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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1900)
Painful Periods aro overcome by Lydla E. Plmkham's Vegetable Compound Fifty thousand happy women testify to thin in grateful letters to Mrs, Plnkham. Menstruation Is a severs strain on a wo man's vitality. It It Is painful something Is wrong whloh LydU E. Ptnkhim'i Vtartabta Omp d will promptly sst right If exoesslve or Irregular write to Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. rubhwu gfuiMiua ihstl Mrs. Plnkham's advice and medicine have for many years boon helping women to be strong. Ho other advice Is so un varyingly accurate, mm other medicine has such m record of cure. I Tariff Schedule for Manila. Merchants and producers of this coast are watching the new tariff sched ule being prepared by the Philippine commission. The subject is vitally important to all coast states. I Still Out of Prison. A year ago Frank E. McDaniel was sentenced to 15 years in the Oregon penitentiary, but he's not there yet be cause legal measure have prevented. The German mails have been closed to sausages; so you will be no longer able to write to yc ur friend in Berlin. "Inclosed find four sausages." Stops the Cough and Works Off the Gold. Laxative Bromo-Qninine Tablets care a cold in one day. No cure, No Pay. Price 25 cents. Fighting for a Principle. A San Fracnisco business man has sued the Wells Fargo Express Com pany for five cents that he bad to pay for the revenue stamp on a shipping receipt. Fire Boat at Portland. The Portland Fire department is try ing to have a fire boat built to fight , river. Eggj From the East Since September eight cars of East ern eggs have come to Portland be cause home supply is not sufficient. This signature is on every box of tbe genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet. the remedy that cores at cold la one day Irrational. The girl with the great, seraphic, trray eyes complained bitterly of the timidity of her steady company. "Give him the mitten!" advised her entourage, unhesitatingly. "What, for cold feet?" exclaimed she. Poison oak Poison ivy are among the best known of the many dangerous wild plants and shrubs. To touch or handle them quickly produces swelling and inflammation with in tense itching and burning of the skin. The eruption soon disappears, the suf ferer hopes forever: but almost as soon as the little blisters and pustules appeared the poison had reached ine Diooa, ana will break out at regular intervals and each time in a more aggra-1 vated form. This poison will loiter in the 1 system for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before yov can expect a perfect, permanent cure. JJH Nature's Antidote Nature" Poisons, is me oniy cure tor Poison oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxious plants. It is com posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now is the time to get the poison out of your system, as delay makes your condition worse. Don't experiment longer with 6alves, washes and soaps they never cure. Mr. S. M. Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta (Ga.) Gas Light Co., was poisoned with Poison Oak. He took Sulphur, Arsenic aud various other drugs, and applied externally numerous lotions and salves with no benefit. At times the swelling and inflammation was so severe he was almost blind. For eight years the poison would break: out every season. His condition was much improved after taking one bottle cf S. S. S , and a few bottles cleared his blood of the poison, and all evidences of the disease disappeared. ) People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case fully to our physicians, and they will cheerfully give such, information and ad vice as you require, without charge, and we will send at the same time an interest ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. DOES YOUR HOME TOUGH YOUR HEART? Then yon'll want beautiful things in your home. The first things you think of we sell: Mantels of all kinds, Andirons of every sort, Gas. Eletric and Oil Lights in endless variety. A Christmas present that beautifies your home is the best present. Call or write "for photo graphs arid catalogues. THE JOHN B Alt It 1ST COMPANY, 91 First Street, Fort land Oregon. JOHN POOLE. Portland, Oregon. can give yon the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. t Cough Syrup. In time. Sold 1 LIVE ON TEN CENTS A DAY. Real enta at the Rusk n Colony