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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1904)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE - a PabllmJtm d rnvmry Tmmmday and Friday by torn GAZETTE PUSUSHIMQ CO. O. A. Dearing, Ed. and Mgr. TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1904 EDITORIAL COMMENT. The press oi this part of the state nave all expressed their sen tixnents regarding the Holy Rol ler episode of last week, some in praise and some in condemnation Our own sentiments are express ed elsewhere. To our neighbors we can only say: 'Tut yourselves incur place!" ' j J The Examiner's horrible mas sacre of 40.000 Tews failed to come off according to contract On January 7th the governor of KismnerT issued a proclamation warning all citizens that the city remains under a martial law, and threatening with severest penal ties any disturbers of the peace, and the civilized world gives a sigh of relief. Russian Christ mas has passed and the threaten ed massacre of the Jews of Kish ineff, which was planned, has been averted. The Russian . minister of the interior, M. Von Pleve, has made himself person ally responsible to the czar for any fanatical outbreaks against the Jews at KishenefF or else where, during the holidays, and he has also issued comprehensive precautionary orders. And the great sensation that the yellow journals have exploited so ex tensively falls like a punctured balloon. The czar seems to be a decent sort of a chap after all. While it is necessary for the news columns of a paper to con tain the news of the town, like the lynching of the Rollers, and recount as far as is consistent the daily happenings, still it is not meet that in its editorial columns it should approve any act of vio lence on the part of the peeple, or a part of them, even though the common sentiment stamps it as an act of justice. That the perpetrators of this deed thought themselves fully justified can be seen by the fact that no attempt at disguise was made, no pretense of hiding the act. Without masks, and without secrecy, the victims were taken through the town, over a public ferry, and started well on the way they were expected to depart Although they were the rankest of fanatics they had as much right to exer cise their own peculiar supersti tion as we have ours. It is only when those acts encroach on the rights of others that any one has the right to object It is a well known fact that the practice oi this gang has driven one fair young girl to insanity. But this is not an exceptional case. The statistics of the insane asylums of the country show that a very large percentage of the inmates have been rendered insane from the emotional effects of some re ligion. The law, unfortunately, takes no cognizance of these cases. . But justice is above law, and a relative of one of these victims has the undoubted right to claim reparation for this crime even to the taking of life. It is the false sentiment that condones these despicable crimes that de grades our civilization and pol lutes our fountains of justice. It is this that makes mob violence possible. We are opposed to all mobs, and to any such acts as have disgraeed our town and state in the last few days. We hone we shall never have oc-; casion to again chronicle any such breach of law in our county. Our Brainy Contemporaries. Senator Hoar's constant attack on the policy of the Republican party, of which he claims to be a member, indicates that Harvey Scott made a mistake. Its Hoar who is "living to save funeral expenses." Newport News. j j j Two "Holy Rollers" came to grief at Corvallis Monday night. They are Creffield and Brooks, the leaders, who were tarred and feathered and run ,out of town. In addition to their rantings these fanatics are also free lovers and the double dose of damnable doc trine don't go down over in the Agricultural town.