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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1902)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE. FRIDAY, MARCH 7,1902. To cover the cost of setting and dis tributing the type iu snch matters, a charge of fifty cents will be niide for each "Card f Thanks," and five cents W. A. Sanders, Jewe!er. J. J. Houck left yesterday for his home at Gold Hill. C. E. Ireland, of Independence, came up to Corvallis, Wednesday, to attend eome matters of bu&inees. Barney Cady Las sold his place rear the store in Kings Valley to per line for each set of "Kesolntions of Frank piunkett, of tbearae neigh " --- " 1 borhood. LOCAL NEWS. after business relating to land claims. J. w. .Hyde, ox rnuomath, was I in Corvallis, Wednesday, looking If you have aty aches or pains, call and see Dr. Holt, The Osteo path. Examination tree. 1. W. DUley nas just received a !st. rf now Tmruipial nrl-tola T'j Iro a loot at tnein. lney are trie t""u Miss Grace Dodele is the hold er of ticket 1939 that drew the sewing machine at Kline's. Quite a number of friends of Grandma Biggs gave here a little surprise on Wednesday evening. A cordial welcome to the services at the M. E. chureh rext Sunday. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. ' Frank L. Moore, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. As Mr. J. Mason finds Corvallis Referee Proceedings. iimoer tua i be has decided to continue nis rest Miss May Gerhard returned home I dence here. Mrs. Mason will, during the first of the week from therefore reopen her millinery es- Portland, where she bad visited I tabiisbment m time for faster trade. Student Conner,, who has been Along last summer, after the sale of the John Osburn cattle, J. J. Houck brought suit in the United States bankruptcy court for the proceeds of - the sale. This was for a sum in the neigh borhood ofsvjeo. lne court, alter giving some attention to the matter, placed the case in the hands of a referee, H. Bry ant, of Albany. Mr. Bryant set Tuesday, March 4th; as the date for taking testimony m the case and held his court in this city in the office of Attorney J. H. Wilson. -The creditors of the estate latest. W V. VafA rptnr-nerl tnKislinma v, kjiuucuu wuuiiei,. nwj uio "ecu , . , .. i . Ladies, we have just received ia this city, during the first of the very ill with pneumonia for several thought that -it was only just new silk organdies for evening week, from Lincoln county, where days, was taken to hospital in that a portion ot tae proceeds of wear, all the new shades. Nolan & P naa Deen. engaged several days Portland, Tuesday, where an oper- mis saie snouia go iuiem. Callahan. in legal business. fJonntw fvnirfc cnnvernxl Wrlnoa. At the Corvallis Saw Mill for the day in reeular monthlv session present you can get good 6bingle8 Thfl nana! rrist. of monthlv hill sor $1.40 per M. Also gaod fenc- audited and other business matters ingfor f per M. 0f importance received attention . L. Kline nas returned irom p T)r nn.tnAr will fill t. ban irrancisco, ana is receiving and n;t ot t.h United Kcanlal opemng one 01 me mrges. biucks 01 church Sunday morning and .eve- the first eame plaved bv th ladies of duel him for services formerly goons ever snown in orva.iiB. nin Dr. Bitner is a scholar and O A n thi ooaW W t.W ara r- rndd hv himself as an atfnr. . - 1 ah : 1 . . . .-. . 1 - - - Oa ationwillbe performed for the re- the data appointed lor taking moval of a sac of water which is testimony witnesses appeared for believed to have formed overplus both sides and the day was larsre- neart. - H devoted to taking testtmonv. " Teams of girls from O A C and Vttorney Watson, of Albany, Chemawa Indian school will play a raw at ' game of basket ball at the Armorv of rt He 1S on of cred" thin nftnrnnnn t. 4 o'clock. Tbia is itors insomuch as he had fees Morean & Eelin effected the sale an eloquent speaker. All arn cor this week, of 320 acres of timber dially invited to attend. land men 500. ,in Liinn county to eastern The consideration was 13,- pected to sustain the brilliant repu tation of their sister teams of form er yeare. Regular services in the Conffre. gation'al church on Sunday ing. In the evening Christian En deavor will be held in connection with the regular services at seven o'clock. Rev. P. S. Knight in Goods de charge, btudents especially invited. beeQ laed and there are as many The O A C cadet band will ap- more contracts eigned.'up at present eentlemen arrived Pear on tbe 8treets today m order and ready to nave pnones in tneir icjiucuuca auu