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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1902)
COTTON STILL KING. HAS THOUSANDS OF SUBJECTS IN THE SOUTH. Xndnstry'a Great Growth Value of Its Various Side Prod acta New En- Kland tbe Center of Nation'a Cotton Bnalneaa-Some Fig-urea. Cotton Is still king in tbe South. Tbe beginning of last season was full of portent of disaster, and this condition continued almost to the end. Every evil condition known to the trade either threatened or overtook the crop. But, in spite of all the drawbacks which came to the cotton season of 1901-1902, the crop was very nearly 11,000,000 bales. The price received for middling was nearly a cent a pound under that of a year before, but far higher than the average for the past i five years. A good many millions of dollars of revenue came in the trade in cotton seed. The output of the season of 1900-1901 or, rather, the consumption, both for eign and domestic, of American cotton was 10,486,507 bales of about 500 pounds each. This was about 400,000 bales more than the previous season, and 700,000 less than the season of 1898-1890. The world's consumption of cotton from all sources. Including the East Indies and Egypt, was 13, 593,000 uales during the season of 1900-1901. It will thus be seen that tbe United States supplies about seven eighths of all the cotton used in the world. Comparative factory figures will show where the most of it is used. In Great Britain, there are more than 40,000,000 spindles in operation; on the European continent more than" 33,500, 000; in the United States more than 21,000,000, and in the East Indies more than 5,000,000. The early history' of the -cultivation and manufacture of cotton is involved In obscurity, though It is generally ad mitted that India took the initiative in both, and attained a skill in the former which was never equaled any where previous to the Introduction of machinery. Early in the sixteenth cen turyabout 1521 what is believed to have been the first cotton raised In America was grown In Talbot County, Maryland. It was looked upon only as a curiosity, the plants being grown only for their blossoms. A few years TYPICAL SOUTHERN prior to the War of the Revolution, some cotton was raised in Virginia and adjacent States for manufacturing purposes, and after the war Its culti vation was renewed. The lint was picked from the seeds by hand and the thread was spun and cloth woven on hand looms In farmhouses. What the growth of cotton production has been since those early days is a matter of history. Now the southern part of the United States produces much the larg est part of the world's cotton. India ranking second, then Egypt and Bra zil, In the order named. India's quali ty Is Inferior to that of our own cot ton. Conditions in the South, especial ly In the Mississippi Valley and among the Islands along the coast, are Ideal for cotton production. The yield va ries from one-fourth of a bale of 500 pounds to two bales per acre. To pro duce a bale, about 1,500 pounds of seed SOUTHERN PLANTATION MANSION. cotton Is necessary 500 of lint, or cot ton, and 1,000 pounds of seed. Great Britain ever has been the greatest producer of cotton fabrics since their manufacture was begun. As early as t787, the annual Importation of raw cotton Into England was 22, 800,000 pounds. In 1890, the consump tion had reached 1,700,000,000 pounds and the value of the annual manufac tured product was $375,000,000. Since 1890, however, the expansion of the cotton business In Great Britain has not been of especially great account, though manufacturing on the Conti nent and In Inuia has Increased won derfully. The first cotton factory In America was a New England Institution. In 1790. Samuel Slater erected such a building at Pawtucket, R. L For many years progress was very slow, and the consumption of cotton had reached but 10,000 bales .twenty years afterward. In 1810. The War of 1813 stimulated the home production of cotton goods by cutting off foreign manufactures, and In 1815 90,000 bales of cotton were converted Into cloth. Under the stimulus of favorable legis lation, progress was rapid from this time on, but of course has been great est during the last half century. In 1840 the total value of our cotton