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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1902)
QBVALUS GAZETTE FSLDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1902. CLAIMED BY THE HOUSE. Congressman Dalzell bas pre sented a resolution in the house directing inquiry as lo the right of that branch ef congress to par ticipate with the senate in form ing' reciprocal treaties. . It is claimed that these treaties are es sentially revenue measures and, ; therefore, should originate in the house of representatives as pro vided by Sec. 7, Art. 1, of the constitution. In the senate a sub committee consisting of Senators Cullom, Spooner, Foraker and Bacon has reported that the president has Dowrr to neJoMate such treaties, and that thev are cffec- tive as soon as ratined ty tne senate, whether they do or do not contain provisions for imposts or duties. The constitution places the treaty-making power in- the hands of the president and the senate. During the second term of Washington it was claimed ' that the house had a right to , withhold the appropriation neces sirv if it deemed the treaty un wise. This subject was earnest- ly debated when the president called on congress to furnish the funds necessary to carry into ef fect the treaty made with En gland by John Jay in 1794. This was a very unpopular treaty, and was bitteily assailed by the re publicans of that time. The house requested the president to lay before it the documents relat-' ing to the treaty. Washington declined to do so and denied that the house had any constitutional right to participate in making treaties. Adams and Jefferson during their respective adminis trations held the same views as Washington. It beoame the set tled interpretation of the consti tution that although a treaty should require an appropriation to carrv it into eitect it is in no sense "a money bill." The con stitutional provision which re quires that "all bills lor raising revenue shall originate ia the Jiouse of reDresentaties" is bor rowed from the English house o commons. Whatever reasons may exist for it there, they have no existence with us. The sen ate has power to amend revenue bills and it is difficult to sea why it might not as well have power to originate them. The senate has already virtual ly decided that treaties contain ing provisions relating to imposts or duties are not necessarily bills for raising revenue. The provi sions for administering-the Ding ley tariff law empowers the presi dent tinder certain conditions to make reciprocity treaties. The house had a part in fixing these conditions when it passed the tariff act. Reciprocity treaties are authorized and framed, n6t with purpose of raising revenue, but for the purpose of extending our trade with other nations when it is desirable and practicable to do so without injury to our own productive industries. To do this the president is authorized to re mit in whole or in part certain duties imposed by the tariff laws. Instead of raising revenue, it clear that such treaties rather contemplate a reduction of it. It is probable that the house is not really in earnest in this con tention. It sees several reciproc ity treaties held up in the senate where they have been buffettei about and where persistent efforts have been made by free traders to force them to do duly mimica to protection. The house seeks to spur the senate to decisive and desirable action concerning t treaties. Our free list embraces almost even-thing we require and do not ourselves produce. This renders it difficult to frame reci procity treaties. The enemies o protection, the opponents of the administration, and a few finical senators have been able, so far, to prevent the ratification of pending treaties. They will ulti mately be completed as the friends of protection desire. COAESE FIBERED. it is almost increaioie tnat a prod set of Yale should yet re tain fiber so coarse as that shown by Senator DuBois in his assault upon jeneral VV Beaton, it is evidence of the infliscribable coarseness inherent in his nature, and illustrates the truth of the Spanish proverb: "You cannot make a silken purse of a swine's car." EverTwhere DuBois has been, TiK r characterized as he deserves. In j this manifestation of public sen timent he must see himself mir rored with an abnorxal Jefonga tion of his auricular appendages. The reproach which the vain 1 Senator has brought upon him self will cling ;to him like the shirt of Nemesis. . HOMER'S ILIAD. Book II-A Literal Translation by C MacLaa, Ph. D. - Vv. 1 47 Zeus loola Agamtmnon, and keeps Dia promise to Thetis : Accordingly, the rest of the gods on the one baud, and the horse-arming men otr the other hand, slept all night