piuucts Groceries at Young's Cash Store We still continue in Ladies' and Fancy goods. Hats, Shoes and No tions. Give us a call, liered in city. Thrsfl Tinston in Corvallis on the Pomona. Tues- to excite Bti11 greater interest in the daw niohf.. Thpv wr on route to production of the drama, "The Lincoln conntv where thev exneofc- Wife," which is to be given by lo tn iirA timber land. cal amateurs in the Opera House this evening for the benefit of O A r reeiuen b uuiuu, liciijj; UJB'I1 I (J athletes ber ot the State Hoard ot Jl.xamin The4inetnen of the Telephone Co. are at work putting up new lines to accomodate the many new sub scribers lor phones. In the past two weeks twelve new phones have under advisement ing a decision. ney. Mr. w arson returned to Albany Tuesday evening. Mr. Bryant succeeded in tak ing all the testimony in time to return to Albany . Wednesday forenoon. He will consider the testimony and take ( the matter before render determining its desirability as a place lor himself and a number of friends to make their home. That he was favorably impressed was evidenced last Wednesday when he returned to this city in company with those friends. In the party were Mr. Mallow, L. A.Brush and family of six, and D. E. Walgamat and wife, of Iowa; J. Cora and family of four, and D. P. A. Harrison and wife, of Xaura, Nebraska. They have secured houses for temporary residence in Corvallis, but their intention is to secure farms near this city. Our real, estate men were showing them some desira ble property yesterday. New Silks. New Laces. Real Estate Transfers. RE Gibson to Eliza Gibson, 34 lots .Kay burn's Add to Cor vallis; $1. E C Stellmacker to Robt Wv- ne, 100 acres near Mt. View: $3,800. " A Cauthorn to Emma Finlev. 2 lots, DlkU, Avery's Add; $350. S Whiteside to R Skipton, 22? acres near Pnilomath; $7,297.45. For Sale or Exchange. of business. Mr. Krlebel's Chickens. A short time ago we mention ed the fact that M. H. Knebel .4 " . who nad Deen in tms city on business during, thepast few ers, has becu busily engaged for the past few days going through the papers of the applicants for State Certificates. Henry Ambler, the real estate agent of Philomath, will be in Cor vallis every Saturday. Parties wishing to see him, can do so by calling at the Occidental hotel, be tween the hours of Hand 1. Presbyterian church services at 1 1 a. in. and 7:30 p. m., Sunday School at 10 a. m., Christian En deavor at 6:30 p. m. You are cor dially invited to attend all these services. Andrew Carbick, Pastor. The theme for the morning dis course at the Christian church will be: "Perseverance in Well Doing." The Pastor, G. S. O. Humbert, ; to 111 uisuuoo Lne iiu pur in 11 1, Buujeci: "The Inspiration of the Bible." You ought to be interested in this theme. Come. Let us repeat that there is money in cnickcn8. A gentleman who re- Mrs. M. Fruit and Mr. and Mrs. is. u. vvooldridge desire to express their heart-felt thanks to the many friends, who by their kindness and loving sympathy did so much to ness, death and burial of their dear DlXOn 18 looldnS "usually well. James Dixon, an old timer, - and well known in this section, passed through Corvallis, Wednesday, on his wav to Elk Citv. Mr. Dixon has spent the ereater part of the weeks, had gone to Portland for winter about twelve miles above a visit at home and had taken a Vancouver on the Washington side basket containing twelve dozen of the Columbia river. His young- fresh eggs with. him. On his re est son, Ernest, is foreman of a turn to this city he had a woefu sione quarry at tnai point Mr.uuuif. ontwi, - . - I IfllL .1.1. CL U L(.al 3 L1JO.L ill. only reached this Portland home W. O. Heckart is constructing a with four dozen of those "fresh porch on the residence of Mrs. Geo. ranch eggs." When he boarded Smith. A bathroom is also lo be the train at I this city he absent- placed in the house. As soon -as mindedlv placed his basket o the weather will permit Mr. Heck- Up-as near the heater in the car the week. Every precaution has will begin the task of building an5 entered into conversation been taken to nrevent a snread of an addition on the residence of J. :ft, f-..;A wu a the disease. -The patient is getting M. Nolan ot this city . Every thing H . f portland he along as well as well as could be ex ind cates hat there will be a gre weat J W up his basket of peeled. uai ui uuiiuiug auu gcuciai i-i rs -it mi u 1 In tne carpeutenng line done in C. C. Hufft will be pleased to re- AJ- tUJ c ve-dollar gold piece which & & he lost Wednesday while in this a tflm ilftni!nir t. flrnt Rt xt u i : f - tr..m I . . ... iii wuw yiatca iu iui. "uuv tain, nt Penna. tnofc a live v snin 1 1 - Z? I ll 1J -11 1 . 