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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1902)
0BVALL1S GHETTE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1902. EARLY CLOSING. It is a matter for congratula tion that at least one of the busi ness houses of the city have au ' nounced their purpose to close their place of business at 7 o' clock every evening except Sat urday. This is a step forward and will be fully appreciated, not only by the employes affected, but by all real friends of whatever makes for the best of those who stand behind the counter from early morning until late at night We say this is a step in the right direction. It is only that, for there can be little doubt that strict justice to employes would carry the matter of early closing to a further limit than that marked by the action of this firm. There can scarcely be any good reason given why all stores, except possibly drug stores should not close as early as 6 o' -clock p. m. It is a matter of simple justice to a hard worked and deserving class of workers. In all other industrial pursuits shops, factories and offices close at 6 o'clock each evening, except Saturday, when they close not later than 5 p. m. There is no good reason why dry goods and grocery stores should be kept open later. Change the custom. It is just as easy and altogether as practicable for families to make their purchases before than after that hour. The experience of large concerns in Portland and elsewhere proves this true. The women have the matter in their hands, for they, for the most part do the purchasing for the family. An ably written and forcible article on this subject by Miss Philips, appears in the Woman's Club Journal of Portland for No vember. From this we learn that in that city there is an orga nization of women numbering four thousand pledges not to do any kind of shopping after 6 o'clock p. m. The several "Wo man's Club" of that city are active and earnest in advocating the movement. We learn the Club of Thirteen of this city are favorable to it, so we are fully persuaded the "early closing movement" will prevail, for in such matters the women are, as thev riehtfullv should be, "the power behind the throne." daughter cf Chryses ou board, he seated her ; and the vise Odysseus went en i oard as commander. So then, having i embarked, they sailed over wet ways See Is. 43:16, and the. Bon of Atreus commanded the people to purify them selves. These purified themselves and kept pouring the foal water into the sea See 1, Sam. 7:6. Then they hr had remained, and purified themselves, of fered in honor of Apollo unblemished hecatombs of balls and of goats alon the 4 ' BXRREMELY FASTIDIOUS. The hesitancv in official cir cles at Washington to accept Mr, Carnegie's proffer of $10,000,000 in United States Steel Company's bonds is a singular phenomenon. The assertion that if the trust is accepted as first offered "the Government would be a stock holder in the Steel Trust" is a flimsy and false conclusion. The Government is asked to accept this sum and control it as trustee for a specific purpose which can be of no pecuniary benefit whatever to the trustee or any of its officials. Does a man who accepts as a trust a mortgage on real estate occupied by butcher shop thereby become a partner in the Tttchering busi ness? Certainly &. ' It seeems Mr Carnegie will convert the bonds into cash They are 5 per cent bonds and sell at a premium which will bring at least a million and a half dollars additional to the fund. The steel combination may have many questionable aspects and those who are now making this financial objection and show ing this fine fastidiousness about accepting a trust consisting of mortgage : bonds might more profitably direct their efforts to measures preventing the power of the steel trust itself from being used to the disadvantage and hurt of the public. A "play to the galleries" mis leads no one. shore of the restless sea, and the savor of 1 the offerings, curling around the Bmoke, reached heaven. Thus they worked throughout the camp; yet Agamemnon did not dreist from the threat which once he thieatened Achilles, bat he said toTallhibias and Eurybates, those two who were bis faithful atten dants : "Go to the tent of Achilles, the son of Peleus. Take by the hand and bring the beautiful-cheeked daughter of Br y see. If he will not give her up, then I myself will go with more men and take