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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1902)
IRE-CQRMLiyflEJTL- TTJESDA Y, DEO- 9. 1902. CREATE. A NAVY. The President's recommeuda tions relating to the construction aod maintenance of a pow erful navy, are not; merely -the ebullitions of ardent patriotism, but with keen sagacity are dra wn from the added perils of war con seqm-nt to our commercial growth and our territorial expansion. We are a peacelul people, choosing to engage all our ener gies in developing our own nat ural resources and pushing for ward our manufacturing and commercial interests. We envy no other nation, have no purpose of injuring any. We simply propose to work out our own des tiny and solve cur own problems without let or hindrance from any. The work which engages us requires peace, and we must be prepared to compel others to re spect our peaceful purposes and desire. We have not always escaped the jealousy and ill-will of other nations. It is altogether reason able to expect that our commer cial supremacy -will not be reach ed without incurring the enmity of other powertul nations. In ad dition to giving ample protection to our long coast lines and insu lar possessions we must have a navy enough powerful and num erous to protect our commerce on every sea. Not to possess such a navy would, iu case of war be tween two European powers, as England and Germany, invite a repetition of our experience of a century ago when England and France were at war. Although a neutral, our infant commerce was well nigh destroyed by em bargoes which we were unable to prevent. Of course We now would not lone endure such a proceeding, but the possession of a sumcient naval lorce wouia prevent all from such methods or warfare. There is scarcely a doubt that any future war in which we may become involved will be conduct ed on the seas. ' No nation would invade the country with an army. Some of our seaports would be attacked, probably, but an enemy would assail our commerce and endeavor to de- strov that. Germany is continually strengthening her navy. Eugiand is forced to nursue the same poli cy. In the event of war between these nations we would need a navy strong enough to compel either power to respect our neu tral rights. So far, since President Cleve land's administration we have been Tmrsuine a wisely conceived policy of naval establishment; we need but to enlarge its appn cation, and to push it forward There has never been a time in our history when we were so able to build a navy as now, and nev er before have we had so many reasons for following the advice of Washington: "In time of peace prepare for war." Con gress should not tan here. EX-SPEAKER REED. The death of ex-Speaker T. B. Reed which occurred in Wash ington, D. C. Saturday night will cteate wide regret. For long he was a public figure stand ing in a strong light. His honesty, his finances, his high courage, his quick wit and his strong, common sense were his marked characteristics. He did his work well. In this will be found his greatness. History will not mark him as a states man even of mediocre degree, but she will record his life as a bright example of . what poor American boys may accomplish The appellate court ot Ken tucky has performed an act of uistice m the case or Caleb Pow ers, one of the men convicted of the murder ot Governor Goebel, The new hearing was granted on the ground that the ttial judge was prejudiced against the de- lendent. Impartial readers of the proceedings of the court that found Powers guilty, were con vinced at the time that the judge was set upon convicting the de fendent regardless oi the evi dence. County Court. Commissioners' court for Ben ton county met in regular ses sion, Wednesday Dec. 3rd, and audited the usual grist of bills. The following special business was given atteution: In the matter of the petition of E. -E. Raber et al for aid on bridge in-jScbool 'District No;6, it appearing:- from ; the petition now on file thatthe present cross-, ing is in a dangerous condition , and during high water is unsafe, and the citizens of said commu nity agreeing to furnish posts for the same and the necessary lab r, to rebuild said bridge, it was or dered thai the county furnish the nails and. lumber necessary the. same to be delivered by the P"ti tiiers.' ' r ,'. 