7 ' J X nana a nve-aonar goia piece win oe yeJnesday. Mr. Brattain was at cheerfully thanked and no questions Corvallis sawmill to secure a load asued. Mr. nunc thinita that ne 0f lumber, and while in the act of lost the coin through a hole in his loading hi9 wagon, his team started trousers' pocket. to run. In some manner they Eugene has declared her inten- wrenched the front wheels from the son and nephew. Dr. Raver, of Sacramento, Cali fornia, who is in this city visiting Dr. W. T. Rowley, was taken down with diphtheria during the first ofl sides just east of this city gathered tion t send a large delegation of rest of the running gear, and they 1i dozen of eggs from his hens last Uinsers to this city to assist in the made these hum. Turuiug on to 1.11 1 .1 . 1 . " - . IT! . 1- TO-ee, ana orougui mem to ujrvai- production of the oratorios in May. ftiver street, iney we.-e given me lis baturdav, where he sold them It is honed that our neoole will right of way until they reached a for 20 cents per dozm. Here is a realize that they must not trifle any point near the water works, where profit of $5.40 from a few hens in in this matter, but each exert him- one of them fell and they were tak- one week. self to the everlasting slorv of "Old en into custody by a bystander. Out at the college the work on the new Agricultural building is moving along in a very satisfactory manner. The foundation on two sides is almost complete and from the amount of granite material on hand it looks as if there was enough to lay a foundation around the the campus. S. L. Henderson, who has Deen looking after the needs of Mr. Whit- ford, the smallpox patient, and Hermann Breyer his nurse, who now occupy the pest house below town, states that everything a good a state as could be expect ed down there and the patient is getting along all right. Bids for supplying Benton coun ty with wood were opened Wednes day. Don Woodward was the suc cessful bidder for the contract to supply 50 cords of oak, his offer be ing $2.G9 per cord. Dave Hood was tue lowest bidder on the con tract to furnish 35 cords of fir, his figures being $2.09 per cord. One of tha Iarg3t audiences of the season gathered at the Opera House, Tuesday night, to witness the performance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," by the Stetson company. While the production was an im provement on the average "Tom" show, it does not call for unquali fied commendation. The special scenery was a feature, and the dancing and other specialties quite clevet. 1 ne new lcruniey postal card has been issued by th Postal De partment. In the upprr right hand corner is a picture of McKin ley, and in the opposite corner is printed the United States amis. These illustrations balance the card. Th presidents whose faces have appeared upon stamps are: Wash ington. Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Garfield, Grant, Madison, Taylor ami f T1 til 01 ice t .1 : - e ouenu Duruoik is 111 receipt 01 a letter from W. A. Markham, dated at Fortuna, Calif., Feb. 18th, in which the writer makes inquiries for information concerning tha whereabouts of his uncle, (James or Andrew) Fletcher MarR.haui, who, it living, is about 55 years of age. Tha last known of him was about 15 years ago. It is believed that he is running a harness shop in soma small town in Oregon. Corvallis." Wednesday, Robert and Miss Lillian Glass, of this city, disposed of their timber land claims in the Cascade mountains, sjmewhere in the Calapooia region. The party who purchased the property was a Michigan timberman and each claim was eold for something like $1,800. This gives original locaters a profit of more than $1,000 each. G. W. Smith, late of Kansas, has taken poeession of the place that he recently purchased of G. W. Fuller. This is improved property and some live stock was included in the deal. The consideration was $1, 325. Mr. Smith purchased five and a fraction acres adjoining of W. A. Wells and gave $80 per acre for it. Mr. Fuller purchased the Wyatt place, not far distant from his old home and paid $1,450 for it. He also has taken posession. Both places lie a mile or so northwest of Corvallis. Miss Blanche Riddle, who' grad uated from the O A C last com mencement, has been principal of the Yoncalla public schools with three assistants since that time. Miss Riddle is one of the girls that will succeed anywhere. She has energy and good judgment neither of which failed her in securing