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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1901)
Eruptions Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms of eczema or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions pro ceed from humors, either inher ited, or acquired through defective digestion and assimilation. To treat these eruptions with drying medicines is dangerous. The thing .to do is to help the system discharge the humors, and strengthen it against their return. Hood's Sarsaparilla permanently cured 3. G. Binea, Franks. 111., of eczema, from which he had suffered for some time; and His Alvina Wolter, Box 212, Alcona. Wis., of pim ples on her face and back and chafed skin on her body, by which she had been greatly troubled. There are more testimonials in favor of this great medicine than can be published. Hood's Sarsaparllla Promises to cure . and keeps the promise. Don't put off treatment. Buy a bottle of Hood's today. A Woman's Reason. "How did you happen to insure in that particular company?" "I consulted the wishes of , my wife." . ."Of course; that's very praisworthy. But does she know anything about life insurance companies?" "Yes. She investigated and found that this one always issues the pret tiest calendars." Tit-Bits. This signature is on ere box of the genuine I av4JA DwtMAjflinfltfia m-vi- uua u t w w uuiu-yuiuiut iu,w" the remedy that can a cM 1st net slay Three a Day. Tourist in Ireland (to rural postman) How many malls bave you here in the day! "Three breakfast, dinner and tay.' London Fun. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUBED Bt local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion oi the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by au in flamed condition of tbe mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deatness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. WewiUgive One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deainess (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by Druggists, 76c Hall's Family Pills are the beat. Sad Affair. "I hear they give Hank- a cross ex amination in that trial up town." "Yes, and I can't see why they needed to be cross about it. Hank 's the best natured cuss I ever see. " Chicago News. . am dh jrreaonpsion ror aiaiana) RhiUs and PevAr ffl a hnttln rf RmWi TatalM Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a xurju. av tun, no rmy . xrice ouc. Very True now do people enjoy trolley rides in such crowded cars?" Oh, everybody is buoyed up by the expectation that everybody else will get off at the next corner." Chicago Record-Herald. So Nice to Eat, So Mild, So Effective. To take medicine is a pleasure, when the medicine is Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the only modern laxative fit to be used. All drug gists, 10c, 25c, 60c. Well Up in Art. . "I hear he is well up in art." "Yes. His studio is on the top floor, and his paintings are always skied." Judge. BROOKLYN, N. V., Sept. 80. Information has been received regarding the wonderful curative powers of the tjarneld Headache Pow ders; people everywhere are using them and writing the manufacturers of the good results obtained. - South America. Competent authorities assert that South America has greater undevel oped resources than any other portion of the world. Any crop grown else where can be duplicated there, and the country abounds in mines of coal, silver and gold, most of which has been only slighly develped. If With That Tongue He Cannot Win. Mrs. Dawn You hateful thing. You told Millie Meadows you only wished you were single again. Mr. Dawn (with happy inspiration) Of course I did. It was only that I might experience once again the joy I felt when you accepted me, darling. Mrs. Dawn You dear boy ! I knew you couldn't be so cruel. Tit-Bits. THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL HUMAN DISEASES. The poison ejected from the fangs snake is -not more surely fatal than Contagious Blood Poison, which rjollutea the blood, destroys the tissues and bones canker sore into the flesh. This horrible disease appears first in the form of a little sore or blister ; soon the glands begin to swell, pimples break out on the- body, the mouth and throat become sore, making it painful to eat or swallow ; dreadful ulcers appear on the tongue, copper colored splotches and other characteristic signs of Blood Poison come as the disease progresses, and the destructive virus takes deeper hold upon the system. ' The medical men are as sorely perplexed over the character of this blood poison as ever ; they tell you to take mercury and potash alternately for three years, but the stomach of no human being can stand this treatment long ; besides, they do . not cure the disease permanently, as thousands who have, tried it know. - WELLINGTON, KAS., Sept., 1900. -X contracted Blood Folaon two yea 1 ag-o this fall, and was persuaded to try a, snedloina widely adver tised by a remedy company in Ohicaffo. , I waa re Quired to pay a large amount la advance, and can truthfully aay that I waa woraa when the treatment waa left off than when I beg-an. Reddish pimples would break out and .fill with yellowish matter ; copper-colored splotches of all ices would appear on my body ; my throat waa ao acre X could aoaroely aw allow, and my month and tongue wars seldom free from vloera ; tonsils were swollen, and my hair waa com ing out rapidly. This waa my condition when X began your S. 8. 