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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1902)
TUC WILIS GAZETTE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1902.. HEALTHFUL. There is a pleasing little story making the rounds of the eastern press, which, whether true or false, well illustrates a radical clement necessary in the formation of real American manhood. The story recites that a waman of ar istocratic notions asked a son of the president if he did not find many of his boy acquaintances rough and uncouth. - The lad re plied: "Papa says that there are tall boys'and short boys, good boys and bad boys, and those are the only kinds of boys there are." This sounds enough Roosevel tian to be true. At all events it reminds us that boys who are taught to look upon other boys according to their personal merit are being trained in the right di rection. We think some parents place entirely too much stress apon the matter of wealth. Not alone do wealthy parents do this, but quite frequently those who are compar atively poor. Thus a false class distinction is created in the minds of boys which dwarfs and warps their character through all after life. Parents who would have their boys grow up into self-reliant, unselfish, manly men, should per mit them to come into contact with all sorts of boys, for the real lessons of life are acquired through knowledge and experi ence. Compel boys to make their own way among other boys, and to fix their own standing and ' that of their fellows on the lines of moral courage and worth. When grown to manhood they will not often be deceived by their fellows for they will have learned to form right estimates of human character, because they have been taught to base their deductions upon moral worth or lack of it. There is nothing more truly democratic than a good, vigorous and healthful American boy. Filled, it may be, with the very spirit of fun and mischief, yet he is ever generous, ever mindful that his fellows, under the same conditions, possess rights and privileges equal to his own. It is our boast that our public school system cultivates and de velops this democratic spirit by placing all hoys on a level and teaching them that honesty, in a us try, seli-reliance ana moral worth, joined to a glowing spirit ot patnotitism lorm by tar a more desirable list of assets than pa ternal stocks and bonds, power and place. It may be that the school notes but two classes of boys, the good and bad, afld teaches that the boy who habit nally classifies with the bad is to be strenuously avoided. This is sufficient and easy of comprehen sion. It is well for our country when our men of influence, men of position, men of wealth, rebuke 6nobbery, thrust aside namby pamby notions, and teach their boys that moral worth is the first essential of true manhood. Having thus spoken ha flew away, and refreshing sleep left me. Now come ye and J if possible we will arm the Bona of the Acbaeans. Bat I will first test them with words, which is right, and will or der them to flee with the many-oared ships ; bat restrain ye them with words one at one point, another at another." Having indeed tbas spoken he fat down, and there stood op among them Nestor, who was then king of Sandy Py los. Hr, being wall disposed, .addressed the assembly and eai 1 : "O friends, leaders and rulers oi the Argivas. bad told his dream, we might say it is not true and we might reject it all the more as the Dream-gpd is not trustworthy ; butTie who claims to be the bravest of the Acbeas saw him. Bat come ye, and i. possible, we will arm the sons of the Acbeas." ISo, having thosjspoken, he began to go away froat the Council, and they, the sceptre-bearing kings, thereupon arete and obeyed the shepherd of the people. Notlc to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that tba under signed has been appointed Administra trix of the Estate of Samuel A. Hemphill, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton Coanty, sit ting in Probate. All persons having claims a ainst said Estate are required to present the same, duly verified, to me at my residence in Corvallis, Oregon, or at the Law Officn of E. Holgate in Cor vallis, Oretjon, within six months from the date of the first Publication of this notice. Mary A. Hemphill, Administratrix. Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 11th day of February, 1902. When - We Advertise Bargains L We Have Them. A Week of Matchless Values The merriest, biggest bargain festival ever known here. We will make a clean sweep will unload and do it," no matter what the sacrifice. No, not goods at your own prices, but nearly so. It takes but little mOnty now to buy a great deal f good goods. All over the house there are small lots of stock, wreckage or leavings from the big stocks that were here prior to the coming of the New Year. Prices are made to move them. We hare remnants in Eibbons; remnants in Calico; rem Hants In Outing Flannel; remnants in Lining, Sheeting, Flannelettes and Oil Cloth. They are bargains eyeryone of them. When you see it in our ad, it's so. B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physician & Surgeon . Booms 14 in Bank Building. " Office Hours ,tof2a' m S 2 to 4 p. m. Residence : Corner College and 8th Sta. Telephone at office and residen-e. Corva'lie. - - - Oregon. " E. 1L Bryson ATTORNEY - AT - LAW . Corvallis, Oreron. Office la Port office Building. 14 to t- F. L MILLER, Corvallis, Or. P. S. 20 per cent discount on our entire stock of clothing for cash N. B. To all parties who place tub scriptioDS for the Lad'es Home Journal for a year with me during the next 30 day?, I wil give as a prize a 50 cent book or a 50 cent piece of music. C. A. Gerhard. Miss Mabel Cronise Graduate or Chicago College of Music. CORVALLIS, OREGON. New Stone Quarry. my No HOMER'S ILIAD. I have opened a stone quarry on. place oae mile north of Corvallis. better foundation stone can be found in the county. Builders and others are re quested to write or see me, when in need of such material. Thos. Boulden, We Buy ami Sell Farms. )- If you want to Bell farms or city prop erty list it with ub. Write us or call and see ns, we advertise in Eastern papers. If you want to buy property or want a business location write or call on as. Houses to rent, money at low interest, insurance written, collections made, farms rented. Jewelry Store. etc. Office in Banders' N. P. Pkterson. G. A. Robinson. Notice! Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Til r STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF i.;irON: Edward Walden, Plaintiff, v . Jan Loyd, Charley Loyd, Belle Loyd, Joan W. Loyd, Alice Loyd, Jauies . ixyd, liattie Loyd, Edmund K. Loyd Millie Loyd, Minnie E. Gross, Jacob Gross, Philena A. Loyd, fee :nery Loyd, Clement B. Loyd. Hose Loyd, Geneva B. Earl, Willis Karl. William P. Loyd, and Annie G. Lord, Heirs at law of Abner Loyd. deceased. Delendent. J To Jane Lojd, Ciarley Lord, Belle Loyd, John W. Layd, Alice Loyd. Jamea II . Layd, UatUeLoyd, Ed m.n Love, Millie Loyd, Minnie E. Gross, Jacob Gross, Philena A. Loyd, HcEnsry Loyd, Clement B. Loyd, Rose Loyd, Genera B. Earl, Willis Earl, Wil liam P Loyd, and Annie G. Loyd, the above named defendant,. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby summoned to ap pear and answer tha complaint of plaintiff in the above entitled suit now on file in this office of the Clerk f said Court on or beforcthe 25th day of March 1902, that being the date fUod for the expira tian of the period prescribed for i ublicatlon of this summons, to-wit: once a wejk for six successive weeks. . You will take notice tht if you fa:l to appear and answer said complaint as herein required, pl.dntin win appiv to tne court lor me rcieit prayed lor in liis complaiat, as follows: 'Vhat all adverse Claims of ea'd defendnat of in and to Lot number ten in Block number two of tiie orli nal own of Jlaryfct lie now the City of Corvallis. Eenton County, Oregon, be determine 1 by a decree of this court. That by said deeree it be adjudged and declared that defendants (have no estate or interest whatever in or to tjd land or premises, that the title of plaintiff is good vallid and so. ici.nt, and that de fendants be forever deprived from asserting av claim whatever in r to said land or premises for such other relief as the court may deem me. t and equitable, and for his costs and disbursements in thi suit. This summons is published by order of Han. E. Woodward, Judge of the County Court of Benton County. State of Oregon, u ade February is. 1H02 and the date of first publication of said summons wss nisde February 11, l02- V. K. WOOUSUS) Attorney for plaintiff. A Great Saving. All pioperty owners should know it. For one Dollar we will sell yon our ever lasting Fence Post receipt. To be had at this office. Notice for Publication. - United States Land Office j Orejon City, Ore -on, Jan. 15, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the 8tates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory,'' as extended to all the Tublie Land States by act oi August 4, 1S92. .