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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1905)
J I f LOCAL WD PERSONM. -Sol IB on the line. . -.Standard A cedar - ebingtea for $1 .50 per thousand at the Corval is Saw Mill. , 10 tf. R7 E. Gibson cims up from Portland, Saturday, on business that detained him for a couple of days. . ' Several fine show cases were in stalled at the Small bakery and confectionery . establishment last Saturday. . Mrs. Elsworth Erwin arrived home, Saturday, from a visit of several weeks!; with her , mothor in Yamhill county. " A dance was given at Willamette Grange hall last Friday evening and a number of Corvalhsites went up to indulge in the mystic whirl. Recorder Vincent is making pre parations for building a residence upon the property that he recently purcnasea. l ne new nome is to in Wilkins Addition. Mrs. Mary Bryson arrived home last Thursday from -Spokane, where she passed the last few' months. She states that her visit in that city was Djoit enjoyable m every way. v-.. William Mackey, an old Cor vallisite, came up from Indepen dence last tan turd ay , to remain day or two. Mr. Mackey was for several years sberifl of tnis county Attorneys .W. S. McFadden and J. F. Yates were called over to Lincoln county last week on legal business connected with the ; Shar- ratt murder case. They returned home Saturday. ' Mrs. M. S. Woodcock and sod, Ed win did not arrive home Saturday, with Mr. Woodcock, for , the reason that Edwin ; is haying his throat treated by a specialist and it was considered advisable for him to re main in Portland a little longer. Miss Melvina Elgin returned, Fri day, from Baker City, whither she had gone to be present at the bed side of her sister, Sophia, who Buf fered an attack of appendicitis Miss Sophia is reported to be eome better than she was, but is not yet out of danger. She is improving very slowly. 'V , . .'" . Last Friday, on a petition filed by Chief Lane, Hank Bier, of this city, was adjudged insane. Tha examination - was held in the fore noon and Dr. Pernot was the physi cian employed. To James Horn ing and John Wells was assigned the task of taking him to Salem It is a sad affair in every way. Mrs. Frank E. Jones and children arrived in this city , yesterday on the'.' morning train from Albany, They 'are from Selma,-: California, and come here to reside. ; Rev. Jones has been here some weeks and oc cupies the pulpit of the Christian cnurcn, wnere ne win ue permanent. Rev. Jones has domiciled his family in 'the house of Mrs. William Groves, Jobs Addition. v A dispatch in Saturday's Oregon ian reads: Manager Stimson has determined to enter the O. A. C, track team in the Columbia indoor meet .to- take placs at Portland i April 10. Liast year U. A. u. won the meet, scoring 19 point? more than her closest competitor. . The team is fairly strong this" season, and whila it cannot hope to repeat the p rformarce of last year, will . undoubtedly be a factor in the Col ' nmbia meet. In all, sixteen more people were . added to the population of Benton last Saturday, when - the West Side train pulled in at roon. J. H. Adams and A. F.: Harlan and families arrived from Furnas, Neb. Mr, Adams is a brother, and Mrs. . Harlan is a sister of Mrs. J. J; Cady, of this city. They are re ported to be highly pleased with ' what they have so far seen of the " .valley A. C. White states that the cattle on hie ranch near Blodgett are look ing extremely well this spring, on- account of he very inild. winter.. He has about 90 head of cattle to turn off this year and they are coming three and four . years old. Last : year, on account 01 me low price, n 1 carried the stock over, , 5Mri?Wirijte V ia ci the opinion that the ' prices will be better this year, and if such pi proves the. case he will .market 11 1 ; his . eaXXy.'-Y-k.jc stead is one of the neatest journals yet turned out by Jthat office. It is descriptive - of the counties of Ben ton and Lincoln. There are numer ous half-tones of our public and private' buildings and institutions, conBistins; of the court house, public r - school buildings, many farm scenes, views 61 :: prominent places, and ' buildings of Philomath and Monroe. In faefcibe write-up and half-tones contain more about our selves than any of-us . knew. ExcerptB . from . the write-up will be found in an oiner column. ":; . I . 