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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1904)
GOVERNOR OF OREGON ... The only way to get rid of pimples and other erup tions is to cleanse the blood, improve the digestion, stim ulate the kidneys, liver and skin. The medicine to take is Hood's Sarsaparilla Which has cored thousands. His Qualification: Senator This friend that you want me to get a gov ernment position for you can recom mend him aa a man of good ability and capable of filling the place, I suppose? Constituent Why, no. Senator, I can't do that It's because he can't make a living at anything else that I want you to get a government' Job for him. Chi cago Tribune. The Rule of Three: "One week from to-day. Uncle John, I -will be a married man. Yes. In seven short days I will be Initiated Into the mysteries of mat rimony." "No mysteries about It, my boy. It is just the plain, simple rule of three." "Rule of three? Eh what three?" "Wife, . mother-in-law, and hired girl." Kansas City Journal. ranence neiore be married her ha couldn't do too much for her, but now he wouldn't lift his hand to help her. Patrice Well, you know she says she has made another man of himl "Running an auto must be exciting," aid the friend. "It is," said the own er. "Every time you stop you wonder If the machine will start again when you are ready." Brooklyn Life. Straighten Up The main muscular susuoiis ef bodr weaken and lat ( aaaar Backache ar Lambaco. Ta raster, strength aad strslgatea up, uaa St. Jacobs Oil 9Hem 5c mnd AO, Wanted aa Injunction. "Ef you please, suh," said the old darky to the lawyer, "I want to take out a partin' injunction." "What do you mean by that?" asked the lawyer. I "I means, suh, in plain langwidge, a verdict ter break 'way ter take de right ban road whar de roads cross an' j let de olc 'ooman go her way en me go mine." " Isee," said the lawyer. "Ton want a divorce to break up housekeeping and give her alimony?" "Dat's It, suh," exclaimed the old man. "Idunno who Alimony Is, but Oes gimme my injunction, en he kin take her ef he wants her!" Atlanta Constitution. While Arthur was spending a week at his aunt's he chanced one day to place his elbows on the table during dinner. "My dear boy," said his aunt, "don't you know that children of the first families must never put their el bows on the table?" "Oh, well," said Arthur, "that doesn't hit me for my father's been married twice, and I be long to the second family." Vanity: Mr. Potts (to his wife) My dear, tha air Is chilly. Fermes la fenetre. The visitor (sotto voce) Why do you ask your wife in French to shut the window? " Mr. Potts (ditto) Be cause you are here. If I asked her In English she wouldn't do it, as she won't take instructions from me be fore visitors. But if I say it in French she gets up and does it at once, so as to let you see that she understands the language. Pick-M e-Up. "Do you believe that the American people like to be humbugged?" "No, adr," answered the sturdy patriot, "but when they find anyone smart epough to do It they can't help takin' off their hats to him." Washington Star. "I was given up to die with quick consumption. I then began tn iie Aver's Cherrv Pectoral. I improved at once, and am now in perfect health." Chas. E. Hart- man, UiDDStown, n. i. It's too risky, playing . . t witn your cougn. The first thing you lc nnw it will be down 9 rtoort in vnnr lunTS and H vwm J v O the play will be over. Be gin early witn Ayers Cherry Pectoral and stop tne cougn. Tares sins: 25c. 5fe.SL. Aflsrsfrtats. Consult your doctor. K ha says then do aa ha amy. It ha tells 7V to tako It, then don't taka It. Ha knows. Lmt It with him. Wa are wllUnf- J. ft A.XK& CO.. Lowell. KM. taut HIIE ALL ELSE IAILS. ii bp diurir ait r i r w BrWVi I Boat Cough Syrup. Taataa Good. Uaa in time, oy aranrwta. Coughing Ltaon Dnmptlne. Half a pound of grated bread crmubs, quarter pound of chopped suet, half a pound of moist sugar, two eggs, one large lemon, a pinch of salt Mince the lemon peel very finely. Put all the dry' Ingredients In a basin, and mix well. Moisten with the eggs and the strained Juice of the lemon. Stir well and put the mixture into small but tered cups or moulds. Cover with but tered paper. Set them in a kettle of boiling water, and let them steam for two and a half hours. Turn them out In a dish, and strew sifted sugar over them. Salted Almonds. Blanch the almonds In boiling hot water. Melt a tablespoonful of butter, and let the almonds stand in It an hour. Put a tablespoonful of salt Into a dish, stir In the nuts until all are lightly covered with" salt, spread on a shallow tin and set In a warm oven to brown delicately. More or less salt may b.e used, according to taste. Pea nuts are salted in the same way, ex cept that they do not need blanching, j as the brown hull comes off