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About Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
WOMEN OF THE Regard Perunaas Their Coughs, Colds, Grip MRS. BELVA A. LOCKWOOD, LATE Mrs. Belva Loctwood, the eminent only woman who has ever been a candidate for the Presidency of the United States. She is the best known woman in America.- As the pioneer of her sex in the legal profession she has gathered Peruna Medicine Company, she says: 44 1 have used your Peruna both Hannah J. Bennett, now in her 88th year, and I find it an invaluable remedy for cold, catarrh, hay fever and kindred diseases; also a good tonic for feeble and old people, or unstrung." Yours truly. Catarrh mav attack any organ of the catarrh of the pelvic organs. There pelvic organs to one of catarrh of the have no catarrh of the head, they have no catarrh at all. This is a great mis take, and is the cause of many cases of sickness and death. "Health and Beauty" sent free to women only, by The The Ark Not Found. Little might it be thought that the Emerald Ise was suspected of entomb ing any relics of Bible times. But the imagination of some one has been more active and eccentric. In County Meat- there is a Royal Mound of the Hill of Tara, on which, for 1,000 years the kings of Ireland were crowned. - A gentleman named Glover, who has obviously developed some strong symp toms of British Israelism, was con vinced that the Ark of the Covenant lay buried beneath - the mound, and, consequently, proceeded- on a subter ranean expedition in search of the lost treasure. But, after expensive excava tions, which the landlord permitted and the board of works had no legal power to prevent, and after weeks of fruitless search, the fancied explorer Save up his quest. The Ruling Passion. The clergyman had finished and the I organ was pealing forth the sonorous rapture of the Mendelssohn march. "One moment, George," said the ra diant bride, and, facing the audience, she raised her exquisitely bound though somewhat bulky prayer book in ' her daintily gloved hands and pointed it directly at the brilliant - audience. There was a sharp click. "All right, George," said the bride, 'come along." And as they marched down the aisle she showed him that the supposed prayer book wasn't a prayer book at all. It was a camera! "It's my own idea, George," she whispered. "Clever, isn't it?" Cleve land Plain Dealer. Professor Tieman, who died in Ger many recently, was an eminent chem ist. He made two noted discoveries, one an extract used largely in place of vanila, and. the other the production of an odor of violet that is so near perfec tion that florists now use it to spray odorless violets, thereby giving them that matchless perfume that makes the violet the most popular flower of the day. His vanila substitute is said to be an exact copy of the true vanila ex tract and impossible of detection save by analysis, and not always then. According to a chemical analysis 15 parts of the flesh of fish have about the aame nutritive value as 12 parts of boneless beef. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Btrcp or Figs, manufactured by the Caufokkia Fi Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from very objectionable quality and sub Stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weaken in er or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. - In the process of manufacturing figs axe used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fi Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FR Alt CISCO, CAL. OT7TSVTI,E. KT. KIW YORK, IT. T. tor aale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle. If Bast Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Vwt IJi f. J In time. Sold by druggists. Pl UNITED STATES Shield Against Catarrh and Catarrhal Diseases. CANDIDATE FOR THE PRESIDENCY. barrister of Wsahington, D. C, is the fame and fortune. lit a letter to The for myself and my mother, Mrs. those run down, and with nerves BELVA A. LOCKWOOD. body. Women are especially liable to are one hundred cases of catarrh of the head. Most people think, because they Peruna Medicine Co., Clnmbus, Ohio A Georgia Literary Blowout. From the the Whitsett Courier: The closing exercises of the Literary club were highly successful. Perfect order was preserved without the attendance of the town marshal, whose children were laid up with measles, from which we sincerely hope they will; recover soon. - There was high tumbling by stranded circus performer, a wrestling match in which nobody was hurt, after which . a delightful hot supper was served, consisting of more than we have space to mention. It