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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1902)
THE COBVALLIS GAZETTE. TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1002. REPUBLICAN TICKET. Senator J. D. DALY, of Corvaliis. Repre entative MARION HAYDEN. of Alsea. County Judge C. E. WOOD SON, of Corvaliis. Clerk T. O. WILSON, of Corvaliis. Sheriff WM. Corvaliis. Recorder T. Kings Valley. Assessor T. Pairmount. KNOTTS, of T. VINCENT, J. RISLEY, Treasurer T. II SHER, of Corvaliis. Couimisbiouei W. Philomaili. WELL A. JOLLY Surveyor GEO. GONER, Dusty. Coronor S. N. of Corvaliis. H. WAG WILKINS, Justice of the Peace HAR OLD STRONG, of Corvaliis. Constable O. J. TREESE, of Corvaliis. EXTREME OF HYPOCRISY. Democratic platforms and dem ocratic papers continue to prate agninst the trusts, sublimely un conscious the while of the ridicu lousness ot their position. Their first conlention was that the present anti-trust laws were not competent to correct the abuses which they claimed were being practiced by the trusts. They admitted that the Sherman law was the limit to which congress CDuld go without an amendment to the constitution, yet every democratic member of the House Judiciary Committee voted against a resolution to amend the consti tution so as to enable such legis lation. They know perfectly well that trust abuses cannot be corrected in any manner save by due pro cess ot law, and that the attorney general 13 proceeding against them ia as vigorous a manner as possible. Whether trusts can legally be dissolved is a question which must be settled by the courts, in accordance with the laws already on the statute books. Hypocrisy could be carried 110 further than it is being carried in this democratic howl against trusts. The democratic papers of the East that are making this cry agamstprotection, will. not find much sympathy in the stock- raising sections of Oregon: "The increose in the price of meat is bringing more clearly to the peo ple's understanding the effects of our beautiful system of protecting intant industries. The cattle raisers of the West have enjoyed a most liberal measure of protec tion at the expense of the leather workers of the East, who have been compelled to purchase their stock from the protected cattle men." Saturday was "Oregon Day3-' at the Charleston, S. C, exposi tion. The principle address of the day was delivered by Con gressman Tongue, and it was generally prqnounced one of the most logical and interesting de livered on any state day. No man in Oregon has .such a fund of information regarding the re sources and possibilities of this congressional district as has Mr. 1 ongue. No republican will hazzard the contingency of a democrat reore- sentmg Oregon m the senate of the United States In the event of the death or resignation of one of our senators, the governor has the power of appointment. With Geo. E. Chamberlain as governor the menace of Pennoyeristn would be ever before us. For Pennoyer made Mr. Chamberlain attorney general, and Pennoyer has an itching for senatorial honors. The strenuous mannar -. in which democratic members of the Philippine investigating commit tee are going after "the water cure" as practiced in the islands. is not to be wondered at. Derao- prnfc ntrf lin fi1.An "" lUfctu 1W1UUIV IU I water here at home. I ! . . Mr. IvOwel! is quite sure that J Mr. Furnish is not the right man i for governor, and s Mr. Furnish i beat T.Ir. Lowell for the nomina- J tion for this office, Mr. Lowell's' , . ... .. opinion ougnt to settle tne ques-1 tion. I A farmer friend at our suggests that Mc and elbo w , Frank weakened their ticket by pnttig of loo mucu Wat(t;er in it. The army is so liorie j combed with corruption, in the e es of the aunty, as to make the Smith court martial only a miserable farce, says the New York Press Nothing ever will rescue it from the depths of degredation to which it has fallen by ils Ion continued neglect to l ecd t'se advice of the Ant!-Iui.