long, bat refreshing sleep did not continue to bold Zeus. For be pondered in bis heart bow be might honor Achillea, and destroy maay of the Achaeans near their ships. Then this as a . plan to him in mini seemed best to send a baneful dream to Agamemnon, the stm of Atreus : And lining up his voice be addressed to' him winged words: - .. "O baneful dream 1 Up and get thee quickly to the swift ships of the Achae ans. Then go to the tent of Agamem non, the son of Atreus, and tell him very accurately everything as I command thee. Bid him to arm -with all haste the long-haired Achaeans. For now be may, if he makes the attempt, seize and take the widc-wayed city of the Trojans. For the immortals who inhabit the Olympian hall no longer are divided iu. opinion touching the destruction of Troy. . For Hera by entreating has won them all to her side, and woes are destined for - the Trojans." Thus he spoke, and aecordinuly the dream departed, when he heard . that word ; and with tearing speed he reached the swift Bhips of the Achaeans. And then he went to Agamemnon, the son of Atreus, and found him sleeping in his tent, and ambrosial sleep was diffused around him. And so he stood over his head, impersonating Nestor, the son of Neleus, whom, . be it remembered, of all the elders Agamemnon honored most. Having impersonated that one, the di vine dream said te him ; - - - "Sleepest thou, O son of Atreus that fiery-hearted knLjht? It does not be come a counsel-giving man i. e. a com mandtr-in-chief to sleep all night long a man to whom the people are en trusted and to whom bo many things are a care. But now quickly give atten tien to me. For I am a messenger from Zeus to thee, who, though he is far away from thee, greatly cares for thee and pities thee. He commanded thee to arm the long-haired Achaeans with all haste. For now thou mayat, if thou makest the attempt, seize and take the wide-waved city of the Trojans. For the immortals who dwell in the Olympian halls are no longer divided in opinion touching the destruction of Troy. For Hera, by en treating has won them all to her side, and for the Trojans woes are destined from Zeus. But let not forgetfulness of what I have now told thee seize thee, when refreshing sleep leaves thee. Having spoken just thna (10 departed, and left him there pondering those things in his mind, which, as shall be seen, were not to be accomplished. For he Agam.1, infatuated man, imagined that he could on that very day take the City of Piiam, and knew not those toils which Zeus was then planning. For he was still purposing to impose griefs and groans upon both . Trojans and Daaai through mighty conflicts. Then be awakened from sleep, but the divine voice was poured out around bira i it rang in nis earej. lhen he sat up right and put en a soft tunic, good and new, and threw a large cloak about him. Then he bound beautiful san dals under his Bleek feet, and, further, cast the sword studded with silver nails around his shoulders, and seized the an cestral staff, always imperishable. With this he went to the bronze-mailed Achae ans. .Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew, Mieii., af.a: " I haye used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very severe peases pf pneumonia with good results in every caae.'' Beware cf imitations. Graham & Wortham. A winter trip to Southern California aud Arizona via the famous Shasta Route is one never to be forgotten. Renewed ajiquantance with this section will ever develop ireeij points of interest and ad ded sources of enjoy ment nader its sun ny skies, in the variety of interests and added industries, in its prolific vegetation nnrl omnno ire nnmlwr pbd wcai- a Af B . v, mountain, snore, vauey ana plain, two I trains teave Pprtland daily, morning and Piwntnc, fnr Pllfrirnia Tiwwao lro!n. , . " , ' r: , equipped with the moat Improved pat- tern of standard ami tourist deepLae cars, and the low rate place ttia trip in I f reach of all. For illustrated guides of California and Arizona winter resorts. Address . . Millkb 3en. Paasr. Agent, Port land, fty. no reflection so'fl I J Wt dainty, no light J" fc5pyiv'' charming as the $3 f J mellow glow that iFj l comes from '11 I -ta4 to harmonize with eat JfS f rounUing in dining fapj&SEte Vfk room, draw in room, jAJrSs Tbiffl'A bod room or hall. Sold JfSr xJT very where. Made '7iSMSr SSbV standard ?MfVN A Records In Our January Sale of Dry Goods ; " ' r v and Clothing. ; - There are various reasons for the success -of this wonderful sale. First let us thank the weather man for glorious winter, weather; t Tipn TfYOTnze the tremendous incentive of laroe economies. . Then we realize that you recognize the that ' -' y When you see it