her. This shall be even worse for him." Having thus spoken, he sent them forth, and added a stern command. Then these two departed in silence along the shore of the restless sea, and arrived at the tents and ships of the Myrmidons. And they found him sitting near bis tent and black ship. Naturally, Achilles did not rejoice when he saw them. Fear ing Achilles and reverencing their king, they neither spoke to hinAch illes at all nor interrogated: him. But he knew in his own mind their er rand and said: "Hail, Heralds, ye messengers both of Zens and men. Come Hearer. Ye are not at all to blame by me, bat Agamem non who sent you forth on account of the maiden, the daughter of Bryses. But come, Patroclus, descendant of Zeus, lead forth the maiden and rive her to them to lead away. And let these them selves be witnesses before the blessed gods, before mortal raenr and before this hareh king, if ever again there may be need of me to tarn away a pitiful ruin from the Be others. For he, indeed, rages in his cruel heart, and does not at ail know how to comprehend at once the future and the past i. e. does not know enough to profit by past experience in order that they, the Achaeans, should fight safely near the ships " Corvallis' Most Popular Eating House Pioneer akerv AND RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. "A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies aspecijlty. - - H. W. HALL, Proprietor. Modem Surgery Surpassed. "While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician who advised me to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve," says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "I procured a box and was entirely cured. DeWilt s Witch Hazel Salve ia a splendid cure for piles, giving relief in stantly, and I heartily recommend it to all sniferers." Sorgery" is unnecessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case. Cuts, burns, bruises and all other wcunds are also quickly cured by it. Beware of counter feits. Graham & Wells. - i Tinware! Tiwt-f T1 Htv .AM Soft arness Yon csn make your har ness 03 soft as a glove cr.d aa tough an wire by using EUHBKA Hnr ncso Oil. You can lengthen its life make it lust twice as Ions as it ordinarily would. t a 8 I I We have bought the Corbett-Failing & Robertson Stock of Tinware slightly damaged by water and smoke, at about 10 cents on the dollar, which we will now offer for sale at prices that will make you thiuk we did not even pay the freight. These goods comprise everything ia the tinware line, both useful and ornamental. Come before the best is" all sold. See Our 0e-Cent-Apiece Window. FORD & LAWS House Furnishers, - - - - Corvallis, Oregon. 0 '4 1 I 8 FINE MILLINERY Spwial Line of Street Hats. FULLINGTON & HORTON, Corner 3rd and Monroe Sts. itemess Gil m 37 mnkes a poor looking har ness like new. Kade of pure, heavy bodied oil, es pecially prepared to witb cuaud tho weather. , Sold everywhere in cans all usee. Maife bj STANDARD OIL CO. Notice. Our $89 Piano f case organs lead them all. They cannet be excelled for durability, richness of tone and neatness of case. Organs frsm $45.00 up, made on special nreerd. We are meeting with the best of suc cess and selling organs os fast as they can be made. We have an . extra lot started, to reach out far .thsr. By sending in an order early, we will be able to fill it in good shape. No Eastern organ can compete with our instru ments in make-up guaranteed for 10 years. Our terms are cash, or down $i in. 6 mo's, In 12 mo's.'or $20.00 down and $5 00 per month. One payment must be made be fore organ leaves factory. We guarantee the organ, and if not as represented we will refund trie money. - For further information ad- 5 dress : 1 CRAMER ORGAN FACTORY, I Corvallis, Oregon. I On and after January 1st, 1902, we will close our store at 7 o'clock p. m., Satur day excepted. Information Wanted. The manufactures of Banner Salye having! always believed that no doctor or.medicine can cure in every case, but never having heard where Banner Salve failed to cure ulcers, sores, tetter, eczema or piles, as a matter of curiosity weuld like to know if there are such cases. If so they will gladly refund the money Graham & Wortham. Notice for Publication. United Siatks Land Office. - . , OregorUXty, Or. Nov. 29, 1901. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 3878. entitled "An act fur the snip nf limhpr lanris in tlie btates of California, Oiesron Nevada, and Washington Territoriy," as extended to all the Pub lic Land states by act of Augi:st 4, 1S92, BLANCHE EAK.IN, ef Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oreson, has this vaj uicu in mis umce ner sworn statement xo. 5566, for the purchase of the S Wof Section Ko. 12 in TownsMp No. 18 S, Eange No. 7 W, ar.dv. ill offer proof to show that the land . ought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish he claim to stud land be fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, on Thursday, the 13th dav of February, 1902. fche n&mesat vritm te': Michael G. Flynn, of Philomath, Ore., Freeucau W. Robinson and Albert M. Robinson, loth of Fall City, Ore., and Hort C. Eakin, of Dallas, Ore. . Any and all persons claiming adverseh tho a bore described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 13th day of February, 1902- GHAS. B. MOOIU.S, Register. Editor'Lynch of "Daily Post" Phillips burc, N. J., has tested the merits of Fo ley's Honey and Tar with this result: "I have used a great many patent rem edies in my family for coughs and colds, and I can honestly say your Honey and Tar is the best thing of the kind I have ever used and I cannot say teo much in praise of it." Graham & Wortham. For Sale. Four-room cottage and two lots, near S. P. depot. Inquire of W. C, Corbett, Corvallis, Or. C. W. Lynch, Winchester, Ind., writes I- owe the life of my boy to Foley's Honey and Tar. lie had membranous croup, and the first dose gave him re lief. We continued its use and it soon brought him out of danger." Graham & Wortham. Good Advice. Notice for Publication. Unitkd States Land Office. Oregon City, Oregon, October, 5, 1901 jvotice is Dereby given that in compliance with tne provisions ef the act of Conro?! of June 3, 187-S cauueu -an act :or the sale of timber lands in the ouiies pt miiiornia, Oregon, Nevas. , and Washin ton ier-oory,"as'.xtendedto all tue Public Laud iM-ate? oy act ot-AUusi 4, 192, CHARLES W. WILKINSON. of rhilomath, county of Benton. S ite of Oree-on. has this day Bled in this o Jice his sworn statement iNo. ooz4, ior tne p irenase o: the S. of N. W. i and Lots 3 and 4 of section No, 4 in Township No. 13 Sou.h. Ban6 No.-'rWtfui.. una sill ,t show that the land sought is more valuable for its timbei or stsne than for agricultural and to estabPsh bis claim lo t-aid land before the iv.-giscer ana receiver of this office at Oregon Citv oregou, on Sat ui day, the 21st day of December, ile names rs witnefeA- Mplrnaw fvi4A 9 t.;iy, Oregon, jonn ayae of rhilomath, Oregon, Charles Odell of Philomath, Oregon, and rr d auuerai oi rnuomato, ureon. Any and all oertona ela'minr idvcn lr th .Kn r. described lands are requested to file their claims in uns omce on or Deiore said 21st day of December 190L CHAS. R Miiorks Register l lie most miserable beings ia the world are those suffering .from Dyspep sia uuu Oliver iompiaint Aiore ttian seventy-five per cent, of the npnnl in the United States are afflicted with these two deseases and their affects : such as hour Sstomach, bick Headache, Habitual Cestiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn. Waterbrash, Gnawing and Burning Pains at the pit of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disa greeable Taste in the Mouth, Coming up of Food after Eating. Low Smrits. etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August D lower for 7o cents. Two doses will relieve you. Trv it. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Graham & Wortham. Reliable and Gentle. "A pill's a pill," says the saw. But there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gen tle. Mustn't gripe. DeWitt's Little Early Risers fill the bill. Purely vegeta ble. Do not force but assist the bowels to act. Strengthen and invigorate. Small and easy to take. Graham & Wells. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician Surgeon Booms 14 in Bank Building. Office Hours T lm' ' p. 1U. StS. Residence: Coraei College and Sth Telephone at office and residence. Corva'iis, - - T - Oregon L G. ALTMAN, M. D. Office Coreer 3rd and Monroe streets Hocks 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; ISun day 9 to 10. ; Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Telephone 315, at residence. - Sotast. Titles. Conveyancing. JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court Office in Firet National Bank Building. OREGON and Union Pacific Dkpart FOB f Chicngo Porlland Special 9 a. m. via H nn- tio ston Atlantic Express 8:50p. via Hnn- tington Salt Lake, Penver, Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. Louis, Chieage and East E. R. Bryson ATTORNEY -AT LAW Corvallis, Oreron. Office in Fostcffice Building. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST Office In Wbltehorn Btork Corvallis, Oregon W. T. Rowley PHYSICIAN, SURGEON " OPTICIAN. Office over Fubt aiional Bank c J. E. FOWELLS Repairing promptly and neatly done First door west of the Gazette office. The Children's Friend. QLxa Watches, Clocks, Tevvelry, Silverware Mrs. S. II. Allport. Johnstown. Pa.. "Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said Bhe couldn't live but she was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure. Graham & Wells. You 11 have a cold this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer, too. For cough, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter complaints One Minute Cough Cure never fails. Acts promptly, It is very pleasant to the taste and oeifectlv harmless. C. K George, Winchester, Kv., writes: "Onr little girl was attacked with croup late f one night and was so hearse she could hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One MinuteCough Cure. It relieved her immediately and she went; to sleep. Wheu she awoke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup." Graham & Wells. Silver Noveltips Albert J. Metzger Watchmaker. Ooc'dental Hotel Bldg. The First National Bask OF CORVALLIS, OREGON. ESTABLISH tq 1890. J. W. Bryan of Lowder, -Ills., writes: "My little boy was very low with pneu monia. Unknown to the doctor, we gave him Foley's Honey and Tar. The result was magical and puzzled the doc tor.Jas it immediately stopped the rack ing cough and he quickly recovered." Graham & Wortham. Foley's Money and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. De.ntistry of every description done in firs class manner, and satisfaction guar anteed. CHQWH AND BRIDGE WORK & SPECIALTY Office over Zierolf 's grocery store, oppop; the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. Drugs & Medicines - Kodaks & Photo Supplies Satisfied People are the best advertises for Foley iloney and lar and all who use it agree that it is a s.j'endid remedy for coughs, colds or sore lungs. Graham & Wortham. I A Physicn Tesillles. Corvallis, Oregon Es abllshtd, Inco j 0 a'.. 1898 WHOLESALE & RETAIL. "I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anvthing in my The most coPe Hneloi iv e Drugs anc life that did me the good that did." says ! chemis in cor' County Physician Georere W. Scrntrua nf Books and Stationery, Commercial Fa- Hall County, Ga. "Being a physician I have perscribed it and found it to the best results." If the food you eat Peet Knives, Scissors, Fine Cutlery remains undigested in vour stomach it I decays there and poisons the system. ' You can prevent this by dieting but that rrr :ns starvation. Kodol Dispepsia Co e digests what you eat. You ne--d suffer from neither dispepsia nor starva tion, Tbe worse case quickly c ed. Never foils. Giaham & Wells. pers, Fine revf pinery, Toilet Articls, Combs, I iThe-s foA MIv.ois. CIGARS ' Mxiisje: of Perscrip.' ion Department, T. A. JONES, Fexistere.', Special Course in Phprmjicv at rei-Tue TJnive si ty, Indiana Can Furnish Trees OFFICERS & DIRECTORS M. C. S. E. WOODCOCK, President. MOOR. Vice-Presirien WALTER T. WILES. CasruVr GEO. E. LILLY, Assistant Cashier. JOHN WILES, Corvallis, Oregon. HOMER'S ILIAD. Book I -A by C. n7 VxMOjfo fol Dyspepsia Cure Literal Translation MacLcan, Ph. D. Vv. 304-374 The Publication of the Camp. Chryseis Returned to Her Father. Breseis Conducted away from the Tent of Achilles: Having thus contended with opposing words, they arose to depart, and they dissolved the assembly near the ships of the Achaeans. The son of Peelus, on the one hand, went with the son of Menoe- tius and his companions to his tents and shapely ships, and the son of Atreus. on the other hand, caused a swift ship to be draw n to the sea, and he arranged in it twenty oarsmen, ana lie causea a neca- ri $ , , tomb to go into it in hoor of the god, FOiey S tVlQtiey CtlTe Had, leading the beautiful-cheeked makes kidneys and bladder right Digests what von eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never tana iu cure, il aiiows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomaens can taice it. ay its use many iuuumuuj