Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, August 29, 1905, Image 1

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    1111 IP' A U JUII NK IP IUN
Vol. XLH.
Corvaulis, Benton County, Oregon, Tuesday, August 29, 15).
Crop Estimated at More
Than 80,000 Bales.
With each succeeding year the
hop crop becomes thor.e and more
an important factor in the lives
of Oregonians. In the various
fields throughout the valley will
be found during the next few
weeks thousands of men, women
and children busily engaged atj
the task of picking hops. The
labor is light and in consequence
nearly all who have nothing more
important on hand go to the
yards for the rewards their labors
bring. " . - ::
Many work in the yards who i
in reality are not compelled by
necessity to do so, but it is a com
paratively easy way to pick up
some pin monejr. To many the
matter of picking hops is pne of
seriousness. The season's pick
ing and the accompanying cash
is figured even befornand and
counted as a resource. It ureans
much to some families,' more to
eat, clothing and shoes, and
many other things. , To many
hop picking provides little lux
uries that were it not for this op
portunity - to "turn an honest
penny" would have to be fore
sworn. - . j
It is important alike to picker
and grower that the crop be of
fine quality and of . large yield.
In Oregon this year it is estima
ted that there will be a shortage
in the crop. The Oregonian of
recent date furnished the follow
ing on the present hop outlook
from a market standpoint: ' -.
It is the op'ni m of all C3rs;rv
ative man in the hop trade that
the bottom of the market has
been reached. Despite the long
'continued efforts of the bears to
hammer down prices by frighten
ing holders into a stampede,
values have not receded" a frac
tionof a cent since , the present
level of prices was reached early
in the summer. Never before in
the history, of the market has
such a persistant campaign been
waged by dealers bearishly in
clined, but it has been without
effect, except upon growers of
Washington. The majority of
these have "parted with their hold
ings, but the Oregon and Calif
ornia growers have stood firm
and only sold when they could
get their own prices. The future'
of such a market is easy to fore
see, unless history should fail to
repeat itself. " It is plain that
buyers must' raise their, bids or
do without hops. ' V
The stiffness of the Oregon
growers is due to the discourag
ing condition of, the' crops in
most parts of the United States
- with which they are entirely
i familiar. Instead of improving
conditions are " becoming less fa-
. vorable, particnliarly in New
York State. The ; New York
i Hop, Reporting Company, ' under
V date of August, 33, wired the fol
j lowing report on the crop of that
;. state:- . ,
"The warm, sultry rains of
last week has caused an increase
of vermin, and former estimates
of the crops will have to be re
duced." -
The same company reported
the following from North. Ya
kima, Wash:
"After careful investigation
-we would say that an estimate of
45,000 bales for Wasmngton this
year is too large by 5,000 bales,
We have had a very long hot
spell, and such weather always
reduces the yield." ;
A letter received, yesterday
bv a Portland dealer from Chas.
S. May& Co., of Albany,. N
Y., said that Mr. May, I on his
arrival home, reduced his esti
mate of New York State .10,000
bales. Mr. May. left' Portland
for the East about two weeksago.
Seth Parsons, a large dealer-of
bharon Springs, N. ., writes
to a hop man, here: .
- "Twice are here, in large nam
bers again. Weather is sour and
wet. Blighted burrs in evidenqe
ever where. Think New York
cannot getrout now with over
40,000 bales."
Another letter received from a
Waterville dealer says:
'We have a new phase aside
from the increasing vermin to
contend with now. It is a fire
rust which has made its appear
ance in the past week ' and is
running rapidly and .doing ser
ious damage. Three days after
it strikes a burr the hop is eaten
up and drops off. Roy Lamb,
whoJs a large grower at Madison,
has notified his pickers and dry
ers that he will not need their
services this year, as he .does not
expect to set a box in his yards.
There are many other - reports
of this nature coming in from
other sections." v
" A communication from Oneida,
N. Y., was as follows:
"Rust and lice, are
throughout the state.
Says She
Cease Her
Levi and
& Tanner are trying to contract
at 18 and 20 cents with no suc
cess. : Tanner thinks prices are
going higher. Do not see how
New York can get out with over
40,000 to 4.5, 000 .bales this
It is believed by men in the
hop trade that Ironmonger, of
London, is now on the short side
of the iqoc; crop, by which thev
account for the continued bear
ish reports that he issending put
of the market and:' crop condi
tions in England.: If tnis is the
case, hopgrowers will make due
allowance in reading his cables,
which certain dealers have been
spreading broadcast on this coast.
Ironmonger was - formerly the
manager of - the English : Hop-
growers' Association and is said
to now be in leagne with Eng
lish brewers in trying to break
the pool in that country. :
. A number of small transactions
were reported in this market yes
terday. ,. Ean & Mathens, of
Wapato, sold 71 bales to McKin
ley Mitchell,' , at, something bet
ter than 17 cents.- Mitchell also
bought- another carload at the
same price. ? Maurice Reinstein
bought 22 bales of C. D. Wilson
of Aurora, at 17) cents and the
Carsten lot of .33 bales at Forest
Grove was sold at the same figure.
Was Promoted.
Harry Holgate paid this city,
his boyhood libme, a' short ' visit
last wekk. He had been in
Portland in - attendance of the
Irrigation Congress. For a num
ber of years Mr; ; Holgate - has
been in government employ asd
that his services have been ap
preciated is evidenced "bv the
recognition "Ije . ;. has received.
First he was connected with the
census department, then the de
partment ; of the" interior, and
ater assistant examiner connect
ed with the project for irrigation
and redemption of arid lands la
July the assistant part of his title
was knocked on aud he is now a
bona fide examiner with a salary
of $ 1.800 per annum.
Mr. Holgate's duty lies in ex
amining into the matter of land
titles and attending to- various
matters of a legal character. , In
the, course of a month he is to
return from Klamath Fails to
Portland, at which place an office
is to be established by the govern
ment for the purpose of facilitat
ing Mr. Holgate's work in the
Northwest. Harry will have
charge of this office. He depart
ed, Saturday, for Klamath Falls.
Don Holgate,. who has. been at
Goldfields, Nevada, for some
time, is to proceed to Klamath
Faljs shortly and become book
keeper for the government in th
work how on hand in that; sec
tion. Don's salary is $1,200 a
year. .
C. C. Hogue, well known in
this city, has been been book
keeping, but he becomes dis
bursing agent at a salary of $1,400
per : annum and Don takes his
place on the books. .
It appears that men in Oregon
towns other than Corvallis feel
that Portland lacks backbone in
many " ways. Regarding Port
land and her rai'road affairs, J.
A. Douthet, ;of The Dalles, has
given the public the
' 'What has become of Port
land's enterprise, pluck and In
dependence?" is a question being
asked in The Dalles these days.
The question is provoked by the
accounts in the daily press of the
metropolis of the complaints
made by Portlanders against the
Harriman system of transporta
tion lines for not extending bet
ter, transportation -facilities to
Portland and the State of Ore
gon, and the almost pitiable ac
knowledgment of some of Port
land's leading business men that
the city is at the mercy of -a
single railroad management".
Those heie who are asking the
above question would prefer Port-
iana 10 a iiKe condition -mat exist
ed in' The Dalles some 15 years
ago, and point to the way it was
overcome,: and how a mighty
transcontinental , railroad was
brought to terms. Fifteen years
ago The Dalles was a little city
of less 'than 3500 inhabitants.
Although it was small, it was
plucky and its cisizens were loyal.
It felt that it was being discrimi
nated against by the railroad
company as to freight rates, and
its citizens busied themselves to
right the wrong. The state had
just completed a small portaged
road around the obstructions to
navigation at Cascade Iyoeks on
tne tjoiumpia. rne uaiies ap
pealed to Portland and Astoria to
join with it in the construction
and operation of a line of boats
between this city and Portland,
but the appeal was ' unheeded (al
though Portland did subscribe
$1000 to the capital stock of the
proposed boat line.) Failing to
interest Portland in the project,
the people of The Dalles took
the matter in their own hands,
and inside of six months from
the time the boat line was sug
gested thev had two boats plying
the river, one ab-ve auu one be
low the portage. : The conse
quence was that ireight rates
from 1 be Dalles to Pjtt'and were
immediately reduced one half,
and arc. still maintained at that
figure. Nut , onlv the rate to
Portland was cut, down to half
the former charge;: but the rates
on wool from here to the Atlantic
Coast were also reduced 50 " per
cent, and all. the wooigrowers
into the interior and thus draw trade to
itself. A city that can successfully hold
a world's f can protect itself against
the discriminations of any trantportntion
company iu the world. It has ihe
capital and it certainly ha9 the energy,
if it is once aroused, to accomplish any
thing it undertakes. To humiliate it
slf before Mr. Harriman and beg of
him to grant it concessions or even fair
treatment is beneath the dignity of a
city that poses as the metropolis of the
Let Portland wake np and quit whin
ing. L?t it announce to Mr. Harriman
that it is independent of him and bis
immense railroad sya'em. Tell him that
if he doe notchoose to build railroa-is
into the interior of Oregon or steamship
lines to the Oiienf. Portland will do it
herself. Let Portland get a litt'e (rue
Oregon independence into its veins and
pattern after The Dalles of 15 years ago,
whn it said to the O. B. & N. Co., that
it would have fair treatment and got it.
What .was accomplished on a small scale
by a little city of 3530 can now be ac
complished by a great city of 160,003 "on
a proportionately greater scale. . .' ".
On Wednesday and
Thursday, Aug. 30&
and d 1st, 1 will dis-
play my advance Fall
styles of
Anisfields Standard of
Style Garments
All the best things
Empire coats, loose
coats, skirts, jackets,
rain coats, cravenetts,
Misses coats and tour
ist coats. I have .all
the correct styles that
you are looking for,
as usual. . Amsfields
: ft ...... - v r V , .
garments are right.
I have the exclusive
Tils White Hsuss.'
Will be given by the Undersigned
for the arrest and conviction of
any party killing China Pheasants
out of season in Benton County.
if Corvallis Social and Aihlsils Club.
Cegtas;tts 24th year September 26.
Preparing for County and-State certificates. Higher courses
recognized in Washington and other States.
t' ' Longer terms, higher wages and better
opportunities tor promotion award the
Normal graduate for his . enterprise.
School directors appreciate the superior
ability of Monmouth graduates and the
demand far exceeds the supply. Special
attention given to methods work in
'graded and ungraded schools.
Catalogues Csn'.aining Full information
will be sent on application. Correspond
ence invited, address
E. D. RESSLER, President.
jj larity or gives
watch i shows any irresru-
other evidence that
something is wrong: with it, better
have it examined by a competent
watchmaker. You won't find any
more skillful or more experienced
anywhere than right here. We clean and repair all sorts of
watches thoroughly and quickly and guarantee all our work as
well as our prices to be right. If your watch chain is beginning
to show signs of wear, or if you'd like a new chain for any rea
son, we are prepared to supply you with the best gold-filled one.
made, at a moderate price. We carry the Simmons make, the
best known and most strongly guaranteed chains ever sold.
E. W. S. PRATT, Jeweler and Optician.
AlEXAMiiER.. &
- Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies. ' v
ndpt. Phsna- Ice Cream, Confectionery and indpt. Phone
257. Nuts, Cigars, Pipes and Tobac- 257.
co, Fine Soda Water, all flavors.
J ob Printing.
Take The Gazette for all the
local news.
within reach of this .city got
their wool to Eistern - markets at
half what they had " formerly
paid." ' t i ; a
f.r 1 oday .Portland is complaing
of being discriminaterl against in
rates to the Orient. It complains
that it is not getting, a square
deal. Why should it complain,
when it is within its province to
remedy the ills of which it mikes
complaint? Why should a city
of 150,000 inhabitants, ' that
boasts of more wealth according
to population than any other city
in the Uuited States, be sub
servient to foreign transportation
jlines?T Why i-houlu it riot like
The Dalles, take the matter, in
its own hands and build a steam
ship line to the Orient? True,
the . capitalists of Portland are
not . shipbuilders nor inclined
generally to engage in transpor
tation; neither " were the people
ot The Dalles 15 ' years j ago,
i wnen.. tnev teit tn3t thev wrre
discriminated against. Rut they
realized that they were n t re
ceiving tair treatment ; at 'lit
hands of the railroad ompinv.
and they proceeded to put then-
selves in position that they ci'ulc
and did dictate terms. . Portion
can do the same. It can no
only build and operate steam.'
ship ljines to the Orient or any
otner part ot the world, but 11
'can build and operate railroads
Cheap Sunday Rates Between
Portland and Willamette '
Valley Points.
Im rotind trip rates have been placed
si eif-nt between Portland and Willarn-ft-
VhIIov points, in either direction.
rVkp.tR will be sold
and limited to return cn or lefore the
followinc Monday. -
Rate to ob From Gobvallis, $3.00.
Gallon Southern Pacific Co's Agents
for particulars. -
When you pay out
good money for
printing, be sure
- - V -
and get good print
ing for the money I
Do not send out printed mat
ter to your customers that is
a disgrace to lyour business
a disgrace to.your town and
a disgrace to the printer who
puts it out.'
and all your friends who" are interested in Furniture and
House Furnishings. Our large store room is full of well
selected stock of goods, and more coming oh every freight.
Do you need a Couch? 20 different styles to select from.
New line of Linoleums just received, prices 60c to 80c
per square yard. Come in and see our new Side-boards
and Parlor Si: 1 3. After this date you will find our Stoves,
Ranges, and S) elf Goods. all in the new store where you
are always we Lome. . .,