Thankin- vou for this verv liberal to aeain help us to break the record make prices' in'"'": . - FLANNELETTE r " The habit of sleeping in open seems to be increasing. It's make it an absolutely sate one during cld weatner, you must pro tect vourself well with warm clothine while asleep. These Flan- nelette Nip-ht Gowns helb amazinelv towards that end. mere is a large variety of them. Trimmed and trimmed in la.ce.. Prices are cents and running up . to $2.00 ; 20 per cent Discount for Cash. F. L MILLER, Corvallis, Or. P. S. Six pieces Albatross just New Steue Quarry. I have opened a stone qut-ny on my place.. o e mile north of CVnallis. No better foundation stone can be found in the county. Builders and others are re quested to write or see me, when in seed of sncli material. ; Taos. Boci.dkn. FINE MILLINERY Special Line ef Street Hats. " " .- FULLINGTON & HORTON, Corner 3rd and Monroe Sts. N. B. ' To all partit-B who place eub Fcriptione for the Lad;es Home Journal for a year with me duriogl ihe i.ex,t 30 dayp, I will . give a? a prize a 50 cent book or i 50 cent piece of music. C. A Gerhard. Miss Mabel Cronise Graduate of Chicago College of Music. . " CORVALLIS, OREGON. TO HOMESEEKERS. No. 101 lo acres, 15 in . cultivation, good buildings, fine fruit and water, good bottom : land : price, - $060. 414 miles from Philomath. - 74 160 acres ; SO in cultivation ; small house; good barn and water; miles from town; cheap at $1,500: on main county road ; good pasture and timber. No. 11286 acres, SO in cultivation bal ance good pasture and timber, fair honse and barn and other buildings, fine fruit and water, one and one-half miles from Philomath, price $2,000; a good place for the money. No. 8 165 acres, 140 in cultivation, good house, barn, orcnard and water. All well fenced, two miles from Philo math, one of the gneet farms in Oregon price (30 per acre. HENRT AHBLER, PearEstate Agent, B ix 59, Philomath, Benton County, Oregon. Net ice for Publication. fjKTPP Stai's Las Omen, Oregon Ckr, Or. , Jan. It, lOOi, Kotice is hereby given that in compliance with the iuuiBiuus vi me mi. ui cuiirress 01 June a, 1070, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tha States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Teiritory," as extended to all the Public Land staves Dy act or August 4, 1892. Minnie A. Parker, of Portland, county of Multnomah. Stats of Ommn has this day filed in this office her sworn statement rio. aoeo, ior tne purchase of the N. W. Jf of Section No. I jn f cjWtehip No, 13 B Range No. 8 W, and will offer proof tft ahoy that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone thAn fpt agricultural ! purposes, and to establish her claim to said land be-1 fore the Register and Receiver cf this office at Ore gon uiyon Katuraay. the 22nd day of March. 1902. she names as witnesses; Michael a rim. nf Phil omath, Or., Geo. W. Henkle of CervalUs, Or.. Her man Htrschbersr of Indenandenee. Or . Ram 9 Fwino ofPniloaicth.Or. ' Any and all persons cla'mina adversely the above- iuis ouce on or aeiore saia !Knd aay of March, 1902. i-has. a. iiooKts, Kegister. 0. 0 0 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what voo eat. Thin irrpnaralifln iwnfninii oil rf k Mlmulnf. nKJ -iiirJ..-''j . . . uiacsuiuro mux niutssLa hii Minns fu iuuu. gives instant reuer ana never i?"2,cure - lt1fi?Jra on 10 eat all r,ttVu mustbCUSltlve stomacnB can x&Ke it. uy its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been .eured after everything else failed. It w?t? i'.1 ali stumauu irjuDies. It ean't help out Co you good Prepared only by E.e.lwirf& Co.. Chicago I ? XhetLbot tue con tains 1 1 rata tilt Usj. bUa. I Graham I& Wells. nz n r U o. 0 0 J 7 lis Passed fact that we advertise no fakes 7 :-; ... : in our ad, it's so. - oatronaee. and calling upon you for February, we are ready to NIGHTGOWNS. bedrooms in which the window is a sensible, healthy habit, but to or plaia with braid, in neat stripes, all' reasonable, starting at jtfty with received at 60c per yard. A Great Savins All pioperty owners ehould know it For one Dollar we will sell yon our ever lasting Fence Post receipt To be bad at this efBce. Notice for Publication. ' Ukitwd States Land Ofrcb . Oreion City, Oregon. Ja. 15, 1902. . Kotlce Is hereby (riven that in compliance with the proTisiong of the act of Congress of June S, 187. en titled "An sot for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahhur ton Territory." as extended to ail the Fublia Land States by act oi Angust 4, 1892, EEKEST F. SNYDER, of Philomath, eountv of Benton. State of Oregon, has this day ailed in this office his sworn statement No. 65t6. for the purchase of the S. E. of Section No. 26, in Township No. 12 S, Ksnge No. 7 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timl-er or stone than for agricultural nurnoses. and to oKtabllsh his claim to said land be- fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore eon Citv on Tuesday, the 1st day of April. 