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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
CUSSIficD HUNTS E. Five lit a. or lees, 25 cento for three naeertions r 50 cents per month. WANTED WANTED MEN TO CUT 300 COEDS of fir w.ixl. Address Jens Peterson, Philomath. Or. 22-24 HIGHEST ' CASH PRICE PAID FOR 11 kinds if Toultry also dressed Pork, 8mith A Boulden, Corvallis, Oregon, next to ixkttb office. WAiSTE a 0 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at : 2.60 per year. THE HOME SAVINGS BANK CAN he obtnined at the First National Bank Corvallis. Its use encourages habits of economy and thrift. It is an orna ment to any household. ... Write for minted description. . 20tf AN ENERGETIC LADY CAN SE- nnre the aeencv for this city and sur roondin- country for a hieh-grade line of Flavoring extracts, Perfumes Tnilet Articles. Toilet Soaps, etc., by addressing the Pearsall Mfg'Co., Des Moines la. Write them for sample out fit- Thev allow a bie commission, also fiivenreminms. 19tf H. M. STONE, REAL ESTATE AND Intelligence ofnte After 42 years in Benton and Linn counties, 1. teel insti fied in coming before the home-seekers of Oregon, and feel that I am com petent to locate all such as wish to bnv homes here, with judgment and competeny. For 27 years I was a bridge bnilder in Benton, Lane. Polk, Yamhill and Linn counties. .1 have property in the above amed counties to sell, and am thoroughly conversant with the same. I ask no. exclusive right of sale and unless property is Bold by me I ask no pay. ; Parties wishing to employ help or if looking - for a position, will find it a conven ience to phone or call at the office. Kindness and courtesy extended to all Office. South Main street, Corvallis, Oregon. Office phone 378, res. phone tio. FOR SALE THE "VAPOR BATH CABINET'' FOE sale at Graham & Wells, with printed instructions for administering the bath at home,' to cure numerous ailments without use of medicine internally. ; Applications can be made at home I without aid of experts Try one, the - '. price is small. NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG : gies and go-carts, at Dilley & Arnold's. SOFT-SHELLED ENGLISH WAL inuts ontyield all other varieties.,, If you desire trees write for price and par 1 ticulars to Bert Brooks. McMinnville, ;Or R. F. D. No. 2. , , SHORT ON PEEUNA BUT LONG jon Prunes. Italian Prunes. 50 lb.; ' boxes, $1.50."" Come quick. . : - " F. L. Milleb. BABY CARRIAGE FOB SALE AL ', most new combination carriage and go cart with silk parasol and rubber tires for sale at a bargain. Enquire at this Office. - - '-' ..". .V TWO REGISTERED OXFOED DOWN Bams and four half-breeds. Peter Whitaker. FOR SALE TWELVE YOUNG SHORT horn milch cows, bred from milk strains on, both sides; one short-horn bull ; one Jersey bull ; registered Poland China hogs, male and female. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Ore. 23tf EASTEEN OREGON FARM PROPER. ;ty for sale. We have over 30,000 acres in improved wheat farms for sale in Gilliam. Sherman and Morrow coun ties, Oreoon. Prices of these lands $15 to $20 tier acre. Small cash payment and easy terms on balance. . We also havs first-class implement business for sale in a live Eastern Oregon town on railroad. Address. Moore Bros., 621 Washington St., Portland, Ore. 23-26 hotels; OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, tCOEVALLIS, Oreonn. White help only employed Good, clean cooking:' clean beds, and rooms well ventilated: first-class ser vice: splendid facilities to accommo date the nublic. - Across the street from First National Bank. 23tf ATTORNEYS' W. E. YATES, THE LAWYEE, Both Phones. CORVALLIS, OE, E. R. BEYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Post Office Building, Corval as, Oregon. JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary. Titles, Conveyanc ine. Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building, EXPRESSMEN. YELL! WELL ! HERE'S JOHN LEN- . cer. Known him 22 years. Still car ries Uncle Sam and baggage. John is an accommodating man and always can he found at his post Allen's Drug Store, or phone zoi. '- MUSIC. PIANO INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN - hit ; mAn of advancement. Also pianos tuned and repaired in first-class manner, in a. pnonu w. .x White. DENTISTS H. TAYLOR. DENTIST - PALN In Zierolf building Go rvalue. Oregon.. -- less extraction. Opp. Post Offi . dTAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m.; arrives it Philemath at 12 m; leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persona wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to AJea$1.0o Bound trip same day $2.00, M. 8. ElCKABD. PHYSICIANS B. A. OAT HEY. M. D.