her education; and in less than one year she rose to the principalship of one of the best schools in Doug las county. This is the typical Oregon girl. And yet there are some who say that a girt has no chance in the world. The O A C girl is a succsss. The well which H. Hirschberg is drilling for oil near Monmouth is now down six hundred feet. There was a delay of four dtye, on ac count of the loss of some part of the drilling outfit. It was "fished out" however, and thedrilling proceeded. Some oil was struck at 350 feet and there has been indications of gas since. It is said that there are many evidences giving encourage ment that oil will be found in pay ing quantities. Mr. Hirschberg is the Independence banker, and he is entitled to much credit for under taking this important work at his own expense. If ve finds oil he will be entitled to all the credit therefor. As for the profits, they will be his, too. Salem Statesman. Aside from a broken damage resulted. tongue no Bought the Ferry. As indicated in the Gazette some weeks ago, the commissioners' court toolc advantage of its option on the ferry across the Willamette at this city and purchased that property from Mr. Blum hart, yesterday. April 24th of last year the court entered into an agreement with Mr. Blumhart to lease the ferry for one year beginning with May 1st, 1901. Mr. Blumhart agreed to operate the ferry for this period for 300. The county vas given aa option for the purchase of the ferry and all fits equipment and appli ances, and certain parcels of land adjoin ing the ferry landings in Linn and Ben ton counties, for the sum of $2,500. April 33th, 1902, was set as the date to terminate the contract. eggs, and to his dismay, discov ered that eight dozen of the eggs had hatched out and escaped du ring the run through the lower Willamette valley. At tlje rate they were hatching "out it is doubtful if he would have reached home with an: "egg-:iact''he - not appeared on the scene in the 'niche o' time. " He .reached nome witn lour dozen eggs and all the chickens he could hold by the legs. The New Boat. Big Bid For Lumber. F. P. Sheasgreen returned yesterday from a trip to Newport, whither he went to inspect the cargo of lumber on the two-mast barge which went ashore on south beach about a month ago. When the vessel went ashore her masts and deck load of lumber went overboard, but there is still about 300,000 feet of good spruce lumber in her hold. Mr. Sheas green has placed a bid for 150, 000. feet of the lumber which is clear, with good prospects of se curing it. The wrecked vessel is in very good conditiou, and prospects are fait for getting her off the beach without damage. She is a fine new craft, this being her first trip. Her cargo was the first output of a new sawmill re cently built at Coos Bay. Her destination was San Francisco, and she was in tow of a tug. When near that eity, the hawser connecting her with the tug parted and the captain ot that steamer left her to her fate. His action resulted in his papers be ing taken from him. The barge drifted at the mercy of the waves, until she finally went ashore near the entrance to Yaquina bay. All on board landed safely. About a month ago we printed some information regarding the movement toward placing a new steamer on the Upper Willam ette. The Telegram of a few days ago gives the following in formation on this subject: ATA f . 4 xne macmnery ot tne river steamer Gypsy, which used to ply on the upper river and sank near Independence a year or two jo, is likely to provide material for a prospective boat to be con structed by the Willamette River Transportation-Company of Ore gon uity. lne new company has the plans and ipecifieations prepared and all that remains for them to do is to build the craft Previous to this time there have been two corporations and ten private individuals operating steamers on the Upper Willam ette. lne organization 01 an other company indicates that the upper river country is prosperous, and it may be that there will be business enough offered to keep all alive in the future. At the present time the O. R. & N. and O. C. T. Co. have been opera ting .their steamers under a mu tual agreement. Cannot Accept. Editor Gazette: Having heard that some of my party are mentioning my name for nomi nation to the office of State Sen ator at the coming county Re publican Convention, I think it due the party to say I can not, for business reasons, and will not accept such nomination, if made. I thank my friends for their expressions of confidence in me, and only hope that we may