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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
the mm mm FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1903 THE SPECIALIST. It is not the man who can do irly well a jiumLer of things ho now succeeds, but he who ' m do one thing most excellent The avocations of life are specialized, and to be successful ; i any one a man must select the - articular .branch of it to which e will give undivided attention. At one time the "good all around man'.?, had the advantage of him who could do but one thing. The stone-mason who could lay Vrick; the carpenter who could ith and plaster and paint; the rinter. who could compose, read roof and run a press; the ma chinist who could forge, tuna, plane, file and fit were in de mand and received preference in wages and employment. So, too, in the professions. The physician was expected to be a surgeon, the lawyer to be as ex pert in criminal as in civil prac tice, and the parson to know everything pertaining to God, men and the devil. The increase of knowledge, the desire to reach perfection and the necessity to economize human labor have been the chief causes creating special lines of Ifuman endeavor and rendering it neces sary that the individual shall select and pursue some one line to the exclusion ef all others. It is this special application of human thought and action which has carried us forward with such rapid and mighty strides. The industrial arts, the sciences, the fine arts look to the specialist for their highest devel- nntnenr. their grandest achieve- ! 1 - - - - 1 ments. All the possibilities be yond must be wrought by the specialist. Nowhere have men reached all possible perfection. It ever lies further on. How much further we may not know, but if men ever reach human per fection this side of eternity it must be along lines of special en deavor in every human pursuit. It. follows that the specialist has come to stay, for the work of specialization will go on until men may say as St- Paul did of his work, "this one thing I do." It is here that our educational processes are imperfect. They are planned to furnish a basis equally valuable to everyone whatever special avocation he may' ultimately elect to pursue. Specialization must enter yet -more into all stages oi our edu cational processes. It is a mis application of time and energy for a young man who would be come a surgeon to give attention to metallurgy, conic sections, and political economy. What he requires and should receive is a knowledge of those things related er correlated to surgery. Specialization must enter more fully into our educational pro cesses, and the sooner, it does the better. House-breakers in Corvallis. Hark ! A sudden .. awakening from the' first sleep at night, a tense, drawn sensation, an alert ness, with the feeling of waiting for some crisis, then; a crash came that broke the spell. It was close at hand, in an adjoin ing room, a window had been left partly raised, it was not the window, there was' no sound of glass, but something was tum bled over and rolled on the floor; the work of house-breakers ! Horrors ! What should she do? Husband was still asleep; he must not be awakened, possibly to get shot. No! bke would in terview the intruder herself. So bravely slipping on foot-covering, ad drawing drtssing gown about her, she approached the suspected room. "What do you want?" she asked. No answer. Again, "What is wanted?" Still no answer and no sound. Then, "If you do not want anything, you had better get. right out." Still no reply. A shaky fasten ing on the woman's side of the door was made secure. No, not for worlds would she open that door and expose her husband to danger. (He was still sleeping.) Then she looked over the rest of the house to see that all was right. Light a lamp, no. indeed, that would ."show she was a woman and unarmed. Finally, she re turned to bed, determined to re main awake all night; propped her head so that both ears would be sensitive to the slightest sound and waited. It was morning, the sun just peeping out. - How she had .'lept, this watcher ! - But now she must arise i m uk d i tely and see what portion of her household treas ures -remained., She must face that suspected room. Slowly: and tremblingly she undid the fastenings, and more slowly jet opened the door. 