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Booms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a . m . , 2 to 1 p. m. Residence : cor. 5th and Ad ams Sts. Telephone at office and res idence. Uorvallis. Oregon. U. ri. AJSWTti, M. JJ., ftlXSlUlAJN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street. Philomath, Oregon. MISS DEETTA JONES, A GEADTJATE nurte of 'Portland Sanitarium six years' experience. Private patients, Independent phone No. 334. Post of fice box 247. . 12tf AUCTIONEER P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK ATJCTION eer, Corvallis, Or. Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. address Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of live stock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. POULTRY. BOOO THOROUGH-BRED PLYM outh Rock and Brown Leghorn hatch ing eggs for sale at $1 per setting, if obtained at residence north of Mechan ical Hall. These fowls were bred for full egg baskets and not for the show : room. You are invited to inspect the breeding pens. . Otto F. L. Herse, Cor vallis, Ore. - 21-28 THOROUGH - BRED BAEEED Plymouth Rock Cockrels rat $1 each. Call on F. A. Barnes, south of Granger Station, or address Corvall;s E.' F. D. 1. ... .' 19-27 COLLEGE VIEW POULTEY FARM, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Brown Leg horns. Eggs, $1.00 per 15, at yards. My Barred Rock hens are of the beat laying strain on the coast. I have add ed cockerels from Park's world's best egg strain. Brown Leghorns are good as the best S. H. Moore, Corvallis. 19tf 5' Indp' Phone 555, THOROUGHBRED BAEEED PLYM outh Eock Cockerels for sale cheap at $2.00. J. I. Taylor, at C. & E. cross ing. . ' , BAEEED EOCK EGGS STANDARD matings, $1.50 per 15 ; special exhibi tion matings, $3 per 15. If you want the best, call on or write W G. Emery, Barred Eock Specialist, Corvallis.. 23 tf EGGS FOE HATCHING ENTEBED 7 bir Jb at Corvallis show and won 3 firsts, 1 second, and 3 third prizes. White Eock eggs $1 for 15 : S. C. Ehode Island Reds, eggs from 1st pen, $2.50 per 15 : eggs from 2nd pen, $1.50 per 15 These are prices packed in special box. es ior snipping, vy.a. uates, uorval lis, Oregon. 23-30 MISCELLANY. Gazette Bell phone No 341. Umbrella work at J.?K. Berry's. Gazette Independent phone No 433. AH work guaranteed at J. K. Berry's. Umbrellas recovered and repair ed at J. Jv, Berry e. Get your ribs fixed at J. K. Berry's. Get your school books and school supplies at Granam & wens. Silk and woolen goods a Bpeciajty at Corvallis Steam .Laundry. Send your lace curtains to Cor- Aallis Steam Laundry. Patronize home industry Cor vallis Steam Laundry. Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To pre vent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of 14 Cus, torn House Place, Chicago, saya: "They have no equal for Constipation and .Bill ousnees." 25c at Allen & Woodward, druggist's. -' . ' Onr Clubbing Lis. Bnoncriben to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE obtain the follow ing papers in combination tab Bcrlptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices stated below; each in advance always to ac company the order. Thorn wishing two or mora TObUcations named with the GAZETTE, will pit correspond with this office and we will quote yon the combination price. We can sare you money on wNfiy Ml PQBUvAWVna TvB IICSHW SOME VERY QUEER LAKES. Bodiaa of Water That Ar a Souroa of Wonder to All Who Bo - hold Them. One of the most singular lakes in the world is the celebrated Pitch lake of the island of Trini dad. This lake spreads over an area of 99 acres, and its surface is composed of one great floating veiiis of clear water. Prom it," and a similar lake in Venezuela, the world's supply of . asphalt is drawn, states the ' Washington Post. - The pitch lake is a hideous place as far as smells are con cerned for the air all about it is heavy with noxious vapors, and from the center of the lake gushes a fountain of liquid asphaltum, in which there float and break bub bles containing most horrible gases. ' . ' ' The workmen go out on the sur face of this lake and cut great slabs of asphaltum, which are car riednaway. But the next morning the hole they left is filled up again with the pitch which has risen during the night, so that the sup ply seems to be inexhaustible. - This curious was discov ered by Sir Walter Raleigh when he landed in Trinidad in 1595, on his way to the mouth of the Orino co in search of El Dorado. Another strange lake is situat ed on a peninsula which juts out into the Caspian sea. The whole surface of this lake is covered with a crust of salt so thick and strong that a man can