Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, November 12, 1901, Image 4

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    The Small
of the Back
That is wheie some people feel
weak all the time.
They are likely to be despondent
and it is not unusual to find them
borrowing trouble as if they hadn't
enough already.
The fact is their kidneys are
weak, either naturally or because
of sickness, exposure, worry or
other influences.
"I am thankful to t." writes J. L. Camp
ball, of Sycamore. 111., " that Hood's Sarsapa
rllla has cured me. For many years I was
troubled with backache. At times I was so
bad I had tn be helped from the bed or chair.
I am now well and strong and free from pain."
What this treat medicine did for him it has
done for others.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to cure and keeps the
promise. Begin treatment with
Hood's todav.
His Experience.
"Suspense," sighed the condemned
man. "Ah, my young friend; you
don't know what moments of torture
"Oh, yes I do," interposed the cal
low youth. "I have often sat quietly
with only a dime in my pocekt while
my best girl . leisurely persued cue
menu of a French cafe. "Chicago
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A Genuine Surprise.
Her Mother I saw him kiss you
I am terribly shocked. I did not
imagine for a moment he would dare
take such a liberty.
Herself Nor did I, ma. In fact,
I bet him a pair of gloves he daren't!
Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 31st After investigat
ing Garfield Tea, which is quite universally
acknowledged to be the best family remedy, it
is not difficult to explain its success it is the
medicine for GOOD RESULTS. It is manu
factured here by the Garfield Tea Co. in their
new and attractive labratory and is made
wholly from simple, sweet and withal health
living HERDS. Garfield Tea is the ORIGINAL
herb cure for constipation and sick headache
Where He Was.
A little four year old occupied an
uper berth in a sleeping car. Awak
ening once in the middle of the night,
his mother asked him if he knew
where he was.
'Tourse I do, " he replied, "I'm in
the top drawer. "
CIT Permanently Cared. No fits or nervouBnei
after first 47'n of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve
Restorer. Send Tor FttEES'-i.OOtrislbottleaiidtreat-ise.
D.a.H.KLl!iS,Ltd..31 AixhSt..PhUdelphi,P
Way They Played Partners. : -
"They had been married a year be
fore anybody, knew it, and even then
their secret was discovered only by
accident. "indeed? " Yes," one ev
ening at a card party, they thought
lessly played partners, and the way
they quarreled let the whole thing
out!" Detroit Free Press.
Every man. woman and child snAer.
ine with colds, asthma. croiro. Doeu-
i monia or consumption to write us.
American Luna Balm Pad Co., Chattanooga,
A Pekin Musicale.
From the pagoda of the late Prince
Li Sum Whot we heard strains of
strange and weird music.
Turning to the . guide we asked:
"What causes that peculiar melody?"
wny, ne explained, "tnat is one
of our soldiers playing on his loot,"
Baltimore American. -
"Have you hay fever?
"No; that's old. I have the elec
tric fan sniffles. Puck.
With many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the
ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome
one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup
Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product,
which have commended it; to the favorable consideration of the '
most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all ;
who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents. ,
. Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with
out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect
freedom from any unpleasant after effects. -
In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as'they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinally laxative principles of the
combination are obtained from plants known to act most bene
ficially on the system.
To det its beneficial effects
Louiaville. Ky.
row sale bv all
A Disagreeable Characteristic
Katharine I detest that Mr.
flngton. ' ...'i.
Margaret Why, Katharine?
"Oh, he's the Una of man who al
ways calls when, yon are expecting
somebody else who doesn't come."
. Smith's Handicap.
Rev. Dr. Thirdly I wish to an
nounce brethren and sisters, that next
Sunday my place in this pulpit will
be occupied by the Rev. Mr. Smith.
We will now "sing three verses of
hymn No. 196, "That Awful Day Will
Surely Come."
Caller H:Id Up.
Mistress Jane, have you ever been
second girl before? .
Jane No mum; alius cook.
Mistress Then, when a caller
comes you take the card, show the
lady into the reception room and
bring the card to me. . I will then
tell you what to do.
Next afternoon: Jane appearing at
the door of her mistress' sitting
room Caller down stairs' In th' hail.
Mistress In the hail? Why didn't
you . show her into the reception
Jane She didn't have no ticket -
Schools In Forto Rloo.
