Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909, June 25, 1901, Image 4

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    What are Humors?
' Thay ue vitiated or morbid fluids conn
ing the reins and affecting the tissues.
They are commonly doe to defective diges
tion bat are sometimes Inherited.
. Bow do they manifest themselves T
In many forms of cutaneous eruption,
salt rheum or eczema, pimples and boils,
and In weakness, languor, general debility.
How are they expelled t By
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which also builds up the system that has
suffered from them.
It Is the belt medicine for all humors.
The Proper Term,
"Why do you speak of him as a fin
ished artist?", - ,
'Because he told me he was utterly
discouraged and was going to quit the
profession. If that doesn't show that
he's finished. I don't know what
"Well, Digby, I'm surprised
You're getting gray!"
"Yes.yes; I'v got lots of gray hairs
and precious tew of them."
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-ymnine Tablets
Anxious to Serve.
Lawyer It is reported that you
have frequently expressed yourself as
opposed to capital punishment.
Deacon-Highsoul (drawn for jury
duty)-i-I won't have no scruples in
that man's case. He cheated me on
a hoss trade once.
If you wish to keep in touch with
new things in photoeraphy subscribe
to Camera Craft, the best photographic
journal in the world. icU Butter
Street, San Francisco, CaL ,
A Slave to Fashion.
Warden What's the row over there
in the cell house?
Guard That embezzler says he
won't stay any longer if he can't have
creases in his trousers and raglan
shoulders in his coat.
. No Reciprocity.
'That Mrs. Simpkins didn't return
my call." '
"Well, that's no matter."
"No matter? She lives in the
suburbs, and I spent 25 cents getting
out there."
Pottage te Be Reduced to One Cent.
The President who succeds in getting
this measure through Congress, will hold
a high place in the esteem of the people,
Dut no mzner oernans. tnau tne esteem iu
which everybody holds Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters, This medicine gets at the
starting point of the disease by acting n
the stomach, helping that organ in its
duty of digesting food. It cures dyspep
sia. indleestion. constellation, stimulates
the kidneys, and strengthens tne uerven.
Be sure to try it.
A Philanthropist
She (hautily) I happen to know
that you have proposed o two other
girls this year.
He Yes, dear, but l assure you
was only out of compasion.
For Infants and Children.
Use Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Not Only That, He Also Paid Kent,
Eapp lei the Table, Provided Modi
cine for a Sick - Woman, and Put
Shorn on Bla Muter Feet. .
This Is a story of a dog that saved a
man and his wife from the poorhouse.
The dog paid the rent, bought medicine
for a sick woman, kept the table going
for a month, and, even put shoes on
his master's feet. -
Flash is the name of the dog, and he
Is a fox terrier. How he performed
these remarkable things is best told
by his owner..
"My wife and I came to Chicago
about four months ago from St Louis,"
he said. "We had been married only
a short time when I lost my position
as a drug clerk. I tried for two weeks
to get work at any kind of employment.
but I was unable to find anything to
earn a dollar at. So we decided to pick
up and come to Chicago. Upon our ar
rival here we got three rooms for $7 a
month and settled down to housekeep
ing as soon as the furniture arrived.
"It was right after the holidays that
we landed here, and I found the drug
no way of knowing whether she gave
him that coin, and that if she did she
probably got It from some other con
ductor. """-:,.
'Yon give It to him all right enough.
I seen you," said the large-featured
woman across the aisle.
The only reply to this was a glare
that never touched the volunteer wit
ness. But the angry woman had an
other string to her bow. The conductor
was chewing gum. "See here, sir," and
there was a veritable rip-saw edge on
her voice; "you go outside and finish
your lunch. We can fix this thing np
afterward." ''..-'
There was a titter along both sides.
the conductor was redder than a toy
balloon as he ran the gantlet and the
question of the plugged coin was not
resumed. ' ,.
Piso's Cure for Consumption Is an infal
lible medicine for coughs and colds. N.
W. 3amuki. Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17,
Knew His Business.
Hostess Dear me, the conversation
is flagging. What can we do to
amuse our guests?
