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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1903)
Eruptions Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forma of eczema or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions pro ceed from humors, either inherited, or acquired through defective di gestion and assimilation. To treat these eruptions with drying medicintw is dangerous. The thing to do is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Which thoroughly cleanse the blood, expelling all humors and building up the whole system. . They cure Hood's Sarsaparilla permanently cnred J. O. Hines, Franks. 111., of eczema, from which he had suffered for some time: and Miss Alvia Wolter. Box 212, Algona. Wis., of pim ples on' her face and back and chafed skin on her body, by which she had been greatly troubled There are more- testimonials in favor of Hood's than can be published. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to Cure and keep the promise. Chicago Boomers. Don't tell a Chicago man that his city 'has less than three million popu lation unless you are prepared to fight. Boomers of the Lake City have reorganized their Two Million Club, re-christened it the Three Million Club, donned their aggressive club buttons and promised allegiance to the club constitution, which provides that each member must claim, at all times that Chicago has at least three million peo ple. riTp Permanently uurea. wo fits or nerrousneaa II I U after firstday'suseofDr.Klirje'sareatNerv Restorer. Send fur Free) S 2 trial bottle and treatise. H. Kline, Ltd.. BU Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa, Pardonable Pride. It was commencement day and Miss Eunice Whatnot had taken one of the principal prizes. At the close of i the exercises her friends crowded around her to offer their congratulations. "But weren't you awfully afraid you wouldn't get it?" asked one of them. "Oh, no," said Miss Eunice, with a bright smile. "I just knew that when it came to English composition I had .'cm all skinned alive!" Youth's Com panion.' CATARRH CANNOT BX CUBED With local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it -you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, and actsdirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians ia this coos try for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY fc CO., Proprs., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 76c Halls Family Pills are the best. . Called Him Brother. Harlow I noticed you called Fred "brother." Does he belong to some se cret society that, you do? Shallop 1 don't belong to any se cret society. I call him brother be cause my wife once promised to be a sister to him. Mothers wlU find Mrs. Wlnslow'a Bootblnt; tiyrup the best remedy to use for their children the teething- season. ' Rabid. . s Noozey Fve heard a rumor that she is to be married. ' - Oldbache Yes. Noozey Who's the lucky one? Oldbache Neither of them, if they only knew it; Philadelphia Press. For coughs and colds there is no better medicine than Piso's Core for Consump tion. Price 25 cents. , , . True Faith., An aged Negro who leaned heavily upon a stick and a woman companion of somewhat lighter shade and young er stopped before a flower bed in Pros pect park the other day. Directly in front of them was a bed of flowers in the shape of a star. For a few .min utes the old man and the woman gazed Intently at the floral star. Fin ally the man grabbed his companion by the arm and pointed at the bed and said: "Jennie, the works of God am great, 'deed dey is." "Dey cer tainly be, Thomas." New York Sun. r An Affecting Scene. Mr. Younghusband Darling, . you have been weeping. What is it, my sweetest love? Mrs. Younghusband Horse radish! MMDS! MOT A Sii BiSEMSEm It is natural to rub the spot that hurts, 'and when rheumatic pains are shooting; through the joints and muscles and they are inflamed and sore, the sufferer is apt to turn to liniments and plasters for relief ; and while such treatment may quiet the pain temporarily, no amount of rubbing or blistering can cure Rheumatism, because it is not a skin disease, but is in the blood and all through the system, and every time you are exposed to the same conditions that caused the first attack, you are going to have another, and Rheumatism will last just as long as the poison is in the blood, no matter what you apply externally. Too much acid in the blood is one cause of Rheumatism ; stomach troubles, bad digestion, weak kidneys and torpid liver are .other causes which bring on this painful dis ease, because the blood becomes tainted with the poisonous mat ter which these