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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1905)
f lOCAl AND PERSON U Job printing while you wait at this office. W. S. Angua was an Albany "visitor Eridav. W. S. Gray visited friends in Albany, Friday. ,W. W. Lowe of this city, is visiting in Eugene. Mr. Mix. of Independence was in this city latt S;,turdav, on business. W. S. Caney, of Albany, was oyer Saturday on a short business trip. For the best grade of job print ing on the best grade of stx:k-the Gazette office. The college cadets will hereafter drill from 4:10 to 5:i0 p. m. in stead of 8 to 9 a. in. Mrs. L. Matopn, who has been visiting friends in Albany, returned to her home at Summit, l6t Fri day Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tryon return ed to Philomath last Friday, after a few days' visit with friends in Al bany. Henry Horton and family left last Thursday for th"ir ranch near Woodland, Wash., where they will 'reside. Henry Ambler was in town Sat urday from Philomath. . "v '.. Thos. Sl-.ti, of Tangent, was a Corvallis visitor Friday. , .' Dr. Wisecarver, of McMinnville, was a visitor in this city laefTweek. C. H. Gardnier arrived Saturday fra short business stay in this oitv. Leslie Evans returned Saturday from a visit at his home in Newport. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Smith, of F'rineville aie visiting friends in this city. . J. C. Sutherland was over at Albany last Friday, for a short business visit. Those fond of chicken pie sh ;uld not miss the dinner at the Marshal Miller hall Friday evening. Arrangements are being made for the OAC band to accompany the WOW excursion to Albany, Feb. 25. Mrs. P. A. Moses left Saturday to spend a week visiting her dau ghter, Mrs. Josie Trask, at Ya quina City. Are you going with the crowd? 1 The time of your life the event of the season W. O. W., Albany, Feb. 25 11-18 Lpwis Simpson, of Portland, was in this city Let week visiting at the home of his brother-in-law, C. C. Chipman. , E. J. Garrow, who has been visiting relatives here since Christ-ma-i, lett Saturday for his business at McCloud, Calif. Senator Avery arrived Friday night from Salem and spent Satur day and Sunday at home, returning to the legislature yesterdey morn ing. ; . Graham & Wells are already to the front with a large line of valen tines. St. Valentine's day wili soon be here, and they are working on the principle that the early bird catches the worm . ; O. A. Dearing, formerly manager offlhe Gazette, left Saturday for ban tfrancisco. me tiazeite win now be under the management of M. P. Morgan, formerly editor of the Wasco News.v Good indications - of petroleum have been found 'in a running spring on a farm near Sheridan. It has stirred up some local excite ment and the next thing in line will be an oil boom. Sheriff Burnett began . the task vesterday of collecting the taxes for Benton county. Clerk Moses finished the extension of the tax roll last week, being the first clerk in the state to finish up this work. Josegh Wright and bride are ex pected to arrive in Silver Lake this week from Ci.rvallis. They will be. welcomed home by the:r many (friends, and possibly the tin can delegation t will meet their old schoolmates witn a loud reception. Csntrai Oregonian. Eli Spencer and .Arthur ,'HehkTe have purchased the O. C. Chipto'an vaof anyanf o rA tot ill aacll rvS A nWh rra this week. Mr. Oij'prnan will leave in a few days ,5 for Portland, where he jnterids f to - cohdubt la restaurant during Ihe Lewis and Clark Fair- :' J.rL. Lewis Made -jtho eale: .' '" ... Miss Rose Chipman's visit in Portland from whence' she returned iapt weeK, payed ner quits weu wniie tnere sue was a .customer at a store, which each week "a warded a prize to whoever of its customers happened to hold the lucky num ber. Miss Chipman held three coupons, one of which secured the prize, a $65 drop-head sewing machine. . - Fiftv thousand dallars aDDronria- tion wjth which to build the pro posed girls' dormitory and $15000 to cover the cost cf a drill shed, for OAC, were asked of the committee on ways and means of the state legislature, last . week by J. W. Weatherford, president of the Board of Regents of OAC. To date, no determination' as to what 'will be done has been reached. ' The Oak Ridge Presbyterian church' is doing without a " minister now. For Beveral years the Cor vallis Presbyterian pastor has sup plied the pulpit out there, making the ten-mile drive1 eVery other Sun day, regardless cf weather, but for various reasons , the ' practice s!h:as een' discontinued." It is expected hat a, mlfiyter 'will be ' supplied hat post some !time io . the' spring.. ''State' Organizer 9F.'