easily. Chocolate Cnetards. To two cups of milk add two well beaten eggs, two slightly rounding tea spoonfuls of cocoa, three level table spoonfuls of sugar, and one-half tea spoonful of vanilla flavoring. The co coa should be mixed with the sugar j and dissolved in half of the milk ' heated, and when this has cooled a little add the other ingredients and pour into cups. Set the cups In a pan of boiling water and bake in a moder- j ate oven. Pepper Sandwiches. Remove all the seeds from a green pepper, chop fine and simmer ten min utes in a tablespoonful of butter. Do not allow it to brown. Add a dash of salt, and when cold spread between thin slices of bread minus the crust. Grated American cream cheese may be placed on the top of the pepper layer with happy results. These piquant lit tle sandwiches are said to be especial ly nice with cold meat. Cranberry Fritters. Beat one egg thoroughly and stir It into one and a half cups of milk, add one tablespoonful of sugar and one cup of flour in which has been sifted one teaspoonful of baking powder. When well mixed stir in one cup of thick, rich cranberry sauce, and drop In spoonfuls on a hot, buttered gridiron. Brown very lightly and serve with but ter and powdered sugar. Good House keeping. Creamed Oysters. Put one quart of oysters, with the broth, into a stewpan, and let the oy sters heat through. When the edges of the oysters curl, take them out and add two cups of milk and two table spoonfuls of butter to the broth. When boiling, add two tablespoonfuls of flour which has been stirred smooth in a little cold milk, with salt and pepper. When thickened, add the oysters, and serve at once on slices of toast. I Applea with Cream. Peel, core and quarter six large tart apples; boil in a rich sugar syrup till tender, but not broken. Place in a glass dish, boil the syrup a little long er, and then pour over the apples. When cold cover with a thin layer of red currant jelly, and over all pour a thick layer of whipped cream sweet ened with sugar.' .Ham .Toast. Mix some pounded cold ham with a beaten egg, season with pepper and lay on buttered toast; put in the oven until it gets thoroughly heated. A nice way of using up small pieces of ham. To Make Dried Beet Make a plain brine of four gallons water, six pounds salt, one ounce salt peter. Cover the meat with this, and leave It in three weeks, then hang up to dry. 6alea at Fairs. Sales at fairs have long been a fea ture of the English cattle shows. In fact, they have become so general that many of the English shows are really market days and are held at frequent intervals. Sales have played a more or less important part with American exhibitors, but have always been made privately, and fair officials have taken little or no interest in encouraging them. There would seem to be an op portunity in this country for advance ment in this direction. If sale classes are arranged for and a certain part of the day set aside for auction sales of cattle or other produce both the fair management, exhibitors and general public might be benefited thereby. It would help the farmer out at the spot where he Is weakest that is, in mar keting what be grows. American Agriculturist. Cleans Out Vermin. A writer in the Scientific American says he has cleared his premises of vermin by making whitewash yellow with copperas and covering the stones and rafters in the cellar with it. In every crevice in which a rat might go he put the copperas and scattered it in the corners of the floor. The result was a complete disappearance of rats and mice. Since that time not a rat or mouse has been seen near the house. Every spring the cellar is coated with the yellow whitewash as a purifier and a rat exterminator, and no typhoid, dysentery or fever attacks the family. Cement Floors for Barn a. - From a sanitary point of view there is no doubt that cement floors are the best for barns and stables. However, when putting on the finishing layer, it should be rather deeply striated, which prevents It from becoming slippery. The striae should follow a system fa vorable to drainage that is, the small furrows should lead to larger ones and these to the drain in the rear of all stalls. This Is very easily done. I Mrs. Tupman, a of Richmond, Va., a great sufferer with woman's troubles, tells of her cure by Lycfca Ea Pinfchamfs Vegetable Compound. Dear Mrs. PbnrxAK : For some years I suffered with backache, severe bearing-down pains, leuoorrhaea, and falling of the womb. ' I tried many remedies, But nothing gave. any positive relief. " I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound tn June, 1901. When I had taken the first half bottle, I felt a vast im provement, and have new taken ten bottles with the result that I feel like a new woman. When I commenced taking the -Vegetable Com pound I felt all worn out and was fast approaching complete nervous collapse. I weighed only 99 pounds. . Now I weigh 109i pounds and am improving every day. I gladly testify to the benefits received." Mas. R. C. Tupman, 423 West 30th St., Richmond, Va. When a medicine has been successful In more than a million cases, is It justice to yourself to say, without trying it, "I do not belter It would help mo",? Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discour aged, exhausted with each day's work. You have some derange ment of the feminine organism, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound will help you just as surely as it has others. Mrs. W. H. Pelham, Jr., 108 E. Baker St., Richmond, Va., says t a Dbar Mrs. Pin jc ham : I must say that I do not believe there is any female medicine to compare with Lydia S. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, ana l woat your taking the on tuac longer. A, I Cs 811 irritation of the parts. I looked like I 5 Zft one who had consumption, but I do not look I. J like that now, and I owe it all to your wonder- ful medicine. "I took me God as women who are ill that Iiydla E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound Is the medicine they should take. It has stood the test of time, and it has hundreds of thousands of cures to its credit. Women should consider it unwise to use any other medicine. Mrs. Pinkham, whose address is Lynn, Mass., will answer cheer fully and without cost all letters addressed to her by sick women. Perhaps she has just the knowledge that will help your case try her to-day it costs nothing. S5000 FORFEIT " v Basnet forthwith abevel taatimonlaia. wmou mil prove LyAia Determined. "My brother is very much hurt that you should refuse to correspond with him," said Mr. Chellusman's sister. "By failing to answer his many letters you wrong him, although, perhaps, you do not mean it." "No," replied Miss Jilt. "I do not mean to wrong him; neither do I mean to write him." Catholic Stand ard and Times. Bay of Apia Fish. In the bay of Apia, in Samoa, a sur veying party has discovered 453 dis tinct specimens of fish. Tha Dahlia. The dahlia was introduced into En rope for the value of its bulb as a sub stitute for the Irish potatoe, which it resembles when baked. EUMAT1S AN INDESCRIBABLE TORTURE Because -Rheumatism1 sometimes comes on suddenly it doesn't prove that it is a chance disease or one due to accidental causes. It takes time for it to develop, and is at work in the system long before any symptoms are felt. The blood is tha first point of attack, and the poisonous acids that cause the aches and pains are thea distrib uted through the circulation to different parts of the system, and 6ettle in joints, muscles and "nerves ; and when the system is in this condition it needs only some exciting cause like exposure to night air, damp, chilly weather, or the cold, bleak winds of winter, to arouse the slumbering poisons and bring on Rheumatism. The severity of the attack depends upon the amount of acid in the blood and the j r 3 ii 11.. auauuiy ox acnu mancr iu iuc joints and muscles. Some peo ple are almost helpless from the first, while others have cca sional spells or are uncomforta ble, restless, nervous and half sick all the time from the nagging aches and pains. Rheu matism is a disagreeable com panion even in its mildest form. It grows worse as we grow older, and frequently stiffens the joints, draws the muscles out of shape and breaks down the nervous, system. A disease that origin ates in the blood, as Rheumatism does, cannot be cured with ex ternal remedies like liniments and plasters ; such things scatter the pains or drive them to some other part of the body, but do not touch the disease or improve the condition of the blood. The thin acid blood must be restored to its normal up the general health at the same time. Write for our special book on Rheumatism, and should you desire any special information or advice, our physicians will furnish it without charge,. T1& SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATIAMTAmGX prominent lady u return to you my neartielt tnanks for medicine has done for me. Before Vegetable Compound I was so badly i tnougnc i covua not live mucn " The little work I had to do was a burden to me. I suffered wi(h irregular TYiamaf Tmaf irtn anil liisvwT'Viraa TwVtiiV oni.arl only six bottles, but it has made leei nice a new person. 