-.ERNEST F. SNYDER, of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day Ailed in this office his sworn statement No. 6586. for the purchase of the S. E. J of Section No. 26, in Township No. 12 S, Range No. 7 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its tinil-cr or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City on Tuesday, the 1st day of April, 192. He names as witnesses: C. W. Wilkinson and Chas. Odell of Corvallis, Oregon, and L. Henkle and W. Scott, of Philomath, Oregon. ' Any and all persons claiming the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this otfic on or before said 1st day of April, 1602. CHAS. B.. MOORES, I e lister. DR. J AS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office la WbiUkora Black Corvallis, Oregon W. T. Rowley PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, . OPTICIAN. Office over First National Bask E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of every description done in first class manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, opposiu the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. C. H. NEWTH Physician Sf Surgeon Examining surgeon U. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGON, Drugs & Medicines Kodaks & Photo Supplies Corvallis, Oregon Established, Incorporated, 1898 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. TJ. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. Feb. 3rd. 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with , the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane 3, rS7S, entitled '.'A act for the sale e timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," es extanded to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, - E, V.SPENCER, -or Alaea, county of Benton, State of Ore: gon has thisday filed in this office his sworn statement No. 5633, for the pur chase of the n of ne J of Section No. 2ojn Township No. 13 s, Range No. 7 w, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mora valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purpo ses, and to establish, his claim to said land before t he Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon Cilv, Ore., on Wed nesday, the 23rd day of April, 1902. He names as witnesses: J. W. Hyde of Philomath, Ore. R. Hyde of Philo math, Ore. M. Spencer of Philomath, Ore. Gertrnde Spencer of Alsea, Ore. Any and-ail persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are reqneat eJ!to file their claims in this office on or before said 23rd day of April, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. -TJ. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. Feb. 2, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with tha provisions of, the act of Congress of Jone 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of Aug ust 4, 185)2. JACOB L. HENKLE, of Philomath, county of Beuton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement "No. 5630, for the purchase of the w 1-2 of the w 1-2 of Section No. 24 in Township No. 12 s, Range No. 7 w, and will offer proof to ehow that the laud sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim lo- said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City Or. on Friday, the 18 day of April, 19o2. He names as witnesses : J. W. Hvde of Philomath, Or. Susie Henkle of Phil omath, Or?. E. S. Snyder of Corvallis, Ore., John A. Henkle of Portland, Ore. Any and all persons claiming: adverse ly the above-desciibed lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before said 18th day of April, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. ; : Police tor Publication.' UxrriD Status Land Omca, Orejon City, Or, Fab 3, WW. Notice is hs eby given that in compliance with the provtsionsot rw act of Congress of June S, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of Umber lands In the States of California, Oren, Kew !a, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to alt the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 1892, MISSOURI SPENCER, of Philomath, county of Benton. State of Oregon -has this day filed in this office his swora statement No. 56S1, for the purchase ot the El at 8 W i- and S.ii03 of Section No. 18, in Township No. IS S. Ranee No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mora raluable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tbe Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon cn Wednesday, the 23rd day of April, 1902. Ha name as witnesses: J. W. Hyde and R. Hyde, of Philomath, Oregon, and Gertrude Spencer and K. V. Spencer, of Al&ea, Oregon. Any and all petons claiming rdverselv the abore d escribed lands are requested to file their claims ia this office on or before said 83rd day of April, I9ui CHAS. a HOOR3S, Register. Notice for Publication. Vsnro States Lairs Omcs, - Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. S, 190S. Notice is hereby giTen that in compliance with the pronsiens of the act ot congress of June S, 1878, ea. titled "An act for the sale of timber la ds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada ai.u Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the 1 ublic Lead SKtes by act of Augus. 