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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1901)
THE MLUS GAZETTE. TUESDAY, MARCH 5,1901. Are Well Pleased. Regent J. M. Church of the O A C, whose home is in La Grande, Oregon, recently made the following statement to an Oregonian reporter in reference to the Eastern Oregon Experi ment Station, which is to be established in Union county: The climate east of the Cas cades is very different from that of Western Oregon, and experi ments at Corvallis will not do for a basis for farmers in the bunchgrass region. In the Wil lamette Valley the climate is damp for a considerable portion of the year, while that of East ern Oregon is inclined to be dry and cool. Different forms of vegetation thrive in each locality and different methods of cultiva tion have to be used. The state has a 6oc acre tract adjoining Union. Ik is in a high state of cultivation, having been rented to Turner Oliver, a practical farmer. Grain and fruit are raised to perfection, as well as a certain quantity of hay. A large part of the tract is meadow. The state appropriation is only 10.000 for tha next two years, and this sum will have to be put in bondings. The regents will, however, do all they . can in the line ol scientific experiments, particularly in grasses. The bunchgrass of Eastern Oregon has been largely destroyed by overstocking and tramping, and tne mission ot the new station will be to discover what seecies of grasses can be introduced to take the plaGe of the native grass, In this work every county in Eastern Oregon will be inter ested, as stock raising is a great industry In many cf them. With the co-operation of the farmers and stockmen, we hope to be able In a few years to reseed the prairies and hillsides now worn brown and bare so early in the snramer. The people of Union expected a larger appropriation, and some of them fear the small fund set aside lor the station will b& In adequate for practical purooses. but wa hope to demonstrate to them that the Institution will be of great and lasting benefit to their town, as well as to the en tire eastern portion of tha state, We hope to seeure a more liberal allowance as soon as we prove the usefulness Of the station. For several years past there feas besn more or less talk every Legislative session about West ern Oregon getting the bulk of tne state appropriations, and a sentiment has grown up favor able to state division at the sum mit of the Cascades. I think this feeling is now passing away, as most of us desire to stay in Oregen if we can get any kind of a fair deal. The new institu tion will serve to quiet the senti ment of separation and a the same time bsing about a better feelinf between the towns ot La Grande and Union, which, have been business rivals for several years. About Grasses. At the recent farmers' insti tute, held at Pleasant Hill, Lane county, Oregon, there were various interesting discussions. A number of the professors of O A C were in attendance and all leeturcd on subjects of inter est. Among other things Dr. James Withyceme made the fol lowing concise statements re garding grasses that will do well in Oregon: Relative to how often clover should be planted, he said every two years. Said it does not seem to be so long lived as here tofore. As to cow peas, he said they Were not good here, and would recommend Canadian field peas as better. Should be eareful with veteb. It should be fol lowed with spring wheat and not with fall wheat. As to the mammoth and little red clover, he said he did net like the mammoth; but preferred the common red. Clover p-oesi dowr deeply and brings up plant food and thus makes it available. Timothy is an ideal hay for horses. Rye grass makes a good bay and also pasture. Said tliev were going to test alfalfa. Vel vet grai-s is not good. Orchard grass is one of the be it we ha.-c . Can pasture it and ' clover so as keep tuem back. Red top hard to start, but good when started. To raise seed fiom vetch the rst crop should be cut for soil- ng and the second crou nastured back and then let it mature to be cat for seed. To kill ouaek grass it should be suiumerfal- owed. harrowed and the rot raked tip and burned. A Rat Tale. Every country has its curse and some countries have many. The Albany Democrat relates the lollowiug "rat storv." as told bv a Bentoa county man of more than average intelligence and veracity: Mr. A. Vanderoool. of Wells Station, of Benton county, who was in the city recently, tells a good rat storv. It seems that whole herds of rats have