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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1903)
IE CORVALLIS GAZETTE , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16,1903. SEMI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Fittingly Observed by Presby terians Last Sunday. The semi-centennial celebration of the Presbyterian church was observed last Sunday morning with appropriate and impressive ceremonies. The church whp tastily decorated with autumn leaves and clematis. Behind the pulpit were the signifiiiant figures 1853-1903. The church was tilled to its utmost capacity and at times the interest was dramatic. The pastor, Rev. Andrew Carrick.'pre Bided. The venerable Father Robe, of Brownsville led in an impressive prayer. After a beautiful anthem by the choir . Rey. J. A. Hanna, of Los Angles, Cal., who organized the church in Sept. 24, 1852 gave a historic sketch of the incep tion and founding of the church, con- tinning the history for a quarter of a century. He referred to his decision while in seminary to come to Oregon and the colony which he gathered in the spring of 1852 in' response to an adver tisement. This colony numbering 20 families including 60 persons with Rev. Hanna as pastor left Pittsburg, March 15, 1852, and arrived at the Missouri river March 30th. From there they crossed the plains and arrived safely about the 1st of September. This colony did not all settle together but the ma ioritv of the charter members of the church belonged to it. The organization was effected in the home of Rev. J. A. Hanna three miles south of Corvallis, which was then known as Marysville. All of the charter members members are dead except Mrs. Irwin who still resides on the old homestead ten miles south of town. The organization was reported to the next meeting of the Presbytery of Ore. gon in October of 1853. This was the second Presbyterian church in the en tire Northwest including Oregon, "Wash ington, Montana and Idaho and is the first to maintain a continuous existence The Clatsop Plains church was the first to be organized but was subsequently dis banded. Rev. J. A. Hanna was ap pointed supply for the church and con- . . t o - n tinuea as pastor until aepiemoer, ioou, when the membership grew to 23. In April, 1860, the erection of the pres ent building was begun. It was a pro digious undertaking for so small a con gregation owing to the great expense of labor and lumber. The windows and doors were all hand-made. The planing was done by hand as there was neither neither planing mill nor sash and door factory within reach. Among those who contributed over $500 for the work were John Grubb, J. B. Congle, Dr. J. R. Biyley, Andrew Roberts and John Wrenn, all of whom have gone to their reward. The building was finally com pleted in 1864 at a cost of $6000, only JS500 being received from the board of church erection. It was opened by Rev. Dr. Geary in June of the same year, Rev. Hanna also being'present. . -Rev. H. R. Avery succeeded : Rev. Hanna in Sept, 1860, and ministered to the congregation for two years when Rev. R. Wylie was the first installed pas tor and ' irainister to the people for four years. He expected to be present but was prevented. ' A tender message from him was read during the service. ' Then followed five brethren, viz : Rev. W. J Monteith, Rev. A. E. Simpson, Rev. D. K. Kisbit and Rey. J. G. Downing who faithfully served the church during the years between 1866 and 1875. All of these as well as Rev. Avery have gone to their reward. The church now number ed 65. Rev. J. F. Knowles, of Metropo lis, 111., followed Mr. Downing in 1875 and remained one year. A loving mes sage was read from him conveying his x I mi r n i t- . tt t" Krceungs. xnen iouowea iiev. xi. Donning, of Oakland, Oal., whoremain- ed pastor until 1883. The Rev. E. R, Murgatroyd, now of New Vernon, N. J was next. His tender ministrations en deared him to the people. A character istic letter from him was read. His ten der reference to the loyalty and hopeful ness of Caleb Davis brought tears to many eyes. Rev. John Reid, of Vic toria, B. C, succeeded Mr. Murgatroyd in 1885 and remained one year. A mes sage was read from him as contained in Acts 20:32. , .After a beautiful solo by Miss Lulu Spangler, Rev. E. J. Thompson, D. D of Independence, who so faithfully min istered to the people for nearly 15 years. gave an address which will be long re membered. He recounted the struggles and successes, the iova and sorrows the faithfulness and loyalty of the people, especially referring to the ladies, the chpir and to Elder Davis who had so