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About Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1900-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1900)
OVARIAN TROUBLES. Lydia . Pinkham'a W-tit-table Compound Cares The:u -Two Letters from Women. 'Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I write to tell you of the g-ood Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done me. I was sick in bed about fire weeks. The right side of my abdomen pained me and was so swollen and sore that I could not walk. The doctor told my hus band I would have to undergo :m operation. This I refused to until I had given your medicine a trial. Be fore I had taken one bottle the swelling be gan to disap pear. 1 con tinued to use 'Msy your medicine until the swelling was entirely gone. When the doctor came he was very much surprised to see me so much better." Mrs. Mary Smith, Arlington Iowa. " Dear Mrs. Piskiiam: I was sick for two years with falling of the womb, and inflammation of the ovaries and bladder. I was bloated very badly. My left limb would swell so I could not step on my foot. 1 bad such bearing down pains I cou ,d not straighten up or walk across tht room and such shooting-pains would go through me that I thought I could no t stand it,. My mother got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com Jjound and told me to try it. ; I took six bottles and now, thanks to your won derful medicine. I am a well woman." Mas. Elsie Bbtak, Otisville, Mich. Tlie Bright Tip. It is an old army story that tells how two men of the guard did so well that the adjutant was unable to decide which of them was entitled to be de tailed orderly. Finally he found that the tip ot the bayonet scabbard of one was cleaner and blighter than that of the other, whereupon he chose the man with the bright tip. no Yonr Feet Ache and Burn? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot. Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest com fort discovery of the age. ('tires swollen feet, blisters" and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for ingrowing nails, sweating, smarting, hot, aching feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials. It cures while you walk. All druggists and shoe stores "sell it. 25c. Trial package FREE hv mail. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Koy, N. Y. Conceit Rebuked. Of all trees, I observe, God has chosen the vine, a low plant that creeps upon the helpful walls; of all beasts, the soft and patient lamb; of all fowls, the mild and guileless dove. When God appeared to Moses it was not in the lofty cedar, nor the sturdy oak, but in a bush a humble, slender, abject shrub; as if He would by these selections check the conceited arro gance of man. Owen Feltham. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Frederick Palmer, the well-known correspondent, is in China for Collier's Weekly, and his first article appears in the current li-ue. In illustrative war material Collier's bids fair to sur pass all previous attempts, as, in addi tion to Mr. Palmer, it has sent J. C. Hemment as special photographer. Please the Children. Children like Csscarets Candy Cathartic be cause tbev taste good, do good, make the little ones well and keep them in good health. Druggists, lUc, 25c, 50c. Silver Cake. A quarter of a pound of batter, a quarter of a pound of pow dered sugar, six ounces of sifted flour, the whites of five eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one large tablespoonful of bak ing powder. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream and add the flour and whites of the eggs in alternate spoon fuls; mix very well and put in the bak ing powder last. Bake for one houi and flavor the cake with the essence oi ratatied or almonds. When the Hair Fans accompanied by mucous patches in the moutn, erup tions on the skin, sore throat, copper colored splotches. Ant swollen glands, aching muscles If III au Dones. tne disease is making rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood is promp'.ly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructf ve poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst cases thoroughly and permanently. hi cmum cmm In the fall of 1S07 I contracted Blood Poison. I tried HatT Beta m wsrse. three doctor, but their treats treatment did me no good ; I was se time ; my hair came out, ulcf rsc all r hair came out, ulcers appearei d mouth, my body was almost 1 per colored splotches and c red in my throat an covered with copper offensive sores. I suffered severely trout rheumatic pains in my shoulders sad arras. My condition could have been no worse ; only those afflicted as I was can understand my sufferings. I bad about lost all hope of ever being well again when I decided to try s. B. 5. but must confess I had little faith left in any medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed a change in my condi tion. This was truly en couraging, and I deter mined to give S. S. S. a thorough trial. From that time on the improve ment was rapid ; S. 3. 