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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1902)
2 THE WILIS GUIETTE, FRIDAY, NOV. 21,1902. -' WEAK SISTERS. A short time since a letter from Rio. South America was pub lished in a Vienna paper and so found its way to the press in this country. The writer of this U t ter claims to have opportunities ot learning public feeling there respecting us. He declares that "there is a desire among lhe South American republics for a caalition against the aggressions of the United States." He does not set forth very clearly just what has created such a desire nor what aggressions they have suffered at our hands. The lac: he notices is nothing new to ob servant American?. They have recognized the existence of such a feeling toward us. Sometimes it is more manifest than at other times, and may be encountered now here, now in some other sec tion of the country. That there is a widespread and increasing desire for such a coalition may well be doubted. There are at least three things at work to create and foster such a desire on the part of the re publics. Fiist is the commercial iealousy of English and German traders.' In nearly all the South American commercial centers the English or the Germans have long since secured a foothold. It is only within a few years that American exporters have made any considerable effort to develop a rnmtnerce in these regions. Of course they have come into sharp competition with both the Eng lish and Germans, and Yankee skill and ingenuity are pushing their wav to the tore. Trade iealousv has been aroused, and has without doubt contributed not a little toward fomenting dis trust of Americans. Our superiority in all things over these little so-called repub lics excites the envy and possibly the ill-concealed dislike of their oeoole. We out-class them in everv oarticular. They claim to be remiblics, but when they catch a VlimDse of our greatness and our oerfectioas they see bow far short their best realizations are of true republicanism. They do not see that their inability to realize a perfect representative democracy is racial. Finally, they have a total mis conception of the Monroe doc trine. They imagine we hold this for their protection, for their benefit. This is no new idea When Mexico was warring for her independence of Spain her leaders insisted that the Monroe doctrine hound us to give Mexico material assistance, and desired us to make a demonstration against the Spanish authority in Cuba. Until it was possible for Mexicans to shoot the usurping emperor, Maxmillian they were unable to understand our pur pose as set forth in that famous doctrine. South American republics are iust beginning to see that the United States doss not propose to Brotect them iroin the iust coase ouences of their own acts. They are unable to understand that we hold the Monroe doctrine first for our own political safety. It is a breastwork in our own line of defense. It might not be amiss for this country to give an authoritative interpretation ot the Monroe doctrine for the special informa tion of South American repub lies It would show them that we hold no false promises to them nor pve them anv shadow of hope that through us they may achieve political perfection. MATTERS OF CONGRATULATION. The annouueemeut that there is to be no special session of the legislature this year comes as a relief to taxpayers. The regular session promises to bz an expen sive one, and an extra session would have added materially to the burden of those who pay the bills. There was nothing to warrant the holding of a special session, and the Gazette has opposed the scheme ever since it was first proposed. As was pointed out in these columns a few weeks ago, the election of a senator at the spec ial session would, possibly, have borne good results. The senato rial question with its complica tions would have been eliminated from the regular session, and the legislature have been free to ex ercise its more important func tion of legislation. But it is a singular fact that this, the only meritorious feature ot the spec ial session proposition, was in all probability the cause pf its not being a stern reality nbw confronting the people of the state. But the atmosphere of the sen atorial situation lias cleared per ceptably of late, and from pres ent indications the contest will not be a long one, nor likely to interkre materially with legiva tiou. This is a mat'er cf c n gratul ition to the