7 .'" - i ?In the mattei of the petition, ofi J. F. Yates for a rebate of tax on ! sale of lot 2; blk 30, Jobs addi-1 tion, it appearing Nto the Court from said petition that the tax on lot 2, bilk 30, Jobs addition to Corvallis, was, through error, sold for taxes, and lhat the tax on lot 1,' blk 30," is unpaid, and that same was in fact sold to the county instead of lot 2, blk 30. It was ordered that the clerk cor rect the tax sale record to con form with the facts as returned by the sheriff on said delinquent tax roll for year 1893. In the matter of expense of programs lor parents meetings, upon, request of .Supt. G. W. Denman, it was ordered that said petition be granted in the sum of $2.50 for printing pro grams for each meeting. The viewers having reported unfavorably o n the proposed Cooper-Newton road from Cor vallis to Philomath, it was or dered that the reports of said viewers be accepted and said matter dismissed. It appearing to the court that it was just and proper, a portion of the Geo. L. Thompson road was declared vacated. The resignation of G. C. Peek, as road supervisor of road district No. 13, was " accepted, said resig nation to go into effect Jan. 7, 1903. In the matter of a change in the county road leading from Dusty to Corvallis, it was or dered by the court that W. F. Whitby, John Whitaker and T. W. B- Smith be appointed view ers of said proposed alteration of road, and Thos. A. Jones, sur veyor, to survev the same. They are instructed to submit a report together with a plat and survey of said road, to the ceurt at its next regular meeting, January 7, 1903- In the matter of application for contribution to assist in pub lishing a discriptive pamphlet of Benton county, as prayed for by B. F. Irvine, M. S. Woodcock and G. W. - Denman, on behalf of the Benton County Citizens' League,' it appearing just and proper, the court ordered that a warrant for $ 100 be drawn in fa vor of said league. It was ordered that A. Cad- walader be allowed and paid for donation road work in District No. 9, $65.25. The Corvallis Times was al lowed and paid for printing asd stationery, $50.75. October Filings. The following is a list of the filings at the recorder's office during November: Deeds 58 Real estate mortgages 16 Chattel mortgages 8 Satisfaction of mortgages 18 Assignment of mortgages .... 2 "Water notices Patents (TJ. S.) Bonds for deed Assign of Lease 1 Mort Bond - Indexing Land Survey Leases. 3 Total number of filings ...112 Fees collected for same, $106.95. Shooting Gallery, I have opened a shooting gallery in a tent north of Dilly's bicycle shop and a cordial invitation U extended to all who desire harmless sport. Wednesday will be Ladies' Day and prizes will be given on this day to the ladies making the best scores. Harvey Sargeant. cheap Apples. At D. G. Hill'p, 1 1-2 miles west of Corvallis. Special rates to College slU' dents. Wanted. ' Ten good loggers in our Luckiamute Logging Camp ten miles west of Hos- kins. Wages, $2.25 and $2.50 oer day, The Ciiis. K. Spauldisq Log. Co. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA 1ABRETS cures Dyspepsia and all disorders arising from Indigestion. Endorsed by physi cians everywhere. Sold by gll druggists. No cure no pay. 25 cents. Trial pack - aire free by writing t W. II. Hookeb & Co., Buffalo, N. . - SCHOOL OF MUSIC Oregon Arsculirl gelleg MORDAUNT GOODNOUGH, Director . Four yean,' inrM hi Piano, Harmony, Etc. '. Pret-ent enrolIu.tut in ilie piano department over forty 1 arils. ' Send for cm-nlar giving full information as to methods employed, 1 teinis, etc. . . - " . . Address, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Pioneer Fresh bread daily. A complete stock oi candies, fruits and uuts kept constantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. u n rismas Toys H. W HALL Chickens. I have a few fine bred Barred Ply mouth Rock cockerel, from Judge Hitch cock's poultry yards, for sale, Inquire at Huston & Bogue's hardware store or call at Wni. Bogne's residence and see them. Oscab Tom. Young's Cash Store. Ladies' Goods at low prices, to close out. Full line of woolen hosiery, also fanuy poods. Orders for groceries may be sent by telephone. For Sale. One fawn colored Jersey milch cow. Inquire of D. C. Rose. Acker's Blood Elixir positively Cnre3 Chronic Blood Poisoning ami all Scrofu lous affections. At all tinifs a matchless system tonic and purifier Moey re funded if you are not satisfied. 