often encouraged him in his efforts. He told of the visit of the officials of the Oregon Pacific R. R. to the church one cold, windy Sunday and how they took pity on the people and provided the means to repair the church. , ur. Anompson was succeeded in .1900 by Rev. R. L. Meily who remained only a few months. His message was read by Dr. Altman as contained in II Tim, za-.iy. ,lne present pastor, Rev. An drew Carrick began his pastorate in Jan uary, 1902. jlm;v. jcj. i. xj.ui, xi. u., orjroruana, requested that Elder Davis, who had been so loyal to the church and so help fnl to the pastors, if present, to rise so that the synod might look into his face, Xhe scene then assumed a dramatic enect wnen the venerable Caleb Davis. the soul of honor and sincerity arose ana remained standing tor a moment. The memorable service was then brought, to a close by a few words from the pastor, the singing of hymn 163. Which begins thus, '-Hark ten thousand harps and voices" and the pronouncing of the benediction by Rev. Hanna, who 60 years before pronounced it over the j.ew-born church. A GENFROUS OFFER. Dr. Darrin Will Treat All Who May Apply at Half His Former Price. Albany Herald. All cases who have heretofore consult ed Dr. Darrin at the Revere House, Al luny, without taking treatment, and those who. now contemplate taking his electro medical course, may do so at half hio reguLr price of treatment, if same be commenced before December 1st. This generous offer will enable all to avail themselves of the doctor's skill. The poor treated free except medicine, from 10 to 11 daily. The following list of peo ple cured and benefitted in this vicinity should be convincing proof of the su periority of electricity over the ills of the flesh: ' Judge J. J. Whitney, Albany, deafness and ringing noises in the ear. L. W. Moench, Corner 4th and Main Streets, Albany, rheumatism, stomach and liver trouble. Mrs. Nettie Dempsey, Waterloo, Ore , catarrh and ulcers of the nose. W. W. Parrish, Sodaville, Ore., deaf ness. J. L. Oxford. Brownsville, Ore., deaf ness. Mrs. Pet Crabtree, residing at Crab tree, Ore., rheumatism and catarrh. Mrs. N. E. Olin, 508 1st St., Albany, deafness, kidney and bladder troubles. H. J. Downing, Lebanon, Oie., head ache, etc. H. Seifert, King's Valley, Ore, dyspep sia, liver and kidney complaints, pain in side and eye trouble. P. A. Racey, Jefferson, Ore., deafness cured 10 years ago. No return of it. D. F West. Plainview, Ore., cnronic catarrh, stomach and kidney troubles of 15 years standing. Henry Bruer, Turner, Ore., deafness and discharging ears. Miss D. G. Reddick, Lebanon, Ore., discharging ears. Mrs. Wm. Slate, Alsea, Ore., stomach and heart trouble, poor circulation, etc. Mrs. Dora Hadley, Sodaville, Ore., discharging ears, constipation, and dys pepsia. G. W. Benight, 105 Pine St., Albany, deafness. W. T. Cochran, Brownsville, Ore., constipation, stomach and liver troubles. Mayor S. Tomlinson, of Woodburn, rheumatism and generally run down, cured 11 years ago. Miss Irene Ashford, of Salem, dis' charging ear cured. Mrs. Wood, of Woodburn, goitre of the neck and catarrh of the inner ear. - Mrs. R. Ringo, Gervais, asthma and bronchitis. Her son, B. H. Ringo, was also cured of discharging ear and deaf ness. ' Hundreds of others might be mention ed who do not want, their names pub- lished. In most cases only one visit is required Owing to the crowds rushing to see the doctor he will receive patients from 9 a m. to 8 p. m. . School Apportionment. The October apportionment of school money was made by Supt. Den man last week. The amounts received by. the districts of county were as follows: Diet. No. 1 .. ...........$136 40 71 23 2...... 3. ..... 4...... 5 G ..... . : 7. . . , 8.;,... 9...:.. 10..:... 11.7..... 12....... 13...:... 14...... 15..... .. 16 17 18'....... 19....;., 20....... 21....... 22....... 23...:... 25....... 26 27........ 8....... 29....... 31 32 122 20 152 05 93 85 ..V. ...... 140 10 ... 77 20 .........7121 60 ..........1691 00 7... 77 '75 7". 103 65 122 15 140 10 , ... 93 85 93 85 82 30 478 54 :.. 77 20 .....130 85 .......... 135 20 80 90 1 (1 ., 98 10 204 30 193 20 .......... 156 75 112 33 .......... 10 00 .......... 93 85 ......... , 90 15 99 95i 36 120 30 37 5127 41...... 96 88 42 .' 112 35 43.... 203 00 45 '. 92 00 46..... 48..,.., 49 50 ... 10 60 J.29 00 103 10 92 00 51....... 85 15 59 62.... 66...:.. 69.. 72 74 79...:.. 81...... 83...... 85...... 93.. 1... 94...... 66.:'..:. 96...... 97..:... 