been swooping flown through the val ley, navmg regular trails, and have taken Wells almost com pletely. In a few days in Mr. Vanderpool's barn 107 of the varmints were killed bv clubs aud it is thought there are sev eral Hundred Jett. Everybody else is troubled in the same way. ihev will eat anything. A brick was eaten nearly out of a wall. Several of them ate into a cider keg and let all the cider out. Another band ate over a half bushel of onions, e-enerallv not touched by rats, and bacon has disappeared in great quanti ties. Growing Fast. Prof. P. L. Kent, ot O A f! i authority for the statement that, thn cheeee industry in Oregon is grow ing very rapidly, as last year there were twenty lactones established. About one-half of the cheese man ufactured in the state is made in Tillamook couuty. T ho past year the cheese manufactories have yielded a better profit than the butter factories. The larger the quantities handled the less the cost per pound. One factory handled one-fourth of a million- pounds per year. Cheese can be held a long time. Two pounds of cheese can be taken out of milk to one of but ter. Seattle and Alaska trade takes a large percentage of our but ter and cheese. There is no danger of over production. California dealers say that Oregon cheese is as good as any produced. The indus try is bound to grow. Real Estate Transfers. Nellie McGee to T D London. a small tract of land near Wren; S135. E. Withani. to Elvin Witham, 38 acres west of Corvallis; $300. John Smith to L. N. T.nV lots 1 and 2, block 12 county Ada; 1,500. S. A. Cooper to H. Scheole, 160 acres near Blodgeft; $r,ioo. E. A. Chanman to Tohn We. Gcc, one acre in Wren; $500. M. Clark to E. E. Ralls, small tract of land in Mon roe; $10. R. N. Williamson to the Ar tisan Hall Association, a small tract of laad in Wells ; $25. Letter List. For the weak ndintr 1lih o inni Pers-ns calling for these letters will piease suite sate on which tbey were advertised. They will be charged at the rate ef oae cent each. Martin Butler, J W Buchanan, D F,','l"i,Geor8e Flin,, Ernest Koberstein, Will Moon, Miss Adline Pope, WL Read. T H Roberts rav- Wnrrv Tkimn. eon and Len Williams. " . B. W. Johnson, P, M. Pests ond Fencing. The Corvallis Sawmill Co. have just received two carloads of cedar posts and fencing from their mill at Dilley. Bnyes are invited to inspect this stock before purchasing elsewhere. For Rent. Agoed stock farm for either cattle or goats, in Alsea. Enquire of F. Klbcker. We have a few more remnants left which will be sold at great bar gains. Nolan & Callahan. Putnam Fadeless Dyes do not spot, streak or give your goods an unevenly dyed appearance. Sold by Graham & Wells. . Get your Job Work done here FOR GOLF RASH Heat Rash, inflammations, itching, irritations and chaflngs, undue or offensive perspiration, and -many other sanative uses, nothing so cooling, pari fy inc. and refreshing as a bath with Cutiouka Soap, followed in the severer forms by gentle anointings with Cutictjba, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. tiuTICUKA BOAP la bevond all rlrmht the mrvt HFMtlv kin purify tne and beautifying oap. a well a the purest and eweeteat for tnitot, bath, and nurmry- Sold thronch- not tha world. POTTEB IJRUO AMD ClTEM. COKP., Sol Pro pa., Boaton. uow to uave ueiuttful sun," irae. TO HOMESEEKERS. No. 54190 acres, 60 in cultivation, mostly bottom land, balance fine pas ture and timber, good new barn, small house, 14 miles from Philomath, price $2,500 ; this is a fine farm. No. 8 165 acres, 140 in cultivation, good bouse, barn, orchard and water, All well fenc-ed, two miles from Philo math; one of the finest farms in Oregon; price, 30 per acre. No. 6180 acres, 10 in cultivation, bal ance gcod pasture and timber, good out range, fair home, barn and other out buildings, good fruit and water; this is a fine goat ranch, 6 miles from Philo p rice $650; Ibis is a snap. No. 101 40 acres, 15 in cultivation, good building, fine fruit and water, fine bottom laud; price $C50; 4 1 2 mi'ee froai Philcmatii. No. 103- 18 acres near Corvallis, well improved, a sightly home for $1,100. HENRY ABBLEB, Real Estate Agent, Philomath, Benton County, Ortgon, Box 59 Three Questions. Before nurchasinc a piano or organ there are a few questions it i9 well to consider. First: Is the instrument mada louse or simply to sell? Second: Is the the lone, action and finish first class? Third: Is the price reasonable? Cheap Instruments are expensive at any price. Why? Because they never giv, 'satis faction, being constructed of the cheap est