was said that the sheriff overate himself and had fits, but the report is false, for we were personally present until daylight, and we positively assert that all went merry as a marriage bell. It is asserted that no two countries in the world make and eat the same kind of bread. In England and- Amer ica there is the greatest similarity in this respect, but. the Englishman never eats bread hot from the oven, nor does he use biscuits made with shortening. A new rival to Niagara Falls is pro jected at New fane, JN. Y., where a 50' foot dam is to be erected, and a large number of factories are to be - erected pieliminary to making it, as its pro moters say, the greatest manufacturing town in America operated by elec tricity. The Pleasantest. Most Powerful and Effective Kererfailing Remedy for Rheumatism SSffiji. I GRIPPE and CATAKRH I If All knew what IhmiRAnrtfi trnnw nf mm manic toe efficacy of "S DROPS" as a Co- i-ative as wen as a rrevrntive or any Ache or Fain known to tbe human body, there would not be a family In alt America without a bottle of "5 Drops i" Send for trial bottle, 25c, or large bottle, Vi containing sw uoses. o Dome ror SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO 160-164 E. Lake St, Chicago, III. Hundreds of Americans are working Russian factories. Piso's cure for consumption has been a God-send to me. Wm. B. McClellan, Ches ter, londa, Sept. 17, 1895. Bees raised in Texas are shipped to all parts of the world. . ... ; VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cared by Dr. Kline's Invigorating Tonic . FREE fl. Trial Bottle containing 2 Weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline's Institute. Oil Arch 8t, Philadelphia. Founded 1811. Day ton Ohio, has tory. ' 1 a union soap fac- Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Bookbinders in ing. Omaha are organiz- TO CORK A COI,r IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine. Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. . - . - - y ' New York jewelers now enjoy the eight-hour day. -i j . i. " DIAPNK8S CANNOT BE : CTJRD By local application, aa they cannot reach the diseased portion o the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that ia by constitu tional remedies.- Deafness ia caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When thia tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sonnd or imper fect hearing, and when it ia entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (cauaed by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. Bend tor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 76c . Hall's Family Pllla are the beat. Philadelphia will add 400 officers to its police force. ; Improved Train Equipment. ' The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to their Portland-Chicago through train, and a dining car service has been iuanguarated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars,, day coaches and luxurious first-class and ordinary sleepms. Direct connec tion made at Granger with Union Pa cific, and at Ogden with flio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Eastein cities. For information, rates, etc., call on any O. R. . agent; or address. VV. H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,' Portland. . " V . ? The pumpers in the oil field at Wa bash, Ind., having been granted an ad vance in wages from $50 to $55 per month by the companies, the drillers , and tool dressers are now clamoring for $3.60 a day. It is said that a com promise will be effected on the basis of $8. There was once a discussion between Reeve and Carlyle which so upset the ideas of the former that some one said to the latter: "You have destroyed that man's Identity. Henceforth he will be a mere Carlylate of Reeve." A kind-hearted duchess one day stopped her carriage to give alms to a ragged woman by the roadside. " "God bless yonr ladyship for - your kind hea-t," fervently ejaculated the poor woman; "I am sure we shall meet in heaven!" This was too much for the high-born dame's nobility. "Oh good ness gracious!" she sald;"drlve on, John."' ' . , Some one had told Alice's father that his little daughter sometimes said naughty words. . So one evening he took her on his lap to talk to her about it. "Who told 'oo I said naughty words 7 she asked, her big brown eyes full of wonder. : He was smitten to the heart and reproved himself for his credulity.. "A little bird," he answered, shamefacedly. "Oh!" . saldx-the child, her face expressing great disgust, "I bet it was one of 'ose dam 'ittle spar-, rows!" :.' Ole Oleson went to the circus. . the other day, and got into trouble for as