1, 1S92, GERTRUDE SPENCER, of Alsea. count) of Benton, State of Oregon, has this, day filed in this office her sworn statement, Ne tor the purchase of the N 1-2 of N K 1-4 and N KM of N W 1-4 of Section No. 22, in Township No. is S tcange No. 7 W, and will offer proof to show that tha land sought is more valuable for its timcer or Moce than for aricuUuial purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 23rd day ef April, 1902. She names as witnesses' J. W. Hyde, R. Hyde and M. Spencer, all ot Philo math, Oregon, and E. V. Spencer, of Alsea, Oregon, Auv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2Srd day of April, 100. CHAS. B, liOQRES, Register, Notice for Publication. Book ii-a Literal Translation MacLean, Pb. D. v. 43-83 Agamemnon, having com muntcated his plan to the Elders, calls the forces to an assembly : Now the goddess. Dawn, ascended the lofty Olympus to announce the light to Zeus and to the other immortals; and he Agam. ordered clear-voiced heralds to summon the long-haired Achaeans to an assembly. These the heralds sum monedthem: those the Achaeans be gan to assemble vary quickly. 1 hen he first constituted a council of noble-minded Elders near the 6hip ef Nestor, the Pylus-born king. Having called them together, he -prepared the prudent plan which he afterward un folds : "Hearken, O friends :! A divine dream came to me in my sleep during the am brosial night, and he resembled most ex actly the divine Nestor in respect to features, sice and form. And he stood right over my head, and addressed to me tbe following speech : "Dest thou sleep, O son of Atreus that fiery-hearted knight? It does not become a counsel-giving man to sleep all night long a man to whom people are entrusted and who has so many cares, But do thou now hear me quickly. For I am a messenger for thee from. Zeu?, who, although he is far away from tbee, greatly grieves for thee and pities thee. He commanded thee to arm tbe long haired Achaeans with all' haste. For cow thou mayest, if thou wilt put forth the effort, capture the wide-wayed city of tbe Trojaae. For the immortals who in habit the Olympian Halls are no longer divided in opinion touching the destruc tion of Trey. For Hera by entreating baa bent them all, and for the Trojans roes are destined from Zens. But do ti.on kefp this message in thy mind- Our Winter House Cleaning Rummage and Remnant Sale will close Saturday, February 22 Our New Spring Stock is now arriving. Foley's Honey and Tar No opiates. .". tPno reflection olrafflsgi EWjfe dainty, no light noWSm IfcW charming as the 'T&?rj. Bj ! mellow slow that !j I' I conies from 'L MK CORDOVA My s jTvVax Candles IS CORDOVA Wax Candies r tints Propared in mauy x 'o i narnuoua Wlla rottudiitjc in dit room, mmf rn bmt ntoat or hall. S evarjwbere. Made STANDARD OIL CO, Id Frank Trradwell, Bennett. Ia.. was troubled with kidney disease for two years. He writes : "I bad taken several kinds of kidney remedies bnt with little benefit Finally J tried Foley's Kidney Jure and a one dollar bottle cured'm Graham A Worlham, TO HOMESEEKERS.. No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation, good buildings, fine fruit and water, good bottom land; price, $650. 4U miles from Philomath. 74 160 acres ; 30 in cultivation ; small house; good barn and water; miles from town: cheap at $1,500: on main county road ; good pasture and timber, No. 11286 acres, 30 in cultivation bal ance good pasture and timber, fair house and barn and other buildings, fine fruit and water, one and one-half miles from Philomath, price $2,000 ; a good place for the money. No. 8165 acres, 140 in cultivation, good house, barn, orchard and water. All well fenced, two miles from Philo math, one of the ynest farms in Oregon price $30 per acre. HENRY AXBUK, BeaPEstate Agent, Box 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon Notice for Publication. United States Laxd Office, Oregon City, Or., Jan. 11, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act