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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1903)
r ft WEEKLY. SJaWJ.!'!7 I Consolidated Feb., 1899. COEVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1903. VOL. XXXX. NO. 19. EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE "TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented in Condensed Form, Mos Likely to Prove interesting to Our Many Readers. Investigation of boodlers continues in Missouri and Illinois. Irving M. Scott, of San Francisco, builder of the battleship Oregon, is dead. William R. Hearst, of newspaper fame, ias man ied in New York to Miss Millicent Wilson. A movement is on foot in Portland to organize an association of employers to resist growing power of unions.' Three blocks, practically the entire business portion of Melbourne, la , was destroved by fire. The loss is $43,000. ' w Twenty people gathered about the coffin of Mrs. Martin Meyerhoffer at Chicago were precipitated into the cel lar with the corpse by the giving away, of the floor. Seven were injured. President Roosevelt will lay the corner stone for a Y. M. C. A. building at Topeka, Kan., during the session of the international convention ot the railroad R. M. C. A., April 30 to May 3, in that city. Gioranni Banale has asked a New .York magistrate for permission to carry a revolver. His life has been threat ened for causing the arrest of five ltal ians, who, he says, attempted to ex- tort money f jr defense of prisioners in the Maduena murder case - More serious rioting has occurred at French monasteries A great ovation; was accorded King Edward on his arrival in Rome. It is reported that Miss Ruth Hanna . wll be married at Thomasville, Ga., on June 9 Russia denies that she wants to close : Manchurian ports and offers concea eions to me unuea ciaies. , Fire destroyed a large part of the woods at "W. K. Vanderbilt's country home, "Idle Home," on Long Island. ueneraJ unanee says the omcers ac- . cueed by General Miles have already been tried and their cases deposed of. ' John Rockefeller J r.T afld "h is son of the same name are in constant dread of assassins and are guarded by de tectives. - ' Judge Kilpatrick, of the United States supreme court, in New York, has ordered the receivers of the American bicycle company to accept the offer of $3,000,000 made by the reorganization company A posse of citizens who were on the looKout had a running pistol fight with six would-be bank robbers at Frank fort, Ind. The intruders escaped. Governor Davis, of Arkansas, has signed an act of the legislature making it unlawful for nonresidents to hunt or fish at any seaeon of the year in Arkansas. Four burglars blew open the safe of Munn & Sons' private bank at Portage, O., and secured $3,000 in silver and paper money. They made their escape on a handcar. " The New England manufacturers-and erectors of structural ' steel ' work have withdrawn from the national associa tion reoently formed by 56 concerns in various parts of the country. John P. Rcckefellecr has signed the contracts by which the Rockefeller in stitute of i medical research becomes owner of three blocks in .New York on which a laboratory is to be built. Three men blew up the safe in tke postofflce at Ferguson, Mo., securing' $120 cash and $18 in stamps. The noise aroused the citizens, who gave battle to the robbers. No one was hurt. John Wanamaker's son Rodney has taken out a policy for an .additional $1,000,000 on his life. He carries $2, 600,000 insurance now. $500,000 more than his father, but not as much as King Edward of England. . Great Northern trainman will vote on a strike. " Turkey is sending a vast army into Macedonia. Robbers held up a Burlington pas senger train, robbing the passengers. The charge against Funston has been found to be unworthy of 'further in quiry. ; - The Illinois legislature has turned down Speaker Miller and elected anoth er man. - Religious riots in France have sgain broken out. Numerous arrests are be ing made. . r President Roosevelt has left Yellow stone park for St. Louis to attend .the dedication ceremonies of the exposition. Tom Johnson has declines to become a candidate for the presidential nomin? at jon. He prefers to see Cleveland run. A brilliant meteor was 6een to pass overhead by citizens of Portland Friday evening. It burst while still in view with a loud detonation. The Russian demand on Ch.iona is denounced as a breach of faith. The United States, Britain and Japan will protest. China has rejected the de mand. '" ' . " ', A Agriculture in East Prussia, as well as the fugar industry and trade, will suffer from the prospective Gerrnan Capann tariff war, : READY FOR WAR. Russia Has Long Prepared ior Opposition Never Meant to Evacuate. Victoria, B. C. April 30. The Rue sian demands regarding Manchuria did not come as a surprise to Japan, accord' ing to advices received here today by the steamer Oansa. Japan