man ufactures, according to census figures, was 146,350,453. This has Increased by leaps and bounds, in 1890 reaching the enormous sum of $2C7,9S1,724. In the latter year the amount ofcapttal In the cotton manufacturing business was 9354,020,843. Other figures of that year show that 1,200.000,000 pounds of cotton were consumed In making 3,000,000.000 square yards of cloth. In 1900 the consumption of cotton In the rfi !ki K3 E7i n Mil Win i a3Ht,'& Pica F 1 N Wl u J" ' -v& I nwnnwipjiwmwgpiiByp i ijniii in i iiii BUST FREIGHTING OF manufactories of the United States was about 1,860,000,000 pounds, an in crease of nearly 700,000,000 pounds over 1890, with a corresponding in crease in number of yards and aggre gate value. It Is perhaps natural, as cotton man ufacture was begun in New England, that that part of .the country should have retained its distinction as the chief seat of the Industry., Ever since cotton goods were made in the United States, New England has had three- ' fourths of all the spindles, with Massa chusetts far In the lead of other States. : This State alone has about one-third of the spindles of. the United States, though with the continued establish ment of factories in the South this lead Is being gradually cut down. The city of Fall River is the site of the greatest concentration of cotton manufacture. Providence,' not far away, is a close r second. In the South,- in the decade ' between 1SS0 and 1890, the number of j spindles Increased three-fold. Since 1890, the Increase has been steady and heavy. It is only of comparatively recent years that the commercial possibilities of cotton seed have been realized. Cot tonseed oil is now expressed, yielding perhaps thirty-five gallons to a ton of seed. "The seed, which have been steamed and hulled previous to the operation of getting out the oil, are afterward dried and ground, yielding COTTON FACTORS'. about 700 pounds of meal to a ton of seed. Refined cottonseed oil is used in a great many ways, especially in the manufacture of substitutes for but ter, olive eil and lard. It is also used as a lubricant, for dressing leathers, and for mixing with other vegetable oils in the preparation of paints. Cot tonseed meal Is used both as a fertil izer and for feeding stock. It gives sausractory results either way. DEFEATED BY A ROCK-SNAKE. He Waa a Savasre Customer and Came Off Victor. kj. Beu, the author- of "Tang weera." writing of his adventures among the gentle savages of Central America, cites a curious adventure with a snake. Rock-snakes, from ten to twelve feet long, and as thick as a man s arm, are not uncommon in the woods of Central America. This snake is not poisonous, but Is sometimes very savage. As we were returning from our work in the pitpan one evening, says Mr. Bell, we saw a large snake of this spe cies coiled on a branch of a tree about ten feet above the water. I told the Indians to paddle under it so that I might kill it with a pole. They said j I had better leave it alone, as it might j attack us; but I persisted, and they let iiiv uave my way. I passed forward to the bow, and with my pole struck at the snake, which uncoiled Itself, raised its head, and waved it from side to side, darting out its tongue. The canoe had drifted directly under neath when I struck the next blow, and the snake dropped instantly into the bow of the boat. I threw away my pole and hastily dodging past the men, got to the stern. The man in the bow struck at the reptile, but missed and fell overboard. The snake raised its head and came cautiously at the next man, who without delay jumped over board. So did all the rest, and as I saw the serpent meant business, I fol lowed them. When I came to the surface I. heard roars of laughter from the men swim ming about To have possession of the canoe did not satisfy his snakeship, for he followed up into the water, upon which we all dived. . On coming up again I heard a yell mH " TT ' " SCENE AT NATCHEZ, SHOWING COTTON WHARF ON MISSISSIPPI. COTTON AT MOBILE. from one of the men, who on rising to the surface had lifted the snake on his shoulder. He dived quickly. The reptile swam toward the shore and we got into our canoe again. My snake killing desires were somewhat damp ened. . - V " - --:--r. SUBMISSION OR DEATH. Savage