-Eugene Reg ister. " . - Ftr Sale. Two Shorthorn balk, one two-year-old, tttthdsric red, twelve young Cotawold wm. I. O. Thompsox, K, F. P. No, f, Corvajlia, Or. IE MEN'S CLOTHING All $16.50, 17.50, 18, 20 and 22 50 Suits aod overcoats for. ......J. $15.00 All $13.00, 14 00 and 15 suits and overcoats for, ...... . 12.50 All $10.50, 1 1.00, 12.00 and 12.50 suits and overcoats 10.00 All $8.00, 8 50, 9.00, 9 50 and 10.00 suits and overcoats 7.50 All $7.50 suits and overcoats 6.50 20 per cent reduction on all boys' suits and overcoats and men's ex tra pants. REDUCTION SALE. 10 per cent reduction on lace cur, tains. 10 per cent redaction on dress linings. 10 per cent reduction on W. B. corsets. . ,' . 25 per cent reduction on back and fancy combs. ' ' 25 per cent reduction on dress trimmings, lace all over. 25 per cent reduction wool waists. 25 per cent reduction ladies' belts. Ladies' and Misses' skirts 10 per cent reduction. Ladies' and Misses jackets 25 per cent reduction. Wool shawls and fascinators, 25 per cent reduction. REMNANT SALE. DRY GOODS. 6c calico at...'.. 5c 10c outing flannel. 8c 10c flannelett 8c 10c percale 8c 8c shirting ...7c 12c percale 11c 15c ribbon ........... .... 12c 25c ribbon 20c 35c ribbon 30c 50c velveteens 45c $1.25 dress goods .$1.00 $ 1 .00 dress goods 85c 75c dress goods ,60c 50c dress goods 45c 25c - dress goods . '. . . . . . .... . . . 20c 20c dresg goods ........ . 15c 75o eiderdown 60c 35c eiderdown 25c 1 list Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county. In the Hatter of the Last Will and Testament 1 of I GusUr Hodes, Deceased. ) Notice la herehr riven that the nndersimed has been appointed by the county court of Benten county, Oregon, the executor of the last will and testament of Guttave Hodes, deceased, and all creditors of the said Gustav Hodes must present their claims, with the proper vouchers, to her at her home in Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, January 7, 1904. MINNIE L. DEN HAN, Executrix of the Estate of - 4 Gustav Hodes, deceased. THE ARMORY, PORTLAND. R. . PUGG, HARDWARE- TINWARE STOVES PAINTS OILS A full line of Wirv ' dow GlassX3CA) Harness, Wagons, Buggies and Farm Machinery XX PHILOMATH - "OREGON. R KLECKER 2 Philomath t t Oregon. AGENT FOR Natures Health Restorer THIttBEST MEDICINE ON EARTH. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours PINK TABLETS ONLY Can be had at Hodes' Grocery. Pm Am KLINE, Uvmatam Aatikmm Corvallis, Oregon. Office at Boston's hardware store. P. O. address Box n. Pays highest prices lor all kinds of livestock. Satisfaction guar, an teed. Twenty years experience, Thursday Night, Jan. .4, '04, ' - 8:15 bclock . . . GRAND CONCERT ; by The greatest Singer of the Age Adelina Patti, and her company of artists. Prices f 7.50, $5.00. $4.00, $3.00, 2.00; The advance sale ot seats will open Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Out of town orders accompanied by money (mail) order and addressed to Calvin Heilig, Marquam Grand Theater, will re ceive prompt attention. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. On account of the National Live Stock Wool and Fruit Growers' Association, the Southern Pacific will sell Round Trip Tickets January iO and 11, to Portland for $3.10. good to return np to January 17. ...REOPENED... The Farmer's Hotel On Main street, between Monroe and Jackson. Building has been newly repaired and put in first-class order. " Will be ready to accomodate the public on Monday, January 11th. - Only white help Employed TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ' T&ka laxative Brome Quinine Tablota AH drujf (ists refund the mousy it it falls to ear S W. Grove's sisimturs is on each "be. fmm Ul S) During Our Annual Sale A Lot of Boys' Overcoats, 5 to It yean, value $5 to $7 50. Plum Price. A Lot of Men's Mackintoshes. .'