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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1903)
MM I THE COBVALLIS GAZETTE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,1903 EDITORIAL COMMENT. They do things better over in France. There you attend a char ity fair, purchase a badge ior four dollars, and you are exempt from all importunities. Worth it. i j ' The labor leaders, having got worsted ia the ht for the dis missal f MUter frow the Govern went Friatiair e&ee, haw con duded to dwp thk matter and it all t!dt ee?tt lata secur- fes an et5t54!6t &x This is a Mcst&t ws It the petty Uti$ vaA fcasl xrattAs txtaaaveAt5sfel?a5g ia trivial matter Ssax ide the labor Wfeaa fcj-sawRed lata become proedaesi ia their couadls, and they ashoitthat a nan who dc bs c&ces to pay tribute to t& keebes hd have attached thewstlcs ta thei-enrganixations, has at kasfc. the tight to live, thea they -wiU merit a d recti v the suport of the petl The mcst tyrauical pwer iu the country to-day, is the I,abor Unions. If they wish to secure the sympathy of the people, they must merit it. The State Board of Health has been investigating the water sup ply of the various cities along the Willamette Valley, and find a condition of affairs that calls ior prompt action on the part of the citizens. It says of our town : Corvallis gets water directly from the Willamette. The 1 water is not contaminated, but filtration would be an advisable protection. The town has had only four ty phoid cases in four years. Five years ago it had a smart attack of the epidemic. This is advice , that should be acted on at once. How to do it is the question to be considered. Don't wait for an epidemic of disease and death to show you the necessity. A pure water supply is and should be the first consideration in a citv. Look to it. citizens of One by one the myths of ehild hood are being shattered. The apple episode of William Tell and the cherry tree story ot our own George Washington have been relegated to the realm of fancy. The wonderful voyage of Jonah through the Mediterranean and around the coast of Africa made in three days to reach his destination on the Persian Gulf, has id it, at least, a suspicion of romance. And now the icono - clasts of our . own Oregon, are engaged in a plot to shatter another of our cherished tradi tions live. Some Oregon rattle snakes; gathered in the sage brush of Wasco, have been bought by Portland parties and shipped to Ireland, where they will be let loose at Blarney Castle to see if snakes will live on the ould sod. St.' Patrick has been proven to be neither Irish ' nor Catholic. ' It seems to be a shame to take away Irom him the repu tation he earned from banishing the snakes. ' : d& . Seattle has reached Ja point in her history when a few prompt executions have become impera tive. The avaricious scoundrels who for the sake of a few extra coppers, per day! have deliberately poisoned the milk supplied bv them to families with little chil dren, deserve the quickest retribu tion v possible. The health re port for the first 15 days of Sep tember shows that 15 infants died during that periodjand of that number: rr died.. from diseases caused by milk poisoning. ' The number recorded as dying from the same cause jn August is ' 20. . The 1 physicians ... on the State Board of . Health say that the statements have not been exag crated in the least. Seattle has now the chance of her life to re deem herself. Take every man connected, with the Durwamish dairy that is responsible for : the use of Formaldehyde in their milk,' give him a short, quick trial, and carry but the righteous sentence of the -court :in as few days as-possible after it is decreed No other course should be con sidered possible.- If the law fails then there is but "one other re course. Never was a time in the world's history when the services of Judge Lynch could be approp riately called for, or more justly accepted. ;- Gentlemen, Take your choice, , . Real Estate Transfers. W. D. Mace and wife to C M Dexter, 80 acres south of Philomath; $2,500. W D Mace and wife to C M Dexter, 80 acres south' of Philomath; $2,500. Hatiie Friendly, to AdolphJna'Ffisndljr QC D2 lota, block 2 Avery's Add; $1. W C Shriber and wife to Minnie I Trosaell, 1 and K'lots. Wilkin Add J fU0. . ; . . . , '. O A Scott and wife, to B Pugh and wife, bond 2 Iota in Philomath; $500. G A Irwia and husband to W D But ler, 100 acres, 138, 6 W; $1. . J W Foster to J A Norwood, bond for ded; $1000. . II C Macgas to Mary.H Mangus, lot oarC A E depot; $1. Corr-llia Lodge5 N6 14, A F & A M, to B R Job, 2 lota in Crystal Lake cem tery; $1. .. .. .. ' A Timmons wiie to John Harkins et i. SOS acres, 13 S, 6 W; $2500. Mary N Jacobs to F F Lent, 3 lots, Dixon' Add and 4 Jobs Add ; $2200. NJ Fitspatrick et al to W A Welle, 1 and H Iota in Mock 10, Co Add; $5. The farmers are welcoming the present rainy spell . 