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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1905)
CUSSIF1ED ADVERTISEMENTS Five lu ea. or less, 25 cents for three insertion or 50 cents per month. '' WANTED WANTEDMEN TO CUT 3C0 CORDS of fir wood. Address Jens Peterson, .- Philomath, Or. ; ' '. ,' - 22-24 HIGH EST CASH PRICE PAID FOR all kinds of Poultry also dressed Pork. 8mit.h Boulden, -Corvaliis, Oregon, next to zbttk office. WAiSTE r WO SUBSCRIBERS TO TEE Gazette and Weekly Oregonian at $2.50 per year. THE HOME SAVINGS BANK CAN hp nht.ineri at the First National Bank Ootvallip. Its use encourages habits of economy and thrift. It is an orna ment to any household. Write ior twint.fid rieiorintion. 20tf AN ENERGETIC LADY CAN SE cnre the agency for this city and sur- roundini' country . for a high-grade line of Flavoring extracts. Perfumes . Toilet Articles Toilet Soaps, etc., by the Pearsall Mfu" Co., Des Moines la. Write them for sample out fit They allow a big commission, also jive premiums. 19tf H. M. STONE. REAL ESTATE AND Intelligence ofhVe After 42 years in Benton and Linn counties. I feel iusti fied in coming before the home-saekers of Oreeron. and feel that I am com petent to locate all sm-h as wish to ' buy homes here, with iudgmentand , competen'-y. For 27 years I was a bridge builder in Benton, Lane. Polk, Yamhill and Linn counties. I have property in the above amed counties ' to sell, and am thoroughly conversant with the same. I aBk no exclusive right of sa'e and unless property is sold by me I ask no pay. Parties wishing to employ help or if looking for a position, will find it a. conven ience to nhone or call at the office. Kindness and courtesy extended to all. - Office. South Main street, Corvaliis, Oregon. Office phone 378, res. phone -. 66. ':-..' FOR SALE THE '-VAPOR BATH CABINET" FOR sale at Graham & Welle, with printed instructions for administering the bath at home, to cure numerous ailments without use of medicine internally. AonlicationB can be made at home without aid of experts.'. Try one, the .. price is small. ' NEW TIRES PUT ON BABY BUG gies andgo-carts. at Dilley & Arnold's. SOFT-SHELLED ENGLISH WAL : nuts outyield all other varieties. - If i you desire trees write for price and par ticulars to Bert Brooks, McMinnville, Or., R. F. D. No. 2. . ... SHORT ON on j Prunes, boxes, $1.50. PERUNA BUT LONG Italian Prunes. 50 lb. Come quick. 1 F. L. Milleb. BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE AL most new combination carriage and go- . cart with silk parasol and rubber tires for sale at a bargain. Enquire at this ; ''office. - '. ,- . .. TWO REGISTERED OXFORD DOWN Rams and four half-breeds. . Peter Whitaker. FOR SALE TWELVE YOUNG SHORT horn milch cows, bred from milk strains on both sides; one short-horn bull ; one Jersey bull; registered Poland China hogs, male and female. Address M. S. Woodcock, Corvaliis, Ore. 23tf EASTERN OREGON FARM PROPER' ty for sale. We have over 30,000 acres in improved wheat farms for sale in Gilliam, Sherman and Morrow coun ties. Orepon, Prices of these lands $15 to $20 per acre. Small cash payment and easy terms on . balance. We also havs first-class implement business for . sale in a live Eastern -Oregon town on . railroad.- Address, Moore Bros., 021 Washington St., Portland, Ore. 23-26 HOTELS. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CCORVALLIS, Oregon. White help only employed. Good, clean cooking ; clean beds, and rooms well ventilated ; hret.clasa ser : vice; splendid laciutjes to accommo date the public. Across the street from First National Bank. , 23tf ATTORNEYS4 W. E. YATES, THE LAWYER, Both Phones. . CORVALLIS, OR, E. R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. , Office in Post Office Building, Corval- as, Oregon. ' JOSEPH H. WILSON, ATTORNEY-at-Law. Notary,1 Titles, Conveyanc ing. . Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office in Burnett Building, EXPRESSMEN. YELL I WELL 1 HERE'8 JOHN LEN- cer. Known him 22 years. - Still car '" jiee Uncle Sam and baggage. John is , an accommodating man and alwavs can be found at his post Allen's Drug ' store, or pnonezai : ' . i. MUSIC. .PIANO INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN any - grade of advancement. Also ' pianos toned and repaired in first-class manner, lnd. phone JNo. 405. D, White. - ' - DENTISTS E. H. TAYLOR. DENTIST. PAIN- less extraction. - In Zierolf building Opp. Poat Otfi'. Oorvailis, Oregon. oTAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND iLSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a. m. arrives t Philemath at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All -persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points tfest can - be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1. Oil Round trip same day $2.00. - .; M. S. Rickakd. PHYSICIANS 8. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, .bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m , 2 to 1 p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams Sts. Telephone at office and res idence. . Corvaliis, Oregon. a H. NEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street. Philomath, Oregon. " MISS DEETTA JONES, A GRADUATE nurse of Portland Sanitarium six years' . experience. Private patients. Independent phone. No. 334. ,- Post of fice box 247. 12tf AUCTIONEER P A KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUCTION eer, Corvaliis, . Or. Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. address Box 11, Pays highest prices for all kinds of livestock. Twenty years' experience. Satisfaction guaranteed. - ;. r poultry; BOOO THOROUGH-BRED PLYM : outh Rock and Brown Leghorn hatch- ' ing eggs for sale at $1 per setting, if obtained at residence north of Mechan ical Hall. These- fowls were bred for full egg baskets and not for the show room. . You are invited to inspect the breeding pens.. Otto F. L. Herse, Cor valiis, Ore, r .- : , 21-28 THOROUGH - BRED- S BARRED Plymouth Rock Cockrels 'at $1 each. Call on F. A." Barnes, south of Granger Station, or address Corvaliis R. F. D. L . .. - . . 19-27 COLLEGE VIEW POULTRY FARM, Barred Plymouth Rocks,' Brown Leg horns. Eggs, $1.00 per 15, at yards. My Barred Rock hens are of the tjest laying strain on the coast. I have add ed cockerels from Park's world's best egg strain. . Brown Leghorns are good as the best. S. H. Moore. Corvaliis. 19tf Indp Phone 555, THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYM- outh Kock Cockerels for sale cheap a $2.00. J. I, Taylor, at C. & E. cross- ing. BARRED ROCK EGGS STANDARD matings, $1.50 per 15; special exhibit tion matings, $3 per 15. If you want the best, call on or write W G. Emery, Barred Rock Specialist, Corvaliis.: 23tf EGGS for HATCHTNf! .F.NTF.RTST1 rj i, -.4. n: i . j I 4 uuun tttuivmiiB buow aim wuh o 1 White Rock eggs $1 for 15 : S. C. Rhode I Island Reds, eggs from 1st pen, $2.50 These are Drices Backed in snM-il w. es for shipping. W. A. Bates, Corval - MISCELLANY. Gazette Bell phone No 341. Umbrella work at J.jK. Berry's. Gazette Independent phone No 433. All work guaranteed at J. K. Berry's. : Umbrellas recovered and renair- eaat j. a., merry's. ' Get - your ribs fixed at J. K. Berry's. Get your school books and school supplies at Graham & Wells. v : Silk and woolen goods a specialty at Corvaliis bteam .Laundry. - Send your lace curtains to Cor- Aallis Steam Laundry. Patronize home industry Cor valiis Steam Laundry. , . Startling Mortality. Statistics show startiine mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To pre vent and, cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy, Dr, King's New Life Pills. - M. Flannery, of 14 Cus- torn Honse Place, Chicago, says "They have no eqnal for Constipation and Bili ouaness.". 25e at "; Allen & 'Woodward. drnggist's. - ? - ; Baoecnoen n tne uuttvAUjH GAZETTE can obtain the following papers in combination Bub- scriptiona with the, GAZETTS, - at the very low prices stated below; cash in advance always to ac pOowicrxwff eomepond with this office and we win quoie yon aearly aU pabUcatfoa yoa desira. ' WIN SECCND. The Trip on the Pomona to New- berg and Return Result of ' the Inter-Collegiate Ora-. torical Contest. In the state inter-collegiate ora torical contest held at Newberg, last - Friday night, -i Walter R. Miles, of Pacific College, won first honors; John Withycombe, of the Oregon Agricultural. Col lege, was awarded second place and A. R. Marke, of Willamette University, third. - The winnirjg orator is a junior in college, and is only 20 years of age, ; but has already made a name for himself as an orator, having won the National Prohibition Oratorical contest last yean -i a 1 , - v The subject of his oration was "Altruism, and True Progress." Mr. Miles painted a magnificent word picture of Valley Forge and the heroic spirit of the continen tal army. , This, with his splen did plea for strong, unselfish men of the Valley Forge type, and his impassioned delivery won for him the coveted honors. The steamer Pomona left Cor valiis at 6 o'clock Friday morn ing with 25 enthusiastic rooters who accompanied OAC's orator, and at each . landing , heralded their approach with ringing col lege; cheers. , Delegations . were taken on at Albany, Independence and Salem, and altogether it was a merry crowd that disembarked at Newberg at ' 3:30''; in the after noon.; : ; : .. - . The business meeting of the Association convened at 4 o'clock and held a short, harmonious meeting, making some changes in, and adding to tne constitution of the I. O. A. O. The contest was advertised to begin - at 8 p. m. in the Friend's church. Long before that time crowds were ar riving was anything but al ynaKer meeting. - j. ne uaaj del egation were . among the last to make themselves in evidence. but at a time when there was a momentary lull, their " beautiful new orange banner was unfurled, and Zip ! Boom ! . Bee ! rang out with a volume that was good to hear. A splendid musical pro- Z?C??VaeA orations, we lvicivimnvme college viee Club furnishino- some esneriallv interesting selections. , After the contest the delegations were entertained at an elaborate nine-course banquet, which lasted UDtil 4 a. .re. Each college respond ea to a toast on some sumect, UAL- a. v - boasuDg me eovernor . I- uo .; "iief-uouegiaie oratorical contest is the only event of the vear wnere aeiegations trom all the col leges meet together, and those priv- ileged to attend argue thot it is a most excellent thing to, foster a feeling of friendship and sympathy between the colleges, as well as. to stimulate this important feature of education. Returning on the boat, the crowd left Newberg at 12:30 p. m. Satur- day, and the opportunity of meet- ing and getting acquainted with the different delegations was not passed by. The boat arrived in Corvaliis at 8 o'clock ' Sunday . morning, and unloaded a cargo of tired, but hap py students. " The " contest next I year will be held in Albany. OAC's next turn will be four years hence, each of the eight colleges in the as sociation haying the contest in their ; respective towns in regular order. Government Whitewash. In response to a request from many people we publish a receipt for a preparation known as Gov ernment Whitewash. This mix ture is used by the government in whitewashing light houses and other' public buildings. It ; is a splendid mixture and- is ; desired for whitewashing fences and trees and otherwise beautifying the premises of a number of our sub scribers. " The receipt is as fol lows: " Slake half a .bushel of lime with boiling water, keeping it w,vPrWI diirino- the nrocess. Then strain it and. add a peck of salt dissolved in- warm : water: also three pounds of ground rice Stirr- to a thin taste. one-ha'f oound of I o . .... j i g DpaniSn WUltlng, ana 0. pOUHQ Ot AitA nnim rar I Slus u"vi.u ui Mix these well together and let j the mixture stand for several 'daTS.- Keep the Wash prepared in a kettle or portable furnace; heat it when wanted for use, . and put it on as hot as possible with a whitewash brush.. xne aoove receipt is , one given out by the lighthouse board of the treasury department and is largely used for public buildings. It has been found that this wash may be applied with equal sac- cess to wood, brir-k or stonp ; that J it ,is nearly, as durable ; as oil paint, and far civ a;er. ROUMANIAN THIRD DECREE. The Sweating- Process by Which Con fessions Are Porced from Bus . pects and PrlBoners. . "The prisoners in our country are treated like kings and princes as compared with those of Rou- mania," said. John T. Ekalls, of Portland, Me., according to the Louisville Herald. "I chanced to be in Bonmania about six rnonths ago and saw a man arrested. Being curious, I de termined to watch and learn what they did with him. He was not tried and released the next day, as he would hare been in this eountry, but was subjected to mediaeval tortures. He was whipped with the so-called sand sausage, a bag filled with wet sand. " This instru ment of . torture inflicts terrible pain, but leaves no marks what ever on the body of the culprit. , "This particular prisoner was tortured in order to wrest from him a confession whether" or not the kissing of an actress had been the result pi a preconcerted con spiracy. . He denied it and was then treated to the joys of the 'ash bag1 that is, his head was a bag filled with ashes. The iailers beat with a stick unon the basr. causing the ashes to penetrate into, the eyes, mouth, nostrils and ears of the prisoner. . ; : ."The process was then wound up by what , is known as the 'truth finder,' a sort of - wooden forceps by which the temples of the pris oner are compressed. This was too much for the man. He confessed a lie.,-;? ''. -'vvVV" "I was glad to learn a few days later, however that the torturers had been removed from office for their unseemly work." ORIGIN OF MONETARY NAMES Something of the History aa Related by an Employe of the Tree. -ury Department. There has been a scarcity of imall change of late," said C M Binghamton, for 40 years