1912. He names as witnesses: C. W. Wilkinson and Chas Odell of Corvallis; Oregon, and L. Henltle and W. Scott, of Philomath. Oreenn. Anv and all persons claiming the ahove-described lands are requested to file their claims ip this office on or before said 1st day oi April, ivi. - CHAS, B. MOORtS, . R3g:.eT. Notice for Publication. Umtid States Lkp GfricB, Oiciron Citv. Orezon. Jan. 25. 150J Notice 18 hereby ivei that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber land in the States of California. Oreson. Nevada and Wash nsr ton Territorv." as extended to all the i ublic Land States by act of August 4. 1892, Giaee T. Hodse, of Dallas, pountv of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day filed ip this office her ewprn statement No. bo2o, for 1 Ul tnitfOmce ncr sworn siawineufc nu. uo, lur i purchase of the W i Mf S R M andE ofSW of Section Ko. 28 fu Tewnahip Ho. 13 S Rne l T W, and wfil offer proof to show tlia6 the land the 1-4 of No. T W. and wfn offer proof souirht is more valuable for its tiaber or stone than for agricultural Durooees. and to establibh her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this once at Oregon city, uregon on weanesuay, tne n aay 01 April, mm. She names as witnesues:E. A. Cone of Philomath, Oreson, J. V.- Hyde of Philomath, Ore. Martha Hodge of Dallas, Ora. f. Jf. ptPST of Philomath, Oreiren. Any and all persuaa claiming adversely the above describe1! lands are requested to file their claims In this emce on or Deiore saia win aay 01 Apni, una CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. CHILPREN ESPECIALLY LIABLE Burns, braises and cnta are ejtremely painful and if neglected often result in blood poisoning. Children are especially liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy De Witt's "Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. Draws out the fire, stops tiie pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure cures for piles. "De Witt's Witch Hazle Salve cured my baby of eczema after two phy sicians gave her up," writes James Meek N. Wjebstpr, Jod- "The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." Graham & Wells. You should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is absolutely the best for all di seases of the throat and lupgv. Dealers ate authorized to guarantee" it to gie satisfaction. Graham & Wortham " DR. W. H. HOLT Osteopathic Pftyficjf p If you are in any way afflicted with rheumatism, catarrh, constipation, heart, stomach, liver, kidney or female trouble, call and see tne at my office on South Main Street. Consultation and examin ation free. Telephone Jio, 2 Mam. N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes : "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible .cough settled on her lungs. We tried a great many remedies without giving relief", glij tried Foley's Honey and Tar which cured her. Sho has nevr Deen troubled with a cougn since. lP6fcin$fla Jhcrfnal Bath Cabinet The best caWBet made. Endorsed by pyer 1,000,000 happy users. I will fur nish th?se cabinets tor a short time at greatly redused rates, as follows;. $J.50 cabinets, only (10; a $10 cabinet, now $8.00; and the regular 5 cabinet, only $4. Freight prepaid. Order at onee. j Alas. J. A.. bEixwooD, Agent, JSFront SL, Salem, Or, W. h- Yancy, raducb, fy., writes: "I had a severe case pf kidney disease and three of the best physicians in south era Kentucky treated me without success I was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure. The first bottle gave immediate relief and three bottles cured me permanently. V . "I. " - i.. . . . - . gladly recpmmcpd fiifs Onderfnl rem- h n Toi, .nhciiino r.r.h.m x. w-- W xrirf "C -rr ; r-m- - - J r ! Wortnain, B. A. CATHEY, M. D Physiman'r-Surgeon Booms 14 in Bank Building. ' - " Office Hours Residence ; Corner College and 8th. "Sta. Telephone at office and residence. Corva'lis, - - ." Oregon. E. 11; Brysori ATTORNEY AT LAW Corvallis, Oregon. . OSc 1st Postoffice Building-. DR. J AS." A.. HARPER DENTIST Office la Wbltehora Blrk Corvallis, Oregon IF. T. Rowley PHYSICIAN, SURGEON OPTICIAN. : Office over First National Bank E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. Dentistry of "every description done in first class manner, and satisfaction, guar anteed. CBOWN AMD BRIDGE WORK I SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf's grocery store, oppos:t the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. C. H. NEWTH Physician 8jr Surg eon Examining surgeon TJ. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH. OREGON. Drugs & Medicines ' Kodaks & Photo Supplies Corvallis, Oregon EsJlbBed1 Incorporated, 1898 WHOLESALE fc RETAIL, The. most complete line ot Pure Drugs and Chemjcjs in Corvaliis. Books and Stationery, omuifcifil Pa pers, Fine Perfumery, Toilet Article, "Combs, Brushes arid Mirrors. Poeiet Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery CIC3-A.IIS -Manapr flr Perscripfjpn pepartment, V A. JONBS. Kegistered, Special Course in Pharmacy at Perdue TJniversi ty, Indiana A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. "I was tionbled for about seven years with my stomach and jp tied ialf my time," says E. Demick, Bomerville, Ind. "I spent abont $l,eoo and never could get anything to help me until I tiied Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a a few bottles and am entirely well." You don't live by what you eat, but by what you digest and sssimilate. Jf j-qui- storn ach doesn't digest your food you art real -ly starving. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach's work by digesting the food. You don't have to diet . Eat all you want Kodol Diepepsia Cure cures all stomach troubles. " Graham & Wel l's rhe First National Bank . OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. CSTABIISHCO 1890. OFFICERS fir DIRECTORS M. S. WOODCOCK, President. C. E. MOOR, Vice-President. WALTER T WILES, Cashier. GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. iQim WILES, ggryallis, Oregon; Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially to encourage and build up the legitimate busi ness enterprises and industries of this country. Peposits -Received subject to check payable on demand. Foreign Exchange Sight exchange and transfers sold available In tha principal cities of England, Ireland, Switzer land, France, Belgium. Holland, Norway, Swed en, Denmark, Italy. Russia. SDam. Portutral. Ger many, Austria. Letters of Credit Issued available in the principal cities of the Princij.J Correspondents Upon Whom 'VTj The Comrnercial NafionaJ Ban): of Chicago. The first National Battle oF PorttandV "Oregon. The Bank of California, Sarn Francisco, Calif. Anglo-Cahforaian Bank, San Francisco, Caii The National City Bank New York. Tlje Jlank of New York National Banking- Ass'n Shoa and Leatbr1 NatioVirsaus pf Bstsr;. jlf i t-biladelphia'Natiouii Kaiijcof 'JfiJaVtfJj3',' mpo'ters fstTf&ir's Naf'onal Bank, New York CHIJ.P WPRTH Ml WOKS. "My child is worth miilians to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of Hanisburg, Pa , "yet I ould have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure ! t I? sura cure lor pppghs, croup, throat and lupg trophies.1 In 'abeofately' b&J eppgh cpr whH acts impaediately. Th youngest child can t?ka with eptirg PMItri V- 1 UK UII 11 1 1 1 1 U ,1 E-a I It C rn.r. n n . " i r, . -. . , ... .... .. ...v nuu remember how often it helped them. Every family should have a botUeof One rninule Cough Cure haftdy. At this sea-' fjon eepedaliy it may be needed suddenly, iMranam z eiia. . " U. S. Land Office, . I.Oregon City, Ore. Feb. 3rd. 1902. Notice is hereby Riven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "Am act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extended to all the Public -land States by act ot August 4, IS92, - . .,:.- ;-, E. V. SPENUEK. of Alsea, county of Benton, State of Ore gon has tnis'day filed in this office ma sworn statement Ko. 5633,' for the pur chase of the n o of ne of Section No. zo in rowmiiiD sio. is 8, Kange jno. w, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its Um ber or stone than for agricultural purpo ses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver ef this office at Oregon City, Ore., on Wed nesday, the 23rd day of April. 1902. tie names as witnesses: J. w. iiyae of Philomath, Ore. R. Hyde of Philo math, Ore. M. Spencer, of Pbilomatli. Ore. Gertrude Spencer of Alsea, Ore. Any and all persons claiminic adverse ly the above-described lands are request ed to file their claims in this omre on or before said 23rd day of April, 1902. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. - U. S. Land Office, ' Oregon City, Ore. Feb. 2. 1902. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions oi the act of Congress of June 3, J87S, entitled "A act for the eale of timber lands in the States of California.'OreEon. Neyada and Washington Teriitorv," as . extended to all the Public Land States by act of Aug. ust4vlS92. RSk-k. JACOB L. HENKLE. of Philomath, county of Benton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 5630, for the purchase of the w 1-2 of the w 1-2 of Section No. 24 in Township No. 12 s, Range No. 7 w, and will offer proof to show that the land Bought Is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City Or. on tnday, the 18 day ot April, iwz. Ho names as witnesses: J. W. Hyde of Philomath, Or. Susie Henkle of Phil omath, Ore. E. S. Snyder of Corvallis, Ore., John A. Henkle of Portland, Ore Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-desciibed lands are request ed to file their claims in this office on or before saul J8th day of April, 190?. -CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. U. S. Land Office, Oregon City, Ore. Feb. 2, 1902. Notice is hereby tiven that in couipli ance with the provisiens of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the bale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended tp alj the Public Lnnd States by net of August 4, 180g, . . - SUSIE HENKLE, of Philomath, county of Beuton, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her sworn statement No. 6620, for the purchase of the ne' J4 -of nw J, n 12 of ne 1-4, 6e 1 4 of ne 14 of Section No. 20 in Township No. 12 s, Range No. 7 w, and will offer proof to 6how that the land fought ia more valuable for its tim ber .or stone than for xigriU!ltiiral purpo ses, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon Citv, Or. on Friifav, the J.8th day of ApriP, 1Jo2 She names as witnesses-- J. W. Hyde cf Philomath, Ore. J. L. Henkle of Phil omath, Ore. E S. Snyder of Ccrvalli-i, Ore. Jno. A. Heckle of Port'and, Ore. Aay and all persons claiming adverse ly theabove-desciibed lands are request. ed"te tile their claims in this oflife ou or before the Paid 18th day of April, 19o2. - CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. Brain-Food Nonsense. . Another ridiculous food fat has been branded by the most competent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly notion that cne. kind of food is reeded for brain, snother for muscles, and still another for bones. : A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may te, its pptrimept is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must 'prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August. Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids digestjon, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purines the blood, and make's you feel buoyant and vigoious. Yon can get Dr. G, G. Gieen's. reliable remedies at Grahsm & Wo t ham. Get Green's Special Almanac. Notice for Publication. Usitkd STATrs Land Cfficb. " Oregon City, Or. Nov. 29, 1901. Notice is hereby given that in compliance-with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 188, entitled "Ati actf rtie sale of timber lands in the States of Callfcniia', O: ron Nivarta. nd Washinirton Territoriy," as es(teiiOri to ail tht Pub lic Land States by act of Augmt i, 1882, . BLANCHE EAKIN, ef Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this ufly tiled iu this office her sworn statement Mo. 5ai6, for the purchase of the S W of Section No. 1? in Tnwnshin No. IS fi. T;tip Xr. -7 w r,H n-,11 pptef proof (ospo? fiat h aod eougit is more .uuauii: ir lis iftuivr it oiufic iiiu,i fur BJrfcuiliUrai purposes, and to establish he claim to said land be fore the Keiriter and Receiver of this ufflce at Ore- I (Ton City, opTbuiSday, the lgth day ot February, j ld02. fehe nxmesaf itfibMfoi: Michael G. Jf'lvnn, of ; Philomath, Ore., Freeman VV. Robinson anil' Albert i J!. Robirson, both of Fall City, Ore., and Hort C. Vikin, of Dallas, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverseh the abore- described lands ere requested to file their claims in this office on or before taid 13th day of February, 13 GIIAS. B. MOORES, 4 jmr? Notice for PubUcatloa. Usitbd States Land Office, Rosehurg, Oregon, Dec., 18, 1991. Notice is hereby erven that in compliance with the provisions pf the act of Congre. of June 8, 1878, entitled" An Bet fsr the sale of timber lands In the States of itiifordia; Origan, 'Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as ex ended to alii the ' Public Land Mates by act of August 4, 1892,' Jesse D. WhiTraser. of Independence county of Polk, State of Oregon has this dav filed in this effice his sworn State-nent fo, 1DS2. for the tmrchase of 't ha s 1 NW X lots 3, 4. secy, X. li 8.,'ft 7 W. ard will offer proof timber or stone tha 1 fdr afieultffral piirposes.'arid to establish "his cla;m tti said land 'before the Kep-tster w ntw mat tne lanu son rnt s mn.e vai-.iahie ffir'it.a a liA V nalvv . i . 1. ; .. -flK ' . i ' 1. ' , Monday, tpe 10th day of Match 1002. ' He oapies as witp ises: Ora Clodfelter of Jnde- penuence, or. ulsrenoe E. Ireland of independence, Or. Dick Zahn of Altw, Or. Frank L. Wbiteaker of inaenenaence. Or. Anv anil nil . . , described lanas sre requested to file their claimes in .hie .... , ! 1 . , . . . , . .uo wiuv. vu ti teiurt; aiu jutu ubtui inarcn muz. J. T. BRIDGES, Jtfyister. it Grippe t-pii:h9 oftep continue for mnnins jnn f,--,inf tlmpB ipnrl to mini rr-. , . ..... Bults after the natiint ia annnnRPrl mhuro passed the danr mint. FoIpv'h Hnnov and Tar affords nositive nrotection and security from lhee coughs. , Graham & TF...vom. . n Notice for Publication. 1 TJxrrB States Lsxd Omcs, -; ". -h Ore-oa City, Ora , Fdb S, 10t2. " Xot:ce U hare'iy given that tn compliance with the provisions ot the act oi Con;r"e!a of June 3, 1S78, en titled "Aa act for tiie sale of timber lands In Vm States of California, Oregon, Sevada, and Washing' ton Territory ,' as extended to all the Public Land States by ac of Aujust 4, 1S02, - . , ' MISSOURI SPENCER, ; N of Philomath, county ot Benton. State of Oregon,, has this day filed in this oifice his sworn statement Ko. otiSl, for the purchase of the f ef 8 W 1-4 and N W 1-4 of S W 1-4 of Section No. IS, in Township No. IS S, No. 7 W. and will offe- proof ur show that the land eoight is more valuable for it timber or stone than foi agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, cn Wednesday, the 23rd dav of April. 1902. He- names as witnesses: J. W. Hvde and B. livde. of Pbuomath. Oregon, and Gertrnda Snenr aiwl K. V. Spencer, of Ate-n, Ore-en. - ' Any ami all persons claiming adverse! v the above do vrioed lands a-e requested to file tbeir claims iu this office on or before said 2Srd day ot April, lVMhl. ' : ' CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. , . 1. " Ketice for Publication. Usitkd States Iasb Orricj, Oregon Cit j, Oregoa, Feb. S, 1902. Notice is hereby siren that in comDliSnce with tha provisiens of the aet of conreaj of June S, 1S73, en titled "An act for tie sale ot timber , laads in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory" as extended to all the Public La.d States by act ot August 4, 1S92, GERTRUDE SPENCER, - of Alsea. connt) of Benton, State of Oregon, has ibis - day filed in this efhee her sworn statement. No SC32, for the purchase of the N 1-2 oi N 1-4 and N K 1.4 of N W 1-4 of Section No. 22, in Township Ni." IS S, Kaajre Ne. 7 W, and will offer p,-ool to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or toi e than for asrit-ullurcl purposes, and to niuhli.h h. claim to said land before the Register and Recetrer " " '-ucH at urcaon vu) , t'regon, on weduesday. the 2Sin day ef aprl, 1902. ' Sje names as witnesses: J. W. livda, R. Hyde and M. Spencer,- all of rhilo math, Oiegon, and E. V. Spencer, of Alsea, Oreson, Auy and all persons claiming adversely the above. desciibed lands are requesteo. to file their claims in this office on or before said 23rd day of April,. 1W2. CHAS, B, MOORtS, - ' Register. Ui-ited SUites Land Office, Oregon City. Or., Feb., S, 1002. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provis onsof an act of cousrrjis ef June 3, 1S7S, eu tit:ed "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in the Statss of California, Oregon, Nevada, ad Wasbiiu ton Territory," as exteaiied to all the PubliQ-Laud States by act of August , 1892, J. W. HYE, - ot Philonr.ath, county of Beaten, Slate of Oregon, has this day tiled iu this eXce his sworn statement No. 63i, for the purchase of the 1-2 ef N W U and S W 14 o. N W 1-4 of Section No. 18 iu TawiiBUiu Ne. IS S. Range No, 7 W, and will offer proof to show iXt the land sought is more valuable for iu tmiher or stoae than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this olQce at Oregon City, Oreron, ou Wednesday, the 23rd day of April, 1902. He names ss witnesses: E. V. Spencer and Gertrude Spencer, both of Alsea, Orejjon, and R, Hyde and 41. Spencer, botli of Philoa:aih, Oreson. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above. dsicnbct) lands are requested to file their claims in this effice ou or beiors said 2Srd y of April, 1914, CI1AS. 11. itOORES, Register. Notice for Publication, Usitld States Land Orncit, Oregi.p City, Ore. Jan. 28th, 1902- Notic is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 8, 1878, en titled 'An act for the cls of timber lands in tha States of Ualiioruia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as xtended to ll the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1S92, F M. Spencer, f Philomath, ceuatyot Bentoa, state of Oiegsu, hae this day filed in 4 his oftiie his -worn stattiuant No. f.-23, for the purchase of U,e S i of W K 1-4 ana N of S B 1-4 of .