1 , , s 5- 111 i i v 5 - - MR. CUNTOk J LOYD, I ' Loading dan for the ' ClomonfmKoofor' Company. Mr. tayd iU entertalrf the t: . : i - 1 College Friday morning, Persons Worth1 Knowing About. Dr. Darrin !b still holding forth at the Revere HoteJAlbany, and making new cures daily. He will .remain until, De cember 1. . Ex-Sheriff A. T. Shoeps' wifer of.51 Third street, Portland, has been troubled with deafness for a long time. Her good genius prompted her to try Dr. Dar- rin's electrical cure. She was cured. Her daughter. Nina, was cured by Dr. Darrin seven years ago of rheumatism, Iocs of appetite and general debility. . J. A. Lindsay, news agent. on the Southern Pacific, residence Mount Tabor, Oregon, is happy over the cure of con sumption, bronchitis and catarrh, per formed by Dr. Darrin eight years ago. He gained 24 pounds and has kept it ever since. Mr. Lindsay has great cause for rejoicing. . Mrs. P. Hayes,, dapghter, . Twentieth stseet, Portland, is happy over the cure of a large goitre (large neck) of years' standing. She was restored by Dr. Dar rin'e electrical treatment many years ago. v Mrs. T.' B. Hatflelds8orj,'2l4 Eleventh' street, Portland; was cured six years ago by Dr. Darrin.' His trouble was dis charging ears and deafness.' v H. A. Curtz, 317 Church street, Salem, considers . himself perfectly cured . of deafness by Dr. Darrin. , . '; , .r' Mr. Fred" Neckermann; of 110 State street, Salem, ia very enthusiastic -over his relief from,, an 'eye trouble, catarrh and pain in the bead and eyeballs, by Dr. Darrin. v t ' -r Mr. C. R. Durfee, of Shaw, Oregon, reports his core of deafness by. Dr. Dar lin is complete. ,, His daughter, Miss Durfee. has bad no recurrence ef her deafness and granulated eye trouble. - Mrs." Al. Hudson, formerly ' of La Qraiide,' Oregon, ' now residing at 569 Salmon street, -Portland, j paralysis of one side and diseases peculiar to her sex enred nine years ago by Dr. Darrin. Mrs." Abbie Wareham,; Montavilla, Oregod, epilepsy .26 years, cured by elec tricity, and medicine 10 yeaJs,ago and never had a return of the symptoms. . Dr. Darrin a terms forreatment now $5 a week-or, or in .that proportion of time as the case may require, except in special cases. The poor treated free ex cept medicines. j Eggs 24 cents at J. . Henkle's Cash Store, Philomath, i ; - Oregon Land Case Settled. Through an opinion prepared by . Assistant Attorney V General Campbell the secretary of the in terior has rendered final decision in the case of Morrow and others vs. the state of Oregon and the yaruer live stock company, in- Coming. "A Bachelor's Honeymoon" which will be interpreted by the Clement Keef er Company, Tharsday night, October 8ih is perhaps the best farce comedy ever written; It has been doae by only the best companies and in the large theatrical centers. The Clement-Keefer Company which has -no superior as a traveling organization pay a high royalty for the play. This Company proposes producing only high class standard plays of which "A Bachelor's Honeymoon" is a lair type. The management requests those who do not enjoy go od laugh to remain away. The play is credited with 1365 laughs. Tbe . characters are all finely drawn and true to life, which places this play far above the ordinary farce. It has significant logisal . plot to furnish legitimate surprises and is whole some as well as laugh provoking. This will be the only opportunity to see the comedy. The Clemen t-Keefer Com pany have sole rights for its performance in the Northwest. ' Thursday night, "A Bachelor's Honey moon," Friday night, "Resurrection, Saturday, "A Mountain Romance." Reserved seats on sale at Graham & Wortbam's. Prices 50-35-25 eents. the Agricultural with Shakesperfian readings. v volving a large, tract of land ' ciaimea unaer tne swamp land laws. The decision directs the issuance of patent. - - The ease has been before the department for twenty years, and has attracted V much attention. Morrow and his associates attack ed the application on the ground that the land involved was ot swamp land, but in a decision delivered last March, the depart ment held, that it was. The present governor of the state then filed a protest against the issuance of patent on the ground that it couia nor De issuea except upon request, trom him. .Inasmuch as two of his prede cessors had made such a request, the department overruled his protest. . , .- . 