5 Joint., 106 80 101 25 90 15 10 38 18 23 140 10 92 00 63 90 101 25 80 25 141 95 110 50 80 90 97 55 131 40 45 55 If Toil desire a pond Mokl lea. a Dure herh drinb. Tt ant. , the liver and makes th skin smmfh .t.h clear. Cures sick headache: 2ft rta an4 50 cts. Money refunded if it doss not satisfy yon. Write to VV II Hoker & Co , Buffalo. N. ' Y. Allan v. WnnH.J druggists. OAK GROVE ITEMS. The farmers are all busv patting ia their fall grain. Perry Prettyman, engineer on the S. P. railroad, is spending a few days with his parents, W. D. and M. E. Pretty man. Mrs. Lizzie Parker, of Cottage Grove, is spending a few days visiting relatives. The three large prune dryers of this neighborhood, which have been hand ling about 800 bushels of prunes per day, closed do n the latter part of last week The Oak Grove School began last Monday with Miss Anna Pagenkoff as teacher. This makes the third year she has taught in this district, which speaks very highly of her work. John May berry, one of our enterpris ing citizens, is putting on the finishing touches on his new residence in the form of paint, which adds' much to the gen eral appearance. G. W. Goff is building a house and making other improvements. Let the good work go on. B. Cady, late of Kings Valley, but now a neighber of ours is liable to be come a gloated bondholder, without bis luck should change. He is one of the few who tried his hand at hopraising, this being his first year at the business. He and his two little girls and a small boy did most of the work except picking, Mr. Cady took advantage of the wood price and sold at 25 cent per pound, which netted about $3000. Besides his hop yard he run a grain farm of 100 acres. A party consisting of G. W. Goff, Ike Knapp, Sam Laurenson is preparing to start to the Bay about the 15th of this month. They expect to be gone about two weeks and intend spending the time fishing and bunting and when ;they re turn it is presumed they will be loaded with plenty of venison and not a few fish stories. " Salmon Fishing Excursion. The C. & E. will give the following ex cursion rates, that those wishing to en joy the fishing season at Yaquma Bay may do so. Three-day tickets, good going any day except Sunday, and returning the Becond J day following, $2.50 for round trip from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath. Ten-day tickets, good going any day and returning on or before the tenth day trom date of eale, $3.50 round trip from Albany, Corvallis and Philomath. f. P. CLARKE.. Groceries Produce Flour Feed Grain Highest Market Price Paid for Dressed Mutton, Veal, Hogs, Poultry, Eggs, EtcXX XX ) . , , . . PHILOMATH, ORE. Cheap Sunday Rates Between Portland and Willamette ' Valley Points. Low round trip rales have been placed in effect between Portland and Willam ette Valley points, in either direction. Tickets will be sold f SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS, and limited , to return on or before the following Mondayv. . " . . Rate to ob Fkom Corvallis, 3.00. rli o 11. -n , , , gallon bouthern Pacific Go's Agents for particulars. r HARDWARE TINWARE STOVES PAINTS OILS Afi ill M-rte- rf TYi-, . the county where the above-entitled suit is pend AUU XU1C Ol W 1U me in the above entitled Cirniit tVmrt riatpH dow . . Ulas&wLJfc riarness, Wagons, buggies and Farm Madimery,2wv PHILOMATH OREGON. ECLECTIC BUSINESS COLLEGE ALBANY, OREGON. Gives short, thorough courses in Book keeping, bhortband and Typewritinp:. with English work . A Branch School will be opened in CORVALLIS OREGON, Sept. 28. in the Burnett Building. IT'S JUST A COUGH that gets pour lungs sore and weak and paves tne way for preumonia and con sumption, or both. Ankar'a Knwlinh Remedv will stop the cough in a day and heal Your lunes. It Will itnrn Onnanmn. tion, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Positively guaran- ceea, and money refunded if you are not satisfied. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Aixkn & Woodward, Druggists. FALL AMD WSWT We are Thoroughly Equipped for the Fall and Winter Campaign With a Mammoth Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, ' Velveteens, Trimmings Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, Walking and Dress Skirts, Ladies Fine Shoes, Lace Curtains, Portiers, Rugs, Art Squares, T able Linens, Towels Napkins Blankets Comforters, Etc. " Complete Stock of Mens, Boys and Youths Fine Clothing. Mens and Boys Furnishings, Rain Garments, Rubber Goods, Dress Suit Cases, um brellas, Telescopes, Trunks, Grips, Walk-over, W. L. Douglas and Hamil ton Brown's Celebrated Shoes for men. Mens, Boys and Childrens Hats and Caps, Including "Hawes" renowned $300 Hats. v An Inspection of our Bright New stock Respectfully Solicited. Four