saulting the elephant. "What made you kick hlin in the shins?" said the judge. "Veil, yon see. eet vas tils vay. Ay dadn't not . know. Ay take ma voo man to circus. " Ay buy um peanut Ay see big elephant Hay got tot you tank? hay got two tails. Vel, bynby hay take hay darn tall, hay stole ma peanuts. Ay tell ma vife eef ay know which end hay got um head on av skall break hay dam face. Ay dadn't not know." - ; ; In the days of the public worship regulation act In England, Sir William Harcourt was invited to visit Lord Beaconsfleld, at Hughenden . Manor. On Sunday, the young politician accom panied his host to the village church, and on the way thither was warned that some hints of the high-church movement had penetrated even . that sylvan solitude. "My friend, the' vicar,1 said the lord of the manor, "will take what I call a collection and he balls an offertory, and afterward what I call a plate and he . calls an alms dish, will be .placed on what I call a table and he calls an altar." V Dr. B. A. Gould, the American as tronomer, while a student at Berlin, was beardless, but had a good, head of hair. When he returned some .years later he had become bald, but had made up for It by having a full, long beard. He entered the study of Argelanders, the famous observational astronomer under , whom he had studied, , without being announced. At first the profes sor did not recognize him. "Do you not know me, Here Professor?" iThe as tronomer looked more closely. "Ach! It Is Gould mlt his hair struck through." . An Ohio woman, visiting Boston for the first time, had her greatest thrill at Copp's Hill burylng-ground. "As soon as my sister-in-law and I got Into the place," she said, "I found myself al most stepping upon a grave with an inscription on a queer, little iron-cover sort of a tomb. I jumped back, feeling the way you do when you step on grave, and read the inscription, Just three initials, no name or date. Isn't it pathetic? I said to my sister-in-law. 'Oh, I don't know,' she answered,- B. W. W. means Boston Water - Works. " The late King of the Netherlands lost no opportunity of impressing on his daughter Wilhelmlna an idea of her great Importance. On one occasion the Baroness Van R was taking the pre scribed promenade with . the young princess, when a man on horseback ap peared. It was the baroness' brother, who had just returned from Java. Leaping from his horse, he clasped his sister in his arms, covering her face with kisses. Wilhelmlna, who was seven at the time, was thoroughly scan dalized, and the baroness hastened to send off her brother.- Not another word was spoken, and the walk being ended, they returned to the palace. The little girl recounted .-the story, which the queen listened to attentively, thinking of the irate king and his thick cane; "Finish your luncheon," she said to her daughter; "I will speak to the king." "It is for me to speak. Papa made me promise never to hide anything from him." "Your father was In good health then; now he is very ill, and I forbid you to trouble him.". Without replying, the little girl rose and went toward the door. "Princess, the Queen of Holland Orders you to stay here and keep si lent," said Queen Emma. Wilhelmlna stopped,, drew back, then, making a profound courtesy, said: "Since it is the queen who gives the order,? I obey, but" turning toward the trembling governess I hope such a thing will never occur again." Aoephaloua Roosters. It was once thought impossible that a human being could live and walk with a broken neck, and perhaps still more doubted that a rooster could live, stand and be fed after the hatchet had sev ered Its head from the body. But such are the real hard facts. The phenom enal rooster was exhibited some years igo In Huntington, W. Vaw The exhlb- tors said they got the fowl from a farnser who had decapitated it after which it got upon Its feet However this may be, the headless, living rooster was not a deception. It was fed through a tube Inserted in its throat It Is obvi ous that the farmer's stroke wa9 a little too high, and that a portion of the back brain still remained, and partially per formed its functions. How long the fowl lived I did not hear. One thing is certain he died "game." A negro, seeing, "millions In It," then experimented on the galllnacious tribe, and succeeded in turning out a fair dup licate of the aforesaid acephalous curi osity (for whom I made a picture of the rooster with which to advertise), and he started on a tour of exhibition. . He returned not long after and told me he was doing well, and could have made some money at decapitating roosters for other parties who wanted them for ex hibition, but that he was prevented by the authorities, upon the accusation of cruelty. Forest and Stream, y . . Canadian Boatmen. An English army -officer who Tlslt Canada some, years- ago, tells how he was ferried across the St' Lawrence at Quebec one January day when the river v&a full ot moving ice. .Under mhoh ireumstances the passage Of a river Is kely to turn out pretty lively -ex-crience.