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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1905)
) CUSS1FIED ADVERTISaiENTS CLASSIFIED ADVRTI9aMBNT8 : - Fifteen word or less, 25ct8 for three caccesfi ve insertions, or 60 cts per month; ir all op to, arid including ten additional wor Js. cent a word for each insertion : . . "' '-. ... - .". Fpr siftertisements over 25 words, 1 ct per urd for the first insertion, and ct per word for each additional inser tion.- Nothing inserted for less than 25 cents. . " "-"C-O v.". --: - - Lodge, society and Cchurch , notices, other than strictly news matter, " will be ' cbarsed tor. ' - -- :-' FOR SALE FCm RALE OR RENT- 7-ROOM house barn and 12 lots in Wilkin's addition, known as the McCaustland block. Ind. phono 7l3. S. H. Moore Corvallis, Oregon.' " 52-60 ONE WOODSAW AND JACK, $25; two rood farm- wagons, $25 , two good covered hacks, $35 and $50; new bag- irv and new harness. 165. Every kind farm implements on hand. It don't matter what vou want come to the Emnlnvritinnt Office and save money. H. M. Stonb. -- 44-52 FOR SALE 400 CORDS MAPLE AND ash wood, $3 and $3.50 per cord, de . liverert latter part of August. Leave orders at Abbotts feed barn. Norwood Tradimt Co.. Bruce, Or. 42-68 CORD WOOD FOR SALF. CALL UP No 1 phone, P. A. Kline hue. P. A. Kunb. v--.-: 42tf, "STORIES OF OLD OREGON," BY 6. A. Waggoner, will be found on sale at J. F. Allen's, Corvallis, Or. . , . - .... 4ltf. CAMERAS. KODAKS. KODAK SUP- plies, a good dark room in the store, at Uraham A Wells. i PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, Brushes, fml stock of all painters' Sup plies, at Graham & Wei's. 40tf NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG- gies and go-carts, at Dilley & Arnold's. ALL LATE POPULAR SHEET MU sic Guitars. Mandolins.. Violins, Ac- cordeons. Harmonicas, Musical Goods, " coirect prices: Call aod see them at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Or. 40 tf Attorneys W. E. Yates. ' V Bert Yates. YATES St YATES,; Law, Abetractitg and Insurance. Both Phones. ' Corvallis, Oregon. E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval ... lis, Oregon. - " J. F. YATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office First National Bank Building. ,nly set of abstracts in Benton County JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORN EY-at-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building. : MEDICAL PURE FRESH DRUGS AND MEDI cines, some bought direct from the fac tory ; Perfumery, Rubber Goodp, Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Books, School Supplies, Druggists' Sundries, ever thing found in a first-class drug store, at Graham & Wells, Corvallis, Oregon. . .- 40 tf AUCTIONEER P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. ; P. A. Kline Line, Phone No. 1. P. O. address. Box 1L Pays highest prices for all kinds of livestock. Twenty years' experience. . Satisfaction guaranteed; , - WOODSAWING. NEW GASOLINE WQOPSAW-ALL Arffpre jtJVcn rtefflpt alte'-iiou; ouwi. notie orders solicited. - Good work, as cheap as anybody. W. R. Hassell, Ind. phone 835. v : 44tf WOOD SAWING ALL CALLS promptly and satisfactorily attended. Living prices and good work. . Gaso lene engine.. See W. EJBoddy. Ind. phone 351. -.. 37U LAND AGENTS. When it comes to buying laads. new-comers in this- county will make ne mistake in consulting James , Lewis. Mr. Lewis has been in Benton for 30 veara and not only knows the county bur. the entire valley. He has Vjpeu actively engaged in telling and . buying live stock and real estate all oi tbia time and naturally his lodg ment is sound. He knows Boils and valnes. His knowledge is worth money . to anybody desiiingcorre tand sincere information . zo-U , fl. M. STONE. REAL ESTATE AND Intellieence office After 42 "years in Benton and Linn counties. I feel iusti ' fled in coming before the home-saekers of Oregon, and feel that I am com- . petent to locate all such as wish, to buy homes here, with judgment and competency. Hot 27 years l was a bridee bniider In Benton. Lane. Polk, Yamhill and Linn counties.1 I have - Trorertv in the above aamed counties to sell, and am thoroughly conversant ' with the same. I - ask no exclusive right of sale and unless property is sold by me I ask no. pay." Parties wishing to employ help or if looking . for a position, will find it a conven ience to phone or call at the office. ' Kindness and courtesy extended to all, Office. South Main street. Corvallis, . Oregon. Office phone 378Lres. phone WANTED TO RENT 6-ROOM HOUSlS. WITH bath, attractive yard, small barn. .In quire this office. -. i-. 