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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1904)
IT IS A MUTER OF HEALTH I?17III3 Absolutely Pur THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE For Sale. Maule's Strain Mammoth Bronze Tur keys, toms and hens. Address, Mrs. P. A. Kline, Corvallis, Oregon, P. 0. B. 11. For Sale. 320 acres unimproved 'and miles from Summit station on Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Wuuld make a tiue stock ranch. Price $4.50 per acte. S. B. Ohmsby, 112 Court St., Salem. Oregon. Fr Sale. Five choice fall blood Shorthorn heif era of the beef type, excellent breeders for any one desiring to breed beef types. Several choice full blood shorthorn heifers of the milk type. Full blood Jersey bulls one and two years old. Well-bred thriving young pigs. Well-bred brood sows, matured or young. Registered Poland China hogs, male and femalp, excellent breeders. A car-load of choice Durham heifers milk strain, soon to be fresh . Fresh milk cows, Jerseys also well bred Durb am s. Inquire of M. S. Woodcock, or Gen. Thoe. J. Thorp on the farm near Cor vallis, Oregon. Wanted. Special representative in this country and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established business bouse of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquar ters. Expenses advanced, position per manent. We furnish everything. Address, The Columbia, 63J Monon BIdg., Chicago, 111. Pm A. KLINE, Livestock Auctioneer, Corvallis, Oregon. Office at Huston's hardware store. P. O. address Box n. Pays highest prices tor all kinds of livestock. Satisfaction guar anteed. Twenty years experience. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. Ail drug gists refund the money if it fails to cure W. Grove's signature ia on each box. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county. lu the Matter of the Last Will and Testament) of . Gustav Hodes, Deceased." ) Notice is herel- iriven that the undersigned has been appointed by the county court of Beuten county, Oregon, the executor of the last will and -testament of Gustavo Uodes, deceased, and all -creditors of the said Gustav Hodes must present their claims, with the proper vouchers, to her at her home in Oervallis, Orejfon, within six months from this date. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, January 7, 1804. MINNIE L. DEN MAN, Executrix of the Estate of Gustav Uodes, deceased. Notice for Publication. "United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., January z5, 1904. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the firovisietris of the act of Congress of June S, 1S78, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory" as extended to all the Public Land Ktates, by act of August 4, 1392, Philip H. Johnson t Monmouth, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. U22, for the purchase of the E. J of S. E. J ofSec tion No. 18 in Township No. 13 South Range No. 6 "West, will offer proof to show that the land sought as more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, Clerk of Benton Countv, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day of April, 1904. He names as witnesses: Charles Newman of Inavale, Oregon, Hiram Newman, Fred Uubler and Frank Fisher of Monmouth, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-descriln-d huuU arc ronneted to file their claims in this otlico on or bofore a:d Sth dav of April, 1904 ALUKKNON S. DKESSEK. Register. Registration of Laud Title. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for VScrtn Cu:.;y. la the matter of th? ipnlieat'.oa of John P. Mi'Le nan t l ;N?i r -.lie title to lots No 4. 9. 10 and north half of lotjS, in lilock No. IS, in Corvallis, (truerly Marysville Benton Countv, Oregon. To Ellen KUzabeth Weiss, William Weiss. Emma Amelia Hawley, W. A. Wells, Mary J. Wells, C'.ara M Harding, Uustav Harding, Claud T. Kice, Alice Rice, Edward Thayer. Henry Powell r.nd Benton County, Oregon, and to all whom it may concern, defendants TAKE NOTICE: That on the 12th dav of February. A. P., 1904. an appticatiou was filed ly the said John B. McLeucan i, the Circuit Court if licuton County, Oregon, for initial registration of the title to the land above de scribed. Now unless you rppcnr on or befofc the 2Mi day Mi March, A. 1. , 1904, and show cause why such ap plication should not be granted, the same w ill be alien as confessed, and a decree will be entered a. iitruujg to the player ol the application aniifYju will be forever barred from disputing the satre. VICTOR. P. MOSta, Clerk of said Circuit Court. The for Job Work. Report is Officially Denied. The rumor circulated here last week that- Corvallis , was soon to have another daily train to Port land has been denied - by Mana ger R. Koehler, of Portland The hopes of Independence citi zens will be dashed as well as those of Corvallis residents, as the former city, has been working vigorously for some time in try ing to procure better train , ser vice. ' Corvallis would also have appreciated another train each day. ; The Sunday Oregoniarl says: The report current, in Corvallis and Independence relative to -the addition of another train on the West Side branch, and an im provement of the service on that branch of the Southern Pacific, are denied by the officials here. Manager R. Koehler stated yes terday that be had heard nothing of the proposed improvement and, so far as he knew there was nothing ia the report. W. E Comau, general freight and passenger agent for the Southern Pacific Company, has spent several days in San Fran cisco recently endeavoring to bring about arrangements which will result in a train being put on the West Side division start ing from Corvallis to Portland in the morning and returning from Portland to Corvallis in the even ing. This movement was start ed by a petit on of citizens of Benton couoty about three years ago and which was afterwards taken up by the Citizens League of this county. Alterwards other towns down the valley joined in the same subject urging a better and more frequent service on the West Side. While it is not fnlly consummated, yet by those close ly in touch with the officials of the company, it is considered pretty certain that the train will be put on in the near future. The Stranded Whale. A peculiar specimen of the whale variety has been reported on the Oregon coast near New port, savs the Oregonian of Fri day. - J. G. Crawford, of Albany, has just returned from a trip to Newport, where heS- made a pic ture of the head of the strange animal. The body was washed upon the beach during the recent storm which swept the Coast. It is about 15 feet long and has the body of a whale, but its head seems to have some of the char acteristics of both the shark and whale, beside some entirely new features. Residents of the vicin ity say they have never seen any thing like it on the Oregon Coast. Nor do the books on natural history record anything that exactly agrees with this strange mammal. The mouth of the monster re sembles that of the shark, it be ing very large. But on either side are two villainous-looking tusks several inches in length. These are at the back of the mouth, and extend up to a level with the top of the upper jaw. They are very wide and flat, squared on top. The mouth has no other teeth, nor is it supplied with the whalebone that usually decorates the maw of the mon ster of the deep. The head of the stranger is equipped with a blowhole, like that of the whale. The eyes are very low, almost underneath the lower jaws. The tail is like that of the whale. The body is in a good state of preservation, the flesh having been torn but little by the birds. The head was severed from the body by residents of Newport and taken" to the latter place. It will be denuded of flesh and pre served. Mr. Crawford sent the photo graph of the head to Dr. Condon, of jEugene, with the request that he determine, if possible, to what class the strange creature belongs. HOM SOLD on EASY TERMS Having lots ia various parts of Cor vallis I will build houses of any plan or price to suit purchaser, providing buyer is able to make one payment, the balance to be paid in installments the same as rent. For further particulars inquire CHARLES MCHENRY. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. O. A. C Locals. BY BBKT VATES:; "r v ' Miss Mabel Jones entertained a house party near Brooks last San- day. TJUe day was very pleasantly spent at the new Jones residence at Lake Lablsb Meadows. Oregon - Fred Sleiwer, of the class of '02, 0. A. C., and now a Sophomore at U. of O . has been seeoted as the leader of a debating team' of three which meets a feimilar team from the U. of W. soon. Miss Kathleen Canfield of Lafay ette, and Mr. Lee Thornton of Rose burg, both popular students at the O. A. C. last year, were married in Portland recently, but we are un able to learn the exact date. Prof. Pernot has just issued a bulletin on the subject of canned cneese. Mr. Pernot has been con ducting experiments along this line for several years and has finally evolved a system for the canning of cheese. x The next debate in the series r the Gatch cup will be held a week from tomorrow. The subject is, "Resolved, That tbe proposed direct primary law should be re jected," the Amieitians' having the affirmative and the PhiladelpniaiiS tne negative. Several of the O. A. C. professors are instituting weekly examinations to take plaoe every Monday, for the purpose of infusing some life into J me recitations or Dine aionaay. The students bay it is all right for the professors, but want to know "where they are to get off at.rr In the local prohibition oratorical ; contest held Saturday night Mies Alice Wicklund won first prize and the honor representing Q A. C at the state prohibition contest to be held in Philomath, April 8y 1904. Miss AVicklund's subject was "The Life Radiant." Waldo Colbert re ceived second honors oo "The Whirlpool of Intemperance,"" and Mark D. McCallister was awarded third on "Alcoholic Slavery' On the local page of Saturday 's Oregonian is an article regarding the experimental farm lo be con- . ducted by rrofessors Withyeombe, Lake and Coote. - Among, other things the article states that this will be the first exhibit ot its- kind ever given at a "World's Fair. The authorities have decided to- make no display at the St. Louis- Fair, but will endeavor to make theO. A. C. exhibit one of the main features of the Lewis and Clark Centennial. Following is the programs of a very interesting recital w&ieh oc curred in the chapel Saturday after noon: "Pretty Little Daisy,'" by Choral class; "Last Night;" W. H. Wicks; 'reading, (a); "Lnllaby' (b) "Little Boy Blue," Miss Mabel Matteson; "Little Boy Bjue," Ma rion Stokes; "A Little Journey," Miss Una Stewart; "Thy Sentinel Am I," J. G. K.ii pack;;' e. "The Swallows," (b) "A Little Thief," Miss Edna Allen;. Paper on the Life of Mendelssohn. Miss Cora Newton; "Hunting. Song' Choral Class. Sunday's Oregonian contains the following: The marriage of Miss Hulda Holdent of the GX A. C. class '98, and George C. Guild was cele brated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Holden, in thiis at 8 o'clock Erida) evening,. March 4, Rev. . H. Mixsell, of the Presbyterian church, officiating Miss Blanche Holden, a sister ofr the brid was bridesmaid, and. eorge L. Hedges attended the grwotn as best man: The bride was raised in Oregon City, where for years. ho was employed as instructor in the public schools. The groom is a traveling represen tative for the. R Gair Print Com pany. Both have hosts of friends, who wish them well. Mr. and Mrs. Guild will reside at San Fancisco. WARREN B. HARTLEY, Member Oregon Mining Stock Ex change, Chamber of Commerce Buiidin, Portland, Oregon. 7,35Q Shapes of LeRoy at 7c, cheap as dirt, as this Company wilr soon pay dividends. "Wriie me if you want a safe investment. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rales have been placed in effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. - Well, Wind Mill and Pump Work I am now prepared to do all kinds of well, wind mill and pump work. See me before yon have yonr work done. Send orders to Simpson's Hardware Store. A. N. HARLAN. Hattkm4tk Mrji. Crimsonbeak "I see by this pa par that son artetiatician discovered that the average woman carries 40 to 60 miles of hair on her head." Mr. Crimsonbeak "And then she makes trouble if her husband happens to carry a couple, of yards of it on his coat sleeTe. Ohio State Journal. .A Fable. Said the old Oak Tree to the Noisy Dog: "Be still; It will do you good." ' And the Noisy Dog replied: "It I had A bark like yours I would. Judge. . - ; - BHOTHEBLT ' AFFECTION. Mr. Iovsik I'm going1 to take your sister away from you altogether soon. Won't you be sorry? Boy Yes aorry for jom. Ally Slo peT. . Victory. They struck for fewer hours of work. And won their point,. I vow Their boss declares they shall not work A single hour now. Philadelphia Press He Was Badly Fooled. Hewitt Did you ever find any money? Jewett No; but Z thought I had once. Hewitt