material hastily thrown together. To secure the value of your money there is one certain way. Buy an instrument which lias not only an established repu tation for years, but which has kept up with every improvement ot modern times. If yon then would like Eucb an instrument with a lone, action anil na ish unsurpassed, I have them, and can lurbish you any at tne lowest price. Call around. Mobdaukt Goodnough. Something New. JuBt published by the Southern Pacific Company is a pamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which in cludes an excellent map ofj the state, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing icdus t'ies.cnd their capabilities. Attention is also directed to Encb new fields for energy or capital as promise fair return. This publication fills a need long ex perienced by Oregon iaoe, in replying to inquiries of Eastern friends. Copies may be had of local agent of the Southern Pacific Company, or from C. II. Mabkbah, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. Notice for Publication. U.NITRD States Land Office, - Oregon City, Oregn, Bed 10, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of an act ot Congress of Jane 8, 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 1892, CHARLES D. TICE, . Of Fall City, county of Polk, State of Oregen, has this day filed inthis office his sworn statement- No. 5333. for the purchase of the N. J N. W . 1-4, N. i N. E. 1-4 of Section No. 34, in Township No. 12 S, Range No. 7 W.. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day ot March, 1901. Be names as witnesses: Michael Fiynn, Freeman Robinson, Peter Miller and Alvin Robinson, all ef Falls City, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 8th dav ef March 190J, - CHA8.B. MOO RES, Register, Retire for Publication. CSmru Staiss 139 Omen, . Oregon City, Oregon, Hot. 19, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tho provisions ef the act ot Congress of Jane 3rd, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ef timber lands in the states ef California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Publte Land States by act ef August 4, 1893, LETTIB M. ROBINSON, Of Fall City, cosnty of Polk, State of Oregon,, has this day Bled in this office her sworn statement No. 6323, for the purchase of the N.E. quarter of Sec tion 14 in Township No. 13 S , Range No. 7 West, and will offer proof to show that the land Bought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish ber claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 14th day of February, 1961v bhe names of witnesses: Michael Fiynn, Freeman W. Robinson, Bridget Fiynn and Albert N. Robinson, all of Fall City, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 14th day of February. 190L " CTIAS. B. MOORES, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Officx at Oregon City, Oregon, January 5, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that the followine named settler has filed notice ef his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Benton County, at Corvallis, Oregon, ou February 20, 1901, viz: JOHN W. HYDE, H. E. No. 11,053 for the Lots 1, 2, unci S, Sec tion 6, T. 13 S R. C W. lie names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Franklin, John Franklin, Mafalen W. Worth lngton and Francis M. Spencer, all of Philo math, Oregon, - CHA3. B. MOORES, . Register. FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE And, in fact, everything from Kitchen to Parlor. Rugs Oil Cloth Linoleum Art Squares Come and see us and get our prices. OUR CLUBBING RATES. Subscribers to the CORVALLIS GAZETTE can obtain the following papers in combination subscriptions with the GAZETTE, at the very low prices stated below; cash in"advance always to accompany the order. These wishing two or mere of the publications named with the GAZETTE, will please cor respond with this office and we will quote you the combination price. We can save you money on nearly all publications you deaire. The abbreviations below are explained as follows : W, for weekly ; S W, for eeml-weekly ; TW, tri-weekly ; M, monthly; SM, semi-monthly. Price With ' Per the Annum Gazette OREGON AGRICULTURIST AND RURAL NORTHWEST $ 50 fl 80 S M, Portland, Oregon. OREGONIAN, W, Portland, Or.. 1 50 2 55 RURAL SPIRIT, W. Portland.Or 2 00 2 55 Contains a correct live-stock roaiket report. PACIFIC CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, W, Poitl and, Or 2 00 3 05 THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD, T W, New York 1 00 2 0 HOMESTEAD, W, Des Moines, Iowa , 1 00 2 SO A thorough stock and farm journal. THE REPUBLIC, S W,.St. Louis, Mo. .' 1 00 2 05 THE AMERICAN FARMER, M, Indianapolis, Ind 50 1 65 THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, M, New York 1 SO 2 85 and Atlas of the World bound in cloth, 56 pages of latest colored Maps. THE OUTING MAGAZINE, M, New York 2 25 3 80 THE WEEKLY INTER-OCEAN, W, Chicago, 111 1 00 1 90 YOUNG PEOPLES' WEEKLY, W. Chicago 50 1 80 CINCINNATTI INQUIRER, W, Cincinnati 1 00 2 05 THE FRUIT GROWERS JOURNAL, M, Cobden, 111 50 1 75 It is well to remember that you can cover Benton County ' horoughly by placing yotir advertisement in the "Gazette" They get Proper Display, Proper Position and Proper Treatment. come to think over it, yon can easily under stand why so many prOin nent advertisers place ads in this paper. That's the Secret. Notice to Creditors. Motico is hereby giTen that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Tliomas Wyatt, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, Oregon. All persons havimr claims against sam estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, toprother with the proper roucherx, to me at the law office of Bryson & Wood son in Corvallis. cnton county, Oreon. within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated this 1st day of March A. D, 1901.' GEOKGE W. WYATT, Administrator of said Estate. II roper Neiv and Ixtuilifnl designs tit iritis lower than usual . J. D. MANN & CO, Rotic of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby rives tbat the undersigned execu tor of thn estate of Martha J. Kice, deceased, has filed his final account ia Bald estate in the County Court ef tbe State ef Oregon, fer Benton County, slttll; in probate, and Saturday, the tth bay ef February, 1981, at 10 'clock a. m., at the Court House in Corvallis, Oregon, is the time and place fixed by the Court for hearing objections, if any, to Said final account and the settlement thereof. Paled January 11, 180L CaaRLES B. Bio, Executor. SOUTH and EAST VIA Southern Pacific Coinpanv. THE SHASTA ROUTE Tuiffis Ifmvb On vallls fur Portland and wny slntioim lit 1:20 p. m. t,V rf(l(.iil-... n m S:30 p in l Albany--..-. 12: tVt t til 1(1 fifi li ni Ar H(t.rnmMito.-.r..o') p m 4:84 am Ar Han KrnticUco- 7 :45 p in .. a m Ar (fl.-n 0:45 p D, Awl I'. r. ...... l . f . . . . 11 :45 am 0:00a m 7 :ifl a m 9 :S0a m ... ... , B n A - 1 .......... t ... r r - . i HiiFna vity--- .co a m Ar Chicago 7:55 am Ar Loa Angeles-. -1 20 n m ArElPip 60 brn Ar Fort W(rrth-...6 :83 a m Ar City ot Mexico C :&: a tu Ar Houston.. 4 :09 a in Ar New Orlesn..6:2S a rn Ar Washington 6:42 a m Ar New York -..12:43 p m 7:00 am C ioe p m :3Utm HtiO&m 4:00 . m oasp Si 0:42 an 12MS p m PULLMAN AND TOURIST CABS on both trains. Chair cars Saoramento to Ogden and El Paso, and Tonrist cars tg Chicago, St Louis, Now Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamsbio lit.ea for Honolulu. Jannn China, Philippines, Central and South America. Bee P. E. FARMER, Bgent a Corvallis BtauoD, or Address G. H. MARKHAM. G. P. A., Portland, Or. E. H. TAYLOR DENTIST. pMii.jf.try of every description done in Sirs' class man tier, and satisfaction guar anteed. Office over Zierolf's groceiy store tivj-os the po&l f'tfu-e, Co; valns." Oregon. MRS. DR. CYLTKSE RAMSEY, Osteopathist Specialties Diseases cf wonipn and children ; alsodeformities and all chron ic- and nervous diseases. Occidental Hotel Mondav, Wednes day and Fiiday, 1 :30 to 5 :30 p. in. B. A. CATTHEY, M. D. Physician Surgeon Rooms 14 in Bank Building. Office Honrs fm." Residence: Corner College aud 8!h StK Telephone at office and residenra. Corva'lis, - Oregon L G. ALTMAN, M. D. Office Corner 3rd and Monroe Ft reete Houes 9 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 8; Sun day 9 to 10. Residence Corner 3rd and Harrison streets, Corvallis, Oregon. G. H. NEWTH Physician - Surgeon, PHILOMATH, OREGON. J. R. HARLAN Veterinary Surgeon Residence in Block 30, Job's Addition, Corvallis, Oregon. Orders may be left at Graham & Wer tham's drugstore. STotart Conveyancing JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNEV-AT.LiW. Practice in all State and. Federal Court. Office! inFirfctj National Bank Building. . Bryson Woodson ATTORNEYS -AT- LAW Corvallis, Oregon. Office In Fostoffice Building. DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTIST efSce In Wbitehorn BlocS Corvallis, Oregon IEHEJTJflf -OF Corvallis, Oregon, Does a eaeral and-conservative i)ank3Bf business. PLYMOUTH ROGK ...EGGS... White and Barred. noue on Pacific coast, Eggs.'fl 50 