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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1904)
.tASSIREO ADVbRFISLMENTS r-'ive liies. o- less. 2 cent for three ertiono. or 50 i-ente per month. WANTED W vNTED A LL KINDS OF POULTRY !reBf(i pork, vrai ii muitou etc. E. i Clark. .Philomath, Oregon. WOODOHOPPERS WANTED TO CUT iWO cords 01 rir and o k wood. Ap ply at once to P. A. Kline, Corvallis dWHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR; .11 b-Snsi ivmltrv lo dressed Pork. ' mitb 4 Boulden. Corvallis, Oregon, ext to Gazette ofiiie. FOR SALE t OR SALE ESTEY ORGAN. SOLID walnut case. Enquire of Dunn s Thatcher. V R SALE-5 HEAD OF CATTLE and a fine epan of horses 7 and 8 eart old weight 2250. R. E. Clark. BlodgeP. lOR SALE ONE FULL-BLOOD J ER ..ey bull, shhj"ci to register from first class mil M.H-k. Address, M. S. vVoodceck, Cor vrtllis. Or. vo REGISTi:Hi;i OXFORD DOWN Kama and lour half-breeds. Peler Vhitaker. mi BUFF ORPINi.iTON OOOKEKKL&. or sale, some v-ry i hcao. Why not , 'et some ne blood in your pen of j mixed chickens nd double vour egg ; -upply F. L Miller, Corvallis, Or. LOST. .on uTuivi-Ti OR STOLEN ON Oct. 16, a white and ellow hr ephen , iniisr Iront tretn out. iiinrai -eward given. J. B. Arrants, RFD No 2. Corvallip. Or. . OST, 6TRAYED OR STOLEN ABOUT hree months Hgo. h Llewellyn setter, .lack and white. Htut threw years old. narbed wire wound on bind letr. Ten lollars reward for return to Sheriff M. P. Burnett. 7I0LIN and ORCHESTRA S DNEY HAYES, TEACHER OF iolin. Mandolin and Guitar, will visit Corvallis, two days a week. Se 'ect music for ban?, etc., furnished at lowest rates. Addreps, Sidnev Hayes, 306 E.4th St., Albany, Or. AUCTIONEER. ILLIS VIDITO,: AUCTIONEER. Farm propetty. merchandise or live Hock. Sales held anywhere in the oounty'. Apply at City Stable, or call ip phone 407 Ind pendent line EXPRESSMEN. n'ELL' WELL! HERE'S JOHN LEN ger. Known him 22 years Still car ries Uncle Sam and baggage. John is an accomaiodating man and always an be found at hipo8t Allen's Drug Store, or phone 251. STAGE LINE. PHILOMATH AND ALSEA STAGE Stage leaves Alsea 6:30 a.m.; arrives t Philomath at 12 m ; leaves Philo math 1 p.m., arrives at Alsea 6:30 p. m. All persons wishing to go or return from Alsea and points west can be accomodated at any time. Fare to Alsea $1.00 Round trip same day $2.00. M. S. Rickard. LIVESTOCK p. A. KLINE, LIVE STOCK AUC TIONEER, Corvallis. Oregon, Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. ad dress Box 11. Pays highest prices for all kinds of livestock. Twenty year's xperience. Satisfaction guaranteed PHYSICIANS H. A. OATHEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Rooms 14, Bank Build ing. Office Hours : 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to l p. m. Residence: cor. 5th and Ad ams Sta. Telephone at office and res idence. Corvallis, Oregon. H. KEWTH, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, Office and Residence, on Main street, Philomath, Oregon. DENTISTS H. TAYLOR, DENTIST. PAIN tess extraction. Zierolf traildinS. Opp. Poet Office, Corvallis, Oregon. ATTORNEYS f- R. BRYSON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Poet Office Building, Corval lis, Oregon. mi ii ir i hi ii i i ii - n JOSEPH H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-it-Law. Notary, Titles, Conveyanc ing. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burnett Building. w. o. w. MARYS PEAK CAMP. No. 126, W. a W., meets second and Fourth Fridays, in Woodmen Hall. G. W. Foller, C. O. J. L. Underwood, Clerk. PREVENTION OF ROUP. Oermi of the Diaeass Do 2Tot Devslop Without Assistance of Tilth and Dampness. Roup Is a disease that is not feared by those that have never had it in their flocks. .A person will sometimes raise poultry for many years and never have a case. It is our belief that it is possible to keep the disease out of the flock alto gether by using due precautions. Bad weather conditions seem frequently to be the cause of the disease, but it is cer tainly due to a germ, and however bad the weather ttie disease eeuld not oot&e without tfce germs beiag present. Bu even if the germs are present they may not find a chance to develop without the assistance of filth, dampness and drafty roosting- places. The way to keep roup out of a flock is to keep the henhouse clean, supply it with an abundance of light, have it so tight that the fowls willj be exposed to no drafts, and tnen De careful about introducing new bird?. New fowls must be purchased now and then, but such ones should be kept by themselves and away from the rest of the flock for a rrionth after purchase to make sure that they are healthy. When the disease is once introduced it is like ly to prove a very stubborn visitor to eject. Prevention is far easier than cure. Roup is frequently very destructive, but at other times the disease seems to be mild in form, carrylpg off no birds at afll. This has led to the suspicion that there are several diseases that we ig norantly named roup. We are certain that fhere are at least two, one being common in winter and the other most fatal In summer. The bacteriologists are working on the diseases at the pres ent time and may ultimately bring light out of the darkness'. But with our pres ent knowledge we must treat all of these diseases as one and call them simply roup. This word is an old one and means "to cry out." It was probably given to this disease because, birds affected with it cry out. A synonym is the "pip." When this disease gets into a flock the losses from dead birds may be great; but the incapacitation of the live birds may be even greater. One man claimed to us that he had a recipe that had cured his flock of roup. It was quite an ex tensive combination of drugs that were made up into pellets. Each bird had to be caught in turn and have the pellets crammed down the throat. It took sev eral months in the winter to cure the flock, and this work had to be done just at the time when the fowls should have been laying eggs. "But," said the man, "I cured them anyway, and without los ing a single fowl, but I didn't get any eggs till the middle of the next sum mer.'.' It may well be doubted if the cure was' worth the trouble. Doubtless It would have paid better to have chopped off the heads of the well fowls as soon as It was apparent that the dis ease was likely to take them. Roup is Indicated by the birds having swelled heads, watery eyes, nostrils clogged with matter, by diarrhea, and by a high fever. Sometimes all symp toms except fever and diarrhea are wanting. It is better to kill cheap birds that are sick than to doctor them. But If it , is desired to doctor them, their heads and throats should be washed in antiseptics and the well and sick birds should be separated. Farmers' Review. GOOD CHICKEN HOUSE. Where Only s Small Flock Zs Kept It W1U Be round Sufficient for All ireeda. We built a chicken house last spring like this one and find it gives entire sat isfaction. Slse 10x16x8 feet high, from sill to eaves. We have a window in each aide and back end and door In front. Now for the roosts. Take a 2x4 scant ling and spike it above one of the side XliAN OF CHICKEN HOUSJB. windows, then take some boards and make a trough about 14 feet long and let 2 feet project out at the back end of building; put trough 2 feet above the floor. Now take matched lumber or some that, will fit up close and nail one end to the trough and the other end to the 2x4 scantling and make It full length of trough, then take boards that will reach from trough to the 2x4 and cut notches In them for the roosts to lay in and put upper end on hinges. When you want to clean the house, rake the drop pings down into the trough and then r&ke them out the back end into a box or something that can be hauled away. The roosts will be high enough to walk under and put nests along the wall un der them. Fig. 1 is end of trough. Floor la is inches off the ground. Fred S. Denny, to Bpttomlst. Vsed Bees la the Cells. When bees lnhe cellar require feeo tag, place a sake of candy over the eluster, resting; on the frames. The moisture from the cluster will soften the candy sufficiently. It should be made by kneading pulverised sugar extracted honey into a stiff dough. This method of feeding can be prac ticed any time during winter. A cake of granulated boner will answer the purpose aa well. F. Ck Herman, la Pana and Home. Besides losing It beauty and fine ap pearance, boner kPt in a cellar gets jratanr. and Kaflavor is tost. p.i y CORRESPONDENTS' "Monroe Notes. Adam Wilhelm & Son have added a new c sb. register to their establishment. .Misees