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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1904)
tfS Woedeek 1 It. CORVAI Vol. XTX Corvalus, Benton County, Oregon, Friday, July 1, 1904. No. S GAZETTE. Mardi Gras Carnval at Portland. The great Mardi Gras Carnival to take place in Portland, Oregon, June 28th to July 9th, inclusive, promises to be the most stirring and magnificent celebration that has ever occurred in the North west perhaps the most brilliant occurrence of its kind that has yet been planned and carried out on this Coast. The enthusiasm of the various towns who have mentioned in their papers this wonderful Car nival has made it sure that there will be an immense attendance, and the stupendous preparations of the management will amply justify everyone taking a trip to Portland at this time. To begin to enumerate the big features is almost confusing. Of course the fact that five of the Nation's big battleships have been ordered to Portland to stay during the Carnival, is one great attraction. They will" be open for visitors and dressed in gala dress. The Spectacular Parade on the open ing day will be the grandest af fair beyond all imaginative eyes to describe surpassing anything you can imagine or express in point of magnificence and spec tacular display. The State Mili tia, Uncle Sam's boys from Van couver Barracks under General Funston, all the Trade Organiza tions, over thirty floats, visiting organizations from far and near, altogether making an attempt at brilliancy never heretofore dreamed of in Portland. Again, the torchlight and fire works celebration and parade on the night of July 4th will be pos itively the most, stunning thing you have ever heard of. It will pay anyone to come and see this Mardi Gras and Carnival. The railroads have all made moderate rales from all points to Portland and return with stop over privileges for the Carnival, and no one should leave them selves out. of this joyous event. They have promised celebrations before that were well worth see ing, but this will go far ahead of anything we have ever had be fore. The conditions are just right. The appropriate organi zations have gotten together. This is the great year for the northwestern country, anyway, and altogether this Carnival has an unbounded support. ...ZIEROLF... Carries the newest, best and most complete line of C R O C K E Y . . ZIEROLF . . HURRAH FOR THE FOURTH. Grand Celebration on July 2, and 4 Some of the Events. For the past five days four teams have been at work on Kiger's race- track putting it in shape. Lafierty and Rube Kiger have "given this ' work their per sonal attention s and the track is now in first-class, order. Several horses from Albany will be en tered. K very thing that time and energy and money can . ac complish will be done to make the races a grand success. One ot the first features on Sat urday, July 2, will be a grand parade of all horse flesh, open to all horses in the country, to take place at the race track, a mile south of town. The parade will precede the racing, and will take place at 2 p. m. Entry will be open to all horses, single or dou ble, if driven, and to horses un der the saddle. Among the prizes will be a $ 10 lap robe pre sented to the best appearing horse and buggy by J. M. Cameron, a $4 whip for the team and buggy, presented by J. M. Cameron, an elegant whip for the best single horse and buggy, presented by Ingle & Tozier, and a fine lap robe for the team and buggy, presented by Ingle & Tozier. A suitable prize will also be pre sented for the best appearing saddle horse, ridden either bv a lady or gentleman. A special coupon ticket to be worn conspicuously, has been prepared. Admission will be 25 cents. Tickets are now on sale at the drugstores. Another feature will be the shooting carnival on Marys river flat July 2 and 4 The list of events and prizes is as follows: Event No. 1 10 targets, un known angles; entrance 75 cents; $5 cash, added money. Moneys divided, 50, 30 and 20 per cent. Event No. 2 15 targets, un known angles; entrance fee $1; 5 added money. Moneys divid- ed 50, 30 and 20 per cent. Event No. 3 20 targets, re verse pull; entrance $1; $10 cash, added money. Moneys divided 40, 30, 20 and 10 per cent. Following this event there, will be a recess till 2 :3c p. m. Dur the interim