s'.ate. A U w months ago a long and- bitter contest seemed inevitable. There were numerous candidate., none of whom had sufficient votes to elect, bat all apparently equally ,,..; o.l ; ilioii- amhiiinn 1 UtlCllliilJu " " Gradually these have become eliminated, until at present but -:,.i.. mm-AcA ocr'rotif p.l IVUJ J - avwmv I remains. Editor Scott of thes Oreo-onian has stated positively rW f. -071M1 not infertile contest i . - -- .'Mien. and as proot ot nis proof of his sincerity is spending the winter in Europe Jonathan Bourne will probably pull some democratic votes, but it is difficult to see where the necessary republican support will come from. There were others still, a few months ago, with aspirations and fcllowings, but now there sterns to be very little talk of anv other candidate than Mr. Fultsn, of Astoria By virtue of circumstances and the Mays bill. Governor (jeer's candidacy has attracted some at tention, but his ambition is not regarded seriously. Mr. Fulton has back ol him a host of friends, many of whom are the strongest and most influ ential members of the legisla ture, and at their solicitation he has been an avowed candidate for more than a year. He has recognized ability and capac ity, and the work he Ins done for the party placed him in line for the election some years ago. His popularity makes his candi dacy meet with general iavor. The prospect then of the elec tion of a senator without a pro longed and bitter contest is a matter of congratulation to the general public, especially when the man, upon whose shoulders the toga in all probability will fall, will reflect credit upon the state in the halls of congress. Comic Sit os Social. Bellfountaia Circle No. 3io, gave a Comic Shoe Social, on the evening of November 15, which in spite of the in elemenev of the weather, was a decided success. The hall was comfortably filled and the program which consisted of readings, recitations, tableaux, sonjs, organ aud violin solos, and several selections by tbe Bellfountain band, was well rendered. After the above program, came the sell ing of feet, which were mostly encased in comical shoes, either wornout shoes of large siza or fancy shoes made for the occasion. Each lady who said her foot was provided with a box containing lunch for two. which of course, was shared with the b-iyer of her foot. The proceeds of the eala amounted to thirty dollars. After lunch, games were indulged in until midnight. Correspondent, Letter List. For the week ending Nov. 15, 1902. Persor.s calling for these letters will pjeaso state date on which they were ad ve.'tiseJ. They will be charged at the rate of one cent each: Harry VV Abram, Tom Barnible, G. C. Brown, G. B. Brown, Miss Birdie Cres field, Mrs. Sarah E. Cook, W. F. Chap man, Geo. Don (2), Fred Doty, Mr. Damles, Mrs. Daniales,. John Foster, J. T. Foster, W. E. Hanley, C. Harden, Wallis A. Hansn, J. O. Hamaker, C. F. Hawkins, Geo. Le NofTe, Z. M. Montroy, Michel Massell (2). Mis3 E-stella B Par ker, Mrs. Ma3 M. Reeves, Miss Bertha M. Summer, G. Pierce (foreign). B. W. Johxson, P. M. Notice to Bicycle Riders. Notice is hereby given that the under signed intends to enforce the ordinance regalatiug bicyeje riding witbiu the limits of the city of Corvallis. R'ders must be provided with bells or whistles, to warn people of their approach, and . fine assortment and bigstock of groceries, rnsst have a light attached to their Queensware, crockery and table luxuries .,lo flo. ;,.i. Ti.5Jt"atfce -And. Harry, J he is doing wheels when riding after night. This means business. David Osbubx, Night Police Vetch Seed For sale. Address Corvallis, Oregon. M. S. Woodcock, In every town and vnlaee may be had, rsiSi that makes your horses glad. 8 fc " mfr the W m an mmm i y " L GENEROUS A Pretty Tv;catyeh Century Love Story With The Scene Laid In Ccrvallis. In a remote iiamlet back K-ist live:! a ieii. uif in Men ar.l a bishfnl yoirijr ni:jn, who hail for somejears been liv ing with but one and tbe same object. Thev were lotb bop-i - vii-tims of 'love microbes" "thai binu most effectual work under the irection of Cupid bitiisplf. Harry suddenly ''woke iV .i.