in Geo seta Are Economical. While other people have been theor izing, the Ruskinites of Georgia have demonstrated by actual experience the lowest possible daily cost for food for their entire community. They have solved the riddle of how to live at the lowest cost. When forced to leave their Tennessee home the colonists were hard pushed, but they possessed stout hearts and willing hands, and to-day are on a fair road to prosperity. They live and live well at an actual cost per capita of less than 10 cents a day. Everything tliey consume i bought at wholesale, in large quantities, and is cooked In the community kitchen. In the community dining-room tables are set for 300 people. Those who do not wish to eat with the crowd are given the privilege of purchasing com pany stores and cooking it at home. When vegetables are scarce these peo ple are allowed 7 cents per capita a day; that Is, 7 cents for each person, big, little, old, young, sick or well. When vegetables are plentiful the cash allow ance is only 5 cents. As the commu nity raises Its own vegetables, the ap proximate cost is only about 2 cents per capita a day, making the actual cost of living at Ruskin from 7 to 9 cents a day for each man, woman and child. The community dining-room is a large room, 25 feet wide and 150 feet long, where we see nearly 300 men, women and children seated at long tables. Breakfast is our first meal. We make a wholesome meal on light bread furnished by the colony baker, butter, Georgia sirup, oatmeal, Irish potatoes, milk, cereal coffee and sugar. Dinner generally varies, according to the season. The bill of fare usually con sists of rice or peas, beans or maca roni, some two or more of these; Geor gia sirup, beets, tomatoes, egg plants, potatoes, soup, bread and cereal coffee cereal coffee Is manufactured by the colonists and is one of their main In dustries. For supper, cheese in some form, lemonade, cake, rice or beans, sugar, grits, mush, fried potatoes, cold tea and bread. The meals are wholesome, sat isfying and well prepared. Of course, there are no little delicacies. As will be noticed, the colonists only get meat' twice a week. Atlanta Journal. CONTESTING FOR HONORS. Chinese Undergo Kxamlnations While In Their Closed Ceils. The University of London a few years ago admitted to Its initial exam inations about 1,400 students and pass ed one-half. There are four different examinations Ln the Chinese university. The first Is for the degree of "Budding Genius," corresponding to our B. A. The examination is held in every pre fecture. The second Is for the degree of "Promoted Scholar," or M. A., and is held in each provincial capital. LL-Hung-Chang has never advanced be yond this degree. The third Is for "Fit for Ofllce," a sort of D. C. L. or LL. D. The fourth is for admission to the Han lin academy, or "Forest of Pencils," which makes the successful scholar one of the great men of the empire. Each degree is open only to the men who have won the lower degrees. The lowest is open to anyone. "A man of talent," as Dr. Martin says, "may raise himself from the humblest ranks to the dignity of viceroy or premier." No land can be more democratic than China. In each provincial capital is an exam ination hall. It consists of long rows of cells open at the end and Just large enough to hold a scholar with his bed ding, teapot and food. There are 12,000 cells In the Canton hall. A great wall surrounds the grounds, and at the end is the hall where the officials sit. The candidates are all admitted at the same time, assigned to their cells and the gfc tes are sealed. If a student dies, as often happens, his body Is put through a small hole ln the wall. Each exam ination lasts twenty-four hours. Then the students are released for two days, only to return for two more sieges. A paper with blots or defacements is thrown out. Such innocent questions as this are proposed to them: "The art of war arose under Hwang-Tl forty four hundred years ago. Different dyn asties have since that time adopted different regulations ln regard to the use of militia or standing armies, the mode of raising supplies for the army, etc. Can you state these briefly?" The men who pass these examinations are a lot of pedants, arid as the deserts and primeval as the patriarchs. Leslie's Monthly. His Banjo a Barometer. There is a young man about town who is always prepared for all kinds of weather. No matter If he attends a function when the