- organs, except a civil connni-ision t r be appointed by them o:: the sug eestion cf tha President. Gener al Miles' Great Aggregated Ex hibition of Living Examples of Benevolent Assimilation could then set out for the Philippines, armed with 20,000 rosettes and a bundle of Anti-Imperialist edi torials, to put own the insur rection of the savages with kind ness and extract of violet?, while the army could be brought back home to bui'.d good roads for automobiles and promote the cause of tenement-house reform. HOMER'S MAD. Bsok 1I-A Literal Translation by C. MacLcan, Ph. D. Vv. 603-785 The forces of the Acbae aas (continued). The Arcadians: And who dwelt up uadf r the lofty mountain of Kyllene, near the tomb -of Aepytu-", where warriors (are) hand to hand fighters; who inhab it3d Pheneos aud Orchomenos rich in flocks of sheep, and Ripe and Stratie aid the wind-swept Enispe; and (ho) iahabited Teee and 'lovely Alantinee; aid (who) inhabited Stamphlus and dxelt in Paihasie. Of these commanded the son of Ankaeus, King Aiiapenor, six ty ships, and in each ship many Arc-id ian warriors, understanding (how)to wat war, embarked. For Agimemnon him self, the son of A (reus (aud) king of men, gave to them well-decked ships to cross over the dark sea, since naval works (i. e. navigation) was ao care to them. (Note: They were an inland people). The Epeans: And who inhabited Bu prasium and the divine Elis, as much as (lit. a? far as) Hyrmine and Myrs-inns on the frontier and rocky Olenie and Aleis ium enclosed. Of these the leaders aere four; and ten swift ships accompanied each man, and many Epeans embarked. Some Ainphemachus and Thai pius, sons, the one of Kteatus, the other of Enrytus, grandsons of Aktor, commanded ; others the mighty Diores, son of Amarynkeus, commanded ; and the fourth division the god-like Polyxenus, son of Agasthenes, son of King Augeas, commanded. The Dulichians : And they from Du lichium and the Echinades, sacred Is lands which lie beyond the sea, opposite Elis. These commanded Meges, sou of Phyleup, (and) equal to Ares, whom Phy leus, the knight beloved of Zeus, begot. who, once 'upon a time, enraged at his father, emigrated to Dulichium. Him forty sable ships accompanined. Tne Kephallenians : Moreover Odysseus led the mags amnions Kephallenians, who inhabited Ithaca and the leaf-shaking Neritos; and (who) dwelt in Korkylea and rugged Aegilips; and who inhabited Zakyuthus: and who inhabited Samos; and who inhabited the Mainland and dwelt on the opposite coast. These Adysseus, equal in wisdom to Zeu, commanded, and with him went twelve red -cheeked ships (Note: This is said of ships whose bows were painted red, while the hull was painted dark). The Aetolians : Thoas, the son of Andrae- mon, commanded the Aetolians who dwelt in Pleuron and Oledus and Pylene and Kalchis near the sea and rocky Kal ydon. For the sons of the courageous Oeueus were no more, add the fair haired Meleagrus was dead. To him (Thoas), therefore, was entrusted everything to rule for the Aetolians. And htm forty sable ships accompanied. Resolutions. We the committee 011 resolutions, on the death of Neighbor E. J. Elliott, fra ternally submit the following report, to-wit: whereas, in the stillness of night, while we were at rest, the angel of death enterea our camo anu carried away our lieloved brother, E. J. Elliott, in the center of life's journey, and in the midst of a career ot usefulness, across the mighty River into God's invisable world, wnere witn an eye 01 taitn, we seem to see him in his home above, a mansion bright and jfair, enrobed in white, en shrine! in love, and crowned with glory, therefore be it. Resolved, That we earnestly sympa thize with his family, whom he loved so dearly and to whom he was ever a loving aud devoted son and brother, and would help them bear their burden if we could. We commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best, and ask them to believe that they will some day meet him and continue their journey together throughout all eternity. Resolved, That this heartfelt testimo nial of our sympathy and sorrow be for warded to the parents of our departed neighbor by the Clerk of this Camp. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be handed to each of the connty PaPer8 and that the same be spread np on the minutes of this camp. J. H. Gibson, D. A. Osburn, C. A. Gould Committee, New Stone Qaarry. I have opened a stone quarry on my place oae mile north of Corvaliis. No better foundation stone can be found in Ka n t.t PntllaM . ,3 t.AK. . quested to write or see me, when in need snch material Thos. Bocldkit. When we talk about doing neat Job Work', wc mean it and can prove to you that wa can't be beat. - See? The Gazette Printing Company, - Corvaliis. TO HOMESEEKERS Some Real Good Bargains Selected from My Big Real Estate List. No. 855 acres, 3 in froit, no build ings, in McElroy and Wells addition to Corvaliis,. pri-je $425- No. 8ft Lota 1 and 2. 