11 ' r! 1''. Th'e. Benton County Prune Com pany has fiuished 'picking and for the first tiine in its history the en tire crop of 3 0,122 . bushels , was saved. The drying will be cocoplet ed. Monday. Bebidea drying this immense crop, some 1200 bushels were dried for outside parties, rv- - HARDWARE.. . . TINWARE STOVES . "PAINTS OILS . A full Hne of Win dow Glass.JTcJTvA) Harness, Wagons, Buggies : , and Farm Machinery,, PHILOMATH OREGON. ECLECTIC BUSINESS COLLEGE . ALBANY, OREGON. Gives short, thorough courses in Book keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting, with English work;. " A Branch School will be opened in, CORVALLiS OREGON, Sept. 28 in the Burnett Building! t . . . I FfiLL jm WINTER 1903-4 We are Thoroughly Equipped for the Fall and Winter Campaign With a Mammoth Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Embracing Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, .Velveteens Trimmings Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets, , , Walking and Dress Skirts, Ladies Fine Shoes, Lace Curtains, Portiers, Rugs, Art Squares, Table Linens, Towels Napkins Blankets' Comforters, ..Etc- - - -' . Complete Stock of Mens, Boys and Youths Fine Clothing. Mens and Boys Furnishings, Rain Garments, Rubber Goods, Dress Suit? Cases, um brellas, Telescopes, Trunks, Grips, Walk-over, W. L. Douglas and Hamil ton Brown's Celebrated Shoes for men. Mens, Boys and Childrens Hats and Caps, Including "Hawes" renowned $300 Hats. An Inspection of our Bright New stock Respectfully Solicited. Four Experienced Salesmen and Two Experienced Salesladys to show You Through, Buy or no Buy. J" Do GiASiPITS Never have: "we been in position to ... ..... ... offer our customers such good goods at sucli low prices.' Corner Main y . Summons. - In the Circuit, Court of the" State of Oregon, tor Beaton County . A. M Withaftt aiui Agnes Thompson, Plaintiffs, VS. . Abigail Brown',- James I Garrett,' Minerva Rob- ertson aad W.vj: Robertson, her husband, the heirs at law of Hiram Elliott, deceased, it any Such there be. The heirs at law of John B. Garrett, if any such there be, Defendants: To Abigail Brown, James I,. Garrett, Minerva Robertson and W. J. Robertson her husband, The heirs at law of Hiram Elliott, deceased, if ,i any snch there be,, The heirs at law sf John B. Garrett, if any such there be, Defendants ' above earned. In the name. of the State of Oregon : You and eacH of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint oi the plain tiffs in the abov entitled suit, in the above en titled court now On file in the office of. the clerk : of said- court on-or beiore the last day of the time- prescribed ia the order for publication of thi summons, made by the County Judge, of Benton County, State of Oregon, (being the county where the above entitled suit is pending, in the Circuit Court of .said county and state; which said order is hereinafter referred to, to wit: on or befare six weeks trom the day ot first publication hereof, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to so appear and answer the said complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintifls will' apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in said complaint, namely, . . ' That the said "defendants and each of them, be required to set forth the nature of his or her ciaim in ana to Lots lour, live, six, seven, eight and nine, in Block No. 13, in the County Addition to the City of Coryallis, County of Benton, and State of Oregon, and that all adverse claims therein pf the 'defendants and each of them may be determined by a decree of this court, That bv said decree it be declared and adiudced that the defendants have not, nor has any of saiu ueiwoanis. any estate or interest wnatever in or to said land and premises or any part there of, and that the title of Plaintiff Agnes Tnerapsen to the south fourteen feet of said lot four thereof; and of Plaintiff A. M. Witham to the north thirty-six feet thereof said lot tour. and to all of said lots five." six. seven, eieht and nine thereof, is good and valid and that the de fendents and each ot them be forever debarred trom asserting any claim whatever iu or to said land and premises,, or anyjpart thereof, adverse to the plaintifls or either of them, and for such other jelief as to the Court may seem meet and agreea Die to equity. This summons is published in the Corvallis Gazette once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks beginning with the issue of October 2. loos, and endine with the issue of No vember 20, 1903,, under audin pursuance of an. oraer maae Dy -the Jion. Virgil U. Walters, County Judge of Benton County, Oregon, being the county -where the above-entitled suit is pend ing in the above entitled Circuit Court, dated September 39, 1903; date ot hrst publication hereof is OctoDer 2, 1903. - . J. H. WILSON and E. HOLGATE. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. J. E. HENKLE, CASH STORE. -I have iust ooened a General Merchan dise Store at my old corner, and in my new building, at Philomath. . Oregon, and can show you many .' Bargains ! from a new and carefully selected stock. You will save money by calling on me before purchasing. A full line of BOOTS AND SHOES AND RUBBER GOODS. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD. The ereatest farm paper of the Northwest Published weekly at aaiem, uregon. Edited hy the farmers oi the North west. Twenty naires. Illustrated. A western Da ner for western people. 