Host I don t know, unless we
leave the drawing room for a few min
utes and give them a chance to talk
about us. '
If roe haven't a regular, nealthr movement of the
bowels every day, you're sick, or will be. Keep your
bowels open, and be well. Force, in tbe snaps of
violent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. Tbe
lisnootbest. easiest, most perfect way oivmpuut (be
ecwsls clear and dean Is to take .
Mutt Economize.
"I would like to sell you an auto
mobile." ""' - '
"I'd like to buy it, too, but I can't.
My daughter has just cabled me that
she has married the Duke De No
coyne." - . -
The) Bait Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic It is simply iron and quinine in
a tantfrtfwi lorm. no .ure, no ray. nice ouc.
Longevity of Qj ten's Train-Bearer j. -
All the eight ladies who acted as
train bearers to the queen on her wed
ding day, 63 years ago, are still alive.
All save one are married. The Lady
Victoria Howard is the one exception.
State of Ohio, crrr or tolido, i
Lucss County.
Frank j. chkhkv makes oath that he Is the
senior parter of the firm of F. J. Chkney & Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav
the sum ol ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
oy tne use ox hall s catarrh uurk.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in mr
presence, this Sth day of December, a. D. 1886.
I I Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally and sets
direetly on theblood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free.
r. j. rx&naii et wH xoieao, v.
vl"Sw vradsimmk mummm-d
S Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good,
lever Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. lOo, 60c Write
or free sample, and booklet on bealtb. Address '
ssiHit a st cp a, rsui, aiiimi, avwi a, an
Wanted a Clear Understanding
"I am sorry, sir," said the surgeon,
but we shall have to perform an oper
ation." "I know you're not sorry, doctor,"
said the man with the appendicitis.
"You are glad. And now we under
stand each other, doctor, you can go
ahead." - '
Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All
flruggisU refund the money if It falls to cure.
tW. Grove's signature is on each box. 26c.
Took, the Blow.
"To think that an American ban
ner should ever stand a blow without
returning it."
"When did that happen?".
"To the weather bureau storm flag
in the last cyclone." -
Sir Edwin Arnold Could Fill an Edi
torial rage with Baa.
Sir Edwin Arnold, whose recent long
illness has left him totally blind, was
one of the most prolific writers in Eng
land. He was for years connected with
the London Telegraph, and It is said
in the office that he has written over
10,000 leaders for the paper, in addition
to which vast Journalistic output he
has contrived to write some twenty or
thirty volumes of poetry and literature
and to visit all parts of the world. It
Excess of Women in Norway.
In consequence of emigration.
there is a greater preponderance of
women in Norway than in almost any
other country ih Europe. The. cen
sus of 1891 showed that there was an
excess of women over men of almost
70,000, while in 1876 this excess
amounted to only 43,000.
The limit
Buster I am having . awful , luck.
I am now down to my last dollar.
Dedbroke Pshaw, that's coining!
Wail till vour are down to the last
dollar of your last friend.
' " Just Like Dick. ... . . ,
Easyman Your brother Dick did
me out of f 10 last night. .
Miss Wearie That's just like Dick.
He's always doing some ridiculous
thing. " , rr:i
Revised In Time. ,
"Miss Strong," he began, "will you
be mine? That is to say, er "
She had knottd her fair brows in a
frown. ,'
"Er that is, may I be yours?"
. "Yes," she said, with a smile.
Why a Woman
la Ablo to Hmip Sick Woman
When Doctor Fall ;
How gladly would men fly to wo
man's aid did they but understand a
woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities,
and peculiar organic disturbances.
Those things are known only to
women, and the aid a man would give
is not at his command.
To treat a case properly it is neces
sary to know all about it, and full
information, many times, cannot be
given by a woman to her family phy
sician. She cannot bring herself to
tell everything, and the physician is
" Engijin Candor.
Stern Parent So you want to mar
ry my daughter, eh? .Well, sir, what
have you to live on?
Young Brokeugh If I succed in
marrying' her, I'll have you.".".
tot; know what tot; abb taking
When vou take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic,
aimy printea on every
simply Iron and Qui-
because the formula is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qui
nine in a tasteless form. No Cure, Nf Vaj. 50c.
Bold by druggists, 76c.
ssau-s ramuy nils
are the best.
'No Change.
