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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
&flmfy Old ft inn Vol. XI.II. Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, February lO, 1905. No. 11 E . ill Ll t STILL HAS FAITH. L. L. Brooks, of This County, Again Gives His Experience on a Benton Farm. L. L. Brooks, who resides on a farm a few miles north of this city, contributed quite a letter to the Pacific Homestead of Febru ary 2. Mr. Brooks siys that for some ti ne he has pondered over the matter of how to rruk- mon ey on a valley farm and we qaote his deductions as given in the Homestead, as follows: As the Homestead a-ks for the experience of people in success and failure, I can give a little of mine. The two first years I did not make a success ot farming; as farming is so much different it has to be learned over. Now the outlook for the future is encour aging. I have come to the con clusion that the Willamette val ley farmer can make the most out of vetch, alfalfa, cows and Tiqjs; these four handled right 'lure can be considerable made from them. I mean the valley farm er. I don't mean those living out in the foothills or mountains where there aremountain oastures1 and plenty of out range, First, If you have an old worn-out wheat farm sow it to vetch; it will pay ceuts a pound. It w'll grow a gotd profitable crop on this old. ground. r Second Sow a 2;-3cre hog pasture to alfalfa; put it in right; well spent life,. and a faithful per use land pUster and inoculated formance of their dutv while here alfalfa dirt. The ' first year doion earth, therefore be it not pasture, out cut it every three weeks all summer. I might say, to prepare the ground before sow ing manure the ground, heavy, then plow very deep, then pul- verize down very fine and sow about May 1st. .. .' 'JJiJ" 'f,Tntf2P5el'-' afe w oT tne very. best raiica cows, and eep no. worthless cows that don't nay their board. The number of cows should depend on J.he size of farm and the help you have. Fourth. Get fioia three to 10 of the very best Poland China brood sows; the number should be counted by the feed you. hive" and the size of pasture. It lakesi time to get ready to raise hogs. 1 You must have good fences, shed, and the alfalfa pasture to make them pay. Then cut the largest portion of the vetch for hay, as hay the past four years has been a good price, and thresh a few acres for seed. ' Grind up the vetch screenings to fatten out the hogs' feed with separated milk, but let the hogs run on the alfalfa or clover all the time. I don't think it pays to put a hog up in a tight pen and fatten on wheat ; the ground feed with pas ture is much cheaper and gives the best results. I have just lately made, up my mind that alfalfa will do better than clover, as my experience has proved that way. With several trials with red clover it has not been satisfactory; it kills out too quickly and its yield was too light. It may be that people ex pect too . much of it before the ground gets inoculated so it will do well. I prepared two acres of ground and sowed to alfalfa the 26th of May, 1904, and used land plaster and inoculated dirt from - an old alfalfa held, and after all the extremely dry year the alfalfa . did fine. I want to say for the benefit of! any Eastern people that may read this, that this Willamette valley is a fine place to lure such an even climate; people don't have to freeze all winter and ia the summer set up all night and fan themselves to live as they do East. Can go to bed and sleep comfortably any night in the year. I notice that after an East erner comes here and stays a year or two he seldom goes East to stay; several to my knowledge went back East but in less than ' six months found themselves back here again. If I had known of this climate it would have found me here 15 years ago, instead of enduring those extremes of the eastern states so long. A I don't wonder people live "so much long er here; they can enjoy life in comfort, but if back East they would have to wrestle aJJ winter to keep warm and all summer to find a cool place to rest. I have had my share and all ' I want of that. (.,-, The inducements of -Benton county are increasing, especially at the Experiment Station.arld Agricultural College where more! student's are numbering every yeir, and the town of Corvallis lias made a wonderful growth the last seven months, and times are generally good. Every thing the fanner has to sell has demanded a good price and ready salelwith the exception of cattle and sheep, but I think they will be good in the spring. Hay is $11 a ton, wood $5 a cord, potatoes 80 cents per bushel, vetch seed $240 per bushel, rye 8 cents, rye clover 16 cents, speltz$i.25a bushel, oats 45 cenis and w,heat 80 cents. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, It has pease,d the Supreme Commander to call our care- wor n Comrade Chi pman home to rest from his labors, where no clash of drums or bugle call can if seed is Vjaisturb his peaceful slumbers un- til the last trumpet shall arouse nitn, wiin inose wno nave long slept, to receive the rewards ot merit due them consequent on a .Resolved, That by the death of Comrade C.h'puiaii the commu nity has lost a useful citizen, his family a kind father, his wife a devoted husband and protector, and Ellsworth Post a useful and honored comrade, and his death nas1elffaTvmwT3cn can Lnever be filled, and be it further Resolved, That we tender our heart-felt sympathy to the family of the deceased comrade. and bid themlookforward toahap-. pv reunion 111 the great beyond. lie it further Resolved, As a mark of our esteem the charter banner and other fixtures of Ellsworth Post be draped in mourning tor the m-'Urning space 01 thirty days, and these resolutions be spread on the min utes of the Post and a copy there of be sent to the widow. of de ceased. - S. O. Peese. . Levi Oren. Wm. Lane. Committee. Is Now in Charge. Last Monday, T. H. Curtis, of Astoria, appointed by A. B. Hammond to the position of manager 01 tne Corvallis esc Eastern railroad to succeedEdwin Stone, deceased, entered up m the duties connected w ith his new position. He was fiirly well acquainted with the affairs of the road to begin with as he had frequently passed over the entire line, and was personally acquainted with nearly all of the railroad officials. It is assured that he will have the healthy co operation of all employees of the road, as he is a pleasant gentle man, of quiet manner, and thor oughly informed regarding the needs of the country the line tra verses. Mr. Curtis is one of A. B. Hammond's right hand men in this state. At present he is vice- president of the Astoria & Col umbia River railroad, and for the present at least, cannot give all his attention to the C. & E.. as part of his time must be given to the aff airs of the ' Astoria & Col umbia River , road. However, there is no apprehension of the affairs of the C. & E. suffering from a division of his time. Foley's Kidney Cure mates kidneys ana bliaaer right. COLLEGE JOTTINGS. Items of Interest In and Around the O. A. C. r The girls' basket ball team are to play the Chemawa girls in jthe Armory, Saturday . evening The last time the Chemawa girls played OAC. the game was a tie, but when the tie was played off the Chemawa girls succeeded in throwing the first basket. Rev. ' - Harry .Hill and Dr. Harsha will speak to the students and faculty in the chapel, Sun day afternoon at 2:30. There will be special music and there should be a good attendance. The si hedule is again changed and the boys are to drill at 11:45 a. m.. that is. immediately after chapel instead of in the even ing. This will make the first hour after dinner begin at 1:30 instead of 12:50. The Eutopians are to enter tain the Jeffersonians, Saturday night. Prof. Berchtold requested that all who expect to graduate in June would hand their names to him next Wednesday. The committee on inter-society debates met Wednesday to draw up rules ana regulations to govern the debates of this year. The Freshmen are to have their annual party this Friday night. ; The tf yout between the differ ent classes on the track, is to occur Feb. 22. At least four will enter from each class and perhaps more from some classes. This is to determine who will be eligible to enteitbe spring meet. The Feronians are to enter tain the Amicitians Saturday night. . . JM i ssWi nte4)fa;-a - for m e r OAC student, is taking teachers examination this week : v Leander N. Liggett, a merhber of the graduating class of '73 of OAC, died recently at his home in Prineville. He was 51 years of age, and was one of . the oldest alumnus of OAC. The flag has been flying at half mast this week in memoriam of J. M. Church, a member of the Board of Regents, who died in Portland, Sundav. COUNTRY COaaSPONDENCL Monroe Notes. Fred Danville again commenced work, ing for James Herrou, Monday.' a good crowd attended the pip eon shoot Saturday. Floyd Barnett, also D. Harpole, Will Huggins, Mort Bumgard ner, and Dolly Wilhelm were the lucky shots.' The boys will shoot again next Saturday for beef. One-half will be for rifle shooting and the other half shot guns. Mr. Looney is putting np the beef. Improvements have recently been go 1 ng on at the Martin residence. A new wire fence and a new walk has lately been constructed and the trees near the house are being pruned. . Mrs. Lemaster has gone to McMinnville to visit her eon, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Smith, her daughter, is doing her work while she is away. Mrs. Kay 'returned home, Saturday, from Eugene. Willis Looney has recently purchased a fine young horse. Mrs. Garlinghouse is seriously ill at her home near here. She had a sudden attack I of paralysis. She also recently sold a fine span of horses to J. M. Nich ols, of Plain view. School closed here for a .week on ac count of the teachers' examination. A large crowd and a good time was re ported from the party Friday evening at Chas. Shipley's. L. Peak made hit first, trip with the maiT over the new route last Monday' Glenbrook. Mrs. Howard's little boy, Edward, is quite low with the typhoid fever. Mr. Wheeler' and family are going to Idaho in abont ten days to reside. The byi and dogs of the neighborhood are.hsving quite a time chasing coyotes this winter. They have killed four. Mr. IJoover and Will Howell have go ne down to Mr. Bruce's to cut cord WOOJ. t-i . . Glenbrook poet office has been dis continued and patrons are now supplied by rural free delivery. Beaver Creek. Mrs. Alta Gray is visiting at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Skipton, near Philomath. Miss Bessie Ireland, of Monmouth, Has been visiting at the home of her uncle, J. S. Ireland. - ' ' Mr. Weed, of Philomath, passed through here enroute to his brother's timber claim, this week. O. B. Conner, mail carrier of Route So. 2, has been called to the bedside of his father, and Mr. Cooper now delivers the mail. The Sundy school has been discontin ued owing to stormy weather. Mr. Wright of late has been suffering fom an attack of rheumatism. Grandfather Butler is still reported to be in a critical condition. Mrs. Wm. Parks has been called to the bedside of her father, who is not expected to livfe. , ' School commenced a four-months' term Monday, Feb. 6. 'Mrs. Peterson has returned from a Portland hospital, not much better. Grandma Mercer went to the table a few days ago the first time in ten months. Mrs. James Ireland went to Sodaville this week to v:sit her mother, who is very sick. r George Manning is laid up with rheu matism. ' Andrew Ireland is tuakiug rails for him. Apropos Judgeship.. ' Last Tuesday, the senators from the second judicial district, which comprises the counties of Lincoln, Benton, Lane, Douglas, Coos and Curry, agreed to report I fovWably on a bill to create a bin is so amended as to prescribe the residences of the judges. Judge Hamilton resides in Douglas, aud as accovding to the provisions of the bill one judge must reside in Douglas, Coos or Curry counties, the other in Ben- to. Lane or Lincoln, we are, if the bill passes, to expect a new judge to adjudicate the legal af fairs of the last three counties mentioned. 