. " 5 60, 0 60. " " " . A Lot of Men's Veal Kip Boots. ....... u S BO . A Lot of Boys1 Shoes, 11 to 2 ;.. " 1 50, 2 00. A. Lot of Men's Shoes......i.....i..... ...... - 50.2.2 60. A Lot of Men's Duck Coats, blanket lined A Lot of Men's Covert Ulsters. " A Lot of Men's Odd Pants............ .. A Lot of Boys' Knee Pants. . . ... , " A Lot of Boys' Suits, 5 to 14 years. .... " A Lot of Boys' Suits, long pants. 12 to 19, some worth $6 A Lot of Men's wpol-leeced Underwear, whoppers A Lot of MeaVFrock Suits, S3 to 37... .value $7 60 to $15 4 60 1 50.1 60 ?5,.l 60 1 50. 2 00 a, it tt .? 2 50 . 3 45 . 2 48 loo . 1 00 . 1 28 .-. 2 69 . 1 00 . 83 .. 1 00 . 2 98 : 98 . 4 98 AT HALF FRIGE : - AH our Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, Tailor-made Suits, Ftirs. , . Jj A Broken Line of "Gold" white Dress Shirts, value $1 50 75 OutingFlannels, 10c. per .yard...... .......I......:" " " . 4H ALbt of Embroideries worth from 25c. to 30c...... ... " " .... 15 A Lot of Women's Outing-flannel Night Robes, value-75c Plum Price. . . .$ 56 A Let of Women's Outing flannel Kimonos, cheap at 75c " " .... 48 A Lot of Lace Curtains, per pair. -.-...;.. . ' " , " 56 A Lot of Women's Grey and Ecru Vests and Pants, 45c. . ' " ... . 23 Broken lines R & G Corsets, $1 grade. . : . Broken lines iTi-Corsets, $1 60 grade. Novelty J)rewPAtternB, $12. Novelty Itresg Patterns, $8. - 98 7 90 5 90 (AT HALF PRI0B Women's And Misses Ma- kin toshes. one job lot Ladies and Misses Bobbers. A Broken line of $1 60 Women's Shoes. A Broken lindf 2 00 ' " . A Broken line of 8 00 " . 3 50 - 1 25 Misses " . 1 60 " M 2 00 . " " v.. . Big Bargains in Childress odds and end 8 Shoes ' All these prices are A Broken line f A Broken line of A Broken line of A Broken line of : 18 98 1 85 1 90 2 49 ' 8 98 1 29 CASH Save money and help as to clean boose before our new spring stock arrives. E. & Bryson ATTORNEY AT - LAW . Corvallis, Oregon. Office In PosfoAce BaUditur. B- A. CATHEY, M. D Physician $ Surgeon Rooms 14 in BankBuildfaig. ' Office Hour, j- Residence : Corner 6th and Adams Bts. Telephone at office and residence. . OorvalHs, . - - ' - Oregon. E. E. WHITE REAL ESTATE CO Just a Few of tOur Many Bargains. No. Si. 460 acres, djolnin B. B. town, all tillable, fine improvements. Only S26 per acre. No. 87. 387 aerei I miles from Corvsjlls and 1 miles from B. K. station, good bouses, fine barns, 125 acres oat to grain. fine place; f45 per acre. : ' 4 No. Si'. 800 acres all fenced, i6A acres cleared, more could be, 100 acres to grain now. -Price $2S per acre.. No. 20. 60 acres, good S-room house, good well and orchara, all fenced; also 1 Bend of cows, .team, harness and wagon, some nogs and chickens, all for 3000. : .. ., . No. 1&-30 acre. 25 in orchard mostly prunes, good house and barn, good well and running water. MeeSMOO. .. . k No. 15. 160 acres, 4K miles east of Corvallis. eight-room house, barn 40x60, 20 acres of prunes, balance good forest land. - Price 435 per acre. -. - i' ' o. 26. Honaa and 2 lots on Vain street; eisoo. . . - .. ,.. -.. ' No. 27. 22-foot front on Main street good location r business. S800. -' No. 25. A fine lot on Third street ; S1S5. No. 81. Two fine lots, nice location; $600. Na 85. tJndlTided half interest in business lot on Main street, good two-itory brick 5x75 feet, a snap. Price. f4,M0. Space will not permit of further detain, bat if yon want a good investment can and see us. rtrst door Souih of Kim. : Notice of GuardJam'a Sale. Notice is hereby ' giren that In pursuance of an order of the County Court- of Lincoln nn w rivAvrkn In imhatj made m thaeth day of becember, 1908, and entered in the pro- Dale