-.l iHnt nrnprfialinntinn WAR the thief of time and bliss and imme- ihate v set about to lirinsr matters to a - . . , , . -r c r T )(t ,(. ook a ,iratle-r over bashfnlnees "a - rain would vou on oc er." Tins time Hettie came to his rescue a sxeet '-leB. Harrv. dear, er I've been trying to say yea all this time and I ! mean it too, er you do J' And to this day Harry insists that he popped the ques- Very soon there was a wedding and it was not ranch longer before Uncle Bi'l Tavlor, of Corvallis, wrote effusively of what he termed her -'grit" and proposed that if they would locate here be would start them up in life- Very soon they bid their loved ones adien aud were soon speeding in this direction. When the train pulled in, generous Uncle Bill was at the depot to greet and welcome the much elated couple, and after hearty congratulation, conducted tliem straightway to tbe Occidental Ho tel. having previously arranged lor a splendid suite, with H. M. Brunk, the suave and aleit host. It was in tho cheerful and invitim diuing-room of the hotel at brenkfast next morning,, wnue partaking of a tempting menu that was lieiug politely served, that Uncle Bill first unfolded his plans to the appre- iative necv comers, obligating himsell first of all to build and furnish for them au ideal American home, "But in the meantime," said be, "you w id nnd this a pleasant, home-like and n.ost agree able place to live. Alter breaktast the anxious newcomers at Uncle Bill's reqnebt, accompanied him about town with a view to getting acquainted and arranging in detail all the matters incidental to building and furnishing the new home; "and now for a desrab!e spot" said Uncle Bill, "to bniH on ; let's go in and confer with F. P "Morgan the leading real estate and insurance agent who is knswn to be thoroughly reliable and who has the en dorsement of all the best cituens autl who works to satisfy and ratain the con fidence and eood will of those who deal with him and win has tne largest usi of good farms and city properties in tbe couutv. Now since Uncle Bill s nst gut to nis newly married niece will be a pretentious new i evidence and possessing out a vayue idea ns to what would be impos inur. commodious and acceptable, he sud denly remembered A. F. Peterson as be- ins' conversant with archicecture and in close touch with the building interests here. who. after Uncle Bill had made known ' the object of his visit, soon ar rauged about the plan for a most modern residence. Uncle Bill then and there also awarded Mr. Peterson the contract to build it, remarking that nobody ever questioned his iutegrity or ability in exe cuting a contract to lhe letter, and ou time, to. ' '"In erecting a home, one perhaps to be left as a tribute of family pride to succeeding generation e, it is absolutely important to use onlv Al lumber and material, otherwise in a decade or so the building would topple over," said Uncle Bill with an assured air, "I will avoid this dilemma. I will arrange with E, W. Strong, manager Corvallis Saw Mill company about the lumber and interior fini-h and the sundry articles. The yards are always filled with pine and fir lum ber of all kinds and dimensions, and the manifold things needed in the construc tion of buildings in these latter days, adequate to meet the demands of trade." 'It matters not now pretentious a residence may be in poiat of architec- to tbe ydimg people-, sai l he, We have ceases to be attractive or even a neat y and well appointed drug eslab tenable until it has received the brush of j lishment hero that is conducted along .u- ,in,.nn,in " nhmnoH in ' nroyrfwRi ve lines, under the censorshit) the nainter and decorator,' chipped in the bride. "Yes, yes, that's so," r -sponded Uncle Bill, "and I'll take no chances on a botcher, either; I'll see J. L. Underwood, of this city, who is an energetic contractor and an artist with the brush, doiug painting, decorating and paper hanging, giving personal ai- tention in the execution of anv job ten- dered him, and from his bands we will be assured ofatastv. attractive and in- viting residence," declared Uncle Bill. ' 'Now that our splendid uey residence j will 60on be ready to move into we'll ! next take steps about furnishing it out j in good shape. It will be my aim to! have it par excellence," ventured uncie. Uncle, 1 want you to recommeua a re Bill, "so if you'll join me we'll go and ' liable laundry. Harry is . positive! v talk it over with J. D. Mann & Co., our well-informed house furnishers and dili gent exponents of furniture." The trio were courteously received at " the store and after the assiduous manngemest had made some suggestions to the anxious bride. Ehe soon selected her parlor, bed- room and chamber suites, ana otner requisites in furnishing for the new home so enticing were the smart and unique effects comprised