8. seemed to have the dis ease completely under control ; the sores and ulcers healed and I was soon free from all signs nf tK fiicsit-Her - I have KtronB and heatthv ever since I,. W. Smith, Lock Box 611, Noblesville, Ind. jBt 5SSsi SSSk is the only purely vege liT' iL 131)1(5 blood purifier known, $1,000 is fc. V ES IS offered for proof that m&ir s9r !saw it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison : it contains valuable information about this disease, with full directions for self treatment. We charge nothing for medi cal advice ; cure yourself at home. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. GURtS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. t uougn Byrup. l asses uuoo. In time. Boid by druggists. do A Vv jJNJ mm i Use M BAKING HUMAN BODY MAN WHO IS ROASTED IN A GREAT OVEN. Subjected to Intense Heat In Hope of Curing a Grave Malady Hia Limbs Were Ossified by an Attack of Rheumatism. Once In every twenty-four hours Aaron Palmer is baked alive in the great oven of the Bellevue hospital, in New York City. At a temperature of from 350 to 400 degrees he Is allowed to roast in the oven for from half to three-quarters of an hour. Then he is removed, thoroughly massaged, and placed in the sun, where a broiling pro cess is begun. And all because he is afflicted with arthritis deformans. Translated that means that he has gout. Not the plain gout that many suffer, but an acute rheumatic gout, svhich has practically ossified his limbs, so that for over three years his legs and arms were as hard as marble, be ing frightfully wasted and distorted, and absolutely Incapable of any move ment or feeling. His condition was pathetic in the extreme and it was only a question of time when the dread par alysis would encroach further upon his body, until it affected some vital or gan and thus put an end to bis life. AARON PALMER UNDER TREATMENT AT BELLEVUE HOSPITAL. It was death that Palmer-has been waiting for during these years of suf fering. When he was first taken to Bellevue there was some hope of sav ing his life, but that hope speedily de parted when it was found that by no means known were the doctors able to stimulate a perspiration In any of the affected parts. Meanwhile the dis ease was spreading slowly and surely, and at last hope of stopping it was en tirely abandoned. Vapor, Russian and Turkish baths failed to aid. Applica tions of heat were absolutely useless and recourse was even tried in wrap ping him up In blankets and placing his feet as near as they could be placed with safety to a red-hot stove. None of the means tried seemed powerful enough to affect in the slightest the dread malady which affected him. Had it not been for the placing of the great new ovens in the hospital he would shortly be a corpse. Now, however, there is hope of saving his life. More -than this, there 1s every prospect not only of stopping the encroachments of the disease, but of relieving parts al ready affected. Indeed, the ossifica tion, If it can be so spoken of, has been removed from his arms entirely except from the fingers, and his legs have been revived from thigh to knee. With continued treatment it is expect ed that the calves and fingers and feet will be saved, and that Palmer will be able to resume his daily life where be left off four years ago, a cured and healthy man. The Disease Held Him Fast. Twelve years ago Palmer was first afflicted with rheumatism. He grew worse in spite of the various treat ments which he underwent. Finally his legs and arms began to dtttw up and shrivel, and It was not long ere he was a helpless cripple. No thought ot sending him to the hospital occurred to his family until four years ago, when he was suddenly affected by the deadening of his limbs. First his feet were affected. And then the calves and hands. There seemed every pros pect of the whole body succumbing to the fearful trouble and great Interest was manifested by physicians to see how long he could live. When his feet were first deadened they were affected as though frozen. They became as cold as In death and then gradually stiffen ed. No strength was sufficient to move them. Then, as the ankles and calves followed, recourse was taken to the various processes recited above to see if something could not stave off the trouble. Finally, when the thighs were similarly stiffened, it was impossible for him to do else than breathe and absorb his food. The arms came next, starting with the finger tips. This spread much more rapidly and in less than a month the entire limbs were rendered useless. It was at this stage that the baking process began. None of the doctors really thought any effect could be produced upon Palmer. It was a month before the slightest en couraging sign was seen. It was notic ed during this time, however, that no 111 effect was produced, so treatment was persevered In. After this length tf time a single drop of perspiration was noticed on one thigh, so small that It was feared that it might be water dropped upon him by some means. However, the next day more beads ap peared, and from that time on a per spiration was steadily Induced. There was no let up, and It was not a fort night before the flesh became soft and pliable, although there was still no evidence of power. It was not until recently that any power was developed and then only by constant massaging. A.s the arms were affected quicker than the lower limbs, so they yielded more readily to the treatment. They were In due course treated similarly. When once the disease began to be dissipat ed in them it was speedily conquered. Less than three weeks ago they were still held in the marble grasp. To-day all tut the fingers have been released The fingers and toes are now drawn up against the palms of his hands and soles of the feet. The flesh of the calves has become pliable and soft and the knees are almost .released from their captivity. In another fortnight It Is expected that everything, except possibly the digits, will be well again. The cause of the trouble has been a deposit of calcium salts in the tissues covering the bones In the parts affect ed. The flesh has fallen away until the man has become little better than a skeleton, except for his trunk. His weight was down to eighty pounds, and the limbs were reduced to half their usual size. Since the restoration of power he has taken on flesh rapidly In the relieved parts, and he now weighs over a hundred pounds. His normal weight since the beginning of his illness until the ossification began was about 130 pounds. Before he was taken ill he weighed 1150 pounds. Palm er Is a produce dealer living In New York. HORSES NOT AS HARDY AS MEN. Sieges and Battles Show the Animals Succumb to Hunger and Fatigue. There have been many instances in which fights have been lost or won ac cording to the number and condition of the horse engaged. When the siege of Plevna commenced the Russians were bringing alt their stores and food from Sistova by the aid of 06,000 draft horses, and at the end of the siege it was found that no less than 22,000 of them had died from hard work and ex haustion. The want of rest and food tells on a horse far more than on a man, for in the case of the latter there are the stimulating influences of patri otism, the glory of victory, and othei feelings which are non-existent In the nature of a horse. Quite half the horses in England sent to the Crimea never returned, most of them having died from hard work and starvation. Indeed only about 500 were killed in action. So reduced and starved have the poor beasts become on occasions of this kind that they have been known to eat one another's- tails and to gnaw the wheels of the gun carriages. Na poleon took with him across the Nie men (50,000 cavalry horses, and on his return in six months he could only mus ter 10,000. More than half the horses which were engaged In our Egyptian war of 1882 were disabled; 000 of these were killed, and only fifty-three slain in action. In the Afghan' war of 1838 It is said that 3,000 camels and half the horses engaged were lost in three months. It will thus be seen that ac tual fighting does not claim so many horses as starvation and overwork. De fective shoeing, sore backs, want of food and rest, and other similar causes go far toward rendering horses useless for practical warfare. One more and important cause needs careful atten tion, and It is the .danger of injury horses run when belrfg shipped across the sea. They are in constant motion, they continually fall many of them to be trampled to death and the rest be come frightened, kick and batter one another about, and are rendered use less. As an instance of this, it was found that one regiment on the way to the Peninsular war was deprived of just half its horses on the voyage. Golden Penny. Buying a Fan. Miss Katharine Lee Bates, who spent some months In Spain last year, declares that the dark-eyed damsels of the fan and lace mantilla are quite as charming as tradition has pictured them. Ignorant they commonly are, their education being of the most meager, but they are not dull. They are quick-witted, high-spirited and af fectionate, and are possessed of a grace of speech and manner which rarely de serts them. Nor do they reserve their pretty ways only for the ballroom or the parlor; even ordinary shopping is lifted Into a scene of elegant comedy by the manner In which it is transact ed. This Is how a Spanish senorita bargains for her fan: There Is nothing sordid about It. Her haggling is a social condescension that at once puts the black-eyed young salesman at her mercy. "But the fan seems to me the least bit dear, senor!" "Ah, senorita! You do not see how beautiful the work is. I am giving it away at six pesetas." She lifts her eyebrows half-lncredu-lously, all bewitching. "At five pesetas, senor." He runs his hand through his black hair in chivalrous distress. "But the peerless work, senorita! And this other, too. I sacrifice it at four pesetas." She touches both fans lightly. "You will let me have the two at seven pesetas, senor?" Her eyes dance over his confusion. He catches the gleam, laughs back, throws up his hands. "Bueno, senorita! At what you please!" And the senorita trips away content ed with a sharp bargain, although for Spanish gallantry, even when genuine, goes farther on the lips than otherwise the price was probably not much more remote from what pleased the smooth-tongued clerk than from what she pleased. Had Read It. "Did you reao. my latest novel, en titled 'A Terrible Experience?' " asked thA novelist. "Yes," answered the bluntly candid friend, "ana mats wnat it was. Washington Star. It is the experience of older married women that a bride is about six weeks In descending from the pedestal to a foot stool. The man who owes his shoemaker cannot call his sole his own. FILLED WITH PATRIOTIC FIRE. America's Twa National Hymns Fill Their Purpose to the Fall. Our two national hymns are regu larly attacked for their lack of good grammar and real poetry, but, though they may have technical defects, they unquestionably possess that indefina ble something which arouses the .in ward thrill. "The Star-Spangled Ban ner," written on old envelopes by Fran cis Scott Key, after the anxious night of the bombardment of Fort McHenry, was first sung in the theater by a va riety actor. It was simply introduced as "verses by a gentleman who had been detained on board the English' fleet." There was no claque to ex-, ploit it, and, in fact, Mr. Key difTnoli want to be known as its author, but, fitting the words to an old tune, the actor, with a voice which was not at, all extraordinary, so impressed the audience that the song had to be sung again and again, and repeated on the following nights. Dr. Edward Everett Hale has said that of all Fourths of July In Boston that of 1832 left the deepest mark in his tory of the century. He said he had spent the last cent and bought medals, drunk root beer, eaten oysters and other things and was slowly returning home, when, at Park Street Church, he saw a procession of children entering. They were Sunday school children. It was then and there that the hymn, "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," was sung, the first time It had ever been sung in pub lic. Happy fate that this hymn of the nation was consecrated on the national birthday ! Saturday Evening Post. There are 60 co-operative colonies In the United States. Employes of the Elgin Watch Com pany are organized. An egg candlers' union has been or ganized in St. Louis. There are over 250 union labor pa pers published in this country. Coal miners of the Southwest have Just secured 5 per cent, increase. Locomotive firemen have gained over 3,700 members during the fiscal year. Some of the copper and lead miners of Montana have secured an eight-hour day. There are 62 shoe factories through out the United States using the union stamp. Seventy-nine firms are now using the blue label of the Tobacco Workers' Union. Recently 108 carpenters were ini tiated into a union in one evening at Toledo. Street railway employes' unions now exist in 140 cities in the United States and Canada. Five manufacturing concerns In St. Louis use the union stamp of the Boot and Shoe Workers. Steam engineers have secured the eight-hour day for engineers in 26 breweries In Boston. A new device in glass-blowing in creases production 800 per cent, and decreases labor 50 per cent. The Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employes has issued 39 charters since May 1, 1899. During the first quarter of this year 62 new unions, with 8,152 members, were organized in New York State. Her Electric Spark. "Millie!" The young lineman twirled his hat In his hands In an agitated manner and spoke in a voice that seemed to have a tendency to get away from him. "Millie, the fact Is, I I there's some thing I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, but I can't seem to fetch It. When you look at me like that, you know, it breaks me all up. I've been coming here so long that I oughtn't to be afraid, I reckon, but but you know how It Is or maybe you don't either. I thought you're a little the livest wire I ever I didn't think it would be so hard when I " Here he came to a dead stop. "Millie!" he exclaimed In despera tion, "I'm short circuited! I've burned out a fuse!" "Jerry, are. you trying to ask me to marry you?" "Y-yes!" "Why, of course I will, you foolish boy!" And love's current flowed unobstruct edly again, lighting up with Its pure radiance the rose-embowered pathway that, etc., etc. Philadelphia Inquirer. Unrecognized. Perhaps when one makes that con versatlonal blunder which is known as a "break," It is best to say nothing whatever about It. Extenuation only renders a bad matter worse. Not long ago a lady was visiting the studio of a portrait-painter, and trying to make herself as agreeable as possi ble In return for a welcome and after noon tea. She enjoyed the pictures, al though In each case they seemed to her much idealized, and she went from one to another, civilly expressing her approbation. "Ah," she said to her hostess, "you must tell me all about them! Who is this?" "Mrs. Lorraine." "I don't know her. Charming, but of course I can't speak for the likeness." "I try to be faithful," said the artist humbly.. "Oh, I know! I know! And who is the very pretty lady in brown?" "That," said the other, with some frigidity, "is myself!" Ex-Rivals. Ten years ago New South Wales and Victoria were about equal In popula tlon, but the former is now consider ably ahead of its sister colony. The women are beginning to furnish porches with tables and chairs, in or der that a man may have more furni ture to fall over than he can find in the house. The Idle man i asses a long, tiresome daj A CLEVER TRICK. How to Make a Ball Out of a Hand kerchief; It is not very generally known how a ball can be in a few minutes extem porised out of an ordinary handker chief. The trick "is, however, well worth knowing, inasmuch as we can therewith perplex our friends as to how It was done, as also submit the result to them as a puzle, it being diffi cult or (If it has been thoroughly done) impossible to undo it except by one particular method. As the first part of the process fold your handkerchief as in Fig. 1; next fold the points A, B, C, D, inwards no. 1. again to the center, and continue this process as long as it is possible; finally hold the handkerchief thus folded in the left hand, keeping down the folds in the center with the thumb. Next with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand pluck at the skin of the roll you have now made till you separate the skin from the con tents and draw the skin towards you nnd towards the center, as shown In fig. 2, pushing the contents away from you with the thumb of the left hand. Pluck the skin again at a point a little further away from you than at first, and again draw the skin and push the contents as before. Continue this pro- ess, turning the roll round in your left hand, till the handkerchief begins to form a sort of whirlpool, in which no. 2. jthe thumb of the left hand is engulfed. 11 is now easier to complete tne wore ly making each successive plucking pearer to yob instead of further off, though of course the drawing with the rijflit hand and the nushinsr with the eft must be in the same directions as before. It will be necessary also at Intervals to knead it a little between the hand in order to equally distribute the ton- tents throughout the ball. Continuing in this manner you will finally arrive at a very hard ball. Fig. 3, with its skin quite tight and its wrinkles all firmly fixed in the little center of the whirlpool. It now ought to be impossible to undo it again except by reversing the process that is, by plucking the skin fio. S. away from the contents and pushing from you instead of towards you with the right hand forefinger and thumb, while pushing the contents towards you with the fingers of the left hand. Large sheets and even blankets and counterpanes can be rolled up in the same way; and I have heard a story of a visitor at an hotel who, consider ing himself badly treated, rolled up all his bedclothes before his departure so tightly that they could not be undone, by way of revenge. The result, how ever, falsified his expectations, for the landlord, by displaying these curiosi ties and charging a small sum on each attempt to undo them, realized a small fortune on the transaction! Prejudiced. Not exactly the right word, but a very expressive one, was that used by a dilatory witness, a woman, who, says the Kansas City Journal, was brought by the sheriff before District Judge Thompson at Westmoreland. "What reason, madam," said the Judge, severely, "have you for not obey ing the summons of the court?" "I hain t got none, Mr. Judge, only we have smallpox down at our house, an' I thought you might be kinder sorter prejudiced agin It." The judge was "kinder sorter" preju diced, and the spectators must have been more so, to judge by the "quick ness with which the courtroom was suiptied. Sparrows Are Wideawake. The sparrow is a wise bird; up at the faintest streak of dawn he is on the go until the shades of night are fully de veloped. Astronomers watching the eclipse noted that the sparrows were :he last to succumb to the darkness and the first to resume their predatory ac tivity on the faint dawn of renewed light. Has a Temple of Serpents. The small town of Werda, in the kingdom of Dahomey, is celebrated for its temple of serpents, a long building, in which the priests keep upward of 1,000 serpents of all sizes, which they feed with birds and frogs brought to them as offerings by the natives. The World's Sheep. The number of sheep in the world Is fstiinated to amount to 550,000,000. If a thoughtful man is frank with himself when thinking of the past, he has great charity for young fools. Cold Harbor. This is the name of an isolated tavern At a cross road near the Chickahoming river, and a few miles from Richmond, Va. It was here that a short, bnt de cisive battle occurred between the un ion and confederate forces on June 3, 1864, in which the losses of the former ore said to have been over 12,000 men in half an hour. Passing of the Horse So soon as nature sees an improvement there is a change. The candle gave way to electricity and the horse to the automobile. The fact that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters lias been sold for over a half a century, proves its value. There is nothing to equal it for stomach or liver trouble. Be sure to give it a trial. Objecting to a fellow worker, who bad ridden on boycotted cars, 150 em ployes of the Brownelle Car Company, at St. Louis, Mo., struck. ' Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs. Wm. O. Endsley, Vaubureu, lnd., Feb. 10. 1900. Refusing to sign a wage scale de manded by its 500 steel workers, the Newport, Ky., Rolling Mill Company will shut down. Mothers will find Mrs. 'Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their shildren during the teething period. All the departments of the Bay View, Wisconisin, mills of the Illinois Steel Company, which operates on tbe amalgamated scale, closed down, pend ing an agreement on the new scale. Sixteen hundred men are affected. F eeling Poorly? Appetite poor, and you are all run down, dull, tired and without energy? Can't sleep? What you need is a good toning tip with a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, enriches and vital izes the blood, strengthens the stomach, quiets the nerves, regulates the kidneys and gives vitality to the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills cure liver ills; the non-irritating and only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla E. C. ATKINS & COMPANY (mo.) PORTLAND, OREGON. sKsUs7! wts3 saws... tt Portland Branch, repaired so First street. The Famous German Wood Preserver) a.A VENARIUS CARBOUNEUM.. .... Permanently Destroys... ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. 00 One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle, Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. DON'T LET YOUR HARVEST SEASON FIND YOU WITHOUT A STUDEBAKER WAGON. Made of the Best Materials, thoroughly seasoned, by competent workmen. It stands Without an equal Call on our Agent, or address STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., 320-333 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Mitchell Wagons Are the best that can be made. Nothing is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because it is made of the best material by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 years' experience in building wagons, during which time the manu facturers have had but one aim, and that to produce the best possible to build, is a uuarantee of Quality. If vou buv a Mitchell AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none in your vicinity, we will sell to you direct. Send for circular. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMlnnville, Med ford and La Grande. Mention this paper. Here's a Proposition Isn't it reasonable to suppose that a firm of j 30 years experience could tell you the best way to get good value for your money? If you are ; ing a new house, no matter how small or large the sum you wish to spend in electrical or gas fixtures, fireplaces, mantel furniture, etc., you will save money and be well suited if you con sult THE JOHN BAKKKXT CO., 91 first Street, Portland, Oregon. HARD WORKING WOMEN Can find quick and permanent relief for serious and strength destroying troubles in Moore's Revealed Remedy Thousands have used it and thousands now praise it. I: cures permanently, ft per bottle at yonr druggist's. ir &L,ri".:v.HF.s pension r BICKFORn. Washington, D. C. they will re II ceivs quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols. Staff auth Corp. Prosecuting claims slue l"a Lazy Liver 'I hare been troubled a great deal With a torpid liver, which produces constipa tion I found CASCARET3 to be ail you claim for them, and secured such relief the first trial, that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured. I shall only be too glad to rec ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity is presented. " J. A. Smith. 2920 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Fa. CANDY BT CATHARTIC . CATHARTIC toads' mark moists red Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 26c, 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. Slarlias BMaaSj toupnnj. Chlaaga, Maalrcal. New York. 920 II A Tfl Dlf1 Sold and guaranteed by all drug--nU- IU-OHu nnii ui 1VBK Tobacco Habit. Voluable Extremities. It is little wonder that Sousa's rag time melodies have become a popular rage in Paris. The French have talked long enough with their heads, says tbe San Francisco Call, to welcome a diversion to their feet HOW'S Trust We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY ot CO., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 vears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any oblign tions made by their firm. . . . West & Tar ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 'J. Wai.di.nb, K in nan Si Mat-v in, Wholesale Drugists, Toledo, O. nail's Catarrh Cure is t.-.ken .nt rnally , acting c'irectly on the blood and m . cous surfaces of the system. Pri :e 75c per bo' lie. Sold by all drugr ists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills i- tat best. Some Luther autograph manuscripts have been discovered in the Vatican library by Prof. Fiker, of Strasbuig. There are two commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans, one on tbe text and the other on the sense, and two I commentaries on the Epistle to the He I brews. They were written in 1516 . and 1517, shortly before the nailing of I the 95 theses at Wittenberg. Chisel Bit SAWS Solid Tooth SAWS Band SAWS Shingle SAWS Cross Cut SAWS Hand SAWS All Kinds of SAWS Wagon, you get the best that can be made. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and -windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. . DROPSY 10 DAYS' TREATMENT FREE. Have made Sropey and its com plications a specially for twenty years with the most wonderful sdccsss. Have cored many thous- auu vases is. e.s. aszEtrs sons. Box Hi Atlanta, ft a. DR. GUNN'Sliver PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. CtireStck Headache and Dys pepsia, Remote Pimples, Purify tbe Blood, Aid Digea tloa.Preveat ulllousneas. DanotUrlpeorSlcken. To convince yon, will mall samp efree-,1ullbox.25c DR. BOSANKOCO.,PUlaalsbla,Pa. SoldbyDrugglata. N. P. N. U. No. 33 lUO. WHEN' writing to advertisers please mention ttais paper. Bi n r s