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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1900)
THE GB8MLIS GAZETTE, FftlDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1900. Ladies' Silk Waists Good material. Good workman ship.' New Style. $7 to $S0 each, Undersldrts Mercenized cotton. Looks like silk. Wears as well as silk. Pop ular colors. $1.50 to $2.23 each Taffeline For fine skirt lining-; and for shirt wsite. Twelve shade. 50 cents per yard. S, E, Young & Son Albany, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS. Circuit court convenes Monday. Mrs. H. M. Stone returned home, Wednesday, from a visit of several weeks in Independence, the guest of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Callahan are now established at tho college and Miss Snell occupies the Calla han residence. District Prosecuting Attorney Brown, of Roseburg, will arrive to morrow to be present during the term of circuit court. Charley Elgin, a forest ranger of Salem, arrived in Corvalns, ednes day, for a visit of a week or such a matter with his umle, Mr. Frank Elgin. Henceforth the cider mill at the south end of Main street will only be operated on Wendesdays, Thurs Jays and Fridays of each week un til further notice. Mrs. A. B. Cordley is in much better health at the present than she has been for the past two weeks. She has suffered an acute attack of neuralgia. Fred Reis, who was recently in jured by the acetylene explosion in Albany, is now able to bo around again. For a time it was thought that his life was in danger. Judge W. S. Hufford arrived on the train, Wednesday, from Port land and departed for home the same day. During his brief stay he greeted many friends oi former years and transacted some busi ness. Judge J. W. Hamilton will con vene an adjourned term of court this morning at 9 o'clock. This session is for the transaction of preliminary business prior to the regular session of tho circuit court, which convenes promptly at 9 a. m., Monday. Hallowe'en has come and gone once more. According to tradition, on this occasion the fairies convene and goblins and spooks are out in full foice. The traditional fairy, goblin and spook reigns no more, but their work is ably executed by the small boy sometimes the big boy. Pranks of various kinds are played and carried so far that they sometimes approach criminality. Wednesday evening there was a number of recruits initiated into the Maccabee lodge of this city. After initiary work an informal re ception was tendered Ira Hunter, in appreciation of his services as local record keeper, which on ac connt of other business, he has been obliged to resign. He was given many choice presents and a ban quet. A very pleasant evening was passed. Charley Overbaugh, agent for the O R & N Company, arrived from Portland about the first af the week. He reports that one of this company's boats may be expected up to Corvallis this evening. In oase she arrives as expected she will depart on her down trip in the morning. There was a sufficiency of water several days ago for boats, and they would have been here, but for tho fact that that they were undergoing repairs at Port land. George Reed, who left here a month or more ago for Roaeburg, where he expected to secure work at masonry in Ro3eburg, arrived home Wednesday. He did not re main theie long, but proceeded on to Dunsmuir, California, where he found work in his line. He reports that times are fairly good there and there is plenty cf work- At present George, in connection with a gentleman from Salein, has a bid in for the construction of a system of water works in Roseburg. A few days ago Recorder Elgin made a record of the transfer of 120 acres of land in section 8, township 11, from J. J. Sheahan to the State Iand Board. The consideration was 100. This is a transfer of un usual interest. It appears that this land was deeded to Woods Jaokson about forty years ago and again, through some oversight., it was again deeded to J. J. Sheahan a couple of years ago. Mr. Jackson held tho property and a deed to it, consequently, in order to straighten the matter out the last purcharer deeded tne propsrty back to the State Land Board and was returned bis monaj-. Tho usual services in the United Evangelical church next Sunday. Mrs. J. F. Yates went to Portland the first of the week for a visit with friendfa. Mr. Dan Cameron and daughter, Lulu, of Portland tires in this city. Service at the Mt. View school . house Sunday at 2:80 p. m. Rev. L. M. Boozer will preach." I Next Tuesday is day that Presi dent McKinley will be re-elected for another four-year term. Manager Johnson of the Benton County Prune Co., has been busy for the past few days shipping this pear's output of the big prune or chard. Beginning November 1st, cyclers ire allowed to ride on the sidewalks of the city, with one or two streets excepted. Bicycle riders will hail this announcement with delight. Miss Beryl Daniel will entertain a number of the O A C students at her home in this city this evening. The party is given in honor of the students from her old home in Mc Mirmviile, and adjacent towns. On account of high water in the Willamette, the feriy did not run yesteida'. After everything is in readiness for tho winter run tho present stage of water will not in terfere with the operation of the ferry. Ensign L. A. Coe, section ofiicer of the Salvation Army from Sa!em, will hold a tableau service, showing '"The Burning of Sodem," and "Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt," on November 6th at 8 p. m., at the Salvation Army Hall in this city. Herbert Friendly effected the change at the central telephone station to the new switchboar J, Wednesday evening. It took him until 2 a. m. Thursday morning to make the change. Herbert will likely leave for Portland today. He will go via Albany, as he has a little work to do in that city. Messrs. Brasel ife McGillivray. canvassers for the Telephone Com pany, are in the city and are meet ing with success in obtaining new subscribers for the system heie. As soon as the canvas is completed ar rangements wnl be made to give service at central at all times, day and night. A new and modern switchboard has just been installed and the service generally will be greatly improved. The Woman's Home Mission So- ci?ty of tho M. E. church, South, of this plac, will observe their week of prayer, beginning Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 6th, at 2:30. These services will be he'd each day dur ina tue week, except ha'uwav, 11 a. in. on the "Home Mission Via. J lie 1 x-. il. UillU, ctiiu n young people, consisting of recita- tions, readings, songs and conversa- tions. It will surely be a pleasant j occasion; everyone will enioy it we feel certain. Ralph Lane, the 20-year-old son of Wm Lane, was seriously injured at the O AC gymnasium Tuesday afternoon about 4 o'clock. While performing on a horizontal bar he failed to catch the bar in some ex ercise and fell, missing the mat, and and struck on bis shoulders and back of the neck. The fali was a hard one and ite was rendered un conscious for some time. After he was revived he was taken home. A physician was summoned to attend him and it was found that he had suffered a contusion of the spinal column. For awhile his sufferings were intense, but at present he is resting somewhat easier and it is hoped that he will fully recover from the shock. The marriage of Mr. Emil How ard and Miss Tena Hall took place at Simpson Chapel, October 28th, Rev. H. M. Rounds officiating. The church was tastefully decora ted in b nor of the occasion, Ever green festooning hung gracefully from the walls, and an ivy arch on which was suspended a wedding mums was only enhanced in beauty ! wlnn tho knnrnr triwim nrvnrlorl i by two 6mall girls, Miss Edna Wil ........ fc. ... .. liams and Miss Geneve Howard with baskets of flowers, led his bride under the bell. Mr. Howard is a returned soldier from Manila and an honored citizen of Benton. Miss Hull is also a resident of Ben ton and a most estimable young woman. Messrs. C. E. Woodson and Geo. L. Paul spoke in King3 Valley, Tuesday evening, on the issues of the campaign from a republican standpoint. The weather and roads (were horrible and the residents of the valley had no hope of the speak ers appearing as billed. But these gentlemen in conformity with the time honored principle of their par ty, kept their promise. While the raa&cn ttiven above, and the storm deterred many from coming out, those who assembled gave the speakers earnest ana respeottui hearing. Prof. F. 1 Vinceut pre- sided over the meeting:. Kmss j Valley is one of the most pictur iesqueand productive spots in Ore Igon, and its people are whole-souled and generous. Mr. A. C. Miller, j the postmaster and proprietor of the general merchandise slore, sheltered and fed the visitors and his treatment was royal. special service at night by theiVV rvaiiis ooys arnveu Malicions and Contemptible. It is bad enough to be igno rant; it is worse to be contempti ble. The pitiable object who is guilty of batb these short com ings usually escapes the condem nation of decent society, which is disposed to be lenient with incapables. But there are times when the "insignificance of the accuser is lost in the magnitude of an accusation." In the last issue of the Times appears an article which abuses the editor of the Gazette for defending the record and good name of the Oregon and other volunteers who saw service iu the Philip pines. Readers of the Gazette will rocall tho article published in our last issue under the cap tion, "Their First Meeting." We ask that they read it again. We believe that their unani mous judgment will be that the article contains nothing that would warrant the malicious squib which appeared in Satur day's Times under the heading, "Which Is Right?" The Gazette's article gave Mr. Stuart's address as respect ful and unbiased consideration as the mos-t ardent supporter of Mr. Bryan could ask. It took issue with Mr. Sanders on none of his contentions, except bis attack on his comrades in arms. That we did not make the arti cle stronger in this respect is be cause we had not the language at command with which to do it. The Times . takes issue with the Gazette and endorses the utter ances of Mr. Sanders, thereby making iteelf a party to the viiest calumny ever uttered against our .volunteer soldiery. We said that it was to the credit of the better element of Mr. Bryan's supporters to say that they did not endorse the tirade of abuser and invective hurled at the Oregon volunteers1 by the young man Sanders, tior his dis paraging comparisons of our civilization and national char acter with that of the Filipinos. The Times had no reason to, take offense at this for there was nothing personal in it. There was no intention to class that paper with the better element. When the Times says we wore out of employment when war was declared against Spain or during any portion of that con-. met, it lies. During the past 5;,. i f tn j exceed two weeks respite from honest, manly labor. At tne . , ... . - 111 m ennsu, we were working in that city, and in or- der to secure a tew hours leave to visit Corv'alhs in which city we were making: arrangements to agarin take up our residence we were working nights. Had we baen disposed to accept the starvation wages whiqh the Times has the reputation of pay ing its employes, we need never to have gone elsewhere lor work, for Mr. Irvine expressed his earnest desire to secure our ser vices as foreman of his office at that tfhie. The only difficulty was the question of wages. The Times condemns the edi tor of the Gazette as a skulker, because he dicruot enlist, and in doing so brands every young or able-bodied man in the country, including his own brother whose courage and patriotism we have no reason to doubt as a shirk and a sneak. We did not see service. We were not in the war. But our army record is as good as W. J. Bryan's, and we were as near the Philippines as he ever got, (- iv A J U 1" 'NT,. hTas$a. baS llad ,m0r? ! s?y n?n COUaitlOllS HI the islands than all the men put together who took up arms against Spain. Our authority for what we have said is published in another col umn. The statements gleaned from these boys have been sup- j plemeuted by facts gathered j from the report of the Philip- j pine commission. We don t believe Mr. Brvan has secured his information from any more reliable source. If the editor of the Times would devote his attention more to a perusal of decent literature he would escape the ridiculous situations in which he oft times finds himself and his paper would bo relieved of the saffron hue it reflects like a chamelion. We apologize to our readers for this filling of space with dis- j cussiou of a matter which has no place in public print, but we have felt that the attack upon us warranted it. So far as we are concerned the incident is i closed. Get your Job Wrk done here A Philippine Letter. Harry Beard, well known in this city, formerly a student, at the O A C and leader of the col lesre band, has written an inter esting let&er to his parents, who reGide in Linn county. It was made public in the Albany Her ald and we print certain extrac&s. Speaking of the natives and their enlightenment he says they have implicit iaith in their abil ity to make rain. He says: "In nearly every town on the island the population were turn ing out giving torch light pro cessions, feasts, and sac rifices, just as people used to do 2000 years B. C, try ing to make it rain. Well, these people over here are about 20c o years before Christ now, still they think they made it rain." Speaking of the rainy season, he says that the general health of the men in service there is better on the average than it was during the dry season. He also writes that the natives also seemed to enjoy better health during this "season of the year. Among other matters of inter est, he gives the following ac count of a native funeral: "A native funeral is very interest ing. They are also ver common here. The body is placed in a little flat coffin which is painted nearly every color of the rain bow. The coffin is placed on a sort of table or rack, with lighted caudles at corner, and carried by two natives at the cemetery, following the coffin in the pro cession is the family, and then the " hired mourners, gaily dressed "Senoritas" smoking cigarettes, talking and laughing with one another, and everyone they meet on the street. If the dead happened to be a rich or distinguished person the native band goes along." From the number of incidents related of the natives, a person is quite excusable in forming the opinion that all of this twaddle about high Filipino civilization and enlightenment is- "rot." Thanksgiving Proclamation. President McKinley has issued the usual Thanksgiving proclama tion, setting the date on Thursday, November 29, 1900. The following is the proclamation: "It has pleased Almighty God to bring our Nation in safety and honor through another year . The works-of religion and charity have everywhere b:en manifest. Our country through all its extent, has been bicssed with abundant har vests. Labor and the great indus tries of thepeople have prospered beyond all precedent. Our com merce has spread all over the world. Our power and influence in the cause of freedom and enlightenment have extended over distant seas and lands. The lives of our official representatives and many of our people in China have been mar velously preserved. We have been generally exempt from pestilence and other great calamities, and even the tragic visitation which overwhelmed the city of Galveston made evident the sentiments of sympathy and Christian charity by virtue of which are one united people. "Now, therefore, I, William Mc Kinley, president of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart Thursday, the 29th day of November next, to be observed by all the people of the United States, at home or abroad, as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Him who holds the nations in the hol low of his hand. I recommend that they gather in their several places of worship and devoutly give Him thanks for the prosperity wherewith He has endowed us, fer the valor, devotion and humanity of our armies and navies, and .for all His benefits to us as individuals and as a nation; and that they humbly pray for the continuance of His divine favor, for concord and and amity with other nations, and for righteousness and peace in all our ways. "In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Wm. McKinley." For Reut. Three good office rooms. Apply to P. If. Zierolf. Lost. Tuesday, somewhere betweeu my resi dence in Corvallis and the John Wyalt place, a pair of spectacles, in black case. Finder please leave the same at this of fice. JosErn Yates, Something New. Ivan R. Daniel is always progressive and he has just completed arrangements whereby he has become agent for all of tho standard pianos handled by the I Wiley 15. Allen Co. He can furnish 1 you a Kuabe, Steinway, Fischer, Lmd I wig, Hardman, etc., at manufacturers' j prices. For anything in the line of ! musical merchandise, call at the Book ' Store, on Main Street, Corvallis, Hallowe'en. Quite a mtmbeir of capers were executed Wednesday night that will have a tendency to make Hallowe'en memorable. Signs were moved in various parts &f the city and some MghSble changes effected, pffone or two places sidewalks were torn up, and small outbuildings were moved or upset. The boys at the O AG took the cannen and planted it on the new granite-sand walk leading to the city and its business end was pointed this way. The also attempted to move the ver tebra of a whale that has stood against the corner outside the executive building into the build ing. They made heroic efforts, and awakened people in the vicinity "from their slumber by the grunting and groaning they underwent while tagging on the section of vertebra. The best they could do was to get it well up on the O A C stepe. There is a couple of college boys who could relate a very thrilling tale if they were so inclined. A gentlemen heard a couple of shots fired and presently a cou ple of young men passed him at a high rate of speed, and one was telling the other, between breaths, that lie heard the shots whiz. Well, although it makes some people mad to have their affairs meddled with, Hallowe'en is Hke the Fourth of July it conies but once a year. Real Estate Transfers. J C Taylor to W A Brown, 256 acres of land 2 miles north of Corvallis; consideration, $6,000. John Wilse to E B McElroy, 37 acres near Monroe; con, $500. Patent from U. S. to Lizzie Palmer, 146 acres in seotion 28, township 14. E H Belknap to Ida E Bel knap, 179 acres near Monroe; con, $500. Additional Local The people of Philomath were en tertained Wednesday evening with an address by Judge Lowell on campaign issues, and mnsic by the Republican Quartet from Corvallis. Ihe rally was a great success, the address being exceptioaably able. Judge S. A. Lowell, of Pendleton, who was billed to address the citi zens of Alsea, Tuesday evening in the interest Of th9 republican party, was obliged by his health and weather conditions to remain in Corvallis on this date. Wednes day morning he visited the Agri cultural College and made a brief address to the Btudent body, ir the course of his remarks he told the students to select some mission in life, some high and worthy task for performance, and devote their whole energies to its accomplish ment; to ever have this end in view, even though it required a life-time. His remarks were great appreciated by both faculty and students. The official announcement of the total ponuiation of the United States for 1900 is 76,295,220, of which 1 4,62, 907 are contained in the 45 states, representing approxi mately the population to be used for apportionment purposes. There is a total of 134, 15S Indians not taxed. The total population in 1890, with which the aggregate population of ' the present census should bo compared, was 63, 069,756. Taking the 1890 pop ulation as e basis, thre has heen a gain in population of 13,225,464 during the last 10 years, represent ing an increase ot nearly v,i per cent. The census of Oregon is 413,532 against 313,767 in 1890. This shows a gain of nearly 100,000 in the population ofJOregon dur ing tne past ten years quite a healthy gain. Pianos aad Organs for Sale. Call at residence in Wilkins Addition and see samples of high grade pianos and organs just unboxed. Can give bar gains on goods of the highest merit as they are shipped direct from the factory thus saving middle men's profits and giving the benefit of this economy to patrons. - All invited to inspect goods. MOBDAUXT A. GOODXOUGH. Belgian Hares. Corvallis Rabbitry in A F Peterson's shop, 813 Ninth St. has for sale pedigreed hares of finest strains. Prince Cayenne son of Lord Cayenne, is at the head of the rabbitry. Prices reasonable. Call at rabbitry or write for prices. Executrix' Wotieo to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undeiVl has b en riuly conifimled and appointed sole executrix of tne last wm ana testament oi h. tf. luxne. deceased by the Coanty.Court of the State of Oregon for Benton county for probate. All persons having ciaisis against said esuue are required to present tut same, duly verified, to me at mv residence in Coral lis, Oregon, or at tne law office (f K. ilol'ratc Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the date of tho first publication of this notice. Dated at Corvallis, Or. this 2nd day of Nov. , 1000. Paulixa Kline, Estvutri w-fm SWELLTOP OVERCOAT LARGE LINE OF THESE GARMENTS .f.lADE IN PERFECT STYLES fa 5, 1 IS' Correct Dressers ;tThe.7rr'.1 Clothing! rail 1 LOOK FOR THIS LABEL i Hi SB ter Siioe made than the Joe Miller Shoe That's saying a great deal, but its so, They are made especially for us, and by buying in large quantities we can demand the best possible, Ask some one who has worn a JOE MILLER Shoe Ladies' Soft Kid Shoes Fit the feet as ueatly as gloves do the hands. They are also a very comfort able shoe and give good service. So back numbers. Everything new and up-to-date F. L. MILLER The Commercial Restaurant and f Fresh Bread, : ?Kept Constantly on Hand.- 1 Leave orders for Dressed Chickens. Yaqulua Oysters in Season. CHIPMAN P LI! MILL ... TTe Manufacture Bozes Of Sugar Pine, Cotton Weod, White and YcllowFiPS THE BOSS,BOXIi Is made of Pino Ends and Cottonwood Sides.- We,aye;Bold thousands of them and never complaint. Bfi We Carry a Full Planing MilllSteckfT ''""7 Our Lumber Sheds Contain TEN times more dry lino Yellow (mountain) floor ing, rustic and finishing lumber than any other yard in the county. Call and be convinced. Wo buy all kinds of logs, Red and YellowJFir, etc., andpur prices range accordingly. When yon buy of us, you patronize Home Industry. Our prices are as low as the lowest aad our stock is the best. CORVALLIS SAWMILL COMPANY. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES in OVERCOATS and SUITS. Our $io Overcoats; otbers$i2.50 . $15, $18. Our $5 Overcoats; others $6.00, $7.50, $8.50. Our Boys' $9 Overcoats; others $5 o $iz. Our Little Boys' Swell Top Coats and Ulsters, $2.50 upwards. Our Black Clay Worsted Suits $12; others $13.50, $15.00 $16.50 Our True Blue Serge Suits $12.50. Won't fade. Others $13.50, $15, And many other Suits in endless variety, made up in proper style. S. L. KLINE Corvallis, Oregon bet- Bakery. Cakes, Pies, Etc. 6t BIER. AND gOX FACTORY