in the store. Hence, uiicih Din uiucreu j. xj. mauu u, vj. , iu furnish it "out and out" from the top to bottom, to have it spick and spank in every particular. The bride was assured that no pains or effort would be spared to have the home i-d e a-1 in all respects. "Where is mv old friend, Mr. Zierolf TT I . t:m 1 1 T Ti K,fnn Jt, ' ; said Harry Why, he is in the groceiy firm of P. M. .Zierolf, uv-.o street, and see the Come with me up tne a largo business.' lo see nettle nny groceries was a lesson to Uncle Bi.l. "Give me a sack of Snow Fall flour, said Hettie, "and a piece of smoked salmon and three pounds of sliced bam, a bottle of Diamond W Extracts and ili.lop & Martin's Sokes. Put them all in a sack and Harrv will earrv them home." "" said M'- Zierolf- "when JSevermina. sa d leroit , vvnen you need tor jour laraer, we win aeuver It to your door. "I can't bear the idea of going home agaiu," eays Harry, emerging from the res tauranK "t-ince we have been living so high down here." "What's the mat ter, Harry," said Uncle Bill, "isn't your wife a good cook?" "Vou are the first man that ever accused her cf being a cook at all,' said uarry, put my .... . . ,,, "Then cet her a hot air-tight sto-e or a Banquet Steel Range from J. R. Smith & Co." ''From who?" asked Harry. "Why from J. 11. Smith & Co., who runs the big general hardware store down the street and there yr.ii will see stoves, ranges and many useful and novel things in hardware of a' I kinds. The whole community depends on this firm for hardware supplies and agricultural im pleii euts. "Uncle Bill, why did you give that man your watch?" said Harry. "Did you st-ll" "Noldi.l not. That was. Albert J Metzger. watchmaker, of Corvallis. I just gave him the watch to lepair it. He does all my wsrk, and he UNCLE BILL, is a reliable jeweler to deal itn ti, be- rauso lio EOlil UIC my wen. nut; r:nn f.r niv wife which is a fair sauipie of lus good-s." ' With the exception ot a piano our new home is romplete, eaio Hettie to Uncle Bill. 'Now, what make would . . . ITTI T.T S you advise ns lo iwy. vnva ieeti- ham, of course. The late vice president. Garret A. Hobartand J. K. bunth, hard ware dealer of 'Corvallis. have them in their parlors because it is tbe most beau tiful in construction, sweetest l a tone and up-to-date in design. I have ex amined all makes and buy Bone but the Neediam. Thev are bandied only by Al. A. Goednough, the amiable musio dealer on Sixth street where you can get any musical instrument you desire and all latest isusic. Mr. Goodnongh is a re liable and up to date music dealer and it will pay you to patronize him. On the way to the hotel uncie jsui was relating to JJarry tne experience or bis last deer hunt, to which Harry re plied: "Uncle I am good with the rifle myself So they entered Harvey Sar gent's prize ehooting gallery, where they spent some time shooting for a gold watch whieL Mr. bargect oners every week to the one making the highest score; and then they men throwing ai the babies and celJt-oard tor cigars, nut honors were about even. At the babies Uncle Bill won perhaps because he had more experience at. hitlin- children, Lav ing raised a large family of his own but at the bellboard .Harry it"t revenge. probably because he was more used to a bellboard than a kinder order "Oh, yes, Unc'e, o i wre to take us for a drive." "Yes, yes. I was, and I'll keep my word too " Just then a spirited pair of "steeds attached to a substantial and attractive surrey, with fine strap pings very apparent, drew up in front of the hotel, " mat rig rarae mm me Brick Stables," remarked Uncle Bill, as he looked it over, "our staunch and well-known liverymen here. It is a well ordered liverv. feed and sales stable, commodious with every comfort for 'man's best ' fiiend,' where is kept good vehicles for all uses, and good horses, too, inducing some nign steppers : it is this kind of business effort that has brought Fruit, Waggoner & Ker.ey in good standing with the pubiic." "Why rton'c you surprise your wue with a nice fruit cake, fince jou are go ing to have company next week," pgys Uncle Bill." "I would," says Harry, "but can yon buy a fruit cake here at a livery stable?" "Oh, go op," eays Uncle Bill, "its at the Pioneer Bakery that they make such delicious and wholesome cakes, pies and bread which is the staff off life." "Where is the Pioneer Bakery?" "Why everybody knows where that bakery is Let's go and get a pie. I can eat a whole one." "I am with vou." savs Harry. ' so