11 and 12, in block 4. andlots 11 and 12 in block 5 of Ravbnni's Addition to Corvaliis, these lots are beantifully located, price $75 each. No. 8880 acres, 50 in cultivation, pood house, barn, fruit and water, 3 miles from Philomath, a good farm for $2,200. No. 130 40 acres, 25 in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, good house, barn, fruit and water, good team of mu'es, harness and wagon, 2 cows, 2 calves, lveai ling. 3 hogs, 13 tons hay, good garden, furniture, etc., all for $1100; 4 miles from town. No I08 770 acres, 100 acres in culti vation, 12 acres in prunes ana lamiiy or- chard, balance in pasture anu limner. there is lots of good land, can be cleared Come and see me or wii'e me'. I and the surrounding count: v. HENRY AMBLtK, Real Estate Lonn and Insurance, Philomath, Benton Connty, Oregon. A Bargain For sa'e cheap A 6-room house, near ly new, and good out buildings, splendid deep line of wafer, on oie lot. The best bargain in Corvaliis. Inquire of A. F. Peterson. Does your Watch Keep time If not, why don't ymi bring it to-tne? It is your business to biing it to me; it is my business to fix it for you. Makim; a watok keep good lime ia what I nndeistand. All work iruaranteed good work. No "blacksmilhing" turned out. All lines in iewelry complete, and you will not find fault with the prices. Albsrt J. Metzger, Jeweler, Occidental BIdg. Corvaliis, Oregon, T. W. Dilley has just rtceivtd a lot, of new Imperial whee's. Take a 00k at thetn. They tire the lattPt. , , ; Our Clubbieg List. Snoscriberj to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following tinners in combination sub scriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices stalea Deiow; cay 11 in au ance always to ac company the order. Those wishine two or more publications named with the GAZETTE, will please. correspond witn this othce and we will quote you tne coniDinau.m price, we can save you money on nearly all publications you desire. The abbreviations below are explained as follows: W. foi weekly; 3 W for semi-weekly; T W, for tri weekly; M, for monthly; S M, for semi n onthly. The first price represents tbe subscription rate of the publication alone, and the second the rate for the publication offered 111 conjunction with the semi-weekly GAZETTE. Oretron Airriculturist and Rural Northwest. Port land, tJr., S.W., 60 cents; 81.80. Oreironian, Portland, Or., W., $1.&0; 2.65. Mural Spirit, Portland. Or , Contains a live-stock market report, W., $2.00; 2.55. Pacific Christian Advocate Portland. Or.. W. $iOU. S.05. The Thrice-a-Week World. New York. T. W.. $1.00; 2.20. Homestead. Des Moines. Iowa. A thorough stock and farm journal, V. 1.0U; 2.30. The Republic, St. Louis, Mo S. W., J1.00; 2.05. The American Farmer. Indianapolis. Ind.. Live stock, farm and poultry journal, M., 50 cents; l bs. The Cosmopolitan Magazine. New York. M.. 1 and Atlas of the World, bound in cloth, 6U pages of latest maps; t ; 2.85. The Outing Magazine, New York, M., $3,00; 3.80. Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or., W..J1.00; 2.30. Table Talk, Philadelphia, M., $1.00; 2.15. American Homes. Knoxville. Tenn.. SI.. 1.00: 2.30. Boston Cookinsr School llatrazine. Ei-M . 50 cents: 1.90. McClureV Magazine, New York. M , $1X0; 2.40. Twice-a-Week Courier Journal. Louisville, Kr one oi tne nest papers from the great South, r. w., Notice of Final Settlement. In the Countv Court of tha Stat..? of Orecoii far Benton County. in tne Matter oi tne Estate of J. B T a - .mi a C. H. Lee, Partners ) Notice is herebv irfven that the final jmmiit of ijte, (acc a ) ana the undersigned Administrator of the estate of J. B. Lee. deceased, and C. H. Lee. Dartners. has hAn rendered to said Court for settlement, and that Fri day the 6th day of June A. D. 1902 at 10 o'clock A. M. has been duly appointed by said Court the time for the settlement thereof: at which time anv rx?r- son interested in said estate by having- objections to said account may appear and file hU objections or exceptions in writing to said account and contest the .... C. H. Lee. Ailminntra'or of tl e estate nf J. It T. .w.i C. H. Lee. partner?. Soft Harness You can make your har ness aa soft aa a glove and a tout;h as wire by using JSritEKA liar, ness Oil. You can lengthen its life make it lust twice as long as it ordinarily would. Harness Oi! makes a poor looktntr har ness like new. Made of sure, heavy bodied oil. es pecially prepared to with stand tho weather. Bold everywhere In cans 11 sixes. Sida bj STANDARD OIL CO. 5 We're M in tbe Gfowing Business BUT: and plenty of eut -range, a good 1 story house, 6 rooms, good barn, and well of water at the door, this would make 3 or 4 good farms, right at a railroad depot, daily mail, 3-4 mile from Echool, price $6,500. - No. 9C 100 acrep, 80 in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, good house, 2 barns, fine fruit and water, 1 team, wagon and cow, all goes for $2,500; 5 miles from town and railroad. No. 214 8B2 acres, timber and pasture, well of water, no improvements, price $6 per acre, easy terms, fine timber, 9 miles from town nd railroad. No. 11286 acres. 