had been preparing for the crisis and dispatches to Japanese papers, irom various sec tions 'indicate that Rubsia has also been making warlike preparations. Officers of the Oansa' say that for months large importations of rice have been made by Japan and all export is forbidden. From New Chwatg it is reported that 3,000.000 taels have been forwarded to Port Arthur to bay pro visions, and from Nagasaki comes the news that Russian agents have bought up 16,000 tons of Cardiff coal there, and at Chefoo, "all on hand La'ge purchases of foodstuffs are also re- ported. - - As for the evaruition of Manchuria, dispatches to Japanese papers say it is patent that Russia had no intention of evacuating, although one dispatch fays that the garrison of Moukden was en trained for Port Arthur when a sudden telegram from Port Arthur forbade the departure and the garrison marched back to its barracks. A Pekin dispatch of April 11 fays the Russian troops in Manchuria gave some sign of moving when the plans were changed. Those stationed at New Chwang were moved a mile further frcm the town and seem to be settling down in the new location and making ready for hostilities Moreover, eays a dispatch from Pekin to trie Jiji, there are telegrams coming to Pekin from points along the coast re porting most auspicious actions on the part of. Russian warships. The big battleships coming to reinforce the Rfissian squadron in Eastern waters, consisting of the 12,700-ton battleship Retvlan, the cruisers Pallada and Diana and five torpedo boat destroyers, passed Hong Kong on April 13 for Port Arthur. Another Pekin dispatch to.tha Asahi Eays that numbers of soldiers are being moved into Manchuria, garbed in civil ian clothes. Other dispatches tell of the cutting of the telegraph lines in Manchuria by Russian 'officers and of the cutting of the cable between New Chwang and Chefoo by Russians. An official of the Tokio foreign offica, interviewed by a Japanese paper, says that Viscount Aoki has been constantly shadowed by Russians during hia offi cial visits at Pekin. This official also told of Russia's "warlike preparations, of the suspicious movements of Russian warships in the gulf of Pechili, and of the buying up of foodstuffs by the Rus sian, agents.;-.. ; . . .., . rA.-.n.-s I Another sensational dispatch, pub lished by the Japanese papers is that, Japanese having set fire to the forests at the mouth of the Yalu, Russia has dispatched a force of 1,600 troops over land to that point. It was intended to send a force of 1 ,000 by the steamer Wuchan, plying between -Port ' Arthur and Taku, but this vessel is British, and permission to carry the force was refused. It was increased and sent overland. Russia obtained a lease of these forestsln 1896 on the occasion of the flight of the Korean emperor to the Russian legation. " GOVERNOR RICHARDS DEAD. Chief Executive of Wyoming Gleaned by the Old Reaper. Cheyenne, Wyo., April 29 Govern or De Foiest Richards died at his home in.thib city at 8 o'clock yesterday, of acute kidney. disease. Governor HRichards . was" born at Charleston, N, H., August 6, 1846. JU is lather was a congregational min ister. After finishing his schooling at Phillips Andover academy; he went to Alabama and engaged in cotton raiding. There he was sheriff, lawmaker and county treasurer in turn. In 1885 he established himself at Chadron, Neb. organizing the Chadron bank. In 1885 he came to Douglas, Converse county, Wyoming, and established ' the First National bank. He was elected mayor of the town, then .state senator, and in 1898 was elected governor on the. Re publican ticket, succeeding himself in 1902. The governor's chair now falls to Fen i more Chatterton, eecretary of state, as there is no lieutenant governor in Wyoming. " - Yield to Prophetess. Battle Creek, Mich., 'April 30. After a fight lasting more than a week, the stockholders of the Seventh Day Ad- ventist publishing house have decided to move their plant East, the name of the city has not yet been decided on. This action shows that the majority of the stockholders believed Mrs. Ellen White, a leading prophetess of the so ciety, who, predicted disaster if the plant were not moved and the Advent- ists colonized here failed to scatter to various parts of the country. Cutting Down Forces. PanEtnuir, Cal., April 30. The gen eral management of the Southern Paci fic company continues to follow the policy adopted lately of re-Jucing al forces to the very lowest possible limit. Assistant Master Mechanic Pale, of this place, received today wire instruc tions to reduce the mechanical force at Dqnsmuir by 40 men and at the close of working hours ten machinists, one car laborer and 20 laborers, mostly coa heaers, were dismiseed. Electricity for Big Tunnel. Philadelphia, April 30. President Cassatt, of the Pennsylvania railroad, has appointed an advisory committee of experts to assist him in the work of constructing