8. I have used twenty-two bottles, and sum feeling splendid. Every sore on my body has healed, and my appetite good. fAJLB MABTHT. , S.S.S. snot a new medicine ; for nearly 50 years it has been known and used for this dreadful disease. It has brought new life and hope to thousands all over; this land ; it will cure you as it has others. Send for our free book on home treatment and write our physicians about your case. We will help yon if you will let us ; we make no charge for advice, and all correspondence is conducted la strictest confidence. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, GA. The Bin WouM Grow. " "I've biought you a little brother." said tbe doctor. - "No" said the impossible child ; the stork brought my little brother." well I'm the stork" said the doc tor. "But where is your bill?" said the impossible child. . Itis claimed by those who should know that an impossible child is never wittier than upon the occasion of somebody being born into the tamily. Her Predicament Mamie I think Mr. Crustleigh is just too mean for anything. Jfannye But he married your mamma. Mamie I know he did. I jilted him for Harold, then he married mamma, and now he won't let me marry Harold. Baltimore American. Misgivings. "That was a very lucid document you prepared," said the friend. Yes, answered the statesman auw- ously. "I made it so lucid that I am afraid the public will fail to regard it as able and profound." Washington Star. End of the Boer War. The Boer war which has been raping for the past two years will soon be ended, according to the latest advices. News of peace will be hailed with jov by all. War is a terrible thing and has slain many peo ple, but we believe stomach troubles nave slain even more. When the stomach is out of order and you suffer from dyspep sia, indigestion, flatulency, sick headache or constipation, we would urge you to try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It will cure you. - Tiresom. ."I'm so tired" she sighed to the woman next door. "What have you been doing?" "I've been the last four hours at the photographer's having an instan taneous picture of the baby taken. " Sfopm ihn Cough mnd Work Off thmCoSd. Laxative Bromo-Quinf ne Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 26 cents. A Strong Man. "What a very heavy voice he has!" "Yes: but he is able to lift it in his own defense. " Philadelphia Evening Buletin. . Take Nature's remedy, Garfield Tea! Inex pensive ana enective. i pints or 3D doses lor 25c. It is composed of medicinal HERBS, not mineral pofrons. It cures constipation and sick neaaacne, Kianey ana liver diseases. Good for all. It Was Possible. Clara You haven't seen my en gagement ring yet, have you? Made I don't know. Who is the man? Town and Country. , fOU KNOW WHAT YOU ABE TAKING When tou take Grave's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simnly Iron and Qui nine to a tasteless form. No Cure, Nj Pay. 60c Diplomacy. First Boy It's 6 o'clock. Let's go home. Second Boy Nit! If we go home now we'll get licked for stay in' so late. If we stay till 8 we'll git hugged and kissed for not bein! drowned. Puck, y , . Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use lor their children daring the teething period. Her Reason. " "Did you ever try any of these health foods?" the sympathetic friend asked of the dyspeptic lady. "Yes," she" replied, 'and I'm not going to eat any more of them." -"Why not?" , "Because they spoil my appetite. " Cleveland Plaindealer. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an infal lible medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. 3amuel. Ocean Grove, N. J.. Feb. 17. 1900. .. - Muscles. - Human beings have six muscles to each eye, that they may move it on. either side, but horses, cows, sheep, and other quadrupeds, which habit ually incline their heads to the ground in search of food, have a mus cle by which their eyelids are sus pended and supported, and which we do not need. Patents Procured. Prompt. Efficient and Satisfactory Service. Attorney's lee not payable till patent granted. Try us. Taber & Whitman Co., 88-40 Warder Bldg., Washington, D. C. A Willing Youth. "You say that you don't care for the salary so long as you can get a chance to work?" said the billionaire; "That's the idea," answered the youth with the sharp nose and chin. "I am willing to start right in at a big reduction and take one of those $25,000 positions - you say are so hard to fill at half the money." Washing ton Star. of the rattle the virna of and vitiates Ji and eats like S. S. S. id the only guaranteed purely vege table blood purifier, and Ae only ' antidote for this particular virus: it purifies the blood and builds up the constitu tion. The appetite im proves almost from the first dose, the sores soon, show signs of healing, and the unsightly, dirty splotches and eruptions grow paler and paler, and finality HicannM. A SUCCESSFUL MAN How He Obtained His Present Erivi- able Position. "Honesty, aggressiveness and health are tbe requisites for success. " These are the words of John H. Kiley, of Cazenovia, N. Y., who has attained the main thing that all men desire. - "The . first two qualities I mention are-necessary," he contin ued, "if a man or woman wants to rise in life, but they are of little use if the third is not in your possession. " In response to questions he said : "About two years ago I was taken down with inflammatory rheumatism and was flat on my back, racked with pain and as helpless as a child for fourteen weeks. During those weeks I suffered as only they who have inflammatory rheumatism can suf fer." ' "Didn't you have any medical at tendance?' queried the reporter. "Yes, I had the best that could be procured, but the doctors did not help me." - - "But how did you become cured?" "Before I was taken sick I had seen advertisements of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People which stated that they were good for rheumatism. I was willing to try anything for relief so I got some and was benefited almost im mediately. - I had taken but six boxes when I was able to return to my work, but I continued taking them until nine boxes were used up. I was entire ly cured and have had no return of the trouble since. I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People a wonderful remedy, and I have recommended them to a great many people. Rheumatism has been cured in hundreds of other instances by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They are a specific not only for that disease but for all ailments arising from a disordered condition of the blood , or shattered nerves, such as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia,, nervous headache, the after effects of the grip, palpitation- of the heart, paje and sallow complexions and all forms of weakness either in male or female. .''' Dr. Williams' . Pink Pills for Pale People are sold in boxes at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. - - - In the Future. - First Billionaire's Son What did you get for yor birthday? Second Billionaire's Son I got a railroad. - - - "That's nothing. I got a whole system." Life. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. - Must Bear Signature of See Pac-Simile Wrapper Below. - Very assail and as easy to take as sagas. FOR HEADACHE FOR DIZZINESS FDR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIOI csmlisisss must maw I Purely-efetaU CURE SICK HEADACHE. - No Defered Payments. - "Is your daughter learning to play by note?" Certainly not, " answered Mrs. Comrox, a little indignantly. "We pay cash for every lesson. The idea!" 'Washington star, CIT Permanently Cored.: Ho fits or nerronsnee! B I I W after first day's aaeof Tr. Kliae'i Great Hern Restorer. Send for FREEST. OO tril bottle and treat Isa. Da. B. H. Kusi. Ltd.. Ul Arth St.. Philadelphia, Fs, - The Habit ";v. . Tess Oh, she's the girl who used to go arond in the riding habit all the time, "- ' Jess Yes; but she's got the auto mobile habit now. Tess--That so? What is it? , -Jess Bunning over people, every chance she gets. Philadelphia Press. The Fisherman's Gamble With Death. " - In had weather, the fisherman's wife sad, when the boats were out, she could never stay in the house be cause of the clock. As it ticked she heard, nothing but ; "Wife, widow; wife, widow,' over and over-again. And; she said, 'tis but the swing of the bob which name should be the true one. Cynthia in the West. vt Reason Enough. The teacher at the kindergarten has a great deal of trouble "with Mabel, who is 4 years old. The other day she had occasion to ask: "Mabel, why did you strike Freddy?" - " 'Tause he's littler dan me," re plied - Mabel. Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. . - Not Friends. Kind Lady Poor Fellow, have you got no friends? Hap Hazzard No, mum; I hain't got nobody but relatives. Tit-Bits. sssH!siMaS CURES WHfRf 111 fISf Fill JL tlc I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use m tune, sola ny aruKinsts. CARTER'S IJMee n cm g.-MMMMMMMMMM... Short Storie$ ij HMM Illlt Ex-Speaker Reed was In the Supreme Court at Washington, D. C, recently, when the Justices were slow in assem bling. Mr. Reed waited with an ele phantine patience. Presently a friend of his leaned over to him and whisper ed: "Mr. Speaker, can't you count a quorum?" A look of grave reproach overspread the retired statesman's face. "Sir," said he, in a tone of dignity, "you forget that when I counted a quorum, there always was a quorum." Senator Bailey, of Texas, has a face like a cherub. It is round and soft and full of color. One day, in the corridor of the Senate, he was approached by a giggling young woman, who asked, rap turously: .. "Oh, Senator, where in the world did you get your pretty pink com plexion?" Bailey was embarrassed only for an instant " Looking ,her straight in the eye and tapping her lightly on her slightly rouged cheek, he very gravely asked: "Where in the city did you get yours?" Edward' .PitzGerald,. who wrote the quatrains from Omar which have come Into such great popularity under the Persian name of "Rubaiyat,"and there by excited a curiosity sufficiently great to have his other translations and adap tations given to the world, was witty and when in society left his mark. It is told of him that being once thrown in company with a notorious tuft-hunter, whose only conversation concerned his personal experiences with the nobility, PitzGerald waited for a time, then rose to go, saying with an attitude and ac cent of profound dejection: "I knew a lord once, but he la dead." Mr. Sim, the major-domo, of Stafford House, the residence of the Duke of Sutherland, Is distinguished among the most distinguished major-domos, mal tres d'hotel, and butlers of the highest circles. It is said that the King's own servants look up to him as the leader of their profession. The seal is set upon his aristocratic fame by a remark which is attributed to him. They say that he once went to see Beerbohm Tree play "Hamlet." Asked afterward what he thought of It, he is reported loftily to have remarked: "Well, it's extraordinary the various ways the lower orders have of getting their llv ings." .: Herbert Spencer, the great English sociologist and philosopher, is very fond of a game of billiards, and tbe other dav at the Reform Club in London he I met an acquaintance whom he invited 'to play with him. eThe young member I accepted, and Spencer said, joyfully, 'as he chalked his cue: ."Young man, good billiard-playing is the proof of a well-balanced mind." VI believe it is,' replied the young man,- They played and the great writer was beaten fear fully." "He had only scored thirty-eight when his young antagonist finished his one hundred,; Herbert Spencer put the cue away in disgust "Totfng man," he said, "such fine ; billiard-playing as yours Is : the proof ' of an ill-spent youth." -'-.- 2 As a youngster. Admiral George Dewey was completely carried away by tales of valor on bloody fields, and by stories of great campaigns won by fa mous commanders. Once his father read to him the story of Hannibal crossing ine Alps, 1 ne reciiai maae a great impression on the boy. It was in the dead of- winter, and on the'fol- lowlng day he told the story to his little sister Mary, and asked her to be his army, proposing to. cross the only "Alps" In the neighborhood, a large hill which flanked Montpelier to the north. She readily consented, and young George and his army set out on their undertaking. It was keen and cold. the snow lying deep on the ground, I and piled into huge drifts in ravines ' and along fences. With wooden sword : in hand, George conducted his army to the crest of the "Alps," from which he looked down on that part of "Italy" en compassed by Washington County. The "army" froze the tip of its nose and one ear, while Hannibal had two of his toes frost-bitten. : A farmer took the expe dition into his bob-sled, and carried it back to Montpelier. : Quelling a, Panic. The New York Mall and Express tells how a woman's self-control and good sense averted serious disaster. A street car caught fire in the tunnel above Thirty-fourth street The car was crowded. A puff of smoke came up from somewhere about the wheels at the forward end, and three women in the second seat leaped in horror to their feet. A man rose and called to the conductor In a sharp tone: ." "Can't you see your car is on fire?" . A girl with a big bundle In the second seat tried to fling herself off the car against the stone walL The conductor began calling: . - "Keep your seats! Don't be alarmed Xou can!t get out until you get to Thir ty-fourth street!" '- : Then a lady in tbe front seat turned and put her hand on that of the girl with the bundle,' who was quivering and trembling in every nerve and mus- cle. '. - -. "We are safe! The conductor would not take us on if there was anything else to do," she Said, in a clear, gentle voice of authority, smiling . into the girl's dazed eyes.