"There has been quite a change in
Backbite, hasn't there?" .' -'"How
so?" '
"He has taken to driving a motor
"I can't see that that's any change.
He will still continue to run down
his neighbors."
Accuracy above everything else is
needed in photography. , Our new
balance scale weighs a grain as easy
as an ounce. Price $3.00. At deal
ers, or Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sutter
St., San Francisco. . .
; visiting
Dissapointed the Farmer,
"That city man that was
me is an overrated cuss,
the farmer. - O: - .:
"How so?"
"Oh, the papers all said he was a
great hand at watering stock, but I
found he couldn't w6rk the pump five
minutes without lameing his arm. "
Sir Edwin became connected with the
"Largest Circulation." That such a
man would very soon get to the head
of affairs was a foregone conclusion.
As an editor he was loved and respect
ed by all who had to deal with him,
for while his knowledge Is prodigious
and his Judgment unrivaled his cour
tesy Is unfailing.
In one respect Sir Edwin Arnold will
suffer less In his affliction than many
might, for his memory is so prodigious
that though reading may be denied hinv
he need never lack the delights of lit
erature. A striking Instance of Sir Ed
win's extraordinary power In this di
rection has been recorded by Major.
Pond In his recent book in connection
with the visit paid by Sir Edwin to
Walt Whitman. -The American poet
had presented him with a volume of
his "Leaves of Grass," and Major Pond
In the presence of both was reading
aloud a random line, whereupon Sir
Edwin stopped him, observing, "Let
me go on from there," saying which he
took up the lines and without a break
recited the whole poem. "Try me any
where else,"' he said at tbe end, and.
Major Pond complying, Sir Edwin
capped every line he named without a
break and showed his perfect familiar
ity with the book from end to end. No
wonder that Walt Whitman was ' de
lighted with such a signal compliment
from his fellow bard.
His Share.
'What we want to do," said
worried man, "is to take money
of politics." :
'Well," answered Senator Sor
ghum, "I have done my best in that
direction. I have taken four or five
thousand dollars out of it up. to the
present time."
To Prevent Talk.
S 1 1 9 after firt day's nseof Tlr. Kline'sGreat Nern
Bestorar. Send far PRE K 8 i.OO trud bottle and treat
its. na.a.iLKuss,Ud..ll31 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to rise lor their
children during the teething period.
Coal Miners by the Million,
Over 2,000,000 miners are required
to produce the world's supply of coal.
Of this number, 63,660 are employed
in Great Britain and 401,220 are em
ployed in the United States. :0
Prom the "VodeveeL" : L
"Well," asked the spiritualistic
fortune teller's next door neighbor,
"how's business?" .. .
"Oh, medium."
A Former Conquest v.
He But why do you . want me to
ask Binnleigh to the house?
She Why do you wear your medal?
He It represents . that -victorious
campaign I went through before we
She So does he.
Stop tho Cough mnd -
Vortot Off thm Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold la
one day. .No cure, No Pay. Price 26 cents.
- . ': am,
; He--Cissie, I've heard it said that
a kiss without a moustache is like an
egg without salt. Is that so? .
She Well, really, I don't know.
I can't tell, for, you see, I've never
He Ah, now! .
She Never eaten an egg without
Wild Life In the House.
"Have you ever had any trifling ad
ventures, Penelope? .
i -. - T . i it. r
hnalnosa ovon alnnror In nlm than I i l. i i lnut 1 I X CM. Vjnce i. BtOOU Oil 111B HI 111 Ol
it was in St. Loals. There were a few the Athenaeum for a leader-writer that RLcouch tx wmdow curtaln'J
oXlvloa.n. i i , j win. I me cuuuo uuub uurusa iuo iuuui mm
to day for drug clerks, but it was al
ways my luck to be too late. After
the second week I began to answer any
kind of an advertisement of help want
ed. Being a stranger In the city I had
difficulty in looking up places, and 1
was slow In getting to addresses be
cause I did not want to, spend any
money for car fare. When I arrived
here I had less than $30, and the little
pile was growing smaller day by day.
and by the end of March our money
was about gone.
Now I'll tell you about the dog. He
is one that my wife raised from a pup
py. I wanted to sell him to a friend
in St Louis when we left, but The wife
wouldn't listen to it. She said she
wouldn't come to -Chicago unless Flash
came with her. He is a pedigreed fox
and Is worth $25 of anybody's money.
It was election day, tbe 2d of April
I will never forget It that my wife
tied a blue ribbon round the dog's neck
and told me to take him out and sell
him. We were flat broke - and she
thought I could get at least $10 for the
dog. Sbe cried a little when I left
home, and it seemed as If the dog knew
what was going on. ' I brought him
down to Madison and Dearborn streets,
and I wasn't there two hours before I
sold him. He is such a prettily marked
little fellow that everybody who pass
ed stopped to look at him. - I set a
price of $10 on him, because I knew
nobody "would pay more than that
More than fifty persons asked me the
price and when I would tell them they
would walk away, saying, 'he's a nice
dog, but I don't care to pay that much.'
I finally came down to $5. because the
wife was sick and In need of medicine.
and I thought best to get It as soon as
possible. A woman with gold-bowed
spectacles bought him and . took him
home. I didn't ask her where she liv
ed, and I don't know to this day.
"The second day after that the dog
returned home. Where he came from
or how he got back I don't know. My
wife was so glad to see him that she
forgot her sickness for awhile.' She
was fondling the dog and talking baby
talk to him .when the thought occur
red to me to take him out and sell him
again. 'Maybe he'll run away from his
next master and come back : to us
again', I said to the wife, and we both
laughed heartily. I took the dog down
town in the afternoon and had no' trou
ble in selling him again for $5. - The
next morning before we were up he
was back at the little flat on Center
avenne. He seemed to understand why.
he was being sold, and he expressed
his approval of the scheme by laugh
ing and talking." . That may sound
strange to some people who do not un
derstand dogs, but it is a fact that dbgs
laugh and talk just the same as human
During the month of April I sold the
dog seven times, getting $3 for him
each time. If It hadn't been for him
we certainly would have been com-
pelled to apply to the county agent for
relief. The wife was In need of medi
cal attention,, and it Is probable she
would have had to go to the poorhouse.
The $35 I got for the dog paid the rent
and all other expenses, besides buying
a pair of shoes for me. I got a posi
tion the first of May, and I guess we
will have smooth sailing from now on.
All the -money In the world would not
Induce my wife or myself to part with
the. dog, who really saved us from the
poorhouse. Chicago Inter Ocean.
The Trees of Paris. : -
Paris Is probably the only city in the
world which has trees that bloom twice
a year habitually. These are the horse
chestnuts. There are seventeen thou
sand of them planted in the squares and
boulevards, and twenty-six' thousand
buttonwoods. The trees Of Paris are
numbered, just like the people, the
cabs, the animals, the lampposts and
the matches. These horse chestnuts
have only been doing this trick for
about five years, and only some of them
have made a practice of it. These die.
or apparently die. In the latter part of
July, and all the leaves fall off. A
month or so afterward they all come
out into flower again and little green
leaves shoot forth continually until
they are nipped by the first frost There
is a reason for this, and the scientists
worked over, the matter for a long
time to be able to explain It Briefly
and unscientificallythe trees lose their
leaves because they are attacked by a
little fungus which is blown upon them
by the wind; then," being still full of
sap, they start to put forth leaves all
over again. - ; i
The poison ejected from the fangs of the rattle- -
snare is not more surely fatal than the virus of jj
Prmtncrirmn Plnnrl Pninrm. whirls -rmllirhea anrl vitiatea
the blood, destroys the tissues and bones and eats like rn
a canker sore into the flesh. .
This horrible disease appears first in tie form of a little Bore or blister ; soon
the glands begin to swell, pimples break out on the body, the mouth and throat
become sore, making it painful to eat or swallow ; dreadful ulcers appear on the
tongue, copper colored splotches and other characteristic signs of Blood Poison
come as the disease progresses, and the destructive virus takes deeper hold upon the
system. The medical men are as sorely perplexed over the character of this blood
poison as ever ; they tell yon to take mercury and potash alternately for three years,
but the stomach of no human being can stand this treatment long ; besides, they do
. . . -. . . A, . . : . l , .
HOT, cure ue aisease permanently, aa mmiwnus wuw nave men il kjiuw.
Turkish Rhubarb.
Possessing a savor ail its own, we
come on scores of large cases full of
big. Jregular blocks of a bright yellow-
colored root Rhubarb, ' says our
guide, Indicating it'Ah! then it comes
from Turkey V we cry, joyfully, glad
to display our learning for once, but
our friend " smiles contemptuously.
There Is no such thing as Turkey rhu
barb, he says, "ana, what is more,
there never has been." All the rhubarb
of commerce halls from China, reach
ing us through Russia for the most
part, but because In olden days it made
its Journey by way of Turkey, it be-
Towne You forgot to tip the bar
ber just now, "didn't you? " " .
. Browne Oh, no! I always tip him
before he begins work on me, and I
give him to understand that the tip
is intended for "hush money." -
She Was Pale and Bloodless, But
Now Has a Good Complexion.
Her Ailments Gone.
From the Pioneer Press, Su Paul, Minn.
Prom Florence, Ravalli county,
Mont., comes a cheerfuL letter, the
writer of which is willing to tell how
she obtained the rich glow of health
that thousands of women are envious
to possess." Before she found : the
right remedy she was in that pale,
emaciated condition which doctors
call anaemic, and which, if neglect
ed, inevitably means early death.
Miss : May Smith, whose address is
given in the first words of this ar
ticle, says: ;
About five years ago I became ill
without apparant cause and I grew
worse until I was completely run
down.-. The least exertion would
bring on a very severe pain in the pit
of my stomach. At other times I
would have a pain in my head, some
thing like neuralgia. ' My kidneys
were very weak and my limbs always
felt tired. I was troubled, with short
ness of breath and I had a pale, blood
less appearance. There was smoth
ering sensation about : my heart,
which would beat heavily, with fits of
palpitation. For - three years I was
under, the care of two doctors, neither
of whom seemed to know the nature
of my trouble. They treated me for
dyspepsia, ulceration of the stomach,
gastritus and neuralgia, but without
good results. :
."Two years ago, when I saw an ad
vertisement in a St. Paul paper of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo
ple, I bought a box and - began
taking tnem. xhev helped me so
much that I kept . on with them
until I had taken five boxes alto
gether, : and became : well : and
strong again. " I gained in flesh
and they gave me a healthy color,
I have great faith in Dr. Williams1
Pink Pills for Pale People, - and take
them every" spring and fall as a blood
medicine and for the general building
up of my system.
"I have recommended Pink Pills to
many people who are suffering much
as I was, and they have all been bene
fited. My younger sister, whose skin
Mas O. H. CHArrELXk
at a constant disadvantage. This Is
whv. for the past twenty-five years.
thousands of women have been con-r
tiding their troubles to us, and our
advice has brought happiness and
health to countless women in the U.S.
Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park,. I1L,
whose portrait we publish, advises all
suffering women to use Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, as it
cured her of inflammation of the ovaries
and womb ; she, therefore, speaks from
knowledge, and her experience ought
to give others confidence. Address Mrs.
Pinkham's Laboratory, Lynn, Mass.
lit Knew the Sex.
Teacher What gender is the word
Johnnie Feminine.
Teacher Feminine? How do
you make that out?
Johnnie Well, money talks.
- Taste Good, Da Good.
Don't sicken and ruin vourstomach with Dill
poison. Eat Cascarets like candy, harmless.
agreeable to the stomach, do the work.
guis, 1UC, zoc, wo.
The Truth Forced Home.
"I'm afraid, " she sighed, "that I'm
getting old." " - -
"Why?" he asked. ;- '
"When I go to the grocery now.
the clerks don't nearly break their
necks trying to beat one another in
getting my orders. "
Hotel Flavel
Opens for season June 23, 1901.
CoL J. F. Harvey, Manacer
t V-- w'
Most beautiful and perfectly eqnlpped lum-
jivery convenience ana, eomiort.
mer resort.
Free bus from hotel to surf.
dancinsr, bowline.
lovely surroundings. Under new mam
tnis year.
Jttatnlng, nsninir.
A splendid hotel with
Under new management
For raUs and reservations address
HOTEL FLAVEL, Flmrml, Orm.
CIS Mmrquam Bldg., Portland, Orm.
Our 1901 Vehicle Book
Our ISOI Implement Catalogue
Bend your name and P. O. address and we
will mall one or both, as desired, free of all
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
buy the Mccormick
The McCormick machines are the most Mod
ern. . They are the pride of the new century;
highest in awards at the .Paris exposition
Built best work best are best. ' With every
test they prove the best.
First and Taylor Sts.
Call on the agent, or address for catalogues.
The perfection of Wall Plaster, Is the only material
with which repairing can be done neatly and to stay.
If you have never used it send and get a trial
lot. It will pay yon. For information address
Agents wanted In every town. THE ADAMANT CO.,
: Foot of Uth Street, Portland, Ormgon.
Chas. L. Mastick & Co.
75 Front Street, Cor. Oak
Portland, Oregon. .
Consignments solicited. Pay highest market price. PROMPT.; RETURNS.
Dealers in Leather- and Findings. -. , , . f ...
Refer to Wells. Fargo & Co. .Bank, Portland, Oregon. .
Cure Your Horses oTwftS
:7 . AT DEALERS. 60c; BY MAIL, SOc.
Prussia Rbmedy Co., St. Paul, Minn. .
Gbxtlbmem: I have been using the Prussian Hkatb Pow
.troa ! t-io -i trVif mnnth.. and 4n that time havecnred 1 lhorses
of heaven. 1 of distemoer and 9 of chronic cough. . Yonr Prussian
Remedies have gained a great reputation in this section.
E. J.
HimisT brhnckr. Newark. N.Y.
BOW EN, Coast Agent, Portland, Oregon.
came known as Turkey rhubarb, and ; is pale and transparent, is now taking
Turkey rhubarb It will remain because . them to restore her color."
of the conservative tendencies of the
British publlCj-Good Words. :J,
Bow Her Many Vexations Finally Cnl-
- . minated on the Car.
One explanation is that she was not
in a good humor when she- took the
car. She had seen a big man beating
a little horse and .when she had pro
tested after the manner of an excited
woman he had told her to "Gwa'n an'
enase yerseir, ana when sne got a
policeman he would make no arrest un
til she had agreed to make a com
plaint and she had not gone forty feet
before she rued this -rash pledge to
appear in the role of a prosecuting wlt-
: Young Choir Singers, i
Grace Church. New York, boasts of
the youngest choir singers In the world.
Every Sunday afternoon a chorus of
baby jdrls takes .part In the service.
The youngest two of this band are only
4 years old hardly able to walk and
yet they chant in perfect unison, clear
ly and distinctly. ' Each small girl
wears a full white apron and a closely
fitting baby cap, and they are a pic
turesque lot.".
WEXJUNGTOH, XAS., Sept., 1900.
X contracted Blood Poison two years ago this fall,
and was persuaded to try a medicine widely adver
tised, by a remedy company la Chicago. X waa re
quired to pay at large amount la advance, and eaa
trnthfnUy say that I waa worse when the treatment
waa left off than, whea X began. Keddiab, pimples
would break oat and fill with yellowish matter ; copper-colored
splotches, ot all elaee would appear oa my
body ; my throat waa so sore X could searoely swallow,
and my month and tonga were seldom tree from
ulcers ; tonsils were swollen, and my hair was com
ing out rapidly. This waa my oondltioa whea I began
your B. 8. B. X hare aaed twenty-two bottles, and
tun feeling splendid. Every gore ea my body haa
healed, and my appetite good. - JAU lsUATTV.
S. a S. is the only
guaranteed purely Vege
table blood purifier, and
the only antidote for
this particular virus;
it purifies the blood and
builds np the constitu
tion. The appetite im
proves almost from the
first dose, the sores soon
show signs of healing,
and the unsightly, dirty
splotches and eruptions
grow paler ana paler,
1 and finally disarmear.
Si S. S. is not a new medicine ; for nearly 50 years it has been known and used
for this dreadful disease. It has brought new life and hope to thousands all over
this land : it will cure you as it has others. Send for our free book on home
treatment and write our physicians about your case. We will help yon if you will
let as: we make no charge for advice, and all correspondence is conducted iu
The car started as soon as both her
feet were on the steps and her voice
was sharp when she told the conductor
that every passenger had to make a
run and jump to get aboard. - For her
part she wished that electricity had
never been harnessed. - People needed
eyes in the backs of their heads these
Owing to her agitated frame of mind
it was not unnatural that she should
hand the conductor a plugged quarter,
says the Detroit Free Press. He was at
first disposed to pocket the coin and
the implied reflection on his ability
to look after the Interests of the com
pany, but her curt request for the right
change was her undoing.
"This is no good" to me, madam, he
said, quietly; "It Is plugged." I
Being address as "madam" when she
does not enjoy that felicity may .have
tended to break her up still more. At
In China.
Ah, now, at last, we made occasion
to observe, the situation was perfectly
The Chinese smiled bitterly.
"Then you can head or tael out of it,
after all."' exclaimed they.
We were left in no doubt whatever
that this was a veiled sarcasm touch
ing the decapitations and the Indemni
ties, but we professed not to be in the
least cut Detroit JournaL
Signed. . MAY SMITH. .
- At all druggists or direct from
Dr- Williams Medicine Co., Sche
nectady, N. Y., on rceeipt of price,
50 cents per box; six boxes $2.50.
Lopped It Off.
Towne Has he sent you a check
f jr your services?
"Browne Yes, but it isn't for 1 the
amount I expected, although I sent
him a bill. . .
TowneeYour writing's bad. May
be he didn't decipher the amount. ;
: Browne I'm afraid he did de-cipher
it. I wrote 100 very plainly, and he
sent $10. '
' No Suggestions.
"I must say," remarked the physi
cian, "your husband is in a bad way.
Any arrangements you may want to
make" ..- - ' '
"Oh, doctor;" she cried, "I could
never think of marrying "again. "
What Does It Cost?
We have just issued an excellent little Cat
alogue on Fence subjects,, Full .illustrations;
all the newest Fence information. A postal .
card will bring it to you.
".."..-.. - - tr " " . - "
Portland Anchor Fence Co.
743 Nicolai St., Portland, Or.
Steel Houses for Venezuela.
A New- York bridge company has
taken contracts for about .100 portable
steel houses, for shipment to Venezue
la, where such structures, it is said.
find a ready market in view or the
frequent, earthquakes. These steel
" Sorrows of Research. .
' "Did you succeed . in finding any
illustrious ancestors?'" - " ..
"No, but I scared np a lot of kin
folks that I didn't want to -know at
all.". ." -
1 . x 1 f m
! "ArlvertiHin 18 one er de fus laws nf FVERyWti.rrrUTCJ. iu wr nurrw avrssMrs
houses, which are one story, weign MiA Uncle Eben. "A hen' ; .TAlteiw" CATALOfiUB tree -
business is layin aigs, an' ev'y time
she completes a transaction she stahts
right in to cackle." ; -. .- ;
about twenty tons each.
Too Much.
The Young Man I suppose, sir, that
when , I become tormaiiy engaged to
your daughter you will admit me as a
member of the arm.
-The Father Well, I don't know. I
dou't feel as if I could afford the ex-
any rate, she announced that she had penae of both of these things Just now.
I K"4 Best Cough Brrup. Tastes Sooa. Use f j : 1
SM " " ' " I M M . .1 IJ iV JL.
Springtime Resolutions
iieoley Gur
Sure relief from liquor, opium and tobacco
habit). Send for particulars to
Moved to 4ZO Williams
,,: t , A Living Example,
- -"We are what we feed on,", quoted
Mr.iHixson, laying down his book,
"and I am willing to say the author is
right. For instance"
"I am already a believer, " Mrs.
Hixson interrupted. 'You will- in
sist on having lobster for supper
always." "
. And Mr. Hixson, mortified,'; grew
very red- . . . "
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
root of Morrison Street,
- Can give you. the best targaina in
Buggies, Plows, Boilers" and Engines,
Windmills and .Pumps and -General
Machinery. See ns before buying.
-tU iteetoy Institute.
Ave., Kast Side.
Is best time to cure Catarrh,
Bronchitis and Consumption.
Our remedy Is guaranteed, SI.
P.O. BoxS-13.
CO., Buffalo, K. Y.
H. F. H. V.
Jle. ss-asea.
WHBN WTttinr t advertisers plua
Bseatloaj this papest .