'Not a thing, absolutely not a thing was out of place! Bewildered, dazr-d, she turned toward the kitchen, and there she found her burglar in a j stick of wood that had fallen : from an overcrowded woodoox How one stick or wood could make such a noise, i a mystery. But it certainly did, for that oi.e stick was the only thing that was not as it should be. And one woman has now pinned before her the thought that: "Dark ness and ignorance beget fear and weakness while knowledge is power." Thus it is all through life, do not be afraid to face the truth. Truth is the only thing that can endure: and the bug bears will vanish with the glori ous beams of light bearing upon them. Many a mountain will turn out a mole-hill, many a burglar a stick of wood,' only have the courage to strike a light and face the truth. J. F. Reduced Excursion Rates. On and after June 1, i903, ihe South ern Pacific, in connection with the Cor vallis & Eastern Kailroad will have on sale round trip tickets from points on their lines to Newport, Yaquina and De troit at very low rates, good for return until October 10, 1903. Three day tickets to Newport and Ya- quina, good uoing Saturdays and return ing Mondays are also on sale from all East Side points Fori land to Erigene in elusive, and from all West Side points, enabling people to visit their families and spend Sunday at the seaside. Season tickets from all East side points, Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from all West side points are also on sale to Detroit ac very loiy rates with stopover pnviliges at Mill City or any point east ui: :. ..;.. . cj t: u a uh nit ujuribLS lu vi&il liic oauuiaiii and Breitenbush as well as the famous Breitenbush Hot Springs in the Cascade Mountains, w hich ran be reached in one day. - Season tickets will he good for return from all points until October 10th Three day tickets will be good going on Saturdays and returning Mondays only, Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the East or West side at option of passenger. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good going via Lebanon Springfield branch if desired. Baggage- on Newport tickets checked through to Newport; on Ya- quina tickets to Yaquiaa only. S. P. trains connect with the C, & E. at Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina and Newport. Trairas on the O. & E. for De troit will leave Albany at f :00 a. m., en abling tourists to the Hot Springs to reach there the same day. Full information as to rates,' time tables, etc., can be obtained on applica tion to Edwin Stone manager C. & E. R, R.Albany; W. E. Ooman, G. P. A., S. P. Co., Portland, or ta-any S. P. or C. & E. Agent. Rate from Corvallis to Newport 3.75 Rate from Corvallis to Yaquina $3 25 Rate from Corvallis to Detroit $3.25 Three day rate trom Cot vallis to Ya quina cr Newport $2.50. A MOST REMARKABLE CURE Or HEART DISEASE. (Albany Democrat.) Terhaps one of tht most wonderful results on record is the wonderful cure of Mis. S. E. Clark by electricity and medi cines administered by Dr. Darrin, Mrs, Ciark was carried to Dr. Damn's office in an almost dying condition, afflicted with a complication of diseases. Here are her own words: TJkiah, Or. To the Editor : My health began to fail over a year ago. I grad ually fell away until I became very weak. I was suffering froni heart, lung, and stomach troubles. On the 24th of De cember, 1837, I went to Pendleton and put myself nndef Dr. Damn's treatment by electricity and medicines, and began to improve from the first treatment and continued to improve. At the present time I have good health. My neighbors Bay they never expected to see me return home from Pendleton, and were greatly surprised at my recovery. Mrs. S. E. Ci-ark. SIX YEARS LATER. ' TJkiah, Ore. Dr. Darrin: I am en joying good health, have gained over 20 pounds in the past six years. I feel en tiiely cured, and very grateful indeed to have good health, after years of suffering with heart, stomach and luDg troubles; also diseases peculiar to women. I can not praise ycu too highly. Refer to me. Mrs. S. E. Clark. :AN ASHLAND PATIENT'S CAED. Soms time ago, I contracted a severe cold on the lungs, which beisg neglected became chronic. After yain attempts for relief I concluded it was death or Ari zonia. On learning of Dr. Darrin, I con sulted him.- It is now one month since placing myself under his care, and I can truthfully say all morbid feeling has left my lungs and I feel t am on the road to a permanent cure: I am now able to work every day at hard labor. Futher- more I will say in addition to his medi" cal and electrical skill Dr . Darrin ia a man with a great human heart, and is unusually reasonable in his charges, I knew Mr. C. Carey, of Sam's valley. Or., before and after his cure of almost total deafness. Refer to meat Ashland, Or. " . " Earl Clink. DR. DARLIX's PLACE OP BUtlNESS. Dr. Jiirrin is Iccaed at the Hjtel Re vere, until August l,f, and wi 1 give free examination to all from 10 to 5 or 7 to 8 dailr. The poor free, except inedicine, lOto li daily j ami those able to pay nt the rate of $5 a week or in that propor tion of tiina" as. the case may require Ail curable chronic diseases of men and women a specialty. Eyes tested and glasses fitted at reasonable prices. This is the first visit of the head of the n .i t ? r Tv t i k i Lim:iiKi jirm oi ure. jjarrin u mis cuy. 8 No Wav Out of 'It' A census just takeii shows that there are 859 children ot school ip age in district No. 9.; Of this I number 444 are females, and 415 1 males, it ouiv 00 per cent 01, ta these boys and girls attend school, I p it will still be necessary to pro vide room and accommodations "or over 500 children in the Corvallis schools. The present building has room for about two thirds of that number, and even then the play ground offers in sufficient accommodation. No further proof is necessary that more room must be 1 added. Money will be needed to erect buildings. Bonds must be issued to raise this money. Voters have these facts to consider when they go' to the polls next Monday to vote on the question of issuing bonds. Besides the question of neces sity, an item ct economy enters into the proposition. The dis trict now has $8,000 in outstand ing bonds that ! ar 5 per cent interest. If autLonty is given the directors to issue an addition al $8, cob in bonds, these can be placed at 4 per cent interest. A portion of this issue will be ap plied in cancelling a part of the present indebtedness and there by reduce the annual outlay for interest. . . ' Philomath Contributions. The following is a list of those who subscribed to the Heppner relief fund at Philomath. Mr. W. A. Jolly, Prof. S. I. Pratt and Dr. R. O. IOggan circulated a paper and collected $50.75 which was deposited with the First Na National Bank to be forwarded to -tieporcer. the people ie- BAA. A A sponded promptly to this call for help: W. A. Jolly, $2.50 Two dollar contributions J. Weed, C, H. Newth, Bishop N. Castle, S.-'G. Freeman, Moses Bros., Henry Ambler, S. I Pratt, R. O. Loggan. Benton Co. Lumber Co,r 1.75.- One dollar contributions W. T. Brvan, F. M. Carter, F. H. Neff, W. N. BlodgetV A. G. Wright, Iy N. Price, Bessie Has tings, Tressa McDonald, John Gibson, Cash, G. A. Bennett, Albert Furs! man, W. H. New ton, Sarah L,. Keezel, D N. Brack, N. P. Newton, ? J. R. Parker, W. W. Hill & Son, W. Vidito, Sam Davis, J. E. Henkle, C. Weed. Fifty cent contributions F. Mulkey, - Zella Zeigler, B. E. Emerick, J. Friend, Mrs. C. H. Crabtree. Doug. Davis, A. J. Jenkins. J. A. Archibald, J. Mc Bride. J. G. Becker, Metha D. Hartless, L. W. Hiil, J. R. Feh ler. r:. Twenty-five cent contributions W. W. Rbsebraug, S. M. Em erick, G. "W. L'eeper, G. I. Frink, Frank Williams, H. Armstrong, F. S. Haroun, W. Walker, J. Cain, W. E. Allen, S. McLain, M. Allen, Mr. Webster. 2i '! t th5 man v. ho wears ' BRAND Sisckars AWVER'S EiceWor (firm. '1 Oiieri C'lotiilnir. Hefit in tlie world. Will i.ut track. yeRl or (set sticky. L00& for trade mark. If not at dealer's aaitt lor catalogue. .B.Sawjer&Son.Sole Hf ra. KELLETT'S OIL Of EDEN SWEET SPIRITS Of EDEN Will Positively Cure anv case of Rheumatisrrf, no , matter how severe or how - long standing. ' T5E -CALIFORNIA'-. CO-OFEBATITS ." USI- CAL COmP, 0? : OAKLAE will refund the purchase price to ail Rheumatism Patients not cured ; FOB BALE Btf GRAHAM & WELLS, AGENTS FOR COKVAM.IS. 1 . E. E. WHITE DEALER IN New and Seeund-band Furniture and Musical Instrumests. Musical InstfU'iientH Cleaned, Re pined and Tuned.' Sati9ra3t"on Gnara.itrtd. phone m. 441. ( ORVALLJSjOB it'; Yef .! : k p3 Pioneer Fresh bread daily. A complete . - n nuts kept canstantly on H. W. HALL, Confectionery 4TH American Week. The United States is the only country with a known birthday, all the rest began they know not how. dependence Day America would is. This glorious birthday will June 20th to July 4th, Fire Crackers will be given Free with every one dollar purchase in our "Best Goods," "Lowest Prices," is this stores' constitution. We fight high prices as our forefathers fought for freedom. New Goods All The Time Suffered Eight Months. I can heartily recommend Acker's Tab lets for dyspepsia and stomach troubles. I have been suffering for eight months and tried many remedies without any re lief, nutil I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tab lets, which I used enly st short time and ; in now pei feet 1y well. Thanking tou lor the speedy - recovery, I am gratefully vonrs, Francis .i-iGranuor, Vancou ver, Wash. Seud to; W. H. Hooker & Co., Bnflalo, N. Y.. for a'free trial package. (Nothing like them.) - Is Issued Semi-Weekly Subscription Price 1.50 per Year It -strives to'be fair, hc-Eest and fearlfFs to give thejnews while it is news, and avoiil Hie sensational . ITS LARGE CIRCULATION In this Coiiuty makes it of value to7advertinrp. Tots fctiv. v &r& viuv vjiaas&w abwi Seven AGmcn boxes ola in post 12 Bakery stock 01 candies, fruits and hand. , Smokers "supplies! 