the New York $50,000,000 tunnel. The committee " has already decided to adopt for use in the tunnel an electrical engine, the motor to rest on a truck, so that it will only be ne cessary to increase the number Of trucks to obtain increased power. HAPPENINGS WANT HIQH PRICES. riarion Count) Fruit and Wool Men Or ganize Unions for Mutual Benefit. Union among producers to compel competition among buyers jwas the watchword at the meetings of fruit growers and woolgrowers in Salem last Saturday. The produ ers propose to stand together for their mutual benefit! and to compel buyers to bid against each ether for the produce they have to tell. To secure ' he highest price the market will warrant is the purpose, and those who are identified with the unions feel confident of a successful outcome of the co-operative movement. About 50 owners of sheep met and organized the Marion county woolgrow ers' association. A Bales committee was appointed. Committees were also appointed to draft resolutions as a basis for the organization and to prepare a constitution. A large committee, com posed of residents of different partB of the county, will be appointed to solicit membership'. The Salem fruitgrowers' union, which was organized laBt year, held a meet ing to discuss the methods of disposing of this year's crop of berries and cher ries. It was the general opinion that competition must govern the prices, but after the early fruit has been disposed of ihe Salem cannery will be given the preference at the same price that shall be offered by shippers. Ihe growers were a unit in voicing their loyalty to the cannery and assert ed their intention to give the cannery their patronge, provided that .the pro prietor would meet the prices of ship pers. Nome of the early fruit will be shipped fresh, while the prices are high, out after that the fruit will be offered to the cannery in preference to shipping fresh, the price being the same or better. An earnest desire for the success of the cannery was ex pressed by many, for the reason that this enterprise furnishes a market. ..for the fruit and prevents a glut -in the local market. A determination'to pro duce a better quality of fruit wasalso expressed. . -' . PqWgR FROM .,SISKIYOUS. ' Harnessed Streams Will ' Give Light and Motion to Southern Oregon Cities. An agreement for the Bale of the en tire plant and equipment of the Ash land electric power and light company to the Shkiyou electric power, and light company has been entered into between representtaives of the two companies. The California company, it is under stood, takes over the entire stock of the local company and pays a substantial premium over the face value for it. The California company is developing extensive power, on Fall creek and Klamath river on the Equth side of the Siskiyou mountains which wilL be transmitted across the mountains to the valley, supplying mines and "small towns on the way with light "and pow er, including tne towns of Kiamathon and Hornbrook and a number of auartz mills in that vicinity. The Churchill Bros., bankers, of Sis kiyou county, and Alex Rosen borough, of Oakland, Cal, are the controling. in fluences in the new company, and they claim to have available in the waters of Fall creek and Klamath river total horsepower resources of 22,000 which it is proposed to develop and with it promote electric railways and . manu facturing enterprises throughout South ern Oregon and Northern California. - ! i Bids Opened on Land. The state land board Tuesday opened bids for the purchase of sections 16 and 36, in township 31 south, range 9 west, and section. 16, in township 31 sooth, range 10 west, which townships were recently surveyed. There were several bids, ranging from $2.50 to- $4.25, the land being sold at the latter figure. It is understood that there are several homesteaders on the land and that the purchasers irom tne state win nave a contest. - Desire Better Train Service. The matter of train service, which has been agitated considerably by Cor vallis, Independence, Amity, McCoy, McMinnville and Monmouth, is again being taken up. The matter will be brought before the officers at San Fran cisco. . Strike In Bohemia Mine. The Crystal consolidated mining company, of Cottage Grove, is in re? ceipt of information from Bohemia that a four foot vein of base ore has jnat been struck ia its lower tunnel. - Outfitting at Eugene. " Colonel A. B, French, of the coast geodetic ana georgaphjcai survey, is now in Eugene making preparations' and outfitting for a trip to the regions of the Blae river and Bohemia mines, I where he will make some surveys for the government. He will have 20 to 25 men in his party. r River Strikers Won at La Grande The striking river drivers have again gone to- work, having wog their terms from Manager Mnrphy'pf the Grande Ronde .lumber company. They are to have $"3.50 per day and board 'and lose no time. They will also receive .wages and expenses for the six days 1 of the strike spent in town. : ; i ' : HERE IN OREGON FOR A GREAT STATE FAIR. Larger Appropriations for Agricultural Premiums Interest Increasing. , state lair, inia lau will -mean mure to Oregon as an advertising medi um than it ever has before. The large immigration now coning to this, state gives the people of the different sectiona of Oregon an opportunity to represent their resources and ; advantages to a I large number of new-comers at compar atively little cost. A majority of those -hrt nnm tn th u";;7::r . r : 8 .r uuu,co uu UOL 'winHi aiter xney uavo speui wverai wwjsa or' even U i- l--9-.