ol congress of June 8, 1878, en titltd "An act for the sale of tmber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Teiritory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Minnie A. Parker, ot Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, ha this day filed in this office her sworn statement no. aoBU, lor tiie purchase of the H. w. of Section Mo. in Townshin No. 13 S. Ranee No. 6 W. and Will offer proof to show th' . the land sour ht ia more vaiuaoie lor it timber or si one u -n lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her Claim to said land be fore the Rnrister and Receiver cf this office at Ore. gon city on .Saturday, tba ggrd day of March, 1902. the names as witnesses; Michael O. Onn of Phil omath. Or.. Geo. W. Henk e of form Ilia Or. R. man Hirschbenr of Independence. Or.. Sam A F.wincr w i-iiuuioain, ur. Any and all Dersona cbJ m i n o idrp. alv th aIiav. described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before eaid 22nd day of March, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich , says: I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia with good results in every case." Beware cf imitations. Graham & Wortham. ne, Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestanta and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all tbe food you want. The most sensitive stomach can take it. By its use many thousands of dvsoeotics have hpfn cured after everything else failed. It is unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good IVepared only by E. O. IeWitt & Co., Chicago Tbe (X. bottle contains 2 times tee 50c sice. Graham I Wells. Usiibd States Land Offick, Oresron Citv. Oregon. Jan. 25. If "-2. Notice is hereby giveii that in compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 187s, en titled VAn act for the sale of timber lands in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash ng- ton Territory, as extended to all tne Public Land States by act of August 4, 1 892, Grace T. Hodee, of Dallas, county ot roiK, state oi Oregon, nas tins day Sled in this othes ber sworn statement No. 5825, for tne purcnase ot tne w of s K 1-4 aud E of S w l i . i"i 4t- ii n. i .t . . . i- ui oeubiou rro, zs m jvwiisnip iso, 13 a. tiange No. 7 W, and w4H offer proof to show that the land sought is more earliiiiblo for its tinber or stone than fop agricultural purposes, and to establieh her claim to said land before the 'Register and Receiver of this omce aturegon city, urcgon on wean: Jay, tbe 9tr, day of April, 1902. She names aa-witne. 5 s:E. A. Cone of Philomath, Oregon, J. W. Hyde uf Philomath, Ore. Martha Hodge of PalUs, Ore. F. M. Spencer of Philomath, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above describe-) lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 9th day of April, 1902 CHAS. a MOORES, Register. CHILDBEN ESPECIALLY LIABLE. Burns, bruises and cuts are extremely painful and if neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children are especially liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy DeWitt's "Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cures for piles. "DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve cured my baby ot eczema after two phy sicians gave her up," writes James Mock JN. Vteusler, ind. The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day.1 Graham & Wells. and The most complete line ot Pure Drugs Chemicals in CorvalH - Books and Stationery, Commercial Pa pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article, ; Combs, Brushes and Mirrors. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery CIGARS Minajerjof Perscription Department, T. A, JONBS.. Registered, Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue Univerai ty, Indiana U. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Ore.,Feb. 2, 1902 Notice is hereby given that in cooipli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, J878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber latds in the States of California, Orejron, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of AUgUSl 4, 1B5IS, SUBIE HENKLE. of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in thisoffite her sworn statement No. CGE0, for the purchase of the ne of nw n 1-2 of ne 1-4, se 1 4 of ne 1 -4 of Section No. i!o in Township No. 12 p, Range No. 7 w, and will offer proof to show that the laud sought ia more valuable for its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purpo ses, and :o establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or. on