Seri Indiana of Tiburon Ialand May Soon. Be Wiped On t. Among the most savage tribes on the American continent to-day are the Seri Indians, wh inhabit Tiburon Island, in the Gulf of Cal ifornia. The Island contains nearly 300,- 4 000 acres of land, supposedly rich In minerals and nomi nally belonging to Mexico. As a mat ter of fact the Seris are as free from Mexican power and authority as the Es kimos, and resent any Intrusion on 6EBI INDIAN BEIAE their domain. Since their first contact with the whites the Seris have shown no disposition to accept civilizing ways ; and remain to-day cruel and cannibal- lstic. j Among them the brightest .virtue Is the shedding of alien blood. They prac-J tlce polygamy. No special formalities , attend the taking of supernumerary wives, who are usually the widowed sisters of the first wife, constant war fare in the tribe resulting in the rapid killing off of the men. f An expedition for the conquest of the ; Island Is being organized by a former American cowboy, -Charles Meadows, and It may be that the end of the Seri Indians is near. Meadows holds a pro visional grant of the Island from the Mexican government, and the end of the Islanders will be subjugation or ex termination. DRUMMING UP TRADE. What Brisk Competition Did in a Small Vermont Town. Competition has its uses, no doubt, but when It reaches the point where It prompts one to resort to trickery It ceases to be a benefit. A man who spends his summers In northern Ver mont was a witness during his last va cation to a rivalry which was as ab surd as it was unnecessary. There are two taverns In the little town where I stay, he says, and they got along in ' peace and amity until a local newspaper was started, and began to publish lists of the guests at the two houses. One of the landlords found that his list fell a little short of the other, and began to send the names of those who stayed at his hotel even for a single nieaL ' The other, who was off the main road, and had fewer transients but more reg ular boarders, was unhappy for several weeks; but after a while his list began to swell in the most surprising way. I saw It in the little paper, but I could net account for the Increase. At last I discovered that he had put a large drinking-trough in front of his ho tel, with a side faucet and drinklng- cups; and hanging by a chain was a lit tle book with a pencil attached. Travelers generally stop at the trough, and it-is seldom that some one of a party does not express curiosity about the book. When It Is opened the names of other travelers are dis covered, and the chances are that the pencil Is used again. And In the next Issue of the local paper appears a long list of names under the heading, "Those who have stopped at the Spofford Inn during the last week are ," and no body can dispute it. - Fish Flour. One of Norway's chief Industries Is represented by the fisheries, and quan tities of fish are sold at very low rates, particularly during summer. One way In which these are utilized Is by means of an Invention which quickly dries and pulverizes the flesh -of fresh fish. The resulting product, called fish flour. Is easy to transport from one place to another and has great nutri tive value. A new and profitable branch of industry might be established in America, by utilizing fish In this way. Telephones iu the United States. Taking the United States as a whole the census shows that one person in every forty has a telephone. San Fran cisco leads the world In the generality of telephone use; there one In twelve has a telephone. A PRETTY POSTMISTRESS NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH fas Giiea Up ta DIs Eight Doctors FsM Pi-ra-M Sand Her Lift. Thousands of women suffer from sys temic catarrh. ; This is sure to produce such symptoms as cold feet and hands, sick headache, palpitation of the heart and heavy feelings in the stomach. .' Then begins a series of experiments with medicine. They take medicine for sick headache. They take medicine for nervous prostration, for palpitation of the heart, for dyspepsia. None of these medicines do. any good because they do not reach the cause of the com plaint. : : . : Peiuna at once mitigates all these symptoms by removing the cause. J. bystemic catarrh is the trouble. Sys temic catarrh pervades the whole sys tem, deranges every organ, weakens every function.