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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
CORRESPONDENTS CORNER Snapshots as Caught toy Our Different Repre sentatives Throughout the County. Alsea. B. W. Jones, one ol our proficient teach rs, iett last Saturday for a week's vaca tion. Five Rivers will have a grand celebra tion Independence day. Mrs. C. G. Springer completed a suc cessful term ol school iu Distiict 9 on rt'ie 24th inet. JTib Lydia Ruble who ran a rusty jneedle in her baud about twj weeks sgo, facade a second trip last Saturday la cone-salt & physician. Most ot the early hay wili he in the . uuck ihis week. The crop is about as 2ieavy as usual. A good shower would xlielp the crops and gardens generally. The County Court, at its last session, tiiiade a move toward buildiug a new ..bridge across Mill Creek. Thin will be mauch appreciated by the citizens of this) locality aa the old bridge has been in a dangerous condition for some time. The poeple of Fall Creek are making preparations to celebrate, with a good, 'Ohi-faehioned, mountain picnic. Aa this :1s an excellent outing reeort, the stream -abounding with speckled beauties, it is caaore than likely that there will be a ;j?0 )dly number present. An appropriate literary program is being prepared. Farm hands are scarce. The cascara ' business is furnishing employment to -8very loose hand, and farmers who need j help with their hay find it necessary to i nay s. premium, or to do the work tbeui-.-selves. While cutting a small tree from which -to gather cascara bark a few days age, M. Li Earnett, who lives over in the Alsea valley, met with a very painful accident. ' Xhe tree had been severed from the stump ibtit had lodged against some timber. JVIr. liarnett was attempting to dislodge tke tree by lifting it from ttie stump1, vc.vhen be lost his balance, the butt of the lUree etriking uis leg in such a way as to dislocate his ankle joint. He started for .'.life home near Monroe last Saturday. Oak Grove. Mrs. Pearl Groves, of Albany, was the jl uest.f Mrs. Goff, Saturday. Major Dodson has been visiting here libr the last few days. Mrs. Minnie School, of Halsey, is vis-n-iung at the home of her parents, Mr. and . Mrs. GofL Mr. JBurk, of Oak Creek, Linn County, -was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cady, Sun day. Rev. Davis, of Alsea, will preach at North Palestine Church the first Sunday .' in July. Morning service will be held at 11 o'clock and the evening servica at 7.30. Mr Paul Johnson, wife and baby left Sunday morning for Turner, Marion Co. where they .go. to visit with relatives for a .'ftewdays. . lire. Prettytnan, ho has been spend Vag several days .visiting hcr daughter, Mrs. Leena Krochel, of Albany, returned ,.Lomt) Saturday. , . Mr. Karstens and wife spent Sunday at Philomath visiting with relatives. Mr. Sam Laurenson returned home " Tuesday from Dallas where he has been Mieljaing to build a house for his mother. Miss Anna Pagankopp, of Albany, has ffbeen visiting friends here for tne last few days. i Mrs. 6. P. . Laurensou was calling en "J JLiaBOounty folks the early part of the week. Miss Minnie McCourt, oi Albany, bas Kbeea -engaged to teach the Oak Grove .School. Mr. ey Coffee, of Salem, came np ''Wednesday and spent a few days with SFiis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis "Wentz, returning home Saturday. The ice cream social given by the ladies of Ozk. .Grove Saturday evening was well .--attended and the receipts were satisfac tory. The Richland orchestra furnished music for the occasion. This is a very busy week with farmers. -Haying is iu full blast and the men who - want tc wont are afield early and late -iirni by the last of the week a good por- i?ioa will biu. Mr. Henry and Charlie Voss have sev eral carpenters at work repairing their i.arge barn and getting it ready to receive ClieJj?reerop of hay which now stands .eld. Barney Ctdy has one of the finest hop yards in Fairmount. He has just com pleted the final touches before gathering kin the crop in September. Bellfountairu TTrrs. 