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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1902)
THE CORVALUS GAZETTE, TUESDAY, NOV. .18. 1902. THEIR PURPOSE. g The unprecedented democratic majority of 85,000 in New Yuik City at the recent election is Hue to the opposition of tiusts and corporations to the . course ot President Roosevelt. ' Heretofore thsse combinations have nut greatly feared either of the gieat parties, for it ; mattered little which party had control of the government they had always been able to prevent, to mold 01 to evade any legislation directed against them. The positive, earnest purpose of the presidenl cannot be mistaken. Among his first acts as president wss to set the Interstate Com,m rce Com mission to work, and to instruct the attorney ceneral to enforce the Sherman Anti-trust act. He has everywhere declared that the trusts and corporations should be controlled. To this end he w'.lt execute the existing laws and if they are found inadequate he will call on congress to amend and make them adeauate. The attorney general has expressed his conviction that under the constitution as it is congress has ample power to control the trusts, A erowins party and public sen timent is in accord with the pres ident. The trust managers see this. They kaow full well that all the indications are that the president will be the republican candidate in 1904, and will in all probability be elected. They sought to show him that they control New York and that if he persisted in antagonizing them he could not be reelected. But tor the remarkably heavy coun - try vote the democrats, aided by the trusts, would have carried the state. The conservative farmers voted and Odell was re elected. Fear of public ownership as promulgated by the New York democracy did not deter the trusts from supporting the democratic party. Trust managers under stood perfectly well that this meant nothing. It was directed only against the anthracite coal companies. It was not the sin care purpose of the democratic leaders, but simply mere dema gogy lor the purpose ot gaining votes. It frightened nobody, it enticed nobody. Outside of the city the state is heavily republi- ' T 111 J- I- J can. jx.epu oiicans uu uui auvu cate public ownership. The re publican purpose is public con trol. not ownership. ims is what the people desire, and they look to the republican party for it. The trusts do not fear public ownership through democratic success, but do fear control through republican success, hence they supported the democ racy. It is fortunate that the trusts have shown their attitude so far in advance of the presidential cam paign. It will greatly strength en the republican party with the people and correspondingly weak en the democracy. Already it has done this. The trusts see that they must control other re publican states besides New York to defeat Roosevelt or pre vent republican success in 1904. The elections show them they cannot do so, and that they can now hardly hope to control New York. It is a rational assumption that the election has eliminated the treatment of trusts from possible party issues two years hence. The people are satisfied with re publican policies and have confi dence in republican promises. There is nothing probable to oc cur in these years to dissatisfy the people nor shake their confi dence. Republican policies and pur poses cover the whole ground while unexampled prosperi ty testifies to their wisdom. The democratic search for an issue must continue under conditions which become more and more discouraging to its leaders. they cannot and will not recog nize the union. They, declare they will not discriminate against union ; men ; but - non-union men shall be employed on the same terms. , They x claim the right to employ and to discharge - whom they p'ease, and will deal direct ly with their own tumots u h Semi-Annual Report; of Gounty: Officials October 1st, U902. : COUNTY TREASURER. . i . K" " ' '- C!en Fund f 50 85 Amonnl on band from last report Reed from Sheriff taxes 1894 and l!)oi less TranQ Riuil Ti;i 'n 9 Heed from Sheriff Uxe Moi tax Citv or Coi vallis t, - t . r liai on nana ia repon wtv i VAmrains. . ........ claim any grievance, but iln-y j Rtrcdfroin sheriff I90I tax Cityof Philomath , , will tot permit the intervention Baioahandl!-treDort,:.;..i.v. of the Union. R"cd fmm Sheriff 1901 ixes School Thst No 9..... . . --I , cai on nana si rtnoii . ........ .. i lie railway companies and Kecd f,om sheriff i9ol taxes individual boeratois are .in har- lBal on hand last report - . .t a r i zee - t . mony on this point.: Whiletne, rlT V'"" Operators have Uizde answer be-.; Bal on hand last report School Ditt No fere the commission to each claim f Herd from Sheriff i9oi taxes , .- 45 of the miners and wiU certainly j T "!A " - 1 . ... . .. - 1 - . - - . Reed from -Sheriff ices.. .....; .$13oo6 Si 360? c9 ' 180. 03" 71 6U 3 06 IS 03 17...:,. accept i ts decisions and abide by them for an agreed: length of time."they will'; not' recognize the union.' ' With lheminers, or to speak more accurately, with ; the lead ers this is the vital question, the one. upon which they : are most insistent. It is easy to see that until this question is settled there can be no lasting peace established.-. A truce may be declared and may be observed for a time but the conflict will be renewed, ulti mately, with increased bitter ness. .. , Upon this one point law, cus tom and. inherent right are witn the mine owners. It is . an in herent right that employers may employ whom they will, that men shall . control and con Ipct their business as thev will, so long as they .do' not infringe up on the lights of othtrs It is the inherent right of the indi vidual to work upon such terms as he may be willing to accept The operators stand upon this right both tor themselves and for non-union miners.. , The union is legally a non entity,, yet it insists that only its members shall be employed and contracts, agreements and con ditions under which the mines shall be operated must be con cluded with the officers '.of the union. .. . It uses all the means in its power, resorting to force and violence to compel men to enter the union, and this in spite of the fact that hundreds ot men have conscientious, religious scruples against membership in any such organization. The operators 6o not deny the right of the miners to form or ganizations. No one denies them this right, but membership must be voluntary. Forcible member ship is in direct contravention of the individual's right of free choice. Here then is the main contention and the conditions on which . it rests. It is perfectly plain that the commission cannot settle this even if it should make an effort to do so. Were the mass of miners intel ligent American citizens a sola tion of the difference would be reached within the pale of right, but ithey are not such citizens. They have shown a total disre gard of law and right, and until they respect these thev must not claim equity. "He who claims equity must do equity." River View Poultry Yards. 419 95 5 9 25 33 3'J i 42 00 - 25 00 103 oC 9? 95 24 98 t .,.-.: ........ ' . 5 50 Reed from Recorders fees ". . . . . 521 50 Reed from Clerk fees.. ............. Reed from Clerk Red taxea I893 to 189S... Reed from Clerk State Orders...... Reed from Clerk on acct G W McLaughn ad of est Reed from Co Judge old bridge, lumber Reed from E Holgate J P fines........... .... Reed from US5L per cent land sales Road F Bal on band last report Reed from W H Boles int on Bonds School Dis trict No I7 .-. ....."....."..'.,"r.-... ..v....... Reed from State Int School fund........:.... , Reed from Hugh Herron Money refunded School District No 24.... . ...... Peed from J H WilsoH Dividend Osburn Estate... I Reed from School Supt lust use. ..... i. Bal 011 hand last report Inst Fund .... ...... .... ... Reed from Sheriff i9oi Tax Road DUt No 1 less $13 5o Transfd to Road Dist No 4 Bal on hand last report Road Dist No I Reed from Sheriff 1901 Tax --. 2 To AintTrausfd from Co fund" Bal on hand Jast report " " . " " ... . Reed from Sheriff 1901 tax " 3 Bal on band last report " - H Reed from Sheriff 1901 tax " To Transfer from V Bal on hand last Teport ;.- " Reed from Sheriff i9oi tax ' . Bal on hand la9t report " Reed from Sheriff i9oi tax " Bal 011 band last report " Reed from Sheriff 1901 tax " Bal on hand last report " Reed from Sheriff 19ol tax " Bal on hand last report " Reed from Sheriff 1901 tax " j Bal on hand last report " Rei:d from Sheriff 1901 tax " Bal on hand last report ' " Reed from Sheriff I901 tax " Bal on band last report Reed from Sheriff 19O1 tax Bal on hand last report " . Reed from Sheriff i9oi tax ' Bal on hand last report " . Reed from Sherifflgol tax " Bal on hand last report ' Reed from Sheriff 19oi tax " Bal on band last report " Recd from Sheriff 190I tax " Bal on hand last report . " Reed from Sheriff 19oi tax " Bal on hand last report . " Reed from Sheriff i9oi tax Bal on hand last report " " Reed from Sheriff miscellaneous......... Bal on hand last report ". ..... Baton band last report Bicycle Fund .........." Certificate of Auditing and Allowing claims No 26 1.. . . Several hundred birdd for sale. Barred riy mouth Rocks exclusively. Eggs in season. Correspondence solicited. J. G. HORNLSTG, Barred Rock Specialist. Oorvallis, - - - Oregon. IRRECONCILABLE. It is becoming quite apparent that the commission appointed to arbitrate the differences between the miue operators and the min ers will be unable to accomplish much if any real and permanent good. The operators appear to be perfectly willing to submit every difference, but one, to the consideration of the commission and to abide by its decision. This one is the recognition of the Miners' Union. They declare they never had auy purpose of submitting that question to arbi tration, and give their reasous clearly and 'emphatically why Horse Lost. A brown or bay animal with saddle and bridle thereon found last Sunday night about one-fourth mile w est of Cor- vallis, Oregon, near the residence of Wn Dunham. Owner will please call and get the animal. : School Fund ...r ...... ...... -c f .1058794 I07U !)o 119 77 66 04 23 22 152 3 IS 64 V I a 56 ' a 00 35 42 72 68 1 16 t 60 C2 5o 4008 3o r33 68 78 00 63 eo 4 1.... -4.. 5.... 7-- 9-. io..., tt . II 12.. 13 C4 141 44 (4 16" 14 - 17 .. 4 18.7., 17 70 37 of' 6oo 5o s . 9 H 7 9'J i3 85 JKi IS J3 5 243 99 26 22 " ?26 70 32 92 3 5 40 61 13 89 9 13 22 &2 23 25 . 43 04 13 54 85 17 49 47 354 95 12 17 230 06 7 24 61 69 43 24 285 57 25 8r 189 19 23 C9 I18 75 12 IS 23o oS 3 4 30 87 I 9o 8 24 82 95 9 33. $ 21 679 53 t 16 on 83 Amount Paid out and on Hand From April 1st to Sept 30th, i9o2. -......$ 7584 00 7455 82 189 5I Paid remainder Stale Tax .... Paid on County Orders . ; .-. Paid Interest on County Orders. Paid on School Orders Bal ou band Gen Fund - 2455 -lS. Bal on hand School Fuad 4- - Paid City of Corvallis . 251 72 Bal on hand City of Philomath . 3i o9 Paid School Dist No 9... - , Paid " " 17.. Bal on band School Dist No 17 Paid , " 60... . - Bal on band " 5o Paid " " 49 Paid " 45 ............. Paid " 30 Paid on Bicycle Order. 60 65 Bal on hanu Bicycle Fund . 22 30 Paid on Road Orders...... 175 yo Bal on, hand Road Fund ...... 20 II Paid Supt Institute use Bal on band Institute Fund ............. . . . Paid Road Dist No 1.... tfin Bal on hand Paid Bal on hand Paid Bal on hand Paid Bal on band Paid Bal on band Paid Bal on band Paid Bal on hand Paid . Over drawn Paid Bal on hand Paid Bal on band Paid Bal on band Paid Bal on hand Paid Bal on band Paid Bal on hand Paid Bal on hand Paid Bal on hand Paid Bal on band Paid Bal on band Bal on hand 15 35 Miscel. Certificate of Auditing and Allowing Claim No 26 25 1 4 45 64 3o 1 b9 21 00 84 I56 50 127 11 224 75 28 17 " 341 37 20 50 148 40 23 10 37 00 52 50 13 79 79 50 19 21 393 26 1 26 ' 177 50 64 73 64 75 4 18 289 00 39 81 , 170 50 44 50 121 75 20 69 . 229 37 12 89 " 19 50 15 01 10 14 9 33 9791 00 G01G 48 i85 81 229 80 S 28 - 12 14 3 00 14 56 108 10 z 16 . 9o 30 Co 70 ' 2. 2 . . . ' 3.. 3.. 4. ' 4.. 6.. 6.. 7... 7... ' 8... 8... ' 9-.. ' 9... 10... 10... ' 11... r II... 12... I25... 13... 13 14... 14... 15.. 15... 16... 16... 17... 17... 18... 18... ......... . .:- - " t - tify that tlie foregoing is a true statement of the , amounts received, amounts paid out, and balance on hand in the County Treasury for the six months ending Se.t-, ember 30th, A D 1902, - s - i- i.W. A. BUCHANAN, -i , . - . - r ,i. , County Treasurer, -- - . - SHERIFF. v 4 -'v - Semi-annual slatement of thenmonnt received, amount paid to County Treasurer and the balsiuce on had. for ihc six months endiu Septem'ier 30th, 1902, ' Debtor. - - ' April 1st to amount cat-h on ha.d as per last re- , ; " . -.7 port.......:... 27 00 To amount taxes collect ti 1901. .."". ... . ..'I.. , 6492.76 """"""-" "" To amount 1894 taxes collected.. . 13 91 To amount.fees collected... .i. ............ .... . 7 50 . -- - B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician $ Surgeon - Eooina 14 in Bank BoUding. Office Hour. Residence: Cornet 5th and Ada ma Sta. Telephone at oflice and reekience. CorvH lis. - - - Oregon. W.T. ROWJSU Total Credit. v $'6541-" 17V 5536 46 ss By Cash paid County Treasurer.. By Cash on hand.... .......... 1004 71 ' $ 654t 17 State of Oregon " County of Benton J . I, M. P. Bnraett, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a ti ue and correct statement of the amounts received by ma, amount paid to County Treasurer, and balauce on hand for the six months ending Septem ber 30th, 1902. 1. v '. - .- ' . . . -- M. P. BURNETT. Sheriff of Benton County. Oregon. . COUNTY CLERK. - Report of the County Clerk of Benton County, Oregen, showing the amount of warrants drawn, and for what purpose allowed, as per order of the County Court, from the 1st day of April, 1902, to the 30th day of June A D, 1902, both inclusive. County Court s 277 20 Ctn uit Court. ........... . . . Justice Court....... Sheriff's Offiice..... ........... . . . . Clerk's Office.....: Recorder's Office ... . ... . Treasurer's Office . School Superintendents Office. . .... Assessor's Office Assessment & Collection Taxes. . Tax Rebate Current Expenses..,.- Court House Expenses. . . .'..".. .;.. Tail......"..:....- Care of poor Insane Bridges........ .....-.."r. Ferries Elections.' I. Scalp Bounty Roads & Highways Miscellaneous... Preliminary Ex Dist Attorney 221 80 . 48 20 504 9S 496 00 272 53 . 125 01 249 99 100 00 35 00 '. 46 10 251 66 252 50 26 65 578 93 29 70 347 57 28S8 77 . S46 65 14 00 8S4 99 I 00 25 00 Toral Clerks statement of the financial condition of Benton counlv day of June A D 1902, inclusive. , April ist 1902 To Co Warrants outstanding and unpaid. ..... .'. . r July ist, 1902, County Warrants issued for , 3 months ending June 30th, 1902 on By Co waratnt8 redeemed .from April ist 10 "... June 30th, 1902.. Total $ 8524 23 the 30th $ 10018 59 8524 23 $ . 18542 81 QOOO OO County Warrants outstanding and unpaid July ist, 1902.... $ 18542 82 Clerk's statement of the financial condition of Benton Cosnty, Oregon, on the ist day of October, showing amount of warrants drawn, for what purpeae allowed as per order of the County Court, from the first day of July, 1902, to the 33th day of Sept A D 1902, inclusive'. County Court $ Justice Court Sheriff's Office s Clerk's Office.. -. : y Recorder's Office. .. .. ; . . . ' Treasurer's Office " School Supt's Office......:. .... ' ' . , Assessor ...... . " Assessment &. Collection taxes ' Rebate Tax Current Expenses. Court House expense Uare County poor Indigent Soldier. . . Bridges Ferries. : Election Expense. Scalp Bounty Roads & Highways. Miscellaneous Total 297 70 24 75 499 98 490 GO 272 45 125 01 279 99 805 00 10 60 120 94 185 11 410 49 466 00 12 5o 2307 25 202 71 99 60 8 00 5"4"59 32 50 Clerk's statement of the financial con ditto a of Bsutou County, 30th day of September, A D, 1902, July ist, 1902, Warrants outstanding and un paid Oct ist to Co Warrants issued 3 months end ing Sept 30, 1902. Total By Warrants redeemed and cancelled since July ist County Warrants 011 1 Banding and unpaid Oct ist, 1902 .... , ... LIABILITIES, County Warrants outstanding and unpaid. . . To estimated accrued interest $ 11765 17 Oregon, on the $ 18542 82 1 1765 17 t 337 99 10649 57 $ 19658 42 S 19658 42 250 00 RESOURCES. By cash in bands of County Treasurer ap plicable to payment Co Warrants . . ; By Cash in hands of Sheriff applicable to payment County Warrants $ 1990S 42 $ 2969 66 $ 1004 71 RECAPITULATION Total Liabilhiep Total Reeourcet- Exclusive of County pro perty and amouut due on Tax Sil Record 3974 37 $ 199-8 42 3974 37 Net Indebtedness $ 15934 05 S. S. Less amt over paid Diet No 8. 