- ao permanent , cure can be expected until the systemic ca tarrh is removed. This is exactly what Peruna will do. ; Miss Alma Cox, assistant postmist ress of Orum, S. C. writes: I nave been a great sufferer from chronic disease and dyspepsia for five years. : now l sunreea no tongue can tell. "- I tried "eight or ten of the best physicians without receiving " much benefit, also tried lots of patent medi cines, but still I suffered with eick headache, cold feet and hands, palpita tion ct tne heart, and such a heavy feel ing in my stomach and chest. At times I would be so nervous I could not bear any one aronud me. I had been given upioaie. ur. b. tiartman, president of the u., gives advice to women free during Oysters. If you want to try a can of the finest, largest, plumpest and most delicious canned oysters you ever saw, ask your grocer to send you a can of Monopole. There is only one packer in the United States who puts up as fine goods as Monopole and therefore they are not to be had under any other brand. Under the Monopole brand we also have packed a full line of canned fruits and vegetables, spices, coffee, baking powder and the like. . They are packed under a beautifully embossed blue and gold label. The label is fine, but. the goods are finer. Your grocer handles them or can get them for you. See that he does it. Wadhams Kerr Bros., Pack ers, Portland, Oregon."" The Cook Objected. Blobbs Why was the engagement between Hardup and Miss Gotrox broken off? - Slobbs Her father's cook objected to any further additions to the family. Philadelphia Record. liiMii The liniment bottle and flannel strip are familiar objects in nearly &rery household. They are the weapons thyi have been used for generations to fight old Rheumatism, and are about as effective in the battle with this giant, disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers would be in modern warfare. Rheumatism is caused by an acid, sour condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritating matter that settles in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather; the real disease lies deepen the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism ad its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. 6a, pyrup of ri ike- best It is pure. It is gentle. . ' It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. . It is excellent for ladies. . It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. - It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you. use it you have the best laxative the world produces. "'t ' " " " ; mm si M 1 t.. ' - ALMA " -.' ' ., L.COX v "One day a friend sent me one of Dr. Hartman's pamphlets, and I decided to write to him. He advised Peruna and Manalin, and after taking the medicine two weeks I felt greatly relieved. ' My head did not pain me any scarcely, and my stomach was relieved of its heavy feeling. I am so thankful that I can say after using several bottles of the Peruna and Manalin I am restored to perfcet heatlh. . "Before using your remedies I could not eat anything. I lived on darley water and Panopeptin for two years. Now I can eat with pleasure. Every body is so surprised at my improve ment. . Everyone says I am looking ilke a rose. I would advise all suffer ing women to take your remedies. I know if it Jwere not for Peruna and I Manalin I would have been in my grave . today. I cannot thank you enough for , the kind advice you have given me." ' Miss Alma L. Cox. Hartman Sanitarium, of Colnmbus the summer months. Mint Drops. "Well," remarked the scales at the mint, getting off the time worn joke you re worth your weight in gold, sure enough, aren't you?" "Yes," replied the bullion ingot, and yet I Buppose pretty soon I'll be hard pressed for coin." Philadelphia 1l.n'a n-nfA ft, a C T- and consumption. Try it. Price 25 cents, His Favorite Kind. Rimer And who is your favorite poet, Mr. K.ostique.7 . Kostique Chatterton. itimer Huh I What do you find to admire in him? Kostique He committed suicide. rnuaaeiphia .Record. Tbe Smallest University. The university at Foura Bay, Sierra Leone, is said to be the smallest in the world. A few years ago it had but 12 students and five professors. of