-t- . months looking arcund. ". Their desire is to find the locality that will suit ineir inaiviuuai preierences and occu patidns best. Through the annual state fair it will be possible to'present, in an attractive form, information regarding the industries of every county in the state, and by visiting he fair, strang ers will learn more about the different localities than they could in any other way at the same expense. The last legislature increased the state fair appropriation from $8,000 a year to $10,000, and it is provided that all thiB sum must be offered and award ed, as premiums for agricultural and other industrial products. The increase in the appropriation for premiums is sufficient to make it certain that if the season be favorable to crops, this year's fair will be ahead of anything yet had Balsley-Elkhorn to Resume. The.. Baisley-Klkhorn mine, which has been tied up in litigation for more than two years, will resume operations May 1. General wanaeer Havea, who is also the principal owner of the prop erty, was formerly president and mana ger of the Bonanza mirje. He sold out his interest in the Bonanza . about a year ago, and he was then in a position to take advantage of the opportunity onerea to become tne principal owner of the Bahley-Elkhorn. A tunnel about 1M miles long is to be driven into the mountain. - ! Government Surveyors at Albany. , A government "surveying party, con sisting of C. H. Semlej C. P. Jones, A Patterson J ft-autb&evl , and-Ray Tel ford, is in Albany preparing to make a survey of that part of the valley. The survey is for a general topograph ical map, and Hues will Nbe ran out from Albany in all directions 224 feet above the sea level. Fast Cutting the Timber. van ri on ten x Messenger nave re ceived the machinery for a new N eaw- mill, to be erected in the timber east of Union with a rapacity of 20,000 feet per day. "A number of other mills are going in, and within a month it is esti mated there will be eight sawmills in operation near that city. Yarney Cannot Be President. Rev. George R. Varney has sent a note to the board of trustees of the McMinnville college, refusing to allow his name to be used as a successor of President Boardman. Mr. Varney had previously been elected pastor, of the New Whatcom, Baptist church, which refused ta release him. . PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 7071c; blue stem, 7&:8c; valley, 7576c. N Barley Feed, $2L50 per ton; brew ing, $23. flour Best grade, $3.954.25 , grah am, $3.45 3.85. Millstnffa Bran, $19 per ton; middlings, $ 24; shorts, $19.50 20. chop, $18. . , t Oata No. 1 white, $1.15 1.20; gray, $l.lzl.lo per cental. Hay Timothy, $13 13.50; elover, $1011; cheat, $1112 per ton. , Potatoes Best Burbanks, 50c per Back; ordinary, 25 40c per cental, growers prices; Merced sweets, $3 3.50 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, ll12c; young, I3l4c; hens, 12c; tnrkeya, live, 1617c; dressed, 2022c; ducks, $77.50 per dozen; geese, $66.50. Cheese Full cream, twins, 16) 17c; Young America, 17 17Hc, factory prices,-11Kc leas. Butter Fancy' creamery, 22c per pound; extras, 21c; dairy, 2022")c; store, 16 18c. N T Eggs 16 17c per dozen. Hops Choice, 1820c per pound. Wool Valley, 12 J 15c; Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, 3536f. Beef Gross, cows, 34c per pound; steers, 4 5c; dressed, 7&c. Veal 88Mc. Mutton . Gross, 776c per pound; dressed, 89c. Lambs Gross, 4c per pound; dressed, 7 Kc. Hogs Gross, 77fte per pound; dres8ed,88e. . ret Words in Lrfieratare. There are pet words In literature words which become the fashion for a time and then take rank again in ob scurity. Thus in the eighteenth cen tury we find such words as "vastly." "hugely," "the quality," "gen feel." etc. "Elegant' still lingers conspicuously In America and in England at the present time especial favor seems tobe shown to "convincing, 'weird" and 'strenu ous.' ' . NEED A STIR-UP. Postofflce Officials are Lax in Methods Too Anxious to Please, Washington, April 29. It ia the con census of opinion among fair men who have watched the poBtoffice department of late yeara, and who are familiar with ita officials, that there ia much more smoke than fire in that depart ment just now, and that the investiga tion that has been under way