1 a specialty. : ' -. Proprietor. OF JULY. If there had not been any In not nave been nearly so great as it be celebrated at our store from iJoys and tmiarens uepartment. Administrator's Sate. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Ad rrinistrator of the estate of Lana Gray, deceased, under and by virtue of an order of pale made by the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, at the June term thereof, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, 1903, will sell, at public auction to the highest bid der for cash on Wednesday, the 8th day oi July, A. D. 1903, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m, of said day at the fiont door of the Court House in Corvallis, Ore gon, all the estate, light, title and interest which the said deceased had at the time of her death in and to the following described real propertir, tcwitt Commencing on the West line of a tract of land deeded by W. F. Dixon and wife to J. W. Cook Sept. 29, 1858 and recorded on page 201 of Book "K" Records of deeds of Benton county, Oregon, 40 feet Northerly from the S. W. corner of said tract of land and running thence along said West line about 6 rods to the N, W. corner of said tract, thence South 70 degrees 15 minutes East to the N. W. cor ner of land deeded by S. L Shedd to Cynthia A. Hart by deed recorded on page 5i2 of Book "S" Rec ords of Deeds for . Benton County, regon, thence following the West line of said Hart's lani and the West line . f Chas. H. Ryder's land aad the West line of Harvey and Mary Sargent's land to the N. W. corner of Block No. 10 in Dixon's Second addition to the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon; thence Westerly along the north boundary line of the City of Corvallis as it existed October li. Ifc87, to a point" 2o feet Kasterlyof the N. E. comer of Block 16 in said Dixon's Second addition to the City of Corvallis; thence Northerly parallel with the East line 40 feei; thence Westerly 25 feet to the place of beginning, containing nine and one half acres of land in Benton eounty, Oregon, more or less. Dated June 9, 1903. J. H. ALBRIGHT. Administrator of the Estate of Lana Gray, deceased. We se 11 the prea'est of blood purifiers Acker's Blood Ehxer, under a positive guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other blood poisons. If you have erup tions or sores on your body, or are pale, eak or run down, it is just what you need, : We refund money if you are not satisfied. 50 cents and $1. Allen & Woodward, druggists. " ' ' Buggy for Sale. Single, top buggy for sale cheap, uire at the Corvallis sawmill. En- Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TIME V ) 2 For Yaquina: Irani leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. u a Corvallis 2:00 p. m. arrives" Yaquina 6:25 p. m. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina.... 6:45 a. m. , Leaves Ccvallis. . . . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany . . . . 12:15. p. m. 3 For Detroit: , Leaves Albany. . .... 7:00 a. m. Arriyes Detroit .... 12:05 p. m. 4 Returning: , Leaves Detroit . . . . .. 12:45 p. rn. Arrives Albany. .... 5:35 p. m; Train No. 1 arriyes in Albany in time to connect wilh the S. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or . three hours in Albany, befoie departure oi ts. r. norm bound tram tor Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. y Train 8 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 7:00 a. jn., reaching Detroit at ; noon, giving ample time to reach the Springs same day. : . For further information apply to Edwjn Stone, -II. II. Ckonibe, , Manager. Agent, Corvallis. Thos. Cockkell, Agnt Albany. . T Cure a Cold in One Day iniZiU Tablets. This signature,1 months. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the uiideisiBnaJ r r been duly appointed administratrix of the t.tXs it. R, B. Blodgett, .'deceased, by the County Cmrt 4. '." the State of Oregon, for Benton connty, nttiar U , probate. All persons Hiving claims against s&ia . estate are requtreu to present tne lime, amy veri fied, to me at my residence in Blodget, Oregon, or at the law office of . Holgate, in Corvallis, Oregon, within six-months from the fiist publication ot this notice. ANNIE K. BLODGKT, AdmVx. Dated at Corvallis, Or., this 5th day of June, 19u3 Notice for Publication. Laxd Offick at OaBOOS Citt, Or u May 23. 