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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1904)
4 mzs -.-I' y -yj .a V- 7-1. ,-.T . THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE Publlahmd mvmry Tmmmday mnd Friday rhythm . GAZETTE PUBLISHING CO. 0. A. Dearing, Ed. and Mgr. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 19:4. EDITORIAL COMMENT. It is said that St. Louis' was selected for the Democratic Con vention city, instead of Chicago, because Hearst had a paper in Chicago. Now Willie threatens to start another Yellow Journal in St. Louis, to whoop it up dur ing the convention. A Happy Hooligan and Mrs. Katzenjam mer department will not be nec essary for this paper, as Bryan will write the editorials. jfi . One more question regarding the Portage Railroad. If it is going to cost $100,000 for the right-of-way for the canal, where every owner is willing to sell at a fair price, how much is it going to cost for ri-ght-ot-way for a portage railroad where the own ers do not want to sell, and where every obstacle will be thrown in the way by the wealthy owners? How much of the $160,000 will be left when the preliminaries are out of the way and the actual work of railway construction commences ? j j j The Portland gamblers are be coming bolder every day. A poor woman, who had been working as a servant, saved up $165 with which she planned to make a first payment on a rooming house, gave the money to her husband to make the payment. On his way he stepped into Erickson's gambling den, played "twenty one" and lost the $165. Heart broken the woman appealed to District Attorney Manning to re cover her money. He telephoned Erickson and made a statement of the case, asking him to return the money. Erickson's reply was: "Go-to hell!" He didn't go, but issued a warrant instead, and the house was closed. Bail was then put up and the house nnened ncrain. Another warrant. with like Insult. The gambling house is closed permanently till that $165 is collected, me dis trict Attorney will issue a war rant everv dav until he gets the money. The sheriffs office and police seem to be standing in with the eramblers. Truly a savory state of affairs for the metropolis of a great state tnat is looking for immigration. ft As the time tor the June con vention grows nearer, the politi cal pulse is quickening. Who will get the nomination? At present it looks as if Roosevelt carried it in his pocket without question. The democrats have neither policy or candidate. Until ' they do have a paramount issue, there is no possibility of any change in republican senti ment regarding the candidate. The only suggestions of any change come from New York, the state where the unexpected is the thing that always happens. Cleveland carried it in 1882 by a plurality of 192,000 and in 1884 by only 1200. McKinley 268, 000 plurality in r886 and two years after the democrats carried the state by 60,000. New York may well be considered doubtful. Grosvenor so places it in his es timate, and claims a republican majority regardless of its vote. Republican quarrels alone will not give the state to the demo crats, nor will it work harm throughout the country in the national result. One factor is not yet considered. The demo cratic party can always be de pended upon to do the wrong thing at the right time. At pres ent it looks as if that wrong thing was a combination between Bryan and Hearst for the nomin ation of the latter. Let us live and hope. j Ji Jt The Ministerial Association of Portland demands thai the Lewis & Clark Fair shall be closed tight on Sunday. Why shouldn't the Jews come in and demand that it be closed on Saturday? It is the old problem over again, of mak ing people good by law. It Strikes an outsider as strange that the ministers of Portland do not take their own medicine, and practice the charity they preach. With the advantages they really possess combined with the ad vantages they claim to possess, there is no reason whv thpv should not make the attractions' of their services so superior that everyone will flock to them, and the Fair would be deserted on Sunday, even if allowed to open. Perhaps they draw the lesson from past experience, and note tnat without any counter attrac tions they have never vet been able to attract one-fifth of the people of thai citv. The orono- sition is a confession of weak ness on their Dart, which thev ought never to have acknowl edged. Morality by compulsion lasts only while the force that compels it is aDolied. The ciation that claims a moral force behind its teachings, and bv its acts Stultifies its own claims, and thus openly acknowledges that it nas no iaitn in itseir, is losing a large part of the power for eood it ought to possess and wield for tne puonc good. js j& jfc It is often the case that the local newspaper, which does more tor a town than any other agency, is the last to receive encourage ment and patronage it deserves. yet it is expected to use its best efforts at all times on behalf of local enterprises, and to find its chief reward in the consciousness of doing good. Sacramento Bee. PHILOMATH MILL CO. KIR LUMBER Complete Stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber kept constantly on hand OFFICES AT PHILOMATH, OR F. KLECKER X Philomath t 1 Oregon. AGENT FOR Natures Health Restorer thbIbest medicixb on EARTH. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours PINK TABLETS ONLY Can be had at H odes' Grocery. Notary. Titles. CotrvxYAHCiHS. jos. h. wilson! . ATTORNKY-ATIA.W. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burnett Building. TO CURE A COLD IN QNE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablfeta. AH drug gists refund the money if it tails to core E W. Grove's signature is .on each box. For Sale. Two Shorthorn bullp, one two-year-old, both darK red, twelve yoang Cotswold ewes. I. O. Thompson, K. F. D. No. 2, Corvallis, Or. THE OCCIDENTAL HOTEL CQRVALLIS. OREGON. Bates $1.00 and $2.00 per day accord ing to the quality of rooms and class of service rendered. Prices for regular boarders made rea sonable on application. The house was freshly painted inside and papered throughout during last summer and fall, and supplied with new bath and toilets. The table is furnished at all times with the best the market affords. The beds are changed every day and all rooms aired and cleaned daily. Every effort will be made to please the traveling pub lic of all classes. Free sample room and the best of ser vice for commercial travelers. Will be pleased to negotiate with all persons de siring good comfortable homelike accom modations. Free Bus to and from trains H. M. BRTJNK, PROPRIETOR Fl MEN'S CLOTHING All $16.50, 17 50, 18, 20 and 22 50 Suits and overcoats . for . . . . ............. $15.00 All $13.00, 14.00 and 15 suits and overcoats lor 12.50 All $10.50, 11.00, 12.00 and 12.50 suits and overcoats 10.00 All $8.00, 8.50, 9.00, 9 50 and 10.00 suits and overcoats 7.50 All $7.50 suits and overcoats 6.50 20 per cent reduction on all boys' suits and overcoats and men's ex tra pants. REDUCTION SALE. 10 per cent reduction on lace cur tains. 10 per cent reduction on dress linings. 10 per cent reduction on W. B. corsets. 25 per cent reduction on back and fancy combs. 25 per cent reduction on dress trimmings, lace all over. 25 per cent reduction wool waists. 25 per cent reduction ladies' belts. Ladies' and Misses' skirts 10 per cent reduction. Ladies' and Misses jackets 25 per cent reduction. Wool shawls and fascinators, 25 per cent reduction. REMNANT SALE. DRY GOODS. 6c calico at. 5c 10c outing flannel .8c 10o flannelett 8c 10c percale 8c 8c shirting .7c 12c percale..... ....11c 15c ribbon .....12c 25c ribbon .20c 35o ribbon ...30c 50c velveteens 45c $1 25 dress goods $1 00 $1.00 dress goods 85c 75c dress goods 60c 50c dress goods 45c 25c dress goods.... 20c 20c dress goods 15c 75o eiderdown 60c 35c eiderdown.. 25c 1 IWl Soie Special! m $ 9 9 9 During Our Annual Sale A Lot of Boys' Oyercoats, 5 to 12 years, value $5 to $7 50. Plum Price. 5 50, 6 50. 8 50 -1 50, 2 00. 1 50, 2. 2 50. A Lot of Men's Mackintoshes ' A Lot of Men's Veal Kip Boots. ' A Lot of Boys' Shoes, 11 12... ....... ' A Lot of Men's Shoes ' A Lot of Men's Duck Coats, blanket lined A Lot of Men's Covert Ulstera. . .......... 1 A Lot of Men's Odd Pants. ' A Lot of Boys' Knee Pants 1 A Lot of Boys' Suits, 5 to 14 years A Lot of Boys' Suits, long pants, 12 to 19, some worth $6 A Lot of Men's. wool-fleeced Underwear, whoppers A Lot of Men's Frock Suits, 33 to 37. . . .value $7 50 to $15 4 50 1 50. 2 50 ,75, 1 50 1 50, 2 00 .? 2 50 . 3 45 . 2 48 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 1 28 . 2 69 . 1 00 33 .. 1 00 . 2 98 4 98 r I AT HALF PRICE : 1 All our Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, Tailor-made Suite, Furs. . J A Broken Line of "Gold" white Dress Shirts, value $1 50 10 pieces Outing Flannels . . ; . A Lot of Embroideries worth from 25c. to 30c. ........... A Lot of Women's Outing-flannel Night Robes, value 75c A Lot of Women's Outing flannel Kimonos, cheap at 75c A Lot of Lace Curtains, per pair. A Lot of Women's Grey and Ecru Vests and Pants, 45c. . Broken lines R & G Corsets, $1 grade Broken lines R & Corsets, $1 50 grade Novelty Dress Patterns, $12. . . ... Novelty Dress Patterns, $3 .' Plum Price. 75 4K 15 56 48 56 23 69 98 7 90 5 90 I AT HALF PRICE : Une job lot Ladies and Misses Rubbers A Broken line of $1 50 Women's Shoes , A Broken line of 2 J0 ' " " A Broken line of 3 00 " " A Broken line of 3 50 " A Broken line of 1 25 Misses " A Broken line of 1 50 " A Broken line of 2 00 V " Big Bargains in Childress odds and end s Shoes 18 98 1 35 90 2 49 88 98 1 29 All these prices are SPOT CASH -. ' Save money and help us to clean house before our new spring stock arrives. E. R. Bryson ATTORNEY AT LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Office la Poatoffice Bulldlnc. B A. CATHEY, M. D Physician Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hour. Residence: Corner 5th and Adams Sts. Telephone at office and residence. Corvallis, - - - Oregon. E. E. WHITE REAL ESTATE CO Just Ftw of Our Many Bargains. No. 34. 