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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
ScroMa Makes its presence known by many signs, glandular tumors, bunches in the neck, cutaneous eruptions, in flamed eyelids, sore ears, catarrh and wasting diseases. Hood'sSarsaparflla Effects permanent cures. Owns a Hawaiian Island. One of the little islands ef the Hawaiian group containing 70,000 acres Is owned by an American named Gay. The principal industry of the island is sheep-raising, from which the owner receives a royal income. Ex cepting Mr. Gay and his wife, who are the only white people on the island, this Jot in the ocean is peopled by 100 natives, who are said to be "as black as midnight." The owner is known as "King Gay," and his slightest word is a law among the subjects ef bis realm. A Ixnr Step Forward. Mr. Binks in spite of all Miss Fine mind's talk about advanced woman and higher education, she is just as foud ef a cat as any other old maid. Mrs. Binks Yes, but she speaks ef it as "a domesticated carnivorous quadru ped of the family Felidae and genus F. domes ties." Italy's birth rate has shrunk te 32.47 per 1,000. A Foolish Memorial. A stone monument, weighing fifty tons, is being raised in the Schorflelde, near Zehdenlck. Germany, en the spot where the Emperor stood when be kill ed his one thousandth stag. The stone bears the inscription: "Oar most il lustrious margrave and lord, Emperor William II.. stood here on Sept. 20, Anne Domini, 1893, when slaying his one thousandth stag ef twenty tines." The Emperor is so versatile that if monuments were erected to commem orate his achievements ia other lines Germany would be studded with them. The places where be wrote bis ene thousandth poem and where he painted bis one thousandth picture should be marked. Piso's Cure I a good eourh aiedicine. It has cured coughs and colds for forty years. At druggists. 25 cents. The heart ef a laieeniaud whale is a yard ia diameter. Identified. Jenes We bad shortcake for dessert at eur boarding bouse yesterday. Smith Are you 6ure it was short cake? Jones Of course I am. I recognized it by the strawberry mark. That cotton is in universal use depends upon its cheapness. Mathers will find Mrs. Vfinilow's Soothing Byrup the beat remedy tons for their children durlag the teething- period. Not at Home la Natnral History. "Here's a curious item, Joshna," ex claimed Mrs. Lemington, spreading out "The Blllville Mirror" in her ample lap. "The Nellie E. Williams, of Glou cester, reports that she saw two whales a cow and a calf, floating off Cape Cod the day before yesterday." "Well, ma," replied eld Mr. Leaming ton, "what's the matter with that?" "Why, it's all right about the two whales, Joshua; but what bothers me is how the cow and the calf got 'way out there." We say a man Is "mulish" instead ef likening him to a camel when he gets his haek up. Altooaa, Ps,, June ss, 1903. X was afflicted with Tetter ia bad shape. It would appear ia blotches as large as my bead, a yellewkk color, and scale eff. You can isaagiae hew ffeesive it was. For twelve years I was afflicted with this trouble. At aight it was a case of scratch and many times a rest at all. Seeimgthe good the saeoUciae was doing a friend who was takiag it for Ectessa, I ceat meaeed it, aad as a res alt the eruption be gan to dry ap aad disappear, aad to-day I asi practically a well man. Only two tiny spots are left ea the elbow and shin, where once the whole body was affected. I have every eeaadeace in the medicine, and feel sare that in a short tisae these two remaining spots will disappear. S. S. S. is certainly a great blood puri fier, and has done ate a world of good. I am grateful for what it has accom plished, and trust that what I have said will lead others who are similarly afflict ed to take the remedy and obtain the same good results that I have. 125 East Fifth Ave. John P. Leajl While washes, soaps, salves and powders relieve temporarily, they do not reach the real cause of the disease. The blood must be purified before the care is permanent. S.S.S. contains no potash, arsenic or min eral of any description, but is guaranteed Eureiy vegetawe. end for our book on the skin and its diseases, which is mailed free. Our physicians will cheerfully advise without charge any who write us about their case. f bo Swift SsecHlo Company, Atlanta, 6s, fo !JlrfeTkl!WllTlJnel 1 suits emit ali iui uv. I Best Cotuh tijTnp. IWea Oeod. Usa RAM'8 HORN BLASTS. Warning; Note. Callfnsr the Wicked to Repentance T.T TTT.U daflT hv the dally press would do a great deal towards crushing the liq uor business. You cannot cure your sins by coddling them. A man cannot pray up until he learns to pay up. There is little comfort in a compro mise. To