Experienced Salesmen and Two Experienced Salesladys to show You Through, Buy or no Buy. J. D. MANN & CO Never have we been in position to offer our customers such good goods at such low prices. Corner Main Summons. . ,. In the Circuit Court of the. State of Oresron. tor Beaton County. A. M. Witham anAAgnes Thompson, Plaintiffs, vs. Abigail Brown, James I. Garrett, Minerva Rob ertson ana w. 1. Kooertson, ner husband, the heirs at law of Hiram Elliott, deceased, it any such there be, . The heirs at law of John B. Garrett if anv sueh there be. Defendants: To Abigail Brown, James L. Garrett, Minerva Koutnsoir ana -w. j. KODertson ner nusbana, The heirs at law of Hiram. Elliott., deceased, if any snch there be. The heirs at law ef John B. Garrett, if any such there be, Defendants above named. ' -. . ' In the name of the State of Oresron: You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint ol the plain ts : .1 i j , . . 1 1 uu9 m uuvc culilicu un, iu i iic Huuvc en titled court now on file in the office of the clerk of said court on or before the last dav- of the "oie lwu in iiie orucr xor punncaxion 01 luim summons, maue oy ine county juage, ot county where the above entitled suit is pending, hcb uin 1 .1111111 v Mm. ni irpnmn innintr iho iathe Circuit Court of said countv and state i Which said order is hereinafter, referred to. to- ,wit: on or before six weeks from the day ot first puuiiLHuua nereoi, ana you are nereDy notinea that if you fail to so aonear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the: above entitled coun ior ine reuet demanded in said complaint. namely,- That the said defendants and each of them be required to set forth thenature of his or her claim in and to Lots four, five, six, seven, eight and nine, in Block No. 13, in the County Addition to the City of Corvallis, County of Benton, and ioine v-uy 01 corvallis, coi state of Oregon, and that Biaie 01 uregon. ana that all adverse claims therein of the defendants and each of them may be determined by a decree of this court. That by said decree it be declared and adiudced that the defendants have not. nor has anv of sam aeienaanis. anv estate or interest whatever in or to said land and premises or any part there of, and that the title of Plaintiff Atmes Tnempsen to the south fourteen feet of said lot four thereof; and of Plaintiff A. M. Witham to the north thirty-six feet thereof said lot tour, and to all of said lots five, six, seven, eight and nine thereof, is ood and valid and that the de fendents and each ot them be forever debarred from assertine anv claim whatever in or to said land and premises, or any part thereof, adverse 10 ine piainuns or either 01 them, and tor such otner reuet as to the Court may seem meet and agreeable to equity. This summons is published in the Corvallis Gazette once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks beginning with the issue of October 2. iooi. and ending with the issue of No vember 30. I0O3. under and in nnrstionrp of an order made by the Hon. Virgil & Watters, Countv Tudsre of Benton Countv. nrpnn heintr September ao. i9ov date of first nnlilication r r -nd E. holgate. T" J. E. HENKLE. CASH STORE. I have just onened a General Merchan dise Store at my old corner, and in my new building, at Philomath. Oreeon. anJ can show you many Bargains! from a new and carefully selected stock. You will save money by calling on me before purchasing. A full line of BOOTS AND SHOES AND RUBBER GOODS. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD. The greatest farm paper of the Northwest. Published weekly at Salem, Oregon. Edited by the farmers of the North west. Twentv napes. IlluitratH. a snstm for western people, bi papers for $1.00. Publi cation began March 1. 1900. Now' ha a onn ...k. scribers. Phenominal growth is due to its being the best farm paper published. Ton should read t. We will send you the bomkstsad and corvallis 4 firm for Jt year to one tnbscriber for p. 2 ' 0 EH 1903-4 R E Window Shades, Wall Paper, Iron Beds, Baby Buggies, Go Carts, Art Squares, Rugs, - Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware. and Monroe. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the .undersigrned has been appointed by the county court of the stata of Oregon for Benten coanty- executor of the estate of busan 11. berry, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law required at ine omces 01 xatee s. lates,. vxrvaius, uregon. wii,uiu six montug irom ie aaie nereoi. Dated this 18th day of September, 1903. ' ' : t . U. G BERRY, . Kxeeutor of the Estate of Susan 1L Berry, Dec'd, Administrator's IN ot ice. Notice is hereby given to all whom it maj con cern, that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of George Armstrong', deceased, by the county court of Benton county, Oregon, and that all persons having claim against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned, with the proper vouchers, at the last residence of said decedent in Benton coun ty, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. uated this 18th aay of September, 1903. t GEORGE M. ARMSTRONG, ' , , Administrator. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon September 19. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wm no marie ntuure- .uk countv :iftrir ot iSenton Co nty, at Corvauis, Or. on October 31, 1903, viz: PETER N. BOESEN. H-E. No. 12197. for Lot 1, S J NE J, NE J SEJ, Sec. 4, T. 12 S , R 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Harrj Davidson, George Cramer, Thomas Laskey nd John Gredig, all of Blodgett, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register Notice for Publication. ' Land Officr at Roseburg, Oregon, ' Sept. 21, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following-namea settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Victor P.' Moses, the County Clerk, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday, November 7, 1903, viz: Daniel R Spencer, on Homestead En try No. 8810. for the Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Sec. 4, T. 14 S., R. 7 W. ' He names the following witnesses to trove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Nathan C. Pickttt, of Alsea, Oregon, William M. Pickett, of Corvallis, Oregon, Marshall W. Ruble, of Alsea, Oregon, and Guy Seeley, of Cor vallis, Oregon. J. T. BRIDGES, Register Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, . Oregon City, Or., Sept. 15, 19B3. Notice is hereby riven that in cnmnlinnnn with ih tprov sions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled" An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing on Territorv." as extended to nil ths phi.v i h Slates by act of August 4, 1892, ' FRANCES A. BARRETT, of Philomath, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this .office his sworn statement No. 6289, for the purchase of the NE of NW y., of Sec. No. 10, in Township No. 11 S, R. No. 6 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tin.ber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to 'establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, county clerk at Corvallis, Orhgon, on Monday, the 30th day of No vember. 1903. He names as witnesses: James E. Johnson, of Wren, Oregon, Andrew L. Porter, of Nortons, Ore gon. Michael G. Fljnn, and James Barrett, both of Philomath, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 30th day of Nov., 1903 -" . Register. School SuppHcs. Graham & Wells, Coiner Jefiereon 'and Main street?, carries a full line of Scl'ool Supplies. Second hand Public School Books, in good condition, taken in ex change. We are now prepared to supply the wants of all people that are wautinjj anything in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, Calling special attention to our . UNDERWEAR, See our LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS, RUGS, f AND PORTIERES. PRICES THE LOWEST J. H. HARRIS; Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Auirust."8. 1908 . Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1902, William A. Ross, of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day nled in this office his sworn statement No. 6234, for the purchase of the S of N E yt of Sec, No. 12, in Township. No, 12 S, R. No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday, the 24th day of vciooer, iud. He names as witnesses: Heman Pittman, of Wren, Oregon, William Green, Thomas D. Hufit, George Green, all of Philomath, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 24th day of October, 1903. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, Corvallis, Oregon, Oct 9, 1903. .Notict is hereby given that in compliance with" the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public' Land States by act of August 4, 1892, ,.