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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1904)
U Catarrh . Whether it is ot the nose, throat, stomach. Dowels, or more delicate organs, catarrh is always debilitating and should never tall of attention. It is a discharge from the mucous mem brane when kept in a state of inflammation by an Impure, commonly scrofulous, con dition ot the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cores all forms of catarrh, radically and permanently it removes the cause and overcomes all the eflects. Get Hood's. Hot the Tune All Right. A new Irish porter was put at work on an English train. The head porter, says , Household Words, directed the new man to imitate him closely, and thereby learn his duties. When the first train came Into the station the head porter shouted, -Fer-ryhlll; change for Hartlepool, Stockton and Middlesborough; change for Spen nymoor, Coxhoe and Trimdon; keep your seats going north." . i Barney strode after him and shout ed in a louder voice: "Fareyhill; change for Dahore, Umphump, Too talooral, Diderham; change for Cox comb, Morrham, Findham, Coldhaui; kape your seats where you are." The station-master called him aside and showed him the right names on the time-table. Barney removed his cap and said po litely, "Thank you, sor. I got hold of the music, but I couldn't catch the words." SAVfcU CHILD'S LIFE. A Remarkable Cure of Dropsy by Dodd's Kidney PUU. .Sedgwick. Ark., July 11. The case of W. 8. Taylor's little son is looked upon by those interested in medical matters as one of the most wonderful on ecord. In this connection his fath er makes the following statement: "Last September, my little boy had dropsy; his feet- and limbs were swollen to such an extent that he could not walk or put his shoes on. The treatment that the doctors were giving him seemed to do him no good and two or three people said his days were short, even the doctors, two of the best in the country told me he would not get better. I stopped their medicine and at once sent for Dodd's Kidney Pills. I gave him ,hree pills a day, one morning, noon and night for eight davs ; at the end of the eighth day the swelling was all gone, but to give the medicine justice, I gave him eleven more pills. I used thirty-five pills in all and he was entirely cured. 1 con sider your medicine saved my child's life.. When the thirty-five pills were given him, he could run, dance and sing, whereas before he was an invalid in his mother's arms from morning until night." American pork is no longer prohibited in Turkey. Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnslows's Soothing Byrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period Cuba grows nearly one-third of the world's sugar cane. taNeeiey LiyuvK-rsutu'niwe.- iudhuw ffiir rUBITS rfcBFIArJLNiLT uintv FOR FULL PARTICULARS A9MK1S Tf KEELEY INSTITUTE.- PORTLANP.OftC President Roosevelt has delivered 370 speeches withiu two and a half years. It is said he has broken the record. Miss M. Cartledge gives some helpful advice to young girls. Her letter is but one of thou sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. "Dkab Mrs. Phtkham : I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound too highly, for it is the only medicine I ever tried which cured me. I suffered much from my first menstrual period, I felt so weak and dizzy at times 1 could not pursue my studies with the usual interest. My thoughts became sluggish, I had headaches, backaches and sinking spells, also pains in the back and lower limbs. In fact, I was sick all over. " Finally, after many other remedies had been tried, we were advised to pet Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am pleased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change for the better took place, and in & short time I was . perfect health. - I felt buoyant, full of life, and found all work a pastime. am indeed glad to tell my experience with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, for it made a dif ferent girl of me. Yours very truly. Miss M. Caktuedgk, 533 Whitehall SU, Atlanta, Ga." S50O0 forfeit If mrlgtnul of asatx Ittttr mroelug faWaauuiei bprwmetd CiialS Hlk ALL iL&i FAILS. Beat Cough tijrup. Taste Uood. use in time. Hold dt arwtHW. TJel3iir'i;W,ll'''E; "I can always tell when yon are go ing to, tell a lie," said Cregg to Legg. "How?" asked Legg. "I see you open your mouth," said Cregg. Town Topics. Old Gentleman (to small boy, who is nursing a skinned knee) Did you fall down, little chap? Small Boy Yer didn't think I fell up and bashed agin a cloud, did