51 tf- WASTED 600 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE GazxttB and Weekly - Oregonian at $2.55 per year. :y:-,',' DENTISTS E. H TAYL Rt DENTIST. -." PAIN les8 extraction fa Zierolf building Opp Post Otfl -e.-typrvatlis. Oregon. 3TAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND LSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6 :30 a. m. ; arrives - t Philemath at 12 m; leaves Philo ,. math 1 p. m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. - Fare. to Alsea $1.0 1 Round trip same dav $2 00. ' MB RlCKABD.V PHYSICIANS B. A. 0ATHEY. M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to I p. m. Residence: cor; 6th and Ad' ams Sts. Telephone at office and res tdence. ; . ? Oorvallis. Oregon 0. H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN . and Surgeon, Office am?. Residence, on '.. Main street, Philomath, Oregon. R. D. BURGESS. M. D. Office over Blackledge Furniture Store. Office hours: 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. . BANKING. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Corvallis, Oregon, does a general, con servative banking business. It guarded palely its customers' banking business through the. panics of the last two decades, which merits proper consider ation., It affords banking privileges at home - and abroad, first-class, not ex celled by any institution in the United States. . The members of the Board of Directors were born and raised in Ben ton County, except one, and that mem' ber has resided in the county forty-six years, lue business history ot each ;ris as an open book before the people.of the county. . Loans to customers solicit ed, properly secured. - - 40tf MISCELLANY. LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR CAMPING v grounds, overlooking city and Exposi tion. Address Park Co., 540 Jackson : St., Portland. Or. - 52-60 elastic pulp Hplaster. NO SAND. NO LIME. Eire Proof) . Water Proof WILL HOT FALL OFF CRACK CRUMBLE Just the Thing for Hop-Driers. 'Write for Catalogue. Pacific Pulp Plaster Co. PHONE MAIN 2362,' ' 517-521, Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON, r R. M. WADE S CO., Agts.r Corvallis. Notice to Property Owners of Pro p posed Street Improvement. Xotioe is herby trlveh thai th Common of Juue, 19(W. imnrove the following -parts of tne tol- lowlog-uamed streets, as follows., by placing as near the center as practicable a layer of gravel as follows, one cubic Tara to eaen nve and one-half lineal feet, said gravel to be spread six feet In width. - And that the cost of making: saia improvement uiuiuuiug tue civreei squares shall be paid for by the property ad jaceut to and benefitted by said improvement van Jill re 11 atrevi. iniia- iuq wesii siue vi 12thr street westerly to the east side of-county road leading past the West side of Wilkins Aaamon to ine uity oi wrvaiiis. z " ' . Harrison street from the west side of 4th street westerly to the east side- of railroad track on 9th street " - Madison street from west siae ot sin street westerly to the east side of railroad track on 9th street. 1 South street from the renter of 9tn street or road known, as the .county read leading from Oorvallis to the Polk county-line wester ly to thceaat side of county road leading past the west side of Jobs Addition to the City of Corvallis. ' Oak street from the -renter Of Jenerson stn-et southerly to the norths side of railroad track hading from Crva!lis to Poilomath. - oak street Irom- tne Bontneiae oi rauroaa track leadiue from Corvallis to Philomath southerlv to the north side of couuty road leading from Corvallis to Philomath. To the owners of the property adjacent to and subject to assessment for the improve ment of thr above-named parts' of the above named streets, .you are required if you have any objection to the proposed improvements to file sail a objections in writing Vith the police judge within twenty days of June. 1005, said date being the-final pubhea from tne inn uay tinn nf this nntinn ' Given under my hai.d and seal of the city of CorvalUs thin 16th day of June, 1905. '- E. P. GREFFOZ, , Police Judge of the City of Corvallis- - Huge Ttt-s: -, It was a huge task, to undertake the care of sauh a bad case of kidney dis ease, as that ef 0. F. Collier, of Chero kee, Iowa, but. Electric Bitters did it. He writes: - "My kidneys were so far gone, I could not tit on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headache, ani - depression. In Electric Bitters, however, I found a cure, and by them was restored to per fect health. - I recommend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kid neys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by lien Woodward, druggist; price 60c BITS OT PARIS ETK1UETTE. Manual Has Just Been Issued Prance to Guide Both Hen - and Women. v How one oaght to behave in po-. lite society is always an interest ing topic,, and even if we know all about it it is worth while to lieai what the latest mentor has to saj on this score. 'The Etiquette ol Politeness and the Usages of Mod' ern Society in all the Circumstafi ces of Life" is the ponderous tklt of a bulky volume issued in Paris on this entertaining subject. As an index to the behavior ol French women and French nen ii is significant to note that young wives are counseled to . banisl from their dwelling the "dan-ar ous visitor," giving him to under stand that "you . can; never bt anything: more , to him than i stranger.'' Young men who think they look" well on horsebacl should meditate this sage advice "If you are not .an experienced equestrian, do not accompany th ladies to hounds." -v..: ."Men who have attained a cer tain age are told that they maj, "embrace little girls on the fore head before their confirmation. Ut till that period it is a paternal ca ress, but after that it is wise to ab stain." Presumably after confir mation the little girls begin to de yelop a a preference f or pthei than paternal caresses. One would have thought that in a coun try where men were so proverbial ly gallant it would not have beer nec essary to warn them that it is np t ''correct to stand With theii back to the fire, leaning on the mantelpiece.'! : ."- - But the counsel is there, and ii i gravely added: : "By so doing' vou deprive others of the comfort tig heat which you monopolize.' ' The husband," we learn, "ir speaking of his wife says: llj v ife,'- but' he must not say to her Is not so, my wife' Neithei aust 'the wife address her hus band in this fashion." WILL OF A PATRIOTIC MAN Hoboken, N. J., "Resident "Leaves - Large Share of Cash to Pay on : . the National Debt, No stranger or more interest ing will has ever been made than f-hat: by which Joseph EL Lewis of Hoboken, N. J. left the larger share f his money to the United states to be used toward the pay ment of the national debt. He ;as 87 years old and lived alone ith an old housekeeper. He was orn of English parents on' the -'and of Jamaica, bnt ; came to Ms country when only a small iy.- Hei enlisted in the war of 31? and forever " after was the Atanchest of patriots.: By trade he yas an engraver and had a little i jop near Trinity churchy where n:'.ny of the fashionable weddin. nrds were engraved, as were tin 'Or plates of the rich. In that the door plate was a most ; : tportant adjunct to the front of c. Lous, arid Lewis did a thriving trade ia engraving them. r Though he retired from : busi ness at an early date, his compe tence was so invested during the --emainder of the vears of bl yiat atriiio ueatil w-taiB. - as rained at over Sl.OOO.OOO. '!'d many plans for the final -retribution 6t - his fortune, bu rone of them pleased, him as did .c idea of leaving it to his coun ry. He often told his friends that lie had made his money in 'this country and all that he was he 'vod to the United States.: For J!,at reason he wished- to repay fs indebtedness as best he could. ith the exception of a feW small bc'iuests. the- entire fortune of tl is patriotic man was turned tover to the United States govern ment. Called the Turn. , The elderly maiden had recent ly inherited a 640-acrefarm.- Later a man from an adjoining village appeared upon the scene; "Will you i be my wife,?", he asked. ."I love you with my whole heart."' " - ' "For the land's sake!" exclaimed the giddy old girl. Chicago Daily News.