Frjdgv, the 18th day of April, lOo-i. She names as witnesses: J. W.Hyde of Philomath, Ore. J..L. Henkle of Phil omath, Ore. E S. Snyder of Corvallis, Ore. Jno. A. Henkle of Port'and, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly theabove-desciibed lands are request, ed to tile their claims in this office on or before the said 18th day of April, 19o2. CHAS. fe. MOORES, Register. You should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is absolutely tbe best for all di seases of the tin oat aud lung?. Dealers ate authorized to guarantee it to gi ve satisfaction. Graham & Wortham A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. j. was u on Died tor about seven vears with my stomach and in ted half my time," says E. Denude, gomerville, Ind. "I spent about $l,ooo and never could get anything to help toe until I tried ry I , lA ; t . . A-ouoi jjyspepeia iure. j. nave taken a a few bottles and am entirely well." You don't live by what you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stom ach doesn't digest your food you are real ly starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's . work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet. Eat a 1 you waBt Kodol Dispepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. Graham & Wei Is rtie first National Bank Or CORVALLIS, OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1 SSO. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. S C. E DR. W. H. HOLT Osteopathic Physician If you are in any way afflicted with rheumatism, catarrh, constipation, heart, stomach, liver, kidney or female trouble, call and see me at my office on South Main Street. Consultation and examin ation free. Telephone No. 235 Main. N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible cough settled on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her. She has never been troubled with a cough since. DONT LIVE TOGETHER. Constipation and Jhealth nevet go to gether. DeWitt's Little Early Risers promote easy setion of the bow e.s with out distress. "I have been troubled with costiveness nine years," says J. O. Greene, Depauw, Ind. "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." Graham & Wells. W. L. Yancy, Paducb, Ky., writes: I had a severe case of kidney disease and three of tbe best physicians in south ern Kentucky treated me without success I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave immediate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. I gladly recommend this wonderful rem edy." Take no substitutes. Graham & , Wortham. WOODCOCK, President. MOOR. Vice-President. WALTER T. WILES, Cashier. GEO. E, LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. Bre'ti-Fc ad Nonsense. Another ridiculous lood fat has been branded by tbe most competent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of foe d is needed for biain, another for muscles, end still another for bones. A correct d'et will net only nouiish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other; art. Yet, however good -your food may be, its nutritueot is destroyed by icdigestkn or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medic-r e of the healthy millions. A few dores aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the b'ood, and makes you feel buojsnt and vigoious. Yon can get iJr. I, ti. Ureen's. reliable remedies at Giaham & AVo'tbapi. Get Green's Special Almanac. Notice for Publicatica. United States Land Office, Oregon City. Or., Feb., S, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of an act of conrets ef June 3, 1878, an. titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tha States of California, Oregnn, Nevada, shd Washing;, ton Territory," as extend d to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1S92, J. W. HVBE, of Philonth, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 6634. for the purchase of the H 1.9 f N w i ....i bWHolM 1-4 of Section No. 18 In Township :Ne. 13 S. Ranjjra No. 7 W, and will offer poof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to taid lui.i before the Retrister and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 23rd day of Ap.ili 1902. He names s witnesses: E. V. Spencer and Gertrude Spencer, of a1si, Oregon, and R. Hyde and 41. Spencer, both of Philomath, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above, described lands are.requfts.ed. t file their claims ia this office on or before t'(l day of April, 19sg. CHAS, B. fcOORhS, - Register. Notice for Publication, United States Land Omce, Ort gon City, Ore. Jan. 25th, 1002- Jjotlce is hereby given that in compliance with th provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled '"An net for the sale of timber lands in the Su.u-8 cl California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States I j- act oi August 4, ltUi, K M. Spencer, uf fhilcmaih, county of Benton, state of Oiegsn, has this dy flied in this office Ins rwnin ttatmunt Ne. FG23, tor the purchase of the S J of 1 E 1-4 and N j of s K 1 ! oi Section No. 34 in Township No. 12 8. Range No. 7 W, and vrili offer roof tokliow that the lauu sought is more valuable for its timber nr rtono than for rgj:ultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to said 1'ind before the Rtuipter and Receiver of this office a 'JregoiiCity.Or.on'W ednesday, the 9ta day of April, 1:h'. 1 pe panics 83 witur uses; Grace T. Hodge of Dallas, Ore. flBiiha J. Hod ire of Dallas, ore. J. W Hvde of 1'hilomatli, Ore. C. it. Huffman of Ihiloiiiatti, Ore. Any and ail persons claiming adver -ely the abave desenbed lands a-e requested to file their claims In this offica on or before Baid Sth day ,f April, 12. CHAS. li. MOORKK, - Register. Notice for Publication, Umtkp Stahbb Ijunb OhTics, Oregon Citv, Oregon, Jan 24, 19o2 Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the proviioi.8 with tbe act &I Congress of June S, 17S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wann ing ton Tenitory," as extended to ail the Public Land States by act of August 4, lb92, Martha J. Hodge, of Dallas, county of i o k, state of Oregon, bis this day filed in this office ,ir sworu statement No. 6624, lor the pi"-chase of the S i of N E 1 4 ftud E i of S E 1-4 of Section No. 28 in Township No. lg S, Ranrc No. J W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or s. one than for aeilcultural r.umoses. andtoestata. lish her claim t t ud land before the Register and Receiver of this ethce at Oregon Citv. Otemm. on Wednesday, the Oth day of, 1902, She name' as witnesses: J. W. Hvde of Philomath. Ore, S. A Cone of Philomath. Ore. P. M 6icncer of Philomath, Ore. Grace T. Hodge of Dallas, Or. Any and all persons cUimin? adverse! v tha above- described lands are reque ted to file their claims in this office on or before sajd Pth day of April. 1801, qttAS. it HOURS. Register, iotce for Publication, Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially to encourage and build up the legitimate bust bcss enterprises ana industries of this country. Deposits Received subject to check payable on demand. Foreign Exchange Sigt exchang-e and transfers sold available in th principal cities ef England, Ireland, Switzer- tpuu, fi9mre, peigium, oiiana, Norway, Sweet en, nenmarjr, Italy, aussis, Spam, Fprtueal, i .Of??- Letters of Credit available in the principal cities of tu United States Land Office. Oregon City. Or. Nov. 29. intil. Notice is hereby civen that in comoliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act f-r the sale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon Nevada, vnd Washington Tcrriloriy." as eiltrdd to all the Pub lic Land States I .v act nt Augu-,t 4, 1892, BLANCHE EAKIN, ef Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, lias this aay tiled n this her swoin statement No. 5560, for the j urclmfe of the S W J of Section ho. 12 in Township No. 13 S. liaiige Ni . 7 W. ai d will offer proof to show that the land (ought is more vaiuauie ior lis timneror stone umn lor agricultural purposes, and to establish be- claim to raid laud be fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, on Thursday, the 13th aav ot February luuz. sne mines a witnesses: Michael O, rlynn, of Philomath, Ore., Fieemnn W. Bobincon and Albert jh. Kotnnson, totn of tall City, ore., and Hort C. tamn, oi iianae, tire. Any and all persons claiming adverse! tbe abore- oescrioea lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said 13th day of February, 1902 G11AS. B. 4100KES, Register. Notice for Publication. Princi'4 Correspondents Upon Whom Sell bignt bxenange The Commercial National Bank 'of Chicago. The First National Bank of Portland, Oregon. The Bank of California, San Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Californian Bank, San Francisco, Calif The National Citv Bank New York. The Bank of New York National Banking Ass'n. Importers &Trader's National Bank, New York. snoeaua Learner national Bankot Boston. Mass Philadelphia National r.ank of Philadelphia. Pa CHILP WOJLTJ3 MILLIONS. My clilid is worth millions to mp says Mrs. Mary Bird of Hanisburg, Pa., "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Coush Cure." One 'Minute Cough Cure 13 sure cure for coughs, croup, throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough enre which acts immediately. The youngest child can lake it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it helped them. Unitkd States Lakd Office, Roseburg. Oreiron. Dec. 18. 101. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congre. 1 of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Caifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4. Ib92, . . Jesse D. Whitkaker. of Independence count' of I'oik, Sta.e of Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 1932. for the purchase of the S 1 NW i. lots 3. 4. sec.2, T. 14 S.. R 7 W. rnd will offer Droof 10 sni w mat ine land tou?nt is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agr-cultural miroo es. ard to establish his claim to said laud before the Register miu uwcivw u 11113 oiiue at nose o lire-, ereyon. on aionoay, tne jutn aav ot juarcl iyu-J. ie names as witnesses: Ora Clr.dfeltcr of Inde pendence, or. Clarence h.. Ireland of Independence. Or. Dick Zahn of Algea, 0;. Frank L. Vvhitcaker of jnuepcnueuce. ur. Any and all persons claiming adversely the rbove- dcbuiuoj huus ore reuueoieu lo me ineif ciaimes in this office on or before said ICth dny of March 1S02. J. T. BRIDGES, " Register. I'KlTKb f TATl 8 I AKL OintF. Orgon City, Oregon, Dec. 17. 1901. Nrthe it 1 (i I. j ghen that in con p ianee with ihe pioviMons of tbe act of tengrns if June 8,1(78, entitled "An iict f r Ihe tale ef tin ber lsr.ds in tl e State of Crlifeii ia; Crig n, Nevi-ea, ard Wasl.iut ton Tiiritorj,'" us 'li ttd to s!l tl.e Ful lie 1 1 1 d btetet 1 v ai t of i ecui-t 4. lfVt, CRRlb ViJI KIT, of Fa'n, cennty of Marion Stole of Crtpon, las this os filtd 111 tliis free his vorn ptstinient r. fW, foi the j ui)ne of the Lot 1, & the t j ot N jol Stein n ho. 18 in lownrhip No. h S, banpe No. t' Vt . siifi will fier pn tt to how tl at the '1 i d S!'Uk.l;t i 1 ore sii iible tor its till ber or M ne tl mi for ngiii uitmai ui oiev, md to ei-tahln-h liiu e'a ni to nsid lsnr beloie ti e Regittir si d l enhrt ot this office at I refi n u. n 'Bturi si. the 2i'nd day of Aisich, ll(2. BeiifntbSf witness: Aiiclael G. lnn 1 Ptiumsth, Or., Heimai 11 Iiiicl.l tifc of 11 i i ' 1 1 ce, ( r., Gioiee W. Hen kle ot Conaiiis, tr., Join, t-jiiglet 01 tetvsllis, Orgon. Ait and all persovs clnimir.g adverte' the above descrit ed Iriid are rtqutttid to file their claims in this on er belcre mi id 22nd dcy of Varch, Itbi1. CHAS. B. MOORhS, Register. La Gtipf.e coughs often continue for months and sometimes lead to fatal re sults after the patient is supposed to have Every famjjy 6bopld have a bottle of One passed the danger point. Foley's Honey minute Cough Cure handy. At this sea- eon especially it mav be seeded suddenly. Graham & Wells. sn Tar affords positive protection and security from these coughs. Graham w Wortham. U. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. Feb. 3, 19o2. Nrtice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Corgress of JuDe 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oreaon. Nevada. and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land states by net of August 4, 1892, KAVHKL. HYDE, of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day t led in this office ner sworn statement No. E6S5, for the purchase of the w )4 of w of Section No. 10 in Township No. 13 s. Ranee No. w, and will offer proof to ehow that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than lor agricultural pur poses, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon on Wednefdny, the 23rd day of April, 19o2. She names as witnesses: E. V. Spen cer of Altea, Ote. J. W, IIye of Phil omath, Ore. M. Spencer of" Philomath, Ore. Gertrude Spent er of Alsea, Ore. Ahy and al! j eions claiming adverse ly the above-depcyibed Ijnds are request? pd fo file their claims in this office op or before said 23rd day of April, Ifldg. CHAS. b, MOOKES, Register. Kotlce of Final Settlement. lotice is hceby given to all cinceiifd flat tie undersigned administrator of the estate of J E. Hi. Robinson deceased has flh d in the com ty court of Benton county State of Ore con his s..,i.,,t , a such administrator of the ettate of aid J t N Robmron deceased and that Saturday 81b ,,,, f,f February. A. 1. 1902 at the hour of 11 pa f,v:.. I a M., has been fixed by the taid tcuit as tl e t',n e Ur hearing objections to (aid final tc m.t . 1 11 tlement thereof. Administrator of the estate L. E. FRlDLI fr, s of J. K M. 'Ro . 'RoLinvc n