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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1905)
HE CORMUS GAZETTE Published Tuesday ad Fridays by Gazette Publishing Comp any. The snbscriptlon pncftof the Gazettb for several years has been, and remains, i $2 per annum, or 25 per cent discount if paid in advance. IS IT WISE? The conviction that Russia has not yet suffered enough defeat grows upon one. - This conviction is followed by the thought that President Roosevelt is a little premature, though with the best possible intent, in his efforts for peace. We have contended, not without a horror of war in all its hellishness, that there will be no lasting peace between Russia and Japan until mastery beyond ques tion has been thoroughly estab lished by war io the bitter end. For other nations' chief execu tives and rulers to intervene and force peace will bring about a cessation of hostilities and little else. Until one of the nations themselves are fully vanquished on the field of battle, and ac knowledges the fact, there will be no lasting peace. If obliged by other nations to end the war both Russia and Japan will watch each other eternally and secret prepa rations will be the order of the day with both powers. Roosevelt, great and good man that he is, is doing all in his power for the honor of this na tion to negotiate peace, but the wisdom of this proceeding is a doubtful quantity. While we, as a people, one and all, deplore the awful sacrifice of human life, it may be best to have' the matter fully settled now on the principle that one war is cheaper than two. NORWAY. Norway in seceding from the "Sweden-Norway union claims the right to do so under the terms of the compact under which the two nations have been bound. It is stated that they applied to King Oscar of Sweden to sup ply tnem one or. his sons as a kingf or Norway. This Oscar refused to do, claim. ing that were he to do so he would be attacking his own title, as he still holds that he is king of Norway as well as Sweden. It seems that it would be a good thing, and a wise one, for . Nor way to settle down on" the basis f a republic. All nations . are drifting in this direction and ulti mately the powers of Europe will adopt this plan of govern ment. There is no excuse for any other governmental form. To declare there is reflects upon the intelligence of the common people of a nation. - If the people of any country are enlightened according to 20th century standards they are capable of self-government. If they are unfit to the task of self rule they are benighted and must .have some person or power be ' yond their own choosing to guide thenu They are incapable of choosing. - ; Norway is, we believe, fully capable of managing her affairs as a republic and the" best thing to do is to start a republic and stick to it on these lines FOR FREE LOCKS. Movement Started " by Willam ette Valley Development League. ' The rnovtinent for goveinment ownership of the Oregon City Locks was started good and strong at the meeting or the Willamette Valley Development league in Independence last week and there will be do let up in the agitation. People of Wil -::;e tj-valvey can not afford it, li. is an uiatrage that '50 cents a ton on tvery article pro duced' should be taxed up against farmers and manufactures in this valley because of a little obstruc tion in the river at Oregon City. , Since the meeting the-Portland Telegram has interviewed a num ber of transportation people i n the metropolis. Here are some of the interview?: Captain' James Shaver, of the Shaver Transportation Company do not tnmlc the Uregon City Canal and locks Should be tied up by private ' interests, which . use water for adjacent mills and often leave the channels shallow, to the detriment of steamers. Gov ernment ownership would mean that they would be : placed in good shape and always naviga ble. . . - Herbert Holman, of the Kel log Transportation . Company I don't see why the Gavernment maintains locks at the Cascades, and not on the Willamette. . This river is entitled to the locks, as well as the Columbia. . ' - Captain E. W. Spencer, ol The Dalles Navigation Company I have waited just 25 years -for such a move. It would mean the ta would be removed on every bushel of wheat and other products of the valley and thus help every one. Most emphatic allv I favor Government owner ship. 'Manager Graham, of the Yel-i low "Stack Line The residents of the Willamette Valley - be tween Portland and Eugene pay in the neighborhood of $100,000 each year as tonage at the locks., Whether the freight goes by rail or water tue rates for transportation are on the same basis, hence the shippers and consignees must shouldeT a portion of the tax of 50 cents a ton. , Government ownership would obliterate this 50 cent tax and it would reduce freight charges just that much They are the only locks in the United States covering the same amount 01 water tnat have sa heavy a tax. - Captain George Conwav, super intendent or the O. R. & N; wa ter lines xne tnrouen tax on freight is 50 cents a ton and 2 ; cents on that loaded at the mills. To make the locks free mieht possibly invite .competition on the upper river, . but that would not hurt anv one. ' D. C O'Reilly, of the Diamond O. Line The free use of the locks would help Portland, the valley and state at large. The tax handicaps the river lines and retards the development of the upper valley and river business. BEAVER CREEK. . Mrs. Stephens was a Corvallis vitit r last Saturday. -. " Ed Hawkins was a Philomath visitor la it Saturday.' .. - : John Daniels- was a Corvallis visitor last Monday. " " - Mr. and Mr. Daniels, and visited with Mr McBee and family last Sunday. . Mr, and M s. John Bennett, of Philo math, were' visiting at Frank Bennett's last Sunday. .- . s . Chas. Peiin, who has been working at the Glfason saw mill, went home Uet Monday to Rttend-his hay irop. , ' - ' , Several f enr c itizens who have been attending the Exposition ha e returned. They report a fine tine. The annual school meeting was held at the Beaver Creek school house last Meu day. m. rark was elected school 1 rector and Geor.e Winters was elected school clerk. - Curious Bird Ways. But how birds know when to go, and which way'to turn, are things not yet well understood, because the flights are at night and thk great -movements start a long time before it really becomes nec essary for the birds to go.- They leave their winter homes (perhaps in Mexico) when there is no per ceptible change in the weather and return from . their breeding grounds in most cases while their food supply is at its very height long before it is coldVor the grass and weed seeds and insects begin to get scarce; - In many cases, too, the young birds of the year, who have never left their homes be fore, lead the long procession in the great southward flight and are followed later by their parents. St. Nicholas. ' ' "Worth Trying. 1 , .. He What can I do to prove my love for you, dearest? ' . She Well, I - don't know whether there is anything in it or not, but I have heard that absence f makes the heart' grow fonder! - btray Stories. - Cake Kldoajs cad BhMWap Ccftict thaoklag ta Powder Magezta Ia courting death more saWenly"bnt not more surety than - nntrfecting kMney dia Arrtera. - Foley' Kidney Core wiltmro a alight disorder in a lew dava and it con tinue use will cure the most obstinate cases. It lias cured many people of Brighi'a disease and diabetes who were thought to be incurable. If yon have kidney or bladder trouble, commence taking Foley's Kidney Cure to-lay, be fore it is too late. . Graham & Wortham have it for sale. Closing Out. . For want of room we willTclose out at a4 alii TM..L- . T-.l- scopes Small Rugs and T Art Squares. We want the public to know that this sale is Bpna Fide, as we need the room for a -Ladies' Cloak and Suit Depart ment. J. ML NOLAN & SON. - 48-54 IDylug of Famine Is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption, ine progress or . consump tion, irom - the begins Wg to the very end, is a long torture, both to victim and to friends. "When I had consump tion in us Drst stage," : writes Wm. Myers, of Cearfoss,.. Md , "after trying oirterent -nedicines ana a good doctor in vain, l at last took Dr.. King's New Dis covery, which quickly aDd onietlv cured me." Prompt relief ami sure cure tor coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis Positively cures pneumonia. Guaran teed at Allen & Woodwa'd'a drug store, prv-eSOc anl $1 a bottle. Trial bottle free. Plumbing and v Heating! Cornice, Roofing, Guttering. and all kinds of Sheet Metal Work. . F. A. Heticye "In connection -with "1. H SIMPSON S HARDWARE STORE. We Fit Glasses PROPERLY,'. ACCURATELY, and SCIENTIFICALLY. To all Defects of Slaht, MATTHEWS, The Optician Room 12, Bank Building. - "IflndThedfora'sBlacV-Dranght ft pood medicine for liver disease. It cured my Fon after he had spent $100 with doctors. It is all the med- -Icine I take." MBS. CAPOLINH MARTIN, Parkersburg-, W. Va. ... If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Thedford's " Black-Draught and take a dose tonicht.- This nreat familv -" -:aedicine frees the constipated - noweiB, stirs up the torpid liver and causes' a healthy secretion . . of bile. - " - . . Thedford's " Black - Draught will eleanse the bowels of im- : purities and strengthen the kid neys. -.- A torpid liver' invites colds, bilionsness, chills and fever and all manner of sick- , ness anjl contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright 's disease which claims as many victimB as consumption." A 25-cent package of Thedford'g Black Draught should always be kept- m me nouse. "I nsed Thedford's Black-' Dranght for liver and kidney com plaints and found nothing to excel ft." WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar blehead, in. . . THEDFORD'S BLACK- " - Her Legal Aspects..' v bhe Mamma, ."you know, -h quite a judge xt human nature.' He Judge! Gad! Sometimes she's, more like a prosecuting at Icrney. Peek. IU ' ' - ; "jt- Clubbing Price! i ne uazette nas made a special Tarrangement with the publishersof ; a number of the heading -magazines and newspapers of the Unit ed States, whereby we - are offered cutrates on these publications. v ' Now wexould charge you the toll price for these landre- serve the differencelbetween the regular price and their special price to us, as ?6ur. commission, but as the Ga zette is a home paper for home people, it will be sat isfied by receiving you as a' new subscriber, or, if J you are now a subscriber, then by receiving your renewal for a year in advance.- This speeial rate may not last ong, so take advantage of it NOW while the chance is yours. A Great IVoman's Offer: Woman's Home Companion Frank Leslie's Monthly 2 Modern Priscllla and Corvallis Gazette All five 03. OB one year Villi Interest the en: - : -. -- Weekly Oregonlan San Francises Examinee . Corvallis Gazette All three one year $3. 35 Yet Another Offer: Cosmopolitan Magazine - or Leilies, Housekeeper or McCali's, Corvallis Gazette Any three M i one year 2. 00 - - Address. Gazoito Pub J Co .. . . . . Corvsllls,- QrCm'- are made in rough or smooth faced materials, in indistinct . over-patterns, not too pronounced in colorings, full of clothing smartness and style, correctly-matched materials, genteel in design, cut the new shape and all correct for Spring and Summer, Nine-teen-five. Prices just whaf you would expect $10 to $30. We think you will agree - with us that we have used clothes-sense in our selections of these noted makers high-quality clothes. HONE SEEKERS BaaBv lion; also snowing you over me county AMBLER & WATTERS, REAL ESTATE, LOANS-INSURANCE VIRGIL E. WAITERS, CORVALLIS . HENRY AMBLER, PHILOMATH. HARNESS FACTORY. J. E. WINEGAR, Proprietor. Harness, - Saddles, - Bridles, Robes, Dusters, Whips, Etc. . Everything found in any shop is in our Fact ry at prices to suit all purses- . . FINE LINE of HAMMOCKS. AH kinds of repair work done on up-torthe-hour style and prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. 'Opposite Mil- , ler's store, Corvallis, Or. Ind. Phone No. 128. 4 Job Printin When you pay out good money for ' , printing, . be sure and get good print ing for the money I ; " Do not send out printed mat-. - : ; y:. ter to your customers that is ; " . a, disgrace to your business . - . -. a disgrace to'your town and - - - " a disgrace to the printer vrho - - puts it out. .-.-" - Good Work costs you no more than the bad.. v . . Good printing is correct in " : - - spelling correct in gram- mar correct in punctuation " ...... on good ' stock printed with: good ink and some- ' thing that it is a pleasure to -- ' look at. . Bring your Job Work tottse Gazette Office. TyyTE do not see howK 1 7 - any we-dressed y man can think of wearing a year ago sack suit again this year.' Everybody' will . see : the difference at a glance. Sack suits this year are so different." You will buy one of our Crouse & Brandegee Normandie suits, that is one sure thing, as soon as you see them. They. carefully tailored, lined with li you are looking for some real good Bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry PHnches, write for our special list, or couie and see ub. We will take pleasure in giving you reliaole iuforma-