1 Governor Chamberlain will have the appointing of the new judge and may appoint a man from any part of this district, but if said adpointee should reside in one of the three southern couutus comprising this district he must r Don't Miss the Opportunity To call at our Furniture ' Store and let that We are offering, until closed Just look at those Malleabie Iron Beds we have Thpv are cheaner than any other because they will they are warranted for 25 years To Stop a Bit and get our prices on Granite and Tinware. We have just received a large invoice of these goods. Whether you are going to house-keeping or just furnishing one or more rooms, let us figure on your bills. Everybody .welcome to come in Aim! famine Our HOLLENBERG & THE STORE THAT SAVES Corvallis Gun Club Meet. The second annual trap shooting meet of the Corvallis Gun Club will take place in this city, on Wednesday, February 22. Th s is an event that appeals strongly to our sportsmen and the indi - cations are that, as the shoot will oe a large attendance. Many are hung up for the winning shots and will Work like a "soap poultice" in drawing a crowd. The program follows: - MORNING. EVENT NO. 1. 10 Targets, unknown $5.00 cash, added to purse. 1st prize 50 per cent, of purse. 2nd prize 30 per cent, of purse. 3rd prize 20 per cent of purse. 4th prize 1 Box of Cigars, value ? $2.50, donated bv C. E. Small. 3 EVENT NO. 2. 15 Targets, unknown $5.00 cash, added to purse. 1st prize 50 per cent, of purse. 2nd prize 30 per cent, of purse. 3rd prize 20 per cent of purse. 4th prize Fancy Riding Bridle, value $5.00, donated by J. E. Winegar. EVENT NO. 3- 20 Targets, reversed $7.50 cash, added to purse. 1st prize 50 per cent, of purse. 2nd prize 30 per cent, of purse. 3rd prize 20 per cent, of purse. 4th prize Rain Overcoat, value f 10.00, donated bv F. L. Miller- . AFTERNOON. EVENT NO. 4. 10 Targets, unknown $5.00 casn, added to purse. 1st prize 50 per cent, of purse. 2nd prize 30 per cent, of purse. 3rd prize 20 per cent, of purse. 4th prize Gordon Hat, value 43.00, donated by S. L. Kline. . ... EVENT NO. 5. 20 Targets, unknown angles. EntranceJSi.oo. $5.00 cash, added to purse. 1st prize 50 per cent, of purse. 2nd prize 30 per cent, of purse. 3rd prize 20 per cent, of purse. 4th prize one pair Friedman Shoes, value $5.00, do nated by Moses Bros. EVENT NO. 6. 25 Targets, unknown angles. Entrance $1.50. $7.50 cash, added to .purse. 1st prize 50 per cent, of purse. 2nd prize 30 per cent.- of purse. 3rd prize 20 per cent, of purse. 4th prize Baby Buggy, value $12.00, donated by Hollenberg & Cady. 5th prize one dozen Carbon-platino Photos, value $6.00, donated by Emery, photo. $5.00 in cash, will be given for highest average. A framed picture, value 42. 50, donated by O. T. for lowest average. In addition an ENGRAVED SILVER LOVING CUP, value 4io.oo, will be given to the local club member making the best average. NOTE. Only those shooting through the program will be eligible to average prizes. . Traps open for practice at 8:30 a. m. Program begins at 9:30 a. m , 2 cents each will be charged for targets used in practice or sweepstake shooting. In regular events 3 cents each will be deducted from the purse. . Class shooting will be the system of dividing the purses. Xiespn merchan dise prizes will be decieed by score in following event. Squad Hustlers, DICK KIGER. . GRANT ELGIN. take up his residence in either L-me, Benton or Lincoln county. The purpose ot the resident prop osition is to have 'the judge reside where it .will be convenient for attorneys to reach them. Day of Prayer. It is expected that next Tues day, Feb. 14, will be a Day of Praver. This is the last day of Dr. Harsha's work in Corvallis, and as in the other places where he has labored so also here it is hoped to close the work in this us show you some nice Art Squares out, at greatly reduced prices. In Passing Our It is to will occur on a legal holiday, thete good prizes, cash and otherwise. angles. Entrance ;oc. angles. Entrance 7 sc. pull. . Entrance 1.00. angles. Entrance 50c. Blackledge, will be given Tournament Committee, e R.- C KIGER. "SS CUS-LOGSON. -V W, G. EMERY most fitting manner. All bus iness houses will be asked to close from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. that a great mass meeting may be heli in the opera house. Dr. Harsha will deliver a special ad dress on "A Challenge to the Ag nostic." There will be special music. Time will be given for dinner so that all may be at work by 1 p. m. Make your arrange ments to come at 11 a. m. Heed this caU to prayer. Dr. Harsha's closing service ot Tuesday night will also be held in the opera house. Way been telling last longer. you about. Remember your interest CADY, YOU MONEY 1 .