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About Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1900)
ion-Gazette. Issued every Friday morning. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year , Six montlir . . . . Chre months.. .$1 60 . 75 . 50 ! A YABLE IN ADVANCE. FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 1900. POLYGAMY INVESTIGATED. Brigham H. Roberts, the devoted Mormon whose seat in congress has been undergoing examination be fore a committee appointed to ascer tain if he was entitled to be seated as the lawfully elected representa tive from the state of Utah, has contended that hi3 plural marriages were contracted before the Edmunds law was. passed and before Utah was admitted to statehood, but the committee appointed to investigate and report his case, find from the evidence - and report as the facts deducible therefrom that "Roberts married one Louisa Smith prior to 1882, who is still living, she having born him six children. After the passage of the Edmunds law In 1882 which prohibited polygamy, there after in 1885 Roberts married Celia Dibble, his first polygamous wife who in the twelve years thereafter bore him six children. Thereafter he married a third wife, in open defiance of the laws of congress in which he now asks to be seated, Roberts claims that he should be sworn in and become a member of' the house of representatives. Two of the -committee submitting a minority report, contend that he should be permitted to take the oath of office, and that immediately thereafter he shall be expelled on the ground that he is a polygamist, unlawfully cohabiting with plural wives. The remaining seven of the committee report against permit ting him to take the oath of office, and recommend for adoption by the house of representatives that he ought not to have or hold a seat in the house of renresentatives. and A , that the seat to which he was elected be declared vacant Roberts having lived in open vio lation of congress and of the special conditions under which Utah was admitted as a state, requires the exercise of a great deal of circumlo cution to say that he must be sworn in as a member of ,the house so as to be immediately expelled for his open violation of the law of con gress. Why should it be required that he become a member of the house by the ridiculous farce of be ing courteously invited to come in through the front door while he undergoes the solemn process of taking the oath of office, all being done for the only purpose of being immediately kicked out the back door for being a polygamist, when it is also admitted that every mem ber of the house knew before the oath was administered to Roberts that he was guilty of the acts for which he would be expelled? Who ever heard of a practice in any court of justice where the accused upon being brought in to be tried for some heinous offense was re quired before proceeding to his trial to take oath by which he would solemnly swear before God and man with uplifted hand that he "would support the constitution and. laws of the state and of the United States and properly deport himself in office as a citizen of his state, then proceed to select a trial jury to convict him." All will readi ly admit that to administer an oath to an accused in a criminal court un der Buch a proceeding would not be proper. Then is the reason much stronger why Roberts should cot be required to take the oath of office after the referees or committee ap pointed to take the testimony and report their findings of fact and law have reported him guilty and all agree that his guilt merits his just and speedy punishment. ROAD DISTRICTS. This paper acknowledges receipt of a letter from Mr. Frank Hughes, of Al sea, in this county, which sets forth at considerable length, the disadvantage of the new road district as recently made by the county court in that locality. The complaint being that the road district comprising the Alsea val ley and other surrounding territory, is too large as it contains 57 miles of road to be worked under the supervision of one supervisor. The last legislature made a law compelling the county court of the several counties in Oregon at the January term, 1900, to divide the respective counties into road dis tricts so that no one road district should lie part in one precinct and part in another. The law is obliga tory on i-he county court to divide the county into road districts, leav ing no discretion to the county courts except to proceed and do as the law directs. The county court of Benton county therefore made each election