-, THOMAS D. HUFPT," " ' : ' of Wren, countv of Bei.tnn. !tatfi nf Ommn. h this dav filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6307, for the purchase of the S. i of N. E. 1 of Sec. V . i T -' X" . . .n O I V 1 TIT . .. .. ' 1 1 . IT . iii "i J... J. o. w I , , uuu wnr uuMr prooi to showthat the land sought is more valuable for its. timber or stone than for airriculturtll ou'-noses. and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Cleikat Corvallis,; Oregon, on Thurs-daj-, the 7th day of January, 1994 .,. ., , ...,. He nam'ts as. witnesses: " ' ; ' " George Green of 'Philomath, Oregon. Edward-CV Ring, neman a. rumau ana Jesse Ai luHt of Wren. Oregon. ' ' , Any and all persons claiming' adversely the above- ue&unoeu lanas are reauesiea to meuieir claim in tnis omce on or before said 7th day of January, 1904. AlAirUUNUN S. 1USSK, . ; . ' -.. Register, notice of Executors Sale or Real ' Property. In the Countv Court of the State of Ommi ft. r . . In the matter of the Estate LJGJIlrtfU VUUIItV. of Robert E. Cooper. Deceased Notice is hereby given that under and in accord. ance with an order of sale made by the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, on the 12th- day Septem- 1. ,(V0 i XT 1 . " . 1 . ... , . . . ' ci, ijuo, m uic auuve fiiuuea estate directing and orderiug us, Thomas H. CooDr and Geore-e W Cooper, as executors of the said estate to sell all of ine real prouertv Deloneriner to said eitata t. nri. sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand to satisfj the claims, charges and exDenses aj' th mid estate, which order was duly recorded at pp. 448-449 nuuauj journal nunioer a: mat we the said ex ecutors will proceed to sell at private sale from and after Friday the 20th day of November. 1903. all th right, title and interest which the said Robert E. Cooper had at the time of his death in and to the following described real property: Beginning at a point 43 chains and 6 links west r southeast cornerof the orirrinal donation land claim of Alben G. Horey, Notification No 2391. Claim No. 43, in township 12 south, range 5 west, running thence west 24 chains, 43 links to a point, running thence north 20 chains and 87 links to a point, run ning thence east 24 chains and 43 links to a point, running thence south 20 chains and 87 links to the place ef beginning, containing in all fifty-one acres more or less in Benton County, State "of Oregon; Also, commencing 20 chains and 97 links west from I the northeast corner of the donation land claim of AiDen u. aovey, iNotincatioii No. 2391, claim No. 43, in township 12 south, range 5 west of the Wil lam ette Meridian, running thence south 18 chains and 60 links, thence west 22 chains and 8 links. thence north 18 chains and 6t links; thence east 22 cnaius nu o iibks me place ot oemnnine. co- taining 41.06 acres more or less in Benion County, Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash in hand and said sale will be made subject to the confirmation mereoi Dy ine said county Court of Benton eounty, . THOS. H. COOPER AND 6E0. W.COOPER, Executors of the estate of Kebert E. Cooper, Dec'd. New Goods all the time at Nolan & Callahan's. ' THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure. THERE IS m SUBSTITUTE mm DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, PROFESSIONAL. B A..CATHEY, M. D Physician 8? Surgeon Booms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours I J2 Residence: Cornei 5th and Adams St. Telephone at office and residence. Corvallis. - - - Oregon. G. H. NEWTH Physician $ Surgeon Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bnraaa PHILOMATH, OBEGON. E. R Bryson ATTORNEY AT - LAW ; : ; Corvallis, Oregon. -t uilMKMR. Notary. Titles. CowvsTfANCBdo JOS tt. wt r.srvKr wviksi jjl- MJLUUVIill ATTORNKY-ATJLAW. rracuce in all State and Federal WW Drugs & Medicines' Kodaks & Photo Supfce Corvallis, Oregon Established,. Incorporated WUHI MAI B . np., The most complete .linej ot (Pure JXngt wnemicais ln.Corvallif, Books and Stationery, CoMMwcfet . pers, Fine Perfumery, TaUet ATt4t4, Combs, BruBhatlaad Xtxo, See the New Royal Sewing Machines-at E. E. WHITER utn in New and Second hand Fnnt(nM. ' and Musical Instrument!. Musical Instruments Cleaned, K paired and Tuned. Satisfaction Guaranteed. phone no. 441. roavAtuavciii: Watch Confidence Makes traveling a pleasare, wfcea aaareti time is always a necessity. Yours h . f uiuunfci, uui uiraQKl LMi petent repairing you hare lost faith (a Bring It in to tne. I Will reoair the wrecked watch, and win tn I. t cally. Albert J. Metzger Occidental BnUdlne. to cure a Colo in one dav Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TabMta, At! itnv ft ists refund tie money if Mail tuar E-W. Grove's sigoatureitea ab bxa. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When yon take Grove' Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula la plainly printed on ever? bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui . nine put in tasteless form. No cure, No Pay. 50 Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end Wffdcf ii$hu.