30 in cultivation bal ance good pasture and timber, fair house and barn and other buildings, fine fruit and water, one and one-half miles from Philomath, price $2,000; a good place for the money, . shall be pleased to show yon these farms OREGON ShqjtLine ad union Pacific Depart FOR TIME SCHEDULES arrive iruin jroruaiiu FROM Chicago Portland Special . 9 a. n. via Hun tington SaltLake, Denver. Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. 4:30 p.m Louis, Ch i e a g e and East Atlantic Express 8:50p. . via Hnn tington. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kansas Uity, fet 3:10 a n. Louis, Chicago and East. St. Paul Walla Walla. Lew Fast Mail istan, S p o k a ne, 6:15 p.m via Spokane JUmnexpoIis, St Paul, Duluth, Mil 7 :00 n.m. waukee, Chicago, and -Last. Through Pullman and Tourist Seepers 72 HOURS-PORTLAND to CHICAGO No change of cars. Through tickets to all Eastern points via this route on sale at t. . depot othce. Ocean and Kiver Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All ling dates subject to change. 8 p. m. For San Francisco, 4 p. m. Sail every five days from April 2d. FvDasL Columbia River ?-p mn: Steamer. 4ep-c- Saturday, To Astoria & way- Sunday 10 p. m. landing. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISIOr Water Permitting. Steamer Rut h leaves Corvaliis lor Al bany, Salem, Portland and Way Land ings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 6 :00 a. m, ; returning, arrives Corvaliis about Midnight, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. . E. F.THAYER; Agent, Corvallia A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST TIA Southern Pacific Coinpanv. THE SHASTA ROUTE Trains leave Corvaliis for Portland and way stations at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland 8:30 a m Ly Albanv 12:30 p m Ar Ashland 12:33 a m Ar Sacramento---5 .00 p m At San Francisco-7:45 p m 8 :30 p m 10:50 p m 11:30 a m 4 :35 a m 9.30 a r.i 11 :45 a m 9:00am 7 :25 a m 9:3Cam Ar Ogden 5 :45 p m Ar Denver . .9:00 a m Ar Kansas City 7:25 a m Ar Chicago 7 :55 a m Ar Los Angeles 1 :20 pm Ar El Paso 6:00 p m 7:00 am 6:00pm at fort Worth 6:30 a m r'?K " i Ar City of Mexico 9 :55 a m Ar Houston 4:00 am 9 :55 a m 4:00 a m 6 :25 p w 6:42 am 12:43 p m Ar New Orleans 6 :25 a m Ar Washington 6 :42 a m Ar New York -12:43 p m PULLMAN AND TOURIST CAES on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to fi.A i ti t j T :.. . I VgUCli 21 LI M i'j I XHOU, UIIU XUUIJBb tim MJ ' Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans and! Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See F. E. FARMER agent a Corvallis station, or address C. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland, Or. G--t your Job Wcrk done tere rtie First National Bank OF CORVALLIS. OREGON." - ESTABLISHED 890. . t l OFFICERS. & DIRECTORS SI. G. WOODCOCK, President. C K. MOOR, Vice-President. V A LTE 8. T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvaliis, Oregon. Loans Made On all kinds cf approved security, and especially to encourage and build up the legitimate busi ness enterprises and industries of this country. - Deposits Received subject to check payable on demand. - Foreign Exchange Sigbt exchange and transfers sold available in tha principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed en, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Cer maay, Austria. ' Letters of Credit Issued available iu the principal cities ot the United States. Princij. 1 Correspondents Upon Vhom W Sell Sight Exchange The Commcrci::! National Bank of Chicago. The First National of Portland, Oregon, the Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Cahfornian Hank, San Francisco, Cain. The National City Bank New York. The Iiank of New York Nntkmal Banking; Ass n Impo t.-rs & Trader's National Bank, New York Sl1.1t. h t i.rctli-r Nut icna! Batik of Boston. Mass ehi!ideltlii Naliouii l.ankof rhiladtlubia. i'o Frank TrFadwell, Bennett, la., was troubled with kidney diEeaee for two years He writes : "I had taken several kinds of kidney' remedies but with little benefit. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney Cure and a one dollar bottle cured me. Graham & Wortham. - BANNER S A LVE the most healing salve in the world. La Grippe coughs often continue for months and sometimes lead ta fatal re sults after the patient is supposed to have passed the danger ' pcint. Foley's Honey and Tar affords poritive protection and security from these roughs. Graham & Worlham. Corvaliis & Eastern Railroad TIME CARD 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 41 " Corvaliis " arrive? Yaquina 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina.... Leaves Corvaliis. r. . Arrives Albany .... 3 For Detioit: Leaves Albany Arriyes Detroit .... 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit ..... Arrives Albany. . . ... 12:50 p. 1 :50 p. 6:45 p. m m. m. 6:C0 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 7:00 a. 12:15 p. m. m. 12:45 p. , 5:40 p. ra. m. Xrams iNo. l arrives 1: time to connect with the in Albany in S. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany bcfoie departure of S. P. north bound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. west side train at Corvaliis Crossing: for Independence, McMinnville aad all points north to Portland. Edwin Stone, H. H. Cronise, Manager. Agent, Corvaliis. Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that the annual election of the City of Corvaliis witt- be held on Monday, the 19th day of May, 1902, for the purpose of electing a chief ef police, police judge treasurer, one (1) councilman for the first ward, one (1) councilman for the second ward, one (1) for the third ward ; and Caleb Dayis John Bier and S. Chipman have been ap pointed judges, and Miles Starr and J. W. Crawfard have been appointed clerks to conduct said election, and the follow ing has been designated as the polling or voting place: Council Chamber in City Hall, on Southeast corner of Fourth and Madison street s. Given under my hand aud and seal this 18th day of April, 1902. E, P. Gbkffoz, Po!h-e Judge. Chapped 1 ands, cracked lips and roughness of the f-kin cured quickly by Banner Salve, the most henling ointment J in the world. Graham & Worthatn. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right Dyspepsia Gura .Digests what yoo cat. TTiIq TrPTinrat.inn rnntaina all rf i. attestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never tails to cure, it allows you to eat all the rood you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many inousanas or dyspeptics nave been cured after everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It C3El't fiGlo but do ycu qobd Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago The $1. bottle contains 2H times the 50c. size. Graham & Wells. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says: " I have used Foley's Hcney and Tar in three very sevtre cases of rnecmocia with eood retnlts in pvprv rap '' Tfoa-ara ! of imitations. Giaham & Wortham. Foley's Honey end T&F cares folds, prevents pneumonia. DOST LIVE TOGETHER. Constipation and health nevet go to gether. BeWiti'B Little Early Risers prcaote essy iction of the bowe.s with out distress. I hare been troubled with costiveness nine years," says J. O. Greene, Depauw, Ind. "I have ,tried many r medics but Little Early Risers give best results." Graham & Wells. citation. , IS THE OFNTY COVRT OP THE STATE OF OKKGoN FOR THE COUNTY OF WCNTOX , In the matter of the estate and liuardunship of Lana Gray, , an insane rerson I At this time came on to be heard the petition of Oscar Healy, guardian of the person and estate of Lana Gray, an insane person, praving ior a license to sell the real property of said estate: And it appearing to the Court thnt it would be for the best interests of said Lana Cray that her real property be sold, which real property is described as follows, to-wit: Commencing on the West Line of a tract of land derded by W. F. Dixon and Wife to J. W. Cook Sep 29th, A. D. 1858 and recorded on pige 201 Book Records of deeds for Benton Co., Or. 4 'feet Norther ly of the S. W. Corner of said tract of land; thence along said west line about 66 rods to the N. W. Corner of said tract; thence S. 70 dear. 15 minutes E. to the N. W. Corner of land deeded by 8. L. Shedd to Cynthia A. Hart, recorded on page 612, Book "S" Records of Deeds for Beuton County, Oregon; thence following the W line of said Hart's land and the W line of Chas. H. Ryder's land and the W line of Har vey and Mary Sargent's land to the KW corner ot B'.ock No. 10 