ride across it on horseback with safety. In central Asia, near the Caspi an sea, is a lake of beautiful rose color, while the banks are covered with salt crystals as white as snow. From the waters . of this lake there ; arises a flower-like odor. The color and the' odor are supposed to be caused by vegeta ble matter in the depths. . There used, to be a curious lake on the top of the Volcano de Agua, in Guatemala, 14,000 feet above the level of the sea. It was not fed by springs nor by rivers, but was caused by accumulations of snow and rain in fact, was an immense reservoir. It lasted for centuries, rhen one day the sides of the lake gave way, and down the waters rolled, dealing death and destruc tion, and digging a great barran ca, or ravine, in the mountain side, which is still visible. ORIGIN OF BASKET BALL. First Played at Training Sohool In Springfield, Haas., ia tha ' , - Year 1901.. T Basket ball as ' a recreative jame is unique in its origin for two reasons. Firstly, it is our one, positively V sure, home American production; secondly, the name, date and place of its authorship are exactly known, says Golden Days. Of no other game in all the category can : this be said ; the birth of the bulk of them is buried in an obscurity which reaches be yond the cuneiform-covered, baked clay tablets of Babylon, and the hieroglyphics of the remotest Egyptian records. Basket ball, on the other hand, was born in thev year ' 1901 at 3pringfield, Mass., and its author was James Nainsmith. ; 1 In that town is a training school sonnected with the Young Men's ihristian Association, and, of course, professors, among them a professor of psychology, who is paid to teach the young ideas how to think, effectively. In one of his lectures he called attention to cer tain conditions upon which the brain could with advantage be ex- ;rcised, and challenged his class to supply the requirements to meet them. The conditions were the invention of a new game which could be played indoors, in i limited area, by a defined and unalterable number of j contest ants,, and adaptable to both sexes. Upon this hypothesis one of his pupils, JameS Nainsmith, the same night evolved "basket ball." It was put int0 practice the next day, experimentally ,and found to meet the conditions and limitations laid down by the professor admir ably. But it had more than an academic value, as its rapid spread as one of the most appreciated pastimes attests. , . - i r - Kust Have Them. Newrich A man'can get aton srithont ancestors. : - - Mack Tru, but biff jCltiiateD CaA'ic-rTown Topics. ' , BaMlng of Carnal Birds. ; "Bustling" is not a practice pe culiar to the western frontier of :he United States. In Somaliland :here are ad venturous, spirits of i like sort, Dut camels instead of ;;attle are the booty they covet. . Darnels in Somaliland are kept in ?reat herds sometimes numbering fl AHA QiiaVi vinMkA.n i 1 '.' '".""" uul"ue"' "ivoito grazing and conse- distances from the ! ilaces where water may be fonnd. Che ponies used by the Somalican ilso manage without drink for :hree or four days and when em jloyed for herding have, like their nasters, only camels' milk to juench their thirst. .. These big ierd8 offer, of course, a tremen lous temptation to the raider, as nany as 10,000 camels being taken it a time and the excitement of Iriving off such a herd at full gal op for 40 or 50 miles, with the ex isperated owner possibly hard in pursuit and the chances of the raider finding his own camp has !allen a prey tor some other tribal diversion, appeals irresistibly to the excitable Somali. Good Lit erature, v COUNTRY CORRESPONDENCE. ' dAK GBOVB. . The sunshine seems to have come to stay. Mrs. Richland is not expectedlto live. She has consumption. " , " Mrs. tioff is home agaiq after a visit With her daughter, Mrs. BchoelofHalsey. H. J. Moor is spending a few days at home, superintending the pruning of his orchard. Elmer Williamson, . Ben McElhiuey and Mary Mayberry were successful in passing the eight grade examination of the public school and are now ready for their diplomas. ' - - Miss McOourt will finish her school here in three more weeks, and then she expects to leave for Lincoln county where she will teach this summer. Rev, Ezra Maurer, of Salem, held quarterly services at Oak Grove, Sunday. ' H. J. Moor left Saturday for a few days' visit in Portland. . Clyde Williamson came down and spent Sunday with his parents, return ing to the city in the evening. . Farmers are well along . with their work and if the weather continues good for a couple of weeks the bulk of spring seeding will be completed. . MesBrs. John Carter, .. Willis Carter, Pprry Carter, Mrs. - Ella Williams and Mr, Kay were called as witnesses before the district attorney at Albany, Saturday to identify the parties who are' held for the Lebanon Bank robbery.. ' :. There is a large "force of men at work setting out hops on the fifty acre yard of Antoine , Luther's farm. . The ground selected will, no doubt, make an ideal place for . growiug hops, and ere long there will be another large yard add' ed to this part of the country to give work to those who wanttt earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. , SUMMIT. The Summit singing school was closed last Sunday. Dr. Catbey has made two trips to Mrs. Emery, who is very ill. see Tne Independent telephone from Summit to Hostuns will soon be in operation. , ' " Chas. Scott, of Tallman, is here for a few days' visit. : S. H. May, of Jacksonville, was here on business, last Tuesday. Many Of the ranchers have sheared their goats. H. Underbill and sons have been tak ing advantage ?of the dry roads to haul railroad wood. . The parties who bought the Howell Bros. . land are going to fence it soon They intend to stock it with goats. Kody Long, who has been ill lor some time, is improving.' Cured Hemorhage of the Lungs "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had so many hem- orhages,"wailes A. M. Ake, of wood Ind. "I took treatment with several physicl ans without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and heals the lungs, anh pre vents serious results from a cold. Eefuse substitutes. Sold by Grahm & Won ham The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Poney Grove, Texas,' nearly met his' Waterloo, from Liyer and Kidney tronble. In a recent letter, he says: "I was nearly dead, of these complaints, and, although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good so I got a 50c bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave yon the- knowledge to make them," Sold and guaranteed to cure, dyspepsia, Biliousness and Kidney Allen & Woodward, druggists, atSOcabottle. '-ijiwvrvift'rgi-----. Acgetahle Preparalionfor As similating the Food andRegula ting theStoinachs andBowels of m m ft. Promotes Digestion.Cheerfuh ness and Rest .Contains neither Opium.Morplune nor Mineral. NotHahcotic. ItaptafOUJlrSAMUnjmmR sflx.SmM BldUSJUt- ' Nfiukrsnw rtarw. Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oF NEW YOfiK. Death rate In New Yorlc. During November and December, 1903, one fifth of the deaths in New York and Chicago were from pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia, so do not take chances on a cold wearing away when Foley's Honey and Tar will cure you quickly and .pre vent serious results, for sale by Graham & Wortham. ' We have in stock all the stand ard line of wheels made by the Pope Manufacturing Co.; at prices to suit all. D. & A. : ' TheOrigtaaI F Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Hon ey and Tar as agthroat and lung remedy and on account of the' ' great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitaMons are offered for the gen uine, ask for Folf y's Honey and Tar and refuse any .substitute offered ps no other preparation will give the fame satisfac tion. It is mildly laxative, it contains no opiates and is safest for children and deli cate" persons I Sold by Graham & Wor tham. , :." Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. . 7, rates between Corvajlis and Portland, via C. &'E., Albany, and 8. P. will be reduced to $2.60, same as West Side rate. Tickets on sale by C. &E. agent and all offices n Portland. tops tho cooh and Heals luaaga EXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians; and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ROYAL BAKING We wa n 1 1 h e wo r k yo u particular about. j J TiPl Ini ' For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature .of tub ecimua mhmkt. nn im em. I was troubled with 1 stom ach trouble. Ttiediord's Black Draught did me more good in one week than all the doe tor's medicine I took in a year." MRS. SABAH B. 8HIRFIELD, EUettsville, Ind. Thedf ord's Black Draught quickly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and cures even chronic cases of indigestion. If , you will take a small dose' of Thed ford's Black Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition'. - -- n THEDFORD'5 BLACK-DRAUGHT : More sickness is caused by constipation - than by any other disease. : Thedford's Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. All druggists sell SB-cent packages. "Thedford's Black Draught is the best medi cine to regulate the bowels I have ever used." MES. A. M. GRANT, Sneada Ferry, N. C. , COH5TIPATI0I POWDER CO NEW YORK. IIL1 AW i ijv In Inj Use For Over Thirty Years are