can I." Then tbey'made a bee liue for the bakery where Mr. Hall, the genial proprietor, extended them the hospitality he is to capable of, and on leaving they both vowed they would always go to the Pioceer Bakery for the best baker's goods ia Coi valiis. "Ofcouree yon always want' to patron ize, a good mechanic, so in the harness and faddierv line always go to J M. KCamcron. He is an artinn, and ior hne harness making and repairing, he is the boss. All bis work is h&nd made and re liable, turned out in his own shop by the most r-Jiable men, and you can tot any thing in the leather and horse goods line, from a curry comb to a Texas saddle Did yon"notice the harness on that pair .of horses that j istweulby? They were made by J. M. Cameron. Everyone who wants reliable harness gets them there.-' , "Among those absolutely mdispensi ble to the welfare of the people of evriy community is the diuggist," declared Uncl8 Bill with some emphasis, turning progressive lines, unaer tne censorsnip of Graham & "Wortham, the prescrip tionists of attainment who look vigilant ly after the details of t he business. The presentable premises utilized are ever re plete with drugs, medicines, chemicals and proprietory remedies, as well as ex- ccjjmuhui hucm ui euuuuca, mm . mc manifold requisites for the ladies toilet case. I go to Graham & Wortham for all my prescriptions, knowing that thre is a competent and painstaking man be-. hind the case," concluded the generous uncle. At this juncture Harry was heard to sy something about saw edges "Oh,yec, cranky about his linen." "All right," replied the old man, as he la"ghed heartily, "if you will send it to the Cor vallis S earn Laundry you need have no further apprehension for its been keep ing me m cleau linen ana change tor ! months, and Thompson & Irvine are ever . alert and pleasant in managing the bust j ness affairs. The busy delivery wagons as seen early and late scaling earners at a doub'equick gait, in all parlp, gathering no soiled lineas ana returning them faultlessly laundriei to an enviable num ber of pleased patrons, wha seem to e spond to superior business endeavor and a progressive spirit.1' Shortly after leaving the hotel for a Elinnninfr tfitir' Hltifl nftfepil tf llH j d irecled to a H;iii jnerv store. "You j;ist asked in time, rejoined uncle mil, who ,p , ,i :to iirrs i M Hsrin's inviting j jiii;, ad inpry parh-r, where the pame new effects appear s'uiultaneously with Paris ann ttiot mtui ir ri . rncTii h ri r Lin. ( zeaiOU3v doe8 the accomplished milliner, i Ml9 Mjson guard lae interest of her ; cijenlee i '. T , . , IT I ', r J Bfrr? " Wf s , V. pmm&,n'XLjlJ'l I !f?"S TuJJl irTthf-K tl i r , .". 8a-v3 "V ar,d l.' e. mhUrt 1 be m chou:e because it is the most '-Harry," sail .Uncle Bill. 'vou are right. Mr. Jierry always keeps the best. He just recovered aud fixed the ribs in my umbrella and does all kinds of repairing. He has a com plete stock of bicycle sundries and makes a specialty of guns and ammueition, and loads "shells to order. It will always be to jour advantage to patronize 1dm." "Nothing recalls reminise'enses of our ; meBt- fj j bought from E. W, I UIUVU t KM AU " U honeymoon so vividly as the engage S. Pratt tor Hettie'. So our next visit will be Pratt's Jewelry Store, where we will see : a large stock of watches, jewelry, etc." "Hettie." said Uncle Bill, "Mr. Pralt is a practical jeweler and optician and has the largest line of holiday goods ever displaced in this city. It will pay you have him do your repair work." The at tractive . lines of jewelrywere so dainty that Hettie soon succumbed to an ex quisite -diamoud ling. She seemed sur prised to find everything so reasonable. "Great Scott! Harry, where did you get thatsriipe you are smoking there, that's about tbe worst weed that evcer came in contact . with my olefactory nerve. Throw it away and come with me to D. C. Rase & Son's cigar store and SCHOOL get! Egricuitwra! go!Seg PvIOKDAUNT- GOODNOUGH, Direct Ffivr years' course in Piano. Harmony, Eic. - Present enrollment in the piano department over forty : i!s. Send for liu-nlar giving full information as to methods employed, terms etc - - - . Address, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Commencing Saturday, Nov 15th, We will offer our entire stock of Ladies, Misses' and Children's jack ets, capes, raglans and tailor-made suits at sweeping reductions. All this season's garments. Limited Stock. Call Early. get a gentleman's smoke. Tbe connois seur