1 . t . . . .... -. . i . Bert Yates, of this city, and Hi . Burke, of Portland, were called to Philomath on insurance business ast Friday. Attorney YV. E. Yates expects to go to Brownsville . this morning on legal business that will detain him a couple of days. Roy Irvine, who has made his home in fthis city for the past year, ett Sunday tor McMinnvule, where he will hold a position on the News-Reporter. Mr. Meaker. daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John Meaker, arrived in this city, Saturday, from Inde pendence. - She expected . to return home yesterday. , Wm. L. Edger, well kuown in this city, is said to have disappear ed "from. Vancouver, Wash., lately, leaving creditors in mourning to the extenUf $1,200. v , General Thorp, who has been East many weeks, the greater part of the time in Washington- D C, and Chicago, III, arrived home yes terday; and is said to be in the best of health. - rrof. Mordaunt Iroodnough was up from Portland, Saturday, and while here rented the new house just erected by Sidney Trask. He expects to . move his motner and sieter to this city about April 1st. Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the system of wireless telegraphy, was united in marriage last Thurs day with the Honorable Beatrice O'Brien. Guglielmo"; is now ac cused of having "popped" the ques tion by "wireless." : The following sales of property were negotiated by Robinson & Ste venson last week: Ira L. Hunter to A. L. Lembrocker,2 lots, $262.50; J. L. Hershner - residence property to Julian MeFadden, $775; E. S. Hornady to Mr.. Butler, house and 4 lots, near Carriage Factory, $850; J. JC. Berry to W, Tom, house and 3 lots, $925- Mr. Staats says there is much talk among the farmers of ' build ing a commercial line between Pal las and Corvallis, as an additional wire is badly .heeded for the long distance "service. It is-highly prob able that work on the new iine will be commenced within the next thirty diys. Polk C'-.unty Ob server, y 'v'" ,Dr. Thomas Parker has been ar rested in connection with the Shar- ratt murder, on charge of being acccessory after the fact. It seems that Dr. Parker extracted a bullet from the head of Sharratt, then at a latter date took oath that Shar ratt's death was the result of an abscess of the brain. The doctor is out on bonds. '-ry.rl T Reports haye Been received from the Yaquina hatchery showing that 4, 000, 000 silverside and 3, 000, 000 chinook salmon have been hatched there this seaeon. About 1, 000, OUO steelhead .salmon' eggs have been taken, and these will be used in the salmon hatchery exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Toledo Reporter, r. C. L.Taylor, of Corvallis, and Miss Maud McGee.of Albany, were united in marriage, Sunday, at the home 01 the bride's parents, ' Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, in Albany, Rev. Wright of the M. E. church, South, was the officiating clergy man. Mrs. Jennie Grier, of this city, a sister Of th groom, attended the , wedding. Only relatives ' of the contracting parties were pres ent. ' A couple of ladies of this city bad . occasion," last week, to visit a stock farm near : Blodgett. Thev remained . there ? several ' days and got so desperate over jthe matter of returning, to the city that they fin ally emoraced tne opportunity to ride : the t fifteen " miles t seated ; in chairs in a . lumber wagon. Thos best informed . declare that hence forth the ladies will eliminate car riages when they ride abroa d, Street work started in this, city last yridaywhetu plowing was com menced on th 8tr?et from the resi dence property A Thus. Wbitehorn a. - ii rt it. :. xn- -i 1? - 1 1 io ine u niiea xuyansencai xnurcn. When this is done,' the plow1 "will be used on a block of the street lying tetweeaH;rje -residence of Johnson Porter and George 'Smith.' Next in order is the breaking, up of the street from the : Bert Lacy home south across 4ha property, of -theXX & E Railroad Cq. When all the plow ing is .done the grading will be undertaken. A brief report of the death o: mary Amanaa jaay reached us yesterday, afternoon. She was the daughter of , F; P; and Mary Frantz and was born in 1865, ' in Appanoos county, Iowa. ; She came to this county when quite ', a '.little girl Her death ' occurred yesterday morning at w o ciock, and the re mains will be interred in the family burying grounds " in K.vsa - Valley today. She was the wife of Perry ilddy, and - the husband and live 1 children survive her. PHILOMATH CONTEST. An Interesting Write-Up of What Occurred.lby Our Renre- sentative. The local orohibition oratorical contest'for a representative ' ' from Philomath to the State Prohibi tion contest ' to be held id Mc Minnville in the near future, oc curred last Thuisday evening in the chapel of Philomath College. There were five contestants, two ladies and three gentlemen. The college u societies made things