those who desire can indulge in sweepstake shooting, for which targets will be thrown at 2 cents each. Event No. 4 15 targets, un known angles; entrance 75 cents; $8 cash, added money. Moneys divided 50, 30 and 20 per cent. Event No. 5 15 targets, un known angles; entrance $1; $8 cash, added , money. Moneys divided 50, 30 and 20 per cent. Event No. 6 25 targets, un known angles; entrance $1.50; $10 cash, added money. Money divided 40, 30, 20 and 10 per cent. First average prize $10; 2nd average prize, $5. Only those shooting through the six events will be eligible for average prizes. Three expert traps with elec tric pull will be used. Three cents will be deducted for targets thrown during program events. Leading brands of shells will be for sale on the grounds. Purses will be divided according to Rose system. GRAND PARADE ON 4TH. What promises to be one of the grandest parade ever seen in Corvallis will occur at 10 a. m. on the morning of the 4th. There will be many floats and industrial displays of the differ ent business houses. Everyone is taking such an active interest in the matter that the committee feel assured of a success. The committee request that all fraternal orders turn out with their floats and degree teams. All young and old soldiers of the late wars ar requested to be in line. . FORMATION OF PARADE AND THE LINE OF MARCH. Platoon of Police in Command of Chief Lane First Division E R Bryson Commanding Grand Marshal P A Kline Corvallis Military Band Veterans ot the Civil, Spanish Philippine, Mexican and Indian Wars - Chariot driven by Goddess of Liberty Float with Goddess Plenty and Peace - s -, , ' Liberty Car with forty-five children Exempt and Veteran Firemen , Young America engine drawn by fifty Young Americans Corvallis Fire Department with Hook & Ladder and Hose carts Ladies Coffee Club Carriage containing President of the Day, Orator , of the Day, Reader, Chaplain and Soloist. Carriages ior Mayor B F Irvine and City Council Second Division Geo Brown Commanding Peoria Peerless Band Float representing A O U W Float representing Artisans Float representing WOW Float representing M W A Float representing Order of Lions Float representing K of P Float representing KOTM . Float representing GAR Each float will be tallowed by the members of the orders Floats .representing Business Houses of Corvallis. Tnird Division J K Berry Commanding Cycle Bngade--Consisting of Bicycles, Aloar-cyeles and Auto mobiles - Organization of Plug Uglies irl Command or Geo Cdtney . . . Fourth Division R 0 Kiger Commanding Ladies and Gentlemen on Horseback Best single or double turnout driven by lady or gentleman for $5 prize - Citizens of Corvallis and visit- ors in carnages Horse Show of Fine Bred Stal ions ORGANIZATION . OF PARADE. The parade will form in line as follows: First Division will form on East Madison street with head resting at 4th facing west. Second Division will form on East Madison with head resting at 4th facing west. Third Division East Jefferson with at 4th facing west. Fourth Division East Jefferson with at 4th facing west. will form on head resting will form on head resting The Captain in command of each division will see that his division falls in line at the proper time and moves off promptly. The line of march will be as follows: Commencing oa 4th street at the City Hall promptly at 10 a. m. the Parade will move south to A street east on A street " to 2nd or Main street, north on Main street to Van Buren street, west on Van Buren to 3rd street, south on 3rd to Jackson, thence west on Jackson to the Court House, where the 4th of July program will take place. Result of Voting for Silk Flag. Public School... 