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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1901)
THE GQRVALLIS GAZETTE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1901. LOCAL NEWS. The reoant raing caused a slight rise in Marys river. The Ladies Coffee Club will hold its regular meeting next Monday afternoon at 2: 30. Fred Edwaids, of Eugene, ; a brother of Major F. E. Edwards, of this citj, has been secured as coach of the Albany College football team this winter. William Headrick, wb.9 has been doing seme oarpsater work for Hen ry Dann during the past twe er three weeks, retaraed te his Alsea home, Wednfsday. ' '" Jehn Oihirn left, Tuesday, for Pennsylvania. Helftteads to re main during the winter at Mead ville and Titusville, vieitinjr the eceae of his childkeod. Next Banday Presbyterian charch service at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6.80 p.m. A eordial weleeme extended to all Tlsitors. W. O. Heckart and brother, Charley, returned from Wells, where they engaged in the task of puttiog the finishing touches on the residence of Paul Dodele, last Tuesday. ; Cal Thrasher returned last week from a business trip threagh Kings Yalley. He states that the rains; came before B. F. Weatherford fin ; isked hop-picking. Htwever, very few, if any, hops were lest. B.N. Wilkins and son, Hallie, left Wednesday, for Portland, where they will attend the carnival daring the remainder of the Week and Mr. Wilkins will look after some matters of basiaess. On acoonnt of fain a playing bavoe with the read across Alsea fountain, the hack that was run during the summer for the accom modation of passengers was with drawn free the route a few days ago. The tine of depart are of the east bound 0 & E has been changed to 11:30 a.m. The train td the front has again been turned around and bow leaves Albany in the morning and returns to the same point at night. The Episcopal church. Literary and Lecture on Friday, 27 th, at 7.30 p. ta. Sunday school next Sunday, 29th, at 10 a. m. Horning Prayer and Sermon at 11 a. m Church League (yeurig people) at 7 p. m. I O. MaoLean, Ph. D. ' Wednesday morning, the O AC band boys met for their first re hearsal (his year. The band was under the direction of Ernest Ri dd on this occcbi'ob. It is the opinion that there will be some good band timber available at the O AC this year. ' - Hiss Leona Smith will leave, Monday, for St Helen's Hall, where she will continue her study of violm, of which instrument she is . very fend. During the past year she has made rapid strides in the . mastery of this instrument tnd her playing was a surprise te her many friends.- Levi Biekner ef Junction City, arrived in Corvallia a few days ago with his family and has rented the Whitehora place a short distance north of the O A C. Mr Buckner's chief object in coming to this city was to give his ehildrea the ad van tages offered in here in the way f schools. Some excelleni changes have been made this week, in the in . leiiof arrangement ef the Baptist charch, by Messrs. Albright and Kiser. Other", improvements will fellow soon. Services as usual on Lords Day. Baptist students, and all ethers inclined to worship with usy are assured of a hearty welcome at all times. 8. N. Wilkins has purchased the lots en Third street where the res idence ef Virgil Walters formerly stood. . The sale was . made by Morgan & Robinson and the price paid for the lets was $900. Mr. Wilkins expects ta ereet a dwelling that will face oQ Third street' and a business structure that will face on Madison street. Beginning next Tuesday, Oct ober 1st, the season will be open -for shooting China pheasants. The prediction is made that many a hunter will he oat early Wednes day morning, for they have anx iously awaited the open season This year it will be unlawful for one hunter to bag more than ten pheasants during one day's banting, During the past few days Miss Grace rearse and Mrs. Vaughn, sister of Charles Pearse, have teen visiting in this city. Mr. Pearse is at present at San Francisco. In a recent letter to his wife, who is visitine Corvallis friends, Mr. Peaise stated that he will soon go to Kansas City, Mo., where he will have the management of a branch house of the Goodyear Rubber Co, His salary will be $1, 800 per vea. Mrs. Pearse departed, yesterday, for San Francisco to join aer no band. Hiss Grace Pearse will ac company her. W. A. Sanders,; Jeweler. Regular ' services - will be held next Sunday at the M. E. church. - Dr. Lowe the .ooticion