52 papers for $1.00. Publi cation began Inarch 1, 1900. Now has 9,200 sub scribers. Phenominal growth, is due to its being the best farm paper published. - Ton should read t. We will send you the homkstkap and corvallis Ga$ J ni for 1 year, to one subscriber for , MANN St-. GO Window Shades, Wall Paper, Iron Beds, Baby Buggies, Go Carts, Art Squares, Rugs, I Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Stoves, Tinware, Graniteware. and Monroe. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the county court of the state of Oregon for Benten county executor of the estate of Susan M. Berry, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law required at the offices ot Kates & xates, uorvams, : vregon, within six months from the date hereof. , . . Dateci this 18th day of September, 1903. V. G BERRY, Kxeeutor of the Estate of Susan M. Berry, Dec'd, Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby eriven to all whom it may con eern, that the undersigned has been duly appointed administrator of the estata of George Armstrong, deceased. -bv the county court 1 of Benton county, Oregon, and that all persons having claim against said estate are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned, with the proper vouchers, at the last residence of said decedent in Kenton coun ty, Oregon within six months from the date hereof. uateu tnis istn aay or septemoer, laus. GEORGE M. ARMSTRONG,- ' . Administrator. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon September 19. 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made hetore toe uountv ;lerk nf Benton Co nty, at Corvaius, Or. on October 31, 1903, viz: PETER NBOESEN, H- E. No. 12197, for Lot 1, S J NE J, NE j SEJ, Sec 4, T. 12 8 , R7 W. He names the following witnesses, to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation 01 saia land, viz: Harrj Davidson, George Cramer, Thomas Las&ey ana John Uredig, air or. tsioagett, uregon. . . .. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, : " Register Notice for Publication. " Land Officr at Rosbbcro, Oreoon, . ' Sept 21, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the followmg-'namett settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before Victor P. Moses, the County Clerk; at Corvalhs, Oregon, on Saturday, November 7, 1903, viz: Daniel H. Spencer, on Homestead En try No. 8810. for the Lots 3, 4, a and 6, Sec. 4, 1. 14 &.B.7W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon -and cultivation ot said land, viz.: Nathan C. Pickett, :of Alsea, Oregon, William M. Pickett, of Corvalhs, Oregon, Marshall W. Ruble, of Alsea, Oregpn, and Guy fceeley, of Cor valhs, Oregon. " J. T. BRIDGES, Register Notice for Publication. . v United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Sept. 15, 1963. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the tprov sions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled" An act for the sale of timber lands in the States, of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing on Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, ' FRANCES A. BARRETT, of Philomath,, county of Benton, state of Oregon, nas tms aay.nied in this office his sworn statement No. 6289, for the purchase tif the NK of NW , of Sec No. 10, in Township N. 11 S. R. No. 6 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber er stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before Victor P. Mosos, county clerk at Corvallis, Orhgon, on Monday, the 30th day of No vember, 1903. : : .. He names as witnesses: James E. Johnson, oi Wren, Oregon, Andrew L. Porter, of Nortons. Ore gon, Michael G. Flynn, and James Barrett, both of ruiioinain, ur. , ! Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 30th day of Nov., 1903. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. We sell the greatest of blood purifiers Acker's Blood Elixer, under a positive guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other blood poisons. If you have erup tions or sores on your body, or are pale, weak or run down, it ia just what -you need. We refund money . if you are not satisfied. 50 cents and $1. Allen- & Woodward, druggists. -. r We are now nrennrpfl tn - - ir l that are wanting anything in I DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, Calling special See our LACE CURTAINS, CARPETS, RUGS, I AND PORTIERES. PRICES THE LOWEST I H. Notice ot Final Settletnet, ' In the County Court of the State of Oregon for cenion county. In the Matter of the Estate Lana Grav, Deceased, j Notice is hereby given that 1 have filed my final account as administrator of Baid estat with! the clerk of the above-entitled court, and thjb said court has fixed and appointed Saturday, theflOth day of October, J903, at 10 o'clock a. m. of the said day, at the office of the county judge of said Jbburt in the county court house in Corvallis,' Benton County, Oregon, as the time and place for bearing objec tions to and the settlement of said final jaecount and all persons interested and objecting ) thereto are notified to appear at said time and plfvce and file such objections. 