rich, .strong blood to the affected parts, which dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most 05 f amily laxative- x And the Cards are Out. "If I only had an ambassador at the court of love!" sighed the bashful swain. "A minister would be good enough for me," replied the demure maiden. -"Arabella!" . -, Herbert!" Chicago Tribune, ' Mothers will find Ufa. fTtaslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their "uuurai uuruig we Heuuog penoa. . Virtuous Gambler. "So you wish to marry my daughter, Do yon drink or gamble?" wen," replied the ycung man, ' I'm willing to take a chance in the marriage lottery." Indianapolis Sun FITS Fannaneotlr Cuna- So fits ar pertouaDeat altar fimt lav iiaenf fr K lin.'. IIm.. Kmpm 2aatorar. Send for FB.KK S-J.OO trial bottle and treat. Familiar with Sharks. "Did yon see any sharks when you crossed the ocean, Mr, Spifkins?" asked Miss Purling. ; " Fes, I played cards with a couple." IN WET WFATHFD A WISE MAN wears cm cr WATERPROOF CLOTHING m. KEEP YOB DRY K0TKK6 ELS WILL ." Sad Thoughts. Preacher When you're tempted to drink, think of your wife at home. j Henpeca I do and that's what drives me to drink. SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. tflust Bear Signature of fee Facsimile Wrapper Below. Very aauOl and aa easy fotakeaaangsB CARTER'S FOR HEADACHE FOR DIZZIKESS. FOR BIUOUSHESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN, mn THrnnMPirxMM ittiE; IVER PILLS. irfeSb I Parery TegetaMcXg) CURE SICK HEADACHE. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. 8oid by druggists. P. N. V. No. 461902. WHEN writing; to advertisers pleaae oaaittoB bla paper. ABSOLUTE I n aWUUaVal m..m DIDN'T HURT A BIT! We extract, crown and bridge teeth without inflicting pain, Our methods are modern and meet with the approval of the most exacting. Call and see us. Examination free. Fees reasonable. ' Both 'phones: Oregon South 2291: Co lumbia 3G8. Open evenings till 9. Sun days from 9 to 12. AIF RPOS Dentists. 209, 210-2. 212. 213, FaiUnsBiag. VV i OKWO. ICll Cor. Third tA Wu.htn.rtnn W POBTLAND. BecdMse Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. "All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by rLITORfflA pGVRjJp San. Fra.nclsco, Cat, Louisville. Ky. Now York. N. Y. FOB BALE BY ALL LEASING Colds ""I " I bad a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im mediate relief." C Layton, Sidell, ID. : How will your cough be tonight? worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. TkratibH: ttc.StWtt. Ansnttbta. Consult your doctor. If ha aaya take It, than do aa ha aays. If ha tall you not to take it. then don't take It. Ha knowa. Inn tt with him. Ws are willing. J. C. Ax KB CO.. Lowell, YOU ARE NOT USING THE BEST Spices and Baking Powder to be had unless you make your grocer - supply you with ... MONGPOLE ... WADHAMS KERR BROS., Portland, Ormgon. JOHN POOLE, PORTLAND, ORE. Foot of Morrison Street. Can (five you the best bargains in Boilers and Engines, Windmills, Pumps and Gene ral Machinery. Wood Sawing Machines a specialty. See us before buying. TWO PER CENT DIVIDEND. We will pay a dividend of 2 per cent per month on money 10 up), payable monthly ; good security. Call or write PORTLAND DIVIDEND CO. M n A VIC n,.M 242 Washington St. . Portland. . r. Holiday Trade. MR. STOREKEEPER: We sell you Nuts, Raisins, Dried Fruits, Vermont Maple Sugar, Dates, Figs, Honey, everything you need for the holidays; better quality and lower prices than you can find elsewhere. Send for our Special Holiday Price List, or write us and we will call on you. TO GROWERS: Ifo fltways buy eggs, butter, cheese, apples, pears, onions and spuds. Have you any to sell? Let us know, if you want a good price. ; . - WOLF & SONS. Wholesale Fruits and Produce. 105 FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OR. Bargains in Uniforms... FOR SALE Supply of Military Full Dress Coats, White Helmets, (Spiked), White Belts, suitable for Bands, Lodges, Etc. L. H. KNAPP, Quartermaster Third Regiment, g PORTLAND, OREGON. Book; Agents Save three weeks' time dealing with us. A FIVE-DOLLAR XMAS OUTFIT sent on recsipt of 28c. tacover pottage. Cash salary $2.50 per day guaranteed, prompt service. Address OCCIDENTAL PUB. CO. Oakland, Cal. OREGON, DSUQQ1STS.