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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1902)
THE (MIS GHEITL FRIDAY DEC. 12, 1902. GIVE IT SIABILI1Y. Speaking of our financial sys tem, the president says: l4It would be both unwise and un necessary at this time to atte.upt tn reconstruct our financial .-ys- tem, which has been the growth of a century." He then sug gests "that all future legislation should be with a view of en couraging the uses of such in strumentalities as will automati cally supply every legitimate de mand of productive industries and of commerce, not only in the amount but in the character r ;.uiatinn- of makine all foreign importers who desire free trade, and from a noisy clatter in? lot of academic free traders who are destitute of much prac tical knowledge on any subject. In spite of these the country has accepted the doctrine of pro tection. Its friends will never give up until the , whole subj ct is lifted out of partisan polit cs and i treated as an important part of that economic po.iey which must be given staDtiuy. From Wells. In onr last- issue we tried to say that "firmness" was one of the marked characteristics of the late Thos. B. Reed, but the com positor had a greater admiration for Mr. Reed's "finanees,"so these were extolled. -JVhile; the illustrious ex-speaker was xich .,ac-e- Tia nroe vTnrKiratl VP- kinds of money interchangeable,. . &. wQrld,s nA convertible into the cstab- ' Hops Will be Away Up. and convertible into i;cti3 ornld standard." These utterances on our finan cial system meet universal a p- Next year's hop crop will not oroval. Our financial system f n . . 8 ts says the has been the slow, painful growth p tlan1 Telegram. A lew con of. a century. It has reacnea a tr&cXs for jg03 hops are being high degree of perfection and mad aJ. that prke Th;s fact is adaptabilty to our purposes. It enough tat growers may would be unwise, and it is un- , . deDenj upon another necessary to attempt to recon-1 year Q prosperity. It is doubt structit. The veriest neophyte f , if thfj ke wiU ever again in finance sees the wisdom oi fall flS lpw as IQ cents the this. consumption keeps pace with the The American people as a SUDnlv. more especially as the whole believe the nation's finan- New York growers are going out ces should be managed in trie in- Qf trie business owing to adverse terests of the whole country, conditions TKie i the attitude of both the The market has been most Prudent and Secretary Shaw. oeculiar this year. At the pres The gold standard is established I ent time some of the dealers are and is aoDroved by the people. seii;npr two cents below the mar- Our monetary system is fairly safe ket price to make good orders from the interference ot nnanciai which were not covered witn inters. contracts, iicwi; nf nnomic oolicv The more conservative dealers nriine erotiomic hedp-e bv covenner each order musk uv- tr i o m - ... - n a nf this couatrr. This sta- they take in advance with a con ' bilitv should not be fossizalion. tract with the grower, so as not -iM.. ,fr has acauiesced m to be caught short. In this man the wisdom of the protective tar- ner they have the supply when iff principle. It is exceedingly called upon and do not have to . c;MKie that this svstem buv in the open market for fill- should be destroyed or that there ing their orders. Others, hew er,,! rl violent and radical ever, will take all the orders they changes therein. There must can get regardless ot whether or .,lwanv rhantre which will not they can cover witn con- s;, th standard of com- tracts.. When these latter have of to sell short it has the effect of fhe American waee-worker. It stimulating the market, : mnCf Mrnpsflv to be wished same as was done this year, m nonln treat the tariff from the It seems all the more remark standpoint solely of our business able that prices have kept up so -pna ii well in the face of the fact that Stability of financial policy is very few of the large brewers, ac . : 3L:..v.i cfartilitv cordine to reliable information of Wonnmic colicv." The from trade sources, have bought aa ii heen estab- of this year's crop, i:.i..a a rinomlenf mo- large brewers have cold storage ection by tariff hal been ac- Plants where they keep hops in a v A,.r,van reonle. stock, and many of them have auu i ' " e Revival meetinxa are in progress at the North Palestine church. John Harris is having a qnjntity ol oakernb wood cut, which liecouiem- Tjlatea shipping to Portland if the plan. .