1 thank that there is such a female helper you." Be it, therefore, believed by all. wrodac the original letters and signatures their absolute genuineness. X. Plakaaaa Madieina Co Iaa. If a Just In Hard Luck. - Irate Guest (to waiter) Look here! Ddin't I order a Swiss cheese sand wich? : Polite Waiter Yes, sir, and Jhere it is. Irate Guest There are two slices of bread, but can you find any cheese on them? Polite Waiter I'm sorry, sir. The cheese is there all right, only you hap pened to hit on one of the holes. . Egyptian Maxims. An Egyptian papyrus which dates back to about 4,000 B. C. has the fol lowing injunctions: "Calumnies should never be repeated." "Guard thy speech before all things, for a man's ruin lies in his tongue." The wise men of the race early learned good sense. ' xaxuiULTiBU nr elbows, wrists AJffDKNBES. Urban, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1903. Xiast winter I had a severe attack of Bhanmatiim. It started in the right elbow, and from there to my wriata; the right wriat waa the worae. It became swollen and extremely painful. My left knee joint waa the next place to be at tacked. It became swollen ana or conrae painful. The next point to be affected waa the hip and ankle, which gave me mush trouble. I waa barely able to get bout for some time. I waa under treat ment of a physician for awhile, bnt get ting no better I began 8. S. S., and after taking it for aome time I was entirely relieved of the Rheumatism. All swelling and soreness disappeared. I consider 8. S. S. an exoellent remedy for Rheuma tism and all troubles having their origin in the blood. GRIFFITH KELLY. 408 Bloo infield Ave. MSB w aM purity and strength, so that all . poi sonous substances' may be carried out of the system, and no medicine accom plishes this in so short a time as S.S. S., which not only neutralizes the acids and counteracts the poisons, but builds . Fatal Mistakes. Two classes maka fatal mistakes those who think they are wholly sanctified and' those who make, no progress at all. Rev. Bay Palmer, Baptist, Chillicothe, Mo. ': r Forgetting.-rlf you forget . in. order to mend, God forgets, too; if yoii for get In order to persist, then you may forget, but God remembers. Rev. Frank Crane, Unitarian, Worcester, Mass.- '.''. ' ' The Home. The 'American home Is the richest inheritance of the nation. It Is in Its best estate more primal and Important than school or church. Rev. R. A- White, Uiilveraalist, Chi cago, 111." ; Getting' In Line. The man who does not line up with God's people in the great fight for righteousness is on the side of the devil and arrays himself against God. Rev. A. R. . Holderby, Methodist, Atlanta, Ga. - The Duties of Life. Life must be unified by having but one principle and then seeking to attain to the one goal by using two Instrumentalities, religious duties and. secular Interests. Rev. 0. D. Case, Baptist, Montclair, N. J. ; The Soul in Action. Prayer is the soul in action. And in Its highest form it is tha highest energy of which the soul Is capable the most positive pow er in man's relation to God. Rev. John Reid, . Presbyterian, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wine, Women and Wealth. The greatest temptations of men to put them rythmically, are wine, women and wealth. And I think I put these In the order of their importance. Rev. O. I. Laws, Congregatlonalist; Balti more, Md. . , -. -. j ' The Touch of Love. Humanity re sponds to the touch of love. Around on' the sunny side of even the most frigid man there is always a door that opens to the presence of a loving heart. Rev. T. J. Tillers, Baptist, Indian-' apolis, Ind. Labor Unions. I believe any num ber of persons engaged In the same work have as much right to form a union as we ministers have to meet each Monday in our ministerial meet ings. Rev. S..B. Young, Presbyterian, Pittsburg, Pa, Theft A thief is one who steals. To steal is to take without right or leave that which belongs to another. When a thief is convicted of stealing he is put Into jail; that Is, some thieves are. Rev. J. M. Markley, Congrega tlonalist, Denver, Col. Humility. There Is no principle more universally overworked In the Christian church to-day than that of humility. The average Christian is altogether too meek and too prone to self-disparagement. Rev. C. B. Jeffer son, Baptist, New York City. Wealth. The love of money Is the root of evil, but a man by caring strict ly for his business and doing it all with integrity, can succeed and may become rich. All a man needs is hustle. He does not need to be born rich. Rev. S. M. Dick, Methodist, Worcester, Mass. Two Questions. Life holds two questions of the first importance. Is there a God? And if so, how does He feel toward us? Is there another life? And If so, what about the harvest there of sin that we. have sown here? Rev. N. D. Hillis, Congregatlonalist, Brooklyn, N. Y. Missionaries. It Is only 93 years since the first American missionary went out among the heathen and to day there are millions of - Christians where there would have been only heathens had not the banner of Christ been unfurled in their midst. Rev. J. B. McClurkln, Presbyterian, Shady Side, Pa. Sin and. Disease. The best way to keep disease out of the inner life is to keep it strong, healthy and vigorous with moral and