1008. . Notice is hereby Kiven that the following-nainoii settlci has filed notice of his intentiou to make final proof in miiHrt of bU claim, and that said proof will lie nutde before the County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvailia.- Oregon, on July 10, 1U03. via.: Amos Cadwalailer, II. K. No. 1-2755 for tho S. of the SW. See. 12, T. 11 8 , K. 7 W. fie names the following-witnesses to roTshia continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lind, viz.: William A. Gellatly and George Owen of Wren, Oregon, John kairgsand Roy Norton of Blodtrett, Oregon. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice for Publication. . ji Laxd Officb at Oreooh Citt, Orkjojc, April 24, 1908, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tn provii(.ns of the act of Congress of June 3, 1 878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oresfo.i, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended ta all the Public. Land States by act of August 4,1892, PHILIP H. JOHNSON, of Monmouth. county of Polk, State of Oregon. has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. M--"J. for the purchase of the K or S W 1-4. f section No. 18, in township No. 18 8, Range No. 0 Wust, and will offer' proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to eaid land before the county clerk of Bentoa county, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Friday, th e 24th day of July, 1903, He names as witnesses: Chas. Newman, Ina rale, Oregon, Hiram Newman, Fred Hubler and Frank Fisher, all of Monmouth, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- cescrinea lands are requested to nie tneir claims in tins omce n or before said 24th day of July, 1903. ALGERNON S. DKESSEK, Register. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. Oregon City, Or., Map 16, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, . . WILLIAM H. LIVINGSTON, of Philomath, county of Benton, state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6141, for the purchase of the H 15 , of Section No 2, in Township No U.S. Range No 6 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the county clerk of Beaton Co., at Cor vallis, on Friday, the 31st day of July, 1903. He names as witnesses H. G. Flynn, of Philomath, Oregon, A. L. Porter, of Nortons, Oregon, Robert Jones, of Corvallis, Oregon, and J. . Johnson, o.: Wren. - Any anl all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested lo file their claims iu this office on or before said 31st day of Julv, 1903. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has ocen appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton administrator of the estate of Susan M. Berry, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same properly verified as by law required, at the office of U. G. Berry, at Peoria, Linn County, Oregon, er at the office of Yates & Yates, Co vallis, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 4th day of May, 1903. U. G. BERRY. Administrator of the estate of Susan M. Berry, deceased Notice for Publication. . United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, March 3, 19o3. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, .Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, IDA A. SKINNER, 1 of MoMinnviile, county of Yamhill, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6073, for the purchase of the N. E. M of Sec. No. 10, T. 11. S. R. 6 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, ana to es tablish her claim to said iand before Victor P. Moses, clerk of Benton Co., Oregon, on Friday, the 26th day ot June, lytB. She names as witnesses: Jay E Winegar. Charles W. Hodge and John McGee. Sr., of Corvallis, Ore gon, Andrew Jb. Forterof .Norton. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this omce on or before said Zbta day or June, J.9U3. CHAS, B. MOOKES, x Register Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ad. ministrator of the estate of William E. Elliott, de ceased, has filed his final account in said estate in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Ben ton County, sitting in probate and Saturday, June 6, 1903, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon in the County Court room in the Court House in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, is the time and place fixed by the Court for hearing objections, if any, to said final account and the settlement thereof, - ,' Dated this 5th day of May, 19ai. GEORGE E. LILLY, Administrator. BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE A sallow complexion, dizziness." biliousness and a coated tongue are common indications of liver . and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, five immediate -warning by pain, ut liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Thedford's Black-Draught never fails to bene fit diseased liver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the germs of: Eeverand .ague. It is a certain preventive or cholera and Bright 's disease of the kidneys. - With kidneys re-, inforced by Thedford's Black Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in , perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black Draught. It, is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. ;rHiiilifu. S. C. March 10. 1901. I have used Thedford's Black-Draught lortnree years ana i nav not had to go to a doctor since I have been taking it It b the best medicine for me that I on the market for liver and kidney i.aa a a . . w-ouDies ana oyspepsia and other complaints. Rev. A, G. LEWIS. Cores Grip Sd Two Days. a every Jf pox. 25c A. CATHEY, M. D: Physician $ Surgeon t xoome 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours J012 m- 1 & to 4 p. m. - Evidence: Corner 5th mid Adams Bte T. phone at oftioe and residence. . a'lis, - - Oregon. : w; T. Bowleg, JI. D-S l (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, OccnHst Owce Rooma 1 and 2 in Bank Bldg. Residence On 3rd street, between Monroe and Jackeon. Residence tele phone No. 61L Office, 481. Officb Hocbh 10 to 12 a. m. : 2 to 4 p. ra. CORVALLIS, OREGON: C. H. NEWTH Physician 8? Surgeon Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGON. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. ' Consultation and examination free. Office hours : 8 :30-ll :45 a. m; 1-5 :45 r.ra. Telephone 235. Corvallis, Oregon. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Offle la White bora Blork Corvallis, Oregon E. 1L Bryson ATTORNEY IT LAW Corvallis, Ore'orv. Office in Poatoffice Bttfldiu. Notaby Titles. Ccnykyam i-g. JOS. H. WILSON. ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burnett BaildinK.'"" ' J ... Drugs & Medicines . Kodaks & Phot Supplier Corvallis, Oregon Established, : Incorporated 189! WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete line! ot JPnre Drugs and Chemicals in Corvallis. Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, Pine Perfumery, Toilet Article, Combs, Bru&hesfand Mirrors. inr: ana jnrs. w. 6. Emerg PHOTO ARTISTS Have purchased the Photo Gallery of Mr. Philips, on Main street, and will be pleased te meet old friends and new ones at their Studio. Jill UfcrR Strictly Tirit-glau. Fancy Portraiture . and Genre Work a Specialty Developing and Finishing for the Trade Watch Confidence Makes traveling a pleasure, when esrrec time is always a necessity. Yours may be a capable timekeeper, but thrvurh iacau petent repairing; yon have lost fait a ia It. Hag It In to 'mo. I Willrcss mir tfce worat wrecked watch, aad I will do itcecoaowt cauy. Albert J. Metzger Occidental . Building;. Cot- allia, or. Notice for PublicBtlea. United SUts land Offic. Oregon Ui v. Oreean. Auril 14. lyos. Notice is hereby civta that in comniisnos with tba provisions ef .the act of Congreis of J'ine S, 1878, cb' titled ''An act for the asle of timber btnds ia tbs States of California, Uregou, Kavada, and waabma toa Territory," m extended to all the Public laad SUtes by act of Aagott 4, 1898, SILAS N. LILLT, of Corvallis, county of Beutea, Stats of Oregoa, has this day filuu it. this office bis s orn stattewat " No. 0085. for the purchase of the N. W. i of bee. St. T. 1HS.. R. W., aird will offer roof te shew that j the land sought is more valuable tut it timber er ' . stone than for agricultural purpoke, anc to eetab Ibh his claim to said land befoie Victor P. Moses, County Clerk, st Corvallis, Oregon, ou Wtdaesdar. wie tn oay oi iujt, lwua. He' names as witnesses, Robert 1. Case, ef Cor- , vallis, Orevon. Wm. li.;AMdersoa and Nellie Ander- I' son, of BellfeuntaJn, Tboma. II. Coon, of Inavale. . . Any and all persons elainiing adversely the above described, lands sre requested to tlie their claims ia this office on or before said 8th day of July. HOs. 1 , CilAS. R atOOKK8. . - ' . Kegister. YOU . KNOW WHAT YOU ARC TAKING When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed, on every ' buttle thowinsr -that It if (imply Iron end t,ui uiue. pui in uNiea lorm. Ho Cure, N Pay. fUt