- i noon innnirv, appears to promise pw result 8 Denover Edmifi-U left for his homa i i Portland, Sunday. He will return in the early ppring tn b" i hia fourth seaaou'tf work in the cuijl v- of Jack Hall Touy WLitheck, formerly -the village hlacksmilh" of Wells, has aruved lrom Snuthern Oreion for a visit. - "Alfreii Williamson, a fireman on the S. P. has heen viaiUng fnenda here. It is reported that the well known Wiles cattle hare been purchaaeJ by E. F. and and Walter Wiles. - A family from Kings Valley now occu pies the Ed Wiles place vacated last fall by Dudley Gibson. Ben Givier, of Alsea, is cutting wood for John Harris. Ben is said to he a "cracker jack" with an axe. Ou account of the rain, but a compara tively small acreage of fall wheat has bteu sown in this locality, A good blacksmith is needed here. The shop has remained closed since last fall, and farmers are obliged to o to Bueua Vista or Corvallu to have their work done. Harley Hall and family of Polk county spent Saturday and Sunday here. Lumber is on the ground lor the erec tion of a shed to shelter teams, just back of the church. Mi4-winter is almost at hand, and the shelter is mn.-h needed. Will Dodele, who had a:i arm broken last week in a tussel with some sheep, is getting along very nicely. The fracture is between the shouMer and elbow. Gussie Williamson, of Crawley, is vis iting at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. A. Carter. Ed Wilson, better known hereabouts, ... - v. as "l'ltts, IS vismng reiuv ucic. a former, denizen of Wells, but at present is holding down a homestead in the Siuslaw country. Mis Martie J. Lee returned to SCHOQ ; OF&MUSIG : Oregon grfciiHiui! I MORDAUNT GOODNOUGH, Director ' Four years' course in PianP, Harmony, Etc. Present enrollment in the piano department over fotty I n lis. Send for iiinlai giving full information as to methods employed. terms, etc Address, CORVALLIS, OREGON:' e first National Bank QF CORVALLIS, OREGON. - " - ESTA8USHEO lOSO. . OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S. WOODCOCK, i-resiaem. C E. MOOR, Vice-President, WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. E. F.. WILES, Corvallis, uregon. Loans Made On aKikids of approved security, and efPff to & anrd up te Wte W- ness enterprises ana iuuvduio v - B. A. CAT HEY, M. D ; Physician $ Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. . - rwr, ii-i ) 10 to 12 a, m. Office Hours J 2 to 4 p. m. Residence:-. Con;ei 5th and AdMi SU. Telej-l."i' nt rrl"'i-p wild resist-1 -Corva'iih. - - r Ort-iton. Deposits Received subject to check payable on demand. Giiristm the THiir Viav desired bOtll. 1 tn, caiM so at the stock UclVC ICUaiwuir . x ... . rather than pay presen -w-. . i a ; j. ortrl tV, renublican rnrtv prices, it is tneir policy 10 wait C L" WT, until an of) year so that they can I cfrtb- mt TxrTin hnns art rheat). a .1. AnrMAr 3bVVn r -" K"1 IT J5v protection me wdgc -, jranf- ',..u:.0f ine largely on xneir om sioc. -SI ,.PC t?rS ear ought to help in mak- Wiuiliug Uul.i.o, j t." nr o hoftPf flPvt VMr. HaV standard we assure inem mat . 0 17 , . , . . . these dollars nave "u they will be forced to come into tmi rrli a si n tr nower that can Del, ' , . , r G given to money. Our prosperity is unbounded, unprecedented Our economic oolicv. which em braces both our system of finance and our system of protection by tariffs needs only stability. This is a plain, rational con olnsinn. admitted bv all who the market heavy for a new sup ply, therefore dealers, it would seem, are mstined in maKine contracts ahead for 18 cents Payment Must be Made. The council took up the mat- have eiven the subject careful ter of delinquent fewer assess- 7t i f u aii 3C ments at its meeting ivionuay STS3 o?ournnarSym: njght, and as a resuh of its con Why not the need, as well, ot 01 a JA n X; uJuru, r nnr fron- police judge was ordered to di- omic policy-the system of pro- ctthe cheif of police -to proceed tection? Stability here is iusthlth .the collection of alldel n- sewer assesiments. The LLVilVU I , svsterr,: All the various forms officers have no choice in the rtf nrwtive industrv require natter, but must entorce pay -x.Z-.i.. ;ifincr ment before January 1st, 1903 If settlement is not made betore 41 A. J -i. A- . . - U. nA we once neara m . ." vertised and sold. As an alter- say: -i care nttie wucm x -u. . how owners of prop given protection or not; DUtiao . Qa;iah1 ash whatever I am given to De e.rty who lack available cash may give their note at six per cent, payable in two years, se cured by first mortgage, We take the liberty of suggesting any of the following as appropriate Xmas gifts Forelga Exchange - Sight exchange and transtewsold theprincipal cities f England. Ireland.SUer. land France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swe4 en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger maay, Austria. Letters of Credit Issued available in the principaL cities o! th United States. - Princld Correspondents