- - , y . . " . ' t Huge fields of -Ice were - burrv-ine lown the current,' and looking at the Hstance between my side and the otiier could, .hardly see how." we were to escape being knocked to pieces.- How ever, I resigned myself to my fate and o my French-Canadian crew; and they. ive in number, as soon a I was ready. began sliding the canoe down the beach into the river, each springing in and snatching his paddle as the boat was launched. Four of the crew knelt In tbe front part of the canoe, working their pad' dies furiously and yelling like so many demons. The fifth, placing himself be hind me, assumed the duties of cox swain. The Instant we were In the stream, the fields of Ice seemed stationary, ow ing to our being swept along at the same rate; but still I could not see how we were to cross, and waited with some anxiety for sthe first sheet of ice. This'happened to be a large one. The men pulled straight for it and as soon as the prow of the canoe touched It the four who were paddling sprang out and dragged the canoe after them across the tee. On reaching the other side they launched it again, with wild er shouts than ever, springing Into the canoe at the same time, and resuming their paddling as if for their lives. These manoeuvers were repeated at every sheet of Ice, and in a far shorter time than I could have imagined, we touched the Quebec side, when a num ber of idlers, attaching a rope to our canoe, ran us up the slope from the river, and left me sitting, with my crew still shouting and gesticulating, in the very street Youth's Companion. TRAIN THE LEFT HAND. English Plan for Doing; Away with "Writera Cramp. An English writing master of repute, named Frederick Falconer, had long puzzled over the question of how to provide a remedy for the distressing trouble known as writers' cramp, which lays hold of the wrist and band of a man who is compelled to do much writing, and forces him to stop work and rest until the cramp departs. Now, nature does not. usually provide an in fliction for which there is no remedy, so argued Falconer. Like a flash came the solution of the problem; and now all the teachers of writing, bookkeeping and clerks In England are saying to each other "Why "did we not think of that be fore?" Falconer's line of reasoning was simply this: Mature has provided man with two hands. - ----- - When he Insists on using only one for some particular purpose, such as writ ing, nature steps In and raps him over the knuckles for his foolishness. In the case specified' tbe rap over tbe knuckles Is called "writers! cramp." Since writ ing first became an art men, with tbe exception pf a few persons naturally left-handed, have written with the right hand only. ' Falconer's proposl tion is to have the pupils at the Eng lish schools taught to write with either band. Provided their education in. this direction Is begun early enough, there Is no reason "why the left band should not be used to guide tbe pen as well as the right Then good-by to writers' cramp. When the right hand becomes stiff with too 'much handling of the pen the writer only needs to shift tbe pen to the left band. "What,, folly," says Mr. Falconer, "to train boys'and girls to use but one hand. .No wonder that the left is al most losing, its usefulness. Why are not carpenter? trained to saw with tbe left hand as well as the right ball-play ers to throw with either arm and sol diers to shoot from either shoulder? Fancy 'training a child to walk with one leg only. ' Yet this Is just as sensi ble as to allow him to grow np using only one arm." . When Their Hearts Were Fall. I Overhead glittered, the stars of cloudless sky in Jnne, and the full moon beamedencbantin-gly on a landscape In repose. Not & breath ruffled the leaves of the trees, says the chronicler In the Chicago Tribune, that lined the avenue along frhich Bolivar Pyke and Buena vista McCorkle ' were wending their way slowly hpmeward from a meeting of the Gyrogeosophlstical Society. Not a ripple stirred the surface of the ro mantic frog pond on the left In whose bosom was mirrored the glorious firm ament and not a sound came from the suburban . farmhouse on the right whose inmates were sleeping the deep sleep of deliverance from