-ection Ko. 84 in" Township No. 12 S, Racge No. 7 W, aud wiii efier froot to show that the lar.u fought is more valuable fe- 1(3 timber or iton? tban for agaicnUural purposes., and to e tab'isb bis claim to said lj,nd uiicfe the Kmislsr and Receiver of this office a! Dr(gouCitv,pr.virVedutsdaY,the 8tM day of April, l'Mt. lie nalnes as witnesses: Grace T. Hodge of Dallas Ore. Martha J. Hoi'.sce of, Ore. J. W Hvde ul Philomath, Ore. C- R- Huffman of I Uilopiath, Ore, Any aud all perions claiutiiiff adverneiy the atiava. dwcribed laues are requested to file their clamis iu this oliisi ou or before said sth dav of Aptil, 1942. CHAS. k 4100KBS, Register. Notice far Publioatltitt. Oregon City, Oreyou. Jap 2, 193 Notice Is hereby given that in with the povisios with the act ef Congress of June 8, 178, en titled "An set far theshle of timber larnis In the States ot California, Oregon, Nevfla, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Publln Lacd States by act -f Augut 4, ls2, Alartha j Hodge, of.Dallas, county of Pflik, stt,e pf Ofegop, has this day tiled hi this office her swoi statement No. Itiii. for the purchase ef the S I of N E 1- aud E J of S E 1-4 of Section No. 23 in 'fpwnship No'. 12 8, Ranre No. 7 W, 4ud xrill offer proof to show H)a the liad Eougut is mere valuable for its tiither or stone than for cgiieultural purposes, and to estab lish her claim to sjid land before the Register and Receiver of this ertice at Oregon City, Oregon, in Wednesday, the 9th day of April, IPO, She names as vilncse: J, W. 11 tie cf Philomath, Ore, B. A Cone of Philomath, Ore, F. M Spencer of Pkilomath, Ore. Grace T. Hodge ef Dallas, Or. Auy and all personschiioiing advertely tht abe, deseitbed Ispds are 'reiiie:'te3 Tft' rile tWeir 'claims' ju this office on ot Lefoie ikid Sth day ol April, 1902. CHAS. a MOORES. Register. (Notlce,for Publication. t'MTFD tTAT. '. I.ABB CrTipr, Oregon City, Oifppn, Dtp. If.lfil NWiee is fieri by given tliai in tpp piiam e with i'h provirion8 01 the nt. of ti l giess i t Jmie 3, 187b, entitled "'An tel for the fale of timber lands in ti e States of California, CTf :i n, Nevada, aril Washing ton Territory,'" as tsUi.cied to all Hit I uLlic Land Slates by aet of Avgust4, 1W2; J.CRR1!. Wll 6CT, of falcni. county of Karicu State of Ori.gon, has this tin j ji'id ii. this ctEce bis tv.orn ; 9, for the rprshai-p 'gf tpe Lot 1', a the E 1 of jf Vi j of StcliiD No. 18 in Town'sbip Na 33 S, l.itt No. (i W. ai d will i Cer proof to tbow that tbe lai.d 6 u;:t.t is E oie vah ulle ior its tiu bcr or stone than for agih ultuial uii csrs, Slid to eslablitb bis eia'ni to said lane before the Register and I'.ieiverof tbis 'ffice at Oregon city on taiurOay. tue 22nd Cay of 41ai'ch, 11102. Be names as witnesses: IdiclaelG. Flinn cf Pbiiomath, Or., Hermann H'rschhcre of. Iiidrrtnc'apce, Cr., George W..le,( kle ot Cpifailis, Or:, jolip-A. tfi-pglcr jf CcryiUt Oregon. Any and all persons elulniirg adversely the above described lands are r quest) d to file tl eir claims in tin's office on cr before .-aid 22nd day of A'srch, lfcGU. CHAS. B. 1100RKS, Register. p. S. J,Aniptir. Oippon City, Ore. Feh. 3, Wo2. NUce is hereby given that in com ' pliance with the? provisions of the act ef Cotiuressof June 8, 1878, entitled ."An net for the eale of timber lands in the Statfs of California. Oregon. -Nevada. and VTashington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, m". KAUHJSL HXDK of Philomath, county of Benton, Htate of Oregon, has this day filed in this .office her sworn statement No. E6S5. for tha purchase of the w WelwA' of Section No. 10 in Township No. 13 s, Range No. 7 w, and will oSer proof to phow that the land sought is more valuable for its tim ber or stone than ior ogrirnliural pur- poses, and to establish her claim to saJa laiid be6re the Jregister'and' tecelveY of this office at'Orcg-nri City, Oregon on' Wednesday, the 23rd day of 4piil, 19og'. She names as witpesses; E. V, grcfi cer 'pf AJfiPa, Ore. J. W. lyie Of Phil--ptnath, fjrtV M. gjiencer Of- PhilomaUir Pre. Gertrndp Spencer pf .-ijsea, 0r'. ' Any and all persops claipiing adyejs ly the above-described lnil? are reqnrvt ed to file their claims iu this oiTit e on or before said 23rd dav of April, 15)t2. CHAS. b. MOORES, ReK.ieter. Notice of fittal Seitlemeii-t; Kotice is he cbv fl"veii to "all eorrtincd t.l t th undersigned suiiiiipstiaior of the estate of J. E. K. KOEixapH deciascd has filed in the count? eoiii t ..I Benton coud.v State of Oreaon U'u final a .aun'tiJ sucn admints. -alof of tbe cstale of said J. t iu Robinson deceased and that Saluiday Sth day ef February. A. f). 1902 at the hour of Hid nV! a M., baa been fiied by tbe taid coo i ps betmefor bearing obiecons to taid final acuiuutaud ihecoi- tlemeut thereof. L. R. FfilDLKV - Administia'or of the Citate of J. K N.Robinson Deceased, , ,. t ... '; , H,. j(