'Jaukson of southern Oregon is -visiting her father Rev. A. Larkin of t-thi4lsce. A12U0.00 subscription rist has been vaeeored-for the erection of a church in . the Seliknap district. Misses Annie and Xellie Fosbay of al Vluy.,are herefor a vacation with their wantry-relati ves. Mr. Cartright will hav about 100 ton- of cheat and vetch hay mora than he will have barn room for. Justice M. M. Wal.'z has a fine cro j of hay this season. Wilber Starr also bas a heavy crop. M. L. Barnett, of Junction, is buying up mutton sheep. Mr. Spaght and daughter, Lulu, have gone to California for the health of the daughter. ' 1 Mr. Flett, of Corvallis, bought a span of good horses at Mrs. Ingram's sale last. Saturday. J. H. Edwards dresses and peddles two beeves a week . Prof Mack and wife spent last Sunday with friends in Halsey where Mr Mack has neeii elected principal of the public school. Philomath. EH Bethers and wife, were in Philo math last Sunday visiting friends. Arthur Tongland went to his home at Toledo last Monday. Ernest Mulkev received a very pain ful wound on his foot, while cutting wood last week, Geo. Meats went to Eugene the first of the weeK to look after a place he is thinking of purchasing. Miss Lela Scott left last week to visit her grandmother at Moialla, Hazel Kerryuian is visiting at The Dalles, Many went to look at the band of horses brought here from Scio, last week but only a few were bought. M. Burnap started for his former home in Kansas, last Monday. His son in tends to stay in Oregon some time. Mr. Gant returned from Portland last Saterday. where he had been attending the annual meeting of the Oregon Pioneer Association. Mr. Gant is one of the oldest pioneers here and seldom misses the reunion with old comrades at their yearly meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Pain, of Wash., were in Philomath last week, visiting at Mrs. Henkle's. Miss Sargent, of Bellview, accompan ied her grandfather, Mr. Gant, home from Portland, last Saturday and will spend several days visiting with friends and relatives. Win. Jolly and family left last week for several weeks visit at New berg and Portland. E. J. Kitson, of Wasco county is in Philomath taking care of his father, J. Kitson, who has been very sick the last few weeks, but is now much better. Mies Winniired Newth has gone to Salem to take advanced work in music this summer. Her sister Fay accom panied her. Marcus Gragg was in from Bellfount ain Sunday. Bishop Castle is home after holding the annual conference at Salem. Andrew Whitten, a student of Philo math College and a member of the Male quartette left Monday for his home near The Dalles. PekkABoo. Westwood. Au old fashioned spelling school will be held here next Thursday evening at the school house. The usual crowd is expected to go from the mill to attend the celebrations. Rev. Joe Tavlor .preached an able Bermon last Sunday. Earl Brown accompanied by his family and school children gave Mr. Morris a farewell visit Monday evening. A very enjoyable time was spent by all. Mr. White keeps his planer humming until late in the evening. Business is rushing. Mrs. Pritchett was called to Yamhill county, to assist in caring for her daugh ter who is sick. . John Franklin went to Looster to bring out a load of chittim. Business Locals. Try Small's fcr cool drinks during the hot weather. For low prices on saddles and harness see J. M. Cameron. J. 31. Cameron manufacturer and deal er ia harness and saddles Red Cedar Star Shingles at the saw mill at $ 1.60 per M. E. W. Strong. Smokers supplies, largest Ftock in the city at Small & Sou's. Finest line of hammocks in the city at J. M. Cameron's call quick and see him. New specialties in photography at the Gardner Studio, Ninth street, near Col lege walk. Platinum pictures in Art Folders at the Gardner Studio. Nintn street uear College walk. Before re-furnishing your house, call on J. D. Mann, toe leading house fur nisher in the city. Look at the price! $1.25 per gallon for ice cream. Parties supplied. Small & Son. . Xfte tm of service always proves the ab solute supremacy of Dutcf)?$$trou$er$ 10 cents a -Button; $1.00 a Rip. Sold by : - . ' FOR THE SEASIDE. Sunday Excursion to Ya quina and Newport. ThC. &E. R.-F. Co will run regular exci.rvion truuin to New poi t. and Yaquina, ltaving C'Tv!ik at 7:oj tliarp. Boat leaveet New port tit 5 :30, train leaves Ya quina at 6:1 . Ftre for rouiil trip from Corvallia or Philomath, $1.50. FOURTH JULY TRIPS The C. & E. R. R. will sell excursion tickets to and front any points on their i line for One Fare for Round Trip tickets good on July 2, 3, and 4, and good to return uuiil Julv 5th. Madri Gras and Carnival at Portland. A Mardi Gras and Carnival will be held at Portland June 29 to July 7 in clusive. Special attractions have been provided to make this the most success ful carnival ever jjiwu in Portland. Special tates have been granted by the Southern Pacific company for - this occa sion. Sam dates June 27, July 1, 3. 