spiritual life. The way to keep sin out of the life is not by fencing of any kind, for sin gets over all fences; bnt by having the life filled to overflowing with, spiritual life and power. Rev. W. M. Martin, Methodist, Brooklyn N, Y. . Trouble. The reason trouble la so troublesome Is that we seldom put God in the present tense. We transpose Him into the dim past and dwell upon the wonders He wrought in the days of the fathers. We transpose Him into the remote future and dream of the glories which shall be ours when all the veils which now hide Him shall be lifted. Christ'B cure for trouble Is to live with God beside us in our every day experiences; to tak? God to the ofllce, a partner in our business; to take God to the parlor, a sharer in our pleas ures. Rev. Howard Duffleld, Presbyte rian, New York City. Family Devotion. Family worship Is essential to true home life. When ever young people set up a home they ought to erect an altar. Religion in the home is more important than any where else. In the family the day should begin and close with God. Fam ily prayer should be brief, yet com prehensive enough to compass the wants of the family. The selections of Scriptures should be made with care. As a rule, family devotion should be conducted at about the same hour, morning and evening. Where men and Women plan for such devotions?, family religion becomes pleasant and profit able. Jtev.: D. G. Wylie, Presbyterian, New York City. A Real Gibson Girl. Mrs. Gibson, the mother of Charles Dana Gibson, says that a few days since Dana's little girl, aged 7, came over to see her. After playing content edly for some time she came up to her and said: . "Grandma, I must go home now." "But why SO' soon, dearie?" "Well, you' Bee,- grandma, I must look after papa. He's all alone there, with nobody but " his . wife and the baby." 7 Knowledge of a good many men con sists off things that aren't so. Uses Pe-ru-na ,IX in His Familv For Colds ; ,. . :-?,v;vv.-. o l'... ,.k.:r. ........ -.. vv- CAPITOL BUILDING, SALEM, OREGON. A Letter From the Governor of Oregon. " Peruna is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Letters of congratulation- and commendation testifying to the merits of Peruna as a catarrh rem edy are pouring in from every state in the union. Dr. Hartman is receiving hundreds of such letters daily. All classes write these letters, from the highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer, the' indoor ar tisan, the clerk, the editor, the ' states man, the preacher all agree that . Pe runa is the catarrh remedy of the age. The stage and rostrum, recognizing ca tarrh as their greatest enemy, are es pecially enthusiastic in their praise and testimony. ,r ' Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free . from catarrh. Catarrh is well nigh universal ; almost omnipresent. Peruna is the only abso lute safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of catarrh. To prevent colds, to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. Peruna not only cures catarrh, but prevents it. Every household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs, colds and so forth. , The Governor of Oregon is an ardent Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Alitianacfor 1904 Sufficient Reason. "What makes Middlerib so bitter against Turks?" "The young man who calls on his daughter smokes Turkish cigarettes." lOO BIW1RD SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to earn that there is at least one dreaded disease that seience has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh belli e a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,- acting; directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and riving the patient strength by build inr up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curstira powers, that they off er One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to core. Send for list of testimonials. Address F.'J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76c. BaJl's Family Pills are the beat. An Odd Chandelier. A chandelier, made of human bones, adorns the ceiling of a church in Seid litz, Bohemia. c rossf Poor man I He can't help it. He gets bilious. He needs a good liver pill Ayer's Pills. They act directly on the liver, cure biliousness. i&?Lc;. Want your moustache or beard beautiful brown or rich black ? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE jnre CTS. ay PEnsaurrg or . p. bill pp., msHFi. w. H. The Gone TOWERS SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND SOLO FOR A QUARTER OP A CENIUK LIKE ALL K5JS cloihingl It is mode of the best materials, in black or jreHow. full guaranteed, and sold by reliable dealer everjrvrhere. 