The expense of maintaining schools in
Porto Rico is very high if we consider the
amount spent fur the small number of
pupils enrolled. Education, however, is
always essential to success. In our coun
try the- people are being educated to the
fact that there is a sure cure forindigestion,
dyspepsia, constipation, nervousness and
iiialaria, fever and ague, and that medicine
is Hosietter's Stomach Bitters. Trv it.
Onr Private Via Stamp is over the neck of
me pome.
Those Low Characters.
Greene That fellow in the short
coat was a wonderfully fluent talker.
Gray Yes, I was wondering wheth
er he was a labor agitator or only just
a prizefighter. Boston Transcript.
There is more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other diseases put togetner,
and until the last few vears was suonosed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
is ilie only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to
a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer
one hnndred dollars for any case it falls to
cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bom dj imiggisis, voc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Helpful Hints.
"Are you the man who used to
write- articles about 'How to live on
Ten Dollars a Week'?" asked the
caller of the pale gentleman with the
bulging brow.
' 'I am he, " responded the pale
gentleman. --..-' '-.---;y
"Well, say, won't you give us one
on 'How to Build a Thousand Dollar
Cottage on Five Thousand Dollars'?"
Baltimore American.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winalow'a Sooth
ing 8yrnp the best remedy to use for their-
umiureii uunug tuc urcbiung period. .
The Current Discussion. "..-'
---Dr. Youngun No, sir; I do not ap
prove of admitting , others than the
physician to the sick room. If the
physician understands his business
he can -prepare the patient for the
hereafter. --,;-,----
Mr. Oldun You mean if he doesn't
understand his business. Baltimore
Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infal
lible medicine for coughs and colds. N.
W. 3AMOKL. Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17.
1900. .---' -
Bitter Experience.
Mrs. Rasin Kane Oh! Rasin;
there's the wedding march. Do you
remember when we marched up the
aisle to it "ten years ago? -,; - -
Mr. Raisin Kane Yes, and I have
been marching ever since.
.- - Very Probable. "
. Teacher What led Columbus
conclude the world was round.
Bright Boy Well, his experience
with it proved that it was anything
but square. Boston Transcript.
ITEmc : And
. Permanemtly n
Sm Fra rvoiaco.C&l
500,000 Wonini
Have boon restored to health
by Lyttta E Plnkhmm's Vege
table Oompoundm Their let
term are on file and prove thlrn
mtatement to bo a fact, not a
mere boast When a rrtedl
olno bam boon muooeamful In
Curing mo' many women, you
oannot well may without try
ing It" I do not bellevo H
will help mom" .
myt sm
Vegetable Compound
Is a positive cure for all those painful
Ailments of Women.
It "will entirely core the worst forms of
I'uuuslO UWpitUUbB, nil V V ttilHll wIUUDieSj
Inflammation and Ulceration. Fal liner and
Displacements of the Womb, and consequent
opimu jq eaiLuesa, ana is peculiarly aaapiea
Your medicine cored me of ter
rible female illness.
Mrs. M. E. Mtjlleb,
1a Concord 8q., Boston, Mass.
It has cured more cases of Backache and
Lencorrhma than any other remedy the
world has ever known. It is almost infallible
in such cases. It dissolves and expels
Tumors from the Uterus in an early stage
of development, and checks any tendency
to cancerous numors.
Your Vegetable Comnound re
moved a Fibroid Tumor from my
womb after doctors failed to give
relief. Mbs. B. A. Lombard,
Westdale, Mass.
Bearing-down Feeling:
Womb troubles, causing pain, weight, and
backache, instantly relieved and perma
nently cured by its use. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the laws
that govern the female system, and is as
harmless as water.
Backache left me after takinir
the second bottle. Your medicine
cured me when doctors failed. .
Mrs. Sakah Holsteim,
8 Davis Block, Gorham St., Lowell, Mass.
Snnnressed or Painful Menstruations. "Weak-
lies. (11 uiv ouuim.u, xuuigt,iuuiuiuauji5,
Flooding, Nervous. Prostration, Headache,
Uenerai ueuinty.
It is a strand medicine. I am
thankful for the good it has done
me. - Mrs. J. w. J..
- 76 Carolina Ave.,
- Jamaica Flam (Boston), Mass.
Dizziness. Faintness,
Extreme' Lassitude, " don't care " " and
" want to be left alone " feeling, excitabil
ity, lmtaDUity, nervousness, sleeplessness,
flatulency, melancholy, or the " blues," and
backache. These are sure indications of
Female Weakness, some derangement of the
troubled with Dizziness.
Headaches, Faintness, Swelling
Timha- .Your medicine cured me.
'MBS. Babh E. Bakes.
Bucksport, Me.
The whole story, however. Is told tn as
Illustrated book which Roe with each Dot
tie, the most complete treatise on female
eompl&mt ever publlsnea.
For eieht years I suffered with
womb trouble, and was entirely
eurea oy j&rs. rmsjuun b meaicine.
'; Littleton, If. H.
- Kidney Complaints
and Backache of either seas the Vegetable
Compound alwavs cures.
fThe Vegetable Com
pound is sold by all
Ists or sent bv
. Liter fins cure..
Constipation, '
Sick Headache, 25a,
mail, in form of nils
or Lozenges, -'
oeintof Kl.OO.
Correspondence reeif
You can address in strictest confidence,
liYDLi E. P1KMLUI KU. CO, Lr.n, Mas
? : Good Prices for Horses.
. fiiigniy-seven carriage Horses were
sold in New York the other day for
an average of over $1,000 each.
New YorKifiM
TraMs-8iberlam Koad la One of the
World's Greatest Achievement Im-
ceptlon, Prosrreaat Fnrpeaca and In
fluence aa a Knsaian Possession. "
In 1891 the first coupons were Issued
for the building of the Trans-Siberian
railway. In December. 1892, the work
was begun. A highway was to be push
ed from St Petersburg to the Pacific, a
band of steel 5,852 miles long, binding
the extremities of the empire and over
Its polished track affording an unrival
ed route for the commingling of east
and west and of their measureless
products. From- Paris to Vladivostock
the journey by passenger and traffic
was to be made in twelve days, and
later on in ten. From Paris to Pekin In
thirteen days, to Hong Kong In seven
teen days, diminishing the expense in
money and in time by a third or a
half. . - ' "-"
This railroad was to be financiered,
constructed and administered, not by
private enterprise, but by the State.
Hence its object was not by financial
returns to swell the revenues of giant.
corporations or Individual capitalists.
The profit and loss account on its pe
cuniary side was a minor considera
tion. Its single design and aim was to
strengthen and develop the Russian em
pire, the dominion of the east, the mas
tery of Asia. .
As the strategic position of Russia
over against Asia Is unique, so is this
railroad unique in Its possibilities.
Whatever acquisitions Great Britain or
Germany now hold, or may hereafter
obtain on the Asiatic contingent, those
possessions are remote by thousands of
miles from theft base, and their effi
ciency depends upon a difficult and pre
carious connection through those thou
sand miles of sea and land. Nor can
those possessions be brought into much
more intimate relations with each other
and with the home empire than they al
ready are. That Is, for Great Britain
or Germany or any other power to de
vise a political or strategic rival to the
Trans-Siberian railway, is an titter im
possibility. It remains and must re
main the most stupendous agent in de
termining the destiny of the globe that
has yet been conceived by man. It is
to be maintained, as it was first orig
inated, under the most favorable geo
graphic circumstances which a State
has ever enjoyed. . .: " ' --
There is no assertion here that as an
achievement of engineering skill this
railway surpasses or even equals a
trans-American railroad from New
York to San Francisco, or a trans-Afri
can railroad from Alexandria to the
Cape. Ylewed merely as a railroad, it
may in every' respect be inferior to
either; its trains may be less commodi
ous or less luxurious, its locomotives
less powerful or less swift, Its technical
management less efficient or less sa
gacious; but, regarding . simply - geor
graphic position, having in mind only
where it runs, what it connects .and
what it must inevitably effect, nowhere
can experience or imagination suggest
a rival. The" "nearest approach to rival
ry, would be' afforded by some line
crossing China from west to east But
the western terminus of such a line
would of necessity be close upon Rus
sian Siberia or Russian Turkestan; It
would traverse only a moribund or dis
integrating Asiatic State; and what
ever might be the governing board of
its .construction and administration, it
would Indirectly, if not directly, be sub
ject to - Russian influence. National
Geographic News. -
A Man of Resources.
The spectators who were watching
large store building burn down were
horrified to see a man appear at a win
dow about twenty feet above the front
sidewalk, every other avenue of escape
having been cut off by the flames.
The firemen t were at work in' the rear
of the building, and there was no time
to go after a ladder. V
A leap to the ground below seemed
almost certain death. The man, how
ever, in spite of his position, was the
coolest person in sight ;
"Take off your coats," he shouted,
"and make a pile of them on the side
walk! I'll jump down on them." --
It was done In an Instant A hundred
men jerked off their coats and threw
them on the walk beneath the window,
the man meanwhile having climbed out
and bung by his hands from the ledge,
He dropped, alighted on the center of
the pile, and escaped without injury,
the crowd cheering him lustily for his
pluck and generalship. .. .
It only remains to add that it took
some time for the owners of the respec
tive coats to Identify and recover their
property, and the last man found only
a ragged remnant of a garment in place
of the fine new tailor-made article he
had contributed to the heap; but this,
let us hope, was an accident such as
may sometimes happen when hasty se
lections are made from a crowded um
brella rack. - .-. -
Home Llfb in Japan.
- In Japan the higher class ladles never
go to market; the market comes to them.
That is, the dealers call and offer wares
for sale at their customer's doors. The
fish merchant brings his stock, and if
any Is sold prepares it for cooking. The
green grocer, the sake dealer, and now
adays the meat man all go to their pat
rons'houses. In the morning the ladles
are frequently engaged in the charac
teristic occupation of doing harmona;
that is, in starching old clothes-, and
spreading them on large boards to dry
in the sunshine. This Is the first step to
making over old garments, and is done
In the open alr. : Nearly all Japanese
women make their own clothes; at all
events, even the very richest embroider
their garments themselves. " They are
very economical little dressmakers.
Woman's Home Companion."
-- First Fire Engine in 1731.
The first fire engine used In this coun
try was brought from England to New
York in 1731. -.- "
Every widow.: even to the 300-pound
limit. Imagines (hat she "makes a par
thetic figure in black." ' - -
Most girls who
don't mean it -
look sweet at men
Tne Bard 'Work Entailed by the Chsrsja
. of a School Room Often Causes
tbe Health to Break Down.
' From the Tribune. MinneapolU, Minn.
Teaching school is an occupation
which has many attractions for cul
tured women, but it also has many
drawbacks and often affects their
health seriously. Especially is this
so in the case of women with delicate
nervors systems and those with a ten
dency to pulmonary troubles. Miss
Mary K. .Powers, ol Jillswortn, wis.,
is a teacher whose health was broken
down by the hard work which the
charge of a large school entails. She
savs: ' - '
'During the winter of 1898, while
teaching school, I became subject to
nervousness, which grew worse until
my whole system was run down. My
back ached and at times I was so
dizzy that I could hardly stand. My
limbs were swol.en and always tired,
so that I felt no more rested in the
morning than when I went to bed. I
was also troubled with a cough and the
food I ate did not strengthen me.
This condition, accompanied by pal
pation of the heart, kept up for sev
eral months until in March, when I
read about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People in a Juneau, Wiscon
sin, newspaper.
I began taking the pills and in
about a week I noticed a change for
the better. I felt so encouraged by
this improvement that I kept on tak
ing them until 1 had used three boxes,
and was entirely cured. I always
keep Pink Pills by me ' and I take
them occasionally when I feel the
need of a tonic.
"I believe firmly in the good done
by Pink Pills for - Pale People and
have advised many of my friends to
use them."
All the elements necessary to give
new life and richness to the blood
and restore shattered nerves kare con
tained in a condensed foim, in : Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
They are an unfailing specific for such
diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica,
neuralgia. rheumatism, nervous
headache, the after effects of the grip,
palpitation of the heart, pale and sal
low complexions, and all foris of
weakness. At all druggists, or direct
from . Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady, . N. Y., 50 cents per
box; six boxes $2.50.
Strong Provocation.
, ' "Johnnie, you must never inter
rupt any one when they are speak
"Not even to correct such bad
grammar as don't, ma?"
He would't Back Down.
Miss Jones Professor, do you dare
to look, me in the face and then say
that I , originally - sprang from
monkey? -'--. -
- Professor (equal to the occasion)
Well, really, it must have been a very
charming monkey. Stray Stories,
; The Wreck of the Birkenhead. ,
- "J.- Johnson,, who died recently1
Liverpool was the last survivor
the famous wreck of the Birkenhead
the troopship that went down in Si
mon's Bay in February, 1852, when
only 184 men out of 638 got ashore.