stoop to help is to be lifted to honor. An unfed soul will mean an unfin ished character. A mustard seed of faith is worth a mountain of forms. The higher life always begins with the death of the lower. When a church dies it is sure to be a case of heart disease. The Passover would not be sweet without the bitter herbs. The devil always wants us to prove our faith by our fortune. One vision of Its work would turn all wine into wormwood. , If you love sin's works you will have to learn to like Its wages. A human liturgy is not sufficient to overcome human lethargy. A sensible man knows he cannot trust bis senses all the time. You cannot tell much about a man's heart by the size of his hat Every man is tempted to make bre&d out of the devil's flour. Sins concealed in the basement are sure to creep Into the boudoir. Better humility through adversity than pride through prosperity. The man who wants to be thought rich is seldom rich in thought. Wisdom - is . like money it never grows so long as it is hoarded. The only way to guard your repu tation is to guide your character. Some men want an analysis of an angel before they will entertain him. A man has no right to ask God to assist him in doing a tight-rope stunt. The devil would be almost harmless if he operated only in his own terri tory. VACCINATE FOR CONSUMPTION. The Mesaas; Bent te America by a famous Physician. An assemblage of physicians In Phil adelphia, met to form a national asso ciation for the purpose of fighting tu berculosis and discover. If possible, its certain cure, received a message from Dr. Edward Maragliano, a famous phy sician of Italy, who said consumption In its early stakes can be prevented by vaccination. Dr. Maragllano's conclusions are based upon clinical and laboratory work covering thirty-four years and his experiments led him to announce the following conclusions: First, that It Is possible to produce a specific therapy for tuberculosis; sec- end, that it is possible to immunize the animal organism against tuberculosis, as is done In other diseases, and that there is good reason to hope for an anti-tuberculosis vaccination for man. The paper told of many experiments with animals and then with men. The Italian physician declares that his vac cination is a certain cure in the early stages of the disease and aids greatly m later stages. Some of the statements in the paper were: Changes caused by tuberculosis in fection in the tissue of an organ and In the organism in general are. due to the poisons secreted by the living ba cilli and the poisons contained in the body ef the bacilli. The former, which contain toxins, we have extracted by means of filtration of the young cul ture. When this serum is injected into healthy men or animals there is an in crease of defensive substances in the bleed of the injected animal, greater than the geometrical proportion, and I asa forced to conclude that the organ ism plays an active part in this tre mendous increase. The participation ef the organism is necessary to this in crease. In regard te the question of lmiaun lzlag man, the most easily attained method seems to be the production of a passive immunization by the intro duction of immunizing substances pre pared in the bodies of healthy animals. by the methods previously indicated. Of course the tests made on animals cannot be repeated on men. While these researches have shown positively that it is possible in several ways te produce specific immunizing substances in the healthy man, it as yet is impossible to say whether this resistance produced is sufficient or how long It will last Further Investigation of the effects of vaccination will be necessary. Keeping Him Alive. Miss Rlchglrl Really, pa. it is cruel ta ask George to wait until spring. He says if our marriage is postponed he'll die. Old Gentleman Oh, well, I'll lend him enough to pay his board. New York Weekly. Beat of Sob's Rays. The window blinds in four shops in an Edinburgh street were set on lire recently by the sun's rays. The fire brigade had to be summoned. When a young man places a girl's picture in his watch case he expects her marry him in time. - Man and wife Buxton, N. Dak , Sept. 12 (Special) Mr. B. L. Skrivseth of this place has been added to the steadily growing fol lowing that Dodd's Kidney Pills have in this part of the country." ; M-. Skrivseth gives two reasons for his faith in the Great American Kidney Cure.' The firtt is that ihey cuied hie wife and the second is that they cured himself. "I must say," says Mr. Skrivseth, "that Dodd's Kidnev Pills are the best remedv for Kidnev Trouble I ever knew. My wife had Kidnej Disease foi years and she tried all kinds of medicine fiom doctors but it did not help her auy. An advertisement lea