smiles with delight when looking over the varied and select lines of ciaare, tobaccos and smokers' goods, including 'Speckled Trout,' their leading brand, supported by the 'Nickel Leader,' 'Vic tor', 'Dewey' and 'Our Latest' which are all manufactured at their store. They are the leading dealers here, and it is good goods and correct dealing with trade that has given their well-ordered place prestige with the public." "Lets go and see the show tontgl t Uncle bill," said Harry, "I think it will be a good one, for the paper on the bill boards proclaims it so." ' Do you see Harry? That is what I say about good workmanship- That paper was put tip B. J. Bier, licensed bill-poster. He doi-s all the first-class bill posting, and himi distributing of samples for all the East ern concerns Mr. Bier also has a large I soda works which is devoted to tl.e manu facturing and marketing of soda water, carbonated beverages and aerated soft diinks of sundry flavors and kinds. which products have won a place in the J markets because thev have been iouou to be pure and exhilerating asd pleasing to the taste of the patrons." INDIGESTION is the cause of moje discomfort than any other ailment. If you eat the things that you want, and that are good for you, you are distressed. Acker's Dyspepsia Tab lets will make your digestion perfect and prevent dyspepsia and its atleudant dis agreeable symptoms. You can safely eat anything, at any time, if you take one ol these tablets afterward. Sold by all drusiiists on a positive guarantee. 25 eta. Money refunded if yon are not satisfied. Send to us for a free sample W. II. Hooker & Co, Buffalo, N. Y. If jou are troubled with impure blood, indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofu lous or s jdiiiiti.; poisons aud all blood diseases. 50 cts and $i 00. Allen & Woodward. THE SURE WAY ! to prevent Pneumonia .m! Consumption ! ia to cure yeur cold when it first appevrs: 1.1 . "tT. l'l- T,.. .!.. ..Ill r.t.n ACKer S Xingiian neuunj win nmp img cough ill a night, and drive the cold cut of your system. Always a quick end sure cure for Asthma, B.onchiti, and all throat and lung troubles. If it does not satisfy jou the dru.'gist will refund your' money. Wiiie to us for free sample. W. II. H. okSk & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured hy using Mokt Tea. A pleasant vhrrli drink. Cures Constipa tion and Indigestion, makes you cat, sleep, work " and happy. Satisfaction guarai terd or money back. 25 cts and 60 i ts. Wriro W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. Y., for a free sample. Allen & Woodward. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State ol Oregon for Uenton county - ' In the Matter of the Estate of Leslie M. Mat toon, deceased: . 1 i i undersigned having been appointed by the County Court of l-enton County, Oregon, as administratrix of the estate of Leslie M. Mat toon, deceastd, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, ard all persons having claims agaiust said estate U, present their claims, veri fied as required by law, to her at her residence in feummit, Benton County, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, towit, within six mouths from the 17th day of October. i9o2 . ' - ' KMMA A. MATTOON, Administratrix of the Estate of Leslie M . Ma1 tood, Deceased. OF MUSIC, cr iSl Constipation is nothincr more I than a cloeffinsr of the bowels ' and nothing less than vital sta2- nation or death if not relieved. If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous fdth to remain in his system, ho would soon set relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious ness, colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels are relieved. Thed lord's Black-Draught thoroughly ' cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics. . Be sure that you get the origi- nfd TViAifnrfi 'a Rlnlr-T)rfnrrl-it made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 packages. Korean, Ark., May 25. 1P01. I cannot recommend ThedforU's Black. . Draught too highly. 1 keep It in tr.T bouse nil the time end hare used It for the last ten years. 