in Dixon's 2nd Addition to the Citv of Corvaliis, Bentcn Countv, Oregon; thence westerly following along the North boundary line of the City of Corvaliis t a point 5 feet easterly of the NE corner of Block 16 in said Dinoiys 2nd Addition to Corvaliis; thence northerly parallel with the East line 40 feet; westerly 25 feet to the place of beginning containing 9J aces more or less in Benton County, Oregon It is hereby ordered that the next of kin and all persons interested in said estate be and they are hereby directed to appear before the above-entitled Court on Saturday, the lth day of May, 1902, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p. m. on said day at the Countv Court room in the County Court House in Corvaliis, Oregon, to show cause why such license should not be granted. It is further ordered that personal service of a copy of this order be made upon each of the next of kin of said Lana Grav. resident within this State, that a copy of said order be mailed postpaid to each of the next of kin of said Lana Grav not resident in this State at their respective addresses and that said order he further published in the Corvallis Gazette, a newspaper circulating m Benton Couuty, Oregon, for at least tnree successive weens itnre saiu cay set for the hearing of said petition. Dated this 10th day of April, 190?. E. WOODAR1. County Judge. The above is a true copy of the original order in the above entitled matter and the whole thereof. Attest VI B GIL E. WATTE RP, Clerk, by VIJTOR P. MOSES. Deputy. V. L. Yancy, Taduch, Ky writes: "I had a teere case of kidrey disease r.i:d three of the tett physicians in south ern Kentucky tieated me without success I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. Tlie-fust bottle pave immediate relief and three Lotties cured me permanently. I gladly reccrrmf nd this wonderful rem edv." Take co substitutes. Graham & Wortham. TJ. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. Feb. 4, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of she' act of Congressof June 3, 1878, entitled ''An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act o August 4, 1892. FRANCIS J. LONG, of Nampa, couuty of Kenyon, State of Idaho, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No.. 5639, for the purchase of the s 1-2 of nw 1-4 and n 1-2 of sw .1-4 of Section No. 34 in Township No. 12 e, Range No. 7 w, and' will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable or' its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tbe j Register and Receiver ot this office at, Oregon Citv, Oregon on Tuesday, the 29th day of April, 1902. He names as witnesses : Peter Miller i of Philomath, Ore., Michael G. Flynn of Philomath, "Ore., John Mover of Falls City, Ore., John W. Hyde of Philomath, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above described lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 29th dav of April, 1902. , I CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. You should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is absolutely the best for all di- seases of the throat and lungf. Dealers' aie authorized to guarantee it to give satisfaction. Graham & Wortham Brain-Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fat has been branded by the most competent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly notion that cne kind of food is needed j for brain, another for musclrs, and still J another for bones. A correct diet will ' not only nourish a particular part of the j body, but it will sustain every other part. 1 et, however good your focd may be, ! its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion j or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's : August Flower, the favorite inedicire of ' the healthy millions. A few doses aids i digestion, Stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood,, and makes j you feel buoyant'-and vigorous. You , can get Dr. G, G. Green's, reliable ' remedies at Giaham & Wo'tham. Get Green's Special Almanac. CHILDREN ESPECIALLY LIABLE. Burns, huiises and cuts are extremely painful and if neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children are especially liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Ben are of counterleits. Sure cures for piles. "DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve cured my I aby ct eczema after two phy sicians f.