2521 Firemen 379 0. A. C 2117 W. O. W. 368 A. O. U. W. 156 Maccabees , 90 G. A. R 49 1. O. O. F. 21 Lions 194 Rebekahs 300 K. of P.... ; 7.20 Eastern Star 88 Fop Extra Good Clothing fot Boys and Young Men See Nolan & Callahan. CORVAUIS ICE WORKS. A Thriving Industry How Ice is Manufactured. One of the foremost and most flourishing industries in our rapidly-growing ciiy is that of 'the manufacture and sale of ice. Ice is shipped from Corvallis to all points westward on the C. & E. railway and many points east ward. It also ships . to Dallas, Independence, Monmouth and as far north W North Yamhill, half way between here 'and Port land. The heme trade of course is the heaviest ot all; with the picnics, . banquets, ' socials, ice cream stands, saloons, .' hotels, butcher shops and a score or more of other Remands the plant is kept running night and day to supply orders. There is no time Jot the year, in fact when t the plant is idle. At the present time, Mr. Ek, the genial, whole souled proprietor, who enjoys the possession of one of the short est of names, finds the limited capacity of his plant so straining under the burden ot supplying the heavy trade that he may have to enlarge before the summer is over. ' The story of how steam is con verted into -ice this hot weather is a very, interesting one as well as reassuring to us who are users of ice, - because when the story is io:d you will agree that there can be nothing purer, than artificial ice. ' The water is pumped frOm' a well fifty fett deep, hermetically, sealed and is clear and sparkjin'k like the waters of a mountain stream. This water is boiled and converted into sttam The steam passes through a cooler or con denser and becomes water again soft, velvety" sterilized ' water. Phjsiciaus ot this city purchase this water for medicinal purposes as none purer can be found. The process by which this purified water is drawn frt m the air-tight tank into the freezing tanks is a precautionary one, no microbe or germ or bug of any kind can get into the water in any possible way. The water t inks are sur rounded by numberless iron pipes, through which ammonia gas is constantly being pumped. This gas readily absorbs the heat from the water and this extrac tion of heat is what really causes the water to freeze. The gas which becomes heated is kept constantly circulating through a cooler or condenser re ducing its temperatnre. It is constantly absorbing heat from the water and constantly losing it in the condensor. The am monia gas will not liquify and freeze when the . water freezes as it will stand a very much lower temperature. If one were to visit the ice works the hottest day in summer he would find the am monia pipes coated with about an inch of snow. It requires a pressure of 150 pounds of am monia gas to the square inch upon the inside of the pipes these hot days to cause the water to freeze solid. .In winter the weather is cool -'and only 90 pounds is re quired. When the temperature of the water registers 32 degrees the freezing point,' the ammonia will be just a little lower. The water tanks are partially sub merged in a strong solution of brine to keep them from freezing to the pipes. Each tank con tains about 100 pounds of ice. When it is removed from the freezing box warm water is poured over its galvanized cov ering and it slides out easily upon the washing board. Mr. Ek has lived in Corvallis about three years and is one of those men' you are always glad to meet and with whom it is always a pleasure to transact business. Remember that with every 25 cents worth of laundry work done at the Steam Laundry you get a vote on the heaatifal U S silk flag, in Nolan & Cal lahan's window. i 7 newDre$$$Rirt$an(J$l)irWUai$t$ WOOL DRESS GOODS New Mixed Suitings New Scotch Weaves . New Etamine and "Voiles ' . New Mohairs, Plain and Figured New Black Dress Goods. NOVELTIES New Buttons . . I New Waist Sets : New Trimmings New Ornaments ; New Stock Collars New Laces New Ribbons DOMESTjeis i New Table Linen and Napkins New Musuns and Sheetings New Towels and Towling , . New Curtains and Scrims mh mm. m s THE LEADING FURNITURE HOUSE." ' VV Labile the Been of everything in the line of FI TB, NITTJKE : U i e Iron Beds Rockers Side Boards Baby Carriages Dressers Chifforiniers PJease remember, at our store a CORVALLIS OLllNBlRG k CADI on)alli$lceiortc$. Will deliver ice every day from llto 11 o'clock. Small orders must te in by 8 o'clock LUMBER! Grape, Berry and all Kinds of Fruit Shipping BOXES Dressed and Finishing Lumber, Doors, Windows, Mouldings AT LOWEST PRICES CORVALLIS SAWMILL CO. E. W. STRONG, Pres., Corvallis, Orei ADAMS BROS., . . "Will furnish estimates on All tines of picket and woven fence Si- CUe want your produce i: Carpets Linoleum Matting Mattresses Rugs; etc. child can buy as cheap as a man. OREGON CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS,. anything in the building line. to order. . South Main St., Corvallis. h