How ww thstf Jewett I thought I wa marrying-money- Brooklyn Life- lo Time to Ioa-- Cleverton Miss Twilling rejected me the other night, but she let me kiss her before we parted'. Dashaway (reflecting) I guess 111 go around to-night and propose my self. Leslie's Weekly. Ileal Eatatv "Brohson is very much- attached to Mb wife and child." "Well, he ought to be; That's all he ha that ian'i mortgaged'.' Har lem Life- WonlaV Charley Litewate Would yon take me for a fool? Miss Passay Oh, Chaxlteyr this is so sudden! Judge. Mo Room for It. "What is your chest expansion? "J haven't any;; I live m a flat. laaerlted. HHsbantT What in creation is that baby crying for?" Wife Nothing at all. He simply wants me to half-kill myself looking after him- I'm going to name him after- yo K. X- Weekly- Mrs. Taylor Porter returned hmie yesterday frocu Linn county. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon Eebruarr. 20, 130. Notice la hereby given that the followiag-wuned settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he nmde hef ore te . Countv Ctprk f Benton County, Or., at Corvaiins. Oc. on April 9, 1904, viz: John 0. Olson; H. E. Ko. 12;13 for tbe & W. ot Sec. 3i. T. 10 S..R.KW He names the following witnesses to yrove his continuous residence upou. and cultivation of said land,, viz. i Thomas C, Batter and Edward O. Baker, of Albany. Oregon, John &. Miller and Frank L. Miller,, of Kings Valley, Or. ALOUUiOX S. DRESSER, Begister. Summons. Ia the Circuit Court et tbe State ot Oregon for- Beaton Coonty. iehu B. MeLewan, Plaintiff, va. Etten Elizabeth Weiss, William Weiss, Emma Amelia. Hawley, W. A. Weils, Mary J. wells, Olara Vh Harding, Gastav Harding, Claud T. Rice, Alioe Riee, EJwanl Tayer, Henry Powell, and Beuton, County, Oregon, and all whom it may concern, Defendant.. In the Matter of the Application of John B. Mc Lennan to register the title of Lots No. four, nine, ten, and the North half of Lot No. three in Block No. Eighteen in the City of Corvallis (formerly Marysville) in Benton county, State of Oregon To Ellen Elizabeth Weiss, William Weiss, Emma Amelia Hawley, W. A. Wells, Mary J. Wells. Clara M. Harding, Gustav Harding, Claud T. Kice, Alice Rice, Kdward Thayer, Henry Powell, and, Buaton County. Oregon, and all whom it may ooneera, defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby summoned and required to. appear and answer the complaint and application of plain tiff in the above entitled matter and Court, Sled with the Clerk of said Court on the 13th, day of February, 1904, on or before the 29th day of March, 1904. said day being the last day e the- time pre scribed in the order for publication of tiiis summons made by the Countv Juuge of Benton County, Ore gon (which said order is hereinafser referred to), to wit, on or before six weeks from the day of first pub lication hereof. And you are hereby notified that if you fail so 10 appear and answer said co.rapl lint and application as herein required for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief demanded in said complaint and applica tion, namely for a decree declaring, determining and adjudging that the defendants and each of them have no estate, right, title or interest in siid Lots 4, 9, 10 and north half of Lot JS'o. 3 in Block 18, in City of Corvallis (formerly Marysville) in Bantoa county, Oregon, at law or in equity, iu possession!, expectancy, reversion or remainder aud that you and each of you be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatsoever in or to said real property adverse to the plajmiff and applicant; that the Court by sucb decree find and declar the title or interest of the applicant in said real prop erty and decree the same as in the application stated and order the register of titles to register the same and for general relief. This summons is published in the Corvallis Ga zette once a week for six successive and -consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue of Feb ruary 16th, 1904 in pursuance of an order made by the Hon. Virgil E Walters. County Judge of Ben ton County, Oregon, dated February lath, 1904. w - YATES & YATE5, Attorneys for Plaintiff. has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? CACiosea woo every IF Men's $10.50 Mackintoshes. . - " aOO Covert Lined Coats. ...... ........ " 5.50 Cowboy Blizzard Ulsters A few. pair of Ladies heavy Shoes, sizes 6, 7, 8.... Three pieces heavy Skirting,, the $1.50 grade- - Ladies $10 Jackets . -. . . ..... . .... Misses Shoes, the $1 kind, ...... Children's Shoes, 90c.. kind1, A few Ladies UundermuslinsBat cost to ellose out stock A few Ladies Outing FanneL Night Robes, $1 kind A lot Men's Odd Pants, some worth $5 Oil Clothing at cost to close out stock. A lot of Embroideries, worth up to 25c A lot of Linen Torchon Lace, worth up to lOe- A lot of wide Taffetta Ribbons,, value 25c- The residue stock of Men's and Boys Qvercoats at cost . during March. A few Remnants left at further reductions. Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Wool Underwear afc A few Fur Collarettes and Boas at half priee-. B A. CATHEYM. D Physician & Sturgeon .Rooms 14 in Bank Building. ) 10 to I f 2 to 4 10 to 12 a. m. fWKoa TTnnva J 2 to 4 p. ra. Residence : Corner 5th and Adams Sta Telephone at office and residence. Corvallis. - - - Oregon. E. R. Bvyson ATTORNEY-AT IiW Corvallis,. Oregon. Office In PostofSce BulldltMB.. Notice. TJ. S. Land Qfike, Oregon. City, Febrnary 5,1904. Notice is hereby given that the ap proved plat of township 10 south, range 9 west, (fractional) has been receiyed from the Surveyor General f Oregon, and on Aprill 13 1904, at C o'clock a. m. of said date,, said plat will be filed in this office, and the land embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Algernon S. Dkessek,. Begister Geo..W. Bubee, Receiver.. ALL KIMSBSl or SeMtibg Machine Extras AT THE Stpr Sewing Machine . . Agency .. . On Second st, opposite Farmers Hotel, Gm Am Bryce, Agent. Thai the GAZETTE has the Best Assortment finest Display Latest Designs FOR 3ob lUorft of All Rinds. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic some is a en jcm jxajmss w w j 68 76 98 76 98 98 4 98 78 68 76 2 50 10 05 15 east. C. IT. NEWTH, M. IK PHYSI6IAN &, SURGEON. OFfJCE. AND RESIDENCE. MAIN STREET I'll UL01x.TU. ORE. HARDWARE. ' ' TINW ARE STOES PAINTS OILS iLiuii line ol Wtsa nj dow Glass..3i&3 Haraessv Wagons, Buggies ands Fairrm B3achineryJ3C EHILOMi&EH 'OREGON.. Summons. Irtithe Circuit fiaort of the State-off Cgot for Eentou County. Delila ReadvI'lhimliff, vs. i Thomas. G Reaett, Defendant) To JL nomas-u. Keaa tne aeienaantuuve namea: In thenon sf the State of Oregon yon are sun moned and seqmred to appear, io tha above entitlexh 'court at the cwort room thereof, inrteClty of Cor vallis, Beaton Connty, State ott Onegon, on or ke fore Xoncbj- the 28th day of Msuwh 1904, it beln& the first day of the next regular tana of said comt to answer te plaintiff's complaint aew on file in this, suit in. said court, and if you faiii so to appear 3uiit answer for want thereof, the pluiatiff will apply tu said eoart. tor the relief prayed1 tor in the said torn, plaint to-wit, for a decree anaaUing the manias contract now existing between, said plaintiff ands fendant and for the cost and disbursements in aaki suit. This snmrnons is published! by order of BonVfafi) E. Waiters, Judge of thecouaty court of th atat of Oregon, for Benton County made on the Htlk day of February and to be published for six coraaevtive. weeks and in seven issues vi the Corvallis fiasfette, and the first date of tltft publication thereat to February 12, 1904. YATES & Y-MES. Attorneys for (laiatfK. Notary. Titles. Couvsxancuku JOS. H. WILSOH. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court, Office in Burnett Building. E. E. WHITE REAL ESTATE CO How is money made? II you have $1000 and lock it up in a fire proof safe and leave it there for 10 years, when you open it what will you find? You may find $1000, certainly no more. If you wish money to increase you must invest it in something growing in valua tion and there is no safer or surer invest ment than good real estate, where if you invest $1000 it will make you another $1000, or in proportion as you invest. We make it our business To find investments and as a consequence if there are snaps to be had we find them, and if you keep watch of our list you can get t hem, as we do business for a very small per cent. Therefore, if a bargain is placed in our hands it is a bargain when it leaves our hands. We invite you to look over our list, which will be furnished you on application. We have both farm and city property for sale. WH TE & STONE, Corvallis, Oregon . over One and a Half Million NoCra"e.NoPay. 50c