E-la and Eva Martin, left Tues dav for Portland where they expect to work iu a hotel. On account of the iuneral of Mrs. Wil helm the public fechool was dnanissed Monday Jrank Dingee took several loais of fiflS hogs to Junction CUy Tuesday for ship ment. . The local prune crop is being hauled to Junction City for shipment. : James Hetron who received the bullet wound is getting along as well as could be expected. Belifountain. E. H. B Iknap, Ed. Williams, are rounding up their cattle on the mountains to bring them home for the winter. Miss Bertha Edwards went to Summit on Saturday to begin, the winter term of school at; that place. Mips Mollie Larkins ?of Euaene, after a tew days visit vwih her father and friends returned home Monday. The Youth's Companion? in 1905 It is impossible to summarize in a si -gle paragraph the many and .varied at tractions' which the Youth's Companion offers for the coming year.; A aeries of articles planned to intei- est the forty-five millions of Americans who look especially to the toil tor meir subsistence will treat of "Ne Fields for Young Farmers," "The Sanitation of the Farm," "The Future of American Cot ton," "How Women Make Money on the Farm," etc. . Seven fcerial Stories and 250 short stories by the most, talented and popular American writers of fiction will form part of the contents ot the new volume lor 1905. . Full illustrated Announcement de scribing the principal features of The Companion' snew volume lor 1905 will be sent with sample copies of the poper to any address free. . " The new subscriber who sends $1.7o now for a year's subscription to Tire Companion receives' freb all the issues of .The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1904, also The Companion "Carnations" calendar for 1905, litho graphed in twelve colors and gold. Ad dress, The Youth's Companion, 144, Ber keley Street, Boston, Massachusetts. -. A Superb Production. Benton county people who vis it Portland this week, will have the pleasure of witnessing one of the best of the modern dramas at the Columbia; the great frontier play of Belasco and Fyles, known as "The Gjrl IXefrBehmd Me." The play is full of startling situ ations, arid there are enough Tjig parts iri 5 it' to give each member of their splendid stock company a good show to make a hit. The play will be splendidly mounted, with a wealth of new scenery, and ur readers who are lucky enough to be visiting Portland this week will thank us for call ing their attention to this great treat. Q 1 "I find Thedford's Black-Draught a good medietas for liver diiease. It cored my eon after he bad apent $100 with doctors. It is all the med icine I take." MBS. CAROLINE! MARTIN, Pukersbnrs, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your druggist and secure a package of Thedford's Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford's Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites colds, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result inBright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A '25-cent package of Thedford's Black Draught should always be kept in the house. "I Uedford's BlMk- exosl Mohd. HI. THE07OnD'5 mME- I m Done By County Court. , The county court spent , the greater part of Friday hearing petitions for equalization- oi as sessments, and in efforts to effect this throughout the county. Some persons had their assess ments raised, others decreased, but. such action was not taken without carefully .considering all the facts. ; Assessments on mortgages were reduced by $6,510 because they had been satisfied, or were held out of the county. Assessments on notes were re duced by $6,855 because of pay ments made. A. R. and C. H. Woodcock having sold their in terest m certain property for ; cash and a smaller 'sum than the : valuation fixed by the assessor had their assessment reduced to I 70 per cent of the selling price. ! W. B. Small had his land in! Block 11, O T Corvallis, reduced to $52.50 and J. C. Taylor his to $ 60 per front foot. Thos. Whitehorn's was raised to $55 per front foot The tillable laud of Casper Zierolf was raised from $20 to $25 per acre, Mr. Zierolf appear ing and assenting thereto. N. Castle had been assessed $1000 on money when it should be $150 on money and $1350 on notes. The petition of C. & E. Rail way Company