-ave her up," writes James Meek N. Webster, Ind. "The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." Graham & Wells. "CHILD WORTH MILLIONS, "My child is worth millions to me,'' says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a tottle of One Minute ' i Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure ; is sure cure for coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough tuie which acts immediately. The' youngest t Lild can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how nftpn it hflnprl lliom ' OUtn 11 lieipea lliem. Every family should have a bottle of One minuie Cough Cure handy. At this sea- eon especial;y it may be xieeded suddenly. Graham & Welle. Z B A. CATHEY, M. D Physician Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Honrs Residence: Comet College and xth SU. Telili"ii at orToe ami reMiiTH". . l"Vrva ii. - - - (Jieton. w. T. Rowley, pi. D. (Homoeopathic) Physician, Surgeon, Occnlist Office Rooms 1 and 2 in Bank BIdg. Residence On 3rd street, between Monroe and Jackson. Residence tele-. phone No. 311. Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 to 7:3o p. m. CORVALLIS,"OREGON. C. H: NEWTH Physician $r Surgeon Examining surgeon TJ. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGON. DR. MAUD B. HOLT ' Osteopathic Physician Will be in Corvallis on and alter Apri 1st. Ladies, if you are in any way afflict ed, call and see me. Consultation and examination free. Office with Dr. Holt, on South Main street. . Telephone 235. DR. W. H. HOLT Osteopathic Physician If you are in any . way afflicted, with rheumatism, catarrh, constipation, heart, stomach, liver, kidney or female trQib'e, call and see me at my office on Sqiith Main Street. Consultation and examin ation free. Telephone No. 235 Main. DR. J AS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office In Wblthem Block Corvaliis, Oregon E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Df-ntistry of every description done tn first class 'manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. CfiCWH &KD ERIDCE WCRK A SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposite the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. E. i?. Bvijson ATTORNEY AT- LAW Corvallis, Ore'on. Office in Fostoffice, Enildlnz. Notary Titles. Conveyancing. JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court . Office in Burnett Building, ; Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies Corvallis, Oregon Established. Incorporated, 189 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. I The most complete line of Pure Drugs and cnemicais in uorvains. and Stationery, Commercial Pa Book8 pers, Fine rerfntrery, Toilet. ArticlS, JComts, Brushes and Mirrors. Pocket Knives, Seissors, Fine Cutlery CIGARS - . Maunder of Perscription Department, T. A. JONES, Registered, Ppecial Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Cniversi. ty, Indiana A I ECFlTAn E INVESTMFNT. ' I was troubled for about seven years with my sUmach srd in bed half my time," Eays E. Dcmiik, Stmerville, iDd. "I spent about $l,eco and never could get anything to help me until I tiied Kodol Dyspepeia Cure. I have taken a a few Lotties and am entirely well." Ytu don't live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stom ach doesn't digest your focd you are real ly starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat al you want Kodol Difpeptia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Giaham A Wells Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 7th, 1802. Notice is heieby given that in complianc, with the provisions ot the uct of Congiesg of June 3, 1S78, en titled 'An pet f r .the tale of timber lards in tl:e States of California. Oregon Kevada, and Washing ton Territory," as txtcuaed to all the Public Land States by act of August i, 1893, JAMES 'O. SMITH of, Ccur.ty of PoJk, State of Oregon, has this day fll d in this office his kworn statement Ko. f704, for the i urchase of the S. i of N. E. i and Lots 1 s nd 2 of Section Ko. 4, in Tovnthip 13 S.. Kai ge No. 7 Wett, aud will offer prcof to show that ' the land tought is more valuable fr its tin ber or Ktone than for sgricultural iiurpoFes, and to estab lish his cla m to said land before the Reg-inter and Receiver of this office at Oregon City , Oregon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of Juue, 1602 He nnmes as witnesses: C. E. Ireland, (buries Bilyeu. Kube Dickinson and Samuel E. Irvin all of It,ripr.e,,Henr. Oregon. regon. Any acd all pert ons claiming auvcrselv the abeve- e'etcribed lards tre rtqucetcu to file tbeir claims in this office on or before tcid 24tb dav of Jnt e. It 2. CHAS. B. HOORKS, Register,