for sev- A..I 1- 1 I . . wce&n win maxe lar lees sensa tional disclosures than have been pre dicted. Not bat what the business methods of the department will be shown to be lax in many respects, and - 1 that remedies will be recommended, for in18 no one doubts, but it ia reasonably certain that very few oflScials will lose their positions a9 a result of the charges that have been filed and are be I: . . I ing run aown. .ryn;r is, of course, already out, and Assistant Attorney ?eneral V16 department Christiancy ia euspended at his own request pend ing investigations The postofflce is the biggest and most extensive of. all the government departments. Itemplovs more men. and is more generally distributed over the country than any other branch of the governmeont, hence, the chances f X 1 . , . ior uauu, ior wrongdoing, ana lor evil8 arising from lax methods are greater than in any other department. At the same time, with so many employes on the rolls, and bo many officials with varying grades of authority and re sponsibility, it will be an extremelv difficult matter to fasten onto any one man the responsibility for shortcomings tnat may be found. Ihe service will benefit from the in vestigiation, no doubt, for its moral in fluence ia good, and servea as a warning to an employes that the postmaste general is after wrongdoeis, and ready to prosecute all he can find. is WORK GANG RUN DOWN. 1 Ten Greeks and One American Killed in a Kansas Smash-Up. lihttalo, Kan., Apul 29. A north bound Missouri Pacific stock train crashed into ; the rear end of V work train juet ' north of this town' at o uiuck iaBi evening ana 11 men were ,1 i i i ' - killed and 25 injured, 10 of the latter seriously and four fatally. All were Greeks except one. The cause of the wreck is given as misreading of orders. Tne worktrain consisted of flatcars and a caboose, all filled with labortre. The men on the flatcars escaped by. jumping, but hardly a man in the ca boose escaped. The work train Was backing into town for the night andl. running at a good speed. The heavy ireignt engine did not leave the track, but plowed the work tram off the track. leaving little of it except the car wheels and kindling wood. Doctors of EuSalo, assisted by townsneoDle. did heroic work among the injured until the wrecking train from Neodesha and a corps of half a dozen physicians ar- nveu. aeaa ana injured were taken to Coffejville, the latter to be s J m I i . ... temporarily cared for at the hospital there. Ihe scene of the wreck for several hours looked like a "battlefield by the dazzling light of the burning debris, with dead men strewn about on the ground, where they lay after being taken from the wreck. The foreigners were nearly all mar ried and had large families in the old country. At the office of General Superintend ent Gould, in Kansas City, the blame for the wreck was placed on the con ductor and engineer of the construction tram. The freight, which was a regu lar train, was on time and had the right of way. OBJECTS TO TWO , THINGS. Conger Protests Against Russian Demands Affecting Our Interests. Pekin, April 29. Minister Conger has sent a note to Prince Ching, the grand eecretary, protesting against two features of Russia's proposed Manchur ian agreement, which are considered particularly antagonistic to American interests. The note objects to China promising not to open more towns to foreign trade, because negotiations are proceeding in connection with the American commercial treaty for the Opening of Mukden x and Taku Shan, and it objects to promising that the foreign employes in China shall be only Russians. The United States withholds expres sion regarding the other demands, hut is prepared to insist on her treaty rights if infractions incur. Plagues Smite Luzon. Manila, April 29. Cholera is again threatening the Island of Luzon. The bad outbreak in the Cameroons appar ently is spreading " northward. The Cay agan valley is infected and it is feared the recrudescence will extend all over the islands. Past epidemics have gene-ally lasted three years. There have been 101 cases of bubonic plague, mostly among the natives and Chineee, in Manila since January, and the plague is apparently gaining ground. Vasquez Is Downed. Santo Domingo, April 29. As a re sult of the fighting . between govern ment forces and revolutionists here yes terday thegovernment has abandoned San Carlos and Guida, and these suburbs are now occupied by the reb els, who became possessed of the am-, munition, rifles and cannon "left by the government forces. The fighting of yesterday lias entirely changed the sit uation here, and it is hoped that peace will soon be restored. The hospitals of the city are filled with the wounded. The losses sustained by the government were heavy. "vx-t REPORT BY MILES TELLS WAR DEPARTMENT WHAT HE SAW IN PHILIPPINES. Refers to Misconduct of Officers and Sol diers in the Islands Report Has Been