the trials and labors which beset them by day. : "Bolivar!" exclaimed the maiden, as something by the roadside reflecting the pale radiance of the moonbeams caught her eye, "what is that on the ground?" The young man stooped and looked at it "It's nothing but a snail, Buena vista, he said. "The beauty of the night has tempted It forth. It Is a wonder," he continued dreamily, "that all inanimate nature Is not out for a moonlight stroll. The night is too lovely to be spent In doors, even In restful slumber that tired Nature exacts after a day of Incessant toll." The enjoyment of the wondrous love liness of the evening seemed too deep for words, however, and In silence the young people proceeded slowly on their way, communing only In that voiceless yet eloquent language that expresses itseii B9L& glance oi the eye, a pressure of the hand, or a softly breathed sigh. Long had they walked on thus In ecstatic silence, when the gentle girl again spoke. 'Bolivar," she said, "I think I see an other snail there on the ground." The young man stooped to Inspect It Raising himself and slightly quickening his faltering steps, he said: - 'No, Buena vista; It Is the same snail, y Captain? Paget Under Fire. It was'lfiyihls fight that a shrapnel shell struck the road within ten Inches of the foot of the British naval attache, Capt Paget and lifted five Wisconsin volunteers off their feet and knocked them down. For a moment Paget was lost to view in a cloud of dust and smoke, from which no one. expected to see; him reappear alive, but he strode out of it untouched, remarking In a tone of extreme annoyance: "There was a shell in the Soudan once did ex actly that same thing to me." His tone seemed to suggest that there was a limit- to any man's patience. . A few minutes later a solitary tree beneat. which he was sitting was struck by an other . shell which killed two .. and wounded three men. Paget who had been In a dozen campaigns, took it all as a matter of course, and assisted one of the' wounded men out of the range of the bullets from the side of a steep and high hill. The sight did more to popularize the Anglo-American alliance with the soldiers than could the weight iest argument of ambassadors or states men. Scribner's. . , - British Army Eye Tests. ' Of the . candidates for the British army who fail to pass the tests four out of five are rejected because of de fective vision. The eyesight test con sists of being able to count correctly with both eyes, as well as each eye sep arately, a number of small black dota exhibited on a card ten feet from the candidate. Some men never do a charitable act unless there Is some one around to ap COLLECTS BILLS FOR DOCTORS v Man Whoa Business It Ia to Make , Patients Pay. Promptly. There was nothing remarkable about the appearance of the man. Neverthe less, one of the party felt himself called upon to say that be probably had the most curious job of anybody in the city. "He's a business manager for doctors,' he explained. , There's nothing new in that" was the retort of another member of the party. "I know of a number-of physi cians and dentists who pay a certain sum each month, to have their bills made out Tbe man so employed goes to their offices for a day or two, writes up their books, makes out their bills. and malls them. Sometimes three or four doctors having offices in the same building will employ one man among them for this purpose. Members of these professions are notoriously poor business men, and some of them lose about half they make owing to that fact "But this man." persisted the first speaker, "does even more than that He has taken up that idea and carried it to its logical conclusion. He has an office of his own, and all bills are payable at that office. He takes tbe books of bis clients to his own office, makes out the bills, and collects tbe money. Of course he has to be a man of standing, in whom the professional men he serves place confidence, but he Is all Of that and he does just' the work a physician needs to have done. For some reason a doctor's bill Is the very last that most men pay. The average citizen will pay his grocer or his butcher or any other tradesman with reasonable promptness. but will let his doctor wait "Now, this young man of whom I am speaking simply conducts tbe financial part of the doctor's business on bust ness principles. He does Just as much as a merchant would do and no more. The first bill Is followed by another and If that - receives no attention be goes out as a collector and presents the third in person. But be says, the mere fact of the bills being sent out on time and followed up with