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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1904)
lit tlllS GAZEITt Tuesdays aot Fridays, For President THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York For Vice President CHARLF W. FAIRBANKS, o' Indiana. Presidential Electors for Oregon - J.N. HAKT. f-f I'olk J AS. A. TEE. of Uartatilla. GRANT IIMMICK. t.f Clackamas-A- C HOUGH, of JosepbiHe Editorial Comment. Pointed txiiaccs trom. Presi dent Ruoseye't's lc-iter of ' atcett auce: It is difficult to fiad out from the utterances of .our opponents what are the real issues upon which they propose to wa,;e their j cant p. ln. quest of many in this vicinity, to visit As soon as they raie oar tnty j Corvallis aain, as they could not afford shrink from it and stek to ex-'hv their time and business to consult plain t avvav.' - him at his offices in Portland. The doc Men mav differ from us but 'tor has at la-t consented to visit this theyc tnnot accuse us of stiilti- i ity to actommodate the sick and the j afflicted, and his office is in the new uess or insincerity. I , ,,. . ... 7a , n.,u r li Hotel Corvallis. Thoe wishing to see Ou opponents attack out poll- . will nnd u to thep RdvaBtaM Cieso. acts only when they have j q hiin while here and durinK first misTppreseuted them; m-;the flM par, ef his bUv, as many re Stance. Panama. jqniiv more than one treatment by elec- Ne u-r i.i this, nor in anvtrj.jty Other matter, ha there been thej H comes laden with testimonials from Slights: iatluie to live up to t tlie whole Northwest, and the authentic Constitution in 1. tier and in reports of pome of his cures seem noth spirit. Had tiv Panama been ing short of miraculous. Sj rnaiy prom)', ly lecosM-ized, there would . tnonsands are already acquainted with have tnucd u;iilia warfare unci h is mode of treatment, it seems unneees possib: v tort C n complications. Iy to state that he uses little medicine It is the no! lev ot the KtjHioIi j"' ". v - - t - . . V,..c.,r,8 by the wonderful powers of elec- n partv 'o -trt-at the vtt rtrs . . J . . ... -. c- tru-ltV. the Civil War m a ;-puit of, .... . can of broad liberality. A policy with so slrndtr a; "rtci . . i.n ..-.! r wrrwx f tft vfril nfl i ,. " r " i r u . i me sira.n oi a.Mugic ycai ui uusi ness iu!v rsity. We heneve in a sound mo:;e tarv :-t- m as a matttr of prin ciple. II nntii ue 1 in power we" sha'l execu f. i i:?v as fearl-s-l)' in the future :is in the past We rec ,.y. t; e org-mizitum j' of capital t .1 1 ib.,-r as natural outcoiiie-. u. ir industrial y tem. tTo say that, action against trusts should be limbed to the equivalent to savins the G ivern-! xneut should takr no action wit.t - ever to regulate therri. The need ot k 'officials hiving both the disposition and courage to enforce existing law" has been met by the consistent and steady continued action of. the Depart ment of Justice under the present tduiiniratioo. No other administntion ha more consistently stood for the Ibroadist soirit of brotherhood in our common humanity r ha held a mare resolute attitude of protest against every wrontr that outraged the civilization of the age, at home or abroad. Our opponents assert they be lieve in reciprocity, but their action on the important treaty with Cuba does not bear out this assertion. r Theie can be no reciprocity 4 unless there is a substantial tariff. Free trade and reciprocity are not eoa?patible. The army is. as it is now, as small as it can be and serve its purpose. It is sunller than it was in the peaceful days of Jefferson. It is now used, as never before for r.idiu' in the upbuilding of the organized militia of the coun try. The expenditures of the Na ton have been managed in spirit of economy as far removed from waste as from niggardliness. OYAL no: Is Most Economical Because it makes better ana more healthful food To cut down the expenses complained of, the - irrigation policy must be abandoned, rural deliver abolished, inspection