get candidates selected that will win in the June election and may be servicable to Benton county as our representatives. Dated at Corvallis, this March 6th, 1903. W. E. Yates. Several New Families. Last December Mr. J. W. Mallow, of Iowa, visited this sec tion of the valley with a view to I have 160 acres of Land located 6 miles from Corvallis, Benton Co., Or for sale or will exchange for Portland city property. . For further particulars call on or address . Mas. J. Mason, owner, Corvallis, Or. DRESS GOODS DEPT. FOR SPRING, 1902 We have just received our shipment of Dress Goods which is by lar the-largest and best assortment we have ever had on display, including all the latestj weaves and colors from25 cents $1.50 per yard, to which We call your special attention and ask that you call and look them over. 3i SPECIAL I On Ready Made Sheets and Pillow Cases 75-cent Sheets at 50 cents 15-cent Pillow Cases at 10 cents Our wash fabrics will arrive this week. New Beltiicj. L KLINE. -- New Buckles. For Sale. "Natures Great Health Restorer'' the great Kheumatic remedy. For sale at A. 1 lodes' store. M. L, Adams, Agt. Corvallis, Ore. NOW IS YOUR OPPOR TUNITY To secure a Good Home. Solendid Stock Ranch, cr Pet-feet Summer Grazing a nds at Nominal Prices Seasonable Goods. Ladies $ 4 5 Misses Mackintoshes at $3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 7 50 1 75 2 00 2 50 50 25 The Coast Land & Live Stock Comoanv haviDEr nurchnapd40.nn0 api-m of tha Corvallis aDd Yaauiua Bav Waeon Road lands, known an thn 'f!nn T otiHa have now placed them on the market. These are unimproved lands situated iu Eenton and Lincoln rnnnfion. along the line of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad, in the best grazing and fruit raising section of Western Oregon. $1.00 to $4.00 per Acre Easv Terms. Perfect Tltla. WL. 1VE DAVIS, Agent October 7. .1901. Corvallls-Oroaonl Li! on 00 6 00 " 7 00 " 10 00 " 2 50 ' 3 00 " 3 50 Men's Y llor Oil Coots Men's Oil Hats Mea's and boys' Mackintoshes at the your best chance to get a bargain. These Real Estate, Insurance, Collecting and Ex next season. At 'lhe Kegula- r T T2 tur uj juow jr rices. change Agents. TITLES ZE-IMIIlsnED. Piano PL4YING AND TEACHING Mortgages, Wills, Deeds and All Kinds of Legal Papers Drawn. We advertise in 200 weekly news papers . in the East, through 800 news advertisine' ao-encies. and our facilities for hanAWna vnnt a '-'. .. . ' : r-. o j IVIOraaUntLaOOanOUan properties are tne best. I Tf t. i 1 11 .1 1- Whose understanding of the higher art Ai -yuu Wlsu lu uai &cli ur bwaP auyimng irom a can or a CLOg of music has been obtained bv Years of 10 a 5J,uoo-acre rancn m any part ot tne united Mates, see US. study and attested bv several vearssuc- Ve wili DUy, sell, trade. Kill or give it away. cessful teaching, announces that he will We try to do you justice and give satisfaction. Our charge are receive pupils at any time for the pro-1 reasonable. ductionof I Collections of old ont-lawed debts a snerialtv. 1 j PfifrnM. Mikiral and PianisHr PfailiM Insurance written in best companies in the United States. of the first class. Legons also given in specialties, such as Mason's Pianoforte lecnnics, Keed Organ, Harmony, Etc. Call at residence, one block west of courthouse. Office over PostofEce, Corvallis, Oregon. 3 Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House Foley's Honey and Tar cures colas, prevents pneumonia. N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible cough settled on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since. TO HOMESEEKERS. No. 101 lo acres, 15 in cultivation, good buildings; fine fruit and water, good bottom land; price, $650. 4 miles from Philomath. li 'i S3 i Pioneer Bakery AND RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. H. W.t HALL, Proprietor. Summons. IV TTIF. f!TRniTIT flOTTPT OF TTTR RTATIf fli" 74 160 acres ; 30 in cultivation ; small I Oregon for the county of bfnton: ruwaru ivaiuwu, iriaiuuu, rs house; good barn and water; 1) miles from "town; cheap at $1,500; on main county road ; good pasture and timber. No. 112 86 acres, 30 in cultiyation bal ance good pasture and timber, fair house and barn and other buildings, fine fruit and water, one and one-half miles from Philomath, price $2,000; a good place for the money. No. 8165 acres, 140 in cultivation, good house, barn, orchard and water. All well fenced, twormiles from Philo math, one of the gnest farms in Oregon price f 30 per acre. HENRY AKBI.ER, ReaFEstate Agent, Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. Jane Loyd, Charley Loyd, Belle Loyd, John W. Loyd, Alice Loyd, James Jl. Loya, Hat tie Loyd. Edmund H. Lord Millie Lovd. Minnie E. Gross, Jacob Gross, Vhilena A. Lord, HcEnery Loyd, Clement B. Loyd. Rose Loyd, Geneva B. Earl, Willis Karl. William r. Loya, and Annie G. Lord, Heirs at law of Abner Loyd, deceased. Defendent. . To Jane Loyd, Charley Loyd, Belle Loyd, John W. Loyd, Alice Loyd, James M. Loyd, HattleLoyd, Ed- mon Loyd, Millie Lord, Minnie E. Gross, Jacob Gross, Philena A. Loyd, McEntry Lovd, Clement B. Loyd, Rose Loyd, Geneva B. Earl, Willis Earl, Wil liam P- Lovd, and Annie G. Loyd, the above named defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby summoned to ap pear and answer the complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit now on file in this office of the Clerk f said Court on or before the 25th dar oi March 1902, that being the date fixed for the expira tion of the period pi escribed for rublicatlon of this summons, to-wit: once a week for six successive weeks. You will take notice that if you fail to appear and ncmop Mid iwwmtjaini: nn herein rprmirpfi. nlaintiff OUglinesS Of the 8kin Cured quickly by I will apply to the Court for the releif prayed for in U1S CUllipiaiUIr, KB 1UIIUW9. "That -all adverse Claims of said defendnat of in and to Lot number ten in Block number two of the origi nal town of Marysville now the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, be determineJ by a decree of this court. That by said decree it bo adjudged and declared that defendants hare no estate er interest whatever in or to said land or premises, that the title of plaintiff is good vallid and o efficient, and that de fendants be forever deprived from asserting ay claim whatever in or to said land or premises for snch other relief as the court may deem meet and equitable, and for his costs and disbursements in this suit. - This summons is published by order of Hon. fc. Woodward. Judsre of the County Court of Benton Countv. State of Oreson. made February 18, 1W02 and the date of first publication of said summons was Chapped hands, cracked lips and Banner Salve, the most healing ointment in the world. Graham & Wortham. A Great Saving. All property owners should kuow it. For one Dollar we will sell you our ever lasting Fence Post receipt. To be had at this office. Notice for Publication. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under sned has been appointed Administra trix of the Estate of Samuel A. Hemphill, deceased, bv the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County, sit ting in Probate. AU persons having claims against said Estate are required to nresent the same, duly verified, to me at mv residence in Corvallis, Oregon, or made Febiwy 11, 1902- at the Law Office of E. Holgate in Cor vallis, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first Publication ot tnis notice. Mary A. Hemphill, Administratrix. Dated at Corvailis, Oregon, this 11th day of February, 1902. United States Land Omci Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 15, 1902. Noticfi is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en. tit'ed "An act for the sale of timber lands in tha States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Teiritory." as extended to all the Public Land States by act oi August 4, 1892, ERNEST F. SNYDER, of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day filled in this office his sworn statement No. 55S6. for the purchase of the S. E. J of Sectio i No. 20, in Township No. 12 S, Range No. 7 W., and will e er proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timlier or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his c'aim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this office aj Ore gon City on Tuesday, the 1st day of April, 192. Ha names as witnesses: C. W. Wilkirson and Chap. Odeil of Corvailis, Oregon, and L. Henkle and W. Scott, of Philomitb, Oregon. Any and all pe sons claiming the above-described lands are requested to rite their claims in this offita on or before said 1st day of April, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. We Buy ami Sell Farms. C. E. WOODSON, Attomev for plaintiff. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right If you want to sell farms or city prop erty list it with us. Write us or call and see us, we advertise in Eastern papere. It you want to buy property or want a business location write or call on us. Houses to rent, money at low interest, insurance written, collections made, farms rented, etc. Office in' Sanders' Jewelry Store. N. P. Pstebson. G. A. Robinson