460 acres adjoining B. K. town, all tillable, fine improvements. Only f'25 per acre. No. 87.-387 acres 7 miles from Corvallis and miles from K. K. station, 2 good houses, fine barns, 125 acres out to grain. A fine place; 4o per acre. . No. a. 300 acres all fenced, i60 acres cleared, more could be. 100 acres to grain now. Price 25 per acre. No. 20. 60 acres, good 9-room house, good well and orchara, all fenced; also 10 bead of cows, Jteam, harness and wagon, some hpjjs and cnicaens,u ior yww. No. 18. 80 acres. 25 In orchard mostly prunes, good house and barn, good well and running water. nce vmuu. No. 15. 160 acres, 4 miles east of Corvallis. eieht-room house, barn 40x60. 20 acres oi prunes, balance good forest land. Price f35 per acre. , . No. 26. House and 2 lots on Main street; 1500. No. 27. 22-foot front on Main street good location for business. S500. No. 25. A fine lot on Third street; $135. No. 81. Two fine lots, nice location; $500. No. 35. Undivided half interest in business lot ton Main street, good two-story brick 59x75 ieet, a snap, race, 4,auu. SDace will not nermit of further details, but ii you want a gooa investment am ana see us. irst door South of Heading Room. C. II. NEWTH, M. D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, MAIN STREET, PHILOMATH, ORE. HARDWARE TINWARE STOVES PAINTS OILS A full line of Win dow GlassXXX Harness, Wagons, Buggies and Farm Machinery JSCA) PHILOMATH "OREGON. Notice of Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the County Court of Lincoln County, Oregon, in probate) made on the 9th day of December, 1903, and entered in the pro Date journal of said court, Vol. 3, page 28 in the matter of the guardianship and estate of Melissa wmtney, Mary u. wnitney, ana Kutn Whitney, minors, ana neirsoi Laura wnitney. deceased, duly licensing and authorizing the undersigned gnardian of said minors to sell their interest in ine louowing aescnnea real estate, the undersigned Guardian of said minora wm oner ior saie ana sen at puouc auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, and subject to confirmation by said court on Satubdat, thi 23bd day op Jakdabt, 19i4, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m. at the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Corvallis, County of Benton, State of Oregon, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said minors and each of them, in and to kta numbered, lour, nve, six. seven ana eient in block number twenty, in the County Addi tion to the City of Corvallis. County of Benton. State of Oregon, the same being an undivided threeslxtbs interest werein. Uated December 23rd, 1903. mm M. T. WHITNEY, f UUUUlUli Cheap Sunday Kates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold 8ATTJRDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Rate to os From Corvatt ts. 3.0(1 Gallon Sonthern Purifta Cn'a Amnta tor particulars. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARC TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is Diainlv minted on everv bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui nine put in tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. SO Get your ribs fixed at the Bicycle Hospital. Have you seen the anti rust and wind proof umbrellas at the Bicycle Hospital. For Sale. Twenty shares stock in Equitable Sav ng nd Loan Association, uall on ueo E. Lilly, at First National Bank. JANUARY REDUCTION ...SALE... ALL GOODS FOR JANUARY RE DUCED IN PRICE SO AS TO CLEAN UP LAST YEAR'S PUR CHASES. MAKE NO MISTAKE. GET PRICES AND SUPPLY YOUR WANTS NOW! J. H. HARRIS . THE . . PIONEER BAKERY H. 17. HALL A fresh and complete line of candies, nuts and fruits kept constantly on hand. Our bread is always fresh. We carry a complete line of smokers' ne cessities. . . . . . . Main Street Home-Seekers: If you are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain Fruit and Poultry Banches, write for my special list or come and see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing ytu over the country. HENRY AMBLER, SSSS&ir. Philomath. Benton County. Oregon Now is the Time . . To have your Watch Repaired, Clock Cleaned, Spectales Fixed. All work is done Neatly and Promptly ... . . . And Satisfaction is Guaranteed. E. W. S. PRATT, The Jeweler and Optician. J0CT6tore closes at 6 p. m. except Saturday. 0. J. BLACKLEDG-E, NEW. furniture and Mc Store The public is inyited to come and seemystock of Bed Room Suits Woven Wire Mattresses, Extension Tables, Children's Rockers, Dining Chairs, Kitchen Treasures, Side Boards, Musical Instruments, Bed Lounges and Couches, Agood line of Mattresses, Center Tables, Children's High Chairs, Chiffonniers. Rockers, Kitchen Safes, Window Shades, Bamboo Furniture, just in SECOND HAND PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR SALE OR FOR RENT. South Main St. 0. J. BLACKLEDGE The Gazette for fine job viorh Seven tSSoa bases soM in To Cure a Cold in One Day ive Bromo Quinine T&t Thb d&cstcre, 12 Cares Crib inTwoDsys, ex every