-"We are safe!" The girl calmed down like a baby at Its mother's touch; the other-passengers harkened to the conductor's com mand to sit down, and obeyed like chil dren. . .- When the car got out of the tunnel and was vacated, the lady disappeared In the direction of Fifth avenue. She had undoubtedly quelled a panic and saved life. Canceling; Postage Stamps. . The method of cancelling postage stamps In vogue throughout the world was instituted by the French Govern ment In 1830, but was not adopted by this country until comparatively recent years. Washington Times. - ; Infection of Li amber Piles. - . Experienced lumbermen say that in the process of seasoning wood should be occasionally replied and decayed or defective pieces removed, lest they In fect the others. - ' i Women rJuct SiOOpm Avoid Norvoua Prostration If you are dans-eronslr sick what is the first duty of tout Dhvaician f He quiets the net ona aystem, he deadens im pain, ana you sleep well. Tou ought to know that when you eeased to be regular in your courses, grow irritable without cause, and pass sleepless nights, there is serious Mas. Hajitlky. trouble somewhere, and nervous pros- tration is sure to loiiow. You ouirht to know that indigestion. exhaustion, womb displacements, tainting, dizziness, headache,, and backache send the nerves wild with affright, and yon cannot sleep. Mrs. Hartley, of 821 W. Congress St., Chicago, lit, whose portrait we pub lish. Buffered all these agonies, and was entirely cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound ; her case should be a warning to others, .and her cure carry conviction to the minds of every suffering woman of the un failing efficiency of Lydia E. Plnkham's vegetable uompouno. No Seashore Engagement - She Yor proposal of marriage was quite unexpected. He Bo much the better. She Why, pray? . He Because it is the unexpected that usually happens. Chicago News. St. Jacobs Oil beats all records and always will. -- Cures "' - ., - Rheumatism Sprains Weakness of the limbs and all Aches and Pains. . Acts like magic Conquers Pain $31 TO $5.00 PEB DM Easily made for the next 90 days, selling an attractive line of Holiday Goods. . For full par- ticulara send name and address to ALBERT DESPRE3, Star Bldg., Chicago, Ills. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. II. San Francisoo Business College r 1836 Market St., San Francisco, Cat. FULL COURSE, $60.00. . Write for Catalogue. She Felt Wicked. Revivalist Is it possible that you dance? - - Fair Sinner Oh, yes, often. -.Now, tell me, honestly and fairly, don t you think the tendecy of danc ing is toward sin? . "1 must confess that while dancing I have very wicked thoughts." 'Aha! I feared so. When is it that you have wicked thoughts?" When my partner steps on my toes." New York Weekly. willing to Chance It He was obviously anxiotas, and she seemed almost willing. "I shall refer you to papa," said she, with a becoming blush '.'before giving you a hnal answer. . - "But I am perfctly willing to take you. without any referrences, " said he magnanimously. Indianapolis flews, Hoist by His Own Petard. ' . Biller (to Stark, with a perambulat or) Hello! That your baby? . :- Stark (trying to be smart) No, it's one I borrowed from a neighbor. Biller So? It's a homeiy . little brute, isn't it? Boston Transcript. - A Natural Query. Mamma (who is expecting the min ister) Willie, we will have a very nice old gentleman to tea this even ing, and you must be very good while he s here. Willie Why, is he Santa Claus? Philadelphia Press. . His Preference. : "Would you rather have something else than a piece of pie?" aked tbe kind neighbor of little Freddie, who had run an errand for her. "Yes," ma'am," said Freddie, promptly; "I wu'd ruther have two pieces." Ohio state Journal. Mm. 40 w a KM writlnr t advertisers plaaaa wuwm hui papain - - ; 'Crushing a Lawyer. De Wolfe Hopper was once a wit ness in a suit for slander and the op posing council in'the courtroom said : "You are an actor I believe?" . "Yes" replied Hopper. "Is not that a low -calling?" "I don't know, but it is so much better than my fathers' that I am rather proud of it. " What was your father s calling may'I ask?" "He was a lawyer " said Hopper. Never Can Satisfy Them. 'The idea of a man holding one office entering upon the campaign for another one! ' exclaimed the politi cian. "Its' outrageous. He can't help using his official position to ad vance his own interests. 'But the man in question has just resigned." "What! Kesiened! Well, that's a despicable trick to gain public favorl 1 didn't think he would do such a thing." Chicago Post. His Admission. "I wonder what is the matter with my head" remarked Jones as he rubbed a bruised spot on the top of his cranium. "Oh, nothing unusual, I guess" re joined the other half of the family. Merely a soft spot. " Ho doubt you are dear," answered Jones. My friends all said 1 had a one when 1 married you." Chicago News. Reason for It "But the gown doesn't fit, " insisted the patron. "That" replied the modiste calmly, is because you are not made right." Chicago Post. Lost a Friend. Fond Parent Isn't he a fine little chap? Prize Idiot Kunimy little shrimp, I call it.- How long have you had it? Punch. ' - FARM MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. THE STAB OF STARS Has ball bearing in turn-table. Turns freely to the wind. Ball bearinsrs thrust in wheel, insuring li eh test running Qualities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Galvanized after making. Put together with galvanized bolts, double-nutted; no part can rust or gee loose ana rame. Weight regulator; perfect regulation. No spring to change tension with every change of temperature, and grow weaker with age. .Repairs always on nana. - These things are worth money to you. Then why not buy a STAR? MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO. . PORTLAND, OREBOH. Excusable. First Sheep But the young folks are so giddy and thoughtless! They don't consider the future! Second Sheep Oh," well, my dear, you can't expect a young lamb to spend all his time thinking of roast mutton ! Puck. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Srnggists refund the money if it fails to cure. w urove'S signature is on eacn iws. Literary Note From the Century Co. . The coming season of the Century Magazine will be "A Year of Ameri can Humor." Contributions have already been engaged from the best known American writers of humorous stories and sketches. There will be during the year a number of contri butions from new humorous writers, and articles reminiscent of those' of the past. A Poser for Him. He I bave always said that I would not marry a girl who was stupid. She But how are you going to know? Town and Country. MlHiMlhiuidiinimiMiiminiuimuiiiiUHiuuuii' Vegetable Preparalionfor As similating foeFoodandBeguIa ting the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes DigestionXheerfur nessandRest.Contains neilher Opium,Morphine norMneral. NOT NARCOTIC. XmpHfeUO-SOWELPnCHBl AntafaaoW jtbcSautt A perfect Remedy forConslipa Tion , Sour Stomkh.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. i EXACT COPT OP WRAPPER. J STAR tf WIND m-; " MILL. The debilitating drains and discharges which weaken so many women are caused by Ca tarrh of the distinctly feminine organs. .The sufferer may call her trouble Leuchorrhoea, or Weakness, or Female Disease or some other name, but the real trouble is catarrh of the female organs and nothing else. . Pe-ru-na radically and perma nently cures this and all othet forms of Catarrh. It is a positive specific for female troubles caused by catarrh of the delicate lining of the organs peculiar to women. It always cures if used persistently. It is prompt and certain. Summer Resolutions TAKE THE Keetey Cure lb ore reUef horn liquor, oplnm and tobaooa aabita. Send tor partleulara to Kealey Institute, Moved to 420 Williams Ave., Portland, Oregon. Bt possible to build. Best material. Best pro portion. Best finish. Lightest running. Seveniy years' experience. Ml 1CHKI.1. L' I' St Sl'AVKK Ct 1st and Taylor Sis., Portland, Or JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrison Street, Can give yon the best bargains in Baggies, Flows, Hoiiers and knsjines. Windmills and Pnmps an I General Machinery. See ns before buying BESTfWHE BOWELS If yon haven't a regular, healthy movement of th6 bowels every day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, Id toe shape of violent pbysic or pill poison, is dangerous. The (iinoottaest. easiest, most perfect way ox keeping ihm Dow els clear and clean la to take Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, V-.QI.h- IVi.n. rt . z n7-- ior free samp'le. and booklet on healtn.' Address SUril.i Kwaad? twipMy. tueig Mgatwil, w If. SSH KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Much Too Rude for Society. It's no use," sighed the pors; pack ers' fair daughter, "trying to go into society when pa . insists on calling a golf club a shinny stick!" Judge. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years j ill yPTt CANDY if IL 4 CATHARTIC 4 a TRAOi Mann mowato the -t