yer? Barnes Tormer I am in a quandary. I have been offered an engagement by two managers, and I don't know how to act Sue Brette Well, don't worry. They'll soon find it out. "And do you think." he asked, "that men progress after death?" "Well," she replied, "if they don't, it would almost seem useless for some of them to die." Chicago Record. Mother Willie, what's Tommy cry ing for? Willie Only because he doesn't want to learn anything. I just took his sweets and showed him how to eat them, and he screamed. "Thomas, spell weather," said the teacher. Thomas W-i-a-e-t-h-t-h-i-e-a-r. Teacher You may sit down, Thomas. You've given us the worst spell of weather we've had this year. She But if you say you can't bear the girl, why ever did you propose? He Well, her people have always been good to me and it's the only way I could return their hospitality. Punch, Miss Cutting That dog of yours seems to be remarkably intelligent Softleigh Yaws, indeed! I aw could not begin to tell you all he knows. Miss Cutting No, of course not New Yorker. Blzzer I regret to learn that your son Reginald failed In his graduating examination, at Harvard. Buzzer Reggy could stand that if only his crew had not been beaten in the boat race. Ohio State Journal. Gentleman (to man on horseback) Why, my man, how do you expect to get that horse along with a spur on one side only? Horseman Well, sir, if I gets that 'ere side to feo, ain't the other bound to keep up? "What a polite little boy you are," exclaimed Miss Anne Teek, "and do you always take off your hat like that when you speak to ladies?" "Xo'in," replied the polite little boy, "only old ladies." Philadelphia Press. "I think I'll take this bracelet" said a lady whose husband had suddenly amassed a fortune. "Are you sure it's made of refined gold?" "Oh, yes," an swered the jeweler. "Because I do detest anything that isn't refined!" said the lady. The Uncle WelL here's the money ypu'ye been bothering me for. Now, remember the old saying that "A fool and his money are easily parted. The Nephew I don't know about that I've had to coax you for more than a week for this. "I wonder why the groomsman at a wedding is called the best man?" queried the leap-year girl. "I suppose," rejoined the old bachelor, "it is be cause he has shown his superior in tellect in not posing as the victim in the tragedy." Chicago News. She was city bred, and had the usual fear of cows. "Why," she asked, when the danger was past, "did you take me across this lot?" The small country lad chuckled. "I thought it would be fun," he said, "to see you try to climb a tree." Then after another chuckle: "And it was." Philadelphia Ledger. "Yes," said Mrs. Wordsworth; "the family are most interesting. John dances divinely, Tom sings like an an gel, David is a famous footballer, Su sanne paints with great taste." "And Henry?" "Oh, Henry! Well, he's a rather dull sort of a fellow, you know. He only works and supports the oth ers." "John," said the bargain-hunting half of the matrimonial trust as they sat at the breakfast table, "I wish you would let me have $25 this morning." "My dear," replied the meek and lowly husband, "I wish you would break yourself of the habit you have f dreaming that I married an heiress." Tit-Bits. Employei: You are having a decided flirtation with the girl who has charge of our telephone wire? Truthful Clerk (with cold chills running up anddown his spine, and with visions of instant dismissal) Y-e-e-s, sir; but please, air Employer Well, keep it up. She will give more attention to our calls if you do. The small boy was having his face bathed by a sister, who perhaps show ed rather more enthusiasm in the mat ter than, was altogether necessary, for the victim wriggled in her grasp. "Let me go," he said gaspingly, when he had shaken off the folds of the bit of Turkish toweling Vised for a face cloth. "I can't see why you wash my face, any way; I never use it." Poor Gussie. "I noticed Gussie Woodby reading a book the other day " "Yes, It was the Autocrat at the Breakfast Table. " "I didn't suppose he was interested in anything outside of the society col umn." ' x "Well, you see it was all a mistake, which he didn't discover for some time. He thought it was the 'Aristo crat at the Breakfast Table.' "Phila delphia Press. Ayers Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad vice, you would have cured Hair Vigor the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. -I have nied Avar's Hair Vigor for orer 49 years. I am now Si Tears old and liar, a heavy growth of rich brown hair, due, I tliiuk. en tirely to Acer's Hair Vismr." . Mas. M. A. Kbitb, Belleville, 111. fl M a bottle. Allrirneelsrs. J. C. ATKK CO., for Lowell. Mhss. Good Hair Then They Dined. "You are sweet enough to eat" said the very young man who imagined he had the love market cornered. "Thanks," rejoined the 'matter-of-fact maid. "There's a small restaurant just around the corner." You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy,N. Y., for a free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes aew or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, ingrowingnails and bunions. Alldrug gistssellit. 