1 never gave my children any other laxative. I think I could never oe ante to irorK without It cn account of being troubled with , conEtlpatlon. Your medicine Is i I au that keeps me up. V. IS. jnCFAKLAAU. River View Poultry Yards. Several hundred birdj for sale. Barred Plymouth Rocks exclusively. Egg in 6eason. Correspondence solicited. J. G. HORSING, "Barred Rock Specialist. Corvallis, - - - - Oregon. Notice for Publication. Land Ofpics at Oregon Citv, Oreoox, ; November 1, 1902. Notice is hereby given thai lhe following-named sjttlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that faiti proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis, Oregou. n Decsmber 19, 1902. viz. : Fred. E. Simeral, li. K. 13s7t, for the S. W. Sec 32, T. 12 ri. R. 7 W. He n inies the following witnessei to f rove his continuous residence ujon and cultivation of siid land viz.: Charles W. Wilkinson and Ernest F. Snyder of Corvallis, Oregon, John W. Hyde of Phiio ciath. Oregon, fciuion P. Kaarev. of Corallis, OregoD. T CHAS. B. MOOKES, - Register. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right Physician r Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p.m. Residence : Cornei 5th and Adams SU. Telephone at office and refddfcw. CorvaTi. -. ; : " - v.,-- Oregon. w.T.BoHieg, plbT - (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occulist Office Rooms 1 and 2 in Bank Bldg. Residence On ! 3rd street, between Monroe and Jackson.- Residence tele phone No. 311. - ' - Office houbb lu to iz a. m. ; z . to and7to7:3op. mi CORVALLIS, OREGON. C. H. NEWTH Physician Surge m. Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGOK DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consultation and examination free. Office hours : 8 :30-ll :45 a. m; 1-5 :45 F-m. Telephone 235. Corvallis, Oregon. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTI ST ORle In Wbltrhora Block Corvallis, Oregon E. H. TAYLOR Dentistry of even- description done In first class "manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. nnnwa tun roincc sfnur ft SPFREll TV Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposite the post office. Corvallis. Oregon. E. R. Dry son ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Corvallis, Ore-on. OfBce In Tcstoffice Wilding. N)T BY TlTt.KS HifVIYAI'l IM-. JCS. H. WILSON. - TTOV NHV-AT-f.AW. Practice in all Stale aid Federal Court . Office iu Burnett BulKlinst Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & photo Supplies Cc rvtllfs, Ciegcn Established. Incorporated, 'H WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Ti e most coir.plcte Jir ol lure Drugs afd Chemicals in Corvallis. Books and Stationetj, C mmerclol Tm pers, Fine Perftsjnety, 1 ollct Artlcla, C dut 8, licshes and fcirrcrs. Notice for Publlcatlott. Land OfF.-e at Orison City, Or.. Septeriiber 20, 15)02. Notit e is l.eithy tiven that the follow-ing-nnir.pd Ff tiler hns tiled rotice of indention to make final pioof in support of his claim, and that said proof v. ilH e made before tlie Cornty Clt-ik of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on No vembr'r 8th, I9O2. viz : Alfred K Dun can, H. E. 12146. for tle N. V. J4 of Sec 32, T. iOS.. R. 7 W. He names the f-lloviing witnesses to prove his ccntii uoiir ieti'eni e nron nnd cultivation cf fid lai d, vi?.: Edward F. Stroutp, Cl srlfR Jrhntcn Fd Tims Ran ney. all of Sim niit. Oregon, aijd Cliailes H. Kigdon, of Natliville, Oitjjrn. CHAS. B. MOO RES. Rtgtfr. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oreoos Cm-, Owtoox, KovemUr 1, 1902. Notice id hereby given that the follc!-iog-named settler has filed notice of his intent iou to make final proof in support 'of bis claim, aid that said proof will be n:ade before the County Cleik of Ben ton county, at CorvallK Orejron, on December 19, 1892, viz. Homer ilartin Wood. H.. K. No. 12773, for the W. i N. W. i, . E. J K. W. JAN. W. J S. W i, -ec. W, T. 12 8 , R. 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his contiguous, residence n oit and cultivation of said Ian 1. viz ': Wesley Keeton nnd William Cau thorn, of Wesley. Oregon, George Green ai.d Wil iani Green. I'l.ilomsth, Ore. CHAS B. MOOKES, Begibter. Notice for Publication, La.vd Office at Oregon City. Okkooh, November 1, 1902. N otice is h reby (tiven thnt the folli w n(t-nmcd si-ttler has filed notice of his inteutinn lo make final proof in support of his claim, and that raid will l.e made before the County Clerk of Ben ton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Decen btr 19, 1"0 viz - CnailesW. Wilkinson. H; E Ko. 138C9 for the se. yA. Sec. 32, T. 12 S. B f W. He names the following witnesses to piove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Ernest F. fenyder, Fred V. tin eral ard Simon P. Kagey of Corvallis, Cregcn, John W. Hvde. of PhiUmttb, Crejon. CHAS. B. MCORrP, Register. Get your job Work done here