organs fail to carry out of the system. Cer tain secret diseases will produce Rheumatism, and of all forms this is the most stubborn and severe, for it seems to affect every bone and muscle in the body. The blood is the medium by which the poisons and acids are carried through the system, and it doesn't matter what kind of Rheumatism you have, it must be treated through the blood, or you can never get permanently rid of it. As a cure for rheumatic trou bles S. S. S. has never been equalled. It doesn't inflamethe stomach and ruin the digestion like Potash, Alkalies and other Strong drugs, joints and the sore and tender muscles are immediately relieved. ' Our special book on -Rheumatism will -be mailed free to those desiring it. Our physicians will cheerfully answer all letters asking for special information or advice, for which no charge is made. Thea He dot Foolish. "No," said the new arrival at the temperance hotel, "I can't understand why all those sensible men take that foolish tramp every Sunday morning to see the hermit." "You'd understand it if you went along," said the wise guest, with a wink. "The hermit is bartender. Chicago News. A Misguided Thunderbolt A Billville exchange says: "Light ning struck a Georgia mule in this neighborhood last year. The mule survived the shock, but we haven't seen any lightning around here since." Atlanta Constitution. s Dob Carlos. Don Carlos, the pretender to the Spanish throne, who, it is reported, is prepared to relinquish his claims in that direction, is 53 years old, and the father of one son and three daughters. According to the St. James Gazette, he has friends in England, and is delight ed to show them over his wonderful private armory at the Plazzo Loredan, Venice. It is an unequaled collection. President Diaz. Outside of Mexico there Is a gener al impression that because President Diaz is now seventy-three years old he must be failing and that at best he can last, but a little time longer. "On the contrary," says a man who has Just returned from a business trip to the sister republic, "half a minute's talk with the general will dispel any such notion. He is of Oaxaca Indian blood, a tribe noted for longevity and physical prowess." Destructive Dampness. So bad is the dampness in Ceylon that a book will hardly last a year. The most expensive cemera, made of the most perfectly seasoned wood ap parently will warp in Ceylon, and all its parts will become unglued. What Radium Has Done. Sir Oliver Lodge protests against the current idea that the discovery of radium in any way shakes the long ac cepted laws of science. On the con trary, it affirms them, as the instabil ity of matter which radium proves was theoretically acquired in the electric theory of its constitution were true, and radium completes this theory in stead of destroying it. Radium gives us, in embryo, a transmutation of the elements. . The Summer "Cottage." .The summer "cottage" on the sea shore is the selected place of a$ others for those who have nothing to do, who have no desire to do it, and an abundance of time in which to do it. There are tens of thousands of them, in a circle of a score or two of miles about New York. Many of them are occupied year after year by their owners, and many others are built for lease, and see a new tenant each sea son. New York Letter. Protecting Books in China. "We have to varnish all our books in my country," said a Chinese; "other wise they would soon be eaten into a gray powder by a little black insect, like a beetle, that takes to books as a cat takes to ashes. Everybody in China, when he receives a consign ment of books from Europe or Amer ica, mixes a little pot of varnish at once and proceeds to coat his books with it. This fluid is a perfect pro tection; it is made of creosote Canada balsam, resin, spirit of wine and mas tic" Philadelphia Record. An Advance. Jingle I knew that fellow, Storms, the comedian, would come to the front. Weller Well, he has, has he? "Yes. You remember he used to play the part of the hind legs of the elephant in the pantomime?" "Yes." "Well, now he's playing the front legs." N. Y. Daily News. No Cause for Sorrow, Once at quarter sessions, as Recor der of Shrewsbury, Sir Arthur Jeef, was sentencing a hypocritical prison er, who, hopeful of softening the judge's heart, shed copious tears, and in reply to .his lordship's inquiry: "Have you ever been in prison be fore?" sobbed tearfully: "Never, my lord, never!" "Well, don't cry," was the recorder's reply, 'Tm going to send you there now." i Woman's Way.. She Now that I have openly con fessed my one indiscretion to you, what do you say? He That you have committed a second. Brooklyn Life. UNABLE TO SLEEP AT NIGHT. Sidney, Ohio, August 26, X903. A few months asro I was feeling- weak nrt ran down and unable to fret sleet) at night. I felt extremely bad, and also had rheomatio pains In my joints and mut cles. The medicine I used gave me only temporary relief at beet; so seeing; 8. S S. highly recommended - for each trou bles, I began its use, and after takinr it for some time was well pleased with the result. It did away with the rheumatic pains, gave me - rerresmna sleep ana built up my general system, giving m strength and energv. At is a gooa raeai- cine, without a doubt, and I take pleas R.F.D.No.1. . S. S. BOTJGHTOXT. but tones up the general health, gently stimulates the sluggish organs, and at the .same time antidotes and niters out f of the blood all poisonous acids and effete matter of every kind ; and when S. S. S. has restored the blood to its , natural condition, the painful, feverish WOMEN NEED NOT APPLY. Bnaaiea Official Wee Proof Against All Blandishments. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" Is true of some coun tries and of many periods of history. Even In Russia cherchez la femme contains the clew to many a sudden promotion in the hierarchy of the state, says a Russian correspondent of the London Telegraph. But "In East ern Muscovy there are still some in flexible civil servants left who fanat ically place duty above all other con siderations, even the dictates of gal lantry Itself. Gospodyn Tarass off is one of the most energetic of the brotherhood, and the latest display of his single-mlnd-edness is the theme of warm discus sion In the Russian press. A lady had come to see' him Vlth a view to his employing her as clerk in the railway engineering office of which he is the chief, appointed by the government. Miss Kondakoff 'was the bearer of a powerful letter- of recommendation. But the austere misogynist, refusing to see her, read the recommendatory epistle and wrote back to say that he did not heed the lady's services. She is said to be a person of good looks, prepossessing manners and considera ble persuasive powers, and doubtless, for these reasons, she made a series of strenuous efforts to see the head of the department personally and plead her cause under the most favorable con ditions. But he declined to see her, and she refused to desist from call ing. At last he Issued the following cir cular: "I hereby warn the female elerk Kondakoff to desist from her vis its to the cabinet of the head of the department. For communications there exist printed forms; it is fruit less for her personally to bow and scrape before me, and, what Is more, it betrays a lack of feminine mod esty so to obtrude herself. Moreover, I am not one of those heads of de partment who at sight of a petticoat drop their cherished principles.' It is a matter of common knowledge that I am opposed to the employment of the 'female element,' and that alone ought, I hold, to have sufficed to keep the female clerk out of my office. I am simply lost in amazement at her shamelessness In seeking to curry fa vor with a man who makes his action a matter of principle. In any case, however, it is in vain to hope that the request which has already been de clined In writing will be granted as a result of oral discussion. Indeed, the mere fact that she has not already seen this has thoroughly convinced me that no -such female clerk can have a place In my department. Per sons like her are but a source of de moralization to the officials and are obstacles to the progress of work. Let them go back to their' former patrons. They had better select some other place than the office of the head of the department for loafing about in. In my office and all along the line I need men who can work, and not the rustling of petticoats. Furies and pom pous women like her I decline to tol erate in my department, and I refuse even to see them. "(Signed) G. TARASSOFF." THRIFTY GERMAN WOMAN. Sbe Makes the Government Custodian of Valuable Securities. If women are not quite such good hands at making money as men, they at least take the palm in devising extraordinary means for saving it, says the London Telegraph. A curious case in point has recently come to the knowledge of a firm of bankers in Bunzlau, who, disgusted at the clever ness with which they have been de prived of their yearly fees, have made ihe matter public. 'In that city there is a wealthy woman who is wont to improve her mind by frequent travels and as she possesses a goodly collec tion of debentures, shares and other kinds of scrip she was accustomed to deposit them m a well-known bank here during her absence, paying a con siderable sum for their safekeeping. Last . March she hit upon a most in genious way of cutting down this ex pense. She put all, her scrip in capa cious envelopes, had them duly regis tered anil directed to a fictitious ad dress in Berlin, writing on the en velope her own name as the sender, and requesting that they should be re turned to her in case of nondelivery. And then she set out for her journey. The packets in due time found then way to the capital, where the post left nothing undone to discover the. where abouts of the mythical addressee. After having spent days and days In fruit less research the officials gave It up In despair and returned the packet to Bunzlau to be handed back to the sender. But as she was absent and as it is against the rules of the German post to give registered letters to any one but the person whose name Is on the envelope the authorities were forc ed to take charge of the packets until the woman's return. The saving thus affected is said to be very considerable and the post and the bank are devising some method of checkmating the scheme in the future. In the Eatly Days. The world has been a long time in making a little progress. The delight with which the public had greeted the slow-going stage coach shows how lit tle was required to arouse the people and call forth their astonishment. That a vehicle which required two days to make the trip from New Tork to Phil adelphia should have been known as "The Flying Machine," no longer ago than 1766, seems almost incredible in this day when we go from New York to Chicago in half that time. As a study of contrasts, before and after the great awakening which fol lowed the birth of steam power and the inauguration of the . locomotive, this chapter from a hundred years ago is interesting. The stage coach was the marvel of a slow age which the world had been centuries in reaching; the locomotive is the necessity of a rapid age, which has not yet celebrated its centennial. From "The Era of Stage Coaches," in Four-Track News. If you want fame, don't write I a book; Invent a washing machine. , - Sometimes it's the man who doesn't hesitate that gets lost. our "Two vesxs ago my hair was falling out badly i... I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." . Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must' go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. SI.N s bottle. AM erargMs. If your druggist cannot supply yon, send us one dollar and we will express yon a bottle. Be sure and give the name X your nearest express office. Address. J. CAYEft CO., Lowell, Mass. Alighted Too Soon. . It had taken considerable persuasion to induce the old lady to trust herself in an automobile; but finally she con sented because," saysj the Automobile Magazine, she was anxious to reach the bedside of her sick grandchild in a village some twenty miles away. The owner of the big automobile, who was touring through Long Island, had been very kind about It He chanced to. be near the station when the old lady found she had missed her train, and when he overheard her lamentations he insisted that she should accompany him. His route lay through that particular one of the half dozen Long Island villages named Hampton where the sick grandchild lay. They started at last, and everything went well until, in attempting to pass a wagon which occupied most of the road, the flying automobile went unex pectedly Into the ditch, and rather vio lently deposited its occupants In an adjoining field., Recovering from the shock, although somewhat confused from the rather unusual method of alighting, the old lady asked of the chagrined chauffeur: "Is this a-a-a Hampton T' "No. ma'am." he managed to gasp: "this is an accident." "O dear!" said the old lady. "Then I hadn't oughter have got out here, had I?" . Had Ixst Traokv or the Case'. The young woman who, when asked if she had read Romeo and Juliet, re plied that she had never read Juliet, but she thought Romeo was lovely, was of the same temperament as a village postmaster who knew or pre tended to know something of all the doings of the world, great and smalL Some wags from a neighboring town who strolled Into the postofflce one day thought they would have some sport with the wise man. "I suppose ifs pretty dead up here, Mr. Pratt." said oa. "Well, not so dead as you think. I guess there ain't much goes on that we don't hear about, even if It don't happen right here." "Why, you people don't know the war's over," said another, falling back on the stock phrase. "Oh, you can't work that dodge on me," replied the postmaster, looking shrewdly over his spectacles.1 "I guess I follered the negotiations with Kitch ener in the papers." "But there are some - things that aren't In the papers." said another youth. " "I don't believe you know when Shakspeare died." "Well, no," said the postmaster. "1 didn't know that he was dead, but I heard last week he was pretty low." The Nebular Hypothesis. The nebular hypothesis survives in name, but with cannotations indefinite ly diversified. Regarding the modus operandi of cosmic change there" is no concensus of opinion. That there was in the beginning a solar nebular all are agreed, but whether it was gas eous or pulvert, whether it shone with interrupted or continuous light, how it became ordered and organized, how It collected into spheres, leaving wide interspaces clear, the wisest are per plexed to decide. Get More Power From Coal. ., Such has been the improvement in engine boilers and fire boxes that the power derived from a pound of coal today is nearly three times as great as it was fifty years ago. SOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine r's Little Liver Pills. Oust Bear Signature of 5ee Fac-Stmile Wrapper Below. - YeOT small and mm easy ' tO take as sagax. 1 CARTER'S FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS FDR llUOUSKEOs FOR TORPID LIVER FOR COMSTIPATIOf; FOR SALLOW SUR FOR THE COMPLEXION fstfe. I omim mwiiiiiiiwiwm. J CURE SICK HEADACHE. t CURES WHERE ALL USE FAILS. lraBeat Couah Sirup. Tastes Good, Ui !V1 in time, poia oy oraggisw. reST AB Carte iisasBHasa I flVER Pi 7? FARMING IN ALASKA. Although much has been written in ridicule and condemnation of the gov ernment seed distribution, one portion of the country believes emphatic ally. During the past year the govern ment has given seeds of hardy vegeta bles, early grains, clover, grass and Bower seeds to seven hundred and fifty settlers In different parts of Alaska. So difficult Is it to obtain seeds in the far north that without such provision few would attempt gardening. Miners and prospectors on the rivers and creeks far in the" interior report that their home produce not only greatly reduces the cost of living, but In a land of canned goods is an important factor In good health. ; " An Indian farmer reports that he is "raising a world of cabbage;" another that he lived all last summer on vege tables from government seed; a- third that his strawberries from government runners were five and a half inches In circumference. A, white - miner at Skagway declares his hardy flowers "the finest grown anywhere f another, that a pumpkin vine grew twenty-four inches in twenty-four hours. In Val dez, where In twelve weeks they had only six fine days, .gardens were still a source of pleasure and .profit, and a delight to summer tourists. ; .At Cold foot, one hundred miles north of the Arctic circle, the United States com missioner had good success with turnips,-lettuce and radishes, at a time when potatoes were 45 cents a pound at the grocery. At Point Barrow, In the extreme north, twenty-seven days after seeding, the harvesting of let tuce and radishes began.' Their condi tion was perfect, the large amount of atmospheric electricity , and the stimu lating force of the summer sun caus ing marvelous rapidity of growth. The Flnlanders who, under Russian persecution, are leaving their native land In large numbers, desire to settle in Alaska, -where the climate Is simi lar to their own. A site for their set tlement has been selected on the Kenai peninsula, lands have been surveyed, some houses put up and crops started from government seed. If Alaska suc ceeds In securing a . large immigration of the sturdy and industrious Finns, her development will be vastly aug mented. Meanwhile ". emigrants ' from the States are alive to opportunities in our northern territory. Five thousand pas sengers have already been carried to Nome alone this summer, the " influx seeming to justify President Roose velt's prediction that Alaska will one day be as populous as the Scandina vian peninsula. . . ,. . ' ; , Experiments made In the German army with carrier pigeons having been satisfactory, every warship leaving Kiel or Wilhelmshaven will hereafter carry a consignment of pigeons, to be released at various distances from the land stations. Have you ever noticed, says a writer In "V. C," that some tamers carry a second whip in their left hands, which is never used? Their purpose is this: It represents to the wild beast the terrors of the unknown. He has experienced the sharp, stinging flick of the whip in the. tamer's right hand, but for the life of him he cannot imagine what anguish lurks in that mysterious whip in the other hand, which is never used. Many a tamer has saved his life In a critical moment by just lifting that unknown terror above a crouch ing, growling, fury-maddened tiger. In the kitchen annex at the home of Louis Hawks, in Fishkill, the unusual spectacle now Is presented of a duck ling chumming with three kittens' and the mother cat. The duckling was hatched all by itself and was brought in by the kitchen fire. Soon it found its way to where the kittens were housed. The old cat took kindly to the newcomer and permitted it. to squat down right among the kittens and sleep. Now the duckling and the kittens play and romp together, and the mother cat apparently has come to look upon the little feathered creature as one of her own children. Wanted to Get At It. Hardware Dealer What do yon want with such a heavy saw? , Bilkens My wife has mad a fruit cake. ' ; His Explanation. "To what do you attribute this al leged 'decline In the drama?" ' r "To a very simple fact," answered Mr. Stormington Barnes. "Too many of our actors care more about playing bridge whist or baseball than they do about playing 'Hamlet' "Washing ton Star. . ' -: Exports of England and America. In eleven years British manufactur ed exports have decreased by 3.5 per cent, American manufactured exports have increased by 174 per cent -and German manufactured exports have Increased by 35.5 per cent, v Child Education. V ,'yf St Petersburg Is to have a world's fair "devoted to child education, its growth, its achievements and its most advanced methods." Seventeen mil lion children in Russia have no school opportunities at all. - t Just Before the Scrap. Wife I wonder - how they make those parlor matches? Husband The process is very sim ple. I once made one. Wife Indeed! How did you man age it? Husband By first making a fool of myself in your mother's parlor during our courtship. Chicago News. . Regulating the Rales. "Why didn't you stop at the hotel?" "Too many rules and regulations." "Restricted your liberty, eh?" , "Oh. no.. But every time I broke one of the confounded rules or regu lations one of the servants bobbed up with a grin and Bad to be tipped." New York Sun. , A New Way of Putting It. '. The. old farmer was telling a story that was very hard to believe. The neighbor who had just been in several horse trades with him listened in si lence for awhile. Then he spoke. "Look-a-here!" he said. "Are you talkin'-horse or truth?" Chicago Post. - Mis Position. . "Say, Chimmie, see dat man gettin' on de car? , Dat's the postmaster gen eral." "Aw, gwan! He ain't no general ain't got no brass buttons nor stars nor not'in." -. "Aw; he ain't no soldier general. He's de man who hands out letters at de general delivery windy." Perrin's Pile Specific the INTERNAL REMEDY No Case Exists it Will Not Core s ( OREGON PORTLAND i St- Helen's Hall M) Home and day school for (rirls. Ideal M) A) location. Spacious building. Modern (3) (S) equipment. Academic, College Pre par- a (t ation and special courses. Music, felo- (5 (S) cution. Art in charge of specialists. () a Illustrated catalogue. Easter term (S) opens February 1, 1904. ja ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Principal. $Ssx5)SKt) 1 ALCOHOL, OPIUM, TOBACCO USINGj - WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE First and Montgomery Sis., Portland, Or. Telephone Main 494. II Bilious? Dizzy? Headache? Pain back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Ayer's Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable. bold tor 60 years. J.C.. Aver rOea Lowell, Kass. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE tirrt era. orwmoistos.f. Bnxtcowro.w. ., ON RAINY DAYS WEAR fO'WEfi's Waterproof ISS OILED I I $SJBW3 CLOTHING .' BLACK or YELLOW. CT MAKES EVERT DAT COUHT AtinrMn It km mW mm aqppjy jmm, mmd fmr mftmt BmX mf AtaApnb Aittt. Mmh mftmtm tmmtm 3B3 LA - "My wife bed pimples on her face, but he has been taking CASCARETS and they aare all disappeared. I had been troubled with constipation for some time, but after talc ing the nrst Cases ret I hare had no trouble with this ailment. We cannot speak too high ly of Cascarets." FB1D WlRTMlK. J - : 6706 German town Are.. Philadelphia, Pa. Pleasant. . Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Bood, Nerer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 26c, fiOa ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... HwH mnij fieft Chin. M trK Sw TM. 314 10-TO-BAC fold and guaranteed by all draff jrUta to CDBE Tobacco Habit. ' CANDY ' TMADf MAMH NSeMTISNCO M IF YOU HAVEN'T SPUNK rzu?- logue we're afraid you're not suited for a business fife. This may be the best chance you have ever had. Don't waste it. We educate you practically for business and get you a position when competent. A postal card will bring full particuvars. Isn't it worth your while BEHNKE-W&LKER BUSINESS COLLEGE to write now before you forget it. Portland, Oregon. Send for Special Circular Portland, - - oregon SFOrCATSB SEATTLE BOISE . SALEM MBDPORD WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG, AND HEADS THAT ACHE . ' , ;. WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER ; TAKE , TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS. man or woman so In to learn the Barber trade. A nlesllsbtoocniiatiiMU good wages,easy to learnonstaat practise. The method is rtgbt and the price and time required the best possible to give satisfactory results. Write for full particulars to tbe AHJBBXOAK BAKBEB COLlEOK (Inc.), 253 Everett I Portland, Oregon. ORDER QUICK-Speclai Darjain list, new foods. South Bend Steel Plows, wood beams, U in., fit); South Bend Chilled Plows, wood beams. 14 In., 7.?0; South Bend Chilled Plows, wood beams, 8 in., $3.50; ell sixes and styles In plows. Youne America Cream Separator, No. 800, ao; Steel Wind Mill. Moot. $22 ;ood Wheel Wind Mill, 12-foot, $35. Write nVfor prices m ny thine in the machinery line. Reierson Ma chinery Co.. foot of Morrison St., Portland. Or. L. N. ROSENBAUH Notary Public Attorney-at-Law Pension Atttorney Solicitor of Patents Phones: Sunset, Main J 539 Ind, A 186V 304 New York Block SEATTLE, WASH., U.S.A. Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese doctor Is called great because he cares people without opera tion that are given up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chi nese berbs, roots, budn, barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical sci ence In this . country. . Through, the use of moan uvmiesB remeaies wis famous doctor knows the action of over MS different rem edies, which be successfully uses in different diseases. He guarantees to cure cat tar a asth ma, lung, throat, rbenmatism, nervousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonial. Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients oat of the city write fee blanks and circulars. Kend stamp. CONSUL TATION FRISK. ADDKHSS The C Gee Wo Chinese Medidne Co. 253 Alder St.. Portland. Oregon. S9Meuuoii paper. Washington Farmers and Stockmen Indorse Prussian Stock Food! READ THE FOLLOWING LETTERS. THEY 8PEAK FOR THEMSELVES. X aave osed Prnssl&n Stock Pood for tbe past three years for Horses, Cattle. Sheep and Hon. AS A FAT PRODUCING fOOD IT HAS NO EQUAL. I Una It a thoroufrh ren ovator) it tone up the system in general and puts new life and vigor in the animal. In my dairy business 1 find in every Instance when fed according to directions It will INCREASE the flow of milk to a marked degree. Also with young animals, calves in particular that are obJect to SCOU RS Prussian Stock Food will check the malady as if by magic. I have tried manv kinds of foods but 1 consider Prussian Stock Food tbe BEST on the market to-day. Em. Graf, Daven port, Wash. IT DOUBLED Increase in Milk. Rince usinfr the Prussian Stock Food with my milch cow I find her supply of milk has increased from ONE to TWO quarts each milking. D. C. Fakhswobtu. Bockford, 'WUIL & $5DD Piano for $318 Send Postal Card to Eilers Piano House, Portland, for Particulars. Tills fine piano is made especially for us according to specifications to meet tne requirements of Western cli matic conditions. It is at once the fiaest tonr d, the most dirable and the most perfectly finished piano obtaina ble. To brine our piano prominently before the best people of the West we will, for a limited time, make the most exceptional concessions in the way of price and terms. - We will deliver one of these choice pianos (nothing better could be had even if you were willing to pay $600 or more), freight paid to any station in the state, for $318, either cash -or on oavments of $21 down and $9 per 31 month, deferred payments to bear 8 per cent per annum. Other styles not so elaborately fin ished, but of good quality, for $183, $156 and $218, payable at the rate of $6 per month. Write us to-day, as this offer is lim ited strictly to the first three instru mants sold in every county Mention this paper. - HtERS PIANO HOUSE Washington Street, Comer Park PORTLAND, OREGON. Other large stores, San Francisco, CaL, Spokane, Waslu, and Sacra mento, CaL . P.N.U. No 471903. HE2T writing to advertisers ploM I mention tins paper. . . . i Sanders Disk Plow Simplest and most perfect made. Before you give yonr order for a Disk Plow be Stare to ex amine the Sanders. For sale by the old reli able house of I.Lewis & Stayer Co., WANTEDS' STOCK-FOOD II HwiMllewouiut I