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Mistake Somewhere. "Mr. Millyuns," said the poor but aristocratic widow, "allow me to pre sent my three charming daughters." "Good heavens, madam!" exclaim ed young Millyuns, "there must be a mistake somewhere. I'm not a sena tor from Utah.'? CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Knngaroo farming is to become an established institution in Australia. riTQ Permanently v;nrea. wo flts or nervousness Fl 10 afterflrstday'suseofDr.Kluie'sUreatNerve Restorer. Send for Free trial bottle and treatise. Sr. R. H. Kline. Ltd.. S3? Arch St.. Philadelphia, Fa. Nearly 800 patents have been granted to Edison. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work; The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. ' . Address. F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, 75c. Hairs Family Pills are the best. Diphtheria can only be diagnosed by a bacteriological examination, and can be absolutely cured by the administration of antitoxin early in the disease. For bronchial trouwes try Piso's Cure for Consumption. 1 1 is a pood cough medicine. At druggists, price 25 cents. The Romans had a god of boundar ies. Terminus. His statue was a post set in the ground to mark the limits of fields. ABSOLUTE Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Facsimile Wrapper Below. Years- aall to take mm ngux. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID L1YER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXIOR - . OSSHU11U UT HAVE yOKATU.r. tscSirtt 1 Pnrery YeyrtaMe&wgS 1 ilSSJUISBWMJIf CURE SICK HEADACHE. PRICES THAT TALK. Threshermen and Sawmill Men Note! 150 ft. Endless Linen Stitched, Heavy Canvas, 4 ply, 7 inch Belting, 127.00. ISO ft. 8 inch wide, same as above. $32.00. Tank Pomps complete, with 18 ft. 2 inch Suction Hose, 10 ft. Discbarge Hose, with noz sel and strainer, S10.30. Belting, Hose and Packing at wholesale prices. General agency for Parsons Hawkey. Self Feeder. Lane shingle mill, run only 40 days, at a bargain. Write for catalogs. KEIEKSON MACHINERY CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. P. N. U. Na. 291904. w HEN writing to advertisers please mention tou paper. ECuRITY ICARTER'S HELPING POLLY. Her Broth. er Had a Bather Brutal but T - Certainly Efficadons Way. Aa the door closed behind Polly, Tom looked across at his mother. . "How long has this been goingjon?" he asked. "She nsed to be the jolliest little youngster in the world." Polly's mother shook her head at him, although her eyes were troubled. "Don't be severe on her, Tom. Pol ly's growing up, and sometimes a girl takes growing up rather hard. Just now her sense of proportion Is a little out of focus and small troubles loom large, but she'll find herself present ly, and it will all come right" "I should hope so," Tom replied, fer vently. Upon second thoughts he de cided to say nothing to his mother of the plan he had half resolved upon, but wait his opportunity with Polly. It came In a few days, when Polly cam from school tearful and indig nant over her French mark. "It isn't fair."' she declared. "Mar garet Judeon didn't do a bit better work than I, yet Margaret had niney six and I only ninety-three. I do think I have the hardest times!" she wailed. "Yes," Tom agreed, "I think you do." . Polly looked at him in surprise. Tom's attitude since he came home had "not been sympathetic that was one of her grievances. ' Tom pulled a notebook from his pocket and began to rend: "Monday was a horrid, dull day, and your hair wouldn't stay in curl and ev erything went wrong as things always do on rainy days. Tuesday you went downtown, and couldn't find any silk like Lena Andrews', and had to get a homely old thing that you never would like. Wednesday you discovered that nobody ever did understand you, any way. Thursday evening at Miss Ja cob's, Miss Jacob acted 'queer,' and you wished you hadn't gone. Friday Bridget let the cream custard curdle when she knew it was your favorite dessert! Saturday " But Polly interrupted. "Oh, Tom, don't! I didn't know I " and then, a deluge impending, she rushed tu multuously from the room. "Oh, Tom!" the mother remon strated, her own eyes full of tears. "Don't yon worry," Tom answered. "I know Polly. She's grit, and she'll come through all right. I'm Just help ing her grow up." EVERY HOUR HAS ITS USES. How a Lawyer Utilizes Hia Time from Early Morn to Dewy Eve. I know a prominent New York cor poration lawyer who is out of bed at 5 o'clock In the morning and after taking exercise Is ready for breakfast at 6:30. He is at his office in Wall street at 8 o'clock. His secretary and his stenographer await him. Dicta tion begins at once of the rough out line of a brief to be prepared. He follows this with dictating memoran da for his clerks, specifying certain questions ot law and of fact which he desifts looked into during the day. At 9 o'clock he reads and answers important letters which his secretary has sorted out for his attention. At 9:30 he is ready for consultations with clients. , From that time until 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon he is in con tinuous attendance either before courts (generally of appellate jurisdic tion), at meetings of boards of direct ors or in consultation. . At perhaps 4:30 o'clock the lawyer is ready to receive reports from his clerks. They are required to report solely upon the point Intrusted to them. Little or nothing is left to their judgment or discretion. It is merely desired to know what the law and the cases are upon some particular point. They are expected to report accurate ly, concisely and quickly. This mis cellaneous work Continues until per haps 6:30 o'clock, when the day's la bor downtown is at an end. - Some lawyers even make-use of the time consumed in going home. Dur ing the summer months William Nel son Cromwell spends his nights on the New Jersey coast. He goes down by boat each afternoon, but a large state room on that vessel is equipped with desk and typewriter and stenographer, that full use may be made of the pre cious hour devoted to the trip. Dur ing the winter he will probably be ready for dinner at 7:30 o'clock. An office boy has gone ahead of him car rying a green bag full of books and papers which are to be considered dur ing the evening. World's Work. Keeps Correct Time. The world's best timekeeper is said to be the electric clock in the base ment of the Berlin observatory, which was Installed by Professor Foerster in 1865. It is inclosed in an air-tight glass cylinder and has frequently run for periods of two or three months with an average daily deviation of only fifteen-one-thousandths of a sec ond. Yet astronomers are not satis fied even with this and efforts are continually made to secure ideal con ditions, for a clock by keeping it not only in an air-tight case, but in an underground . vault where neither changes of temperature nor of baro metric pressure shall ever affect it, In Happy Ignorance. "I thought you said all your friends bad deserted you since you lost your money?" "They have." "But I a gray-whiskered man who calls here every day. Who is her" "That's the doctor. He hasn't heard of it" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Shortly after going on a sympathetic strike a man begins to strike hii f mads tor a dollar. LIKE A Some of the most stubborn diseases enter into the system through the pores of the rkin. Like a sponge, it absorbs poisons of various kinds, which' are taken up by the little blood vessels beneath the surface of the. body, and emptied into the great current of the blood. The juices of poison oak and other noxious wild plants percolate through the skin likec"water through a sponge, aro taken into the circulation, breaking out afresh each season, and linger ing on for years unless antidoted and driven out of the 6ystem. Dye Poisoning among the employes of dye houses, and from wear ing colored under-clothing and hosiery, is of frequent occurrence and dangerous to health, causing boils and sores and other eruptions. Workers in lead, brass and other metals ars often DOisoned bv the chemicals trr s. and arid used in oolish- bottles all the sores disappeared, and I have no ana acias usea in po" been bothered since, and I feel much indebted to msr. and tne ausr. ana.m ings settling upon the skin, and which find their way through the pores into the blood, followed bv inflammation, Blood Poison, the vilest of all human diseases, is often con tracted through shaking the hand or handling the clothing or other arti cles used by one infected with this dangerous poison. The deadly virus finding its way through