journal oi saiu court, tai. vhk the matter of the guardianship nd estate of Melissa WMtney, Mary L- Whitney, and Ruth Whitney, minors, and heirs of Laura Whitney, deceased, duly accusing and authorising the undersigned guardian of said minors to sell their Interest in the following described real estate, the undersigned Guardian of said minors will offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, and subject to confirmation by said court on Batubat, th 23 kb av or Jaucabt, 1904t the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m. at the front door of the County Court Hense, in the City of Corvallis, County of Benton, State of Oregon, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said minors and each of them, in and to lota numbered four, five, six, seven and eight in block number twenty, in the County Addi tion to the City of Corvallis, County of Benton, State of Uregou, the same being an nnomdea threesixths interest therein, r . Dated Dera.TWHlTHST. " . i Gaardiaa. G. H. NEWTH. M. D. PHYSICIAN At BURGEON". OFFICE AND ESnBNCB, MAIN STKRBT, PHILOMATH, PRE. J. E. HEHKLE, CASH STORE. I have just opened a General Merchan diss Store at mv old corner, and in my new building, at Philomath, Oregon, and can show you many from a new and carefully selected stock. Yon will save money by calling on me before purchasing. A full line oi COOTS AND SHOES AND RUCZER GOODS. Cheap Sunday Kates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Willamette-Valley points, in either direction. Tickets wfll be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited to return on or before the following Monday. Batb to ob -From Cobvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. VOU. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When von take Orova'a Taatelaas Chtll Tenlc because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui nine put is tasteless form. No Core, No Pay. 50 Get your ribs fixed at the Bicycle HoepitaL . TTavA vnn Mn tha anti rnst and wind proof umbrellas at the Bicycle Hospital. For Sale. . Twenty shares stock in Equitable Sav ng nd Loan Assoc lation. Call on Geo . Lilly, at JFirat National Bank. JANUARY REDUCTION B S S SAI ALL GOODS FOR JANUARY RE-r DUOED IN PRICE SO AS TO CLEAN UP LAST YEAR'S PUR CHASES MAKE NO MISTAKE. GET PRICES AND SUPPLY YOUR WANTS NOW! ' . H . H ARR I S ..THE.. PIONEER BAKERY H. 17. HALL A fresh and complete line oj candies, nuts and .fruits kept constantly on hand. Our bread -is always fresh. We carry 'a " " complete line of smokers' ne- . ' cessities. ... . . . . , Call and Intpaet our Holiday Goods. Our lino Is complete. , Main Street Home Seekers f. aLtS 1 B 1 ' 1 ' tV 4 XL uu are mu&iug lur buujo real guuu uargiuns in oiou& vjr&ua V m V i w e at ' e ' : m f run ana rouitry itancnes, write ior my special ust or come ana see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information "you wish also showing ycu over the country. '' W-fc' . ' VJ 1T .a -a." TXJ?ITV A MDT T? 1 eaiatate, Joan a a and Insurance. Fhilornatii, Benton County, Urcgon v . For Spoctaclco or Eyo Glasses, try V E. W. S. PRATT, tJowaiur et Optician S C S" O.J. BLACKLEDGB, NEW furniture and 11 ti$ic Store The public is inyited to come and seemystock of Bed Eoom Suits WoTen Wire Mattresses, Extension Tables, Children's Rockers, Dining Chairs, Kitchen Treasures, Side Boards, Musical Instruments, Bed Lounges and Couches, Agood line of Mattresses, ' Center Tables, Children's High Chairs, Chiffonniers. Bockers, Kitchen Safes, Window Shades, Bamboo Furniture, just in SECOND HAND PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR SALE OR FOR RENT. South Main St. 0. J. BLACKLEDGE Tho Gazette for fine lob vjortx To Cure Day Tt3 Losrctivo Droxno Qmnim inastU sis. TJB Jb ia Twopiqlt. . csl every tCX255a