Upon Whom Sell Sight Exchange The Commercial National Bank Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland Oregon The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. if,lCalifornian Bank, San Francisco, uai 1 -nitr fv York. th? Bank of New York Nation"l Banking an Imnoi ters StTrader's Notionr.i Bank, New mk t uuaacipni" auuu.i . River View Poultry Yards. ... T. Bowleg, PL D. - (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occulist Office Booms 1 and 2 Id Bank Bldg. Rkmdekck On 3rd street, between Monroe and JackBon. Residence tele phone Ao. 811. Offick tiorns iu to is a. m. , rw and 7 to 7:So p. m. CORVALLIS, OREGOK. C. H. NEWTH Physician $r Surgeon Exauiii.injj Eargeon U. S.PeneioB Bureau PHILOMATH, 0REGO1S. For T.ndles Fine Cloak or Kajrlan Fine Dress Patterii Fine Far Boa or Collarette Walking: or Dress Skirt Fine Black Petticoat A Royal Worcester Corset Silk or Wool Shirt Waist. A Fine Silk House Jacket Poik I Silk Umbrella . . . -. 1 1 . I T" I A. CviinnA county this week, after a visit wun ner qY An ouaia Bister, mm. oievu Haii. i Pair 1'ine blioes or biippers A shooting match id to take place at pgjr pjjjg Ilite Blankets Wells oa the 2Kh mrt. &porisin8n . inreoillpq Ollllt ... I it illLVt WWiJ w w please remember tae aate. hjilV Wftist Pnf tern ...n i.;u th. Tnanfinderlce- " 1 Liu j.aua iijAt 1 Oorvallis road, is said to be almost im passable at the present time. Muldoon. For Men. X Bnsiness or Dress Suit An Overcoat or Cravonette A "Hawes" $3.00 Hat Pr Douglas or Walkover Shoes A Dress Suit Case A House or. Smoking Jacket FineSlippers or Suspenders Warm or Dress Gloves Silk or Linen Han kerchief A Fine Muffler A Silk Umbrella A Monarch White Shirt A Fine Dress Scarf Suit Good Underwear For Boys, Girls and Children We have lots of Good Things Premium Dishe3 to redeem all outstanding coupons Pigs for Sale. About 2J head ol yout.g pigs. En quire of Walter aavlor, Coiva lis, ure. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT - Osteopathic Physician Office on South Main St. Consultation and examination free. Offiee hours : 8 :30-ll :45 a. tn; l-.r, :45 p.m. Telephone 235. Corvallis, Oregon. DR. JAS, A. HARPER DENTIST Office In Wbltfhoni Blork r . - Ait.;- Several hundred birds fur fa'.e. Baned Plymouth Rocks exclusively. Eggs in season. Correspondence solicited. J. G. HORNING, Barred Rock Specialist. Oorvallis, - - - - Oregon. Notice to Credilors. Corvallis, Oregon Iu the County Court of the State ot Oregon fm- P.pntnn Ooul!tv Tn the Matter of the Estate of Leslie M. Mat- The undersigned having teen appointed by the County Court ff tentou County, Oregon, as admiuistratrix of the estate ot Leslie M. Wat toon, deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said estate t present their claims, veri fied as required by law, to her at her residence in Summit, Benton County, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, towit, within six mouths from the 17th day of October. i9o2 EMMA A. MATTOON, Administratrix of the Instate of Leslie M . Mat tood. Deceased. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dntistrv of even description done in first class hi an ner. "and satisfaction guar anteed. GROWN f HD ER1BEE WCRK k SPECIALTY Office over Zlerolf "s grocery store, opposh the post office. Corvallis. Oregon. E. B. BrijHon ATTORNEY IT LAW Corvallis, Ore'on. Office In Tobtcfl ce Unliaing. Notice for Publication. TWiroa to inform the residents of Cor vallis and vicinity Hint he has opened a SHOE SHOP between J. R. Smith & Ca's hardware store and the Gazette office, for making and repairing shoes. All work entrusted to him vkill be done promptly and in a superior manner. Fine Work a Snecialtv. Home-Seekers: Notice for Publication. If vou are looking for some real good bargains in Stock. Grair, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for my special list or come and see me. I shall t ike pleasure in giving you all tbe reliable information you wish- also showing you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, iSST" Philomath, Benton County, Oregon Shooting Gallery. I have opened a shooting galleiy in a United States Land Office, Oregon Citv, Oregon, Dec. 3. 1002. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the SSMSSw!? it north of Dilly's bicycle .hop and a States by act of August 4, 1892. Samuel C. Dixor - of, . ;nvjtatjon js extended to all who Philomath, county ol Kenton. sBKuiurejuu.iiM . ,TT , , .,, this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. desire harmless sport. W ednePUav Will io be Ladies' Day and prize will be give X'Jtt&i on l,,i8 t0 the making the rriitural nurDOses. and to establish his claim to I heat BCOreS. HARVEY bABGEANT. . . . . . . - - . u rrtDtta rl.a-lr r9 Rpntin I said land oeiore rewr r. mw., " . . , county, Oresron, at Corrallis, Oregon, on Monday, the 10th day of February, 1903. He names aa witness s: John W. Hyde, Ed Hawkini, Frank M. Spencer, and Mahlon W. Worthington, all of Philomath, Ore. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims id this office on or before said 16th day of Feb., 1903. CUAS. B. MOOKES, Register. Wanted. want a Twrmnnent condition. 1 can then adjust my Business to it." This, everywhere is demanded as the orime need ot all industrial nnriiits and it is this which cro- Wear Ralston Health Shoe ;ncf c.oa11ri tariff" re- the cure for cold and wet feet. AH leathers and styles: price, $4. S. L . . , , t. i j I Kline, 8018 agent Protectionists have always held ' 6 that the principle ot protection, as part of our economic policy, is entitled to and should be accord ed the same careful thought and action we eive to our financial system. This is the president's view: "It is most earnestly to be wished we could treat the tar iff from the standpoint of our business needs." Why can we not? Certainly not because business inea oppose; certainly not- because the wage earner and tiller of the soil do stability; surely not because the people have not ac ;:reri in the wisdoin of the nrotective tarifi principles. Op nosition comes from a few thick and thin partisans; a highly self ish, aati-American number of Soft Harness You can make your har ness aa soft as a glove cr.d ai toui;h as wire by usios El UEKA Har ness Oil. You can lengthen tta life make it List twice as Ions as X ordinarily would. UREKA Harness Oil makes a poor looting bar. ness Ilk new. Made of niia. heavv bodied oil. es pecially prepared to with stand the weather. Bold everywhere In cans all au Made bj STANDARD OIL Ca Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. " " Corvallis 2:00 p. m. " arrivep Yaquina 6:25 p. m. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina.... 6:45a.m. Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m. 3 For Detioit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Arriyes Detroit .... 12:05 p. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. m. Arriyes Albany ..... 5 :35 p. m. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. Bouth bound train, as well as givinfj two or three hours in Albany befoie departure of S. P. north bound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany giving direct service to Newport and adjacent Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain lesorts leaves Albany at 1 :00 p. m. after the arrival of S. P. south bound train Iroua Portland, reaching De troit at 5:45 p. m. For further information apply to Edwin Stone, II. H. Cbokisk, Manager. Agent, Corvallis. J. Tckner, Agent Altjany. Ten good loggers in our Lut kiauiUte Loggiug Camp ten miles west of Hos- kics. Wages, $2 25 and J.&U ner aay. Thb Chas. K. Spaulding Log. Co. OSTEOPATHY Will Cure Rheumatism. It yon have rheumatism in any of its many forms, no matter how long stand ing, call and see me at my office on South Main Street. I will guarantee to cure any case of rheumatism in from 10 to 60 days. I have ia my office the latest improved. Static and X-Bay machine and am pre pared to make any kind of X-Ray ex aminations; also, to give any kind cf electrical treatment. If you are afllicted in any war, call and see me. Consultation and examination free. Respectfully, W. H. Holt, D. O. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money in the treasury to pay all city warrants drawn on the general fund, and endorsed prior to July 16, 19OO. Interest will stop an the same from this dale. Wji. McLagan, -Citv Treasurer. Pated at Corvallis, Or., Dec., 11. Io02. Chickens. I have a few fine bred Barred Ply mouth Rork cockerel, from Judge Hitch cock's poultry yard?, for sale, Inquire at Huston & Bogue'a hardware store or call at Wm. Bonne's residence and see them. Oscar Tom. Young's Cash Store. Ladies' Gcods at low prices, to close out. Full line of woolen hoeiery, ali-o fanry goods. Orders for goceiies may be sent by telephone. One fawn Inquire of For Sale. colored Jersey milch cow. D. C Rose. THE SURE WAY to prevent Pneumonia and Consumption ia to cure 3Tur cold when it first appears. Acker's English Remedy will stop the cough in a night, and drive the cold out of your system. Always a quick and sure cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, and all ihroatand lung troubles. If it does not satisfy yon the druggist will refund your money. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. If you are troubled with impure blood, indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recammend Acker'sBlbod Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofu lous or sj philitio poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts and $1.00. Allen & Woodward. Vttch Seed For sale. Address M. Ccrvallis, Oregon. S. VVooikock. LaDd Office at Oregon City, Oregon, November 29, 190. Notice is hereby given that the following-uainod settler has filed notice oi his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton fftiint.v. nt. i!rvftllis. Oregon, on January i2, 1903, viz: John Duffy H. E. No. I18IO for the 8W Sec. 8 X 13 S R. 6 W. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: , B. F. Ireland, J. H. Daniel, W. T. Eutlet, and Wm. Gates, all of Kern, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOKES, Register. Mrs. Lauren. S. Webb, Vice-President Woman's Iemo c ratio Clubs of SorlSiersi iiio. "I dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching. I noticed Wine of Cardui, and decided to try a bot tle. I experienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax." Female weakness, disordered menses, falling of the -woinb and ovarian troubles do not jvear off. They follow a woman to the change of life. Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui now and avoid the trou ble. Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age. W ine of Cardui relieved Mrs. Webb when she was in dan ger. When you come to the change of life Mrs. Webb's letter will mean more to you than it does now. But you may now avoid the suffering she endured. Druggists sell f 1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. OF' INDIGESTION is the cause of more discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat the things that you want, and that are good for you, you are distressed. Acker's' Dyspepsia Tab lets will make vour diaestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its attendant dis agreeable symptoms. You can safely eat anything, at any time, if you take one ol these tablets afterward. Sold by all druggists ona positive guarantee. 25 cts. Money refunded if you are not satisfied. Send to us for a free earn pi;. W. H, Hooker & Co, Buffalo, N. Y. 'nvRV TlTliKH Comiyakcwg. ' JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW. Pra ti.-e in all State and Federal Court. Office in Burneit Building. Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo SuppHe Ccrvstlis, Ciegcn Established. ln-oi poruleViSo WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The iKOst complete line lot Pure Drugs and Chemicals in Corvallis. Books pers end Staticneiy, CcmmercUl Pa Tine lerfimery, Toilet Article,, ntselie8 BX.& Vittore. Notice for Publication. 1 AND ClFICE AT OkEON ClTY, OsFOOS, Kovemlr 1, 1B02. Notice is hereby siven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fiiml i roof in tirpi ei t of his claim, ai d thjt said proof will be n.ale before the County Cleik of Een ton coumy, t Corvalli Orefton on Dtcemoer 19. 1812. viz Homrr J artiu Wooa, H. K No 13.73, for the W. 1 N. W. J, N. K. J K. W. 1 & N. W. b. W i, t ec. 10. T. 12 S , R. 7 W. He touts the follcwfcg witnesses to prve his conti .i.ous ui on tid . cultivation of said land, viz : Wesley Keeton and William Cu thoin of eVy. Ori-jr. Ocorge Grft-n ardKil leu. Green. I I tf,.th. Ore. r Register. Notice for Publication. 1 am Citicr at Oregon City, oiireon, November 1, 1902. Notice is hereby eiven that the following-namd settler has filed notice of his intention to makj final proof in mprort of his claim. Bnd that said proof will be maile before the County Clerk of Ben tnn county, at Ccrvallis, Oregon, en Deren ter . 1K 1W viz Cbsrb s W. Wilkinson. H. K. Iwo. 1RS69 for t'he S.E. X. Sec. 32, T. 12 S., R 7 W. He names the following witnesfes to prtve his continuous residence upon and cultnation of said land, viz : Ernest F. Snyder, Fred Kfcurei alar d hlmon P. Kasey of Corvallis, Oregon, John W. Hyde, of Philomath, Cr p JfOORFS, Rcitifcttr. Notice for Publication. Hvd Offick at Oregon Citt. Oregon, Kov-mber 1, 1902. Notice is hereby given that the following-nained scttlei has fili-d notice of his intentiou to make final proof in suiJi-oit of hU claim, and that faid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis. Oregon. n Dn.her lft, 1W vis!.: Fred. E. bin.eral, 11. r. 13i.7l, for the S. w. K Sec S2. T. 12 8. R. 7 He n.mes the tollowirg witresses to jrove Ins continuous roir.m-e i n i-d luitivptn 11 ot (aid land viz CI -.Ties W. Wi'.kir.tin aid 1 irett F. Snyder of Conallis, Oregon, John W. Hde of Ihl.o math, Oregon, fcilton P. Hyv."' Corl.i-. Oreton, Be'b-ter. Sii k Headache aliFoluteH i.nd pe ma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herl drink. Cures Constipa tion and Indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts and 50 cts. Write ta W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a free Eample. Allen & Woodward.