50c and $1.00. Allen & Woodward, Dru3-;ist. OSTEOPATHY Kill Cure Rheumatism. If you have rheumatism in any of its many forms, no matter how long stand ing, call and see me at my office on South Main Street. I will guarantee to cure any case of rheumatism iu from 10 to 60 days. I have ia my office the latest improved Static and X-Ray machine and am pre pared to make any kind of X-Ray- ex aminations; also, to give any kind of electrical treatment. If you are afflicted in any way, call and see me. Consultation and examination free. Respectfully, V. II. Holt, D. O. I nave naa occasion to use your Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medi- cine and am pleased to say that I never used anything for stock thai gave half as good satisfaction. I heartily recom mend it to all owners of stock. J. B. BELSHER. St Louis, lgo. Sick stock or poultry should not eat cheap stock food any more than sick persons should expect to be cored bv food. When vnrrr nfvfe- g and poultry are sick give them med icine. Uon t stuff them with worth less stock foods. Unload the bowels and stir np the torpid liver and the animal will be euxed, if it be possi ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine rjuoloads the bowels and stirs np the torpid liver. It cures every malady or stock if taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine and it will pay f oz itself ten times over. Horses work better. Cows give more milk. Hog3 gain flesh. And hens lay more eggs. It solves the Eroblem of making as much blood, esh and energy as possible out of the smallest amount of food con sumed. Buy a can from your dealer. rj I have had occasion to use your B Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medi-fk B akery Proprietor. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, November 29, 1902. Notice Is hereby given' that the ro!lowiug-nam?d settler has filed notice of his intention to make flnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on January i2, i903, vie: John Duffy H. E. No. Ii810 for the Wtf Sec 8,.T. 13, S., JR. 6 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: B. F. Ireland, J. H. Daniel, W. T. Cutler, and Wm. Gates, all of Fem, Oregon. CHAS. E. MOORES, Register. Is Issued Semi-Weekly Subscription Price 1.50 per Year It fcliivts to te fair, ar.d fearnES to give the news while it is news, and avoid the sensational. ITS LARGE CIRCULATION In this County makes it of value to advertisers. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right Our Clnbbtag List. Suoecribers to the COKYALUS GazTTE can obtain the flkwiogr j.pev In crmbiimtitdk Bub Beriptioua witta the GAZK1TE,; at the very lo prices stated below; cash in adxance always to ac-con-pany the order. Those wishing- two or more publications named with the GAZETTI5. will please correspond with this office and we will quote you the combinati.m price. We can save Juu money on nearly all publications vou desire. . The ablweviations below arc exfvlalned as follows: V, fro weekly; S W fi.r pen.i-wectly; T W. for tri weekly; M, Ujt monthly; S JU, fur kdub ontuiy. - The first price represents the subscription rate of the publication alone, and the second the rate for Uie publication offered m conjunction with the senii-weeklv GAZETTE. Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port land, Or., S.W., 50 cents; L80. , Oreyonian, Portland, Or., W., TLB9; 2.65. Rural Spirit. Portland. Or.. Contains a live-stock mantel report, w., x.uo; 2.56. Pacific Christian Advocate Por land. Or.. W. $2.00. 8.06. The Thrice-a-Week World. . Kcw York.' T. W $1.00; Homestead. Des Hoines. low. A thorcrarh' stock and farm Journal, W., (1.00; 2. SO. The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., $1.00; 2.05. , The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind.. Live stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 60 cents; 1.65. Boston Cooking School llagazlne, Bt-M., 50 cents; L90. Young People's Weekly, Chicago, I1L, W., 50 cents; 21.90. Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W., 91.00; 2.05. The Fruit Glowers' Journal, Cobden . 11L, M., 50 cents; $1 75. Farm and Fireside, Springfield, Ohio, 8. W., 60 cents; 1.75. Women's Home Comi anion, Springfield, Ohio, $1.00; 2.15. -. Lippincott's 3Isgttzine, rhiladcl hia. Pa., M., $2.50; 3.25. Ev'rv Month (Music, Sor-g and Dime), New York, M.-, $1.00; $2.15. - The Century Macazuie, New Yoik, SI.,f4.C0; 6.05. Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The best most up-to-date dairy journal iu the world, W.. $1.00; 2.30. Oregon Poultry Journal, Salem, Or., M.. 60 cents; 1.80. The Pathfinder, District of Columbia, W., $1.00; 2.05. The Desisruer, New York, Standard Fashions, M,. $1.00; 2.35. - Pocket Atlas of the World. 3S1 Daces, containing colored maps of all the Elates aril territories in the United States, the province of the dominion of Canada, "and of every country slid civil division on the face of the globe. Also valuable statistical in formation about each state and county, giving the population of every large city in the world, besides other valuable infm mation. A handy reference work for every person; with Corvallis Uazkits one year, 2.00. American Agriculturist. Chicajro, III., including copy of Year Book and Almanac, W., $1.00; 2.30. Farm. Field nd Fireeide, Chicago, 111 . W., $1.00; 2.1 St. Louis Clctc-Dtmocrat, St. Louie, li5a no riva as great modern newspaper, T. W., $1.C0; 2.15. The Weekly Inter-Ocean, Chieugo, Vv"., 1.00; 1.90. The Cosmopolitan Magazine, Kew York, M., and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 6tf pages of latest maps; S ; 2.85. The Outing Magazine, New York, M., $1,00; S.80. Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. W.,$1.00; 2.30- Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., JI.C0; 2.15. American Homes. Kncxviile, Tenn., M., Sl.OO; 2.30. McClure's iTagszir.e, New York, M. , $1.00; 2.40. Twice-a-Weck Ccurier Journal, Louisville, Ky., one of the best papers frc.m the great South, T. W., $1.00; 2.05. "Dairy Fortunes," a, well written took of 204 pages on oil questions concendng OMryinir, feeds and feeding, tl.e constituent properties of all kinds of feed; 39 combinations foiniinjr well balanced rations fur dairy cows. Every dairyman i-hould have it. I rice with the Corvallis Gazette cue year, $2.50. tie first National Bank OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1890. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S. WOODCOCK, President. C. E. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. E. F. WILES, Corvallis,' Oregon. Loans Made On alljtkids of approved security, and especially to encourage and build up the legitimate busi ness enterprises and industries of this country. Deposits - Received subject to check payable on demand. Foreign Exchange Sight exchange and transfers sold available in the principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Ger many, Austria. Letters of Credit Issued available in the principal cities of the United States. PrincJl Correspondents Upon Whom Sell Sight Exchange The Commercial National Bank of Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Cahfornian Dank, San Francisco, Calif The National City Bank New York. The Bank of New York National Banking Ass n Importers & Trader's National Bank, New York. Shoe and Leather National Bank of Boston, Mass Philadelphia National Bank of Philadelphia, Ps River View Poultry Yards. Several hundred lirdj3 for Fale. Barred Plymouth Rocks exclusively. Eggs in sen son. Coirefrpondenre solicited. J. G. HOKXIXG, Barred Bock Specialist. Oorvallip, ... - Oregon. CONSUMPTION the most dreaded and deadly of all di seases," as well as ptseumonia, and all Lung troubles are relieved at once and cured by Arkei'n English Remedy "the kinj; of all Cough Cures.'' Cures coughs and colds io a day. 5 cents. Your meuev back if dissatisfied. Write for free Vamule W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Allen & Woodwabd, Druggists. Vttch Seed For sale. Address M. S. Woo. cock Corvallis, Cr.