f meats dune away vitb etc. NEWS F03 THE AFFLICTED. An Announcement That Will In terest Many. Dr. Darrta, the Eminent Specialist who. Has Just Returned Trout . Europe Will Visit Carvall is Sp-Temt)-r 25 to October 30 Many Know Hfe Mode o1 Treatment While adverse to drawing the atten tion of our readers to any advertisement whi,-h partakes of a medical character, we feel more than justified in overriding tiii. objection with respect to the an in iimPLuent of the visit of Dr. Darrin. Tli id far famed pbysiciau, lately tiom Pari?, who has achieved such a great refutation throughout the Coast and the Northwest the past sixteen years, tl8 been frevajed upon, by urgent re I roiiowuiK are a lew ui uis levrui. : - t -1 i.:.. - . ; cures: F. H. Hohn, 247 Commercial street Sill em, catarrh, cured J. VV. Pafe, Jeffersou, Or , rheuma tism and diabetes. Ren hen Lee and wife, Turner, Or., w iatio rheumatism an 1 cough, re- i (stored. Mre. 0. Putney , Salem, varicose ulcers on both limbs B Baxter, Ferry strpet, Sa'em, tumor, urtd. Miss Irene Ashiord, Salem, Or., dis charging ear, cured. B F. King, Gervais. Or., discharging ear enred J. S. He8ton, Sa'em, liver complaint and dyspepsia, cured Office hours 10 to 5. Evenings 7 to 8 The worthv POOr treated free from 10 jto jajy except medicines. Those 1 able to pay at the rate of $5 a week, or in that proportion of time the case may require. ' Mr. doff Is Off. The statement of Labor Com missioner Goff, ot Salem, that Benton county has 637 less school enrollment thau four years ago, comes as a surprise. His method of figuring is based largely on guess work and caunot be sub stantiated bv definite data. There were two school "districts in which no school was held last year which makes some differ ence, and again the presence of the College has,, probably inter fered with a correct count as, a large number of Benton county boys and girls attend there and the whole' number of OAC . stur dents has been substr acted from the aggregate of 2613 pupils of school age in the county. . The testimouyof Prof. Holmes, prin--cipal of the Corvailis schools, alsq does not bear out the figuring of Mr. Goff. The city schools bavie heen steadily increasing as also the country schools. The estimated population of B? 11011 county as being 147 less than four years ago cannot be ulistai-.t'tated. by results. . If any thing, Bentou has 2000 or.inore people than four years ago. If "Dutchess" is stamped on the buttons that's all you need know about trousers. No other nuke is so reliable as -, 10 Cents a Button. Warranty! $L00 a RiF, a; a; a; Sold by x x x Notice. All persons who areindebted toJG. B. Farra by note or account and desira to settle will call on Thos. A. Jones who will receive and receipt ior same. G. R. FARRA. CASTOR I A . For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of About Get 7th We shall commence the publication ot a new serial Oregon story lull of strong local interest, entitled Toilers of the Columbia Tne story is from the ftci e lieu of Paul DeLaney Generous installments will be given in every Friday issue of the Gazette till com pleted. . Published only in the Gazette De Laney is a writer of stories that appeal to the human heart, and "Toilers of the Columbia' is his best effort. 1. Be sure and Read it 7 R. E. PUGH, Dealer in Farming Tools, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware, Buggies and Hacks, "ZTI Farm Wagons,! Hay Rakes, Plows and Harrows, Wire Fencing, Wire Netting, Guns and Ammunition, Carpenters' Tools, Lubricating Oils, Bicycles, Etc. Agricultural Implemenst, letc, etc., PHILOMATH, ORE. YOU- KNC- WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui nine vat in ta-teleas torm No Cure. No Pay. 50 FREE! i Elegant Picture of President Roosevelt FREE! FREE! Particulars in local columns. i h j j v j: A E i a R Hp W jp c FREE FREE FREES ! To Cure a Gold-in Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Seven MiSoa Iksbce soM ic past 12 The