1 -. Dated September 11, 1903. J. H. ALBRljRHT,, Administrator of the Estate of Lana Cjray, Dec'd Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon Cittv, Or.,. August.5'8,' 19U3. - Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber Vands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the frublic Land States i act pf August 4, 1902, Willian. Ross, of Philomath, county oMSenton, State ol ISregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6234, for the purchase of theS"4 ol NsJ of See, No. 12, in Township. No. 12 S, R. No. VWest, and will offer proof to show that the la-d sought is more valuable for its timber or stout 1 Jhan for agricultural purposes, and to establish hiWclaim to said land before Victor P. Moses, County Clerk at Corvallis, Oregon, on Saturday, . the 24thj day of October, 1903. 7 He names as witnesses: ' : Heman Pittman, of Wren, Oregon, William Green, Thomas Dl Hufft, George Green, all of Philoinath, Or. V Any and all persons claiming adversely theabove deseribed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 24th day of Octoben, 1903. .;. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Schoot Supplier . -Graham & Wells, Comer Jefifetsoln and Main streets, carries a full line of School Supplies, Second hand Public (School Books, in good condition, taken f in ex change. ;. ; I ilf you are troubled with impujre blood, indicated by sores, pimples, Headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under ! a positive guarantee. ' It will always cuite scrofu lous or syphilitic poisons and (all blood diseases. 50 cts and $1. 00. 1 Allen "& Woodward. ,'-;' f Acker's Blood Elixir positi ;ely Cures Chronic Blood Poisoning and till Screfu lous affections. At all times a (matchless system tonic and purifier. Moiaey re funded if you are not satisfied. 50c and $1.00. "'Allen & Woodward, 'IDruggist PHILOMATH MILL! CO. MANUFACTURERS OF KIR LUMBER ! Complete Stock of Rough and Dressed Lumber kept constantly on hand ' . - OFFICES AT PHILOMATH, OR Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea.. A pleasant herli drink. : Cures Constipa tion and Indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, ' work and happy. .Satisfaction guaranteed, or money back . 25 cts and 50 cts. Write to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free sample. Allen & Woodward. the man who wears AWYEfl'S EXCELSIOR BRAND Slickers SAWYER'S Excel.lor llranl Oiled :lotblnr. 1 lieES in t.m wuriu. win V not, 'rai'k ihaI 'or rat glu-try. Look for trade mark. If not at dealer's send for catalogue. H. M. Sawrw Sob. Sale Mrs. EutCunbridc, Iu. KMSIM -5airSW''i7 43 simn17 tlip monfo nil .m- nuuij ui an vi I. j attention to our DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, i ? ? 4 i HARRIS. 9 1 VWVI tfjjm ivyVj PROFESSIONAL. B A. CATHEY, M. D Physician Surgeon Kooms 14 in Back Building. Office Hours 2 m- J 2 to 4 p. m. Residence : Corner 5th and AdamB Sta. Telephone at office and residence. Corvallis, . - - - ' Oregon. G. H. NEWTH Physician ; Surgeon Examining surgeon U; S.Fension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGON. E. IL Bryson ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corval I i s, O re-o n. Office ia Fostoffice Building. Notary. Titles. Cosveyancino. V ATTORNEY-AT.LAW. Prac-tice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burnett Building. Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplier Corvallis, Oregon Established, Incorporated,: WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete linej ot iPure Drugs and Chemicals in Corvallis. . . Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa . pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article, Combs, Brushesland Mirrors. See the New Royal Sewing Machines at E. Ei. WHITE ' DEALER IN New and Second haid '''.Furniture and Musical Instruments. musical inerrumenis , tjieanea, lie paired and Tuned. , , Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE NO. 441.- C0KVALL7P.CK Watch Confidence Makes traveling a pleasure, when carreer time is always a necessity. ' Yours may be1' ...-. a capable timekeeper, but throngh incom , . petent repairing you have lost faith in it. Bring; it in to me. I Will repair tu wort wrecked watch, and I will do it, economi cally. . , . .. Albert J. Metzgcr Occidental Bnildlng. Corvallia, Or. ' to cure a Cold insone day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drag gi&ta refund the money if itfails u uf IT W. Grove's s!fiiatureivon each box. . YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui nine put in tasteless form. No cure, No Pay. 59 Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right