-non. OREGON SHOJT LINE Union Pacific AND l Tiptr Attn t-n in m Depart IIBC &Unr.UULt& ARRIVE FOR irom i"ortland ; FROM ' Chicago Portland Special . 9 a. m. SaltLake, Denver, Ft Worth, Umaha Kansas City, St 4:30 p.m. Louis, Chieage via Hun and East. tington Atlantic Express 8:50p. , via Hun tington. SaltLake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, bt 8:10 a.m. Lotus, Chicago and last- St. Paul Walla Walla. Lew- Fast Mail iston, Spokane, Minneapolis, St. 6:15 p.m via -Spokane 7 :00 a.m. Paul, Duluth, Mai waukee, Chicago. and .bast. Through Pullman and Tourist Seepers 72 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No change of cars. Through tickets to all Eastern points via this route on sale at S. P. depot office. ' Ocean and Kiver Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All ling dates! subject to change. 8 p. m, For San Francisco, Sail every five days 4 p. m. Irom April zcl. Daily Ex. Bun. 8. p. m. Cclurr.bia RWsr Sieger. 4 p. m. Except Sunday Saturday, To Astoria & way- 10 p. m. lanaing. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISIOf Water Permitting. Steamer lint h leaves Corvallis for Al bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land ings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 6:00 a.m.; returning, arrives Corvallis about Midnight, Monday, Wednesday and Friday'. E. F.THAYER, Agent, Corvallis. A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Southern Facific Gompanv. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Ccrvullis far Portland and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8 :30 a ni Lv Albanv 12:30 p m Ar Ashland 12:33 am Ar Sacramento 5 .00 p m Ar San Francisco-7 :45 p m S :30 p m 10:50 p m 11 :3f a di 4 :35 a m 9.30 a iii Ar Ogden 5 :4o p m Ar Denver 0:00 a n: Ar Kansas City -7:25 a rn At Chicago 7 :o5 a m 11 :45 a m 1) :U0a rr 7 :li5 a in Ar Lob Angeles-! :20 p m Ar El Paso 6:00 p m Ar Fort Worth 6 :30 a m Ar City cf Mexico 9 :55 a m Ar Houston 4 :G0 a m Ar New Orleans 6 :25 a m Ar Washington G :42 a m Ar New York 12 :43 p m 7 :00 a in 6:(!'p m 6 :30 a m 9 :.r5 a m 4:00 am 6 :i'5 p ni 6 -A'i a m 12:43 p bo PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, siid Tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans ane Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvaliif station, or address C. II. MARK HAM, G. P. A.. Porllwid, Or. . CcrvaliSs & Eastern Mmi TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albanv 12:45 p. ru. " " Corvaliip 2:00 p.. in " arrive? Yaquina 6:25 p. in. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina. . . . 6:45 a. m. Leaves Corvallis. . . . 1 1:30 a. m. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. m. 3 For Detioit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Arrives Detroit .... 12.05 p. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. m. Arrives Albany 5:35 p. m. Train No. 1 arriyes in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany befoie departure of S. P. north bound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. traias at Corvallis and Albany giving direct service to Newport ar.d adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at 1 :00 p. m. after the arrival cf S. P. south bound train Irom Portland, reaching De troit at 5:45 p- m. For further information apply to Edwin Stone, H. H. Cp.onise, Manager. Aeent, Corvallis. J. Turner, Agant Albany. Notice to Creditors. ' IntheCcuuty Court of the State ot Oregon for Eentoii County In the Matter of the Estate of I,eshe M. Mat toon, dectrwsed: '11. tf undersigned having teen appointed by the County Ccurt of fcenton County, Oregon, as administratrix of the estate ol Leslie Si. Mat toou, deeeastd, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, a:;d all persons having claims against said estate to present their claims, veri fied as required by law, to her at her residence in Snir.iic. lit-iitcm Countv. OrecroD. within six months from the date of the first publication of i .. . . . -. . 1 - .1. .. t ... thn 1 mis II Ol : 1 1 , LOW l L, wiLiiiu uiumua .iu". 