. Tichenor i the WOW, were in this city, Friday, and " paid a fraternal visit to the local lodge that night. They HpOKe in iae interests., .oijtus pig initiation to be held for the' district n Albany, Feb. 25. A large num per of candidates are to ride the The Bell Telephone people were called away last ridsy on some pressing work, at another point but will return in a few days and will be found doing business at the old stand. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church will, give a chicken pie dinner in the Marshal Miller h.ll, Friday' evening, from 5 till 8. Price 25 cents. Proceeds will go to improve parsonage. Mrs. E. M. Dudley, of Wells, came uo Friday and visited until Sunday wit"h her sister, Mrs. Thos. Vidito. While here, Mrs. Dudley bought a large' bill of carpets and house .furnishings from the exten sive store of. Hollenberg & Cady, with which to furnish her newly buiit residence in Wells. Misses Erma and Ura Grier entertained a number of their friends at their home . last Friday night, from 8 to 11, the occasion being a joint birthday party, Miss Erma being 16 years of age and Dra 14. About 26 guests were present, and various games took up the evening. Light refreshments were served and all highly enjoyed themselves. Mrs. Denman. mother of Supt. G. W. Denman, returned home , a few days ago after an absence of about eight months. With her daughter, Anna they left here last June fof the St. Louis . Exposition, then visited their old homein Penn. and then returned to Union, Oifcgon where Miss Anna held a position in the high school. She is pleased to get home again and be among her old friends. v COLLEGE JOTTINGS. Items of Interest In and 'Around the O. 'A. C. Royal, Shaw went with the boys' basketball team to act as referee. The'boys sav that he made a good one. I The Spring Schedule went in to efftct Monday morning. This makes the girls hurry to get to school by eight o'clock. G F. Hawley, a former stu dent at OAC, was visiting friends in Corvallis recently. He went from here to .Forest Grove. c John Withycombe is to repre sent OAC in the State Oratorical contest at Newberg March io. I he student body wisli him all success. The girls are delighted with the prospect of a womans' build ing on the campus. This would be a great addition and is greatly needed. The former rules are again in operation at the bowling alley. The boys found they couldn't make it pay to have .three days out of the week lor the ladies, so they are all again to go on any day. The girls' basketball team are to have a game with the Silem gfrls this week. The last game Y. M. C. A. 29. O. 'A. C 27. The Y. M. C. A. first basket ball team experienced their first tussle of the season when they met the Oregon Agricultural Col lege players Friday night and on ly secured victory by the narrow margin of two '. print-, with a score of 29 to 27, siys the Ore gonian. i . The game was one of the fast est and mot interesti;i;j ever play ed in the ctiy and one that kept the large nu-ffbtr of spectators on their feet most of the time. The clo-eness of the olay is evi denced by the score, the Y. M C. A , le.'dii.g in the first half with but one point. Durand played a great game for the Y. -M. C. A.'s, throwing six baskets during the game. Thornton, as . forward, distin guished himself, . and Freeman was more than a match for his opp me t. , . Swann was the Corvallis star. The Agrics had much the better balanced ,team and played a good hard game throughout. The Y. M. C. A. ! s superiority lay ih their ability to throw baskets from the fiell.V , The line up was. - -Y. M. C. A. O. A c. Thornton......; F Saun (capt.) Dm and F Stokes