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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
VoL. XLIL Corvallis, Benton Couoty, Oregon, Friday; July 14, lOOo. ISO. 3S" EXPOSITION ITEMS. Of Interest to Benton County - People by Special Correspondent. Last week closed with the hot test day, but one, for thirty years, in Portland, and the mass of sweltering humanity at the Fair grounds were willing to give the weather bureau man all the back ing he needed in -corroborating such a statement. It was awful. Several new features have been added to the Agricultural booth, particularly in the line of dried fruits. They look, well aad have attracted considerable attention. Still, the cry is for more. Among the Benton county vis itors ot the week, we noticed Ralph T." Henies, of Philomath, who was particularly interested in the Fine Arts exhibit. Still, nature had some attraction for him, particularly the pretty sam pies dressed in white, attending the various booths. h,. A. Reed, ot Alsea, was an onlooker who Dut in his time to good advantage. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Chas. McHenry and family also registered at the Agri cultural booth. Miss Paulina Kline passed a pleasant day and enjoyed the novel sights found in the several buildings. Dick Smith put in wnat.time he could spare Irom the trail attractions in study ing the newest things in the bard ware and machinery line. Dick doesn't take much interest in fashion exhibits, but he said there was one thing in that line he did not like, and that was the "high collars." They were altogether too numerous in and around the Fair. We found out afterwards that the only "high collars" were on the glasses of beer. The dis pensers of Lager must certainly be strong temperance advocates, if not in theory, certainly in prac tice, as a person would have to i. i j i- tr wuik. iuug aim paueuuv uciuic he could gather together enough good .red beer, from under the crown of foam which decorates the glasses as served,' to prove it in the slightest degree intoxicat ing. ... V ;:-V- - ,- Among the visitors who ;were formerly Corvallis residents we noticed Ridge Draper, , an ex student of O AC, on his way from Prinevillets San Francisco. Geo. Paul and wife were- out on Fri day. George we beg his par don-rrG. Lester, though he has made his mark as a teacher in the Dramatic Art, is nevertheless still - a student, and the amount of time he is willing to put in study ing the hero and villiam in the "Gay Paree" show is a fair indi cation of his love for his chosen profession. We - certainly wish him all success in his efforts. To the Fair visitor who is look me tor novelties, no exhibit can be more attractive -than the In fant Incubators, on the Trail. As nothing can appeal to humanity as much as humanity, this show ing of prematurely born "mites of humanity,'! as they were term ed by the Spieler, is alike fascin ating and interesting; "Prior to the invention of the Infant Incubator over 80 per cent of the prema tarely born perished, but in the present day over 80 per cent of these unfortunate - mites can be saved by the "mechanical mothers," aided by : scientific sanitary methods. - . The "Infant Incubators" on the Trail show seven of these miracles of modren science, each containing its living, breath ing, straggling little soul, fighting brave ly for the life otherwise denied but for the 'Incubator."' . , Pure, sterilized air, cleanliness scientific knowledge rightly ap plied, and loving care win in th ' end, and the child is returned its loving, natural parents, strong er and" healthier by reason of its artificial rearing. No person who loves humanity ': for humanity' sake should fail to see this fascin ating exhibit. Great credit is certainly due ' the employers of the various car lines for their masterly work on the Fourth of July. Just think of It ! They took home from the Fair grounds, and the adjoining heights, between 9 and 12 o'clock that evening, fully fifty thousand people, without an accident. It is a record of which they can cer tainly be proud. Old-Time Business Man its Corvallis. Raised the Wind. The Oregonian seems never to count the cost when on the eve of an expression. For an utterance in a recent issue the big daily is being quite fiercely assailed by the little bow-wows. Governor Chamberlain js billed to leave the state to attend a convention of the Elks. Of course, if the gover nor elects to make this trjp there is no power to say him nay. The Oregonian contends that just at present, in view of the fact that Oregon has so many notable guests within her borders visiting the Exposition it would have been more fitting on' the part of the governor, as ' the first man ot the state, to be "at home" to the guests, rather than off on an Elk's convention. For this statement the big daily is being severely condemned hy some ol its satellites. While the writer might have couched his utter ances in different language, ther.e appears a gram of truth in the statement lust the same. The paragraph in, question is as fol lows : . ; The governor of, Oregon is to leave the state for a month or more. He is to go off to a con vention of "The Elks," some where to go at this special time in the history ot Oregon, when the state is inviting all peoples of all states and all nations to her. - Doubtless s,The Elks" are very important. "And doubtless the governor of Oregon will deem himself a more important: figure among the Eastern Jtviks or stags or bulls or buffaloes than among the people of Oregon during the Lewis and Clark Fair. Virgil A. Pinkley. AFTER LONG YEARS. Revis- Nearly fifty years ago a young man tound himself in Victoria. British Columbia. He had come out to the great-West to make his fortune and for a time labor ed in the mines of British Colum bia. Finally he left that prov ince and came down to Portland. Arriving in : Portland he cast his eye about for ah opportunity to engage in some kind of busi ness that offered re ward for capit al and labor. By chance he made the acquaintance of a peddler, a huckster who tfaveled the "coun try over and bartered for his liv ing. The peddler told the young miner, who was a" German, that Corvallis was a good place. - The peddler being on the eve of departing for a trip up the val- ey our young pilgrim was invit ed to occupy a seat - in the hack en route. The invitation was ac cepted ana the twain started up the great Willamette valley, then far different from what it is t- day. In some five or six days, traveling Dy day and camping where er night .overtook them, they arrived in the little town now known as Corvallis "Heart of the Valley." - Here our hero , dedided to en gage in the 7 butcher business. This was 47 years ago. He in vested about-$1,000 and tried hard to win fortune's favor. . Six months passed and he decided to move. So determined was he to get away that he left his property in the hands of an acquaintance to dispose of and send him the proceeds. ' He departed, but from that day to this has not heard what were the proceeds of the butcher business which he had abandoned. From Corvallis he went to Sac ramento, California. : Here he went into the butchering- and pork-packing business. jr.. "' -vj-, fl J . "-N. ' f ' & 'TK f ' ' - ; " -.' If - - . v: ' . A A fair-sized audience greeted Virgil A. Pinkley on his appear ance at the Presbyterian . church ast Tuesday evening. Mr. Pink ey, although this was his premier appearance m this city, was : not by fame unknown to many of our people and they , were prepared for what; was of the best in the way of elocution. ; 1 la this expectation - they were not disappointed in the least de gree. He is gifted with great versatility, has full sense of the serious and humorous, and-rthere is a peculiar, indefinable "some thing" that gives a charm to his work and-stamps it as most legit imate. - As a rule an adult in a child piece or impersonation is not good for the simple reason that from a child to a "grown "up" person there is too great a step. However, there is a charm about Mr. Pinkley's work in this line that is irresistable. A couple of numbers in this line of work re ceived the hearty approval of all. There is no overdoing, nothing is so exagerated as to make it ap pear as unreal. You appreciate it as it is see it, feel it, live it, and enjoy it. Mr. Pinkley was brought to this city by the Presbyterian and M. E. churches and they certain ly made a happy hit. Mr. Pink ley ; is pleased with the people, the place and his reception, and we are informed that steps are be ing taken to assure his appear ance in this city again about the first of October, ; ' THELM A, THE MYSTIC. - - WITH THS CORBIN GIANTS. OPERA HOUSE, CORVALLIS, SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 15TH. Cured of Bright's Disease Mr. KobertO. Bmke. Elnora, N. I Funny world ! Peculiar old place ! Last Wednesday, while dining at Hotel Corvallis, Wal ter Kline made the acquaintance of quite an elderly gentleman, well dressed and with the air and man ner of a-111 in well-to do. It de veloped that the gentleman 47 years ao was. a business man of our city. He was vi.-itiug the Fair at Portland and yielded to the de sire to i-ee Corvallis. He left his wife ' i ii . the--metropolis and ran up here. He only remained here du.ins; the time the West S;de train slopped, nor could anv in ducement offered by Walter in the way of showing him the town, college, etc., get him to stay. He seemed pleased with the place. its growth and general appear ance. This old gentleman , was the; young man who came to Corval lis from British- Columbia and engaged in business 47 years ago. Since leaving this place, he has prospered. Today he is a mem ber of the firm of the "Mohr & Yoerk Co.," doing business at 1024-26 "J" Street Sacramento. He has sons now capable of look ing after the business and he takes lite easy. C A. Yoerk is the gentleman's name. Y.,' writes: Before 1 eiarttrr to iis loieys: Kidney Core 1 had to get uu from twelve to twenty times a night, and. was all: bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight ; was so impaired 1 could scarcely see one of my family acres? the room. I had given up hope of living vrhen a fiiend recommended Folev's Kidney Cure. One 50 cent bottle worked wonders and before I had taken the third bottle the dropsy had goxe, as well as all other symptoms g of Brighl's disease." Sold by Graham & y Wortham. "lb II ummer School. Monmouth State Normal. to Doctors said He would, not live. Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: "Af ter doctoring two years with the best physicians in Wainesburg, and still get ting worse, tne doctors advised me if 1 had any business to attend to I. had bet ter attend to it at once, as I could not possibly liveanother month as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a mend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I be gan to get better and continued to im prove until I was entirely well." Sold by uranam x wortnam. ; s Notice. Kotice is hereby given that parties in debted to the undersi;jii d are u'gentiy requested to settle tin ir aoiv iinli t oni e as I h-ve disp-sed of mv hHiwas l-ii.-i-ness to Mr. Grant Eluiu ami it is necs sary that all sums due me bo paid. -J. K. Wixegar. 57tf A Surprise Party. A pleasant surprise party may bPiiiven to your sto rach and livt-r, 'by taking a medicine which will relieve thrir pain and discomfort, viz: Dr. Kinu'x New Life Pills Tbev are a most wonderful reni- 1 tr j : . . . - . I ; . r . . t . . ' - Ieuy, UUUruMlK buio ' lenn 1 itic iui headache, dizziness and--vonMipaiinn ; 25c at Allen & Woodward s U.u store. Gazette Bell phone No 341. m Jrrariiiili JUNE 26 TO AUG. 4. L TUITION, $7.50 IBS Ail Resources ef State Normal School Available. expense H -aid and room, $3.00 to $4.00 per week. Entire need cot exceed $30.00. Facultv of eigh..-. Address E. D. RESSLER, Monmouth, Oregon Bent Her Double. "I knew no one, for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble." writes Mrs. Annie Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, I was bent double, and had to rest my hands on my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction I was rescued bv Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I ean walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful." . Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disorders; at Allen & Woodward's drug store; price 50c. ' - Frced to Starve. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., taysr "For 20 years I suffered agonies, with a sore on my upper lip, so painful times that I could not eat. After vain ly trying everything else. I cured it with Bucklen's Arnica Salve.". It's great for burns, cuts and wounds. At Allen & Woodward's drugstore; only 25c. m OUR NEW STORE. Everything in first-class order. Come and sec us. New room, new fixtures, new goods, but same old prices. We still have a very nice line of Go-Carts, at very reasona ble prices. If you are going ei.inping, x?ome and see us. Hammocks, Tents, Cots, Camp Stoves, etc., always on hand. fffjr -T5v pny ,CBiflq BBSS? e73Z2&3iSZ?T Via agB&Biia,