ner o wy Dodd's Kidney Pills. The first box helped her so much that she took eight boxes more and now she is cured. "I also took three boxes myself and they made me feel better and stronger in every way." Dodd's Kidney Pills have never yet failed to cure anv kidnev disease from Backache to Rheumatism, Diabets or Bright 's Disease. OLD-FASHIONED LANE. It is One of the Institution, of Conn try Life. "Soeakine of old things, reminds me of a thing which seems to have been forgotten by some of my old friends, said a writer in the New " Orleans Times-Democrat "and it is a rather curious fact since it. is so intimately related to some of the more affection ate things of the world. Why should we forget the lane? It is the one thing in the life of the man who knows and appreciates the country -in which he lives, and who loves the poetry of it all. TLe long, dusty lane, with its shading, with its winding and willowy meandering should we forget it? I think not The ."no-fence law,' Which has been so popular in some States may have put the lane out of business to some extent But I decline to believe that the lane will disappear altogether. There is too much of the poetry of the country associated with it and we must not lose sight of the gentler things as we go along. Strolling down the lane! Did you ever atop to think what that means? It means a world of things when you come to think of it It is the story of many lives. Men who have grown up in the country will understand what it means to the men and women, or boys and girls, who happen to live in the country. Let us preserve the lane. We are doing away with many of the old things. But It seems to me there is a point af which we should draw the line. And that point is reached when ' we come to those things which are so much a part of our life, and so much a part of the lives of persons who have lived in some other time." .Fatal Overnight. Lazy Lew De guy wot invented work made one bad mistake. Tired Tim Wot wuz dat? Lazy Lew He went an' died afore be got it finished. Mozart is the modest violet simple, unassuming, but delicious. A Sioux Indian Custom. Among the Sioux Indians a common custom exists. When one family bor rows a kettle from another, It is ex pected when the kettle Is returned a small portion of the food that has been cooked in it will be left in the bottom. Should this custom be disregarded by anyone, that person would never be able to borrow again, as the owner must always know what has been cooked in her kettle. A white woman on one occasion returned a scoured kettle, intending to teach a lesson in cleanliness, but her act became the talk of the camp, as a fresh examplo of the meanness of the whites. Miss Rose Hennessy, well known as a poetess and elocu tionist, of Lexington, Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine inflammation and ovaritis by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. Dkab Mrs. Pinkham : For years I enjoyed the best ef health and thought that I would always do so. I attended parties and receptions thinly clad, and would be suddenly chilled, but I did not think of the results. I caught a bad cold eighteen months ago while menstruating, and this caused inflam mation of the womb and congested varies. I suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worse. My attention was called to your Vegetable) Com pound and the wonderful cures it had performed, and I made up my mind to try it for two months and see what it would do for me. Within one month I felt much better, and at the close of the seeond I was entirely well. , "I nave advised a number of my lady friends to use it, and all express themselves as well satisfied with the results as I was." Miss Boss Nora Hunrcssr, 410 S. Broadway, Lexing- tn, Ky. fSOOO forfeit If origin! of oboes it tgr srsaiMg aianf masii wnwt. teMreOaaU. Conductor1 I got your fare before, Ir. Passenger I know. This nickel Is for the company. Judge. "I'm getting old." "Having rheu matism?" "Worse than that I'm hav ing reminiscences." Cincinnati Trib une: "So she has started on a life jour ney into matrimony, has she?" "WelL I guess it is only an excursion trip." j Brooklyn Life. v Bursley He claims to be related to ! you, and says he can prove It, Ffloyd The man's a fool. Bursley That may be a mere coincidence. Smart Set Wife Good eracious! Do you hear that sound from the kitchen? More dishes broken, I'll warrant! Husband Never mind, dear, it has stopped the cook's singing. Affected Youth (to man ringing fog bell at ferry landing) Aw my man. why is this bell ringing? Man Can't you see, you Idiot it's because I'm pullin' the rope? Mrs. Haesrard Do you know, myself and my daughter are often mistaken for sisters. Mrs. Gay Ah. the dear girl must be studying too hard, don't you think? Puck. Jimmy Ma. did y" buy Georgie a birthday present? Ma Yes. Jimmy Ma, what did y' buy t pacify me cause 'tain't my birthday? Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune. Dlnedonc: Did you try that cigar I gave you yesterday? Biffbang Yes, but It didn't deserve a trial. Ding- dong "Why, what do you mean? Biff bang It should have been lynched. Mrs. Kenway You used, to say that I was the apple of your eye. Mr. Ken way Well, what of it? Mrs. Kenway Nothing, except that you don't seem to care as much for fruit as you once did. George Ethel, dear, I'm going to in terview your father to-night Ethel All rieht Geonre. And if anything happens I'll come to the hospital twice a day until you are able to be out again. Chicago News. "I punish you. Browning, because 1 love you. But you, are too young to understand what a mother's love is." Is it two soles with but a single thought; two hands that beat as one?" Life. Mistress (who is going out for the day) A rl, Mary, you may invite a friend to come in to tea, if you like. Mary Please, 'm, I haven't got any friends. I only know young women! Punch. Harold (anticipating thlnge) I wasn't at school yesterday. Miss Bangs. His Teacher (severely) No; you were not. Harold (decisively) Miss Bangs, I've got to turn over a new leaf or get into trouble. Hettie Now that you have broken your engagement with Fred, shall you return to him the diamond ring he gave you? Minna Certainly not Het tie; it would be a constant reminder of the happiness he had missed. Customer (to chemist's assistant) In a business like this I presume you have gained some practical experience of therareutics? Chemist's Assistant Indeed, yes, sir. I had 'em when I was ten years old. Broke out all over me. A Chance to Get Even. "I wish,',' said the expressman to the lawyer, "that you would send in your bill for legal advice." "I am waiting," replied the lawyer, "until I get your bill for my May moving. I'd rather have the last chance." Ex. Actress (angrily) Did you write that criticism which said my imper sonation of "The Abandoned Wife" was a miserable failure? Critic Y-T-e-s: you see. you looked so irre sistibly beautiful that it was , impossi ble to fancy .that any man could aban don you! First Stockholder I don't see why people should be allowed to carry pack ages on the elevated roads. Seeond Stockholder Why shouldn't they? First Stockholder Well, if it were not for the packages we could crowd a few more people into each car. Town and Country. K0W DOGS ARE TRANSPORTED ON ENGLISH RAILWAYS. TBAVELXSO KENNEL. In English trains there is usually a special compartment for dogs. One end of the van is partitioned off and fitted up as a well-appointed kennel. We do not read poetry in books, get ting all we want on printed cards handed us by applicants for charity. A rich man never refuses the pen nies offered him in change. Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan druff disappears. " My balr was eomlnic oat terribly. I was almost afraid to comb It. Knt Ayer's Hair Vigor promptly stopped tiia falUug. and also restored the natnral color. " M as. . Q. a. WARD. Landing. N J SI .00 a bottle. All druggists. 3. C. AT MR CO.. Lowell. Mass.. fori iFoor Hair The Husband's Definition. "What is a counter-irritant?" asked Mrs. Smithers. "A counter-irritant," replied Smithers, "is a woman who makes the clerk pull down everything from the shelves for two hours, and then buys four cents' worth of hairpins." Cleveland Press. riTn Permanently uurea. no fits or nervousness r 1 1 U after firetday'suseof Dr.Kline'BUreatNervo Restorer. Send for Free 3 trial bottle and treatise. &T.B.H. Kline. Ltd.-Stf -tick St.. Philadelphia, Pa, The total annual revenue of Russia, according to the last report, was $1,011, 138.000. 'free ley lipuor-morphine-tobacco IVS? HANTS PERMANENTLY CURED Cr0R FUU PARTICULARS nsrll TMKEELtr INSTITUTE.- POHTLANP,eWE, Calvin P. Titus, the private soldier, who was the first man to scale the wall of Pekin in 1900, is one of the star cadets at West Point Deafness Cannot Be Cured toy local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion oi the ear. There is only one way to cure dea;ness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by sn In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the res ult. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal 1 condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; ninf) cases out of ten axe caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the-mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family I'ills are the best. Waiting; for a Call. "What did you say that girl was playing?" said the irritable man. "One of Chopin's waltzes.' "Well, I wish Chopin would send around and claim his property." Washington Star. OREGON PORTLAND ST. HELEN'S HALL A GIRL'S SCHOOL OF THE HIGHEST CLASS corps of teachers, location, build ing equipment the best. Send for cat alogue. Term Opens September 15, 1904 . Not Tomorrow or This Afternoon, but You Can Count Your Chickens Before They Are Hatched in a CHATHAM 'INCUBATOR. Every fertle egg you put into a Chatham Incu bator will come out a healthy, sturdy chick. That is the record the Chatham Incubator has made iur itself and tiie Chatham Broeder will bring them up better than the most motherly hen. There is big money to be made in raising chickens with a Chatham Incubator. The farmer who overlooks this branch of his business is neglecting one of the greatest profit producing departments of his farm. The Pacific Coast is not producing enough chick ens to supply their own wants. Chicken raising is profitable. OUR OFFER: We will sell you a Chatham In cubator on time. It will make many times its cost to you. We pay the freight. Wriie me for our Tnique Catalog and useful hints on poultry rais ing. Costs you nothing. Do it now. GEO Wm FOOTT Pacific Coast Agent Box 4BO SACRAMENTO, GAL. W. I'NICN HADE .00 jtx.xn POSITIONS GUARANTEED. . 15,000 forfeit placed with, a Rational Bank to make good any failure on oar part. Catalogue free. Write today. . , Boutol Bftslnosa Collogd Taooma, MTssA. B U Y FROM YOUR Wanted-Salesmen To canvass the farmers and dealers on line of goods ev ' erybody needs. $200 per month ran easily be made by good workers. No com petition. Good easy sell ers. Write for particulars and agency at once. SPECIALTY SELLING COMPANY 313 Commercial BIk. Portland, Ore. PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD Caret Cholera, Roup and other diseases. It Helps hens lay and nukes chicks scow. Pkf s. 25 and 5c: Pails. $3.55 Prussian Remedy Co. St. Faul TH E BEST The Prussian Poultry Food and Killer are "Crackerjaeks." All Prus Lioe sian froorls trive perfect satisfaction. W. MLNTHORN, Halyard, Wash. IS JUST WHAT IS NEEDED. """Prussian Poultry Food is Just what Is needed in raising poultry. C. B. KIQlilN, Latah, Wash. - Portland Seed Co., Acts, Portland, Or. Prussian Poultry Book FREE rOxtTL,.aYNl SKJD CO., Portland. OS Uoskss A.Knta. Dr. C. Gee Wo VONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese doc-tor Is called great becanse he cures people without opera tion that are glTen up to die. He. cures with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, buds, barns and vegetables lli&L are entirely un known to medical aci- nce in this country. Through the use or ihoso harmless remedies this famous doctor knows the action of over WO different rem edies, which he successfully uses in different diseases. He guarantees to cure cattarh, asth ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials. .Charges moderate. Call and sen htm. Patients out of the city write for blanxs and circulars. Send stamp. CCNHOlr TATIO.N VKHU. ADLIKrtSiS The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 253 Alder St.. PortUnJ. Oregon. jar3ieiiuo" paper. P. N. V. No. 381904 WHEN writing to advertisers please I mention this paper. I 0 ' f J&$L H 1 Va e 22 Is the time to write for our catalogue. We educate you practically for business and get you a position petent.Dot Behnke-Walker Business College chance. " I-Oi-tlancl, Oregon. RUSSELL BOILERS sfc High Grade "stackers Machinery The A. II. Averill Machinery Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. Write for Catalogue and Prices. L. DOUGLAS S3.50 & S3 SHOES &i and $4.00 Custom Bench work in all the High Grade Leathers. BO Polce. Three Soles. $2. SO and $2.00 WORKINGMEN'S, best in the world. s2.50. $2.00 and $1.75 boys, for Dress and School Wear. TV. Tj. Douglas makes and sells more men's S3.50and &3.00 Bhorsthan any other manu facturer in the world. The reason they are the greatest sellers is, they are made of the best leathers, hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, ana nave more value tnan any otner snoes. W. li. Douglas guarantees their value by stamp ing his name and price on the bottom. .Look for it take no substitnte. Sold by shoe dealers everywhere. Fast Color Eyetett wed exclusively. "AS COOD AS $7.00 SHOES." Heretofore I Have been toearlng $7.00 I r rrhnrt a nir af II. L. DOurlae mHamx. mh irh i Ha nm nam even tiav far four months. They are so satisfactory I do not intend to return to tne more expensive snoes. WM. GRJir KNOWLES, Asst. City Solicitor, Phlla. Brockton Ldm tho Mon'm Aoe Faehlonm of the World. W. I.. ItonKlas es Corona Celtskln In Send for Catalog giving full in- six t3.50hoe. Corona fait is conreded I strartions how toorderby mall. to be the finest Fatea Leather atade. i W. I Douglas, Brockton, Has, - . - .- . a