with the United States treasury depart ment, according to the Louisville Herald of recent date. "All sorts of reasons are assigned to explain this condition, but, whatever the cause, it is vexatious. However, it is not so bad now in the way Of exchanges as it was in the olden times. '' 'V;;'.. .;..,:-v ' - "The early Italians used cattle Instead of coin. A person would gome times send for change a thou- and-pound bullock, when he would eceive a 25-pound sheep, or, per- iaps, if he wanted very small iange, there would be a few lambs lent back. : The inconvenience ol teeping a flock of Bheep at one's banker's led to the introduction of bullion. ' ''People often wonder where certain monetary '..names , came torn. I'll tell you a few of them. ' "Formerly every., gold watch Weighed so many fcarats,' from irhich it became usual to call a sil ver watch a 'turnip.'. . " Troy weight' is derived from :he extremely heavy responsibility which the Trojans were under to :heir creditors. "The Romans were in the habit sf tossing up their coins in the presence of the legions, and if a piece of money went higher than ;he top of the ensign's flag it was ironounced 'above the standard. " Cured Hemorliage of the Lungs. "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had so many bem- orhages,"wailes A. M. Ake, of wo-ni lnd. "I took treatment with several phyaici-; ana withont any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my limes are now as sound aa a bullet. recommend it in advanced etaaes of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Ta: stops the cough and heals the lungs, , anh pre vents serious results from a cold. Kefuee substitutes. Sold by Grahm & 'Wortham. IIWl.ihlliinltiiiiailiiiliijMiwl.inioii iiwh,.uuilimn j'M ltl!ili.llllUltiiliiiliii!iiiliniit..iir.iii:iiiri!iiiiuiiii!miiiiiM?iiti:uu:iiii.iiimti!.4 Aegetab!e Preparationfor As similating the Food andBeg da ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestion-Cheerfur-ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morplune nor Mineral Not Karc otic . Mx-Saoui Atom 3d. r CtoifudJuftr FlaTttK A perfect Remedy for Cons lipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarxhoca Worms ,Convulsions,Fcvensh ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. 4 15 . Death rate In New York. During November and December, 1903, one fifth of the rteathe in New York and Chicago were .from pneumonia. Foley's Heney and Tar not only stops the cough but strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia, so do not take chances on a cold wearing awSy when Foley's Honey and Tar will cnre you -quickly and pre vent serious results, for sale by Graham & Wortham. ,We have in stock ail the elanc- ard line of wheels made bv the Pope Manufacturing Co., at prices to suit al!. D. & A. The Original Foley & Co. , Chicngo, originated Hon ey and Tar as ajthrcat and hmg remedy : and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the gen uine, ask for Foley's Honey and Tr and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the Fame satisfac i tion. It is mildly laxative, it contains no I opiates and is safest for children and deli I cate persons.. Sold by Graham &N Wcr- tham. Reduction in Fare. Commencing Nov. 7, rates between Corvaliis and Portland, yia C. & E.. Albany, and S. P. will be reduced to $2.60, same as West Side rate," Tii'kete ' on sale by C. & E. agent and all offices n Portland. , ' steps tlxe ooogb. ud baals luni , EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ; m ffjjl fl: 01 lAl 23 R2sM(BU There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. i SOYAl BAKINQ I! We want t h e particular about. n II For Infants and Children. The Kind. You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ths eonwn cenMure. Hwm mn cmr. . ' "I wms troubled with stom ach trouble. Thedford' Black Draught did me more -good in one week than all the doc tor's medicine 1 took in ft year.'VMES. SARAH B. SHIBFIELD, Ellettsville, lnd. v Thedford'sBlackDraught quickly invigorates the ac tion of the stomach and cures even chronic cases of indigestion. If you will take a small dose of Thed ford's Block Draught occa sionally you will keep your stomach and liver in per fect condition. THEDFORD'5 . LACK-DRAUGHT More sickness is caused by constipation than by any other . disease. Thedford'g Black-Draught not only re lieves constipation but cures diarrhoea and dysenteryand keeps the bowels regular. . . All druggists sell 25-cent packages. , "Thedford's Black Draught is the best medi- -cine to regulate the bowels I have ever used." MRS.. A. GRANT. Sneads Ferry, N. C. POWDER COM NEW YORK. m M si mw INDIGESTION C) n . . 1 a COnSTIFATICil wo r k y o u a re