4 and 7. Call on any S. P. agent for particulars Notice Of Settlement. Noticp is hereby eiven that the Pioneer bakery has passed into the hands of Mr. Carl G. Hodes, of Albany. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the un dersigned will please settle at once. C. Rkad. Faculty of Summer. Normal. The faculty for the Summer Nor xnal to be held in Eugene from June 27 to Aug. 6 is sb follows: F. S. Haroun, Supt., Bookkeeping; W. W. Dixon, Methods, Psychology, Geography. Grammar, Rud. of Drawing and Music; W. B. Dillard, Algebra, Physics, Physical Geog., School Law. . D. S. Kellems, Reading, Orthography, Physiol ogy and Hygiene; W. G. Beattie, History, Civics, Composition, and Rhetoric, Arithmetic; J. W. LobdelJ, Vertical Writing. The Modern Woodman will take part in the parade July 4th. All members of the order are requested to meet at their hall at 9.30 o'clock a. m., sharp, Monday morning. The parade begins at 10 o'clock. O. J. Blackxedge, Clerk. We, the undersigned, having sold our stock of furniture, carpets, wall paper, etc. to Messrs Hallenberg & Cady, hereby thank the public for the liberal patronage we have received, and hope that you will continue to trade with the new firm who we firmly believe will do the right thing by all. J. D. Mann. D. M. Smith Candies and fruits, fresh and tasty, at Small's. Don't fail to come to Corvallis July 2, 3 and 4.. - For harness and saddles see J. M. Cameron. CeleUraiion in Corvallis July 2, 3 and 4. Fireworks, Fireworks, Fireworks, at Hodes' gun store. . E. E. WHITE REAL ESTATE CO , - . - ; . Are you looking for a home, or good investment? If so we v ill take pleasure in showing you over the country. And are coufident we can ive you the right price on something that will suit you. We have tracts of from 5 acres to 1,500 acres. We have Fruit Lands. Hop Lands, Farm Lands, Poultry Ranches, Stock Ranches and Timber Lands, ranging in price from $7 per acre to $1.25 per acre all owing to location, and improvements. We also have a nice list of City Prop erty. Lots from $75 each to $500 eaih. Residences from $350 to $3000 each ac cording to location and improvements; we also have some good business loca I tions. - O.Tice first door south of Reading room. WHITE 4 STONE. Corvallis, Oregon. REDUCED EXCURSION RATES. From S P and C & E Points to Seaside and Mountain Resorts for the Summer. On and after June 1, W the South ern Pacific iu connection with the Corval lis & Eastern railroad, will have on tale round trip tickets from points along their line to Newport, Yaquina and Detroit at greatlv reduced rates, good for return un til October 10, 1904. Three-day tickets to Newport and Ya quina, good going Saturday and return ing Mondays are also on sale from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene in clusive, and from all West Side ooictF, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the Seaside. Season tickets from all East Side points, Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at verv low rates, with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point East, enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Brittenbush hot springs in the Cas cade mountains which can be reached in one day. Season tickets will be good for return from all points until October 10. Three- day tickets will be good going on Satur days and returning Mondays only. Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be gocd for return via the East or West Side at option of passenger. Tickets from Eu gene and vicinity will be good going via the Lebanon-Springfield branch if dM'r- ed. Baggage on Newport tickets checked through to Newport; on Yaquina tickets to Yaquina only. Southern Pacific trains conhrct wi h the C. & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trains on the C & E for Detroit will leave A"anv at 7 a. m., enabling tourists to the hot springs to reach there the same day. Full iuformation as to rates with beau tifully illustrated booklet of Yaquina bay and vicinity, timetables, etc., can be ob- j tained on application to Edwin Stone, nanager O. & E. railroad, Albany; W. E. Coman, G. P. A., Southern Pacific company, Portland, or any S. P. or C. & E. agent. : Rate from Corvallis to Newport $3.75. - Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3 25. Rate from Corvallis to Detroit $3.25. Three day rate from Corvallis to New port $2.50. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Hay 7, 1904. Vntice ia herebv oriven that in comnliance with the pro visions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en- utiea An act iot tne saie oi umDer tanas in tne States of California, Oregon, Nevada, -and Washing ton Territory,' as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, REUBEN F. PATTY, of Salem, county of Marion, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No 6422, for the purchase ot the & SW1 and 8 8EJ of Sec. No. 26. in Tp. No: 10 S., U. No. 6W, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber and stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register or Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 29th day of July, 1904. He names as witnesses: Taylor Miller, of Saver, Oregon, W. L. Price, Marse Allen, and Frank Miller all of Kings Valley, Oregon. Anv and all Dei-sons claimiiur adversely the above- described lands are reqaesteo to file their claims in t Uusomce on or before saia zytn day oi July, iwn. ALGERNON B. DRESSER, Register. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is pUinly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui nine put in tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drug gists Refund the money if it fails to cure E W. Grove's signature is on each box. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic hes stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half fcEnkm bottles. Does this record of merit eppeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c Enclosed with every totfle is a Ten Cent package of Grove's Black Rot Over Flat TMitagle Screams S JULY THETOURTh! is a sort of J"Hu'rah Pnyq" from O e influence of whi.H. we rsnnot e-aie. Thp s-imnier is fnllv onus. Vacations - have begun or a" inn arrang-d for. We have a store lull of wearahles appropriate to the seapon aiid t appiopriate piices. -Thin jt'o inns day will be eel e- rttd ar. our tjto're from June 2S to. July 4 and during ih s . tiu-e all our ' iusniner 'Goods wii! fa soc9 a iwaaplnn deductions. ' orj." "Lowest Prices" is t!ii store's constitution. Wefiitht in:h p-i; esainnr lathers fought for freedom. You will hav- motley 'eft io c; labiate if jou let us sup i i ..-ur viou-ing, dry good , furntsl.iug. shoes, hats, etc. LUMBER All kinds of Rough Lumber constantly ou hand. Lumber sold at yard or de livered. Orders j romptly filled. Lc.cation two miles west of Bueluh church. . F. T. So CorvulK.s. OTIS Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been nlaced n effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. The refinement of style and the realization of comfort A high giade gentleman's shoe, design ed on scientific princples, adapted to the fashion of the hour, made of jealously se lected leather with an an infinite care of detail which amounts to positive genius Divide the price by the number of months of comfortable wear aud you will acknowledge them cheap. S. L. KLINE, The White House. 5s pa SKIFTON Oregon State Normcl School, MONMOUTH. Oregon State Normal School, Mon mouth lie-ins its 23rd year September 20, 1904. Th-re dm 4 terms in each school vear affording equal opportunities fo- be ginning a in September, Novem ber, February and April. The best train ing for teachers is the Normal course with its assurance of good positions at good WHgec Write for a new catalogue con taining fult information concerning courses of study, trainiug in actual teach ing afforded under real conditions in town and country schools, and full details about the advanced course of study with the additional advantages attached. Address Sec. J. B. V. Butler or Pres E. D. Ressler, Monmouth, Oregon. RHEUMATISM Catarrh, Constipation, Kidney Ti jhle. Ninety per cent, of all cases CURJ2D at BOSWELL SPRINGS. For terms, Rooms, etc., address CAPT. BEN D. BOSWELL, - Manager and Proprietor Boswell P. O , Douglas.Co. CloMnG Henlde Davis How About your Summer Va cation. Newport, on Yaquina Bay, is the ideal summer resort of the North Pacific Coast. Round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates on sale from all Southern Pacific points in Oregon, on and after June 1st. Ask Agents for further information and a handsomely illustrated souvenir booklet, or write to Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. R. R.,, Albanv, Ore., or W. E. Co- man, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland