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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1902)
HE WILIS GttETTt TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1902. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET CONGRESSIONAL For Member of Congrua. First District THOl H. TONGCE TATE Governor W. J. Farniin, of Pendleton Supreme Judge-it. e. Bn. of Bugene Secretary of State F. 1. Dunbar, of A toria State Treasurer C 8. Moore, of Klamatk Fall Attorney General A. M. Crawford, of Koseburg State Printer J. R. Whitney, of Albany Superintendent of Public Instruction J. H Ackerman, mf Portland eOUNTY Senator J. D. DALY, Corvrili Representative MARION HAYDEH, of Alaea County Iudge- C. E. WOODSON, of Corrallia Clerk J. O. WILSON, of Corvallia Sheriff WM. KNOTT3, of CarvallU Recorder T. T. VINCENT, of Kings Valley Assessor T. J. RIUEY, of Fairmont Treasurer T. H WELLSHER, of CorralHs Com missioner W. A. JOLLY, 01 Philomath Surveyor GEO. II. WAGGONER, of Dusty Coroner - S. X. WILKINS, "of Corralls Justice of the Peace HAROLD STRONG, of Corvallis Constable O. J. TREESE, of Corvallis PROHIBITION TICKET Senator F. P. MORCAN, of Corvallis Representative HK.NRY SHE A K, of Philomath Judge WM. CREESE, of Corvallia Clerk W. C SWANN, of Corvallis Sheriff . F. BRYANT, of Corvallis Recorder C. A. GOULD, oi Corvallis Treasurer R. A. CLARK, cf Philomath Com missioner A. W. HERBERT, of Corvallis Surveyor S. O. W ATKINS, of Philomath Assessor O. DeHAVEN, at Corvallis REBUKE SUCH METHODS. Above and beyond all tbingi else to be considered in this cam paign, so far as local politics are concerned, is whether or not tne voters of Benton county by their ballots are eoinp- to endorse the kind of political methods prac ticed bv the rine now in control of the democratic organization in this county. Are voters going to rebuke the policy of villification and personal abuse practiced by this ring so long that it has be come a stench in the nostrils of all self-respecting persons in the community, irrespective of party? Or are they going to encourage these methods by endorsing them at the polls. Matters have come to such pass, that no citizen bow ever much he mav be entitled to the respect and esteem of his fellows however much he may have done to build up this community attd tlevate its morals, sis nom i nation for office on the republi can ticket is the signal for i campaign ot calumny, persona abuse, and insidious newspaper attack. The uniform success of the democratic party inN capturing the important offices ia tkis county, has led these manipula tors to argue that the method o campaign pursued by them is the proper one to insure success Every man who accepts ; nomination on the democratic ticket finds himself in the posi tion ot having his campaign managed bv this ring;, and he finds himself being made a party to methods so contemptible and corrupt that he must privately deny complicity in order to pre 'erve his self-respect. Because the Gazette has re fused to abuse the candidates on the democratic ticket in its col umns. this ring has boasted that the Gazette is weak-kneed When republican candidates wage a clean canvass, the demo cratic boss makes them subjects of ridicule. There is one way, and only one way, to correctthis condi tion, and relieve future cam paigns of mud-slinging and cor- rapt practices, and that is to place the stamp of disapproval up on them at the polls by defeating the ticket they are being used to support VVken the ring discovers that their present methods will defeat the best men the democratic par ty can put forth, they will change their tactics, and not until then. A FORGED UTTERANCE. Insidiousness is more despic able than direct falsehood, and he who resorts to this practice is meaner than a falsifier. He strives by artifice to gain an ad vantage over his opponent, and evades a fair and open contest In its last issue the Times, the organ of that insidious crew whose political methods smell to heaven, accuses the Gazette of urging Mr. Burnett's defeat "be cause he has been an efficient of ficer." The purpose ot this 7 forged utterance is, of course, ap I parent to all familiar, with the cowardly artifice practiced by the Times: Its intent is to lead Mr. Burnett's friends to the belief, that the Gazette is making: a: personal attack upon that gentle man. The Gazette is above that 4 kind of politics. In our last is sue we said: "The Uazstte has nothing to say detrimental to ZJLx. Burnett, or his . conduct of the office of sheriff." Our only reason for 'mentioning the name of Mr. Burnett ws to correct the Times' article which was intend ed to mislead voters into the be lief that Mr. Burnett is conduct ing the officeof sheriff more eco nomically for the . county . than Mr. Knotts could conduct it if h"e were elected sheriff and employed a deputy, and that therefore, Mr. i ijurnen is preieraDie assuaiu w a man wno possibi? mignt em ploy a deputy to assist him. . In this connection we said, and the Times cannot deny the truth of the statement: "The fact is, Mr. Burnett has not conducted the sheriffs office any more economically,, for the countv, than Mr, Riekard, - his predecessor, conducted it. The law provides a salary of $2,6o per annum for the sheriff 'of Benton countv in full compensation for services. If he employs a reg ular deputy, as Sheriff Rickard did, he must pay the salary of lhat deputy out of his own pock et. The expense dees not .fall on the county. . . "If credit is due anyone for economy in the conduct ofthe- sherifPs office it is 'due the coun ty court of which Mr. "Knotts is a careful and efficient member, for the court audits the bills of the LsherifPs office." The Gazette was making no attack upon Mr. Burnett. It gave him credit for striving to be frugal by economizing for himself in the matter of deputy hire, but it pointed out the fact than when Mr. Burnett worked nights and overtime, it was a saving to himself and not to the county. In conclusion, the Gazette wishes to say that it has the highest'respect for Mr. Burnett as an officer and a man. It knows that he does not endorse the untruthful, misleading utter ances of the Times. The Ga zette is frank to say that the one thing . more than all others that will contribute to Mr. Bur nett's defeat" is the fact that he is on the ticket dictated by the ring of political bosses whose methods are the most contemptible ever used in the politics of Benton county, and because of the dis by the Times. picable tactics practiced organ of that ring, the if if. CHAMBERLAIN'S, DECISION. The Corvallis ring orf an, the Times, says: "The bank has tax matters now pending before the county court." The Timei connects this "half truth" in an item referring to Mr. Woodson purposely to deceive the public and injure Mr. Woodfon. What is the fact about that "tax mat ter?" Answer: Three f the share-holders of the bank, J. W. Foster, John Wiles and C. E. Moor, live in the county outside of Corvallis. In some way, the tax on the shares of those three stock-holders became listed - on the tax roll as if those stock holders resided in Corvallis, which resulted in an excess as sessment. When the time came to pay taxes the excess was paid under protest, alone with the other tax, and the sheriff and county court at the time were in formed that an application would be presented to the court to re fund the excess. At the May term of court, ap plication was made, asking the court to pay back the excess. Attached to said application was the decision of Geo. E. Chamber lain, district attorney for Mult nomah county, of which the fol lowing is a copy: Portland, Or., June 29, '01. C. E. McDonell, County Assessor, City. Dear Sir: I am in , receipt of your favor in which you state that the assessor of Umatilla 1 county is assessing Hon. H. W. Corbett, of this city, upon shares of stock ot the Pendleton bank, owned and held by him, claim ins: the right to do so under an act of the last legislature entitled "An act to amend Section 2742 of the Miscellaneous Laws of Or egon as compiled by W. Iair Hill, relating to the assessment and taxation of personal proper ty." See Acts, 1901, pages 142 and 153. Section 2734 of Hill's Annotated Laws provides lhat all shares of capital stock of banks located in this state shall be taxed, at their value to their owners there, in the county, city Home Seek&ns If yon are looking for some real good bargains in Stock, Grain, Fruit and Poultry Ranches, write for my special list or come and see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information jou wish; also showing you over the country. - ' HENRY AMBLER, Philomath. or district ia which they reside. All shares standing in the names of petsons residing out of this i stale shall be taxed to such per sons in the county, city or dis- j trict where the bink is located, and such taxation shall create a lien upon such shares ; for the payment of such taxes." . This latter statute was passed by the legislature in .October, 1870, and was approved October o, 1870, and is the first section of an act entitled, A.n actio tax stocks in banks." The act of';-1901 is amendatory of an act passed in 1854, and does not pretend to re peal or amend Section . 2734 supra, nor do I think it was in tended to reach shares of stocks in banksY'buf goods, wares and merchandise kept for sale in -this state", and stock employed in any of the mechanical arts and ; all capital and machinery "employed in any branch' of manufactures or other business within this state other than stock in bank I am rF fV rirunfin tViMVfifltt flint thf" a -nmnir1. '. -n ur j sessable to Mr. Corbett in this, and not in Umatilla county. Yours truly, Signed Geo E. Chamberlain District Attorney. If the Times wished to confer truth upon its readers and not de ceive the voters, why lid it not also publish the decision of Mr. Chamberlain and frankly say that the bank's application wa; sustained by the decision of Dis trict Attorney Chamberlain, who is now democratic candidate tor governor? 'What is there that drives the Times, the ripg organ, to publish small fragments of in formation about' commonplace business transactions of its neigh bors to deceive, the voters in the interests of its party candidates? 'Why does the Times pr ut this half truth? When it gathered the news item retered to the copy of the decision was attached to the front page of the application, and was the first thing to be seen. So the ring organ, the Times, can not plead oversight, but it must confess intent to deceive and vio late the confidence of the voter. As the Corvallis rinp- oran. the Times, has. been misleading in this statement made and pur posely intended to deceive the public, what item has it publish ed that is a "whole truth"? The Corvallis ring organ, the Times, says "and Mr, Woodson is in the employ f the bank." Is it dishonorable to be employ ed by a bank? Do not banks employ people who are thorough ly competent and trustworthy? Is that assertion by the Corvallis ring organ, the Times, made in the interest of news or truth? Or is it made to deceive and be fog the voters of the county at this particular time? What is the fact about that employment? The Gazette has investigated the facts, and finds that Mr. Woodson is not in the employ of the bank at all; that the bank has at different times employed nearly every attorney in town to do odd jobs, when their services were needed. Last year the bank had engag ed certain parties, one of whom was an attorney rnot Mr. Wood son to collect some information from the county records. When the work had been partially com pleted, it was found that more time would be consumed in its accomplishment than was at first thought necessary. One of the parties, having made prior engagements to work for other parties, quit the job. The bank authorities, finding Mr. Woodson available, and knowing him to be thoroughly competent and reliable, engaged him to finish up the work, which he did, faith ful to his duties and the trust imposed in him. The bank paid him and his employment by the bank ceased. The information which ap peared in the Corvallis ring organ, the Times, being false in fact and published to deceive and mislead- the confiding public, what truth is there in any of the items published by the gan, the Times. Buggy for Sale. Single, top buggy for sale. Inquire of B. B. jtatOMPSOX, Corvallis, Or. Benton County. Oregon HOMER'S ILIAD. Irtk 1I-A Literal Traaslatioa ay C ; ' MacLcaa Pa. D. ' Vv. 7CO-735 Sequel to the Catalogue of the farces of the Achaeans : These, ttien, were the commanders and lords of the Danai.' And who, then, of these, by far the bravest was, da thou to me tell, O Muse of themselves and of their horses who accompanied the ' sons of'Atreus? By far the best steeds' were (those) of the son of Pheres which Em elus drove, swift as birds, with like hair (i. e. of the same color), of the same age, (and) equal upon the back to the level i. e, of tne same height. . Then Apollo, of the silver bow, pastured, in Pherae, both mares, bearing the "terror of Ares i. e. carrying consternation into the ranks of the enemy. ' ; v -Agaiu,'of the warriors, by far the brav est was Telemoniaa Ajax, while1 Achilles nursed his wrath, for he was iy far . the best; and those horses were by far the bestl which drew the distinguished lit honorable son oTPeleus. But he' Ach illes in hid curved, sea-traversing ships lay breatning vengeance against Aga memnon, the shepherd of the forces, the son of Atreus ; and his forces were amns in tlalve8 near the beach of the sea, hurling quoits, javelins and bows; and his steeds, each one. stood near their chariots, munching marsh-grown clever and parsley: and his chariots lay well covered ia the tents of their masters. But they, yearning for their chief dear to Ares, rand wandering here and there through the army, did not tight. But they went Note: This is coming back to the story where it was inter rupted by the catalogue at Verse 434 ; and while at 476 they ar represented as moving forward for an attack. ''They refers to the "Achaean forces without. those commanded by Achilles as if the whole earth were pastured off by fire ; and the ground groaned underneath as (it groanb) under Zens, the wielder of the thunderbolt, when angry, when he lash es' the earth all aronrid Typhosus in the laHd of the Arinii, where they say is the couch (i.e. the gmve)of Typhoeus. (Note: Typhoens, h inighty giant, is the symbol of Volcnir power. TyphoeiiH opposed Zens, but was overcome by the thunder bolt," and buried under :i mountain whence belches forth lire. Pindar repre sents him as under Mr. Etna andextend- injr to Vesuvius'). Thus indeed under the feet of them goiag the earth mightily groans; and they very quickly passed over tbolain, Joint Canvass. The following places ancjU dates for . a joint canvass by the candidates for coun ty offices ou the republican and demo cratic tickets, have been arranged bv the county chairmen of these two parties : summitt, May 19, zp. ra. Blodgett, ...May 20, 10 a. m Wren ..4May 20, 2:S0p. ra. Kings Valley,. .May 21,2 p.m. Soao Creek May Tl, 2 p.m. Fairmount, ......... . .May 23, 2 p. m Willamette. Mav 24. 2 p. m. Philomath, May 26, 2. p. m Alsea, .....May 27, 2 p. m. Bellfountain, ......... May 28, 2 p.m. Mob roe May 29, 2 p. m Latter List. For tim week ending May 24,1902. Persons .calling for these letters will please state date' on which they were ad vertised: They will be charge at the rate of one cent each : Adams. J W Berry 3, Mrs Eliza Benjamin, Miss Etta Cooper. Mr Gib bons, G T Kelly, S B Layton. J J Lyon, C A Mead, Jehn M" McBride, Bert AV McLeod, C B Miller. C R Miller, Andy Nails, J E Pelton. Kobt E Pveid, L T Thompson. G F Wooda, I C Wells, Mrs Edith Weeds. 15. AV. JonssoN, P. M. Voters, Attention! For parties having homeitead HLin- coln county and dasiring to vote 7 at the forthcoming election June 2nd ia Toledo or vicinity; the Corvallis & Eastern K. R. Co. have placed 011 sale round trip tickets from Albany and Corvallis to Toledo or Yaquina. good going Saturday Mar 31st arid for return on. or before "Wednesday June 4tli, at $2. 50. for the roond trip.J To secure these rates, par- tits must go in a bady May disc, duo can return separately. Edwin .Stone, Manager. FOR SALE. Ciar cuttings at Rose's vipar factory. Far Sale. A oood milch cow for sale at a bargain. I I. Tavlor. iast north of town. Attention! "Why will you wear ready-made cloth lu when you can get suits made to order by J. Wrage? Fit guaranteed. Go and nee samples and inspect his stock. Foley's Kidney vure makes kidneys and bladder rlfht. Attention Breeders. My stallion Gim. Crack Jr. and Gen'l Gordon will make the season of 1932. Mondays at Farmer's feed yard, Corval lis. These stallions are fall-blood Clydesdales. Sire,' Gim . Crack, '4408; Dam Barbara Gordoa, 6141. Imported by Sho waiter Sc Ianson, of Butler, Ind. '-:- :-"j'V M. R. Coon. You should know that Fo!eys Honey and Tar is absolutely the best for all di seases of the tbroat'and Iaog. . Dealer! ate lathorized to guarantee It to give BitiifacUoh. 'Graham etWortham . hew Stone QHarry.- 1 have opened a' stone quarry on tny place oae uiife north of Corvallis. No better foundation stone can be found in the county. Builders and others are re quested to write or see me, when hi need of snch'matfcrial. -: - - - Thbb. Boclden. W. L. Taney, Paducb;Kyt; writes: "I had a eevere case of kidney disease and thre of the best physicians irt south era Kentucky treated me without success I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. Tbe first bottle gave immediate relief and three bottles cured uie permanently, t gladly recorrmend t.lB;JFiderful rem-, etfy" Take nosubstit'utejui Graham & Wortham. P T,: , Notice for Publication JNoUce is rereoy given that 1 will .re ceive sealed bids for the construction ' of a bridge across Marys river, south of Corvallis, according to platband specifi cations now on file in my ifice " at the' court house of Benton county, Qregen, either for tbe duplication of I lie old bridge or the construction of a covered bridge of the Howe Truss principle. Also for the construction of a temporary lmdge across said stream, the same to be used while permanent structure"; is in process of construction.. Also for the construction of a covered Howe Truss bridge at Hoskins, Oregon, Each to be completed on or before July 1st, 1902. Bids to be opened Monday, May 25,1902, at 10 o'clock a, ni. The county court re serves the right to reject any aDd all bids. .G;. H. Waggoner, " County Surveyor of Benton Co. Frank Treads ell,' Bennett, la., was troubled with kidney disease for two years. He writes: "I had taken several kinds of kidney remedies but with little benelit. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and a one dollar bottle cured me,. Graham & Worthani. f3 A ft N fl R SALVE the most hdaling salve in the world. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed admin istrator of the estate of William E. El liott , deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Benton county, sitting in Probflte. AH persons having claims against said Estate areiequired to present the same duly verified, to me, at the First National Bank of Corvallis, Oregon, or at the law office of E. Holgate, in Corvallis, Oregon, within six mouthc fiom the date of the first publication of this- notice. George E., Administrator. May 16, 1902; M. A. Goodiiough Dealer iu Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, and email instruments of all description. Manufacturers agent for the World - Famous Pianos and Organs which have a vrorld-wide reputation for their tone, action and durability. I also aell the beet automatic piano-player on the market todaj the Paregoi. Office and residence one block west of court honee. ; A Great Saving. All property owners should know it. For one Dollar we will fell you our ever lasting Fence Poet receipt. To be had at this office. For Sale. Seven or eiht tons of hay at $3 per ton, one small garden cultivator, almost new, one mowinsr machine. Inquire of S. B. Bane, at farm two miles south west of Corvallis, on Philomath road.' Foley's Honey and Ttir cures colds, prevents pneumonia. ILXroocila.3a3. - DOST LIVE TOGETHER o ; : Constipation and 'health never go to gether. DeWitt's Little Early Risers promote easy, action of the bowels with out distress. "I have been troubled with costiveness nice years," says J. O. Greene, Depau w, Ind. I have tried many remedies but .Little" Early" Risers give best results." Graham & Wells. Brain-Food Noaaenae, " Another ridiculous food fat has been branded by the moit competent author!' Ire. They Live-, dispelled the. Billy notion that cue kind of focd is needed for: irain, another for tnoEcles, and still another for .bones. A correct" diet will net only nobiish ft particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. 'Yet. however good your food may be, ifs nutriment Is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doees of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A tew doses aids digestion,, stimulates the liver to. healthy action,-' purifiesthe blood, and makes you feel buoj ant :and - vigorous. You can get Dr. G' G.' Green's, reliable remedies at Grab'aiii & WpHham.v v Get Green e Special Almanac. 30 ' CHILDREN ESPECIALfcY LIABLE? Burns, biuises and cute are extremely painful aud if neglected often result in blood poisoning. ' Children are especially liable to such ; mishaps because not so carefull "As a remedy DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve ia unequalled. Draws out the 6re, stops the pain; soon -heals, the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cures for piles.. "DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve cured my 1 aby cl eczema after tyfo phy sicians cayeer up, " writes James Meek N. Webster, Ind. ...'-'The sores were so bad she soiled, two to five dresses a day." Graham & Wtlle. . .-. .. :'" v CHILD WORTH MILLIONS, v "My child is worth millions to me. says Mrp. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One ' Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure is. sure Cure for coughs, croup, throat ana lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough -cine which acts immediately. The youogeet child can tke it "with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it helped them. Every family should have a bottle of Oue minute Cough Cuie handy. ' At this sea son especial'y it may be needed suddenly. Graham A Wells United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, - May 8, 19..2. Notice is hereby (riven that in compliance with the provisions of the art of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahing tnn Territory," as extended to all the Pubi c Lai.d States by act of August 4, 1892, . FRANK A. MERCK. of Corvallis, Countv of Beutou, State of .Oregun, has. this day filed til this office his Hvorn statement No-. S735, for the purchase of the S. W . of Sec. No. 20 in Township N. 12 S., Range No. 7 W., and will f fer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be. fore the countv clerk at- Corvallis, Oregon, on Satur day, the 19th;dav of July, 1902. He names as witnesses: Simon P. Kagey of Corvallis, Or. , Ernest F. Sny der, Charles W. Wilkinson, Wilson Scott, all of Philo math, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are requested to file their cla ms this office on or beforesaid 19th day of Jul), 19U2. CHAS. B. MODKES, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County. . In the Hatter of the Estate 1 of f . J. B. Lee, (dee'd) and f C. H. Lee, Partners ) ' Notice is hereby given that the final account of the. undersigned Administrator of the estate ef J. B. Lee, deceased, and C. II. Lee, partners,, has been rendered to said Court for settlement, and that Fri day the 6th day of June A. D. 1902 at 10 o'clock A. Si. has been duly appointed by said Court the time for the settlement thereof; at -which time any per son interested in said estate by having objections to said account may appear and file his objections or j exceptions in writing to said account and contest the same. j 'US. H. LB, Administrator of the estate o J. B. Lee, dee'd and C. II. Lee, paj tners. " United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Way tith. 1H02. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled ''An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stites of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended, to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1S92, , - GEORGE L. McMURPHV, ef Falls City, county of Po'.k, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement N. 5234, for the purchase of the Northeast of ec. No. -14 in Township No. 13 8, Harge No.. 7 W .and will offer proof to show that the land ouirht is more val uable for its timber or stone than for atrii ultunl. purposes, and to estcb ibh his claim to suid land ! fore tbe County Clerk of Benton cxiirity at Oivalli, Oregon on Saturday, the 19th day of July, 1902. He names as witnes es: Albert N. Robiisoii-and Freeman W. Robinson. of . Falls City, Ore., and Hart C. Eakili and Joseph fc. Sibley, of Dallas, Oregon. " .'- : Any anu an poisons claiming aoveieiy in. awve- described lands are reciuehted to file their claims in ' this office on or before xd loth davof July. 1002. n. CUA8. B. JdodkES, l;egbtr. La Grip e coughs -often continue for . 77 months and Bometinier lead ta fatal re-'j 1 suits after the patiept is supposed to have;: passed the danger pcint.- Foley's Honey -and Tar affords potitive protection and security from: these roughs. Graham & ' Wortham. j EXECTJTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed executors of the Last Will and Testament of Robert fc. Cooper deceased. , All persons having claims against said estate are ! hereby required to present the same duly verified as by law required at the law office of Yates & Yates, at ' Corvallis. Ore&ron. within six months from the date - of the hrt publication of this notice. . . j Thos. II. Coopie and Geo. W. Coopek, fcxtcutors. Chapped bands, cracked lips and roughness of the Jskin cured quickly by Banner Salve, the most healing ointment in the world. Graham & Wortham. N. Jackson, Danville, III., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible cough settled on her luugs. ' We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey 1 and Tar which cured her. She has never ten troubled with atcrjjj ite. B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building." Office Hours 1 Residence : Corner College and 8th Sta. Telephone at office and residence. CorvaHis, - - - - Oregon. W.T. Bowleg, W.D. (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occulist .'OFFtfi-Rooms 1 and 2 io Bank Bldg. REsiDENCE-On 3rd street, between Monroe and Jackson Residence tele phone Ko. 311. Office Hockb 10 to 12 a. ra. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 7:30 p. m. CORVALLIS, OREGON. C. H. NEWTH Physician $r Surgeon Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureaa '- ' PHILOMATH, OREGON. DR. W. H. HOLT DR. MAUD B. HOLT ''" Osteopathic Physicians Office on South, Main St. .. Consultation " -" and examination free. Office hours; 8 :3011:45 a. m; 1-5:45 p.m. Telephone 235." t" Corvallif, Oregon. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST ft ID re la WMtefcsr Block Corvallis, OrvQOn E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Itontistry of every description don in Urst r class manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. GROWN MB BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, oppoa'.t the post office. Corvallis. Oregon. E. IL Bryson ATTORNEY - AT LAW Corvallis, Ore-'on. Office in Fcstoffice Bolldlne. N(vrav Titles Convi-yam-ins. JCS. H- WIISON. ...... ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Pra. tie in 'all State and Federal Court. Orfir in Burnelt Building Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplie Corvallis, Oregon Established, Incorporated, ifo WHOLESALE & RETAIL. The most complete line of Pure Drugs Chemicals io CorvalliF. and Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, Fine Perfwxnery, ToSeT Article, ; Combs, Brashes and Mirrors. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery ' CIGARS Mnnagerjof perscription Department, I. ;a. TONES, Registered, ! special u! in Il.ainy-t.Perdue VniveiaJ ty, Indiana A IK -in All E IFMIMIKT. ' I was'ft i.Md frr ill nt f-een witlimy st n n h rid in ltd 1 slf Dry tin e," ettjfi E. DtJteiik, Stmerville, Ind. "1 t-'-ent ahont fl.r and never could jpt hi yibirnf to tp me .ur til I tiitd Kodol Dy fe'a Cure, I bave tkn a a few I olilep pnd l n OtHt-l Viel'." Y n "don't livehv what yon eat, hut by what vou digt-pt and aPFiniilate. If vMir Ftnn -i!ch dreM-'t r'ij.ict win focdjon ale ifal" ly f-larvirg. Kodol Pysj ft eia Cure does the s"iiah's work bv diireftii ti the foodl Yoti i l 'f 1 e to c'in. 1 at tl yon vi t Kfcil Ji(-jfna cmea all stou a. h ircuM". Giahin A Wel t. Notii e for Publication. Utited SUteg Land Office, Oregon City, OWgca, April 7ib, 1902. Notice i6 bt-ichy ivn 1 nt in c.d'1Uu v:th Iba provisions cf the net l lces of Jm e 8. 1(78, en titled "An i ct fi r ti e tale f I n lei Ii l d in tL States of falifonra, Crg n Nva(a, sn' Wnl ii g ton Territory," -as txttuccd to all Iht l iLlic Land Stat s by act of August 4, 18S2, JAMES O. SMITH of i,lepeiirtcr.ce, Ciuity . f Tolk. Fttte of Oregon, has this dy fild in this .U ce his f rn staUnunt Ko 6;04 loV the ,mrchate of thi S. j of N. E. 4 and LoU 1 id 2 of Section No. 4, in Tonthipl8 K, n e Ko 7 Wef t aud win offer prt o, to Knew tnat vne fand ,oultj,t i, n ore valuable fi r its timber or r 1 ...... A ...v. lish his cla:m to taid land bi fore the RriKter and Tuesday, the 24th tiaj of June, if 02 Be nt.irea aa witnesses: C. E. lielacd, (Lrls lilj.u. lute Dickinson ai.d frcn.uel E. In in all of, Oregon. Any ard all i ei I s t'sin ii g in crtcli 11 1 l o t descrifced lkr.ds i re kcjoi Hu to hie their rleiais in this tfl ce cr. cr lior ii ?tl c'y of Jui IMS. CHAS. B. MOORK8, Register. ncivivcr Ul hub giuirgnu hit, viiKuu, vn Dr. C. J. Bishrp,, Mich., cays: " I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very eevtre atts of jru n cuia with good icfults in every. vete.'' Ei v-are cf imitaticne. . Graham & Wortham. Foley's Money and T3I forchUdren,safe,sure. No opiates.