precinct a road dis trict. If the people of any pre cinct should deem it of .sufficient importance to petition the county court to divide their precincts into two or more road districts, there is no doubt the court would give such petition respectful con sideration, but if the people of a precinct do not make their wishes knowu to the court how can the court know that they want their road district of less size than the bounds of the precinct? The court under the law referred to has the power to divide the county into road districts at the January term, 1900, and at the January term of said court every two years there after. If, therefore, the people of any precinct wish their road dis trict rearranged the county court can redistrict the county again at the January term, 1902. HOAR'S COMPLICITY. More information than they called for is breaking in upon the Tagal assistants in the Senate. Mysteri ous incidents were connected with the sudden breaking out of hostili ties near Manila last February, but the administration was not connected with them. As the treaty drew near a vote Agoncillo kept the wires hot with Hong Kong and . Aguinaldo's camp. It seems that Senator Hoar's violent argu ment against the policy of the government was telegraphed to the Tagals at unusual length and heavy cost. Great restlessness and an aggressive ' spirit was the result among the Tagaln. - Before the treaty vote was taken they crowded upon our outposts and firing began. Knowing what would happen Agoncillo hurriedly left Washington and went to Canada over the short est route. The offensive Tagal tactics were based on the news re ceived from the United States. They knew perfectly well that the orders of Otis were to keep the peace" if possible. The speech of Hoar turned the scale at the criti cal moment and the war began two days before the vote that ratified the treaty. It is a striking care of retribution that Hoar . and Pettigrew, while calling upon the government for documents relating to the era when hostilities with the Tagals began, should be confronted with the proof that the assistants of Aguinaldo in the senate ate responsible for . the opening battles around Manila last February. The administration has nothing to hide: Its instruction to the commanding general were to strike- only in self-defense. Its vital duty in both the national and international Bense was to perfect the treaty with Spain and carry its obligations into effect with justice to all and charatible consideration for the Filipinos. But, inflamed by the speech of Hoar, the Tagal leaders decided to push on their forces at once. No doubt thev thought this would defeat the i treaty, for their knowledge of this government, and of all free govern- j inent, is limited. Hoar is getting the light he needs, but not the kind he asked for. Globe-Democrat. Ex-presidential nominee Bryan on his recent trip to Baltimore and other eastern cities on the mission to expand his demo-populist ideas, not only met . with the extreme chilliness of the low temperature of the weather, but a greater 'coldness was experienced by him from the chilly blast accorded to him which eininated from the hearts of his political brethren. It is said that many of them were so feebly in clined towards his political doc trines that they felt it more condu cive to their health to leave the town at the appointed time of -Mr. Bryan's meetings, rather than at tend them. Why should Ladysmith be in danger of starvation with Lieuten ant Hunt-Grubbe within her limits, Its just about all the British want to do to make their yardage in the South African scrimmage. Real Estate Transfers. W. B. and Lucy Kiger to Chas. F. Henderson, 160 acres in Blodgett $600. I. M. Turner to Ella E. Hibbs, 160 acres south of Philomath $1000. Barnum Lodge No. 7 1. O. O. F., to Martyn Gleason lot 83 in ceme tery $5. Elizabeth V. Taylor to Mary E, Wilbanks lot 1 block 1 $1. A. Corvallis Lady. Saturday's Portland Telegram contains an excellent picture of Mrs. L. F. Additon formerly of this city. Corvallis friends and admirers will heartily endorse the following sketch which accompanies the picture: Mrs, Lucia Faxon Additon is not only one of the best known women in Oregon, but her name as an efficient temperance worker, an'enthusiastic W. C. T. U. lecturer and organizer, extends from California's golden shore to the rock bound coast of old Atlantic. . A daughter of Massachusetts, reared in the shadow of cultured Boston, she was well and BAD COMPLEXIONS RED ROUGH HANDS FALLING HAIR PREVENTED Bl I SOAP Th8 most effective skin purifying end beautifying soap in the world, as well as west and l ' sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery, it itriEes at we cause oi nw complexions, red, rough hands,- falling hair, and baby blemishes, via. , the clogged, irritated, inflamed, overworked, or slug gish Poses. Sold throoxhont th. vorld. PomaD. An C. Com. BoSJiLjioir to H.T. lUMttful CilUo, tnt favorablv known in the circles of that music center of America, before she turned her face westward, and ber heart toward the deeper meaning of life. Fer 17 years Mrs. Additon has been one of the foremost leaders in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Oregon, her special line of work being in the labor department. She has made a deep and exhaustive study of social economics and few, if any, are more competent to speak or write upon this most important subject. Possessed of a master mind, keen intellect, forceful logic, she is rec ognized as a leader in every good and useful Jcaase. Far-sighted and practical in all her plans, her methods have brought repeated successes to her co workers in the many departments of the W. C T. XT. for her active brain is never content with a single line of work. As a public speaker she is logical and elo quent, her arguments clear cut and con vincing, while she holds the closest attention of ber audience. Mrs . Additon is not only a brainy woman,' but one of deep spirituality as well, and this charac terizes all her writings, particularly along Christian and philanthropic lines. A true nhilanthropist. her mother heart especially warm toward homeless girls, and many such have found homes under her hospitable roof. This love for young women induced her to found the Noon Rest for working girls in this city, of which she is still president. In purely Christian efforts Mrs. Additon is a pow erful factor as well, and thus her name has become a household word, standing for alT that is pure and noble. Denmark Is Anxious To sell her islands in the West Indies. We are anxious to sell you one of the best Overcoats in our store. - You will be an xious to buy one when you learn that the price is; 14.50. C. H. NEWTH Physician, & Surgeon PHILOMATH, OREGON. Notary. Titles. Conveyancing. JOS. H. WILSON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practice in all State and Federal Court. Office in First National Bank Building. YOU CANT Afford to miss the Great Bargains in Rockers, Bed Lounges, Single Lounges, Couches, Chiffonier Dress ers, Bedroom Suits, Char ... ter Oak Stoves and Ranges, Etc., now being offered by J D. Mann & Co, DR. JAS. A. HARPER DENTI ST Office ia Wbltehora Blork Corvallis, Oregon B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician 8f Surgeon Office over Allen & Woodward's drugstare Office Hours j?- Residence: Corner 5th and Adams, west . of Catholic church. Telephone at office and residence. For Sale. 260-acre stock farm adjoining an on limited outrange on the west, and good schools, churches and tbe Belknap settle ment on the east. Also 130 acre farm, good cultivating land. Address M. S. Woodcock, Administrator, Corvallis, Oregon. r SHOES! Our new Spring Stock of SHOES have com menced to arrive from the East. We bought a much larger stork than heretofore, and will sell with a less per cent profit than most people would think of selling at. We want your trade and will sell you better goods for the same money than any other merchant in Benton county. Ask to see the Imperial Ladies' Fine Shoes and District No. 79 School Shoes. They are cheap and they are up-to-date. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction. f. L. MILLER. Notice to Creditors, ' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly confirmed and appointed exeeu tmnf th lost will and testament of Tames E. Fisk, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, sitting in probate. All neraona bavins' claims aeainst said estate are required to present the same duly verified in iinmcr wnit at his home in Philomath. Oregon, to A. G. Mulkey, at his home near Corvallis, Oregon, or to the law office of E. Hol arate ia Corvallis. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication; of this notice. Dated this December 8, 1899. HOMER WY ATT A. G. MULKEY, .... Executors n Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other, preparation can approach tt In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E-C DeWitt A Co. Chicago. : . - Graham & Wells. FARMS FOR RENT. The Oregon Land and Investment com pany, offers to lease to responsible parties, for a term of years, two farms near'Airlie, one of 1160 acres and one of 320 acres. The company will also sell to the lessees, if desired, all stock the places will carry, also teams, grain, etc Immediate possession given. Write to the undersigned- at Kings Valley or Forest Grove, Or., or call and see him at the place after Jan. 10th, 1900. ' E.P. Cadwell, President. "Campaigning In the Philippines'' A book ol over 400 pages with nearly 300 beautiful illustrations of troops in actiou and scenes in the Philippine Islands, published by The Hicks-Judd Publishing Co. of San Francisco, the only publishers in the United States whs sent ' rep resentatives to Manilla especially to compile a history of the war. ' As many as 23 writers were engaged in the work in Manila, many of whom were with the troops in their various engagements andjttaey were permitted to use official records to verify their reports. Maps of Battlefields made by an official map-maker in tbe 8th Army Corps enables the reader to follow closely the movements of troops. . Description of the Philippines giving statistical and other in form a . tion as to climatic conditions, re sources, etc., and an accuont of the trip to Manilla, taking tbe reader to Honolulu and through Japan and China, are interesting features of the book. The Oregon Special Edition contains a complete history of the I 2d Oregon Volunteer regiment in the Philippine campaign, and also : the name, postoffice address and oc cupation of every member of : the regiment, together with lists of killed and wounded, deaths by disease, promotions, discharges, etc., and also cuts of each company and officers of tbe regiment. It is vouched for as officially correct by a certificate from the Colonel. Advance Sale over 6000 Vols. in Manila shows the faith of soldiers in the publication. It is sold by sub scription only and returning soldiers have been employed almost exclu sively and thns far have found iu this very lucrative employment. A few more agents wanted in this State. Address Tbe Hicks-Judd Publishing Company, 21 First St., San Fran cisco. Gollege Uqifofms. Orders taken at S. L. Kline's for the Pettlbone O, A. C. uniform. 7 -J! (QJ Road Supervisors. The county court of Benton county Oregon, having abolished all road dis tricts in the county, and having made each voting precinct a separate road district, (.except in Monroe precinct, which is divided into two road districts by a line running east and west between oo..HUuijl j. x a, -k. 5 vv,i now desires that the residents of the various precincts of this county, inform the county court on or before the February term thereof, by petition or otherwise. whom they desire appointed as supervi sor of their respective districts for tbe six months ending June 30, 1900. ViBGiL E. Wattebs, Clerk. UERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vizor and Manhood, Cure Irapotency, Night Emissions and wasting' diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the ink glow to pale cheeks ana restores the fire of youth. iBv mail 50e ner box. 6 boxes ov: witn a written enarar tee to core or refund the money, Siena ror circular. Address. NERVITA MEDICAL. CO. GUnton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL .Fer sale by Allen & Woodward's drue gists, corvaius, Oregon, Notice for Publication. Land Office at Roskbubq. Or.. Nov. 1 1809. Notice is hereby eiven that the following-named settler baa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof 1 1 l... i. ... 17 : .'i ... . . . . of Benton county, Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on ALONZO H. RYCEAFT, on H. B. No. 8408, for the W. 1 NW1, NWJf, SW1 Sec. 8 T. 14 S., R. 7. W. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: L. U. lieadriclc, W. J. Headrick, O. T. vernu n, m. i. union, oi Aisea, vregon. J. T. BRIDGES, ... Register. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs or colds. It is unequaled for whooping cough Children all like it," writes H. N. Wil- iams, Centry ville, Ind. Never fails ; it is tne only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Gra ham & Wells. - For Sale or Exchange. One hundred and eighteen lots, in half and whole blocks, in the original town of Newport, that health ful and beautiful summer resort, in Lincoln comity, Oregon; some business lots; residence lots near the principal churches, school house, and other resi dences; also residence lots commanding beautiful views ol ocean ana Day. Fire fractional blocks, south of and near the State Agricultural College; all completely tiled, streets thrown up and graded; beautiful, convenient ana nealtniui lor residence. Large dwelling, barn and outhouses, centrally loeatea on roomy ana commodious grounds, Corvallis; will exchange for farm near Corvallis. Twenty acres highly improved, all tile drained. and in good state of cultivation; excellent roomy buildings; about one-fourth mile from Agricultural wiiege. . Large and roomy house and stable and lot in Cor vallis, good residence, two blocks from the Cour tiouse; mgn, roiling ground. Eight nice residence lots, thoroughly tile drained, ui n n.nin auuiuiia w liorvaiiw. One lot and hotel, Tbe Vincent House, on Front nreet, in irvauis, centrally loeatea. ' Seventy-three acres, 8 in orchard, 18 in wheat, balance in grubs, timber and pasture; situate west, adjoining the Odd Fellows Cemetery, near Corvallis. Will - exchange the ' town property named for suitable farm or acreage property; or will exchange the acreage property described., for town property or other farms or acreage; or will seU any or ail of said property on reasonable terms and time at rea sonable rates and prices. M. S. WOODCOCK. . Corvallis, Oregon. " V4-. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE' D Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Aaron sending- a sketch and description may BlekJT ascertain oar oolnton free whether an ejniokJy ascertain oar opinion free whether an lnventK Invention la crobsbly patentable. Oommunloa. tioDsstnauyeonnaentuu. nanaooosonr'atenu eat free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Hunn A Co. receive special tunes, wimout cnarge, m ius Scientific American haadsoaaly ilmrtraled weekly. Largest olr. latlon of any sctsoUSo Journal. Terms, SS a ir; four months, 11. Sold by all newsdealers. UNN & Co "r; New York Branch OlBce, 63D T Bt, WashiDfftoo. S. C. "Iam indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my health and life. It cured me of lung trouble following grippe." Thousands owe their life to the prompt action of this never failing remedy.' It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents con sumption. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Graham & Wells. 01? for S2. j n nrrarnnrai A NOTICE. Persons desiring to locate on timber claims tributary to the C. & E. K. K. would do well to call on "or correspond with the undersigned. There is a num ber o( first-clang timber claims to be taken up under the timber or homestead acts. W. L. CLARK, Gates, Marion Co., Or. Locator. The modern and most effective cure for constipation and all liver troubles the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Gral run & Wells. Dilley Tae t.i.t is now prepared to do all kinds of bi cycle repairing, enameling, varnishing, etc Besides being a champion "fixer' of the Willamette valley, he carries a full line of bicycle sundries and supplies. His shop is the headquaretrs for wheel men. Pay him a visit. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit and worthless 8f!ve offered for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. DeWit'8is the only oiiginal and infallible cure for piles and all skin diseases. Graham & Wells. WANTED Baled hay. Enquire at Howell's old .tand. G. H. Appleton. Justice of Peace, Clarksburg, N. J., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made for constipation. We use no others.' Quickly cure all bowel and liver troubles Graham & Wells. For Sale. The E H of Sec 25, Tp 10 S, R 6 W, containing 360 acres ; price, $1,300. Terms, $800 cash; balance, mortgage. Apply at this office. " , L. T. Travis, Agent Southern K. K. Sclina, Ga., writes, "I cannot sav too much in praise of One Minuta Cough uure. la my case it worked like a charm." The only . harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. ' Graham & Wells. jfroi. w , a. Uinn, teacher of piano, organ, guitar and theory of mnsic Special work iu voice culture. Latest and best methods. Call at Graham & Wells for terms, etc. , Lewis Dennis, Salem. Ind., says. "j&.odol .Dyspepsia Cure did me more good ithan anything I ever took." It digests what you eat. and cannot help but cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles Graham & Wells. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as executor af the estate of K. C. Gibson, deceased, has. filed his final account in said estate in the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, and Monday, the 5th day of February, A. I). 1900, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the county court room in the court house in Corvallis. Benton County, Ore eon, is the time and place set for hearing ob jections, if any, to said final account and the settlement tnereot. Bated this 4th day of January. 1900. k. is. U1BSON, Executor lof the Estate of R. C Gibson. De ceased. - F. B. Thirkield, Health Inspector of Chicago, says, "Kodol Dvspepsia Onre cannot be recommended t o highly. cured me of severe d-s.iepeia." It di gests what you eat and ures indigestion heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia, Graham & Wells. Notice for Publlction. Land Office at Oregon Citt, Oregon, - , December 9, 1899. Notice is hereby given that- the followintr-nimed settler has filed notice of his iutention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Defore tne county UlerR 01 Ittnton (Jounty, at uorvams, Oregon, on January Z4, iuu, viz: JOHNATHAN J. CARTER, a R No. 11,284. for the Si of NW1 and Nl of SW1 01 sec. zu, 1. 10 a ei it. 0 w. He names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous reeidence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Eueene M. Podele. Frank Seabrooks and John Bmith, all ox wells, Oregon, and laylor J. Miller, 01 lungs v alley, Oregon. RHAS. B. MOORES. Register. J. I. Beavery, Loganton, Pa., writes, I am willing to take my oath that I was cured of pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed. It also cured my children of v hooping cough." Quickly relieves and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and thtoat and lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. Graham & Wells. EAST and SOUTH YIA THE SHASTA ROUTE or THE Southern Pacific Companv. EXPRESS 1RAIM XVK BAILT. 7:09 P. M. I Lear. Portland Arrlrs Albanj Arrlrs 8. Franeisoa Leave 8:0 a. M. 4:1 A. M. 12:1 P. M. I Leav. 7:45 A. H. I Arrive 7:M e. M 5:0 P. M. 6:05 P. M. 6:40 A. H. 8:15 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Arrive Ogden Arrive Arrive Denver Leave Arrive Omaha Arrive Arrive Chicago Leave Arrive Los Angeles Ar. 1:10 P. M. 0:45 P. H. 8:50 A. M 6:30 P. M :25 A. M 8:15 P.M. I 2:35 P. M. 4:15 P. M. Ariive ti raso Arrive Arrive Ft. Worth Arrive I 8:40 A. M. 7:55 A. M. Arrive N. OrleansArrive 8:40 P. M. Dining Oars. Observation Cars. Pullman First-Class and Tourist cars attached to all through trains. Through Tourist Cars to Chicago with' oat change. - KeseWg Mail Daily. 8:36 A. M. I Lear Portland' Albany Roubura- Arrive I 4:3 P. V Arriv)12:MP. Leave I T:3 A. 113 P. M. I Lmts 6:2t r. M. 1 Arrive Vetttia Sbbln. Coryallis Mail. Daily Except Sunday. 7:30 A. M, I T,are j A wo Portland Corrallis arrive Leave :6 P. SI 11:55 P. . 1:6 P. M At Albany and Corvallis com re c with train, of Us uorvaius 01 .easier u nan way. Independence Pass. Daily Except Sun, :59 P.M. Laave Portland Arrive I S:K A. M. Arrivo MeMlvaviHe Leave t:M A. H. Arrive Indtpondeaco Leare 4.5 A. It. :3 P. M. :S P, M. Direct connection t Fan Francisco with steamship lines for HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA, the PHILIPPINES, and AUS- TKAILIA. .., - R.KOESLER, C H. MARKHAM, .. Maeager. O. F. & P. A. . . i JBHrtlamd, Or. For through tickets and rates call on A. S. Penee, S. L. Hays, Depot Ag't, City Ticket Ag't, Comllia.Or. Corvallis, Or, ONLY ONE WEEK MORE JANUARY 1900. Will you help us to make it our largest January week's business? Don't answer until you scan the price list quoted below, and then see the . goods. After that if you think we don't deserve your help in trying to beat our sales record we won't ex pect to get it. We have tried to make this store an object lesson in the right kind of dry goods selling. We are trying harder than ever right now. Our stock is complete, our qualities reliable, our prices attractive, our store service the best we know how to make it We ask your patronage on these points of merit. ladies' Dress Skirts in Black, Navy and Fancy Worsted at $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00. Kid Gloves at $1.00 and $1.25. W. B. Corsets at 90c, and $1.00 Tomson's Glove Fitting Corsets at $1 and $1.25. Ladies' fine Shoes at Fifty cents on the Dollar at S T ITT 1NP WHITE J-. IYJ111, "" HOUSE REGULATOR OF LOW PRICES. QinuinnjinnninnjxiwnrinjTJv hnrAMTiPiii' rMiai 1 "inw I w l W1XI ls 1 Lad es, if 7h desire a transpasent, li ... r av ii Use Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. 1 ue only reliable beautifier of the catuplexioti, skia and form known. In tbe ! , direction for wkicb they are imtended. their effect is slmol v magical. Th most t j astounding transformation in personal steady use. Possessiue the WIZARD'S , beauty of form by surely developing a 1 complexion, snnpeiy contour ot lorm, I where, by nature, the reverse exists. PULSIVE Skin marred by FRECKLES, MOTH, BLACKHEADS, PIMPLES 1 and VULGAR REDNESS. YELLOW AND MUDDY skin, and ether FACIAL 1 DISFIGUREMENTS, are permanently removed and a deliciously clear and ! rennea complexion assured, ennaiicing extravagant expectations. Ladles, You Can Be Beautiful, J!.AMMfa ... w 1 auuguiEtuEuu .uujr D5 jrwtt uu nu Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Used by men the results are equally favorable. Price small box so cents L,arge box fi.oo er special order of six u iuc. yiaiu vuvci n ictcipi 01 me auovs amount, write lor Circular free 3 , PABISIAK X5UTJO- CO.. ? 131 Diru-rinruinTuiJTruTnxuTnjxru Depart TIME SCHEDULES. Arrive Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha Kansas City, St. Louis, Ch i e a g e and Bast. Fast Mail 8 p. in. - Fast Mail 6:45 p.m. Walla Walla. Lew iston, S p o k a ne, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago, and East. Spokane. Fiver 3:45 p.m. Iyer 8 a. m. Ocean Steamshlos- AH - sailing dates subject to change. For San Francisco, Sail Dec. 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28, & every 8 p, m. 4 p. m. 6 days. Dailv Ex. Sun. 8. p. m.J Saturday, 10 p. m. Columbia River Steamer. To Astoria & way landing. 4 p. m. Except Sunday Willamette River. Oregon City, New berg, Salem, and Way-landings. 6 a. in. Ex. Sun. 4 :30 p. m. Except Sundav 7 a. m. Tuesday- Willamette and Yam hill Rivers. . Oregon City, Day ton & Way-land's. 3:30 p.m Monday W ednes- Thursday and day and S aturday Friday. 6 a. m. Willamette River. Portland to Corval lis & Way-land's. 4:30p.m. Monday, T uesday, T hursd'y W ednes- and SaturJ'y. d a y and inaay, Leave Ripari . Snake River. Eipaiia to Lewis'n. Leave L ewiston 1 .20 a. Daily. Daily 8:3 0 a m ELMER CLARK, City Ticket Agent. MR. THAYER, Local Agent. & Eastern Railroad. TIME CARD. 2 For Yaquina: Tram leaves Aioanr iz:4o p. m. it K " Corvallis 1 :55 p. m. arrives Yaquina 7:25 p. m. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina. ... 6:00 a. m. Leaves Corvallis. . . . 11:30 a. m. Arrives Albany .... 12:15 p. in. For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. Arrives Detroit .... 11:30 a. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. in. Arrives Albany .... 5:45 p. no. One and tvro connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacific trains, giving direct service to and from : . Newport and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam river th- samedar. . - . ----- Edwin Stojte, H. L. Walden, Manager. T.F.&P.A. H. H. Cbonise. Aeent. Corvallin - For Sale, Urge Eighth Meiium" i""" Job Pf C33 IN ruin 5 clear and freak ctnplexiu, appearance is brought about br their c TOUCH in orodncincr transparency and pellucid clearness oft Dnlliaut eyes, soft and smooth skin, 1 Even the COARSFST and MOST RE-! a bady'a loveliness beyond her mastl 1 no matter whs you are or what vourJ if , . yuurseu as nanaseme as any lady fa tot 1 large boxes $5.00. Sent to any address I Montgomery Street, San Francisco. 2 "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHOR.N, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whia kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigar. THEHHSTPTIOJIilLBill OF Does a general and conservative banking, business. C. B. Cauthobk. 1 K. H. Tatlok- CAUTHORN & TAYLOR dentists. Dentistry of every description done in first . wana maimer, ana satlslaction anteed. guar- CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK 1 SPECIALTl Office over Zierolf's grocery store, opposite the post office, Corvallis. Oregon. E. tt. BRYSOK, l WTAniTTITT 1 m -w i w. mmm a i law Corvallis, Oregon. Office In Zierolf building. "r G. R. FARRA, M. D Office corner Second and Jefferson over Graham & Wells' drugstore. " Residence on Third street ia frert ol courthouse. Office hoars 8 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 9 aid 7 to 3 p. m. All calls attended Dromotlv. . - 7 J w Onion Laundry Go., POBTLAHD, OK. All white laber work guaranteed. Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arriTea Satnrdays. J. D. MANN, Arnt Seeond-Hand Stere. - KAILEOAD, THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado lltlJ nil T1 J. T t uu tux xiasiern romts GllC CTT-ice cf favorite routes, via the Rio Grande Scenic Lines. Look at the Time . days to Salt Lke days to Denver . days to Chcaon - - . - to- Free Reclinine Chair Cars. TTni,i.fjr Tourist Sleeping Cars, and Pat... CI. ... .' ' trains. : - ...-...-..:-....,. I?.-. For fuither infoitvation. ann vtn 7 GEO. F. EG LIM,' Agent, Corvallia, Or. i U. lBUKY. W. E. COMA XT. m Trav. Pass. Airf. ' rtntt a - . lgE4U 124 Third St, Portlaxd, Or.