The troops stood drawn up : under
arms, on deck till the ship sank.
A Candid Announcement
"Mike." said Plodding Pete,'
world owes us a living."
"Yes," answered Meandering Mike.
but in order to collect it we ve goi
ter do something to convince ' de
world dat we're alive. An' dat's too
much trouble.!" Washington Star.
- Two Points ol View.
emotional citizen of the great
city of Illinois was one day showing
a visitor the wonders of the lake
front "A few years ago,"- said he,
"the lake, front extended inland far
beyond where we are standing.
tell you there Isn't a town in the
world that's making history as fast
as Chicago Is!" It looks to me more
like making geography," replied the
unemotional stranger.
Conductivity of the Earth.
Col. Pilsoduski, of the Russian
army, has, It Is reported, just suc
ceeded ; in transmitting a telegram
without the use of a wire by utilizing
the-conductivity of the earth. It is
said that- the insignificant force
which will transmit through air a dis
tance of only fifty yards will allow
transmission through the earth for
a distance of 650 yards.
"T These Good New Days. "
"Are my coansn balls as good as
those your mother made, David?" ;
-- "Better, my dear, 100 per cent bet
ter. We didn't have any - boneless
codfish in those days, ane every time
we had codfish balls some body got
cnoked." Chicago' Herald.
A Battle of Giants.
VSmithers can tell as good a fish
sjory as anybody -1 . know, I told
him an , awful whopper the other
night, but he matched it." "
.-' "Said he believed it. Stray Stories.
" A E 0R1G1NAI-.
HtS Writ-Mr- All HXt- hi S. I
Coagh ttyrup. Tastes Good. Vm
tima Bold ay aruKRiii. i
Has ball bearing in tnrn-table.
Turns freely to the wind.
Ball bearines thrnst in -wheel. Inmrin,
lightest running qualities, and reserving
greatest amount of power for pumping.
Galvanised after making. Put together
with galvanized bolts, double-nutted; no
part can rust or get loose ana rattle.
Weight regulator: oerfect regulation. No
spring to change tension with ererv change
of temperature, and grow weaker with age.
nepau-a always on-naua.
These things are worth money to you.
Then why not buy a STAR?
BICKFORD, Washington, 0. C. they will re-
20th Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1878.
Jj Ksse Hens Lay and Keeps them Laying. . it cures Roup, Cholera and All
Diseases. It strengthens young chicks, and makes them grow. Price 25c and 50c
MT ynnlf chickens commenced drlnflr. and efter loslnir four dozen I pnr
khased apeckatra ot jronr PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD, which stopped them
from dying- and I hare constantly kept It on hand Tr since. 1 can recommend
it as just what Is needed In raising- poultry. o. B. HIOGIN, Laua, Wash
Arriving at a Total
Tax Collector How much is your
husband worth?
Mrs. Wise About a million.
Tax Collector Are you sure?
Mrs. Wise Oh, yes. You see, the
jury awarded him $2,000 for the loss
of a finger. I think in proportion the
rest of him would be worth about 500
times as much. Chicago News.
Losing No Chances.
Genial Doctor (after laughing
heartily at a joke of his patient)
Ha! ba! ba! There's not much the
mater with you, though I believe that
il you were on your deathbed you
would make a joke.
Irrrepressible patient Why, of
course I should. It would be my last
chance. Punch.
To Remove Spots.
Jester That man Sharpley is a
clever patent medicine advertising
Jimson Is he?
Jester You bet! He's been sig
naling the sun about the efficacy of
liis new' magic freckle cure. Ohio
State Journal. - - "
Block Mouses to Defend Railroads.