Asked for Several Times, but Secre tary Regarded It as Confidential Old Story 'Retold. Washington, April 29. The war de partment has made public that nortion of the report of General Miles which refers to misconduct of officers and Boldiers in the Philippines. Secretary Koct has received several rea nests for this report, some of them Irom per sons in Boston, who stated that it con tains much matter that never had been brought out in the investigations. The secretary has held thai such re- ports were confidential in order that the officer making them mfaht ha frna in make such comments . as he desired, but as it was . learned . that General Miles had no objection to the nubli- cation of the report, it has been made public with a brief comment bv Gen- eral Davis, judge advocate general, who validity or lack of validity of such eu has charge of all' matters pertaining to tries. the subjects referred to in this Dortion In one state alone last vear there nu of the report. The statements made by General Miles are the result of his tour of inspection in the Philippines last autumn and winter. General Miles' report on his Philip pine observations is dated February 19, 1903, and is addressed to the secretary of .war. In brief, it states : That the people complained of the administration of the water cure and that one man was burned to death; that they were concentrated in towns and suffered great indignities., - That 600 people were crowded into one small building and some of them were suffocated. He tells again the story of thekillinf? of the guides in Cebu, of which Major Glenn has been acquitted by court mar tial. .. . n L i " - . " i uayn inree men in isamar were subjected to the water cure. ' He states that Major Glenn and a party known as "Genn's brigade" were moved from place to place to extort statements by torture. He .has annulled all military orders wuich seem to encourage cruelty. He condemns the sale of rice by the military authorities to the natives, In reply to General Miles' report. Adjutant General Davis says all the cases of alleged crueltv have been sub jects xf investigation and that the ri sales were a military necessary. SUCCESSOR TO TYNER. Charles H. Robb, ot Vermont, Gets the Vacant Office. Washington, April 29. Charles H. Robb, assistant attorney for the de partment of justice, has been appointed assistant attorney general for the post- office to fill the place vacated by James N. Tyner, who was dismissed. Mr. Robb has assumed the new position. Mr. Robb, who is from Vermont, is on leave of absence from the denart ment of justice, to which he will return as soon as the investigation of the post office is closed, and the postmaster gen eral has time to choose a permanent as sistant attorney general. Postmaster General Payne has grant ed Mr. Chrifctiancy an indefinite leave of absence. The charges recently formulated bv the Central labor union, of this city, against the. mail equipment bureau have been filed. Mr. Payne today forwarded to Attor ney General Knox additional informa tion regarding the abstraction of papers from the assistant attorney general's office by Mrs. Tyner last weeek. In his letter of transmission he says: I am unable to conclude that no other papers were taken than those submitted and returned. Inasmuch as t clearly appears that certain papers of the government were taken, and since, in my opinion, all of the facts presented tend to show a willful vio lation of law, I recommend that the matter be referred to the United States attorney for this district, with instruc tions to submit the case to the grand jury, as decided in our recent inter view, i - Counterfeiters Caught at Posen. Berlin, April 29. Seven counterfeit ers have been pj-rested in s body at Posen. The men counterfeited various coins, tne coupon? of government bonds and foreign coins,- including those of the United States. They are said to have had American connections. Di rect inquiry at the court at Posen for information and details concerning their American connection brought the reply that the c mrt could not answer the query for several days, pending ex amination of the prieonners. Two-Thirds of Town Homeless. New York, April 29. Two thousand persons are destitute ar.d camping on the foothills near Pisagua. in the pro vince of Taraposea, as a result of the fire which destroyed the town, eays a Herald .dispatch from Valparaiso, Chile. Eighteen blocks of houses were burned, including the banks, churches, schools, prisons, cable and telegraph offices, i houses. barracks . and commercial f xuuic yumu twu-iuirua ui tiitj port is in ruins. Five Burned with Molten Metal. Lancaster, Pa., April 29. By an ex plosion of molton metal five men were horribly burned, two of them probably fatally, at Vesta furnace, Marietta,' early today. The men were engaged at the cupola preparatory to a cast, when the accident occurred, and were iteraTIy showered with molten