ui ujropepiics nave oeen cured after everything else failed. It is uuequanea ior austoniach troubles. It can't help but do you good PPajnly fey - Ie Witt & Co., Chicago The 1. bottle contains2H times the 50c. size. Graham & Wells. Loans Made On all kinds of approved security, and especially to encourage and build up the legitimate bus' ness enterprises and industries of this country. And Shrubs and Vines of all kinds on short notice. A fall line of Evergreens, Ornamental Shrub- ery, Nutbearing and Shade t Trees. W. F. GRAY, Corvallis. Oregon, Agent for the ALBANY NURSERIES, Albert Brownell, Proprietor. - To Stop a Cold. Chas. Replogle, Atwater, O., was in very bad shape. He says: "I suffered a fcreat deal with my kidneys and was requested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I did so and in four days I was able to to to work again, now I am entirely well." Graham & Wortham. C. H. NEWTH Physician Surgeon Examining 6urgeon TJ. S.Pension Bureau PHILOMATH, OREGOX Wanted. 1000 gnls for house woik, 75s;iil8for work in Hotels, 50 girls for work in stales, ,0 gills for waiiing on table, steady work, good pay, $15 to $25 per month at H. H. Higley's Employment office No. 185s Morrison St. Portland, Oregon. Deposits Received subject to check payable on demand. Foreiga Exchange the principal cities f England, Ireland, Switzer land, France. Belcrinm vrniionri xt o i SAstria.Italy' RUSSU' Span, roltuS'. Ger- After exposure or when you feet a cold coming on, take a dose of Fole.i 's Honey and Tar. It never fails to stop a cold if taken in time. Craham & Wortham. Acangh, cold or la gripj e t an le"nip ped in the bud, with a do6e or two of Foley's Honey and Tar. Eeware of sub stitute . Grahaai & Wortham. j Brain -Food Nonsense. i Another ridiculous food fat has been branded by the most competent authori ties. They have dispelled the pilTy notion that one kind of fool is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nouihiha particular part of the body, but it will sustain every otherpart. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutrimeDt is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, t lie favorite medidie of the healthy millions. A few doses aids I- St. Paul F tMail 6:. 5 p. in via Spokane TIME SCHEDULES from Portland ARRIVE FROM 4:S0p.m Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago and East J a. Walla Walla. Lew is ton, Spokane, Kf inTVOdrAlia fit I Paul. Dulnth, Mil-1' " m waukee, Chicago,' and East. Though. Pull man and Tourist Seepera 72 HOURS PORTLAND to CHICAGO No change of cars. Through tickets to all Eastern points via this route on sale at S. P. depot office. Ocean 8 p. m, and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All ling dates, subject to change. For Saa Francisco, 4 p. m. Sail every five days Horn April Zd. Daily Es. Sun. 8. p. m. Saturday, 10 p, m. Columbia River Stonier. - To Aso la & way landins, , 4 p. r. Except Sunday WILLAMETTE RIVER DlVISIOf Water Permitting. Steamer Ruth leaves Corvallis for Al bany, Sa'em, Portland and Way Land ings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 6 :00 a. m. ; returning, arrives Corvallis about Midnight, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. E. F.THAYER, Agent, Corvallis. A. L CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. Corvallis & astern Railroad TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Tram leaves Albany 12:50 p. m Corvali: 1 :50 p. m. " arrive? Yaquina 6:45 p. m. 1 Reluming: Leaves Yaquina.... 6:C0 a. m. Leaves Co-vallis. . . . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p.m. 3 For Detioit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a.m. Arriyes Detioit .... 12:15 p. m. Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. m. Arrives Albany 5:40 p. m. Trains No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany befoie departure of S. P. nortli liound train for Portland. Train No. 2 connects with the S P. west side train at Corvallis Crossing for Independence, McMinnville ' and all points north to Portland. &DWIN Stone, H. H. Ceonisk, Manager. Agent, Corvallis. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific Cornpanv. THE SHASTA ROUTE Tiaiosle.'ve Corvallisfsr PcrtJand and way stauors at 1:20 p. m. Lv Portland..- 8 :3d a m Lv Albanv 12:30 p m Ar Ashland 12:33 a m Av Bacramento 5 .00 p m Ar San Francisco. 