the pores of the reached by washes, salves, soaps or other external remedies. The blood must be purified and a healthy circulation established before getting permanently rid of the disease. S. S. S. acts upon the blood, ridding it of the original poison and restoring it to a healthy, normal condition. S S. S is guaranteed entirely vegetable, an unrivaled blood puri fier and the best of all tonics. With all impurities removed from the blood, the sores and eruptions disappear from the skin. Wnte us should you desire medical advice or any information about your case ; this will cost you nothing. jjgg SWIFT SPECIFIC CO; ATLANTA, CA Tbe Point of View. "Have you a good cook?" asked Mrs. Bond Hill. "Yes, she's good enough," replied Mrs. Chester Park. "She attends ' church three times a week and all that, but her nookine is something fierce." BUY FROM YOUR T. DEALER rm w DO YOUR JAWS ACHE? Perhaps It's Plate Trouble. flate tronble is a common thins;, and there are Tarious kinds of it. Many plates never were right. Others are properly made, hut ihe mouth Is not put in proper condition or wearing the plate. if yonr plates are in any way unsatisfactory ive will be glad to make an examination iiid tell you the cause of trouble. We extract teeth wholly without pain an 1 til work Is at lower tnan reasonable rates, i-.xtractine free when plates or bridges arj urdered. WISE BROS., Dentists open evening till 9 . Sundays ''CYCLONE 99 'engines Write for Catalogue and Prices THE A. H. AVERILL MACHINERY PORTLAND, OREGON. c?Jr.- SouthwicR JnkW.?sWF Actual capacity, not claimed, 12 to l tons per aay. i "" auiomatiu piunger a raw. No spring usedf Gong indicator, steel linings, chaff grate, and a safe, roomy feed table. Low bridge. Kour-foot stroke. Adapted for work at barn banks. Stands tip to its work, hence no digging holes 'or the wheels. Not necessHry for the tier to get down on his knees in dust, muo or snow. Largest Keed Opening ot any Double Stroke Press made. Light of Draft. It is safe for both men and horses. Puts fnll weight into ordinary box cars. Hundreds of these presses in use in Oregon Washington and Idaho. WE guarantee it the best on the market. Mltehalt, Lmwl A Strnvmr Co. Seattle and Spokane, Wash., Portland; Ore., Boise, Idaho A. IN IMPORTANT STEP IN PLACING YOUR ORDER FOR A THRESHING OUTFIT ADVANCE . Thoroughly reliable and most durable machinery in the market. Honest in construction. Satisfactory in operation. Self Feeders, Stackers, Baggers and all attachments. Drop us a postal and our traveling man will call. ADVANCE THRESHER CO. Branch House-, Plough's Warehouse, near O.K.4K. Freight Depot, tpokane. 840 Bel tr.ont Street. Portland, Ore. n j yiyy e art viB. Over fifteen years ago I was poisoned with Pol on Oak. I tried remedy after remedy without ret tins: relief. Sores broke out over my body and on my tongue, affeoting the lining' of my mouth. S. S.. which I did. After takinz tare yonr valuable medicine xor ao prompt ana com plete a cure, jl sun corbtun 1.110. 1 0. wui vv that im claimed for it in blood diseases. Danville. Kv. CON. O'BETAS. . . . , . swelling and the most obstinate sores. skin, contaminates the blood and produces fearful ulcers, eruptions and blotches. , The diseases that enter the system by absorption or through the pores are as deep-seated and dangerous as any brought on bv internal causes, and cannot be Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese doctor Is called great because ha curoa people without opera tion that are siren up to die. He curoa with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, bnds, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known 10 medical sci ence In this country. Through the use of those harmless remedies this famous doctor knows the action of over 600 different rem edies,' which' he successfully uses in different diseases, lie guarantees to cure cattarh, asth ma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, lirer, kidneys, etc.: has hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars. Send stamp. CUNUUIr TATIOJS JfilKK. ADDKUSS The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 253 Alder St.. Portland, Oregon. jgS-M.ui.ou paper. ......... . "iffiffiffiSfa from 9 to 12 Oregon. &am Atti 66 RUSSELL 99 THRESHERS CO. Hay Press. Horse and Belt Power Presses. Investigate the Advance line of thresh, ers and engines. They cost less to op erate, require fewer repairs and do more and better work in all kinds of grain than any other make. Straw or wood and coal burning engines. Also a full line of single and double Portable Saw , Mills. THRESHERS ENGINES