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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1905)
CLfc AflED AOVtRTlStMENTS " Fit BUCCt- Baoiit addii inserH Fo lctr Kct tion cents- Lo othe' char! I.ASSIFIED advertisements: n words or less, 25 cts for three ive insertions, or 50 cts per : for all up to and including ten al words, yi. i-ent a word for each n U advertisements over 25 words, r word for the first insertion, and -r word for each additional inser N'othing inserted for leBS than 25 v", society and church . notices, 'an strictly news matter, will be or. FOR SALE OAK (iBTJB WOOD. CHEAT AND ve"-'' hay satipfaction guaranteed. T. 1 . Logsdon, Phone 55 Mt. View Lire. , 75tf COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE. OAK GBOVE. ' Old Jack-frost came near getting ub the other night. From the amount of wood that is being hauled to Albany, one would be led to believe that winter is coming. Henry Kirstens has discarded the razor, and now wears a full beard, much to the disgust of his many lady friends. W. D. Pretty man and G. W. "Wil liamson left, Monday, for Bock Greek, Lincoln county, to spend a few days up on the former's homestead. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Williamson v ere Corvallis business visitors Monday. The weather of late has been veiy favorable for farm work, and farmers are getting along fine with thpir fall seeding. If t he weather stays good there will be a larger average sown this fall. ALI WOOD HANDLED BY THE nn''"pignpd i- now in this city and has be - laced in the hands of the Citv Trpv 'pr Company for sale. Norwood Treding Co. 66tf NEWTTRES pTJT ON BABY BTJG gi. ' rd go-cartp at Dilley& Arnold's. AUT MOBILE FOR SALE $195.00; steam ; in good condition, top lamps. Box .461, McMinnville, Or. 87 96 ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTOENE Y-AT-LAW. Olre First National Bank Buildine Only fet of abstracts in Benton County E. R. PRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Offir in Post Office Building, Corval lis. Owgon. JOSKPH H. WILSON. ATTORNEY- at-Law. Notary. Titles, Convevanc ins. Practice in all State and Federal Con'ts. Office in Burnett Building. Presidential Election Will Difference. Make Ho No matter what candidate is elected, Foley's Honey and Tar will remain the people s favorite remedy for coughs, colds, and incipient consumption. It cures colds quickly and prevents pneu monia. A. J. JN usbaum, Batesvilie, Ind writes: "I suffered for three months with a severe cold A druggist prepared me some medicine and a physician pre scribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Foley's Honey eight doses cured me. Wortham. and Tar and Graham & Full of Tragic Meaning. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Corvallis Poultry Association Will Hold Annual Exhibit. GOLD GOING ABUOAD. AUCTIONEER P A KLINE. LIVE PTOCK ATJCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. P, A. Kline Line, Phone No. I. P. O. address, Bos 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. WANTED are these lines from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think of what might have resulted from his terrible cough if he had not taken the medicine about which he writes: "I had a fearful cough that dis turbed my night a rest. I tried every thine, but nothing would relieve it, nn til I toott Dr. King's New Discovery for CoDBiimption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cued me '' Instantly re lieves and permanently cures all throat and lung diseases; prevents gtip and pneumonia. At Allen & Woodward, druegist; guaranteed; 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Infants and Children. "'on Have Always Bought WAiSTE 0 500 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.55 per year. DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR, less extraction. Opp. Post Office. DENTIST. PATN n Zierolf bnildin? Corvallis, Oregon. 3TAGE LINE. are the eases. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6 :30 a. m. ; arrives tt Philemath at 12 .m; leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Round trip same day $2-00. M. S. RlCKABD. CHI EVJO KIDNEY CURE Is a iULLI O 6uarant68d Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best tor Sidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c and $1.00. BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, MAKES LOANS on approved security and especially on wheat, oats, flour, wool, baled hay, chittiai bark, and all other classes of produce, npon the re ceipt thereof stored in mills and public warehouses, or upon chattel mortgagee and also upon other classes of good se curity. DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD" upon the principal financial centers of the United States and foreign countries, thus transferring money to all parts of the civilized world. A CONSERVATIVE general business transacted in all lines of banking PHYSICIANS B. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 4 p.m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Ste. Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis, Oregon. O. H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office an A Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. R. D. BURGESS. M. D. Office over Blackledge Furniture Store. Office hours : 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. MISS DeETTE JONES. Trained nurse Ind. Phone 234. 82-90 STALLION 3053 F ANION 34473 WILL BE AT Monroe Obilders' place now. 12 miles south of Coryallis; anybodv wishing to breed mares this fall will find thp horee there. 80-8t Don't Barrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worst thine you can possibly bor row is trouble. When sick, sore, heavy weary and worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Brights disease, and similar Internal disorders, don't sit down ana Drooa over your symptoms but fly for relief to Electric Bitters. Eere you will find sure and permanent torgetiuiness ot all , Tour troubles, and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease. At Allen & Woodward's drag store. Price 50c. Guaranteed. 3f IDHEY most ' fata! of all dis- 1ASTIC PULP PLASTER. HQ SAND. NO UME. The annual meeting of the Corvallis Poultry Association was called last Thursday even ing, for the ' purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and perfecting arrangements for the holding of their annual exhibit in Corvallis, which will occur in the Opera House, November 30, December 1st and 2nd. The following officers were elected : President, Bowen Lester; vice- president, A. L. Knisely; secre tary and treasurer, Gene M. Simpson; assistant secretary, W. G. Emery; superintendent, J. G Horning; members of executive committee, Henry Ambler and W. J. Kent. A vote of thanks was given the retiring officers for their untiring efforts in holding last year the most successful poultry show in the state. Not only those direct ly interested in breeding fancy poultry, but the business men f Corvallis in general, aided mater ially in making the last show a success. No other town in the state has been so advertised by its fancy poultry as Corvallis. Scarcely a show ot any promin ence on the coast has been held during the past few years with out at least a few birds from Corvallis beine the winners of blue ribbons. The books of the association show about $30.00 on hand from last year, and the amount of in terest being taken again this sea son insures a rousing big show for Corvallis this year. Some big special prizes will be offered, i the nature of which will appear in these columns later. Last year Corvallis advertised "the first and largest poultry show in the state" and delivered the goods. Again the fall show sea son on the coast is opened in Corvallis. Our fanciers realize the advantage of holding the first show of the season. The catalogue of last year's show was the neatest thing ever gotten out on the coast, and was printed in this office. A com mittee consisting of Henry Amble, J. M. Porter and Prof. McKellips was appointed to get up trie catalogue lor this year's show. It is the general custom of poultry shows to wait until in tending exhibitors write for a catalogue, giving ruks and pre mium lists, etc., but to keep up the reputation of Corvallis for doing things" the Coryallis As sociation mails a catalogue to every poultryman on the coast, from an alphabetical list made up every year by the secretary. C. G. Hinds, of Alameda, Calif., who officiated last year, will judge this year's show. His rep utation as a poultry judge is too well known to need further intro duction. This year's show will have many new features. Watch these columns for particulars. INCREASE IN AMOUNT TAKEN TO EUROPE BY AMERICANS. The Harked Effect Upon Exports by Summer Travel Amount Spent Abroad I3 Larger Each Year. Fire Proof W ater Proof WILL NOT FALL OFF CRACK CRUMBLE Just the Thing for Hop-Driers. Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362, 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. M. WADE & CO., Agts., Corvallis. SQQQ TELEGRAPHERS New York. The recent gold exports, small In volume as they were, are sug gestive of the relations which this mar ket bears to those of Europe and serve to recall the fact that one of the po tent factors in shaping the course of ex change between New York and Euro pean centers Is the summer expenses of Americans sojourning in Europe. This is an item which naturally does not appear in the reports of our for eign trade, but it is" of sufficient impor tance to materially modify the balance of trade in our favor representing the excess of exports over imports. These expenses of Americans in Eu rope go on of course in some degree all through the year, but the amount spent abroad-is naturally largest in summer, and it is during this season that the effect of this particular feature of the international exchange situation is most felt. "With the increase in travel to European countries the amount spent in this way by Americans has largely increased in recent years. It is of course impossible to estimate close ly the amount of money hich is an- nually lost to the United States in this way, but that the amount is large is universally admitted. On the other side even closer attention is given to this particular phase of our foreign rela tions than we ourselves give to it. A New York banker who was recently abroad largely in connection with im portant exchange transactions, in dis cussing this question the other day stated t that while in Paris he met a French banker who had made careful investigations with a view of ascertain ing so far as possible the actual amount of this particular factor in the exchange market. The estimate finally reached by this banker was that the amount spent annually by Americans traveling in Europe was close to 80.000.000. or $40.0,000,000. This is fully 5150 000.000 in excess of the estimates that have been current for some years. This is one of the things which explains why. despite the large trade balances in our favor, the New York market is frequent ly placed in the position of a debtor abroad. This item and perhaps an equally large mount annually paid to foreigners for height and insurance charges on ocean traffic make up a sum which it takes a Tery large trade bal ance to offset. TAX VALUE IS INCREASED. Assessment to Be Levied in New York City on a Total Estimate of $5,912,156,227. WINS FIGHT OF 17 YEARS. Stubborn Man Finally Gains Point and Closes Toll Road Conflict of Long Standing. NEEDED Annually, to fill the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want YOUNG MEN and LADIES of t!o..d habits, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY And Railroad Accounting. We furnish. 75 r-er cent, of the Operate -d Station Agents in America. Our six schools . .1 the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN Thi WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by all loading Railway Officials. We execute a $250 Bond to every student to furnish him or her a position caving from $40 to $60 a month in states east of the Koekv Moun tains, or from 75 to 8100 a month in states west of the Rockies, Immnliataly upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. No vaca tions. For full particulars regarding any of our Schools write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati. O. Catalogue froe. The Morse School of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo N.Y Atlanta Ga. LaCrosso Wis Texarkana-Tex. San Francisco Cal Lancaster, Pa. For 17 years Colum bus O. Rate, residing near the city limits, has fought unaided the Big Spring & Beaver Valley Turnpike , company, whose road passed his prop erty, and which, he maintained, was a public nuisance. His victory has final ly been won, the court having just or dered the turnpike condemned. As far back as 1888 Rate first began condemnation proceedings against the company. The latter resisted, and a suit resulted, which Rate won; but the decision was reversed by the supreme court. Rate then refused to pay toll, and threatened to tear down the gate house, thereby inviting another suit to test his allegation that the turnpike was a nuisance and an unnecessary public infliction. 7 Again he was prosecuted, and won the suit in the lower court, only "to be again reversed. Still unrelenting in his determination to close the toll gate, Rate, with the assistance of his neighbors, began an agitation for the easion of South, Duke street. It was finally opened to a point beyond the company's tollhouse, enabling trav elers to get into and out of the city with out paying toll. This was a practical victory for Rate, for the company's business was in time almost completely destroyed. The road was soon in a deplorable condition, owing to lack of repairs, and then Rate again took steps to have it condemned and the toll gate removed. 