A series of block houses are being
built to defend the railway lines in
south Africa.' When the order to
build these block houses was given by
General Kitchener, a chain of them
180 miles in length was completed in
a fortnight. t -
Trifling that Costs, g
Sciatica and Lumbago
And you may be disabled and
. capacitated for work for
- . - many long days. "
St. Jacobs Oil
Will cure surely, right away,
and save time, money and
suffering. It
Conquers Pain
Price, 35c and 50c. ' '-
fi . n
CANDY fcajljx
'Im'mmWmPmPmf'mrmPmaJimWmWm '
ruRE acoada
;1ievers6ld," tfSfocoJilJi
(hAA DFUAOn will be paid
PIvVlaTT-Yll port to us
for ana furnish evidence upon which ws can
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
I . Foot of Morrisea Btrssh
Can give yon the best bargains, in
Buggies, flows. Boilers and Engines,
Wiu.imills and Pomps and General
Machinery.' Bee us before buying,
...Columbia University...
Academic and Collegiate Halls.
COURSES-Clatsical, Literary, Scientific and
Commercial. For particulars apply to
REV. E. P. MURPHY, President,
University Park, Portland, Oregon.
""sj, loa.t Agent, Portland, OreEon.
Pointers for Souvenir Collectors
Souvenir collectors will lw i
ed to learn that 100 large tables, six
uozen cnairs, twelve dozen work
boxes, 11 desks, 24 dozen knife hand
les, 24 dozen cigar cases, 100 dozen
umbrella handles and over 10,000 pen
holders have so far been made out of
the only original surrender free of
Santiago, and the tree is nearly all
there still. New York World.
A Coincidence.
"I suppose it is merely a coinci
dence, " said the young man who is
anxious to learn.
"What is?" inquired the experi
enced friend. .
' The fact that the most sensorinnnl
reformers have been men who were so
rich they didn't need any more money
or so poor that they had lost hope of
getting any." Washington Star.
Break the Rest
Tuner Your daughter left word
that I sr.ould call and repair the
Mr. Binks What's wrong with it?
Tuner She says three strings are
Mr. Binks (confidentially) Look
here, here's five shillings for your
self. You break the rebt of .them.
Tid Bits.
Why lie Did IL
Mother Goodness gracious, Willie!
What do you mean by spilling the
milk and honey on the floor?
-Willie Susie wanted to play we '
was in Canaan, the promised land,
just like the bible. Fliegender
Struggling minister There was a
stranger in church today.
His Wife Well, what did he look
Struggling Minister I did not see
him, but I found a five-shilling piece
in the contribution box. Cassells
Expert Testimony. .
"Jenkins has just wrote a book on
'How to Succeed.' "
"I wonder if it will be a success."
"It ought to be, Jenkins has failed
at everything else."
Summer Resolutions
Keeley Cure
fcure relief fiom liquor, opium and tobaooe
. habita. Band lor partloulars to
Inctitufa Moved to 420 Williams
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25 SO
taste good. Hat them like candy. They
remove any bad taste In the mouth, leav
ing the breath sweet and perfumed. It is
a pleasure to take them, and they are
liked especially by children,
sweeten the stomach by cleansing the
mouth, throat and food channel. That
means, they stop undigested food from
souring; in the stomach, prevent gas form
ing; in the bowels, and kill disease germs
of any kind that breed and teed In the en
tire system.
are purely vegetable and contain no mer
curial or other mineral poison. They con
sist of the latest discoveries in medicine,
and form a combination of remedies un
equaled to make the blood pure and rich
and make clean skin and beautiful com
plexion. tone the stomach and bowels and stir up
the lazy liver. They do not merely soften
the stools and cause their discharge, but
strengthen the bowels and put them Into
lively, healthy condition, making; their ac
tion natural. .
never grip nor gripe. They act quietly, pos
itively and never cause any kind of uncom
fortable feeling. Taken regularly they make
the liver act regularly and naturally as It
should. They keep the sewerage of the body
properly moving and keep the system clean,
increase the flow of milk in nursing moth
ers. If the mother eats a tablet, it makes -her
milk mildly purgative and has a mild
but certain effect on the baby. In this way
they are the only safe laxative for the
nursing infant.
taken patiently, persistently, will cure any
form of constipation, no matter how old or
bow often other remedies have failed. They
are absolutely guaranteed to cure any case,
or purchase money will be cheerfully re
funded. cost 10c, 25c, 50c a box. - Samples sent free
for the asking. We publish no testimonials
but sell Cascarets on their merit under ab
solute guarantee to cure. Buy and try a
box to-day, or write us for free samples
and booklet.
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to any reader of this paper who will re.
any attempt of substitution, or sale of
just as good" when Cascarets are called
convict. All corresfondeuce confidential.