for lower assess ment was denied. The official bond of W. A. Buchanan as county treasurer for $20,000, with the U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty company of Balti more as surety was filed and ap proved and the treasurer's former bond was canceled. Sheriff" Burnett certified to the ccurt that he had posted 5 liquor election notices in each election precinct in the . county as pro vided bv law. Republican Rally at Belifountain. The Republicans held a mass meeting Saturday evening in Grange Hall, at Belifountain. Precinct committee chairman, J. H. Edwards, presided and fin-t introduced Hon. E. H. Belknap, who gave a ten-minute talk on the political outlook. Wallace McCamanty Esq., of Portland, was then introduced and for an hour rapidly and forcibly pre sented the issues now before the American people. He made a forcible presentation of the things done by republican policies, and praised the conduct of the ad ministration regarding the Phil ippines, the Panama canal, the enforcement of anti-trust legisla tion and. the administration of foreign affairs. . He characterized Secretary of State Hav as being one of the best in our whole his- torv. and lustlv extolled the wisdom, courage and honesty of the President. Mr. McCamant's address was received with close attention, and his telling points heartily applauded. The audience embraced a goodly number of ladies, and filled the hall to its capacity. A number of vocal selections were rendered by a quartet and altogether the meeting was high ly successful. Mr. McCamant was accom panied horn here by E. R. Bry son, and they returned Satur day night. McCamant returned to Portland on Sunday's train. A Court House Freeze-Out. A visit to the court house Sat urday morning disclosed the dis comfort and inconvenience the county officers are laboring under by reason of the cold, the furnace repairs not yet being completed. County clerk Moses clad in a heavy overcoat was alternately writing up the minutes in the docket of the county court and vigorously clapping his hands, as if for self-applause. Sheriff Burnett with great overcoat well buttoned up was busy distribut ing the ballot boxes for Tuesday's election. He had concluded to have the county court commit the whole official corps to the jail, as that is the only building which can be heated. Recorder Vincent probably heard of the sheriff's scheme for he at once installed an oil-stove in his office and was trying to imagine, that it was giving out big slices of caloric. Repairs will be completed sometime Monday. c The Sand Ton Have Always in use for ovet rfO years, All Counterfeits, Imitation's and Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health off Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and 'allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYS Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTMJH COMMNV, T MURRAY STREET, NEW VORK CITY. 9 J&j - IZJ Dry powder Fire Extinguisher It is a tin tuhe containing 3 lbs. of a dry powder, like sand.Throwa small handful oa aAre, and it gputait out .in wo seconds. It is the cheapest thing in the way of Fire Insurance ever Jin vented. Call and see one at the Corvallis Gazette office, BLACItlEDBE Springs Mattresses' Chairs Musical Instruments Wall Paner Shades South Main Street , Corvallis Philomath Meat Market All kinds of Fresh Meats, Ham, Lard, etc., always on hand. S. W. Gibbon. Philomath. orvalli$Heesyiorft$. Will deliver ice every day from 7 to 11 o'clack. Small orders must be in fcy 8 o'clock Benton County Lumber Company, MANUFACTURERS OF kinds of Fir Lumber Dealers in Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and Windows. Special at tention given bills in car-load lots. PWlomaift x Ore. is known STerrwher for parity, flarer - A trial will conYince y J.H. DORSEY 3 I Si mi bull Bought, and -which has been nas borne the signature of and. has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow mo one to deceive you in this. Signature of Wouldn't you be glad if you could gefe a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for $3.00 per year? That is just what you do when you buy one of those handy fire fighters, adopted by the U. S. Government and u Sewing Machines Go-Carts Bamboo Furniture Bedroom Suites Sideboards IRockers Tables FURNITURE ilsea Daisry o.