is covins soon: The wise will wait for him. 66 to Zierolf s for nice red clover seed raised in Benton county only a few sacks left. Mrs. George B. Keady- left, yes terday, for" Salem, where she will visit, with friends for a -few days. A delightful surprise party was tendered Miss Leona Smith last Friday evening, the occasion being her 21st birthday. ' The faculty of the O A C is said to be more strict than usual this year regarding the requirements of "special" students for admission to the college. The Order of Eastern Star initia ted a few candidates, Tuesday night. After the work of initiation was over delicious refreshments were served. A very enjoyable evening is reported. Hon. John M. Summers, formerly representive fro-n Linn eounty in the State legislature, was in town yesterday. He is new advance agent for Leondor Bros, eirens, which is to appear here October 8th. Miss Bertha Thrasher is expected home from Portland today. For the past three weeks she has been at Miss Shogren's metropolitan dress-making establishment inform ing herself on all of the latest fash ions in ladies' attire with a view to pleasing her numerous patrons at home. Mr.Appleg&te, formerly dairyman on the Whitby place, is now occupy ing the Oaburn property, recently purchased by Dr. Pernot. R. A. Bowman has . just completed the task of painting and papering this house. Mr. Bowman is now paper ing and painting the new residence of Walter Brown, north of this city. Marys Peak ' Camp No. 14, and Alpha Rebekah Lodge No. 34, 1. O. O. F., of this city utiited last Tues day evening in a reception to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. W. Derijiiao. After a short social session, a delicious lunch was enjoyed by all, at the close of which toasts were respond ed to by E. Alleu, W. P. Lafferty and G. W. Denman: There was no cessation of work in the various prune orchards of this section during the recent Tains. At the big orchard of the Benton County Prune Co. everything was carried forward as though the Weather was ordered for the occa sion. However, it makes consider able difference in drying-the fruit whether the air is damp er ether wise. By this time there has been three carloads dried at the big dry er, '"Under - favorable ' conditions this company can dry nearly a ear load per day . A reception to studsnts, to which the general public was invited, was held at the college chapel Tuesday eveninn. The program consisted of an address by Hon. C. A. Johns, of Baker city, and three admirably Tendered veeal selections by Miss Mable Cronise, of this city. Mr. Johns took for his subject the naturalization laws of the various countries, Jcomparing our lax method of admiting foreigt-ers, with tte stringent laws of 'European coun tries , which' are rigidly enforced. His remarks were favorably re ceived, and elicited much applause from the, very large audience present. At the conclusion of the address, an informal reception was held. The county board of equalization is i session this week. The eounty judge, clerk and assessor compose the board. . So tar little business on equalization lines has been done, bat, at is always the case, these matters are generally delayed until the last moment and the board may be quite busy today and tomorrow. In ease there is busi ness of this nature that is uncom pleted at the expiration of the week allowed by law for the considera tion of these matters it will be car ried over until the next regular meeting of the county court. The meat important thing done by the beard was the notification of the Coast Land & Livestock Co. to ap pear tomorrow and show cause why their assessment should not be raised. Owing to a misunderstanding, a Lumber of students who applied for admission to the college this week, were greatly disappointed. Some, time ago an agreement be tween the college authorities and state Supt Aekerman wa3 reached, whereby the oth grade county diplomas, issued under the state course of study, were to be accepted at the college as ' sufficient evidence to entitle the holder to admission into the freshman year without further examination, and note was made of this fact in the college cat alogue Immediately following the agreement. Since this notiee nothing has appeared in subsequent eataloaues regarding . tee mailer. and it was generally understood by all concerned, that tin agreement Still stood. Manv, thinking that the diplomas would be accepted, made no preparation for the en terance examination, and wheu they were refused admission to the fresh man year npon the strength of their 8th grade diploma, it is said a num ber of them returned home. Hold ers of these diplomas were offered admission - to the sub-freshman ' ear. ' Benton county red clover seed for sale at Zierolf s. Dr. B. A. Cathy visited Perfc iaud this week. Born, September 21t, to the wife of D. D. Longbottom, of Alsea, a son. - . B. W. Jobusoa returned yes terday irom a fly in? trie to Port land. - . Students an arriving every day at the college. Wednesday, about forty new students made their ap pearance in this city. Henry Dann and Joha Wyatt visited th state fair during the first of the week and while in Salem each purchased a fine Cotswold buck. Moses Gregsen, of Toledo, has been quite ill in this city dnring the past few days. He came over from Lincoln county on business and was suddenly taken ill. A Business meeting of the congre gation ef the Episcopal chnrch will be held in the body of the church en Monday next at 7 :30 p. m. It is urgently desired that all the sup porters ol the church be present. 0. MacLean, Rector. You are iavited to the Chris tian churoh next Lords day to hear G. S. O. Haabert. Text for the morning service, Rom. 8:28. Theme for the events: 'The Good Old-fashioned Relig ion; How to get it and when?" The musical farce comedy "The Qaeea f Havti," ivtn at the - Opera House Wediesdav evening, is Unquestionably the. best entertainment ever ziven in Corvallis by "colored" people. Every feature Was as coed or bet ter than advertised, and some of the specialties were exceedingly clever. Mention was made a short time age of the fact that a swarm of" bees had taken up their abode in a flue of Caspar Rickard' shouse in Junc tion . City during a period that the house remained unoccupied. Mr. Rickard recently moved into the dwelling and was obliged to smoke the bees out and rob them of their honey. He secured ' fully fifty pounds of honey. ,. The Royal Exchange Assur ance comaay of London, Eng land, has cabled the following message concerning the death of President HcKialey to its head offices in this coaatry: "Ex press profound sympathy of the corporation at year country's loss." , Miss Pauline Kline, representative- of the company ia this eity,- is in receipt of a copy of this message.- Tuesday. Judse Woodward leaned letters to Josenli A. Park, of Phil omath authorising him to act as ad ministrator 01 me estate 01 Harriot B. Mason, deceased. Two petitions for letters of administration- were received by the court, those of . E. neuKie ana josepn a. ram. Mr. Hankie's rietitian wan i3anirl nn an. count of its defectiveness. It did not state faets in such a manner as to eive the" can rt inriadinUnn mn. Seauentlv Mr. Parte mis nnnaintail -administrator of said estate. Hon. T. W. Davenport for a long time a memner or me board of re gents of the O. A. C, was seriously. I perhaps fatally, injured while driv- r: v - 1 . . lug a waguti ivuut a weex ago. He was thrown oat. His head caught in tee spokes of one of the wheels, and he received injuries which, it is feared, may prove fatal His .. son, Homer Davenport, has seen sent lor, and is on his way home from" New York. From a telephone message received from Silverton it is thought that his re covery is regarded as very deubtf al. R. M. Cramer returned from Dallas this week accompanied by Messrs Montgomery and WatkinH. The latter gentleman came from The Sound, Wash., recently, and nas purchased a tract of timber land, comprising some 1500 acres, near Fall City. Together with Mr. Montgomery and a Mr. Milli- gan he has gone into the lumber business, which they are coins to eonduat on a large scale. They are now moymg a donkey engine from The Sound to Falls City. These gentlemen have purchased some of the machines and wagons from the Corvallis carriage factory. ; Miss Marv Smith PhiihrmV .A1A not arrive until, last Wednesday, statements to tne contrary notwith standing. She at onoe entered up on her duties as instructor of mnsie at the O A C. There are twalva pupils enrolled at present fer in- a 1 . . . strucuon in music at ne college and in all probability the number win do greatly increased. The salary of Miss Philbrlck Is $600 per year. It is the desire ef the college authorities to make the cemrse in music as nearly self-supporting as possible and in order to do this the Drice of music" lessens placed at $1 each, 50 per ,cent of wnicn will do borne by the college. This arrangement practically places the price of each lesson at 50 cents. Those who have " met the . lady teacher are very favorably impress ed and great results are expected. NNER 8 A LVE the most healing salve In the world. Awarded Second rPremlum. A message to the . Gazette from -Salem, - Wednesday after' noon, announced thef fact that Benton county had been awarded the second premium in the coun ty exhibit contest at -.. the state fair. The glory of . this victory is ennancea wnen it 19 considered that ours is one of the smallest counties in the state, and the general exhibit - was the finest ever shown at the Oregon state lair. Mr." French, who had the ex hibit in charge, is entitled to the highest credit, and to his efforts, undoubtedly, are due the honors won in this contest. , Linn county was given the first premiun of 300; Benton, sec ond, $250; Washingten, third, $200; Marion, - fourth, $150; Polk, fifth, 100. This will be a sore disappointment to some of the counties, especially Yamhill. wiera a really excellent display was arrangea. , Relating; to School. Bd. Gazette: Last .." winter toe superintendent of oar schools asked the eity council to pass aa ordiaafice prohibiting street pa rades by traveling shows during school hoars, or between o a. m. and 4 p. ffi. . At that time the manager of the opera feest e was mueh interested in the matter! and premised to loftk after the matter aid see that all pa rades woald be delayed until after 4 p. . , It would appear from what took place en the street, Wednesday, that the show au thorities refused to comply with his request in the matter of the parade; therefore, I think it Woald be a good thins; . for the schools If the Council would now pass the ordinance, as it woald relieve the manager of all re sponsibility in the 4 matter, and obedience woald be mora likely to follow. A band will draw children. Away from school, or any other place, and I was told last year that ba such occasions It was tot unusual to have ten or fifteen marked; "tardy ' aftet each parade, say nothing of those who played "hookey." j : -.'.,-:,. W..CvJ. ' Sept 25th,' 1901: - 3 ' ' iA; : Beaton County on Hand. The Saleta correspondeat to the Oregenian 'gives our exhibit to the state fair this notice: Benton County i jast across the river from Linn, oecupie - ex hibit space jast across the pavil lion from the latter county. H, L. French and sea have pat up thi display ," "and have dose their eoanty good credit They show, among other things, 86 varieties Of wheat, 40 of oats, 15 of barley, 64 species of grasses, 50 of ap plet, 65 of potatoes, 40 of fodder plants, 15 of onions, 10 of com, seven of millet, 75 of canned frnits, six of beets, fear of sqaashes, five of cabbage, to gether with some fine samples of wool, all garden vegetables, feed seels, fruits etc. The most .triking part of this exhibit Is probably tho display of grains and grasses, which is neatly ar ranged on thi wall so as to be easily examined hj visitors. Many of the fodder plants, are sometimes popularly ranked with grasses. The Paswston Play, The biograph production of the Pas sion Play given for the second time at the Methodist church last evening waa a decided success, and' the audience as on the first evening was Urge. , The repres entation of the shepherds watching their flocks, the birth, .baptism, death' and crucifixion of Jesus, were particularly realistic. Prior to. the opening of the Passion Play several pictures protraying Dr. Sheldon's "In" His Steps," were placed on the canvas. Cheyenne deader July Slat. - This entertainment will be given at the Opera House in this city, next Wednes day even in gr : Organ for Sale. A good second-hand instrument. En quire at this office. , - r .yourcanTpajr fiAT-rrinllcirCi beliQ Ketter satisfied NOLAN St CALLAHAN. Try this Office for Job Work. COLUMBIA WON. The first race of tha Columbia-Shamrock series for the enp, was won by Columbia yesterday. She was leading by three minutes when the coarse was three-quarters finished. The race was not completed within the time limit. Real Estate Transfers, i Coast L & L"S to B E Wilson 19 acres neat Corvallis; 10. ' Brejman Bros to ; Chas. Cart wright, 340 teres near monroo; 4i59. - ' ' Mary Hogta to C G Calloway, 46 aeres near Wells; $100. ,-"f V E Waiters to S N Wilkins, 2 lots, blk 16, Cotrallis; $1. John Schttll to C Groskp 60 teres near Summit; fa, aee. C J TJal erwood, lot 0, blk a, Chase Add te Corvallis; fx,xoo. Additional Local. The Black Cat. Just a few sacks of red clover seed left for sale at Ziertlf s. Big special 25 per cent off on all summer goods at Kline's. Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes for dressy men, at S. L- Kline's. J.D.Mann & Co. have just re ceived a line-of new carpets. . Some beautiful designs. Kline's new clothing for fall has the self-retaining front, keeps your coat in shape, and does not wrinkle like the kind that is usually sold. Dr. Hand B. Holt ostheepathist, wishes the Gazette to inform the public that she will be unable to lo cate in Corvallis at present as ad vertised. ' ' It requires so ' experience to dye with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. Simply boiling yens goods in the re is all that's necessary. Sold by Graham & Wells. -.. Our boys clothing department is a school that forms in boys the habit of wearing good clothing. We take pupils as young as three years 01 age. is. L. Kline. Fit out the youngsters far fall in our Boys, Department. Never be- fWiA.VwA nla .aihiivatiav atvlafl- ' f a j , aevsr so great aa assortment, and -I- .L. AJ.l... -I ..IK.. inch geod values. Nolan & Ca- laaan. We woald sucrrest to all our read ers whs visit the Carnival at Port land, or'tho Street vFair; at The Dalles, that they should not fail ta take advantage of this opportunity to take a trip oa the Bailey Gatzert, between Portland and The Dalles, the scenic route ef the Col mbia River. Wanted! ' Parties to cot oak and ash wood from sow on, and during next fall and winter. The work must he done neat-and clean, and wood cot even length, closely trimmed and honestly corded. Apply to M. S. Woodcock, ; Corvallis, Oregon. Horses fer Sale. "Will sell or trade for grain, hay, cattle or any kind of stock except horses. Call on or address, J. H. Mattley. Corvallis, Or. Fresh fish. . Fresh and salt fish at 6 cents perpoand. Fresh fish constantly received from Taquina Bay and WaldporW Leave orders at Farmers' Hotel, Corvallis. A. A. McClcabt, . Waldport, Ore. Potatoes Wanted. Twe hundred bushels of potatoes are wanted immediately at Cauthorn- Hall. Call at Hall or address, - , ; L. Bjjbkauoh'. .. ; -.--Steward; - For Sato. Four-room cottage and two lots, near S. P. depot. Inquire of W. C, Corbett, Corvallis, Or, ' v ;, - A Snap for You Throneli an errr in tilling, on the part - consignment of Men's nd Boys' Clothing, Mrs. Jane i Hopkins' went astray,"and to satisfy the claim for damages, the Southern Paeilr? Eailroad Company anthorized their- local agent to sell the goo;ls. ..Vv, . ' ' being" the highest bidder, became the purchaser of the entire confer... ment, and intend giving . onr many enstomers a chance to buy i a: i Clothing at 1 - ' " 25 Per Cent, Discount. No damaged goods-just a, clean, fair, spare bargain. e did not liavi to pay what the goods are worth; neither -wiU you. Call early k -oi j yonr size is gone. F. L. MILLER, Corvallis, Oregon. T; ''; Goodness- F ' Of QnaUty, Cotorinss and Style", finticct io "V (J ' ' "Vi -""'' Vonr Inspection In the Great Voriciy c5' ' VjjaSfes. Attractive Designs Shown ir IJ. SUPER! OE; I . llillliBmlM h Made by the "R & W" Knittlnc g; 1 W Hmrr ! I MlllsProducersoftlieOnly Strictly h If (2SiaMSjS Mlithmrade. Long- Wearing, Perfect ii! I'll I I ESiiterWplfP I Fitting-Sweater in the World. Ali t I WW WmWWi'M I Sire.-All Prices-No Tron&ia to ' j IBI Von the Good Points. " F SEE ure, Let from BENTON COUNTY Manufacturers bT -tf -1 -T. IN CARLOAD LOTS YARDS AT ; ' ' "Corner of 5th and Washington Streets. " For prices enqaire at, yards i r address the -companyatiCsrvallig-or Philomath, Oregon." ; ; - Job Printing at this office Corvallis' Most Popular Eating Horn Pioneer Bakery AND RESTAURANT. Fresh bread daily. A complete stock of candies, fruits and nuts kept canstantly on hand. Smokers supplies a specialty. H. W. HALL, Proprietor. Headquarters for boys school suits made for the rough arid tum ble bey, poubl seat and knee. S. L. Kline. ' Farm for Sale. R. B. Blodgett fofiera for sale hia 570 acre stock farm, one-half mile from Blod ett, Oregon. sj THE CURVES C3 OF LEG AND KIP Every air Built Upon these Graceful Sold Stilish Lines Distinaaishlna feat found Ncwhere but in the Superior NEW MODEL TROUSER For the Fall of IOOI. Us Shcfhr-You Choice Selections ihese Attractive Garments the B TKVUShRS MADE. 8 S. L. KiviNB LUMBER OOMPfifl 7 of all kinds of -al ' w-i ak -ar i CORVALLIS' J. E. FOWELLS Repairing promptly and neatly done. First door west of the Gazette office. Foley's Kidney Care makes kidneys end bladder right.. of the MIroad CompniiF, 1 including many suits of i y Make V j ; i