lively with their speaking horns, giving society yells just preced ing the contest; There was much j r rivalrv between the ladies and gentlemen, with honors ending ,,,.. . : : The innVrs on deliverv" were Prof. A." N. Fulkerson, princi- oal of Philomath miblic school: Helen Crawford, of OAC: Sunt. a' w Ti,-ntt was held under "the atisnires of the - Prohibitionary - . League of Philomath. The orations were well rendered, ! each contestant showing careful . drilling and much natural ability. , Those contesting for honors were Livian Bond, Mrs. R. H. Lewis, A. Whitten, Merrill Stains, and Mr. Still will. - Mrs. K. ti. ' Lewis was given first honors and Andrew Whitten dining room was crowded to the second, ""honors. Prof. Henry utmost It was a most sump Sheak presented the one coming tuous banquet and everything second, Andrew Whitten, with a was in the height of style, silver medal and - the ' three not Ladies and gentlemen appeared winning medals with some choice books. Prof. O. V. White in a "ew well chosen words, presented Mrs, Lewis with - the gold medal. Mrs, Lewis will represent Philo math at McMinnville. . Should she win there she will then repre- sent Oregon . in the inter-state contest, and winning there will represent these states . at the National : Oratorical Contest. 1 hese contests are held so as to promulgate and ; advance, the cause 01 proniDition. if is a very effective way to accomplish this aim. During the evening the ladies' quartet rendered some- excellent selections: This is "one "ot the best ; quartetts to be found any- where in our county, and being adies, we are air proud of them. A The men's quartet also did well. The representative of the Gazette being especially partial . to the ladies, will riot go backon thern notwithstanding the good ' work Weed and - Angel rendered two verv excellent recitations: The work of them and the. orators sneaks well 1 for Miss " Letilia Abrams, elocutionist at Philo- math Colleee. Her work as teacher in ; this . department is bearing good results. - " " Water Works Bill. --. In our last issue we printed, in reference to the council discussion of the advisability of .the city ordering a survey . and estimate ot tne route and probable cost ot city water works, the gist of a "JigS?'1 There was some little discrepancy and in order that our readers may thoroughly understand the sec tions of the bill that have creat ed -the greatest discussion, we now submit the following: - Section 2 The power and authority . given to the city by section 1 hereot, to contract . or l purchase water works and issue 1 and dispose of : bonds , thereof, shall be exercised as hereinafter 1 provided by the following named 1 substantial taxpayers and ..bona fide residents . thereof, :. namely: E; Woodward, M. S- Woodcock, R. H. Hustpn. Thos. Leese, B. F. Irvine, S. L. Inline; P. Avery, W. S. McFadden, and T. R. Smith, who shall : be. styled ; col lectively., 'The -Water, Com mittee" and hereinafter mention ed ' and referred - Xxf as the com mittee. " 1 ' ; Sprtiftti t Thi water com mittee,r rat their pleasure, - shall elect a presiding , omcer , jrom ,1 .. i.jt.' -1.-11 t. i 1 J ineir numDer, wno suau uc svy tbv kn elect a clerk: who shall be styled clerk of the . ' . . . .. ' muiuimw, ou r'-5 and clerk shall hold their respec- tive offices until their successors are elected.and quaunea r , .. VontlM , A: ,1A MAnPUPT El Tl V ... . r J- memoer 01 gaiu comiumw muv? j named; or . nereaiter eiectea as ? 4 herein provided, shall arrive 'or """shall cease, tf be a taxpayer or a hona fide resident ;tf the City of Cor valhs, or shall - become a member l tne commission, then in either c i said events j there shall Tje aeemea to Pe a vacancy in said 1 - committee. Whenever a vacancy shall exist in said committee- as the result of the causes above named, or by reason of the death or resignation of a member, the said committee shall at its next regular meeting electtrom among the substantial taxpayers and bona fide residents of the City of Corvallis a sufficient number of persons to fill all vacancies then . . ,, ., - - proviaea, nowever, mat 1U meeveni'ine saia coram uiee sha11 for the Perio(J of 3 months after such vacancy or vacancies occur, be unable , to agree, upon any persons to fill the. vacancy or vacancies, thereafter the mayor C said City of Corvallis shall vote with said committee for the purpose of filling such vacancy or vacancies. Second Annual Banquet. The second annual banquet was given at Hotel Corvallis last Saturday evening .'in. nonor of OAC's football team. It was a public function and the large m f uii dress and this crave . tone