21684 88 5 35 $ 21679 53 $ 16511 83 Notice for Publication. Laxd Offick at Oriuon Citt, Orkook, ltnlll)ur 1 ioi, Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlet has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. And that said proof "--' .no uuui.y v.ierK 01 iienton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Decani ber 19, 1002. vix: Fred. E. Simeral. H. K. I3i74, for the S. W. Sec 32, T. 12 S. K. 7 W. . ue nnios the following witnesses to prove his iru'curo upon ma ctutiraiion of said land, viz. Charles W. Wilkinson ar.d Ernest F Snyder of Corvallis, Orejon, John W. Uyde of Philo math, Oregon. Simon V. Kajrev, of Con allis, Oregon, Register. Acker '8 Blood Elixir positively Cores Chroniu Blootl Poisoning and all'Screfu lou8 affections. At all tims a matchless system tonic and purifier Mo?ey re funded if yon are not satisfied. 50 nd $1.0). Allen & Woobwakd, Drcg'st Statue of Oregon ") --oun J-ss - - . ty of Benton J I, W. A. Buchanan, County Treasurer of Benton County, Oregon, do hereby cet- State of Oregon, County of Benton, f I, Victor P, Moses, County Clerk of Ben to County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the claims allowed by the County Court of said County for the Ihrt-e months ending September 30th, A D 1902. on what account the same was allowed, the amounts of warrants redeemed during said three months, and the amounts of warrants outstanding and nnpaiJ on the 30th day of September A D 1902, as the same appears upon the records in my office and in my custody. . I -Ailness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, this 7tb dav of October A D, 1902. . YICTOR P. MOSES, Clerk. Seal . Our Clubbing List. Suoscribers to the CORVALLIS GATTE can obtain the followipg papers in combination sub scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices stated below; cash in adance always to ac company the order. Those wishing two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please correspond with this office and we will quote you the combination price. We can save you money on nearly all publications you desire. x . Tbe abbreviations below are explained as follows: W. foi weekly; 8 W for send-weekly; T W, for tri weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi-n onthly. . The first price represents the subscrintion rate of the publication alone, and the second the rate for the' publication offered in conjunction with the semi-weekly OAZKiTE. . . - Oregon Agriculturist and Rural Northwest, Port- lana. or., S.W., 00 cents; Oregcnian, Portland, Or., W..II.M; 2.65. Kuril Spirit, Portland. Or.. Contr ins a live-stock market report, W., 2. OO5 2.i5. Pacific-Christian Advocate Por land. Or.. V. $2.00. 3.06. . The Thrice-a-Week Vor!d. Kew York. T. W.. $L00; &20. Homestead, Des Kci ies, Iowa, A thorough stock and farm journd, W., 1.C0; 2.30. The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., $LC0; 2.05. The American Farmer, Indianapolis, Ind., Live stock, farm and poultry Journal, M., 50 cents; 1.65. Boston Cooking Scbcol Hagazine, Bi-M., SO cents; 1. 90. . Toung People's Weekly, Chicago, lit, W.. 60 cents; tl.90. Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati, W $1.C0; 2 05. The Fruit dowers' Journal, Cotden , JJL, M., 50 cents; 75. Farm and Fireside, 6V cents; Women's Home Companion, L00; SL15. Lippincott'i, Philadelphia, $2.50; 3.25. Springfield, Chio, & W., Springfield, Ohio, Fa., J Evrv Month (Music, f-org and IHnceX w Tcrk, at., l.oo; The Century Magazine, New York, M., T4.00; E.C5. Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson. Wis., The Best most np-to-date dairy journal in tiie world, w.. $1.00; i.30. Oregon Poultrv Journal, Salem. Or., V.. 50 cents; LS0. , Tbe Pathfinder. District of Columbia, W., 1.00; 2.06.. The Dcoisner. Kew York, (Standard Fashit ES, at- tlOO; 2.S5. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Oregon JigncuUural College MORDAUNT GOODNOUGH, Director Four yearb course in Piano, Harmony, Etc. 1'reKent enrollment in the piano department over foTty pepils. Send for circular giviDg lull information as to methods employed, terms etc V '. ' Aldres?, CORVALLIS, OREGON. , m. D. (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occulist : Offick Rooms 1 and 2 in Bank Bldg. Residence On 3rd street, between Monroe and Jackson. Residence tele phone Ko. 311.- Officb IIotTts 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 7:3o p. m. CORVALLIS, OREGON. C. H. NEWTH Physician Surgeon Examining surgeon TJ. S.Fension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGON. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consultation and examination free. Office hours: 8:30-11 :45a. m; 1-5:45 r.m. ' Telephone 236. Corvallis, Oregon. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTI Snr Office In Wbltehora Block Corvallis, Oregon E. H. TAYLOP DENTIST. Dentistry f everv description done in nrt class inauDor. and ' satisfaction guar-, anteed. CRCWM JLMO BRIDGE WCRK & SFEOI<Y Ofli',e over Zierolf 's Krocery store. oppos;'j ihf I'ost oflii e Coi vallis. Orifoi. E. It Brysoii ATTORNEY AT LAW Corvallis, Orcon. Office in PcstoiEce EtalHe. Nrr ary Titles. Civi yaithj . JOS. H. "VyiLSON. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW. ill all State and Federal Court. OlBce in PurneH Bnilditie Drugs 8c Medicines Kodaks 8c I-hoto Supplit-8 rcilcim s Crivrllis, Crcgcn Established, - Incorporated, ifkls WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The lr.ost complete lineot Pure Drugs aud Chemicals in Corvallis. Books and Stationery, Con icerclal Tm pers, Fine Terftimery, loiJet ArticH, Combs, Brushes ard Kirrcrs. N)t!ee for Ptibllcatlou. Land Offi-e at Oregon City, Or., September 20, iflC 2. Noiiieis liertbj' tiveri -that the follow-in-nanied pettier has tiled r.olice of his iniention lo make final pioof in support of his claim, and that said proof will l e made 1-efore the County Clerk of Benton Counlv, ht Corvallis, Oregon, on No venibt'r 8lh, I9O2. viz: Alfred R Dun can, H. E. 12i46. for the N. W. of Sec 32, T. iOS.. R. 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove bin continuous residenre upon and cultivation cf raid land, viz: 'Edward F. Stroufp, Charles Johnfon atd lituo Ran ney. all of Summit, Oregon, aDd Cliailcs H.'Rigdon, of Nashville, Oiegon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Reg'tster. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon Citt, Orkoon," Novein Ur 1, 1A02. Notice is hereby given that the foliuwiiig-uamed settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in suppert of his claim, a d that said proof will bs made before the County cloik of Ben Inn county, at CorvaLi, Orejron, on December If), 1892. viz. Homer Martin Wood, h. K. No. 12773, for the W. J N. W. i, !'. E. i X. W. i & N. W. i S. W J, ree. 1, T. 12 S , K. 7 W. Ue MHDIC3 the followii ir witnesses to prove his continuous residence u ou and cultivation of said lani, viz. : Wesley Keeton hh-1 William C!au thorn, of Wei-ley. Oregon, Gtorre Green and Wil iam Green. Philomath, Ore. CHAS B. MOORES, egiter. Notice for Publication. 1 asd Officis at Creoon Citt. OiiKooir, Moveniher 1, liM2. Notice is hereby given that the folluwing-named settler haH filed notice oi hi intention to make final pnxif in frupport of his claim, and that baid pi oof will te made before the Comity Clerk of Ben ton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Deceit brr 19, lfW2 viz : Charles W. Wilkinson. Jt. K. ho. 13EC9 for the S. E. U. Sec. 32, T. 12 S., R 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz : Ernest F. Snyder, Fred K. timcral aird Simon P. Kagey of Corvallis, Oregon, John W. Hyde, of Pbiloinatto, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORFP, Register. Get your Job Work clone 1 ere