51 ICR TO THE SIGN OF THE FISH. TOWER CANADIAN COUuiteA. A J TOWER CO. TOIoflTO. CAR ' BOSTON. HAS!, U.J. A. " For six rears I was a victim or d ys pnpsisi in its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that. Last March I began taking CASCARETS and since then I hare steadily improved, until I am as well aa I ever was in my life.'' Patid H. Murphy, Newark, O. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. So Stood, Nerer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c, fiOe. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... BUrilag amd Compa.?, Chlaag. MMtrml. Haw Yark. SI I UA Tfl RIP Sold and guaranteed by all drof- IIH" -mw eista to CXI UK Tobacco Habit. 104 wire jQu CANOV I CATHARTIC y PRUSSIA. STOCK FOOD The Great Conditioner and Stock Pattener. HORSES do More Work on Less Peed. COWS give More and Richer Milk. KOQS Fatten Quicker if given this Food. Package, 50c and Sl.OO. MAKES PIGS GROW GOOD FOR STUNTED) CALVES. Prussian Remedy Co.. St. Paul, Minn. ' Gbntlbmbn : I have been feeding your Prussian Stock Food to my thoroughbred swine. It gives them an appetite, and makes the pig grew. I also tried it on stunted calves with satisfactory results. F. W. Gboomb. Blirin. Neb. STSfK-rOOD (1; Mjra Win PORTLAND SEED CO., Portland. Or.. Coast Agents.'.. Send for Special Circular SPOKANQ SEATTLE and f. Grip admirer of Peruna. He keeps it con stantly in the house. In a recent let ter to Dr. Hartman, he says: v ' State of Oregon,1 Executive ' Depart-" meiit, " " The Peruna Medicine Co. .Columbus.Ol : Dear Sirs I haVe had occasion to use you Peruna medicine in my family for colds, and It proved to be an excellent remedy. I have not had occasion to use it for other ailments. Yours very truly, . W. M. Lord. It will be noticed that- the governor says he has not had occasion to ase Pe runa for other ailments. The reason for this is, most other ailments begin , with a cold. Using Peruna to prompt ly cure colds, he protects his family from other ailments - This is exactly what every other family in vthe United States should do. Keep Peruna in the house. Use it for coughs, colds, . la grippe, and other climatic affections of winter, and there will be no other ail ments in the house. - -Such families should provide themselves, with a copy of Dr. Hartman's . free book, entitled, "Winter Catarrh." Address Dr. Hart man, Columbus, Ohio. Assyrian Records. Layard in his "History of Nineveh" mentions that the national records of the Assyrian empire weie written on bricks in characters so minute as to be scarcely legible without the aid of a microscope and that,' in fact, a variety of this instrument was found among the excavations. " K'P Permanently unreo. wonts or nervousness Q after flrat day's nse of Sr.Kllne'sarsatNarv terer. Send for Free 9 trial bottle and treatise. Sr. Ii H. Kline, Ltd..9Sl Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. The Modern Way. "I wish to marry your daughter," said' the young man. The old man was a sensible old man. "Can I support you in the Btyle to which you have been accusmtomed?" he asked. Fuck. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use lor their children the teething season. Himself to Blame. "Didn't you once say that your wife was the making of you?" "Only once," replied Mr. Meekton. "Henrietta heard it and said it was very unkind and unjust to blame her in that manner." Piso's Cure ft a remedy for coughs, colds and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, at druggists. Taking. Things. "I, always .take things as they come," said the pickpocket as he dex terously relieved the man ahead of him of a watch and puree. "And I take men as ' I find them," added the policeman, 'clutching" him gently but firmly by the arm. Perrin's Pile Specific The INTERNAL REMEDY No Case Exists It Will Not Curt) Wood Saws, Drag Baws run Ty steam, or gaso line engines, also the latest In saw mill ma chinery, stump pullers, well drolling machin ery, etc., etc. Write for your needs. REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Foot of Morrisen Street Portland Oregon 5 OREGON PORTLAND St. Helen's Hall Home and day school for girls. Ideal A location. Spacious building. . Modern ftp equipment. Academic, College Prepar- M ation and special courses. Music, Mo- W cution, Art in charge of specialists. 3) Illustrated catalogue. Easter term opens February 1. 1904. & ELEANOR TEQBETTS, Principal. (g Seeds cost more yield more 1 save all experimenting save disannointments. 48 vears the Standard Seeds. Sold bv all -dealers. 1004 Seed Annual postpaid free, to all applicants. : D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. P. N. u. No. 21904. WHEN writing; to advertisers pleas I mention this paper. , I Sanders Disk Plow Simplest and most perfect made. . Before you give your order for a Disk Plow be sure to ex : amine the Sanders. For sale by the old rell- . aoie nouse ot , . Mitchell, Uwis& Staver Co: . PORTLAND, - - - OREGON BOISB SALEM MBOPORD 4i 1