G DURING FEBRUA reat Shoe Sale The largest assortment of Siioes offrrd on Special Sale in Philomath. Comprises abuus 1,000 pair of Mhi's, Wotneii'f, Mis-ec', B-'.s and Children's Shoet will be on sale during the month of February. This reduction will be made for Cash only. Immediate at ettion will be given to M-iil. Orderp. Tnere are Special Prices on MenV, Women's, Boy's atal Chilireii's Rubber Boots and Oil Coats. We also call your attention t our large Stock of Millinery Goods which are on Special Sale. J ENKLE 9 ...U .Steiwer R. Shaw, rtferee, F. W. T? . . r i . , j -.i o 1 , rr euiau u-api ...k. kjuw r - r Liymggton.... G Rineheait ycais agu was a very Close tua- j St.hraram; test but OAC came off victorious. 1 Officials J We wish them the same- success 1 Nelion, umpire. this year. The boys' basketball team came home from Portland Sunday. They played the Portland Y. M. C. A. Friday evening and were defeated the score being 27 to 29. Saturday night they' played Ore gon City. Owing to a slight misunderstanding the game was not completed, but the OAC bays were considerably in the lead when the game was closed. CASTORS A Vor Infants and Children., The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears fhe -Sign&tcu e of . to The Ship That Dewey Sunk. for chUdrent afe, mure Ho opiate . The Dou Juan de Austria, one of the Spanish fl-et that Admiral Dewey sunk in the battle of Ma nilla Bay, has been raised and re paired and will be sent to Port land to be exhibited at the Lewis and Clark Centennial. The ves sel will be anchored during the Fair in the Willamette river, ad joining the Fair grounds, together with a number, of Uncle Sam's newest and finest warships. A Grim Tragedy is daily enacted, in thousands of taom, as Death claims, in each one, anot! er .victim of Consumption or Pneumoi ia. But when Coughs and Colds are proper ly treated the tragedy is averted. F. G. Huntiey, 01 Oaklandon, Ind., writ's: "My wife had the consumption, : nd three doctors gave her up. Finally 'i took Dr. King's Iew Discovery for C : sumption. Coughs and Colds, whi.-h cured her, and today she is well I strong." It kills the germs of all ii ea'es. One dose relieves. GuaraBt" at 50c and $1 by Allen & Woodwa. druggist. Trial bottle tree. BOSS! January Suggestions, . Gazette Bell phone No 341. Umbrella work at J. K. Berry's. Olives in bulk at P. 'M. Zterolfs. . . Gazette Independent phone No 483. All work guaranteed at J. Berry's. K. -1 Umbrellas recovered and repair ed at J. K. Berry's. Get your Berry's. ribs fixed at J. K Do not fail to see P. line of holiday china. M. Zierolf't Get your school books and school supplies at Ura ham & Wells. Lewis and Clark souvenir plates at P. M. Zierolf s. Silk and woolen'goods a specialty at Corvallis bteam JUaundry. NC Ellen's Overcoats, aincoats and Sui These stock are of 1ST0T the a line of yery best Goods bought hp goods, made by for this sale the famous only, but consists of our regular tailors, Hart, Shaffner & Mrs.. EVERY GARMENT WE SELL IS GUARANTEED TO BE PERFECT IN MATERIAL AND WORRMANSHIP . OAC Bouveihir Zierolf 's. : dishes "'at P. MA Send your lace curtains to Cor i&YRe Steam Laundry. - i Patrdhize bme Influstry -Cor-i Standard A cedar shingles for lt;50 per thousand at the Corval-lisSawjMill.-' - - 10tf. Second erade fir lumber, almost oat at this time, "'and . delegation I any dimension, for onrr $6. 50 peri $ 5.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats $ 3.94 7.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats 5.98 9.00 Men's Suits andOvercoats 7.20 10.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 8.00 12.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats 9.98 13.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats 10.60 15.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 12.15 16.50 Men's Suits and Overcoats 13125 18.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats ' H-40 20.00 Men's Suits and Overcoats 15.95 Copyright .1004 by Hart Schafrher & Marz -Copyright -1-9-0 4. -fry Hart Sdhlffner js?'Maix : i . r l r l f f t iff t T i ( 'Ma Orders' Promptly Filled at SaletPrices. .CorvalJis, Ore. 3 end the festivities. - 'Mill. 10 tf.