preparation; The elective avitem of sttidvi after the " Amer ican fashion, has to be introduced I hereby announce myself as a candi Hate for the democratic nomination for the office of county recorder, subject to the decision of the voters at the prim ariee, April 20th. l7if Harlsy L. Hall. We are making a specialty in the form of the latest and most up-to-date eye glass mounting;, ever offered to the public. This eye glass mounting is "The Heard" guaranteed to stay on where others absolutely fail. If you care to investigate call at my store any time. E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician. Have your job printing done at the Gazette office. BELLEFOTTNTAIN. The Weekly Oregonian and the Gazette Both one year for $2.55 Have your printing done at tho Gazette office. We give you quid: service and save you money. We Fix Everything Trial Solicited. Work Guaranteed. J. G. TYLER, Successor to Dilley & Arnold. Notice. The Philomath Miils will he prepare to furnish pins and brackets for tele graph and telephone -works after Jan uary 25, 1906. Inquire of M.' Ek at mills. 9t .Mi- Take -The Gazette for all the local news- mx GUN HODES Has just secured the services of one of the finest me chanics in the valley, and from now on will be pre pared to do all kinds of repair work from a padlock to a threshing machine. Guns, sewing machines and locks a specialty. We have just received a complete line of 1906 Base Bail Goods, also a fine line of Up-to-date Fishing Tackle. i Flash Lights, Batteries and Sewing.Macbme Extras -alwaysr on hand. " ' ' - . r y ,