17th day ot October, 1M02. EMMA A. MATTOON, Administratrix of the Estate of Leslie M, Mat? food, Deceased. B. A. CATHEY, M. D; Physician 4' Surgeon - liooms 14 in Bank Buildiut;. . r4 unM. I 10 to 12 a. ax. Office Hoars f 2 to 4p.m. Residence? Corpet 5th and Admnp Sta. Tele.lirne at oRice and rcsidenc. Corva'iiK, " - - . Oregon. w. T. Bowies, I.D.. (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occulist Office Rooms 1 and 2 in Bank Bid,. Residence On 3rd street, . between Monroe and Jackson. .Residence tele phone Ko. 811. Office Hoces 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 7:3o p. m. CORVALLIS, OREGON. C. H. NEWTH Physician f .Surgeon. Examining surgeon U. S.Pcnsioa Bureau PHILOMATH, OBEGON. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consultation and examination free. Office hours : 8 :30-ll:45 a. nr, 1-5 :45 p.m. Telephone 235. Corvallis, Oregdn. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST OSes ia Wbltehom Block Corvellis, Oregon E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Pntistrv of everj description done iu first class insurer, ' and satisfaction guar anteed. grown m mmi ma k spegialtt Office over Zlerolf 's grocery store, oppos5' tbp post office Po'vallis. Oregon. E. II. Bryson ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corvallis, Ore"on. Office in Fcstcff ce BnHdiog. Notvry Tm.ns. fuM.TA.t im- JOS. H- WTIE0N. ATTOTNTHY-AT.LAW. Pr. tico in nil State and Federal Court. Olftce in Pnrrett BniWinz. DruKS & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies Ccrv&His, Oicgon Established, Incorporated ,'1898 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The tnest ccn plcte line ot Pure Drugs and Chemicals iu Corvallis. Books r-v& Staticneiy, Cottmercial Ta pers, Fine Fttftfteery, Toilet Article, Cctrfcs, i"Tiifihes etd Birrots. Notice for Publication. Lasd Oifke at Okeoon Citv, OkkoOH, NovemLer 1, 1902. Notice is hereby civen that, the following-named settler bus tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in supi ort of his claim, ard that said proof will be 11 ade hefore the County Cleik of Ben ton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on December 19, 18K, viz Homer Jiartin Wood, H. B. No. 12773, for the W. i K. W. J, N. E. J K. W. i & N. W. i S. W i, See. 10, T. 12 S , D. 7 W. He names the following witnesses to pnve his conlii uoup reriritnee upon ml cultivation of ssiid land, viz : Weslev Keeton and William Cau tl om, of V ciley. Onccn, (Jtorge Gret.n ai.dWil iaui Gmn. 1 1 ikcalh, Ore. CHAS B. KOOBF8, h emitter. Notice for Pnblicatioti. , Land Cftich at Okecon City. Obeoon, November 1, 1902. Kotice is hereby given thiit the followiiijr-hamfd pettier riled noliie of his intention 10 make final proof in tur rort of his claim, tnd that said proof will 1 e made before the County Clerk of Ben ton county, at Corvallis. Orrgrn, on DerenberlO. lf!02 viz : ( hil-s W. Wilkinson H. K Ko. J3S09 for the S. K. yt. bc. S2, T. 12 S., It 7 W. He ni.mea tl.e following witnescea to prtve his cortinuons residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ernest F. Snyder. Fred F. fcin cral and Simon P. Kagey of Corvallis, Oregon, John W. Hjdc. of l'l.ilon'iath, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORIP, Reifisttr. Notice for Publication. Laxd Ofeick at Okegox City, Orkoox. November 1, 19 2. Notice in hereby given that the following-named settlei has filed notice of his intention to make flnal pn of in sup) ort of Iih claim, and t hat laid proof will to made lfore the County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvailw, Oregon. n Tiecsmber 19, 1902, viz.: Fred. K. b, H. I . 13t7l, for the S. W. Sec. 32, T. 12 S. h 7 W. ' He names the following witiierees to prove his continuous itii ne vj on i lid eu thatif n of eaid land viz.: tlsr'es W. Wilkinson aid Ernest F. Snyder of Com a lis, Orefrnu, John W. Bj de of Philo math. Oretop. biu.on P. Krpev, of Cois11m. Oregon, CHAS. B. IIOOBES, Register. M lsi Ti r pcFctivvly Cures Sick Tead ai l.c, Ii.digeHioH i.nd Conf-tipition. A delifihtfnl l-.frrb diink. Kt moves all eruptions of il.e tkin, picdncing a perfect complexion or n.oney refunded. 25c find CO. Write 10 r.s for free ean pie. W. Ii. Hocker & Co:, EulTalc, Jv. Y. Allen & AYoobwaid, Druggests. - Get your Job Work done 1 ere