night is cloudless and rain falls before he goes home, he is always on hand with an umbrella, much to the delight of the girl with him. For a long time his secret remained undisclosed, and he was looked upon as a weather prophet who could give points to the local bureau. However, it Is no longer a secret, for the young man confessed not long ago the reason for his Invariably correct prognostlca tion of nasty weather. He Is a very fair banjoist, and It was noticed that he always played on his Instrument before going out at night When the plaintive sounds wefe muffled, he never neglected to take his umbrella, but Tf, on the contrary, the sound was sharp and clear he went without It. The head, or sounding board, of a banjo Is made of sheepskin, and in damp weather it expands, and the head comes tight as a drum. This is the reason for his Invariable good luck In "picking" the weather, for he owns a natural barometer. Travels of a Blood Corpuscle. Tbe mileage of the blood circulation reveals some astonishing facts ln our personal history. Thus it has been cal culated that, assuming the heart to beat sixty-nine times a minute at ordinary heart pressure, the blood goes at the rate of 207 yards in the minute, or sev en miles per hour, 168 miles per day and 61.320 miles per year. If a man of 84 years of age could have one single blood corpuscle floating In his blood all his life it would have traveled in that same time 5,150,880 miles. A smile g the reflection of a light heart. Science at fventiort Among the uses recently found for I aluminum is the soldering of iron rails end to end in order to obtain a smooth, ! continuous track. Aluminum has the ' property of producing great heat In the act of combining with oxygen. The ends of the rails are placed together In a crucible filled with a mixture of alum 1 inum and iron ore. The mixture being fired, an intense heat results, and the rails are firmly soldered together. This Is said to be quite as efficacious as the electric method of soldering. The color and character of the walls have much to do with the lighting of a room. Recent experiments have shown these percentages of reflection for dif ferent wall materials: Black velvet, 0.4 per cent, black cloth 1.03 per cent, black paper 4.5 per cent, dark-blue 6.5 per cent, dark-green 10.1 per cent, pale red 16.2 per cent, dark yellow 20 per cent, pale-blue 30 per cent, pale-yellow 40 per cent, pale-green 46.5 per cent, pale-orange 54.8 per cent, pure white 70 per cent, mirror covering 92 per cent. I As is well known, some metals are unsuitable for casting, while others, like iron, can readily be cast In any desired shape. The property of cast ing well is said to depend upon wheth .er the metal contracts or expands on solidifying from the liquid form. Iron, like water, expands in solidifying, and hence the solid metal may be seen float ing in the liquid Iron about It. The ex pansion causes it to fill the die Into which Is poured, and so It can be cast easily. Gold and silver contract in cooling, and therefore are not suitable for casting. I Meteors may be observed practically the whole year round, except when I cloud or moonlight interferes; yet one j month ranks pre-eminently as the me teor month the month of August. It Is only In recent years that our knowl edge of these natural fireworks has made any real advance. By the labors of a very few observers, one of whom, Mr. Denning, may be said to have out weighed all others put together ln the value and number of his results, we know of many hundreds of radiant points, and they have been shown to be not mere distempers of the - air, but ' bodies of a truly planetary nature, trav eling round the sun ln orbits as defined as that of the earth itself. On every side the Alps send down livers, leaping from the rocks, and ln the lower lands, especially on the Ital ian side, spreading -out Into beautiful blue lakes. Recently the stored-up en ergy of these Alpine streams has been brought under control. In many in stances, for the production of electric power. The river Adda at Paderno already furnishes 13,000 horse-power, and works are now under way on the I river Ticino, below its point of issue from Lake Maggiore, which will, it is expected, furnish 12,000 effective horse power to be distributed among a string of manufacturing towns reaching down into the plain of Lombardy. It was or iginally Intended to send this power to Milan, but all of It has been eagerly ' seized by the Intervening smaller towns. The Alps are yet rich in unused energy of this kind. MARK TWAIN. Note 1 Humorist Telia a Story at His Own Expense. "When I was here about eight years ago I was coming up In a car of the elevated road. Very few people were In that, and on one end of It there was no one, except on the opposite side, where sat a man about 50 years old, j with a most winning face and an ele gant eye, a beautiful eye, and I took j him from his dress to be a master me- I chanlc, a man who had a vocation. I He had with him a very little child of about 4 or 5 years. I was watching the affection which existed between those 1 two. I judged he was the grandfather, perhaps. It was really a pretty ctiild, and I was admiring her, and as soon as he saw I was admiring her be began to notice me. "I could see his admiration of me In his eye, and 1 did what anybody else would do admired the child four times as much, knowing I would get four times as much of his admiration. Things went on very pleasantly. 1 was making my way Into his heart. "By and by, when he almost reached the station where he was to get off, he got up, crossed over, and he said: 'Now, 1 am going to say something to you which I hope you will regard as a compliment' "And then he went on to say: 'I have never seen Mark Twain, but I have seen a portrait of him, and any friend of mine will tell you when I have once : seen a portrait of a man I place It in my eye and store it away in my mem ory, and I want to tell you now that yon look enough like Mark Twain to be his brother. Now,' he said, 1 hope yon take this as a compliment " 'Certainly,' I said, 'I take It as more than a compliment Yes.' I said, 'this is the proudest moment of my life to be taken for Mark Twain, for most men are always wishing to look like ome great man, General Grant, George Washington, or like some archbishop or other, but all my life I have wished to look like Mark Twain. Yes,' I said, I T have wished to look like that syno nyme, that symbol of all virtue and all purity, whom you have Just described. I appreciate It.' "He said: 'Yes, you are a very good imitation, but when I come to look closer you are probably not that man.' I said: 'I will be frank with you. In my desire to look like that excellent character I have dressed for the char acter; I have been playing a part.' He said: That -is all right; you look very well on the outside, but when it comes to the Inside you are not in it with the original.' "New York Journal. MILLS ARE NEVER COINED. They Have Always Been a Mere Figure in the World of Finance. "The mill in coinage exists jnly in the school books used ln the primary schools. It never has existed anywhere else, and from the nature of things never can," observed a leading finan cial man the other day to a reporter. "It Is a mystery to every one why It was ever originated, for as a unit of value It is only a fiction. There are no mills, never have been and never will be under the circumstances, therefore I don't see why it is put in the books in the primary schools, with the explana tion that ten of them make 1 cent I am glad to know that the mill does not get any more Into the school books of the graded schools beyond the pri maries. I have been a banker for thir ty years, but know nothing of the mill except what was told me the first week I went to school. All my life has shown me that I was told wrong and that there are not ten or any other number of mills in a cent "Several weeks ago I was ln Portugal, and I had decided to return direct to Boston from Lisbon rather than to sail ln the ordinary way to New York and from there to Boston by rail. On ap plying at a hotel for a room I asked, as Is customary, what was the price. The clerk answered 750 reis per day. This was a new one on me, for, though I had run up on a number of different coins ln my day here and in various parts of Europe, it was the first time I had heard of a rel. Somehow I did not like the sound of the word, and, turning to another clerk, asked what was the price of a first-class passage on a good steamer from Lisbon to Boston. He answered that it was-'80,000 reis,' and seemed to be willing to send me off on the next steamer. This necessi tated my asking for an explanation, and, as the clerk talked English as well as I did, I asked him to put his reis into American dollars and cents. This he did by explaining that the prices charged for a room, without board, was 75 