7:45 p m Ar Oden 15:45 p m Ar Denver 9:00 a m Ar Kansr.s Citv 7 :25 a m Ar Chicago 7 :F5 a m Ar Los Angeles---! :20 p m Ar El Paso 6:00 p m Ar fort v firth o .30 a m Ar Cily of Mfcxico 9:55 a m Ar Houston 4 :00 a m Ar New Oi leaiis-- 6:25 a m Ar Washington - 6:42 a in Ar New York 12:43 p m 8 :30 p m 10:50 p ra 11:30 a n 4:35 am 9.30 a ii 11 :45 a m 9:00a m 7 :25 a m 9:30a m 7:00 am 6:00 p m 6:30 am 9:55 am 4 :00 a m 6:25 p mi 6:42 am 12:43 p m PULLMAN AND TOURIST CARS on both trains. Chai cars Sacrament to Ogden and EI Paso, and Touiist cars to Chicago, S. Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Letters of Credit Issued fivflilnhl in tUm. : ' ... . Cnited States. " Principal Correspondents Upon Whom Ws Sell Sight Exchange The Commercial National Bank of Chicago The 1-irst National Bank of Portland, OreRon. The Bank of California, San Fraucisco, Calif. Angio-Cahfornian Bank, San Fraucisco, Calif The National Citv n,nt 'Vmw -v-.t- The Bank of New York National Banking Assn. W. H. HOLT Dsthsopathic Physician is permanently located in Corvallis. Will treat both chronic and acute diseases without the nee of knife or drugs. Office first door souih of Miss Johnson's millin ery store. Hours from 8:30 to 11:45 a m. ; 1 to 5 :45 p. m. Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinet The best cabinet made. Endorsed bv j oyer i.uuu.uuu nappy users. 1 wilt tur j nish these cabinets for a short time at &noo and Leather Nal:oiial Bank ef Boston. Mrs 1 greatly rednsed rates, 88 follows: $ 12.50 . .-...u. . m aucipfcia. ra ; caomets, only flO; a $10 cabii cabinet, now to.uu ; ana tlie regular ?5 cabinet, only $4 S A LVFj Freight prepaid. Order at once. W " W I Una T ( C 1 i th most haahnp salve m the wprltf. 3SFront SL, Salem, Or. TO HOMESEEKERS. No. 101 4o acres, 15 in cultivation, good buildings, fine frnit and water, good bottom land; price, $650. 42 miles from Philomath. 74 160 acres; SO in cultivation ; small house; good barn and water; 1 miles from town; cheap at $1,500; on main county road ; good pasture and timber. No. 11286 acres, 30 in cultivation bal ance good pasture and timber, fair house and barn and other buildings, fine fruit and water, one and one-half miles from Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu. Jai.aii. digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy ' 9hin' PhiIiPPines. Central and South acuon, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and . porous. You can get Dr. G, G. G-een's. reliable remedies at Graham & Wo-lham. Get Green's Special Almanac. A Wise Woman Or a wise man, for that matter, will read the ad of W. B. Satterlee and select therefrom the bocks to he used for holi day presents. These books are beauti- luiiy and substantially bound, and are i th- See F. E. FARMER, agent a Corvallis station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A., Portland, Or. Notice for Publication. BANNER nrst-Ciass publications thrnnohnnt Tff - m-- 1. -'-'' i n'-oon " ' t ni n. Philomath, price 2.t JO , a good place for ia T"! be better apPreciat b3 Wend SLWT the money, i No. 8165 acres, 140 in cultivation, ' good boose, barn, orchard nrl irntor I All well fenced, two miles from Philo-' lrlnraPl18 alld Wonders of the 19th math, one of the unest farms in Oregon : Centnrv " a remarkable book ; sells on price f 30 per acre. ., HEHRT 4MBT.EB, Eeal rotate Agent, Box 59, Pluloma'h, Benton County, Oregon. sight; free territory ; liberal commissions. Address, Washington Publishing Co. Chamber of commerce Building, Tacoma WashT I United States Land Ofi ick, Koseiiunr, Oregon, Utc , 18, 1!XI. Notice ia heieb' iriveu tliat in cfimnliance witli the provisions of the ct of Congress of June 8. 1878, entitled "An art for the sale of tiraher lands in te States of Caiforuia, Oregon, Nevada anrl Vl'ashinif- ton Territory," as extended to all the I'uMic Land Statej by act of August 4, 1692, JKSbE U. IilTKKEB, has fttetnerfc ao, JU32, tor tne purcnase or the lots 3, 4. tee 2, T. 14 S K 7 W. and will offir proof tn shi w that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register ard Receiver of this office atltoseburg, Oregon, on Monday, the 10th day of March 1902. He names as witnesses: Ora Clodfelter of Inde pendence, Or. Clarence E. Ireland of Indepeudenca, Or. Dick Zahn of Alsea, Or. Frank L, Whiteaker of IndeneDdepce. Or, Anc and all persons claiinintr adverselv the ahnv. described lanas arc requested to file their claimes in mis omce on or oelore said lUth dav of March 190?. J. T. BRIDGES, Register -