young man of critical clothes mind will experience no difficulty whatever in finding garments which will both Tit and please him in on- splendid stock of guaranteed clothes for youncjmen. B L ACKSMITHING.35 WAGON MAKING, UW iVVli-S SHOD. athaway Bros. SOUTH IBLER & REAL ESTATE. my allis It is a tin tube co-iM.iirnii ?,V2 Its. of a y powder, like s ,n ;. Tf r. a small 'i-.ti.ifnl nn a fire. ii pus it out in Ii ts the cheaur-st. ttii 'a in 'be way of Fir Insnrance r invented. Call and t !. C. r' Gazktte office, us I ana Office, r . July 30, 1904. i. -iu'i'w with the . Jn-u- i, 1S78, en w 1 i" the Notice is herto, . ; provisions of the act oi Conirr, States of California, Oregon. Nevada, . Vashing ton Territory," as extended to ail the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, - GEORGE W. BIGHAM, of Oregon City.county of Clackamas, state Of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 646S, for the purchase of the SJ SWJ and SJ SEJ of See. No. 10, in Tp. No. 12 S., K. No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this titled" An act ior tue saie office at Oregon City, Oregon, on i naay, tue zist dav of October, 190. He names as witnesses: George W Cramer, of Peek P. O., Oregon, George B. January, of Oregon City, Or.. Lester A. January, Peek P.O., Or., Al bert Bnapp, of Oregon City, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 21st day of Oct, 1904. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice for Publication. PUBLIC LAND SALE (ISOLATED TRACT), Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of the 'General Laiid OKice. underauthority vested in' him by section 255i U . S, Rev, Stsit., as "mended bv Act of Congress uppr&v&a February 20, 1S95, we will. proceed to ofl'er at public sale on the. 6th da v of September, 1904; at 10 o'clock a. m. next, at this .office the following tract oi land, towit: ..- . of SE Of Bee. 6, Tp 12 "S, R 6 W, .Ativ' amf all persons claiming adversely the above-4escnbeTlands are advised to file their claims ia this office ou fr' before, the" day above designated for the comm.encement of sale,, otnerwise their rights will be forfeited. ALGERNON S. DRESSER; Register. CEO. W. BILEU, Receiver: ' . , Oregon City, July 23, 904 ; . .. .' months. This Signature, m n m N ml m I UIX STREET. Ii you are looking for some real good Barcains in Stock. Grain. Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for our special list, or come and see us. We will take pleasure in giving you reliaole informa tion ; also showing you over the county WAITERS, LOANS, INSURANCE HENRY AM3LER. PHILOMAT "Wouldn't vou be glad if you could get a responsible Fire Insurance Company to insure your buildings for $3.00 per year? That is just what you do when you biw one of those handy fire fighters, adopted by the U. S. Governmentland Standard Oil Co., and known as Fire Extinguisher ME is & Eastern Rail TIME card. No. 2 For Yaquina: Leaves Albany 12 ;45 p. to. Leaves Corvallis 1:46 p.m. ' Arrives Yaquina :40 p.m. No. 1 Eetorning: , Leaves Yaquina 7:15 a.m. Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m. . Arrives Albany ...12:15 p.m. No. 3 For Detroit: "i Leaves Albany 1 :00 p. m. Arrives Detroit 6:00 p.m. No. 4 From Detroit: Leaves Detroit 6:30 a. m. Arrives Albany .11 :15 a. m. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the 8.. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S. P. north bound train. " , Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbnsh and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1 :0Qp. m., reaching Detroit at 6 p. m. For further miormation apply- io . Edwin. Stone, H. H. Cbohise, - Manager. Agent, Corvallis. . Thos.Cockrkix, Agent Albany. . Rem jiber -Wax vfith jviry 25 cents worth . of laindy woik done, at the Steam Laundry yoa f f a vote on the beautiful U S silk rlagi ia Nolan & Cal lahan's window. ' ' V v Cares Grip InTWQDays. oa every box.25c One Day R0VAL BAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK