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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1903)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1903. EDITORIAL COMMENT. The government seems to be looking alter the wants of the Indian War Veterans, better than the Veterans are looking out for themselves, if we may judge by the list of back payments due, as shown in our local colamns. These amounts can be obtained direct from the Auditor's office in Washington, without the aid of an attorney, and where the father and mother are both dead, the heirs can obtain the money. Most of these veterans were re cruited in Benton county and vi cinity, and it would be doing a kindness to worthy people if pa pers in this part of the state would republish this list and try to get the information it contains before the parties who will be benefitted by it & ? There seems to be a growing ; opinion, even among some of our i strongest republican congress men, against the convening of Congress in extra session on the 9th of next month. While no strong opposition is manifested, the act is considered, at least, impolitic The growing senti ment through the West is that the Cuban treaty is but a plan to benefit Eastern manufacturers at the expense of the Western pro ducers. It looks as if the session would be given up to talk alone, and that no results will be achieved. If so, it will simply be furnishing capital for the democrats to use in the next cam paign. We can only " hope that the questions to come up will be considered in a broad, statesman like spirit, and that the result will be for the good of the coun try as a whole. p -f if Mr. I. N. Fleishner, chairman of the publicity committee ot the Lewis & Clark Fair, made a good speech at . the meeting of the State Press Association, at Salem, and placed the Fair on the right basis with the news paper men. He stated that the management of the Fair had no money available for advertising, but that it was the duty of news paper men iu this state to take up the matter of exploitation of the exposition as one 01 public weal, in which everyone is inter ested. "In a large and broad sense," says Mr. Fleishner, "the exposition has never been intend ed to be anything but the big gest kind of an advertisement for our country. It will be, in short, the western part of the United States on exhibition on a grander scale than has ever be fore been attempted." This strikes us as the proper thing to do. No greater benefit can be done to the state than to make the Fair a grand success, and every newspaperman owes it to himself and his state to do his level best without hope of fee or reward. if f Dowie the mountebank, the charlatan and blatant humbug, is once more in evidence in New York, running the gamut of his absurdities to the delight of his followers and the wonder of the onlooking world. Chicago made the mistake of taking the pre tender seriously, and the result Was the City ot Zion. New York laughed at the absurdity ot his claims, and he showed himself the scolding lunatic he is. But why blame Dowie? He is but the natural product of the times in which we live. When in the face of the wonderful discoveries that science is daily making, as to mans place in nature, the im mense extension of the universe in space and its unlimited devel opment in time, we find the old time theological conceptions still perisistently holding their ground, we have no right ; to find fault with an ignorant charlatan who prostitutes them to his own advancement and profit. There are others. Compared with the pretensions of Germany's egotisti cal emperor, what is it but simply a question of degree? The won der is that a man so shallow, so crude, so obviously a humbug, should be able to dupe so many followers into a faith in his ab surdities. "The light is known to have failed against folly Some times; the laugh never." Per haps Dowie has his place to fill in Natures plan, and is but doing his part in the world's 'destiny. Nothing but ridicule can rid the world of its Dowies. Oak Grove Items. Born to Mr. and Mrs P. A. Johnson a son. Geo. Price spent Sunday in Corval?is. Wiley Holman is talking of moving to Albany. Clyde Williamson, of O. A. C, spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cady made a business trip to Kings Valley this week. Walter Goves who sold his larm to Mr. Knapp has moved to Albany. ' If we are all able to read the signs of the times there will be a wedding in our neighborhood be fore long. Many a man thinks he is look ing at truth when he is looking at the spectacles he has put on to see it with. He is looking at his own spectacles. William Devire, of Eugene, is spending a few days in our midst the guest of T. B. Wil liamson. He intends going to Portland and visit relatives there before returning home. Oak Grove is well represented at the Agricultural College this year. Those attending are Guy Moor, Clarencej Moor, Grant Mc Elhiney, Will Abraham, Geo. Wyatt and Clyde Williamson, which makes a pretty good show ing for one neighborhood. Potato digging seems to be the order of the day. Mr. Mayberry finished a seven-acre field Thurs day and reports about 800 bush els, which is a very good yield for upland. At 50 cents per bushel potatoes are not a bad crop to raise, even in Oregon. The well-defined spiritual lile is not only the highest but it is also the most easily lived. The whole , is more easily carried than the half. It is the man who tries to make the best of both worlds who makes nothing of either; and he who seeks to serve two masters misses the bene diction of both. What the Other Fellows Say The Albany College football team is rapidly getting into shape for its game with the strong team of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege, on the Ramble Park grid iron in this city next Saturday afternoon. The local team is now getting considerable- prac tice and will be much stronger in this respect than when it met the University of Oregon last Satur day. Most of the men are get ting into good shape and the players who were injured, with possibly one exception, will be in the game. Next Saturday's game will probably be the greatest contest ever seen in Albany. Both teams are determined to win the game so there will be probably be some of the fiercest football playing ever seen in the state. Albany defeated the O. A. C. in football two years ago and has won in track and field athletics for two successive years so the Farmers are eagerly awaiting an. oppor tunity to avenge these defeats, One thing is certain, whoever wins, and that is that every inch of ground in the Rambler Park Park gridiron will be strenuous ly contested for in the Albany O. A. C. game.- Albany Herald, October 28. Albany takes delight in throw mg into our faces . at every op portunitv the past victories of Albany College over the O. A. C, but "he who laughs last, laughs longest," and our revenge on Saturday will certainly be a sweet one. Church Notices. Subject at the Church of Christ next founday morning, "God's Pur pose and Plan in Christian Mis Bions:" evening, "The Greatest Question in the Bible." Special music at each service. 1 Baptist church Sunday morn ing subject, The Children and the .Bible: evening, First Things First. Sunday School at 10 and Young People's meeting at 6.30. Cordial greeting for all. Services both morning and even ing at the Methodist church, preaching by the pastor. Member ship and communion service in the morning. , First Spiritual Union of Corvallis will hold services on Sunday in Bar rett Lyceum . Conference at 2; ser vices at 3 p. m. All friends are cordially invited . United Evangelical Church Woman's Missionary Society con vention over next Sunday. Devo tional and business meeting Satur day afternoon. Program in the evening. . Missionary sermon by Rev. C. C. Poling Sunday, morning. On Sunday evening Mrs. M. E. Weaver and Mrs. C. C. Poling will address the - convention. Special I music. All are invited. Presbyterian Entertainment. The young people of the Pres byterian church will give a con cert at Oak Ridge Presbyterian church Friday evening, October 30, in connection with a basket social. Following is the pro gram to be rendered : Selection, orchestra. Vocal duet, M isses Spangler and Danneman. Recitation, Miss Laura Pratt Cornet solo, Mr. Vetmore. Solo, Mr. Kil pack. Selection, orchestra. Recitation, Mrs. Parsons. Solo, Mrs. Carrick. Recitation, C. Curry. Solo, Miss Spangler. . ' . Mandolin solo, Miss Raney. Selection, orchestra. Does Manhood Fail? Albany Herald. It may sometimes, owingto nervous disorders, but it is hardly ever lost, ex cept in extreme old age. What is called impotency or sexual neurasthenia is merely weakened power. Underneath the ashes the fire remains aglow. It re quires careful scientific treatment to fan it into a bright flame of life and energy. For these cases which have been hith" erto the despair of the physician, noth ing equals the application of electricity, if by proper current and exact dosage, in combination with the scientinc admin istration ot specific medical remedies, which penetrate the secret ambuah of disease, exterminating it root and branch forever. A rejuvenation follows its use. It pioduces results because it replenishes the vital touicity requisite to the nervous system. According to Dr. Damn's pe culiar and scientific methods of admin istratioa, it is a powerful vitalizer, indi cated in diseased conditions, due to all kinds of excesses. ' Dr. Darrin gives free examination to all, and, when necessary, gives medicines in connection with elect? icity. The poor treated free from 10 tall daily, ex cept meeicine. Xhose willing to pay, 10 to 5, evenings 5 to 8: Sundays, 10 to 3. Errors of youth, blood taint, gleet, im potency, varicocle, and stricture specialty. All curable chronic or private diseases treateded at half, his former prices. In o case published, without per mission of the patient. All business re lations with Dr. D. strictly confidential Letters of inquiry answered. Circular Question blanks sent free. Dr. Darrin will remain at the Revere Hotel, Albany until Dec. 1, only. Apples for Sale. I have 200 bushels of Newton Pip pin apples for gale at 25 cents per bushel at my place one mile west of Corvallis John Meeker , PE0FESSI0NAL. B A. CATHEY, M. D Physicvan Surg eon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. ) 10 to 12 a. m. i 2 to 4 p. IB. Office Hours Residence: Corner 5th and Adams Sts. Telephone at office and residence. Corvallis, - - - Oregon, C. H. NEWTH Physician 8? Sturgeon Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGON. E. R. Bryson ATTORNEY AT LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Office in PostofHce Btilldinjr. Notaky. Titles. Conveyancing JOS. H-WILSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court Office in Burnett Building. Notice of filial Settlement In the estate of William C. Woodcock, deceased, is hereby given by the undersigned administra tor of said estate; that said administrator hits filed his final a ccount in said estate and that the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, in probate uas appuuibeu uesaayt me am aay 01 iecemoer, 1903. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the County Court room in the County Court nouse in tne uity 01 (jorvains, in Kenton county. State of Oregon, as the time and nlace for the hear ing 01 oojecuon to said nnaj accounts and the final settlement thereof. Datea October 30th, 1903. v . , M.j. WOODCOCK. ' Administrator of the estate of William C. Woodcock, deceased. THE0LD RELIABLE AbsoIutefyr Puro f THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE apmrmmmsBiiJumLVnaiM This line of Suits and Overcoats are second to none in the United States for Fit and Workmanship. We are distributors for this section. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon September 19, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he marie before Va Countv f!r!.- of Benton County, at Corvallis, Or. on October 31, 1903, viz: PETER N. BOESEN. H- E. No. 12197, for Lot 1, SI NE J, NE J SE1, Sec. 4, TJ 12 S , K 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and -cultivation of said land, viz: Harrj Davidson, George Cramer, Thomas Laskey and John Gredig, all of Blodgett, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, - Register Notice for Publication. LANb Offick at Roseburo, Oregon, Sept. 21, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Victor P. Doses, the County Clerk, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday, November 7, 1903, viz: Daniel R. Spencer, on Homestead En try No. 8810. for the Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Sec. 4, T. 14 S., R. 7 W. ' He names the following witnesses . to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Nathan C. Pickett, .of Alsea, Oregon, William M. Pickett, of Corvallis, Oregon, Marshall W. Ruble, of Alsea, Oregon, and Guy Seeley, of Cor vallis, Oregon. . J. T. BRIDGES, Register Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor Benton County . A. M. Withaui and Agues Thompson, Plaintiffs, vs. ' Abigail Brown, James L. Garrett, Minerva Rob ertson and W. J. Robertson, her husband, the heirs at law of Hiram Elliott, deceased, it any "such there be. The heirs at law of John B. Gariett, if any such there be, Defendants: To Abigail Brown, James L. Garrett, Minerva Robertson and W. J. Robertson her husband, . The heirs at law of Hiram Elliott, deceased, if any snch there be. The heirs at law ef John B. Garrett, if any such there be, Defendants above named. In the name of the, State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint ol the plain tiffs in the above entitled suit, in the above en titled court now on file in the office of the clerk of said court on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication of this summons, made by the County Judge, of Benton County, State of Oregon, (being the county where the above entitled suit is pending, ia the Circuit Court of said county and state) which said order is hereinafter referred to, to wit: on or before six weeks from the day of first publication hereof, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer the said complaint as herein, required, for want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in said complaint, namely, . That the said defendants and each of them, be required to set forth the nature of his or her claim in and to Lots four, five, six, seven, eight and nine; in Block No. 13, in the County Addition to the City of Corvallis, County of Benton, and State of Oregon, and that all adverse claims therein of the defendants and each of them may be determined by a decree of this court, That by said decree it be declared and adjudged that the defendants have not, nor has any of said defendants, any estate or interest whatever in or to saia iana ana premises or any part there of, and that the title of Plaintiff Agnes Tnempsen to the south fourteen feet of said lot four thereof; and of Plaintiff A. M. Witham to the north thirty-six feet thereof said lot lour, and to all of said lots five, six, seven, eight and nine thereof, is good and valid and that the de fendents and each ot them be forever debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said land and premises, or any part thereof, adverse to the plamtifls or either of them, and for such other relief as to the Court may seem meet and agreeable to equity. This summons is published in the Corvallis Gazette once . week for six successive and consecutive weeks beginning with the issue of October 2, 1003, and ending with the issue of No vember 20, 1903, under and in pursuance of an oraer maae Dy the Hon. Virgil iv Watters, County Juage 01 Benton County, Oregon, being t V, rnnntv ufhr. f li t ahmtntifl1 ciitt its nnn.' ing in the above entitled Circuit Court, dated September 29, 1903; date of first publication nereoi is uctoDer 2, 1903. 1 J. WILSON ana E. HOLGATE. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. notice of Executors Sale or Real Property. In the Countv Court of the State nf Orcimn XWUHIU 1UU111V. n . t , In the matter of the Estate of Robert E. Cooper. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that under and in accord ance with an order of sale made bvthe Cnnnt.v nnnrt ui Dtuuiii joam,y, uregen, on the lath day Septem ber, 1903, in the above entitled estate directing and orderiug us, Thomas H. Cooper and George W. Cooper, as executors of the said estate to Bell all of the real propertv belonrinor tn raid estate nt. t, . 1 .1 I i L I 1 . . . , .. 1 iK"H' oiuuer iof casn in hand to satisft the claims, charges and expenses against the siid estate, which order was duly recorded at pp. 448-449 Probate Journal Number 9; that we the said ex ecutors will proceed to sell at nrivata k1a from nA after Friday the 20th day of November, 1903, all the right, title and interest which the said Robert E Cooper had at the time of his death in and to the following described real property: . Beginning at a point 43 chains and A links weet rt southeast corner of the original donation land claim of Albert G. Hovey, Notification No' 2391. f'liim n 43, in township 12 south, range 5 west, running thence west 24 chains, 43 links to a point, running thence north 20 chains and 87 links to a point, run ning thence east 24 chains and 43 links ta rirn- running tbeuce soSith 20 chains and 87 links to the place of beginning, containing in all fiftv-one abres more or less in iienton County. State 'of Oregon- Also, commencing 20 chains aud 97 links wnt fi the northeast corner of the donation land olaim Albert G. Hovey, Notification No. 2391, claim No. 43, in township 12 south, range 5 west of the Will laniette Meridian, runninp thencft south 18,. and 60 links, thence west 22 chains and 8 links thence north 18 chains and 69 links: thence east. 9.9. chains and 8 links to the place of beginning, con- uuuiug x.uo acres more or less in uenton County, Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash in hand mi, I said sale will be made subject to the confirmation thereof by the said Countv Court of Benton oountv. Oregon. - - THOS. H, COOPER AND GEO, W. COOPER, Executors of the estate of tiobert E. Cooper, Dec'd. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right. Style Notice for Publication. ' United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, Corvallis. Oregon. Oct 9. 1903, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June it, 18 8, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory, as extended to all the I'uunc ijand States by act of August 4, 1892, .... THOMAS D. HUFFT, ' of Wren, county of Bei.ton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6307. for the purchase of the S. 4 of N. E. 1 of Sec, No. 12, in T. No. 12 S, R No 7 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable icr its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk at Corvallis, Oregon, on Thurs day, tbe 7th day of January, 1904 - He nam ; as witnesses: George Green of Philomath. Oregon. Edward King, Heman S. Pitman and Jesse M Huff t of Wren, Oresron. ' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are requested to me tneir claims in this omce on or before said 7tn day 01 January, 1904. AL14KKINOIN S. DKESSUK, Register. Notice for Publication. . United States Land Office, Oretron Citv. Or.. Sent. 15. 1993. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the tprovsions ot the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled" An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing on Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States Dy act or August 4, 1892, FRANCES A. BARRETT, of Philomath, countv of Benton, state of Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn statement Ko. 6289, for the purchase of the NE of NW , of see. jvo. 10, in Township No. 11 a, B. no. e w, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tin.ber er stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, county clerk at Corvallis, Orhgon, on Monday, the 30th day of No- vemDer, laos. - He names as witnesses: James E. Johnson. Wren, Oregon, Andrew L. Porter, of Nortons, Ore gon, MicDaei u. rijnn, and James Barrett, both of fhilomath, Or, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- aescnoea lands are requested to hie their claims in bum uuiuG uji ur ueiure sum ovmi uay 01 nuv., lyuo. Register. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon .for Benton county. G, M. Missall and A, G. Knapp, Plaintiffs, vs. W. Lair Hill, Julia C. Hill his wife, H. Taylor Hill Jennie Hill his wife, G. A. Hill, Julia Hill his wife, J. L. Hill, M. A. Thompson, Rufus Thomp son, her husband, Rupert C. Hill, Etta Kittridge, Kittridge, her husband. Lenora S Gree- ory, Wm. 11. Gregory her hushand, Elijah Sparks, Louise F. Sparks his wife, Nathan M. Montgomery, Ratah Long, Grover Long her husband, William McConnell, Reuben Hill McConnell, Victor Earl Aicuonneu, susan m. Jicvonneu, j. t anner Hill, Nathan R. Hill, Margaret Hill, Gertrude Mad- docKS, ri. A. Jpladdock8, her husband, Julia S. Marks, J. Coleman Marks, Katie Marks his wife and the Oregon and W ashingtou Trust Investment Company Limited, a corporation, Defendants. To W. Lair Hill, JuliaC. Hill. G. A. Hill. Julia Hill. Rupert C. Hill, Etta Kittridge, Kittridge her nusoano, nataa iong, urover ung, wm. McConnell, tteucen mil aicuonnen, victor Karl McConnell Susan M. McConnell, J. Farmer Hill. Nathan R. Hill, Margaret Hill, and the Oregon and Washington irust investment company, Limited, a Corpora, tion, seventeen of the above-named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs in the above entitled suit in the above-named court now on file with the clerk of the said court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, which 8Jid first date is the 23rd day of October, 1903, and you and each of you are hereby iiuuueu mat 11 you hui w so appear ana answer the said torn plaint the plaintiffs for want thereof will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in their said complaint, towit: For a decree adiudg i. .,t :..;,, u . vuo jituuiMuo w ujd unucis iu lets Himpie OX the following described lands to-wit: Beginning at a point 10 chains north and 12.12 chains west of the southeast corner of section 35 in township 10 south, range 4 west, of the Willamette Meridian, in Benton County, Oregon, and running uuui tucuix, uuri,u.iu uiiauis, tuence west z.oo chains, thence south 18 chains, thence east 10 chains. tlience south 6.75 chains, thence east 17.88 chains to the place of beginning, containing 62.25 acres more or less and that a certain mortgage executed by Squire Montgomery and Sarah A. Montgomery to the Oregon and Washington Trust Investment Com pany idmitea, on tne 1st day 01 December, 1876, and recorded on December 5, 1876 in Book E at page 1 of the record for mortgages for Benton County, Or., be decreed paid and the same be cancelled and satis- ned.t and for such other relief as may be meet in equity. . ihis summons is published in the corvallis Ga zette by order of the Hon. Virgil K Watters, coun ty judge oz iienton county, Oregon, made at Cham bers in the city of Corvallis on the 17th day of Octo ber, 1903. And the date of the first publication of this summons is the &srd day 01 October, 1U03. and the date of the last publication hereof is the 4th day of December, 1903. N. M. NEWPORT, Attorney for the Plaintiffs. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette Valley Points. Low round trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited , to retnrn on or before the following Monday. Rate to or From Corvallis, $3.00. Call on Southern Pacific Co's Agents for particulars. ' ' -I We have added several new pieces to our premium dishes. Nolan & Callahan. GOLD AND . WET Ladies and Children's Rain Coats Men's and Boys' Rain Coats Ladies and Childrens Long Coats Men's and Boys' Overcoats Men's and Beys' Duck, Waterproof, Oil. Ruhhftr and All Kinds of Rubber Boots and Shoes, Umbrellas, Comforts and Blankets. Big Line to Select From. ' . J. BL J. D MANN FURNITURE Never have we been in position to offer our customers such good goods at such low prices. Corner Main Pioneer Bakery I Fresh bread daily. A complete -stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept constantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. Confectioner I H. W. HALL, Proprietor. SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 0. A. 0. This department will afiord first-class advantages to all who desire to beewme-acs- tompusnea in pianoiorte ana vionn. in connection with artistic instruction on these instruments, harmony, musical theory, counterpoint, musical history, sight reading and ensemble will be taught. EVERYTHING ARTISTIC AND HIGH CLASS. . All college students taueht at O. A. C Down-town tmrils mav take at the eU. lege or at city studios, as they may desire. All pupils of college and city are en rolled at the college, and all enjoy equal privileges. . All the advantages of an East ern Conservatory at one-third the cost. . 1 MORDATINT GOODNOTJGH. PIANIST. , The Popular Grocers DUM i THATCHER Will Give You Low Prices on Groceries, Mill, Stock and Poultry Foods, Granite and Tinware. I All Goods Damaged by Fire or Water at a Bargain. I TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drnjr K hits refund the money if itfails ' tour W. Grove's Ki(r.alureiton b In. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle shoving: that it to simply Iron and Qui nine put in tasteless' form. No Cure, Ho Pay, 50 PREPARE FOR WINTER :. We are fullv oreoared to rrn. t A . x j tect young and old from many of r winters, and invite you " to see our line aud get our prices. I oathpr Onatc: ? HARRIS. & GO. Window Shades, Wall Paper, Iron Beds, tJaby Buggies, Go Carts, Art Squares, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware. and Monroe. 'A i RUTHYN TURNBY". VIOLINIST. School Supplies Graham & Wells, Coiner JefieTson and Main streets, carries a full line of School Supplies. Second hand Public School Books, in good condition, taken in ex change, ; v ; : i i