a Bet ting of fifteen at yard, or 2 00 if packed, J. G. Hobniko, Oorvaliis. Or. EAILEOAD THE DIRECT ROUTE TC Montana, Utals, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite routes, via tne Ui'ipn i'acilic Fast Mail Line, or the Rio Scenic Lines. Look et the Time . . i days to Salt Lake 2 days to Denver 3 days to Chicago 4 days to New York Free Reclining Cliair Gars, Upholstered Ttmrist Sitapicg Cars, and Pfillman Patae S'eepers, operated on afl trains. Far further iufoimatiou. annttto GEO. F. EG UK, Agetil, Oorcairifc, Or. C. D. TERRY, Vt ft. COMAS, trav. Pass. Agt . feetil AjBrrt. t4 Third St., Portland, 6r. Corvallis 6 Eastern Raited. TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. Oorvaliis 1:50 p. m. n arrive? Yaqnina 6:45 p. rn. 1 Reluming: Lea veil Yaquina.... 6:10 a. a. LeaveB Co-valliB. . . . 11:80 a. in. Arrives Albany .... 12il5 p. m. 3 For Detioit: Leavt-8 Albany 7:0 a. m. Arrive? Detioit .... 11:20 m. I Upturning: ) rav.r D'trcit 12:10 p. m. Airmo A Unv ., 5:45 p. ifc. Oi c am! two r-iir.rit t at Alhaey aiwl Cnrvnllip v.i'h Southern Pacific s rait f. givirp lirrrt pprvire to find frr.i-i Ncv pi.ri siid ft2j aeer.ii Tra:! fr the mint) tain a arrive At root . givir-g att.pie time ta trails hiiiping grounds on the Brpitp' bufb ai ii iSaiiliatn riTW the sp.nie dav. EmvjN Stone, II. L Waluen, Manager. T. F. & P. A. II II. CitoNisE, Agent, Corvallis. SaH. Lake, Tlfnver, Ft Worth, Omalia Kansas City, St. Loais, Chi cage and East. Atlantic Express !( p. ui. Fast Mall 7:00 p.m. VVaila Walla. Le Utou, Spokane, Minneapolis, S t. Psul.Dulnth. Mil waukee, Chicago, and Ettst. Spokane Fiver 0:00 p.m. Spokane Flyer 8:40 r. ru. Ocean Stenr.sfeics- All Failitg dates tmbject ta ( liange. Per Bftu Franfciswi, Sail Dec. S, 8, IS, IS. 3. 23, & every 5 days. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Dailv Sr. Son. 8. p. rri. Saturday, 1 p. in. Columbia River Steamer. To Asteria & way landing. 4p. rs. Except Strnda? ?:',lm:'di direr. OJefou City, Kew tr, fealtVn, and Wv-!at disss. 4.-SDp.m. 6 a. m. Ex. Snc. 7 a. m. Tufpday Tharsday and S atardsy :!!&meite ui Urn I Rivers. Oiefccc City. Day ten & Way-land's. 3:39 p.m. Meoday WeriBtB dhr aad Friday. 4:80 p.m. Monday, a y and Frida. 6 a. in. T uesday, Tlnirsil'y and Satu ld'v Wiila tite River. PorllfthJ to Corval lis & War-land's. Leave Riparia SeeRb River. Elparia to Lewia'n. Leave L ewiston L'aiiy 8:30 a- rn 8' 35 a. m. Daily. MR. THAYER, lAeal Agent. Notice cf Administrator's Kale of Real Property. In tbc tr-altcr of the Estate 1 ot V James Abraham, Deceased. ) notice is nereoy ciren Wat nursuant to an order of the couDty court of tho state of Oregon for Mnlt- noman county maue ana entered on tne otb dav or November, 1900, I will from and after the 7th day of March, 1001, proceed to sell at private sale the following described real property of said-estate, and all tbe ri?ht, title and interest which the said James Abraham had therein at the tin.e cf his de cease, towit: Beginning at the quarter section corner between fractional sections 2 hnd 3, tewnthip II sooth, range weft Willamette ftienaian, running tnence soutn 43 decrees east 14.S0 chains, thence south 65 de grees 60 minutes west 5.ti2 chains, thence touth 20 degrees 10 minutes east 7.0 chains to the north bal'k of the Willamelte river, thence following said north bank of the Y. iilamette river with the me ar.derB thereof I l a southwesterly course to tho southeast comer of lot 1 in frr.t t:onaI section S ia said township thence north S7 minutes east ?8.6i chains to the p'ace of beginnirg, contiinii.g 20.40 acres, also the northeast quarter of the louthecst quarter and Jot number 1 -of fractional .ection 3. township 11 south, range 4 n est of the V.'illatnetl Meridian, containing nS.45 acres, save ai.d excepting the rifjht of wa heretofore deeded to the Willam ette Valley & Coast Railroad containing about 6 acres, ail situated in Benton county, Oregon; also, the east'half of the following described real proper ty: The north half of the southwest quarter, and lots 3 and 4 in section 3, township 11 south, rangt 4 wef-t, containing 7&CG acres m Bentcn county. Oregon. - The tern s of said salerreas follows: Ike entire purchase price is to be paid in carh. W. E. I.UIlKB, Adiu'r de bonis non with thf will annexed of tha estate of Jsmes Abraham, deceased, Portland, Or. For Rent. Will rent 200 acres of land eat f Monroe and take part payment ef reat in work srd.iniproTemenre on tke place. Address M. S. WoodcOCX, AdministratO'i - Oorvaliis, Oregon, Dkpakt Tg: SCHEDULES, aeeivb