cents per day, and that the steamer fare was $80. This led on to a talk of reis, which is the unit value of Portu gal. In value it represents about the same as a mill. The hotel clerks told me that there were no reis as a matter of fact in Portugal and never had been, though all values were based on them for a unit" A Responsible Person. There was trouble in the office of the old P. D. & Q. When the news came in that No. 4 had smashed with No. 2 And distributed calamity for half a mile around Till it was impossible to Bee the color of the ground, And the Chairman of executives said to the President: "It strikes me that you can't run a rail road worth a copper cent!" Whereupon the General Manager was called upon the floor And informed that he was careless in the case of 2 and 4; And the General Manager remarked: "I very plainly see That the General Superintendent needs a red-hot roast from me " Which the same induced the General Su perintendent to call in The Division Superintendent whom he criticised like sin, And who straightway had the master of the road report to him For a roasting then and there adminis tered with dash and vim. Said the master of the road: "The section foreman is the chap Who has caused this great disaster, and I'll knock him out a rap." So he called the section foreman, and he said: "You careless cuss. Your remarkable stnpidity has made scapegoats of us " Which the section foreman took as quite a personal affront And resolved right then and there to do a criticising stunt On bis own hook, so he called the man who greases up the track, And he said: "It seems to me you ought to find a friendly crack And crawl into it and pull your carcass after you, you chump. For neglect of duty on your part has got us on the jump! If you'd greased your tracks this accident would never have occurred; You just go and draw your salary, with out another word!" So the greaser took the order for his cash and drew his roll, And remarked, with much emphatic lan guage: "Well, upon my soul, DIs road's de cheapest lot o' guys dat I has ever saw. An' dis t'ing o' takin' blame f'r udders rankles in me craw; Wy, de Chairman o' de board spen's all de money in de Eas', An', by gosh, I can't be greasin' w'en I ain't got any grease!" Denver Times. Mechanical Power. France is using the automobile in practical ways for the public service. The experiment in Paris of supplying automobiles to the mall collectors and carriers is already declared a success, and now comes the news that ln the French town of Alencon there is in ex cellent working order an automobile ambulance service. A motor qnadricy cles coupled to an ambulance of the Lagogne pattern. The motor man and the doctor use the quadricycle, and the patient is the sole occupant of the am bulance. As the Alencon Hospital Is for the benefit of the country far and wide, the service is naturally managed differently from the Paris ambulance service. After a call is received It is necessary to secure a doctor and travel out in the country perhaps miles for the patient. Hence the speed furnish ed by mechanical rather than horse power is most essential. How French Voters Cast Their Ballots In France voting Is by ballot The persons who help in receiving and counting the vote are volunteers drawn from the ranks of the electors. Prior to the oDenlne of the poll at each sta tion the presiding officer unlocks the urn provided for tne reception or ine nnd satisfies those present that it Is empty. He then locks it again, places the key ln his pocket, and hands a duplicate to one of his helpers, who are termed assessors, xne poii is open from 8 in the morning until 6 at night and at the close the votes are counted n the snot bv the volunteer helpers. The result Is then forwarded to the central bureau. London Mail. When a woman caller begins the con versation by praising her hostess' cook ing, the hostess should throw out a tor rwwin net: it means that she Is to be asked to bake for a church social. When a woman sells milk from a good cow, and It "goes dry," It is mighty hard to pay a dollar for sixteen little tickets. Two-thirds of the nice things said to a young man represent the wriggling worms in an old tin can: bait General Debility Day in and out there is that feeling of weakness that makes a burden of itself. Food does not strengthen. Sleep does not refresh. It is hard to do, hard to bear, what should be easy, vitality is on the ebb, and the whole system suffers. For this condition take Hood's Sarsaparilla It vitalizes the blood, gives vigor and tone to all the organs and functions, and is pos itively unequalled for all run-down or de bilitated conditions. Hood's Pills core constipation. 25 cents. Don't Try to Stand Alone, There is not in the universe such ' a thing as absolute personal independ ence. Try it a year, a month, a day, and see. Paid Big Damages. Tbe Tacoma street railway has paid $100,000 to those injured and to rela tives of those killed in the street car accident July 4. GARFIELD TEA Is a wonderful preparation composed of HERBS that act on the Liver, permanently curing constipation. Calls for a "Wake-Up." The Portland Telegram urges every body there to wake up and get a great big high wide move on for the exposi tion of 1902. TO CURE A COLD IK OKI DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refnnd the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig nature is on each box. 25c. Good Place to Be Careful. Seattle city council is considering an ordinance making it a misdemeanor to attract crowds on tbe streets by words, gestures or otherwise. A blow at the Salvation Army, itinerant preacher, peddlers, eto. Better go slow, Mr. City Dads. "e?N'T GST FOOTSORE. GET FOOT EASE, A powder. At this season your feet feel swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. If you iiave smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts'; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and-calious spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and is a certain cure for Chilblains. Sweating, Damp or Frosted Feet. We have over 30, 000 testimonials. Don't get footsore get Foot-Ease. Try it today. Sold bv all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package Free. Address, Alien S. Olm sted. Le Rov, N. Y. Oregon's Capital City. The official census gives the popula tion of Salem, Oregon, as 4.258. Bather small and disappointing, but it must stand. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their shildren during the teething period. Rich Willamette Valley. Tbe Willamette valley. Oregon, is one of the richest on earth, and is de veloping slowly. But a stroke of light ning will strike it some day in the shape of new life and then she'll jump to the front with a bound that will surprise the state. HOW'S TniSi v7e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh euro. . F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F.J.Cheney lor t lie past 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all busin ss transactions and fin anciaii able to carry out any obligations made by tiieir firm. . Wxst s Tbtjax, Wholesale Druarjlsts, Toledo. " W AIDING, !".INNAN Si MAVIS, W nolesale Drug: Ists, Toledo, O. nail's Catarrh Cure is t. ken .w. rnally, aciuu .irecUy on the blood and m ecus surfaces o; the system. Pri a 75c per bo' tie. So.d by at drug; ists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pill- r- th- best. Big Time January I. Tbe Afro-American league of Port land are preparing to bring the new year to the front with a gigantic en tertainment. Exactly What Ton Want. A handy little box (just right for a lady's purse or a gentleman's vest pocket) of Cas carets Candv Cathartic, prevents illness. All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c. Adversity and Prosperity. Prosperity and adversity are always in procession. Each by turn precedes the other. I am sure Piso's Cure for Consumption -avetl my life three years a; :. Mas. Thus. Robrins. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17. 1900. Be Careful In Debate. If inclined to anger when debating, remember that it cools slowly and sometimes leaves permanent bitter ness. TOO KNOW WHAT YOV ARE TAKING When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pay. 60c. Give Equity and You Get Equity. He who seeks equity must give equity. Greed and avarice are ever at war with equity. WANTED. Women and girls to do piece work for us at their homes. We furnish all material and pay lr'in S7 to $12 weekly. Expcriem e unnecessary. Send stamped envelope to- t sk V, Royal Mf'g Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago, III. Big Fish Story. A report from Port Towns end, Wash ington, says 14 tons of herring were caught at a single hanl, but whether by one or one thousand nets was not stated. PIMPLES "My wife bad pimples on her face, but she has been taking CASCAKETS and they have all disappeared. I had been troubled with constipation for some time, but after tak ing the first Casearet I have had uo trouble with ibis ailment. We cannot apeak too high ly of Cascarets." Fred Warthah. 5708 German town Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa CANDY I owewg tAI MARTIG TKAOE MAIM Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lltrUac ll.n.d; Maj, CfcU.f., MMlnil, Twfc- SM in TA Ball Sold and goaranteed bv all drac jJ - U-OAU ...u to t i Tobacco Habit. Must Dispose of Big Debt. Multnomah oounty, Oregon, has a debt of $300,000, represented by un paid warrants, and a bill will be put through the state legislature this win ter to fund this debt in some way. Want Better Freight Rates. Pacific coast jobbers are again be fore the interstate commerce oommis sion fighting for more favorable freight rates. Men Are Not Alike. Two men may be exactly alike np to tbe tops of their heads. Uncover one head and discover a genius. Tbe other reveals an idiot. Our Nation's Wealth. The material wealth and strength of our nation is iu iron, the most useful of all metals, just as the wealth of a human be ing lies in a useful stomach. If you have overworked yours, try Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters. It will relieve the closed bowels, improve the appetite and cure constipation, dyspepsia and biliousness. Indian Tax-Payer. A full-blooded Indian pays taxes in Wasco connty, Oregon, his share this year being $21.78. The Famous German Wood Preserver mm A VENARIUS CARBOUNEUMm. ....Permanently Destroys.... ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. mmm One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following; distributing- agents: Perfection Pile Preserving: Co., Seattle, Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn & Co San Francisco, CaL Grandest Offer U. O) O) JHf.'HMM HICHEST rave- FULL BALL BEAR!NG Drop Head 5 Drawers. $15 45 Rnnr Mntinn Pctfxf "O RATTLING - - SPI RINGS USED. ROUND TOOL STEEL NEEDLE BAR. J Self-Threading- Shuttle. Self-SettlnaT Needle, Automatic Bobbin Winder, Perfect SUtch Regulator, Automatic Tension Release. (owe ship for inspection an As evidence of good fmth on your part, we ask you to send us 13.00 with your order. Write your name, post office address and railroad shipping point plainly, we will then ship by freight, C. O. D., with privilege of examination, this perfectly constructed, full Ball Bearing, No. 99 Arlington Ma- ti superior ln every way and worth sso.wxnore than other machine you have ever seen advertised in thianrnnr other nanpr. nav the ueent the balance due. $12.45 and charges and the machine is yours. If the machine fa not satisfactory it will be returned at our expense and your $3.00 will be returned to you in full. THE BALL BEARINGS top all friction and afford absolute ease to we opera tor. The balls are large size, made, from fine tool steel and run ln an oll-tem- Dered steel cod whicn can be adjusted by tne cones so as IH8 up tne xuercsati uiue $9 Strongest and Most BSm KaQniiiHachlae in jjKPBT mmmWS Bend for our Special Sewing- Machine Catalogue No. A -377. IT'S FREE. We manufacture 23 different styles from V np. Write us; all questions answered promptly and cheeriully. ( f CASH BUYERS' UNION, REFERENCES: First Be Careful In Censure. When inclined to censnre, hesitate. If censure is necessary, exercise it with discretion and charity. What the Cows Are Doing. The food commissioner of Oregon re ports that 5,000,000 pounds of butter were made in the state last year, also 1,500,000 pounds of cheese. 24 PER WEEK To men with rigs to introduce our poultry food among farmers. Address, with stamp. Acme Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. l The Best Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Groves. Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. Price 0o. Wants a Small Fortune. A Seattle fireman named Brabor was thrown from a hose cart and killed. Mrs. Brabon is after $25,000 of city money and will get something. IN GARFIELD TEA We have a combination of simple HERBS that has given the world its greatest blood purifier. Rich Alaska Copper Mine. A big ledpe on Prince of Wales island, off the coast of Alaska, owned by Seattle parties, shows copper valued at $98 pel ton. NOTHING BETTER MADE You can't make a mistake If you geta ..Mitchell.. JVIitehell, Iieaiis & Staver Go. PORTLAND. ORECON. SEND NO MONEY Essessae 17 tew Special Umli4, or 7 jewl Wallhim or Slate Iotmhu), known witrhei am ntLad Willi 111 u II U uai i the world oyer u mo ow, . WARRANTED 20 TEARS Cue ! himttDc .olid (old Ptt.m ngr.Ying. ntrm li karat soli Matt: gooa arovn iwr m .......... pre.iJ.ct. SlnxlalUEir far U. Mil 60 daja ! Sand roar addraaa andwawtnaand watch C. O. D. with MI.IW. of full examina tion. Call in any azpart and it found parfaetly aati, factory and S SEIHJB B-.OO skate tor neitaodayi with ovary ban watcn aver onereu lot .ucu o ft Xadlofl or Genu watch t, wanted. Write at ODCO as wa may not sdvortlao this watch at t h i, price again. Catalogue free. T'wi watcn uo.. oi l uenirat oajim. in., vjuioafw ISIIatlfM' V a"ltwiraw UBB - Ulll UUIlll OLIVER lILLO aaaaawa awaaaSBIlat, laTDDnytnt aataS, eate ONE FOR A DOSE. Core Sick Headache and Dys pepsia, Remove Pimples, Purify the Blood, Aid Dlges- tion. Prevent Biliousness. Do not Gripe or Sicken. To convince voa, will malt samp efreo; full box, 25c DR. I BOSANKO CO., Philadelphia, F. SoldbyDraggUU. BB W Our amis &&9w&aW mmmmSmmmw c 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 Tied Up S When the muscles feel drawn and JJ tied up and the flesh tender, that q tension is I Soreness and a 0 0 0 Stiff ness from cold or over exercise. It lasts but a short time after St Jacobs Oil 0 0 0 is applied. The cure is prompt and sure. 00000$i0a$$oa ARM THIS OCT SHOWS THE MACHINE OPEN BEADT FOB USE. All Attachments Free ,MALS8N"CA8. One rnffler or gatherer, one shin inp plate, one hinder, set of four hemmers different widths ap to of an inch, one tucker, one braider, one qoilter, one attach xnent foot, one thread-cutter, also footbemmer and feL ler, needles, bobbins, screw drivers, oil can, oil and instruction book. THE POLISHED OAK FOLDING CABINET will please you greatly. It Is made of choice quarter sa wed oak, thoroughly seasoned kiln dried, hand rubbed and polished to a rich idano finisn. When the machine is closed it becomes an attractive stand or center table. We can gl ve yon valuable points in selecting; a macmne 158-164 W. VAN BUREN ST., CHICAGO, ILLS. National Bank of Chicago. If You Need a SAW MILL, ENGINE DA 1 1 CJO or any piece of Machinery, it -VylL.tiEV will pay to write us for cata logue and prices. RUSSELL & GO., Portland, Or, Tbe Only Sure Care and Instantaneous Relief for RHEUMATISM SCIATICA, NEUKAUilA, NKKVOUS NKS8, DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CA TARRH, CROUP, BRONCHITIS, LA GRIPPE, HALARIt, HKIKT WEAK NESS' CREEPING NUMBNESS, etc. Buy a buttle today and have it In the bouse. It will save suffering and doctor's bills. Harmless fur children's use. Contains no opiates or other harm ful ingredients. Absolutely pure and concentrated. Large bottle of 300 doses for fl, prepaid by mail nr express, or we will send you (postjiaid) a trial bottle for 2S cents. Ascents wanted. UM MEUMTIC CUE C8IPUI. 1M law , Osagt, III. CUTLER'S CARBOLATEof IODINE A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and Consumption. fl.OO. block Box 145. V , Prop's. Are You Deaf?? All cases ot DEAFNESS or HARD-HEARING are now CURABLE by oor now invention : only thone bora deaf are incurable. HEAD SOISXS CKA8K 1 9M BD1 ATKLY Describe your ease. Examination and advice free Yon can care yourself at home at a nominal cost. International Aaral Clinic. suf ici" cuis DROPSY 10 DAYS' TREATMENT FREE. T7 m Am lvant V OTtA ltd mm- plications a specialty ior twenty K. :V. 4l5 mhsf nrnnrlarfnl w years wnu "T!ri:" jr success. Have cured many thoas- ailUSHOSt S3. S. S. aSN'3 S03f Box Kf Atlanta, tH. an American watch - Jbe handaoman H-K. double golrlplatad watch aver offered 3 ataflSBmi oroiienfeoe, fltted with a i SBE "AMC'Rir AM MOVEMENT A tattelloe, foil jeweled, nickel fin ish, propoily rtgti ltecl and lujufu! QTiSckt inoadwiifakl. Jr wLmmmwmWF tnKern improvenieiiU In ZfrmM aw fact one (1 tii fii;i t made StSC! 20 YEAR GUARANTEE..- r?l.ia. rfSawl j, c-irnn fartln anTl expreierhargrs, with prMlega of KKEK l.x.K I K1TI0. It Araelei.'aiitGoidplaterl Chain worth One Dollar, r K C. C. nut , .ti.faciorv. can be rammed at our ex cense, p. aw. aw. aw If S3.S5U sent witn orarr. nam no aupreea ugeee ante must bo aeat with order and good, will be shipped by regiat-red . Write whether O. nts or I.ailtea. Jewelry Cat-log... free. People's Je-elr, Co.. Dsp! 33 Sale Bldo. dllCAliO, M. P. M. V. So. 61 WW, w HEN wrrltina; to advertisers mention tula ' J'Bpar. yf !"."'" wHf Hal HIGHEST GRADE JHrt 10? Sk Full Ball , W. H. SMITH S GO., Buffalo, N S .Qfek. &' mTZrja