1 These have at last been successful, and the turnpike is now a free public highway. Nearly the entire length of the turnpike was within the city limits. New York. According to the final es timates of th6 commissioner of taxes and assessments, New York city this year is worth $5,812,156,227 and will pay taxes on this amount. This is an in crease of $271,613,570 over the assessed value last year. Of this increase $06 12u,522 is charged against real estate and special franchises, the latter, under the law, being charged as real estate The balance, $65,493,038, represents the increase in the value of the personal es tates of the resident's of the city which the commir.3ioners have been able to place on the tax rolls. This increase will cut the tax rate of $1.51342 on each $100 of last year to $1,46885 this year. The reduction tb year, the las: ot Mayer McUiellan-s pres ent term Co mayor, does not equal thr rate in 1303, the last year of Mayo; Low's administration, however, when the tax rate was $1.41367. Andrew Carnegie still leads the list on the personal tax rolls, being assessed at $5,000,000 on his personal estate. In addition Mr. Carnegie's residence on Fifth avenue and Nineteenth street is assessed at $2270,000, He will be re quired to pay a bill of $107,000 when the tuxss fall du3 ver.t October. John D. Rockefeller is second on the personal list with an assessment of $2,500,000, and Russell Sage is third with an assessment of $2,000,000. inmimuumtM.'Uu iniiiumiii Afegetable Preparationfor As similating theFoodandBeguIa ting theStoinactis andBowels of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Hot "NAB.C otic . Mcpe afOldMrSAMVELRTCHBR HedulUSallf jlnue Seed- i IflLI For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Crmfied Sugar A perfect Remedy for Conslipa Fion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. I Bears the . 1 1 . XtVtu I Bigoatiirexy" I jjr In In Use For Over is 1 Thirty Years THS CENTAUR COMPANY NEW TORK CUT. -TTrTFfcJaa'-"Ti Mill -n t- -A ' '''' " flM lMM'THIlT TrtlTKf T l'.'J! W mW'IUP Ml- ' V If frwirmrtiriiri "f ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. MAIL ARRIVES. 8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage for Portland and all points North and East, also for California and points on S.P. 10 a. m. From Monroe by stage. 1W5 a. III. From Philomath and points West on C. & E. 12 m. From Portland and all points on the West Side. 1:30 p. m. From Albany and all points North on the S. P. MAIL DEPARTS. 6 a. m. For Albany and points East on the C. & E., and for points North of Albany on the S. P. 10:30 a. m. For Albany and all points North and South on the S. P. 12:39 p. m. For West Side points, ' Portland, and points North and East, also for points West on the C. & E. 2 p. m. For Monroe, Or. 6:t5 p. m. For Portland, Cali fornia, and points North, East and South. If yon are looking for some real good Bargains In Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We will take pleasure in giving you reliaole informa tion : also showing you over the county AMBLER & WATTERS, REAL ESTATE, LOANS WATTERS, CORVALLIS. INSURANCE HENRY AMBLER. PHILOMATH. Unfit Marriages. An eminent physician, writing to the London Daily Mail, demands legis lation which will prohibit marriages between persons afflicted with either mental or physical diseases. He as serts that his investigations show that a large proportion of the inmates in hospitals and insane asylums are com mitted to those institutions because they inherited their affliction. "In savage races," he adds, "natural selec tion remorselessly cuts down the dis eased, the race does not become con taminated, and thus a high standard of health i3 maintained. We, on the other hand, surround the weaklings with an artificial environment, and we struggle with all our strength against the law which condemns the unfit to extinction." - Tonsorial Geniuses. Some time ago an English author, George R. Sims, invented a new hair restorer. Now Gabrielle D'Annunzio has distinguished himself by concoct ing an essence for the perfuming of the bath. The exploit has led one of his commentators to hint that "one sometimes feels his need of a per fumed bath after the perusal of his unexpurgated works." DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It does not contain an atom of phos phatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid) sub stances adopted for other baking powders. because of their cheapness. Bring your Job to the Gazette Office. Few Qualify for Navy. There were 28 vacancies la the grade of assistant paymaster la the navy. For these positions 2,000 young men applied. Only 24 stood the va rious tests tad received their com missions. , j j Calling cards popular styles in cards arid type at the Gaftte office. 80tf FOBEYSlIIBIJEirCUra A Prominent Trainman. The many ineods of U. H. iiansan, TCnoinoorT. V. Ar W T? T? at nrnaont living in Lima, Ohio, will be pleased to know of his' recovery - from threatened' kidney disease. Ue says: "I was cared by using Foley's Kidney Care,' which I recommend to all, especially to train men, who are usually similarly afflicted.'" Graham & Wortham, " " RW3RTWR