reasonable prompt ness, sometimes with a courteous let ter requesting that they receive early attention, has had a wonderful effect In increasing the number-that are paid promptly, for, after all. the doctors are largely responsible for their own trou ble in getting pay for their services. The young man is not a lawyer, and he never sues for the .money. He does not pose as a bad-debt collector, never writes threaten'nz letters, and never resorts to bulldozing .tactics. Yet as 1 say, he has been most successful and has proved -himself worth far more to his clients than they- have to pay for having their business- affairs method ically conducted. After he is through. if he has failed, to get tbe money, it rests with the doctor to decide whether lie wants the bill put into the hands of a lawyer, and he baa the further satis faction of finding outin a much shorter time than ever- before Just what bad lebts he has on his books." Chicago Inter Ocean. 'HOMESPUN PHILOSOPHY. Observational of Commonplace Thlmca : by the Atchison Globe Man. Every man hates the consequences. Only a very wise man can take the world easy. . KmriA men never eo anywhere, ex cept when there Is a fire. If you want to be forgiven for lying, tell lies that are interesting. Tears have been greatly - overdone crylnjr Is becoming ridiculous. ; When a man can get fun out of his business, instead of going out of town for it be Is all right There Is a good deal said about "for ever", by lovers; meaning, probably, some time next week. There may be some gain In casting bread on tbe waters, but there is more In throwing a bait In. Some people take a notion to be your friends, the same as some people take a notion to be your enemies. Those people who re always "visit- Insr." to avoid paying board, accept some very funny Invitations. After the first bally arrives a man finds It more difficult to get sympathy from his wife when business Is duIL An elderly woman -who is admired by her elderly husband,' in spite of the storms of life, Is always worthy of It These days, whenjtyou &eak of a widow, people want to know whether she is a cemetery or a court bouse widow. , A doctor's favorite charge against another doctor Is that he learued all he knew while actinsr as errand boy at a drug store. One of the funniest things in tbe world is to bear a quiet timid little woman trying to -entertain a man who Is very deaf. When a woman sends her children out of tbe room when another woman calls. It means that she regards the caller as a gossip. - A woman cannot keep moth out of a few old duds in a single closet but think of the genius' of: men who keep moth out of clothing stores! When a man dies who has been mar ried twice, there is always some curi osity as to how his widow feels at burying him beside his first wife. - A Dwarf Qneen. Probabiy the smallest monarch in the world reigns over the Hindoo vassal state of Bhopaul, and governs a people of more than -liOOO.OOO souls. This dwarf Is a woman, Djlhan-Begum by name, but although -"Whe is about' SO years old, she does: not appear larger than a child of 10. Her diminutive size does not prevent her, however, from holding the reins of government with a firm hand, and In her realm quiet and order are supreme. The Brooklyn Bridge. The greatest suspension bridge in the world is the Brooklyn bridge, which also leads the world In the num ber of Its daily passengers. Its length. Including approaches. Is 5,989 feet the distance between the towers 930 feet the weight of the structure Is 6,740 tons. Its cost was over $15,000,000. The bridge cars carry over 45,000,000 peo ple every year. Most Expensive lirug. A London specialist says the most expensive drug Is physostlgmine, an ounce of which would cost nearly $1,000. It Is prepared from the Cala bar bean and Is used In diseases of the eye. y " '' ; Thi Helpful Prune. Prnnaa afford tbe highest nerve or brain food, supply heat and waste,, but are not muscle feeding. They should be avoided by those who suffer from the liver. ' No Excuse for TbiraC In Paris there Is a wine shop for every three houses. People should be taught early that the liver is of more importance than love. ' x Ireland Is about the size of MlasoorL Saving to th Laat. "Yon have only an hour longer to live," said the physician, solemnly, to the wealthy miser on his deathbed. "Is there anything you wish attended to before you pass away?" "Yes," answered the stricken man in hunt, yet eager tones. ."I am glad yon spoke of it. Send for the barber at once and have him shave me before I die. I only have to pay him 50 cents for coming in to shave me now, and the regular price is one $1 for shaving a dead man. Might as well save that half-dollar while I'm about it." New York World. The Craving; for Stimulants Has lately attracted a great deal of atten tion. The use of them seems to be in creasing. This clearly shows an exhausted condition of the nerves and blood, which re'stocT will do this for you. It cures dyspepsia. constipation ana nervousness. " Paralysis of the mouth k resulting from the chewing gum habit, has caused a school girl in Wabash, Ind., to renounce this practice. Followed the Crowd. The innocent, uninvited guest does not always escape so easily as the In - dianapolis man named by the Sentinel. This man, being in London on a bright afternoon, saw many well-dressed peo ple going through the iron gates oppo site his boarding-house. Accordingly he "dressed up" and joined the proces sion. He found himself inside a park, and sat on the seats and enjoyed the music. A young lady came and gave him a cup of tea and he had a good time generally. The next day at the table some one asked what was going on across the way the ' day before. Mr. Humphrey Ward gave a large garden party," said the landlady. Lima, Peru, is without .umbrellas. 7 0) He ought to keep clean inside; that means sweet breath, quick train, swift moving feet. You can't feel well and act well with your bowels clogged, sending poison all. through your system. Clean them out gently but thoroughly and keep them clean with CASCARET5 Candy Cathartic, and you will find that all bowel ills and the nasty symptoms that go With them are quickly and pzrmanently XOc. 25c 50c, L To any needy mortal, who can't afford to 9 Built on the Square. A Splendid Line for You, MR. DEALER. Portland, Oregon, Delivery, Quick Delivery Guaranteed. CLEVELAND CHATNLESS 1 (tlEVOAHBS ml CLEVELAND CHAIN ROADSTER 50 CLEVELAND CHAIN ROADSTER i Racer, 21 lbs) 50 CLEVELAND CHAIN. . . 40 STORMER CHAIN ...... 35 PENNANT SPECIAL CHAIN ; 30 Boys' and Girls' Bicycles. Largest Jobber of for Catalogue and Discounts. Agents Washington, Idaho and Montana. AMERICAN BICYCLE CO. PORTLAND .- . . : Since 1863, lasting immediate: How Some Men Do It. "He told me last week that he had to economize, but I don't see that he has been doing it." 'Oh, well, you wouldn't notice it, anyway. You see, he economizes by cutting down his wife's expenses." Chicago Post. Comparing Notea. Mrs. Jones My husband is the light of my life. ' Mrs. Smith So is mine. One of the kind that smokes and goes oat nights. Chicago Daily News. Ten Weeks for lO Centa. That blr (amilr inner. The Illnstrated Weeklr of Denver, Colo., (founded 1880) will be sent 10 weeks on trial for IOC; clubs oft, 60c; 12 for l. Special of fer solely to introduce it. Latest minlnc news and illustrations of scenery, true stories of lovennd ad venture. Address as above and mention this paper; stamps- taken. INDIAN RELICS WANTED. Cash paid for Stone Arrows. Spears, Plpes,Axes,etc. Write and send out P. Hamilton, Two Rivers, Wis. lines to 1 Weak and Worn-Out People Can secure health and strength eau do It quickly by using Moore's Revealed Remedy " It contains no dangnroBS drugs it has a pleasant taste. 1 a bottle at druggists. GANGER . Curable Without the Dse if Knife, AddrtM DR. NSWKIBK, Mountain Horn, Ida. 1 I Fl n 1 T TT aT" i , a h i -i if SALT LAKE CITY. An Important Factor in Transeontl- nental Travel. No one crossing the continent can afford to out Salt Lake City from his route. The attractions of the place, including the Mormon Temple, Taber nacle and Church institutions, the Great Salt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land the picturesque environment and the warm sulphur and hot springs, are greater to the square yard than any lo cality on the American continent. The Rio Grande Western Railway, connecting on the East with the Den ver & Rio Grande and Colorado Mid land Railways and on the West with the Southern Pacific (Central Route) and Oregon Short Line, is the only linepassing directly through Salt Lake City. The route through Salt Lake City via the Rio Grande Western Railway is famous all the year round. On account of the equable climate of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular in winter as in summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield, 200 wasmngion St., fOrtiana, OT Jeo. w- hemts, Acting General Passenger ! Agent, bait iake city, for a copy of I "Salt Lake City the City of the Where He'd Oo. "Aren't you afraid the law will take us in hand for gambling?" said the timid man who had just been persuad ed into making an election bet. . "Never mind," answered the confi dent politician. "Even if it does. you're all