- . . ' I An Oddity. -Wife The woman who recent ly "moved next door is certainly an oddity.' y " ' " Husband How's that? 5 j -; "Why, she doesn't belong to a single society for the prevention of anything!" Chicago Daily News. WOMEN WHO -'MNVESTlGATr 'insincerity Ia Supreme Fault of Bom - Who Look for Positions, But ITever Take On. When the woman in the brown walking suit had left the room, relates the New York Press,-the man at the desk by the window called out: "Bright-appearing woman, that. I hope you hired her." "Well, I didn't," said big part ner. "Why not?" "Because she didn't want to be hired." - j "Then what did she answer o.ur advertisement for?", - ' "You tell me and I'll tell yon," was the.enigmatie reply. "Whydo any of those people that don't real ly want a job go around looking for one? A lot' of them do: , I suppose that the different women "who make a fad of answering adver tisements; found in the help wanted column are actuated by different motives. Possibly some of therh really think they would like a situation, but when they get inside a business office and gain some idea of the amount of work to be done they back out. . , "Then there is another class of insincere investigators. They drive a hard worked business man clear up to the brink of strong drink and sometimes right over it. They . are the women ,who belong to freak societies organized for the purpose of improving mankind. Usually they begin on the man who has advertised for a clerk or a stenographer. They think he is a "bad lot, and in order to find out just how infamous he can be they mswer his advertisement. In that way they find out what wages he pays and the degree of respect ac corded to the prospective employe. Afterward they scorch him in a club paper. I have furnished copy three times, and I expect I'll be written up. again. I' think that woman who just went out was looking for material." Theman at the desk by the win dow was clearly perplexed. . ' "What a queer fad," he said. THE POPULATIONCENTER. That of the United States Has Been Going- Slowly Westward for -- Several Decades. - The "center of population" ' of the United States, as fixed under each federal census, travels slow ly westward, and is bow a little north of the valley of the Ohio riv er, and has been for several dec ades in southern Indiana, says the Washington: Post. The present center of negro population, how ever, as fixed by the same bureau, is now at DeKalb county, Ala bama, on the Georgia border, a few miles south of Tennessee. That is, while the center of white population moves: westward, that of the negro population moves steadily southwest, arid has beeii doing so for more than 100 years, having tra veled through Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia in turn, and now having crossed to Alabama. The divergence be tween "? the- two centers . grows greafer" with each decade. At the close, of the reconstruction period it ttSs expe-oite Ly many - people that there would be a vast influx of, 'southern negroes into - the north, until the whole west would be overrun with refugees from the southern- plantations. - Actu? ally, through the nt tural operation of the jaw of- selection, the negro population gravitates toward the- Gulf of Mexico, and particularly to the cotton raising'states. The" colored population of Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, border states, is not increasing consider ably. -Instead of coming nearer together the two races seem to be getting further apart. . - A Personal Hemark. "No, madam," said the ladies tailor, "I can't, take a penny off the price of that coat. The figure I quoted just now is the lowest pos sible." ' "But," protested Miss Bargen, "as I told you, I figure that it can " . ' "Madam, your figure is simply ridiculous." ; "Sir ! ! !" Philadelphia Press. '-:::J' - ' ' " , - y-K X -' The Collector. " w - G'oodley Why don't yon go to work?, " Beggar I am workin'. I'm a collector o' rare coins. , Goodley But a nickel is not a rare coxa. - r Beggar It is to me. Philadel bia Ledger. I , i- II . n"j- it " . 1 II I TiniiTiiiHW Acgetable Prcparalionfor As similating tticFoodandBcguIa ting the Stomachs aralBowels of UKu ui itb:ii iu 5H Promotes DigcstiortCheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neilher Opiumforplune norMkieraL KotUakcotic. - J r - - - rm Aperfed Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomaeh.Diarrhoea and Loss of Sleep. - FacSinule Signature of . NEW "YD UK. EXACT C0y OF WRAPPER. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. , MAIL ARRIVES. -8:30 a. m. Mail arrives by stage for Portland and all points . . North and East, also for Californiaaodpointson S.P. 10 a. m. From Monroe by stage. HAS a. m. From Philomath and points West on C. & E- 12 m. From Portland and all points on the West Side. t30 p. m. From Albany and all points North on thesr P. Corvallis Rates to ' Over Southern I ndividual RATE . . . . One and one-third fare for t,he round trip. ) '"'-J SALE DATES, .Daily fromMay 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. 23.0O LIMIT... . .. . .Thirtv ds. hut not later than Oct. 31. 1905. Parties ot Ten or More. For parties of ten or more from one point, (must travel together on one ticket both ways), party tickets will be sold as follows: RATE One fare for the round trip. ) SALE DATES . Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905. V $2.60 UMIT....T... Tendavs. - S Prganized Parties of 100 or More. For organized parties of one hundred or4inoretLmovinff on one day from one placer individual RATE.".. ..'...One fare for the round trip. : ; ittr nn. SALE DATES;. Daily from May 29th to Oct. 15th, 1905 JZ.uO LIMIT... Ten Days. , - (. :yr::-y . Stopovers. No storjovers will be allowed on any of the Tabove! tickets: they must be used for continuous passage in each direction. For further information call on W. E. COMAN, Gsn'l Pas. Agt., NJtice to Cred t .r. Notice if) bfrebv jriven that the nndtr-'Ubwl has injen atoiMtiU vxtxutor with the will uiinexud of the est tte of hhoda layloc. deeeased. - Ail yer Hons having clatniA against saM estate are hereby required t prenent Tire anie lu.y veriiitia ut( D law lu the onderdiifiie! atCorvaliU. ort- toD, within six mufitha from thm ilate. - WALTB& K . I Y1R. MWIOT Dated thjs Svb ot aiay, v&. Pneumonia follows La Orlppo but never follows the uee of Cm KWO Honey I ULt.1 a and Tor Xtttopi the Gongh and heals the long PrarsaU Fneunoida and GoBranpttea. Ka. & Taasxa.UT Osgood Bs. Ghteu wtttHi "Mt wtto baa tecrispeiaaUMklua ssssrBSssaixas For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years in aomrun. New yohk orrr. MAIL DEPARTS. - 6 a. m. For Albany and points . - East on the C. & E., and for points North of Albany on the S. P. " 10:30 a. m. For Albany and all points North and South or the S.P. 12:30 p. m. For West Side poin ts, - Portland, and points North, and East, also for points Weston the C. & E. 2 p. m. For Monroe, Or. 6:15 p. m. For Portland, Cali fornia, and points North, East and South. - . Lewis and Clark Fair Pacific Railroads, Tickets. tickets will be sold as follows: J. E. FARMER, Agent, Corvallis. Portlgnd. Registration of Liind Title. Ia the Cis ca t Court of the 8 ate of C rron for Benton county. n the matter oi the Application of b. M. Howell and T, C. Howell, iilieuitg and ' Plaiill&i, to refrister the title to tlie east half of the east half of section 5; the north half, and tbe southeast quarter nf section 15; the outh hiiif, nd UieMuih half of the northwest q-iarter of section 17; the north- r . east quarter, and the east half of the north- - west quarter, and the porthwext quarter of ' the northwest Quarter of section 21: all in... township 11 sonth, rantre 7 west of the Wil lamette Mendian. in Benton county, urefon. and containiofr 1317 acres," .. - TS.- ' - - .- C. M. Giddings, Defendant. - Upamti the . AW hp J - irt W - : THSCCtmum . to all whom it may concern, laiie nonce: vHwm That on tbe 14t day of June, A. D., 19fc&, an ap plication was filed by said E. M. Howell and T. C Howell, in the Circuit Court of Benton county, Ore fron, for initial registration of the title of the land, above described. ' - Now unless yon appear on or before the 19th day of July, A. D., 1905, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered ac cording to 'the prayer ot the application, and yoa will be forever barred from disputing- the same. Witness my hand and the seal of said Circuit Court ot Benton county, Oregon, hereunto affixed this 14th day ot June, A. . , 1905. -SKAU VICTOR P. MOSES, County Clerk and lEx-Ofhcto Clerk ot the Circuit Court of tbe State ol Orege tec Benton eoua7