metal: The accident was caused by a wet pro- ectjle being shot into the ctipoju. FRAUD IN LAND ENTRIES. Reports on Suspension Show Them Oen I " eral In Coast States. ""' nr..i,:..i.. n tiMuiugiuu, April 28. xne secre tary of the interior ia beginning to re ceive reporta on theuspension of tim ber and stone land entries in Catli- fornia, Oregon and Washington, and so far aa they go they confir m the .order of j suspension which was made last fall. There ia a thorough conviction on the part of the officials of the interior de partment that many, if not most, of the entries under the timber act which were made in the Pacific Coast states during the year 1902 were made in the interest of syndicates, ancVthe protests received Bince the issuance of the order strengthen this conviction. "Since then not a single entry under the law in the states covered by tne order- has been allowed to go to patent without a thor. laga investigation. ' There are ruanv Aiwial flcrnnf-a in f no4. fie't and the new. law permitting the com pulsorv attendance of wHnBBH in connection with land entrv- iaveptipa- tions is expected to prove of great as- Biatance to them in establishing th an increase in the entries amounting to about 140,000 acres in the course of three months. THEIR REVENQE IS AWFUL. British Rout Mad Mullah and Slay 2,000 of His Followers. Aden, Aiabia, April 28. Brigadier General Manning, after an engagement with the Mad Mullah's forces, .has re lieved Colonel Cobbe, near Gamburru, Somaliland, 45 miles west of Galadi. About 2,000 of the Mullah's men were killed. The British Iofs is not known. The few details obtainable of the dis aster to Colonel Plunkett's detachment April 17 Bhow the Mullah's forces con sisted of 2,000 horsemen and 10,000 spearmen. They surrounded Colonel Plunkett's force in the open, and the Somalia, after a heavy rifle fire, charged repeatedly with their horsemen and spearmen on all sides. The - British detachment held out until ita ammuni- tion was exhausted and then charged with the bayonet, bat it was ultimately overwhelmed by weight of numbeis. The British force fought until all of ita officers and 170 men were killed. bsroteiiirjadf ul-ofmen who rSSched the camp were wounded. Th Somali's losses are reported to have been enormous. The Mullah's forces are reported to.aggregate from 3,000 to 4,000 meunted men, and about 80,000 spearmen. JAPANESE SPIES ARE MANY. foully Prepared to Blow Up Railroad which Russia is Fortifying. Victoria, April 27. Travelers who have arrived here recently from North China, including well-posted, army offi cers, have told of how epies 0of Japan were at work in Manchuria, and of Japanese engineers disguised aa laborers or commercial men, who had' caches of explosives stored at various places along the Russian railway, ready to blow up the line if war is' declared be tween Japan and Russia as a result of the contretemps over Manchuria. Russia is also reported to have been making warlike preparations, for Jap anese papers received by the Empress of China tell Of how, far from evacuat ing Manchuria, the Russians have been fortifying their garrisons in differrent sections. , r Will Fight to a Finish. Butte, Mont.. April 28. Indications now point to a fight to a finish between the Western Union telegraph company and the striking messengers. The striking messengers have, in a measure, dropped from view,' and the -struggle now is over the recognition of the union, which organization the Western Union officials announce will not be recognized or treated with under any consideration. It is stated that tb Western Union is willing to grant the scale of wages aBked . by the boys, or to employ them on a commission basis. Alaska's Wireless System. Naw York, April 28. Engineer Richard Plund and Assistant Engineer Herbert C. Welby, of the Marconi wire less telegraph company, left New York today for Alaska, to ccmplete-the in stallation there of a series of-Wireless telegraph stations for the United States signal service. , The apparatus original ly sent to Alaska in charge of ,:; Stanley Cook, of the company at Fort Gisbon, wijr be'returned and the new apparatus substituted. ' Half Million from Britain. London, April 28. The first meet ing of the royal commissioners for the St. Louis exposition will take place at Marlborough house today . under the presidency of the prince of Wales. Little, however, it expected to be done until Secretary Watson returns from America, whither he expects to start next week, to arrange details for a site vino uoume, . .- inj im , ment, it is expected, will appropriate at least $100,000. Governor Under Fire. . v . Washington, April 28. Unofficial information received at the war depart ment. eta tee that Governor Grant, of Leyte" province, has been summoned to Manila to answer complaints that have been made against him, and that as a consequence, he will resign. Grant went to the Philippines as a captain