Urt 1,0 aflFoii. During the course of the ban quet many good toasts were given. &: t . Irvine acted in the capacity of toast master. . Among others, ttte toiiowipg gentlemen responded to toasts: Pres. Gatch, Lieut. ' Qumlan, v Dr. Lester, is. W. Johnsofi1, F. U Miller, and W..G. Emery. ; After the ban- auet. President Gatch "in a neat speech presented the boys of the team with a fine sweater - each, and a picture of the entire team. After the presentation of the sweaters, an election of officers was held, and Manager Stimpson was re-elected manager of the team for the r following year. Capt. Pilkington : retired and Root was ' elected to his place. tWhtwat. Won movwv L idnnHne1 mtiVAo. Thah" it . I without 1 - Died Suddenly, A lew moments alter s o'ciock Saturday morning Gustav, 14- year-old son of Mr. andMrs. B, Woldt of this city, expired after a very brief illness. The case was an unusual one. . The boy, who was said to nave Deen a model lad, and bright," attended 1 school up to ; noon ' last WedneS' day, ' At noon he comnlained of headache and did not go' to school in the afternoon. Trouble developed rapidly and Thursday was a puzzling one and a little later Dr.. Cathey was called. The only4 thing 4possible to discover was that the boy suffered a feel ing of $ sdreness back of ' one 02 his hips, near the spinal column. He grew rapidly worse despite all ettorts to save nun ana soon died." It was likely a' case o: septic poisoning. Mr.' woldt answered the sad summons and returned irom Portland on the West Side train Saturday. The funeral services were held at the family residence at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. jsusn. i xne , remains were r- m- terred in Crystal Lake cemetery. Additional Local. It seems if .the Russian" army expect to i beat ' the J aps to Kt p-te-ph,,,,. they . "will have to I T o i nurry . WooLis 1n"ted ln th'8 '7 -V 1 aDout lw or 2tJ nta . np.r rw-ninrl- is yet ar .trine - early. Mair- .is started off at'28 cents pet VimH, but the price does npt appear to1 be - nrmiy on rt? reel onerm ..iiUTiiett nas ngured iup I . vt ttx . . . " a mat bv o b. m.. March 15. taxes had been paid m this county in the at' sum of $60,187 j those who paid the age "of 70, years, The Latest Oxford, College Pattern. Extra large Eyelets. Very Stylish . . : ; V If you want something distinctive, Individual, come and see this shoe Furnishing Uoods Depart ment Gomnteta Lines in Spring Styles. The Best $3.00 Hat m the world- Ihe Gordon Sold Exclusively by The White House, Petaluma tlx t HOLLY CHICK FOOD A perfect food for little Chicks ...J. ..per 100 poun Is, $3.50 ' - Dry Granulated Bone .per 100 pounds,- $2.00 V' Ground Eastern Oyster Shell par 100 pounds, $1iO Crystal Grit.. per 100 pounds, $1.SO . Cracked Corn.'. ......per 100 pounds, $1.40 tee's Liquid Lice Killer and a lull line of Poultry Supplies SPECIALS ' Union Ms at Go.'s Hams 12 cents per pound. " f Bacon 14 . ' " " Patent Shipping Boxes, 15-egg size, 124 cents each; 30-egg N 1 y '.-"size, 16 cents each. ''.).,. Fa L, C A. ROBINSON . fNDKrCNDCMT PHOHC.14.9 . Robinson & Stevenson Real Estate, Loans and Insurance A FULL , FAR CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE CALL AND LIST YOU their taxes ( numbered 1,650. On this date the time granted, for a re bate expired and after April 3rd, if at least. half your, taxes . are not paid you will be subject to a 10 per cent, penalty and 12 per cent, in terest, so -hurry up. ' . , Startling Mortality. , : Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. -To pre vent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr -King's New Life Pills.. M. Flannery, of 14 Cus tom House Place, Chicago, says t "They have no equal for Constipation and Bili ousness, toe at .aiien &. wooawara, L-L.ST OF JWUf OffiCE PHONE. c Latest Spring Styles New Lasts, New Leath ers,, Oxfords and Bals. See Window Display ' Corvallis, Ore. Incubators! We have the exclusive agency lor the Petaluma IncubatorsA. Brooders carried in stock and sold , at factory prices : .. ' . . 54-egg size $10.00 126-egg size...- 1 $20.00 216-egg size.......,;............... $27. OO We also have the famous Cyphers Model Incubators and Colony Brooders. Corvallis A. Li Stevenson INOCPCNDCNT PHONf 2 Ol .'. .. 375 Corvallis, Ore. R PROPERTY WITH US. IA".iB : Pneurnonta follows La Orlpp v , tuf nsvsr follows ths use of .' FOLEY'S Honey Tar ' tiftopi thii Cough and heali fb luaga. PrTenU Poeamocda And ponKtmptlon. Kb. a. Vaoha, at 157 0ood 8k. CUwc wAWi uUs uttu had ta gripe toi It left hat with air aoU wi htm lose tout' Bart Am T rl nhplflyj t ;if you want new nues put in a .i