right. They wouldn't send : yon to jail for making that bet. j They'd send you to the insane asylum." Washington Star. The estimated value of manufactured products in the South is placed at $1,-500,000,000. PPifAY o)lnioy ' . .. t - CURED HV CAN DY CATHARTIC mi r 1 1 i i buy, we will null box fret. ' AddreM Sterling and Replacements on Guarantee. A LIN HARD TO BEAT. (Bevel Gear) $75 Bicycle Sundries in the Northwest. Write wanted in all towns throughout Oregon, - BRANCH. Pons Sales Dep.. 132-134 Sixth St. "TT.uni me ideal rrencn ionic iha'" THR RAIsY AMI. RRAIM s V . . mm mmmt mm . Endorsed by Medical Faculty " ' efficacious agreeable PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Fence anil Wire Works. PORTLAND WIKK A IRON WORKS; WIRK and iron ienciug; office railing, etc. KM Alder. Machinery and Supplies. CAW8TON A CO.: ENGINES, BOILERS, MA chlnery, supplies. 48-60 First St., Portland, Or. JOHN POOLE. Pobixahd, Orbgoh, ' can give yon the best bargains in general flR RIIMN'O ,MPROVED Dll I t machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, UUI1I1 O LIVER I ILLO plows, belts and windmills. The new ON eriD i nnee , TI . . equalled. Blood, Aid Ingestion andPrevint Biliousness: Do not Oripe or Sicken. To convince you, we will mail SRTERS li fJsrT fhllxia-.-r a. Bold by Druggists. Has the endorsement of the K. P. N. U. No. 4-1900. American Type Founders Company r "7? Prudent Mm Setteth His House in Order9 Yoar human tenement should be given even more careful attention than the house you live in. Set it in order by thoroughly renovating your fuhde system through blood made pure by taking Hood's SarsapariOa. Then every organ vmH act promptly and regularly. ijjyjj.juijj.iwV - sat am r ii itaiii re - vr rr .- They Were Not Capons. "Waiter, I asked for a roast chicken, but I did not wish one with legs as large as a teaspoon 1" . - "Yas, sah, ah know, sab, but dese yere chickens is roastea in a special way, sah. To' see, they're hatched in one of dese yere inkn-battors . .When they grow a little, sah, they 're shifted to one end of the instrument 'n' baked. So when we have a great many ohdahs we has to take 'em earlier, and they doesn't get so much chance ter grow, sah. That was the case with youahs, sah." r "Waiter, it is with great solemnity that I affirm that you happen to be the greatst prevaricator I have ever met. Bring me a half-dozen more of those chickens that go to roast early. See?" Philadelphia Call. , No Lonitr a Competitor. He Don't you think that girl over there ia beautiful? She (coldly critical) Oh, I don't know. Who is she? His Mrs. Nuter. Just been mar ried. ' She Yes. I think she is quite beautiful. Detroit Free Press. Til n li I You can always smell a "dead one." He has a costive-looking face. His breath knocks you down. He drags his feet Listeners to his talk turn their heads the other way. His breath poisons God's pure air. ALL C DRUGGISTS Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. . 417 MACHINERY, kinds I -.TATUM & BOWEN..: 2 to 35 First Strsst PORTLAND. OR. (row ptyiar crops because they're fresh and always tax beat. For aale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Stick to Fferry'a Beads and prosper. 1900 Seed Annual free. Writ for it. D. H. FERRY ft CO.. Detroit, Mich. CURE FOR PILES ?rOHiNUPilea prooace moisture euidoaase itching, his form, well m Blind. Bleed. ii or Protruding fuea are oared by Dr. Bosanko'i Plle RemAd. HtoiM itch in and bleed inff. Aheorbe tnmor. Mnb. J ar t drugipaU or eent bj mail. Treatiee free. Writ me svoout our cue. DEL BOSA-N JLO, Phi led., P YOUNG MEN! Kor OonorrfacBS sad Gleet get Pabst's Okay Specific. II Is ths ONLY medicine which will cure each and erary NO CASE known it has ever fslled to ran. no matter how serious or of bow lone standing. Result from its use will astonish you. It is absolutely safe, prevents stricture, and can be taken without inoonT. aience and detention from busines. PRICE. 43.00. For sale by all reliable drug-Rista, or sent prepaid by express, plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by PABST CH&ICAL 00, Chioaco, IU. Cliealar mailed on request. CURE YOURSELF I TJse Bis; CI for unnatural discbarges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations to Krtotare.' of mucous membranes. Pierenu Coaurioa. Painless, and not aatrin. 1tHEvAChe1II0I.C0. nt or poisonous. LWWiNsmo.I! oW "f isrtstsv k. A r?r ent ,n P1"" wrapper, IVcmM Prex',rM- Prepaid, for ZA M".,orS bottles.l2.V6. e. . Circular sent n, EVERYTHING FOR. THE PRINTER.... , i tip rFEEDSi We lead and originate fashions in.... TYPE Cor. Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON