Union gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1899-1900, November 10, 1899, Image 4

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-1 mwil
' l ' mm - " ' if N. - v - . 'VC JT-V-iV,
; T by its. own inherent poWer ?.withc)ut, cnanging. oT - . ,
' ' --' Thus the:hot-breads, hotrrqlls and murrins ana : ' , . ?
' - iTlicldus
: Baing pbwderre Wholesome
'1. K
Looking, glasses.
v Backs of Mott Hcdtra- Mirrors
"Hot? Ia looklntf-glaag' made?" was
' the quaation recently ,'putT tfj a.-wrlter
f;; fo;'thV' Washington Star to a large
, . manufactorer of mirrors in' Nfew TorlJ.
r. t 'WeUjreplld the mannfacturer,.
"most of tna, glass- iisea ia mis iraae
Is prepared ,fr as,;4oldltii factory,
and we merely cuCbCyel. and . silver it
- In our works. AH the beyeis are cut
' r tin the same way, first with sand and
. - water,- then on an: emery ; wheel and
' afterward put through several. proces-
es to brlng-bacX'1h;poIlsiur"v?Yf5
. ; "Great improvements have been mnde
"- - la this line of business In the last six
teen yea"rs. Formerly It took two or.
- . tnrWjjlays from- the time Work waa.be-:
r mn An o mlinvtp W 1 1 pnilM Vm fin
': - ished. Nowadays we can get the glass
i inthe morning and mate it into a look-:
Ing-glass perfectly finished and ready
tor sale before night. -V W make all
sizes, from the smallest hand-glass of
2 by 4 Inches, to a mirror 10 by 20 feet,
's ... or even- larger, and we have; a capae-
Ity Of Earning out 3,000, feet a day. y
si" : "Not inany years SgO'tbe "backs ' oj
-; How sheets of pure silver are. used Jn
v stead. - The old looking-glass reflected
-. ea-dr 66 per ent of the light that-ell
upon It; the modern? mirror venects
nearly S5 per cent The mercury look-
-lng-glass. was very liable orub off;
heat and - cold also affectedfit; , tbe
quicksilver would crack op melt, and
, thus the beauty of th glass wouli be
spoiled. None of thesa (dangers threat
en the silvered mirror. Besides, mir
rors, those engaged; la this line of busi
ness cut a great-deal of bewled glass
Tor dows and -wjadows." In fine build
ings this- i largely taking the place of
stained glass. -'
f" -TtuT wrnnilnrfnl aAvsinh maiin In the F
.Science of. farming during tBe'lftBt few
years ia one of the best examples ot
i American progressiveness. " A little in
- cident Tepounted , by the Ashtabula
, (Ohio) Sentinel ts characteristic; One
" evening.a short time' agoy a society in
"'Jefferson needed A 'gallon -of cream.
the .proprietors .g :i&)emmmp&
. ' miles north of the fewny tif
they eould fum "
-.bat they co-
th their
iCted weekly
tourist -cars
ucted excur-
;h the illus-
ted weekly, periodicals: viz. Lifei.
Pock,; Judget'vJBeslie's,'. Harper's and
iJUluafcatfed London News, fresh' each
V --WeekA-fbr the free use of their Da.trtms'''
i. They are placed in substanital binders, .
lyfoperly marked with name of periodi
cal, etd. ;;..;'; :c .V-'V
' This Is" a distinctive feature of - the
r," vrt arisM
wl no doubt. he much appelated by
the traveling public. -The Rock Island
- -f-
uuuiar. . . . i . ..-..,:-
Jrwr.all information in regard to
Bock) Island personally conducted ex
cursions to all points East, write to A.
E. .CJooper, G. A. P. D., 246 Washing
. ton Sy Portland, Oregon. - ... .
, When jSineveh and Babylon were in
.- the splendor of their - might men in
- China were predicting eclipses making
catalogues and giving names to .the
stars, ' But .Nineveh and Babylon were
mere mounds of earth and rubbish
when China was great, and to this date
: the civilization and life of the empire
- is the -wonder of the world. ' i -
Home demand absorbs almost all the
street cars our-Jjuilders can turn out,
so that the export trade in this line has
been- temporarily abandoned. , One or
. two export houses in New Tork, how
ever have been 'doing a lively busines
in second hand horse cars, a large num
ber going to Mexico. : :
ordinance has been passed in
West Palm, Florida, forbidding females
to enter saloons.
A sign of politeness in Thibet on
masting a person is to hold up the
clasped hands and stick out the tongoa,
ties liot foiiK4 ir 9
Royal Baking Powder leavens the
hot ncldle-cates raised
r'c ; Mwn, baking powder? are low pnced. aft alum costs but .,
: : , two cents pound 5 but alum is a corrosive poison ana
' -; ' if renders the baUng powder dangerous, to use m food.
1 ' Shoulif WomeBySnrake.
have no" earthly objiction to woman
smoking; only, if they do smoke, they
should smoke seriously. Most of them,
just fool a " little with a cigarette
Now,' that scarcely amounts to smoking
at all. - If -they really mean it, let
them take to . cigars and pipes.'.; 1 know
a dignified bid lady, a Polish countess
what is her name? oh welli Thing
amojisky it ends .in "laky, '. anyhow
and I respect that woman. She gen
uinely smokes r and no mistake about
it. There is no playing there! She
looks on'it as a sacred dnty.-K She has
a long pipe -with a wooden stem and
the-bark on,- and . a fine big - bowl a
regular' man's pipe.. When she was
visiting me, she just ..loaded up and
smoked, and loaded up and smoked,
and loaded up and smoked again. She
meant business. I know another lady
who has a long Turkish pipe, and, she,
too, - means business. - If women are
ever to be genuine smekors,- that is the
way they; must go, to work.-pMark
Twain, -r-- --- ' " v.- .
; In Germany the capital for carrying
on the pawnshops by the municipal au-
rthorities is derived either from: the city
treasury or. the city savings ; bank,
which is usually operated in ; connec
tion with the pawnshops.,- The articles
offered, in pawn irre valued f by sworn
appraisers.- , ' J :;' v. -;
jf . ;V 'Info"!" f Fabllo.; - ?
" In selecting vour route ' to the East
you cannot' afford,' to overlook the ad
vantages - sail comforts'-offered by the
Rio Grande Western-' Hallway in con-
eetion witii the- Deader j& - Rio Grandel
on (l TVitnrado MirUanH Tjiliyailll.' t ill
: the only, transcontinental. liirSpaastiig
in addition toheiljaipse it affords of
I the Teiffp'j city, the Great Salt Lake.;
DJiiMfiSit palace, and' the picturesque
i Dtab .yalley, it offers choice of six dis
tinct routes to the ast and the most
magnificent soenery in the world. A
double daily .train service and through
Pullman palace' and ordinary sleeping!
cars, free ' reclining chair cars and a
perfect dining , car ervioe are now in
operation vm tfiesa 4mes.
iA'ilansneld," general ;;en'.35Wssh-
ington street,
.! Kroner?. .ltitnd. nnMne and air.
v?onstitute the factors which are rapid
ly making' Colorado thv health ahdfcfgia bTdrnmiita,
pleasure grounds of the Vorld-- Ti rVW
Hem thBnil nhinni SKT iav tf the I
.ge year,, ana uieniju wi xpe
electrio mountain, air to pftxiw
xe j mascnifsa-: in.- ne Known
jno pen M3pprtray, no brush
Picture tbeWieRtie grandeur oMrTS VT J. '
b scenery akauff the line of the Denver
Kio .frand Railroad in ' Colorado.
'aryiBsgoitng JEast should travel ' via
BUdw wiiMjn . b xiiowa an over we
jnu-.as me scemo une or tne world,
For any infonnation regarding rates,.
time tabies,eto. call on or address R.
C. Kichol, general agent, '251 Wash-,
ington street, :,Portlandr 0 dr any
agent of the OS Rv & St., Co., ot South
ern Pacific Company,
- The -Swedes are probably the tallest
people in Europe, . and ioave, on the
whole, erect, .hahdsome- figures.: To
some extent this ; advantage, is due to
physical exercise, for Ling's Swedish
gymnastics are compulsory in the - ele
mentary schools, ' andt much used - in
other sehools and colleges. : ' ' - :
; '.' The. ' United States silk flag offered
by German . Typographic rNcv6, Cleve
land, to the union securing the largest
number of . cash subscribers for the
Citizen: was won by; the Granite Cut-
ters', union.
. The queen of Saxony possesses four 1
sapphires, equal in. size and beauty to
the one . that '.glows in the crown of
England. 5 The favorite wives of the
shah of Persia and sultan of Turkey
wear turquoises the like of which no
western qneen can boast!
v - V- : . "' t:;
Every workman in . the building
trades of Bantoir, Pa., is on a' strike
to enforce - their -wage scale and work
tag rules. Every job ; is tied up, all
work being stopped oh fair and unfair
work alike.- '"i. : -: . --r '
There -aire still four widows of reVo-
i lutionary soldiers on the pension rolls
of the government at Washington. At
this rate the United States will be pay
ing pensions to soldiers of the civil
war or their widows well on in the last
quarter of the coming century and to
soldiers or their widows- of .the Spanish-American
war nearly to the close of
the first quarter of the twenty-first cen
tury., .v :--.: ..:
The Boot and Shoe Workers' Na
tional Union will begin the publica
tion on January I, of a journal to be
devoted to the interests of tbe craft. ,-
-si inferior;
b the Rbyak
: ?
S'J.is$ (A; Twin Chlek:ei.;- - .X..
Twentyrfive dollars tor a pair of
spring -.- chickens is a liberal- price, yet
a Massachusetts farmer; rejected it.
His pair 'of chickens, he thinkr, , are
quite unique, for 'ttiey are -twins,' five
weeks old, and it is said that two
chickens born from a single egg, have
never before-been proved to live beyond
eight days. ' : The buff brahma - hen laid
rather a large egg, but no onet , -thought
much, about it until one morning the
farmer saw- two bills Instead of one
trvine to "break out ot' the shell. -' He
quickly removed the egg to tho kitchen,
ej&icated the twin chicks, wrapped
them, in cotton batting and placed them
in , tho Oven. For three weeks the
chickens -'were-' kept in doers on a diet
of . . malted milk and brandy dropped
down, their throats : with a medicine
dropper. . The- twins are .now hale and
hearty and run ' about the yard as vig
orously .as - any of their comrades:
Oie peculiarity, however, distinguishes
them from their mates.? They are-' ex
clusive little aristocrats - and- neither
of -them will associate, with -any other
chicken except his twin.'sij:.-
,f Aldse.approves a suggesn re-j
cently made5 by "Comptroller Wolf for a
solution, pf . the problem of the rate of
fare to be charged by- the Milwaukee
Electrio Railway and Light Company .
Mri.TVolf suggested that a'- 4-cent fare
be i - ciarged lor: a- single trip without
transfer privileges, and that - a 5-oent
fare .be charged when the -passenger de
sired a transfer.- This-, plan, has been
adopted In .Cleveland, i: ..;.-'
IS , -'--r :; '" '-"'." 7
rno assessors oi Montreal are naving
no little discussion with the street rail
way company, the Hell Telephone Com
pany and other, large companies, as to
the' machinery tax. ; The street railway
company has now; through its lawyer,
informed the assessors, tha it does not
consider .any tax can be legally plaeed
upon its poles,- rails,- etc. . ' ..' ; i '
100 REWARD 100.
. t
Tbremdent(thlg tmr 'will be leaed to
learn lbat4hre Is at least one dreadad diKaiia
that science has peeo able to cure m all its
cages, and tb at is eatarrta. .Ball's Catarrh Cure
in the only Dositive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional di-
ease., requirea a constitunonal treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upou the blood. and"mucons surfaces
ot the, system, thereby: destroying; the founda
tion of the disease: and rivine the natient'
strength Jy huildini up -the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro-
dtwhki ostvq wuGs ium iu Jta curative
powers, that they offer OuO Bund red Dollars
Jot aj case that it fails to cure. Bend for list
of jaattmontals. Address. ..-
is are the best ; ,.'-,; ..4'
" . -'- .
The California state board of health
urges a' strict - qnarahtine against conr
sisamptives aa being much more danger
10ns than those afnicted . with smallpox
. -
caCvecc am in rlemanrl in New
YorKJad,. the. trade is booming, ' Mem
bere4Df thtera-sare 'coming from Lon
dor to seonre -'wq4,".!';-'-; -"i . k : ;-r ' .
, . The man "' who ndefcins all 'others
'. , : i -amproTed. Train. KquljtmeilW 'r .
i The Q. B. .& N.' and .Oregon tliort
Line have added a buffet,. emokirtt
Jibrary car to their .Portland-Chicago
through train, and a dining' car servicer
has been inaoguarated. The trswi iiri
equippeu witn tne .jateet) oliair cars,
day- coaches and luxurious first-class
and ordinary sleepflis," Direct connec
tion 'made at Granger with Union Pa-cififl.'-and
at .Ogden- with Rio Grande
Hrw:trom all points' in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eesiein cities.
For information, rates, ."et;J call 'on
any -C It & N. agent, or, address . W;
H. Burlburt, General Passenger Agent,
P-owtjaucCy'v;'..'. .-' ' ?.yv-; . Ji--; . ;-"y.
. "4 tratla paper mentions? that another
new molding. -machine has ..been per
fected, by the operation of which three
men can . do the work of some 60 odd
mechanics. ' --'-1
The : Painters' and Decorators.' union
of San. Francisco inaugurated a sched
ule providing for $3 per day of eight
hours.; .The employers have .accepted
the union's terms."-; 7 , ; .-' -
- ; The recent raise of 28 per cent of the
wages of the employes of the Atlantic
Ga.) Railway" & Power : Company,
without solicitation,: is commendable.
Only mmerciai' houses that have
paid taxes for the privileges can do
business through agents in Russia.
Traveling men are also obliged to pay
individual" taxes for permission to sell
goods as . representatives of these
houses, whether they are domestic
Or foreign enterprises: - -
'. It is averred by .a famous Chinese
doctor that nervousness is kept out of
the Celestial . Empire by the use of soft
soled shoes. The . hard soles worn by
the Anglo-Saxon race are said to be the
causa of their extreme nervous tem
perament ! -
I vuxix ., Vj,lhcj)- a-suceeaatan of imllnterruDted
i t -
Th Prlo.ce of Wales Carrier jPollciea
Anretattaf JO.OOO.OOO-HU Death
Would BeneA Many J"ero'u Ootaide
of Bis Q-mt ITamilr. '
. . . i. . )- ' -
'. tSIt
A big insurance man told me recently
InCiew Lork that tbe Prince of Wales
was the. heaviest risk of any patron of
the Insurance business, and that his
death . would cost. English, German, I
Igreneh and American companies not, J:
.:,TTess jhan 10,000,000.
.."iso omer person carries au per.ent.
of Vthat insurance," ha said, "but com
paratively little of It Is for the, beneBf
of his family; perhaps not more than
li.OOO.OOO.' .Some years ago large poli
cies were taken' but by his creditors, as
aecurltyfofhioney loaned. IFhe should
eer pay his debts they would of course
revert to him, and might be carried for
thel benefit of his family, but his "pre
mtama, like the premiums on. all of the
royaLfamllies of Europe, are very high
much higher than- those paid by pri
vate individuals for the same amount
of' insurance." f -r - . ":
-.. It is. a curious- fact," continued my
Insurance friend.- who 'spends a good
deal of his time !n England 'that $2,
000,000 or j3.000.000 of Insurance, per
haps more than.' that, lias been' placed
on the life of the Prlnceef Wales as a
speculation :by perSonswho do ; not
knOWvblm and have never, had any re
latlpnis with htm whatever. This would
not b0 possible under the insurance
laws of the United States, but it is al
lowed ,by some of the English, compa
nies. '; OTer there ahy man icah secure
a policy on the life of a neighbor, pro
.rlded; he can persuade the neighbor to
submit to a medical examination or
find a company which, has 'recently bad
him examined- Thus when .the Prince
of Wales undergoes an examination for
insurance lots of. speculators, apply to
the same company for policies on his
life." or a-et cerrJfled cobles of .the re
port of the medical examiner and" usj
' them with other - companies. ; : It ' fs a
pure speculationi.- They pay a high pi-e
mtum, a margin,, so to speak, or, to put
it In another-Vway,' they book a wager
with the insurance comri.inles that the
Prince 'wllj die before the total of their
premiums exceeds the amount- st the
policy. - Therefore, ; many persons
- would be finahcially benefited If Albert
Edward should drop off suddenly;, one
of . those fine'days. ' The Prince is per
fectly aware of this fact He knows
very- well what' advantages have been
taken of bis situation, but I do not sup-
pose Itfnakes any difference with his
habltr.".- - . - V"
' "Are kings generally lastired?" I rs'Il-
ed. . , " '-'I;
j-Hea. most of them, but they are not
regarded as a good risk, and companies
that carry-She policies do not advertise
the fact any more than necessary. -It
injures rather than benefits them. The
late Emperor Frederick, father of the
present Kaiser, carried nearly $5,000,
000 of insurance, which is about all the
money his widow has to live on, for
her. pension from the German -'govern-'
tnent- is small. ' - FredIck was consid
ered first-class: risk. - He was. a man
of robust health, splendid stature, with
a, . l l n .1 ... 1 LikU 1
a an athlete; but all at
once .a cancer was adlscovered, -.-which
he doubtless inherited rom his grand-
motber the - beautiful Queen ; Louisa,
and he,' failed vrapldl. v The " present
Kaiser; Is not. considered jgood. rjsk,
xnis is quire as mucn oecause or nis
constttntlonal defects as for ppHtical
consi4eraitjon8, but fbr-obvlous reasons
ho company would decline an applica
tion .from him for .insurance.' ' , - '"
'. "I understand the Queen of Spain is
heavily lcsuredr ,; J. . ;..4 !'; ; y ;
"i'es, that is supposed "to be the case,
although little Is known about It, and
the prevailing impression is that m6st
of her policies are in American compa
nies, which; have agencies in Madrid.
Alfonso XII., her husband, was lns'ted
in several French and. English cc-nga-nles
some say , to the extent , of , ?3i
000,000, but l do. not know the eita?t
amount" W4 E.. Curtis,, rta . Chlp
Record. . '; i '' : '- y ' y -.' l y J-
f i Oiattnotton In. UmbrellaajF-! ;
-; . it Is no;new thing to hear that China
was "ahead of the rest of the wolid m
invention.,' Even the umbrella owu its
existence, we are told, to the genius
of the Chinese or Japanese, j It ift eald-
to nave Deen copieo rrom a shade-civ
Ingjtree, ind' at .first received, rhej iam:
veneration accoraea ; to ' the .tree- of
which. it was a copy. - j -j '-.; :
: Great dignitaries were allowed o atP
pear' in public seated Under (daprella
canopies, and later these canbpiei were
made portable, uhtU h regular smes of
court regulations for" tbp carriage" of
umbrellas became necessary. - JBy the
umbrella '.a; Chinese gentleman is al
lowed to carry, one-who JsVinl tlated
can tell his rank. The common people
may use an "nmbrella tf It-V not, made
of cloth or; silk, but only. ofpaper. ;
xi in tjnina one sees a procession
headed by two enortnousr silk umbrel
las, be may be assured that a governor
general of a province oa military offi
cer !of the first ran is coming behind
theiv . , ' . ', . -'' :'. ' .''-. J- s .
The grandeur of a royal procession:
or 'religious demonstration .Is denoted
t by the number of umbrellas which are
cttrrledi It Is said that formerly, when
the. emperor went hunting, he had to
be'Areceded by twenty-four umbrellas,
It hardlj seina asilCthe hunt could
have beea'rjJ!ceasruL iv ;. .
A utencan -Ho;
impowatHjus irom , Americawsit.e4
caused the horse raisers ef Holsteln- to
Suffer much of late. A stock company
has been : fof nied In Berlin for the ex
press purpose of importing horses from
the United ; States. The ' Americans
have succeeded in breeding a horse
"which compares very favorably In
every way with the Holsteln animal,
especially In those points so highly
prised in a work horse, namely, broad
hips . and large build generally. The
best ; markets- for Holsteln horses has
always been the" provinces of Sasfony,
Tnurlngla and Brunswick. The de
ma&d is created by the large sugar fac-:
tories, - This market has been decreas
ing of late, owing to American horses
being purchased In Berlin. A few days
ago, - this Berlin "company shipped a
drove of eighty through Hambure en
route for Milan, Italy, where they are
to'bd used" on "the tramways. Almost
every week, a long freight train filled
.with American horses leaves the Ber
liner Bahnhof for various parts of Ger
many. In spite of expensive freight
and a tariff of $7 per head, the Ameri
cans, have bnQt up' a . very, respectable
competition In the German market ' -
. Chinese Hiatory la Anient. -
The authentic hiatory and biography
of China la doubtless the oldest in the
world, even antedating that of the
Jews. Those familiar with 1U chronol
ogy state Uiat it embraces- a period
from: the year 122 of our, era back to
Jtb remt yesriod of 2.C97 yers before
ChrhrttfThe Jhlawlans of Chto
erles lofmore than 2,400 years. -The
full and continuous history of the em
pire-was compiled in the second cen
tury of out era. ' - .- - -:';-;
. The . great libraries of Pekin contain
volumes . of - books numbered by the
hundreds of thousands. In the archives
of the government are Btill to be found
the ancient predictions of eclipses made
wkh . great accuracy, together with
works on astronomy which show' a fair
knowledge of that interesting science.
Biographers, ' very succinctly written,
of , the emperors of the most ancient
dynasties still exist, and written works
ot learned men are as voluminous as
those of .European nations. And all this
learning and love of learning has been
acquired without help or suggestion
from any foreign people. ; If their au
thentic, histories reach back to naiiy
five -cenrturles ago mythical history
reaches still farther back Into the very
night of time.7'' - - i '- :- . .C . -'
'TvrrhemNlneveil'and Babylon were in
the splendor of their might.- men in
Chlna were predicting eclipses, making
catalogues and giving names to the
stars. But Nineveh and Babylon were
mere" mounds" of earth and rubbish
when China was great- and to this date
the civilization and life of the empire
la the wonder Of the world, - i -k ..
.'; A railway win be built up the-Rax
Alp, which la 6,400 "feet high,
C Some authorities bold to the idea that
a child's disposition is largely governed
by his diet citing the gentleness of the
rlce-eatlng races against the quarreling
mest-eattng children as proof.
The figures given in the London Coal
and IrOn Trades Review show that of
the! world's pig iron product of 1898
784 per cent was' converted into steeL
In 1S68 only 4 per cent of the world's
pig iron product was applied to : the
manufacture of steel, y J T
r.;Verrazano, an Italian navigator, Is
said by Sweetser, In his White Moun
tain Guide, to have been the first Euro
pean to speak of having seen the White
Mountains. Cruising along the coast
northeast " from the present site of
Portsmouth m the year 1524, he saw
"high mountains within the land."
They appeared on maps published as
early as 1529. ..; ' ; . '
y Members of the engineering corps of
the-United States army, have Jcleared
the Paslg River of a number of stone
laden canoes which were sunk' to close
the channel. ; The total yalue of the
property recovered bythe engineers is
estimated at $750,000. Maps and topo
graphical sketches of - the country
around Manila were made ,f or the use
of the army commanders, and the sur
veys were frequently made under fire.
Dr. Francis H. WUlIams, of Boston,
says that when it becomes, customary
to. examine the chest with the X-rays
deaths from heart failure without pre
vious warning will be less --common.
The jaysnot only enable the physician
to dftermlne the size 'Of the heart, but
with their, aid he ciii 'also follow Its
movements .-'in'health and - disease.
which has hot before been possible.
Suclf examinations are also useful In
casS of incipient consumption. With
proper precautions taken no harm heed
be feared from X-ray examination.
iAs V tn the -case ..of thC-ays, 4t-Js
possible that one of the. earliest prac
tical -uses-of liquid air . will he in sur
gery.;.. Already experiments have Indi
cated that & spray of liquid air can be
applied as fa local, anesthetic, but the
application should never be made ex
cept by an experienced operator. in a
minute a small part of the body can be
frozen as bard as Ice, and surgical oper
ations conducted with the aid of liquid
air are attended with no hemorrhages.
In the Medical Record Dr. A. C. White
describes, various . experiments with
liquid air, V Including the successful
treatment of such diseases as sciatica,
neuralgia and IVy-polsoiilng. Bolls and
carbuncles ean-be aborted with liquid
air, land it is useful in the treatment of
i-.nlcers.vx-vr-. .-H'-'k' "; ':.. ; .'.
'- According 4o )the conclusions of Mr.
Ai H.'; Keane, : a -weU:knownr English
ethnologist : hefirst J-creatureg; that
could properly ..be galled men appeared
on., the- earth in what geologists know
as ,;tne- Pliocene f, peiaou, ,.touiwmm
about a mIlllon.years ago.;; The precur-
SOT OT'han, ;air.. .uie , muiikb, ; wm
some such ape-llks -creature as-;-the
Pithecantyropus erectus, discovered by
Df. !Dubpis n J aval a lew; years ago,
"Four varieties of men were developed
hiomo n.rniopicuB iu a-inca soucn oi
the equator. Homo Mongollcus In Cen
tral Asia, Homo Americanus in th
new world, and Homo Caucaslcus Id
northern Africa. -Ffrom these the ex
isting races are descended. . Whethex
man has existed a million years in the
past or not there is 90 apparent reason
why be should not exist more than a
I million; years la the future.
' JBla .Oocnpatlbn. . '
r' A; rather good story Is told at th
expense pf the Rev. W, W. Molr, rector
of St. Eustace Church. It is Mr. Molr' a
custopi ix:take the offertory every Sun
day to some -one of the hotels and re?
celve a check -therefor. The hotels are
glad of the small change, and It Is more
convenient to send a check to the secre
tary ithan a quantity of small change.
Mt iMolTflwas counting out the silvei
and' bills at one of the large f hotels
rhlie the clerk was making out the
check. He observed a small boy watch-igif-hlm
with evident curlosityWelL
;my boyj-what Is. it' asked tfce, rever
end gentlerflOJ?. in. ma- csuai kvndly way;
"Oh, nothing, sir,' said Jhe b6y, ..and
glancing again at tbe pile, of silver and
nickels on the counter, 'ly, areyou
the gentleman what runs the slot ma
chine downstairs?" The Adirondack.
yy Motto of tbe Siamese Nation.
" -Save you heard; the motto if the govv
ernmat of Slam? And haying heard
it have you repeated it? aW having
repeated It- hay -yen. caught its pnrdy
personal '; application?' And hiving
caught it have yon tried it on your
friends? . - ' ' - - ; '--'..-" v W
This Is the motto: "Ah Wa Ta Naa
Slam." ,' It sounds ' unintelligible -nep?,-
sense, but keep sayihg itover as'oog
as yon can ana as rast as' you can and
you will discover at last .that the East-1
aptly classifies many a remorseful sub
ject of . Uncle SamvJFor. Ah .WavT4
Nas Slam" Is:easlly ec4ved lnt6 -"Ah
what an ass I am." ,-" - Tr -
: ' '-,-'..' -' '-
K. i ' Antiquity of tbe Top. v
Probably the oldest toy in the world
Is the top. It has been used all over the
world for thousands of years, and tn
some savage tribe Is used In the per
formance of religious rites. "- -v .
Before every failure there are plenty
of signs to give the people warning, If
they will read them.
1: f "' : - y :
A Belgian , Naturalist' Nlsrht In the
Tolteo Sniaa of Qatnada.
"When I was collecting specimens of
plants and animals In Zacatecas," said
the noted Dr. Maximilian Schumann,
"I had an experience with rattlesnakes
which came near being the death of
me." ."' '"".'." : ":;'-.
The doctor is the Belgian explorer
and naturalist who wctnt through Afri
ca, and In telling of his advent urea he
said: .;'-,;, , ; ...-..':-'-.-. ':',
"I had gone a day's Journey on horse
back from the city of Zacatecas to the
southeast to examine some old Tolbec
ruins there. These are known as the
Que ma da ruins. ." They are very exten
sive.. I got there late at night I had
shot a couple of doe on tbe way and
had thrown them across my peck ani
mal.', .-, "On my arrival within the ruins I lit
a fire to get my supper, after which I
spread my blanket and lay down.- In
the morning when I woke up I threw
my hand outside of the blanket and It
almost touched a big, poisonous rattle
snake. I escaped by the merest chance.
Looking toward my feet, what was my
astonishment , to see rattlesnakes all
over the blankets. There were no less
than six of them besides the one that
missed my band.:,- .
"The reptiles were -not the cro talus
horrid us, or diamond erotalus, known
in California, but the erotalus mllarius,
found In the hot regions. They are
very poisonous. When I had lit my fire
In . the : evening-1 . could .not see the
snakes, which, I presume, had crept
along the walls.
."The altitude of Zacatecas and the
old ruins is between 7,000 and 8,000
feet and It gets quite cold at night My
fire was what undoubtedly attracted
them. When they got out toward it
they found my bed, and, discerning the
warm - blankets, , crawled up on them
and went to sleep.. I have always
thought it was almost, miraculous that
I escaped-being bitten. As I did not
want the snakes, having already all I
wanted, I killed them and nailed them
all to the adobe wall, with my card on
each. ' ' '
. "The lizards and other reptiles which
I got there I salted away in casks and
forwarded to Europe. It is a general
belief ! among the ; Indians, . notably
among :the Creeks, Cherokees ; and
Ohoctaws In Indian territory, where I
was for a time, that if one is bitten by
a rattlesnake all he has to do to prevent
fatality is to eat the snake. But I never
discovered any virtue In this. The best
remedy Is to immediately bind a thong
above the wound, so that the poison
cannot circulate higher. . Then cut an
tnetskni below the wound and squeeze
out as much blood as possible. Then,
If to the wound Is made an application
of potash or any alkali, there is almost
no danger.
"I got the best collection of reptiles
from Mexico and forwarded them to
Europe that has ever been seen here.
The rattlesnakes were so plentiful that
they could be seen by thousands and
thousands." San Francisco Call. .
Clever .Device of a Chfcaao Woman to
' Secure a Flat. ' " -
' Out at the Queen Anne flats there Is
an Ironclad rule that no family with
children shall be permitted to take a
lease of an apartment This rule and
the situation of the. building militate
against the fining of the flats, bat the
agent succeeded in making a fair
showing,' - none the less. One - day
while wondering-If he would receive
any more applications before' the rush
season was ended. k .large, portly and
red-f aced. woman ;dressed in black en
tered, the office, v; V r r ' '
She wanted a flat and had Inspected
the premises.; She fancied the third
of. a certain row and was willing to
make an advance right "then. ' The
terms were agreed upon "and the pa
pers drawn, up, when 'the agent said:
"We cannot 'permit; any children In
those flats. Have you any?" ;
-' The woman sobbed aloud. She coyly
admitted to having had seven, but said
between her gasps: "They are all now
In the cemetery sir." ,
. The agent was sympathetic and con
soling. The papers were signed, the
keys delivered and the new tenant de
parted, wiping :her eyes, while ; bet
shoulders heaved with woe. The next
time the agent went there for rent be
was met by a bunch of children who
clambered- the stairs with "him and
seemed very much at home.. He went
to the flat on the third floor and was
admitted.';'' ' ' : -; ; '
"Are these your children, ma'am?"
he asked of the portly tenant ' J i
"Seven are, sir," -was the reply.1- j
"But you told me all of -yours were
dead." :-
i "Indeed I did hot air.' What I said
was that they , were In the cemetery,
and they were. ' Their "father was out
of a Job and he took them out to the
cemetery on a picnic" Chicago Chron-
icie. . '-..' y , yy;.
..' ;- Extinjrulaheti. . : S-i ,
. It was a tram car and he was a fear
fully and wonderfully got-up masher.
Over his "pince-nez" he eyed the other
passengers haughtily, and they In turn
looked at him with the amused. Indul
gent Bmlle with which the public usu
ally regard, the genius. Presently a
soldier of the Seaf or th Highlanders en-'
tered and took his seat beside the mash
er. A stalwart, soldierly looking fel
low,: be soon became tbe cynosure of
all eyes. v. The masher looked at him for
a. moment then siding up to him be said
condescendingly: V;
say er Mr. Soldier, I've" got er
a brother who Is a soldier, don't you
knowr .'.' ' -: -.-- '.h -;:-';. -"'
. "Is that a facr' said the soldier, tak
ing a- comprehensive look at his ques
tioner, "weel, that's klnna queer tae.
Ye see, I've got a brother who's a con
founded idiot so we're aboot even, I'm
thlnkln'." '.:' ,.' .
For a moment the dude looked as if
e had swallowed something that dls
greed . with him, then he sank back in
,1s seat and thought It over for the re
mainder of the Journey. London Spare
Moments. . ' '
i ! Queer British War VeaaeL .
'yTheh ' most , singular .vessel . In the
world Is the Polyphemus of the British
navy. It Is simply a long steel tube,
deeply burled In the .water, the deck
rising only four feet above the sea. It
carries' no masts or sails and Is used as
a ram and torpado-boat -
'Tae i rencn stau3tician, ur. iivrier. .
Kf ttrt thathalf of air-human, beluga die
bef dre 17, tnat.niy ne person; la 10,
000 .lives to be lOO years old -aad that
oiily one person out of every J.0OO lives
to be 60, : '
tioagl'm getting too etont for.c-om-
fort, but am unable to find a reoiedyi
Short It Is said that nothing redout
surrjlus flesh like worrv, - Lonif,?1
t have' nothing to worry me. Shor4-i
Well, Just to help you, I'm willing 2 L
let you lend me ten dollars. Chicngo'k
News.. ' . -... ;v'. ... . .
That man never lived yrho'wajm'i
ony ae wrote a certain letter.
Klsseartan's Contempt fas a fsrf Bath.
A .Missourian at Manhattan beach
looked with contempt at the men loll
ing in the sand. "Shucks," said he,
"they think they are - having fun.
Have to come ashore to get in the sand.
They ought to live in old Missoury, on
the river. Yon get the sand and water
mixed there., Sometimes a man gets
more sand than water and has to go
home and be washed off. Them mnd
baths in the northwest that you hear
so much about ain't in it with a wash
in the old Missoury." . - ;, ; --,
Thorite, the New Explasive,
Distinguished itself by passing through a
iX inch steel piste. If its success contin
ues, it will make as great a record in the
military world as Hostetter's Stomach Bit
ters in the medical world. Nothing has
appeared which can equal this wonderful
medicine for all diseases of the stomach,
liver or kidneys.
' Panama canal construction employes
over 3,000 men. , . v
Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor bills. C. L. . Baker, 4228
Regent Sq.. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, 95.
plumbers get $3 for eight
( Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
Children during the teething period. .
Comfort depends on thinking, not on
things. - " ' '
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c' '
. The king's business
but not hurry. : y
requires haste,
rlTO Permanently Cared.
ly Cared. No fits or nerromneas
day's um of Dr. Kline's Orcat
rllv after first day's use of Dr.
Nerve Restorer. Send for FSEE SS.OO trial
bottle and treatise. DK.&B. JUJKJi, lid SW
Arch sl-eet, Philadelphia. Pa.
The : National Consumers' . - League
hare adopted a label to distinguish
ladies' garments which are made in
sweatshops or under unfair conditions
as to wages and hours. It is not a ri
val of the regular trades union label,
but will be used on goods produced by
working men and women who get just
treatment from employers, even if they
do not belong to labor organizations.
" The Walter Steel Company's plant
in Reading has been absorbed by the
Walter Steel Company of Jersey City,
N. J., recently organized with a capi
tal of 1100,000. -
- The agricultural department, Wash
ington, D. C, has a machine for tak
ing continuous photographs of growing
plants.' It works automatically, tak
ing a picture each hour; and during 'the
night an electrio light is thrown into
circuit as the exposures are made.-: '
Duty Feed
Mm and Steed.
Feed your nerves, also, on pure blood if
you mould fuve them strong. Ken And
'women wfio art nervous at so becAust
their nerves Are starved. When they
make their blood rich And pure vjtth Hood's
SarsaparilU their nervousness disappears
because the nerves Are properly fed.
dlbcdS Sateafra
Haw Lonf Bare Ton
Do you not think you
If so. then try the
your amiction8. "0 Drops
Ism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lamb
Asthma, Ma;
tar Fever.
T-a Grippe, Hssdschs
ainarea aiseases. -a Drops-- nascurea more people auring me pssi iour
veers, of the above-named diseases, than all other remedies known, and
in case of Rheumatism is curing more than all the doctors.paient medicines, electric belts and
batteries combined, for they cannot core Coronlo Rheumatism. Therefore waste no more valu
able time and money, but try "6 Drops" and be promptly CURED. "6 Drops" is not only the
best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a 1.00 bottle contains 8l doses. Price per bottle, 11.00,
prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottles for $5.00. For the next 30 days we will send a 25c sample
FBEg to anyone sending 10 cents to pay for the mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day.
Fence and Wire Works.
. and iron fencing; office railing, etc. 834 Alder.
'.Machinery and Supplies.
' enmery, supplies. 43-50 First 8u, Portland, Or.
. A. Bargain. -.
A twenty-Jive ton locomotive and tender
with 3X track, for sale at a bargain. Call
011 or write John Poole, foot of. Morrison
street. - - '.- ----- - - --. ...
Worthtngton -,
S.eam Pumps
and Water
- Motors. .
. Pumping Plants of
. ... Any Capacity.
80 to 35 First Street, Portland, Or.
-' i Macliiuery -All Kinds.
No household can afford to-be with
out it. Every- household can .
afford to have It. -
Write to NATHAN rCiVOIUll
SICKFUHU. Wsthlngteii. O. C. they will re
ceive quick replies. B. 5th N. H. Vols.
Staff 20th Corps. ..Prosecuting claims since 1878.
treated scien
titlcally and
confident! al-
""- ly. CtrnssMduM
. . : ; UitiltS. .:
108 Second St, Portland.
c. h. woouo a cu.
I IllirU My Monthly Ttegulator CANNOT FAIL.
UU'UIbox Free. Mrs.B. Bowan, Milwaukee, WIT
.That tired, languid feeling, the pains in the
back and the chronic headache will disappear
quickly if you take
rioore's Revealed Remedy
It is an ideal medicine for women, easy and
ji 1 easani to utae. si.uu per nocue at your drug
Kitt'a.. rnrr-
a rTf bunts rrnttit all elm raua. Ill
4 Beet Cough Byrnp. Tastes Good. Use I I ... I
1. tn time. Bold br druggists. rl IK.
'XT "-""laf'lllSl'Z"' J I
r. a-J Vv. - ' '- - : k-s -'t
Herbert M. Fish, a progressive and
ipectea reside 01 cape v inceni,
V.. said: "Tut. doctors disagreed
In mv case, one said 1 bad tbe srrlp.
another that It was Jaundloe, and so
on. 1 tried many remedies but did
not receive the slightest benefit. I
was low spirited and nervous and
had become reduced in weight from
156 pounds to loss than 128. One day
a friend recommended Dr. Williams'
Pink PlUs for Pale People. I tried
them and the result was indeed mar
velous. My appetite returned and I
began to feel rested and restored.
At the end of the tenth box my phy
sical condition was better than It
had been lor years and I was a well
" HsKBKKT M. Fish."
Bworn to and subscribed before me
this 17th day of November, 188.
, iuroO. Woodruff,
' Notary Public '
"From the Bogle, Cajte Vincent, If. T.
A gorgeous bicycle has recently been
sent from France to an Indian rajah.
The parts which on an ordinary ma
chine are nickel plated are in this bicy
cle of gold. Even the spokes are cased
with gold. The gold-cased rims are
studded alternately with turquoises and
rubies. . A scarlet cloth held , down
with jewels covers the saddle.
There is a walnut tree 1,200 years
old in the Baider . valley, near Balak
lava. It belongs to five Tartar families,
and still yields nearly 100,000 nuts an
nually, which are divided equally be
tween the fivS owners.
The board of charities' tabulated sta
tistics show that out of a population oi
916,849 in Porto Kico, there are 291,
089 indigent and 11,858 sick. The
number of deaths as a result of the re
cent hurricane was 2,619.
Y ; , A Burglary Story. r
' 1 They were telling ' 'burglary stories"
on the veranda in front of the grocery
store in a : down-east town. "The
man's hand was thrust through the hole
he had cut in the door," said the star
talker, "when the woman seized the
wrist and held on in spite of the strug
gles of the man outside.. In the morn
ing the burglar was found dead, hav
ing -cut his own throat when he found
escape impossible; but the brave wo
man had not known he was dead, and
so had not released her grasp on his
wrist all night long." "Huhl"
growled the skeptic in the corner;
"why didn't she feel of his pusle?"
Buffalo Commercial. - ' 7, ; . 7v
Bead About .". Drops" Without Taking Then? .
have wasted precious time and suffered enough t
Drops" and be promptly and permanently cured of
I Dr. Wlinsstt' Pink Pill tor Pile Psosls
are ntvtr sold bi the dorsn or honored, I
hut slwsys in packages. At all drugjltts. I
r direct from tho Or. Williams Msdiclno I
Co.. Schsnsctadt, N. Y., 60 csnts per has. I
)roB8" is a six
- is a
eeay ana sure uare xor fiDeams-
Sso (lame Daca), amner Diseases,
DvsneDsia. Catarrh of all kinds. Bronchitis.
(nervous and neuralgic), Heart Weakness,
Soasmodle and Catarrhal Cross. Toothache.
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, Halaria, and
160-164 E. LAKE ST.,
We lead and originate
fashions in....
Second and Stark Sts. .
and Magic Lantern Bargain List
No. 15 new readv for mailing.
T. P. ANDREWS, i09 Montgomery
Bt.; San Francisco.
Yon Can't Maka a Mistake by Taking tbe
For it is the favorite through Dining Car
and Buffet-Library Car Line clast.
For further particulars call on or address
J. R. NAGEL, O. P. A. W. E. COMAN, O. A.
C. O. TERRY, T. P. A. ,
124- Third Street,' : Portland, Or.
y - ' - PS. KABTKL'B BOOK. - ' "
Kelief for Women
Sent rVv.ln Blain.MAd AnvnlnnA. VriH
tMlay for this Book,eontslnlos Parti ro
Ian and TaMmonuls of DR. MaRTUL'S
French Femla Pills.
Praised by thorn mnd. of MtMtod ladloa ae
safe, always reliable and wit Vint an equal.
RnlflhTtlfdramiMlnnulnlk.. hw.k ,
8 "".ty ta Blue, White and Red. Take no other,
frenoh Drug Oottl 8ao Pearl 8U, Mew Tork City.
Pf E FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Hesdsche
and Dyspepsia, Remove Pimples snd Purify the
?idl,Ald ",c,UonandPreven, Biliousness. ' Do
f.l-il? orBlcken. Toconvince you, ws will mall
CO., rhllada., f enna. Sold by Druggists.
rrOlTlNGPIlee prodi
xhls form, as well aa
prodnce mot8tareDdoftaseTtohins,
saw nil D uJU. n j. -
Pltcmr cured
'Otopa itcbini
in about jour MM.
DR. BOSAMKO. Philads., Pa.
'nr Oonorrbctm and Gleet t Pabst'a Okay Bpedflo. II
Is the ONLY medicine which will cure eacb and every
ease. NO CASE known it has ever fniled to cure, no
matter how serious or ot how long atanrtfofr. Results '
from Its use will astonish you. It la absolutely safe,
prevent stricture, and can be taken without lnconve
mem and detention from buntneas. PRICE, $3.00. For
sale by alt reliable dragfrists, or sent prepaid by rirross.
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
Qraiisf msiled on reqo
TJm Big CI for unnatural
dlschargee,lnflamaiatlens, .
irritations or ulcerations
BltosdaTB. '
BakwkaK - of maceaa aahrtfiM.
F Fnreata A Painleaa. and not aatrln.
iTHCEmutCHEHKUlOo. gt or poisonous.
D. B. A. A I r an in plain wrapper.
or azprsss, prepaid, for
J1.W, or S botllea, 2.7.
Uiroular sent oa reauaa.
F. N. V.
HO. 4B '.
-wriUnw to
advertisers pleas
I mmatnmm tttie yayar,
-'- :y-5 . ,.- .'-'-,- . 'v':"'-
- X
' , ;- '
,:y , :w:-rt)